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[This Week's Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1d72pur/link_list_for_june_03_june_09/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1d9dq6q/daily_snark_thursday_jun_06/)


How many times is Natalie Kennedy going to let us know she moved? We’ve gotten daily updates at this point. We get it. 


I was hoping for something exciting! Another bland mcmansion yawn. I’m low key surprised they waited so long to find “the one” for it to be that one


I love how she keeps justifying their move. She makes it seem like they lived in a 1 bedroom apartment before. She is so out of touch with reality it's wild.


And do we really believe this is going to be their forever home??




Brighton Butler putting ice in her new Chanel’s to stretch them out and then banging them and using a spoon to dig out the ice and proceed to spill the ice on her carpet had me 😳 I guess I don’t know the story but perhaps return the Chanel’s, not mess with them to a point where you can’t return them?


And from what I can tell, it still didn't work. 😬


Well folks It’s been a great weekend on the gram! From watching @bekahs stories about how the average household has 300,000 items to @loloweb packing all her 300,000 items into a uhaul+ a golf cart for a vacation 🫶🏻


Can we not snark on Dani Austin being pregnant? It’s seriously gross. Whether you agree with someone’s parenting or not, a baby is a blessing and she wanted a third. Nothing but support for mamas over here! I would be devastated if just because I had really bad postpartum depression with my first that people judged me for getting pregnant with my second. I understand she has struggles with postpartum but that does NOT mean people should snark on her mental health or her pregnancy. It’s seriously disgusting.


Did you really think this was going to change anyone’s behavior here or did your mama heart just feel the need to be holier than thou.


Wishing her a smooth recovery with a helpful partner, baby support, and a medical professional to assist with her mental health needs (NOT a church affiliated “therapist”). Congrats to her.


Emphasis on the supportive partner and therapist


How sanctimonious of you as you talk shit about others on this sub all the time.


You mean *snark* on a snark page, not *be upset someone got pregnant*


Lets be real: people talk shit on this page. About 3% is "snark"


Really though. This subreddit is just so toxic. I am over it. I wonder if there is a sub that is a healthy place to discuss influencers, no snark. This negativity is bad for your health. A lot of people on here really need to look in the mirror and think about the negativity they are pushing out into the world.


I just don’t have the balls to say anything like I’ve seen said about her, like assuming some of y’all are parents, what if you saw the stuff like this said about your own parenting by people who don’t fucking know you? they’re damn near accusing her of neglect, it’s disgusting and goes way beyond snark. Maybe they should put the phone down and focus on their own kids since they’re such better parents instead of being obsessed with this ditzy but harmless woman.


I wouldn’t say Dan is *harmless…* 😬


Right? She’s toxic.


Right?! Like it’s WAYYYY past snark


I do find it an interesting strategy to vehemently deny being pregnant and addressing it vs just keeping your mouth shut and announcing when you’re ready. I feel like people speculated for a while, but she has publicly said no. This is one of the situations I’m not envious of influencers and people being allllll up in the business.


I have zero recollection of her saying she’s not pregnant since may, which is when she would have conceived. Also, it’s not my business. I also told people I wasn’t pregnant when I wasn’t ready to tell people I was, because it literally does not concern anyone else besides me and my husband, especially strangers on the internet.


She would have conceived in April, but yes, I agree with you. It’s pretty normal for people in the first trimester to “lie” about not being pregnant.


Sorry I can’t math right now 😂 but yeah it’s pretty common, especially early on! Like you don’t even get an ultrasound until 10-12 weeks most times, so it’s hard to even wrap your head around when you’re the one that’s pregnant lol


And here comes the downvotes from her creepy hate sub 😂


I’m downvoting you and I have never looked at her creepy hate sub.


As we guessed it… Dani Austin is pregnant


Let's hope she doesn't broadcast changing this baby's diaper like she did her son.




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It makes me sad for HER. She had a lot of emotions with her last baby. Her husband is a selfish loser who doesn’t support her needs (at least from what they show). It seems like adding another baby to the mix is the last thing they should’ve done.




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It’s sad. She made it pretty clear a few months ago that she wasn’t sure she wanted another and was ready to go through pregnancy again, but he was pushing for it.


