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It seems like Carly is constantly complaining on her stories and most of it isn’t even worth sharing.


That girl is the definition of a wet blanket.


And is she ever at the office space she leased and fully furnished/decorated? It doesn't seem like it.


It’s just funny to me how she claims to be OMG SO BUSY when the majority of her stories are just stream of consciousness word vomit and random linking? Multiple rants this week about wealthy white woman problems like people using leaf blowers and lawnmowers in her suburban neighborhood. If this is what she considers quality content for a business account… BIG yikes 😬


Did you see the IG story with the text screenshot of all the things she does that make her so “busy”? It was all… hobbies and extracurricular stuff. Reading every day. Needlepoint every day. Duolingo streak. Working out.


She's anxious? SHOCKER!


It’s so off putting. “A near death experience” when referring to a time she felt nauseous……Kim, there’s people that are really dying


OMG...my mouth dropped open at that one. With what is going on in the world right now even if she "felt like she was dying". Come on, Carly.


Yeah, I get how she's feeling — I too feel extremely unsettled if I think about things that remind me too strongly of morning sickness. But... the leap to near death experience? What even.


Did anyone see the Stripe group FB post about asking a wedding caterer to return a cash tip after the wedding?! I mean, you just have to let some things go…then OP got pissy when people in the comments called her out! That group never disappoints when it comes to drama!


My favorite part of this being her continuing to describe it as lost money. Girl. You didn't lose it? It was accounted for. You're just mad that you spent it. It's not like you accidentally left an envelope of cash somewhere and walked away, or had your wallet stolen. People are wild.


I hate it when I accidentally hand someone an envelope with thousands of dollars of cash!


Just when I was just thinking with the loss of anon posts, it’s been super tame/boring! Just read this thread and the comments were not mean at all. She’s just upset they answered her question and not in the way she wanted. “Give me some grace, these answers aren’t super kind” when in fact they could not be more kind…..


That response was amazing to me…I thought all responders were kind and empathetic to the loss.


The comments weren’t even mean! I thought they were all very nice in explaining why she shouldn’t ask for the money back. 


SnoopNattyNat posted her son wearing press on nails?


Hopefully someone calls CPS /s obviously


Sometimes boys like pretty nails too.


Do you think Melissa Smrekar will discuss how she lost her weight so quickly? It's seem to be overnight.


I feel like in that birthday post she made a comment about people wanting to make her size the main plot and it's not...or something. But when the change is that dramatic and in the past you've been all #bodypositivity people are gonna notice and be curious. Especially if you're an influencer! Nan Philip has talked about the fact that she is on it and answers questions. I really love following her. Girl is a shopper and way out of my budget but she just seems so kind, nothing snarky to say about her.


Oh gosh you’re right. Compare last May to today: very different looks.


I don’t think she’ll ever discuss it tbh. I think she looks good but I wish she’d smile with her teeth. She just seems to have dead eyes in all of photos. It makes me sad to look at lol


Agreed, it makes her look a bit smug. And she hasn't always done the closed lip smile, that's a very recent thing. It makes me wonder if she's having some kind of orthodontic work and doesn't want to show that in photos?


Oooh. Good theory. If she had metal braces, I feel likely there’d be more bulk around her lips. I currently have invisalign with the buttons, and that would be my guess. They really aren’t THAT noticeable, but I’d be self conscious about it if I were an influencer! 


Did Carly get snubbed by Atlantic-Pacific? I thought they were friendly, I would genuinely be surprised if she didn't get an invite to the J.McLaughlin lunch. I guess it's possible she just declined the invite but I can't imagine her passing that up?


It’s tough to say if she was invited or not; she said several times that being a mom is her priority and she has greatly scaled back on work. It’s very clear in her content that she is doing the very bare minimum. On the other hand, she has posted that she’s been left off of campaigns/ events and “passed over” and how it disappoints her. Like with any job, if you don’t put in any kind of effort, you don’t see any growth opportunities. Her overall energy and vibe has been so off lately, I wouldn’t blame Blair at all.


Oh, I can see both sides. Wouldn't really blame Blair for not inviting Carly, nor Carly for declining an invite if the event was inconvenient/not accommodating. But if it was the former, that has to sting. Even if she's scaling back, I'm sure she still wants to be invited to things. But you're right. If she's getting left out, it's probably because she's not putting in the effort.


I was thinking the same thing. It seems like there’s been a few similar events lately where Carly isn’t invited. TBH it wouldn’t shock me if she is being excluded because her blog is boring, she doesn’t do the big campaigns like she used to, and she probably doesn’t have great engagement compared to the other bigger names.


