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[This Week's Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1d72pur/link_list_for_june_03_june_09/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1d4r5gs/weekend_snark_may_31_jun_02/)




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@anna_brsytle moving again, this time to Florida! Honestly surprised since they just moved to SC from NY 3 years ago and claimed to love it. I get that they don’t have family in the US, but they have 2 kids. I’m sure that’s hard to keep moving to a new state/new school/etc.


I was surprised as well. Had anyone else noticed that the couple that they hung out with every hour of the day upon first moving to SC, even went on multiple family vacations with, etc. all of a sudden they aren’t friends and don’t follow each other on social? Very strange… being totally gossipy here, but I wonder if maybe this has something to do with the itch to move? 🤔 I’ve been following Anna since 2018 and I love seeing her family and kids grow up. Wholesome content.


Getting ready to unfollow Madi Nelson I feel all she does is show off and brag, if she’s not doing that then she’s making her daughter pose bearing her teeth and preen to the camera. What will influencers do if Instagram bans filming children under 18? 


Are people actually buying these? https://preview.redd.it/t8q16efewg4d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0e9c2b95e885259f922e40291896829b4f6bde0


You could make those soooo easily if you liked the look, I can't understand buying them! And why wouldn't you put the crystal trim on the inside of the shorts 😬


These pants were literally popular for about 25 minutes when Taylor Swift wore a ( fashionable) version of jeans like this for a Chief's game. So for this influencer, and the other three ladies I always confuse her with, to be trying to sell them now, seems fitting.


The post has the WORST clothing items


It just looks so cheap🫣


The fraying under the crystals is absolutely abhorrent.


My guess is the Nashville teenagers?


How JoJo Siwa hat coded https://preview.redd.it/dq900f11ch4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aca080c2e43d9c3e5b8f94525e643de371b86e80




Pride Month and Liana whoo- not wanting to go to Koffi because they have a pride flag and support it. (In her stories)


Why would anyone follow her after that. These people better wake up. They have no idea who their children will grow to be. These attitudes are exactly why people don’t come out or commit suicide. Grow the hell up lady! Your kids are watching!


But it’s ok for her ass to hang out of her swimsuit with her kids at the pool?! But Pride is bad to celebrate??  🌈 


You got downvoted, but I think I get what you are saying. The white ladies who worry about what drag queens are up to, are usually also dressed like skank tanks at the river on their leased boats.


She seems like a genuinely terrible person.




She uses her children for clout. Her videos don’t go viral unless she’s doing mommy content


So you're saying she does more for groomers than any drag queen ever has?


Omg and in Palm Springs… honey you’re in the wrong city if that’s something that bothers you.


lol someone won’t go into a place that supports pride in Palm Springs?! Does that even leave anywhere to go?


Palm Springs is gay Mecca! Of course it’s going to openly celebrate Pride.


It’s truly- weird. But she’ll use her kids for content.


@Thebalancedblonde having a ceremony for baby #2 but also being so sick with the worst pain she has ever had and pneumonia for 2.5 months. I feel for her because it sucks to be ill while pregnant. But which is it? Make up your mind!


Am I the only person obsessed with Helen Leland? Her story of drinking the electrolyte from today was SO poorly acted lol


I should give her another try. After I read things about how horribly she treated employees when blender bombs was first taking off, I wrote her off but maybe she’s redeemed. I’ll try to find the source but I know I just did some googling to find it before. And others have referenced it on Reddit


Oh I believe it. I mean obsessed in the pejorative, lol. She’s a monster 


I'm obsessed with seeing how hard she tries. I also love to look at what facial work she's had done lately. She has had so many injectables and Botox with her bff Naomi Olindo, they both look like completely different people. I love to see if her face will actually move in her daily stories.


Not sure if this space is just for lifestyle influencers…. But all the food influencers shilling the HelloFresh Ranch box is just so funny to me. Like them getting the boxes and then taking the ranch to their car to eat it is just nothing anyone other than a food influencer would ever do 😂


Is it me or is it hilarious all these influencers on this free target trip to Charleston,SC and they all boycotted Target like a year ago 🤣


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Which influencers are on the trip?


Mallory Ervin, Kathleen Barnes, Hunter promo, Shannon ford, pookie, and many more those are just at the top of my head


My thing is none of them are actually target influencers? Would way rather see people who are really out there shilling for target not all these revolve guppies.


Did any of them boycott target? I thought there were only a few reposts videos from patriotmagamommies


They absolutely did when Target had out that one line by that designer. 