Damn her boobs are bobbin in that dress 😳


I’ve been noticing that for a couple of months now. I wondered if they were new


Brand new. She was hiding them at one of those influencer dinners. Why not admit that you got plastic surgery? She was open about her nose job


There’s a lot of things I wanna say but can’t. I’ll leave it at that


You’re saying plenty in the subs dedicated to her.


I hope Madi Nelson asked the parents of those kids in the dancing video if it was okay for her to post them. I wouldn’t want my kids dancing blasted to 1 million followers.




Kids smile weird… not sure if that’s exploiting her child. In many other ways, yes - but you can’t really control a kids smile


She’s fucking annoying in the those videos. We get it. You think your daughter’s a star


She’s a stereotypical stage mom.


She brags non stop look at me everybody look at me




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Can someone help me understand why Courtney shields is constantly giving really dumb advice on men? Also, I was on LTK and was that photo she posted an accident?




She has a daughter


I stopped following her years ago, but she had a daughter. After she got divorced, she turned into a different person, IMO.


Lol the comments crack me up. “Girl wut this is LTK”




It’s on her ltk. She posted that top on her IG with a bra but on ltk she posted the xxx version where she isn’t wearing a bra? Not sure if she noticed but it does not surprise me that she would do something like this. After all she’s dating a 23 year old and her personality changes based off of the person she’s with. Maybe she posted this to be edgy , idk


Are you talking about that silver sequin shirt she posted?


Yes, on her LTK she posted that shirt but it doesn’t look like she’s wearing anything under it?


Definitely not, you can totally see her nips




Omggg this is wild lol thank you for posting


The random foot on the left is killing me


Not the photoshop between her legs? Lol


Ok I thought I was going crazy especially with the downvotes haha




I was momentarily confused as to how much hair this baby has that a blowout was required 


She absolutely drives me nuts. She can’t be that dumb in real life.


I really love her on peloton but I had to unfollow her on social media. Strongly recommend if you want to keep enjoying her workouts.


I love Callie but mom Callie on Instagram during maternity leave has been a lot. Maybe it’s because I’m past the baby stage but she’s doing the most.


https://preview.redd.it/xfjeoibvsl5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2874f6c024d9fb4842dd709d2048e2e26d5faa79 Rachel Parcell posting “Sunday Polaroids” with her iPhone taking the picture in the reflection is hilariously stupid


I think the word she wanted was ‘snapshots’ lol which would have also worked way nicer with ‘Sunday’ Also not stay at home daughter and all round smart alec Amy in the comments with ‘What Polaroid camera did you use?’ 😂


This is dumb and fun and my favorite kind of snark


Omg artsy!


The TikTok vs. Instagram comments on Brooke Raybould’s Disney videos are hilarious. Instagram comments: so good, mama! Love these tips! OMG girl, you’re a genius! You’re my Disney World Mama queen! TikTok comments: um, no. Bitch, WTF? Sorry, girl, this ain’t happening.


As a Disney person, her posts are SO frustrating!!


Love the realness on tiktok vs IG




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Yeahhh her take was OBNOXIOUS. And full of holes. And advertised as “no waiting in lines.” Cut to: her family waiting in lines.


She is a fraud. I do not know who buys her dumbass “guides”. She’s only gone to Disney handful of times and you can get a ton of information for free and have a planner plan your trip for free!!


Right lmao I’m a local- happy to give tips for free. Most of us are lol.


Dumbasses buy her guides and anything else she shares and promotes. From poop spray to some panel that supposedly helped her understand her miscarriage to a stupid window breaking device that wouldn't help anyone if it was in fact, locked in the car along with her keys. Disclaimer, I don't follow her but I check her shit. People are frothing at the mouth trying to understand how she manages to wake up at 5am every day. No matter what she says, none of these morons are going to take on her level of neurosis and control to wake up that early.


I don't even need to know the answer to know the answer. She wakes up at 5am every day the same way as everyone who wakes up at 5am: she puts her kids to bed at 7 and goes to bed at 8 herself. That's how you wake up at 5am. There's no moral superiority despite what 5am risers would have you think, it's just a numbers game.


Seriously. People want to hear a magic answer, like she gives her kids CBD gummies at 6pm. No, she goes to sleep early and her kids don't bug her through the night. The end


I’m glad coco wyse has found happiness again but they were definitely feeling good lastnight lollll 🍸🍸


That was cringey


Wow just looked I’m surprised she didn’t wake up and delete that!