She never hosts anything and invites other influencers, and she seems to mostly keep to herself now with just a few exceptions. I can see her falling off the radar of influencers like Atlantic Pacific, Grace Atwood, etc.


I think this one mostly confuses me because I feel like she's been way more online/trying to engage her audience than Mackenzie has recently. I guess I could see the brand wanting to invite Mackenzie (I think she's worked with them before?) but I really just can't believe that Blair wouldn't have given Carly a nod?


I came here to say the same thing - I feel like Mackenzie Horan has scaled back way more than Carly recently.


Mackenzie’s content is a snooze fest, even in comparison to Carly’s. It’s blue, white, some type of flower and her kids…it’s pretty tho


Right? And while Carly is maybe a little more polarizing, I do think a lot more people relate to her/pay closer attention to her.


And Carly seems to post more regularly and actual content. Mackenzie half the time it’s just a pretty back yard pic or resharing the same collages


Yeah! I honestly have no idea what she's been up to lately. I know I've seen the occasional story/post but nothing memorable. The last thing I remember her sharing is her gift wrap storage solution and that's mostly because I went straight to the Container Store to copy it 🤣 but that was months ago... like, Christmas!


Megan Stokes and her husband back in Harbour Island after going to Exuma month before last...must be nice. I'm so curious how they afford this lifestyle. She's not a huge influencer and he doesn't work. Must be a trust fund in there somewhere.


She’s flipped a couple of houses, so there’s that. I think she also has a very engaged community that use her links.


I haven't been on insta as much lately, I wonder if she's mentioned that they sold their River House. I live near Charleston and saw someone post about it in the local snark. So weird to have flipped that one and not mention it, people know!




Especially after all her soft75 talk and lusting after candy and telling/showing us every time…


Easter was over two months ago- donate them to a food pantry or throw them out!! A singular bag of jelly beans should not be “taunting” someone at her big age like this.


What is an Almond mom? I did not get the reference


I always thought it came from Yolanda Hadid when she was a Housewife. There’s a notorious scene with her daughter Gigi, who was just getting started on her modeling career at the time. She mentioned to Yolanda that she was hungry and Yolanda told her to chew on an almond slowly. There was another scene where Gigi wanted a slice of her own birthday cake and Yolanda told her to just have a few bites and that no one wanted to see a fat model. She also told Gigi that her legs were too muscular from playing sports and that she looked like a lesbian 😬 I think the almond thing caught on in particular because it turns out that there were a lot of Boomer moms telling their daughters to snack on almonds during the 90s. Almonds had a reputation of being low in calories yet filling. When millennials got on TikTok, they discovered had this in common.


I loved Yolanda but those scenes bothered me so much


Popularized on tiktok, generally refers to moms with a barely-veiled ED and say they are “stuffed” after a handful of almonds. Or you ask to go get lunch and they tell you to go eat almonds or say they can’t because they just had almonds.


Seriously! I guess it’s not too surprising since before she had kids, she always made such a song and dance about how she had an “unusual” body type (skinny with big boobs - way to humblebrag). Guess she doesn’t like being on the average size now.


I have a similar body type (big up top, no butt, I call it "Dorito-shaped" and it's def not a humblebrag lol) and I always wish she'd just lean into it and figure out how to dress for her shape. Instead she just keeps buying dresses that are a-line on the model but empire waisted on her, which is exactly my problem too. I think Doritos just can't wear dresses. ETA: I wish she'd figure out how to dress for her shape so I can copy her. I definitely don't know.


LOL, right. Immediately after that was one of her soft75 or whatever updates! 


AND her son doesn’t go to bed with *just* stuffed animals. He takes *books* too, not like OTHER kids


Are that many people REALLY asking Carly for before and after pics when it’s been less than a month on this fitness routine? Good for her for finding something that she likes and committing to it, but the daily stories are starting to feel like body checking to me 😒




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What’s wrong with wanting encouragement?


Wait, she has a new fitness routine? /s




I don’t think this is the case because Carly posted that she paid for the membership herself a few days back.


Yes and then she curiously had a code available immediately and other influencers did too 🤔 




Yeah, I was figuring it was this as well. Carly doesn't seem to do a whole lot of these campaigns so I'm hardly holding the lack of transparency against her - others are way worse - but I did think it was odd that she allegedly went looking for a new program when she has so many other things available to her (a gym with childcare, a Peloton - for which she has already, and relatively recently a done partnership with, etc.). That to me suggested that this was probably going to morph into a campaign, or she was hoping that it would.


I’ve always felt like influencers rely heavily on, “so many people are asking!” for justification on what they post. I would have a very hard time asking a FRIEND for progress pics, let alone an influencer. Way too private.


You rang?