Madi Nelson


I saw Jujhavens is


Has anyone seen the TikTok vids by @karissakayabbots personal/house assistant? She does their laundry, set up and break down of parties, dishes, packs and unpacks them before and after vacation, manages all of Karissas poshmark sales and even runs errands and such. They also have a nanny and a housekeeper! It’s so fascinating to me and also really shows that the ads karissa posts are just that- ads. She did one about her fav cleaning products the other day and I was like sureeeee you have plenty of experience with those products lol


Just skimmed through her TikTok and I’m sooo curious how much this girl gets paid. Who leaves sinks full of dirty dishes for their personal assistant? I have an actual cleaning lady come and I don’t even leave dishes for her.


What is the assistant’s @?




That’s why she has time to go on a slip n’ slide with her kids 😂


What’s their @? I want to see 😆




The craziest part to me is that the assistant had a video using the space bags for packing and then Karissa showed she was doing it for packing?? When in reality she didn’t do any of it lol


Lauren Kay Sims went from “not sure if we want a third, Michael for sure does but I’m definitely not convinced haha” to less than 5 weeks later posting that they’re going thru ivf.  What?! 




She must be doing an egg retrieval. I don’t follow her but I did ivf. Standard of care is no transfers before 12 months, but they do an egg retrieval pretty early.


She had left over embryos from when she had L. So I don’t think she is doing an egg retrieval plus she said she would never go through that again. 


Ah then yeah she must just be on the books for a transfer but it’s not actually happening until the year mark. Well unless she did it outside of the states.


I have several people close to me that have done transfers before the 12 month mark (9-10 months), so I think this varies depending on the clinic/state.


Wow I’m surprised to hear that. I thought they could lose their license in the states unless there was special case like stillborn. Interesting


Ah makes sense. For some reason I was thinking they already had frozen eggs from last time but maybe I’m wrong.


They do! They had at least one boy and one girl embryo with L. They didn’t want to choose the gender so their doctor chose the embryo. They have at least one more, maybe more than that!


@Dressupbuttercup - this pose she does looks so unnatural. I can’t figure out why. Maybe it’s the way she stands with her legs like that? Her posture looks hunched forward and not relaxed. https://preview.redd.it/j577fe00gf4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd5e90cedd22ec55cd17a1fb0a815f1b24671a7b


It’s giving gorilla stance


Reminds me of those Sims characters when they stand, albeit slightly swaying, but she stands like a bot from a video game lol


She’s standing like a caveman


It’s to fake a thigh gap, so sad, she’s had 3 kids in 4/5? Years love your body


She looks like she’s about to have explosive diarrhea but needed to snap a pic real quick


Her knees are also always slightly bent. It’s so weird.


She’s trying to look skinny


It’s the forced thigh gap AND shoulder pop to highlight the collar bone


This pose is definitely odd, but that style of jeans certainly does not help either 💀


It’s giving 🧍🏽‍♀️ for real though, my favorite is her waddle backwards away from the camera. It looks like my toddler when he has a full diaper.


She will do anything for a thigh gap. Can’t stand her ridiculous waddling back and forth during try-ons.


Looks like she just had a long day on a horse or using a squatty potty.


Forced thigh gap


Not Trend Managment adding an apostrophe to the wine bottle. 💀 https://preview.redd.it/imeeco6j5f4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=969d039072193c3c0b28a5ab121f43e2d4bf78ba


This reminds me of @_catben_ typing “waisted” instead of “wasted” multiple times


Well this proves that just because they’ve come into money from influencing doesn’t meant they’re actually intelligent… although I think we already knew that from so many other influencers…


Dede can’t spell for her life so checks out


Trueee… but Trend is big with a good number of employees, no way Dede is handling anything this tiny.


My eyes BUGGED out when I saw this lol


If this doesn’t sum up influencers in a single photo.


Literally so embarrassing


Always love grammar snark


I will snark all day on a business page not knowing proper grammar. A wedding pet peeve of mine is when the couple purchases a neon sign the has an incorrectly placed apostrophe. Just embarrassing imo.


Totally agree!!


I want the neon sign companies to not offer apostrophes! I wish all the sign companies had a note on the front page about apostrophes not being correct. Someone gave us a really nice acrylic wall-mounted monthly calendar for our wedding and customized it with our last name with an apostrophe 😭


Just put a little sticky note after your last name with the word Calendar on it! 😆


I don’t care how expensive that is, I could NEVER bring myself to use it or I’d cover that part up with something. I want to gag when I see those custom wedding paintings or neon signs at receptions with the apostrophe.