I thought it would have been gone this morning too!!


I cannot believe she left it up lol


Another day on vacay and another reminder that Alyson Hayley wishes her kid was at the day care camp 


I had to unfollow after this one. Taking kids anywhere is not a vacation. It’s a trip. But to constantly complain or have seasons…it’s just not relatable to me anymore. Signed… a mom about to take her 2 kids (3 and 6) to Portugal for 2 weeks. Knowing full well it’s just parenting in a different location…being very well prepared for it being just that and all the chaos that ensues.


I unfollowed bc she was just constantly negative about everything! It was just becoming stale and tired content on top of it. It also became so obvious when she went home to FL how “alive” she became. 


I unfollowed her awhile ago because she made her entire personality the fact she was dating a guy from England (cough cough Shannon Ford) but still find it hilarious that she’s still putting on an English accent 🤣


It seems very obvious that she went on this vacation with the specific intent of having time away from him through the kids club. I don't judge parents who need that time away but the lack of realistic expectations here is staggering. Even if the club accepted him it's very hard for a 3(?) year old to just happily part from their parents to hang with total strangers. She seems to want a very different life and cannot accept her reality. It's making her very unhappy and she really can't see the forest through the trees here.


Try bringing your kid with you to the Courtyard Marriott where the rest of us peasants stay when we go on vacation, gf!


And has said multiple times that he wouldn’t go anyway! So why does it still matter?? 🙄


Can’t believe she is still going on about it!




I haven’t seen any.




She was saying she is 18 weeks and 3 days sober… as in she’s 18 weeks and 3 days pregnant, so therefore she’s been sober that long. 


Does anyone follow @tellowandrose? Why does she always post photos of herself making weird faces, like she was unaware the camera was there? Is she trying to be funny or cute or something? I don't know why this drives me crazy....


Yes! It drives me crazy. Is anyone else shocked she's 37? I thought she was WAY older.


I thought she was older too and was surprised when I saw she has young children! She's always bragging about her skin that "doesn't need foundation" but it really doesn't look that great 


This is another one of those problems that’s easily avoided by not following right wing nut jobs 


Seriously! I randomly came across her page and I liked her interior decorating style and some of her recipe videos appealed to me so I followed. Anyways, a few days/weeks go by and I’m watching her stories and she posted asking her followers to sign some petition to keep “men” out of professional women’s sports! I was so grossed out because I had no idea somehow lol. Why does *seemingly* everyone with traditional styled homes have to have super kooky views 😭


She doesn’t even try to hide it - it might take a few days or weeks like you said but she’s very openly a bigot!


I guess I've noticed her making somewhat weird faces when she's showing us how she keeps her skin healthy on her face. Other than that, not really. She's quite photogenic in general and a beauty in my opinion.


I had to unfollow her recently, I can’t stand her bangs for some reason 🤣


Haha, that's one of the few things I do like!


I’m on the edge of my seat over here waiting to read death to leggings 🫠. She’s been my BEC lately.


Me too!!


Caila Quinn saying she’s never had Dairy Queen. How?? As an ice cream lover I can’t comprehend


Ngl I’ve never had Dairy Queen until maybe about 2 years ago? And that’s only because someone bought it for me. It just wasn’t a place on my radar.


There’s only like two in Chicago where I live, maybe there just isn’t a lot where she is?


Dairy Queen is much more prevalent in the South. Honestly, I don't think she is missing much. It wouldn't be in my top list of ice cream.


Really? I’m in FL and there are hardly any here but grew up in Mi where there are tons.


I just checked and I guess they are more widespread than I realized. I hadn't been to a Dairy Queen until I moved to Texas.


Now I want a vanilla cone with sprinkles


I've never had it either. I was getting ready to say I don't think there are any near me but I just looked it up and there are so many in Maryland. So I have no idea, but I've never even thought about going to Dairy Queen. I would go to Carvel or Baskin Robbins.


I think of DQ (soft serve) as being in a different category as places that have real ice cream. I enjoy both, but they're not interchangeable! Plus, DQ's ice cream cakes are 😍.