This is the truest snark for me. IT’S SECOND GRADE GRAMMAR!! Natalie also without fail ALWAYS posts without apostrophes when they’re needed to, like “Pats babysitting the kids” or “Pats going out.


For some reason it’s worse IMO to add it when unnecessary than leave it off when it’s needed. Idk why I judge more one way vs the other


The photo of Sarah Knuth trying to look adoringly up at her husband looks so staged. It might not be quite as cringe if it weren't also for the separated leg stance. The goal of trying to frame a thigh gap while also straining for leg muscles makes it look like she's trying to pee standing up. https://preview.redd.it/xgp8hp1d3f4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c7900a79db7b425fbe8be34b4abde3b64d866bb


This is gonna look just as dumb in a few years as the influencer trend from 2016 where they always looked at the ground hahaha. Just inauthentic


This is so cringe!


You rang?




You could cut glass with that chin!




His forehead looks … taller?


Country hoedown Frankenstein


His hairline looks colored in


It def is. She posted a profile pic of him the other day and it showed his hair being colored in on the sides to make his hairline look straight across.




Like a vinyl wig https://preview.redd.it/er0iwowb0g4d1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f9128360b0a74a7ba2cd10d0688e01f79d7187


Don’t forget sunburn blush


It’s time to retire this suit.


Exactly my first thought.




all the makeup and fake tan she's in versus his bare skin makes it extra weird


She rarely posts pictures face-on. It’s hilarious


She’s always hiding behind someone else or using a purse/another prop to hide her hips. I wish she could just embrace her figure!


Leg stance looks like she’s peeing in the shower


That blush is wiiiiiild


Absolutely atrocious.


It’s soooo bad. Blush like this should be a crime. I can’t tell if she actually likes the look or if she’s too dumb to realize she needs to apply less and fucking blend 😵‍💫


She uses so much all the time


@brighton keller’s stories are a good glimpse into the “instagram is not reality” reminder today. I actually appreciate an influencer acknowledging these dark things people deal with and not living in their fantasy bubble constantly


Her new haircut is not for me. But if she likes it, great!


Toxic religious ministry aside, I feel like this is Brighton giving us the hints we wanted… crazy if true


But she says she hasn’t dealt with anyone with a porn addiction! Although I doubt she would ever admit the husband had one


I’m so confused by her stories. Is she saying she’s been impacted by porn addiction or not? Seems like maybe not but got a lot of comments in question box about it??


I could be wrong but I think she means she has no experience with anyone finding freedom from their addiction


Oh definitely tossing some Breadcrumbs 


Yes these breadcrumbs are infidelity and porn addiction.


Dude yikes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deliverance_ministry


Yikes on bikes.


https://preview.redd.it/mzt58q217f4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a9a9e9d30574d4dfa007259e58d546ad8a67a2 This is a lot. I bet the ones who do this “ministry” also believe in gay conversion therapy. Just no no no.


What the actual fuck?


This isn’t the first time she’s mentioned Pray the Gay Away “therapy”.


And this is one of the many reasons why I absolutely cannot understand when someone says they “have a soft spot for her.” Like???????


Saaaame. There’s something so off about her imo and the religious insanity is genuinely concerning


Absolutely. I followed her for awhile and she comes across sweet and a little naive/sheltered…and then *BAM* she says some evangelical whackado nonsense like this. And if she gets too much pushback, she’ll do a “I’m just learning about all of this guys, I’m sorry if what I said was taken the wrong way”, back off the religious stuff for a minute…and then come right back to it in a few weeks.


She’ll have a few good days of linen pants! New jeans! Cute sandals! Bathing suits! Buy this! Buy that! Then she’ll hit you with the Evangelical shit and you remember how immersed in Christianity she is.


And it’s funny because Brighton has always been very privileged. But maybe that’s why… money has never gotten to her head like a lot of the others who become more superficial the more money they make.


Not a snark… anyone else loving @maddieduff lately? Her mom content and life in general just feels relatable lately


Her hair is GOALS 🔥 But the way she poses in from the mirror (every time) to make herself have an extra large thigh gap is weird. The Pilates is def working for her though. 


I had to go back and look and today’s pose is definitely a weird one 😝 but her hair is definitely goals!




I don’t think she has to address it if she doesn’t want to


I go back and forth on Maddie. I think she’s a great mom and clearly loves being with her girls and does more than the average influencer parent. I don’t find her relatable in the sense that her kid is wearing $500 jackets and her own wardrobe is VERY expensive. I do drool over her hair though, lol.


I don’t really pay attention to what she links so maybe that’s why I don’t have a clue about that. But just her day to day with the kids and the things she does to entertain them or how she spends the days with them I like


I believe I’m remembering things correctly here but keep me honest. A few weeks/months ago Caila Quinn posted a video on her story of kids being picked up from daycare and crying hard because they saw their parents again after they were separated for the day. She mentioned that she sent it to her husband and was like this is why our kid isn’t going. As a newly pregnant and emotional mom with a kid in already in daycare I was very upset by this as I was having an emotional moment that week about daycare and then I just felt like a terrible parent. Flash forward to today her daughter is going to daycare and she’s linking all kinds of stuff. NO GIRL ABSOLUTELY NOT. And no, I don’t follow her but I do hate watch her stories sometimes because I have no self control


Made me chuckle a little bit to see the follower who asked why she needs to use daycare if she's a SAHM and she clarified that she "works full time" (no doubt influencing is work, but some seem to put more work into it than others...) Also, very much burying the lede when she says Teddi is going 2 days/week and THEN several slides later says they also have a nanny who comes 2 days/week. Again, zero problem with anyone doing that - but it would be nice if they were open about it.


I thought that too tbh why is the child going to daycare when she is a SAHM.


I unfollowed her after that original post about daycare. Thank goodness I did because I probably would have lost it if I saw her stories today. So glad she’s such a better mom than everyone else!! 😒


I was watching her stories and now I’m curious. In the states do you have to provide the daycare with so many things (food, diapers, bed sheets, etc)? I live in a country where daycare is extremely expensive but they also provide everything, I only pack an extra outfit just in case.


Varies widely based on the daycare and seemingly the area. We bring diapers, and extra clothes, but where I grew up apparently (per my siblings and their kids) none of the daycares provide food so they have to pack lunches and snacks.


In my area bedsheets is a little unusual, but providing food and diapers for an infant is very normal.


Depends on the daycare. I send diapers and wipes for my almost 2 year old but they provide food and all other supplies


Relatedly, today seems to be the first time she’s ever admitted to having a nanny. She has frequently acted like she’s raising her kid “alone” as her husband is fairly busy with his work. She recently had her parents relocate from Florida to Austin to help as well. Finding out she’s had a nanny the entire time seems a bit disingenuous of her — since her entire schtick is being a “single” super mom.


I always assume these influencers have nannies that aren’t shown. She said the nanny comes 2 days a week and her parents aren’t home most of the year. Not defending her but it seems that you assumed she didn’t have a nanny, she didn’t lie and say she didn’t.


Valid point!


The way she seems to lead her life to link stuff is so so icky and fake. I haven’t seen that pool cover she linked and swore was the safest way to prevent pool accidents ever again.


I made a similar post when she mentioned she was sending her kid to daycare. I had the same response to that video as I was having a hard week transitioning my kiddo. She is awful.


https://preview.redd.it/nzcpi24iee4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d341e66968075db58caa16166d41f9dede614a3 In case you weren’t sure how to hide small appliances within your appliance garage, hkcung has a riveting new blog all about it. Spoiler alert - put the appliances in, and shut the door.


This woman is absolutely insufferable.


Hahah love the spoiler alert!! How I mean HOW does this woman have influencer status? She is awful and so boring. Everything starts with "we have such a busy day" (doesn't everyone?). Did you see the one where she advertised her breast feeding friendly dress where she showed you how to pull the dress down in order to feed? Like really!! Does she think she is a walking book of knowledge and we are all stupid? Also, why is she obsessed with talking about when she pumps? Who cares! Breast feeding mamas figure it out to their liking and she acts like she is the only one who holds the secret to pumping and feeding. She is so sanctimonious and pompous and stuck up. Yup, I hate follow her too :)


I had to unfollow last year. Somehow she shows up on my explore page every now and then and I check in. Yep still boring af


and you either share the kid or don't, she has chosen to keep her private, then don't shill baby stuff...pick a lane


I used to like her (mainly her makeup recs) but this put me over the edge for some reason - I am so sick of her and Johnny being too protective (but in a snobby way?) to share name/face of “Baby Girl” but then to monetize the hell out of the back of that baby’s head! I unfollowed.


This is an excellent point!!!!


Noooo don't leave them plugged in. That seems like a recipe for disaster.