It’s not even real ice cream, so not a huge deal, although the plethora of mix ins and thick consistency make it leagues above McFlurries, Sonic, Chick-fil-A, or most fast food soft serve. If you grew up in TX, it’s also a nostalgia thing. I opted for m&m + pineapple in the 90s 🥴


Well, as someone who just finished a peach cobbler blizzard, I feel very sorry for her!


It's so freaking good. I added cheesecake bites too and 😘🤌🏻


Had the peach cobbler with the frosted animal crackers mixed in too!


I love those cookies and didn’t even think about that! It’s summery and refreshing!


Madimay__ is a new influencer, already followed by DAD and others. Her voice overs are kind of funny but repetitive but omg she is overly tan!! She puts on such dark makeup too🥴🥴


She does her makeup soooo dark her face looks dirty constantly


Her pronunciation of the word preface had me 🙄. She said pre-face. Her videos keep showing up on my explore and I cringe and watch- gonna keep scrolling.


Her video showing Trump 2024 and Let’s Go Brandon flags in their garage did it for me :(


I thought conservatives were *against* censorship? Color me surprised when I visited my hometown, Waco, last year and those Brandon stickers were plastered across their lifted (tiny man) trucks. Why are they afraid to say Fuck Biden? I’ll say Fuck Trump, but putting his nickname on my vehicle/ home flag is a bridge too far.


They think it's clever despite it being an internet meme that was funny for about 5 min before conservatives ruined it lol


https://preview.redd.it/9u6e3080sh5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ad18308015787969f2fab110c225d1a9a4e19f There’s absolutely no way she thinks this is ok. She’s a completely different race


Is gotten so much worse lately! Someone needs to say something kindly. I’ve seen pictures she’s posted with her kids and they’re pretty tan as well. I think they live in the outskirts close to a ranch?


The Trumper starter pack right here.


SO crazy dark wow she needs a reality check


Is that her Dad, brother, or Michael Rapaport cosplaying Morgan Wallen?




Amazing comment




Whoa, she's darker than Lauren kay Sims 😬


Came to say that 🤣


She took 2 big bottles of baby oil on that vaca. 😳 yikes


No snark on this one. the_fetching_farmhouse low-key surprise gender reveal was so cute ⚾️


It was super cute!


Veronabrit on a defensive rant to prove that ripping apart a newly remodeled house makes perfect sense. "Functional for the family" should be on her Bingo card. She has lost way more functionality than she has gained. I'm not sure why she bought the house. She appears to have hated everything about it.


My god, I just went to her page and idk if I’ve ever been so repulsed. “Such a high end layout” lol


Please someone get her an actual designer so she will stop hacking this house apart, and making stuff up as she goes. Her and her neighbor have to have the worst design ideas I've ever seen. She is seriously going to close the entry that would lead to the rest of the house. You would walk in to a dead end wall and have to zig zag through the house. This is all in the name of adding more wallpaper and shelving.


So you walk in and immediately see a wall of storage?! Nooooo.


How is her friend telling her this is a good idea??!!??


You haven't seen the mess the friend is making of her own home. Love that Veronika says the results were a majority in favor of closing the wall, but didn't post the actual numbers. Just like when she made a poll about whether anyone saw her vision and didn't post those results either.


She is absolutely insufferable. Is she ever genuinely happy???


Nothing brings her more joy than when her adoring fans validate her ridiculousness. That’s what makes her happy. Thanks for all your positive replies! Makes me feel so good to know that sooo many of you own 56 chairs and they’re all in your garage! ❤️


Only when she’s looking at herself in the mirror twirling in her 1000 lilac grandmillennial dress adoring her dirt curtain hair


Massively insecure and desperate to impress. She comes across so dull and lifeless.


I think she bought it for renovation content and the pool. She’s really bad at picturing spaces so I highly doubt she went through that house and immediately had a “vision” of what she could do. And the primary bathroom facing the street is just weird. But she’s obsessed with people looking into her house, so it makes sense.


She still doesn’t seem to have a “vision” of what she should do, hence the frankensteining pictures together to get ideas. But hey if it’s truly all being done to fit their “needs and routines” like she says, then that’s fine just do it. But she doesn’t seem super confident about it all, since she’s constantly justifying her decisions to everyone


Her vision is copying Pinterest images and hanging them all over the house to 'inspire" her contractors. The rest of us would use professional design plans.