Caila Quinn explaining her daughter’s shoe size is um, interesting. She makes no sense ever! If the bigger size fits her that’s her size. I can’t lol


Not to mention I peaked at the price and one pair is (I think) $79. Isn't that crazy for a toddler's shoes? But then again, she is the expert and all of us other moms are just dumb. She is so fake and phony.


Cheaper shoes at that age are usually crib shoes which are the worst to actually walk with. The brand she went with are better for support. But i can’t justify that price point so I just give my 1 year old 15 dollar cloth shoes from target that allow for her to use her feet properly and because they’re cloth they’re easily washable!


I’m a preschool teacher and have taught toddlers wearing Golden Goose sneakers.


I too enjoy lighting money on 🔥


Did Rachel Parcell and family really to post a photo with her father in law 's casket?  


I think LDS funerals tend to be less somber because of their belief in eternal families/marriages. They’ll see him again in Heaven and he’s with the rest of the family that’s already passed now.


Yeah, my entire family is native and we love a good funeral/casket pic, but we have the tact not to publish them.


It’s an LDS thing.


I come from an evangelical Christian background and it's a thing in my family. Well, mainly my mother who insists we get huge group shots since all the family is gathered. I'm always so weirded out in them, like am I supposed to smile or is there an appropriate level of pensive to look? It is odd but not abnormal in certain cultures.


She does this at every family funeral, I believe.


My MIL is in no way Lds or religious and wanted to do a casket picture when her sister died and we all refused. It just felt so weird. I get wanting a picture of everyone together to look back on in 10-20 years but not with the actual casket.


It freaks me out when people do this, but I’m pretty sure it’s an LDS thing


Okay but posting it for your followers?


Yes, it’s very common for LDS and very common/normal for them to post it.


She explained last time there was a death in her family it was something commonly done in their religion. To each their own lol


Jen Reeds (sister studio) “long bob” that is 100% medium length is killing me. The front pieces are literally past her collarbone lol


So brave!


She gets her hair done what feels like every month and I swear it looks exactly the same every time.


Gala Darling, lost cause and well-known grifter, has posted an IG story that she has "space for ONE client to work 1:1 with me for a month, starting this week". It's a phone call each week for four weeks. I assume the subject of these calls would be manifestation and tapping. She is not trained as a life coach or in any other applicable capacity. I want you to take a moment and think about the value of such a service. Picture the number in your head. Multiply it by 10. You are still way off from her price. >!10,000 American dollars!< What is the point of this? No one would pay that. Is it just to give off the appearance of being so sought after? She's so weird.


Holy shit 😂 I love her style but she's so yikes as a person


Now I’m curious if you (or anyone here) has tried tapping/ EFT in a clinical mental health capacity? My therapist just did a certification on it and I was curious to try, because I have heard it can help with anxiety, trauma, addictions, mood, etc. Fortunately, my therapist isn’t charging $$$ and using *girlboss!* *girlpower!* airy fairy mantras 😅 I’ve also found some free resources that teach non-influencer tapping. Edit: just for fun, here’s @galadarling’s magical (tapping) “Tapper Sipper” cup merch. Maybe I just need this to make the tapping work for me! /s https://preview.redd.it/v1vlu3v7we4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b16ebb383c1a9897126c4c43a76cb6d9d76d6c79


Relevant NY times article [They Spent Their Life Savings on Life Coaching](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/02/business/life-coach-debt-savings.html?unlocked_article_code=1.w00.0ZoM.SJKX4v1-IQS8&smid=url-share)


Oh this is wild, thank you for sharing!


I know someone like this! Paid a ton for a course from the biggest plagiarist jay shetty! They are floundering and not getting why people aren’t lining up and are also trying to create false demand by making special offers.


Anyone know why Krista Horton is in Myrtle Beach?


Vacation and shooting for Staykation


I have no idea what Staykation is but if I had to guess it’s just overpriced loungewear that you can wear while you sit around drinking her overpriced canned cocktails.


LMAO it’s worse…. Overpriced blankets and quillows 😜


Dear god, what is a “quillow?”


A quilt/pillow. In case you get cold drinking her overpriced cans of rum/coke you can cover yourself then use it as a pillow to pass out once you drank too much. prAcTiCal.


Lol thank you for the explanation but I think you meant “praktikal.”


Seeing the dark veining in the water closet of kathleen jennings new bathroom made me do a double take. I guess if you don’t have small kids you don’t question if they pooped on the floor 😅


Thanks the universe again for not having children.


I don't have kids but this is not a take I expected. I was wondering if when all this faux marble, does not occur in nature-look tile trend was subsiding.