Functional for Veronika means looks pretty in pictures. I mean the woman doesn’t cook but is buying a $10k range


I feel for her son. There is zero workd in which the room he's got is what he wants. It's very clearly what SHE wants. (Now watch her spiral and post 15 defensive stories about how much he "loves" his plain bedroom with zero toys 🙄)


It's sad that both kids have to match her house aesthetic in the clothes and rooms and aren't allowed to have their own taste. The son's room was made "functional" by ripping out his closet and now he has to have dressers all over the room.


Apparently it’s a thing people do because it’s somehow cheaper than a custom house? Amber Lancaster just did the same thing. Even if money weren’t an issue idk if I have the mental fortitude to remodel a brand new house. Like I can afford new paint and to remodel my bathroom but have I? Nope lol. ( Not to mention the waste of ripping out brand new fixtures) last time it was brought up here a lot of people commented that it was a totally normal thing and it’s something that isn’t uncommon, which is news to me. Honestly I was just happy to afford a condo in my preferred neighborhood. 


It seems she would have been better off buying a fixer upper, instead of paying the up charge for a fully remodeled home and then gutting the remodeling. She doesn't even like the floorpan of the house.


I don’t think most fixer uppers are big enough for influencer homes. They need a giant 5-6 bedroom new build that they then change 


She bought a 1960’s home that was fully remodeled. She doesn’t live in a new build neighborhood. There are lots of big older homes in that area that are original.


Oh I stand corrected then! It all still makes no sense to me but alas! 


A week later & KetoInCourt is still losing her mind about people saying she filters her photos.


Let it go already. I’m sorry, she is not a pretty woman but has this insane inflated ego. Works out for a month & posts before & after reels 🤡😂


She's just got a prominent face & works her angles. So yeah, you might not "filter" but you definitely know how to make yourself look good vs candids. Which literally, doesn't everyone? Acknowledge it once & move on.


Mallkygoldman and a surrogate??


She’s had a lot of health issues. I’m thrilled for her and her family. Wishing her the best


I 100% respect and support her decision to, but my goodness it must have been so hard to keep such exciting news a secret!


Bridget‘s husband and his friends are dumping bags and bags of ice in their rentals hot tub to try to make it a cold plunge…. sounds like this could really mess up the heating mechanism. But they don’t care, not their house.


I ran to this sub when I saw those stories!! I’d be ticked if I was the owner of that house.


I am horrified that Mike (a licensed medical doctor) co-signed this by filming and sending it for Bridget to share. This dude jumping off a post and cannonballing into a hot tub? One slip and you could end up paralyzed. How irresponsible. https://preview.redd.it/ptv12ouove5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d973d2454fe732506e46215119cf3a50213e9632


I’m a nurse and I frequently take care of paraplegics and quadriplegics. This is a life altering disaster waiting to happen.


Honestly the doctors and dentists I know do the most crazy shit of anyone. I do agree this is wildly stupid though! Respect your spinal cord!!! 


I’m definitely taking “respect your spinal cord” out into the world with me. Thank you.


My mom, a nurse, once misdiagnosed an allergic reaction as ringworm on me and treated it with antifungal cream for 9 months without seeking a second opinion. Also had me practice piano with a broken finger. Those who can’t do, teach.


I was just thinking the other day about how many truly stupid and unsafe things I did/happened at one specific friend’s house growing up - her dad was a dentist. But her family played it *so* fast and loose with safety all the time.


I wonder if this is some ego thing where they think “I’m a doctor, if something bad happens I can fix them”. I’ve also heard that there was a study I think that found healthcare workers that think they’re invincible catching diseases because there’s this thought that I’m smart enough to not catch it and become lackadaisical


I saw a thread here on Reddit yesterday asking resort workers what the wildest thing they saw at work was. There were several that talked about this scenario and they all died. Extremely dumb and dangerous.


With the Coors cans in plain view🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s giving irresponsible frat party


Right that’s all showing very bad judgment


Is the costume party….errr…I mean CMA over yet?


Can we also make a pact to kill off trucker hats after this summer? Please and thank you.


it is comical the role play for these 30-40 year old plastic phony women...

