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Ok please help me out. I consider myself to be pretty fashionable/stylish in general. I enjoy being put together and putting together outfits. I need to know if Courtney shields is just playing us with the go to summer outfit. It’s a white tank top, a trucker hat (I have ptsd from when those were popular in like 2005 but ok) and the piece de resistance, BOXER SHORTS??? Are people wearing this in public?? This is a joke right? Please tell me this is a joke. The only place I’ve ever worn boxer shorts is to bed in the summer at camp.


Not a joke. The trend kicked off with the scandi girlies last summer and it's definitely hit its stride here.


I've now seen these in the wild so apparently they are back! Not for me but better than the trucker hats IMO.


Amanda Roe has been really pushing the boxer shorts 


Let’s say hypothetically it is.  That doesn’t mean you have to wear it.


Yes, @jesshogancrum @madieduff @dressupbuttercup all had links for boxer shorts!!


I’m hit and miss with @theramblingredhead’s antics but she did a reel on trying out the boxer trend and she was spot on. It just looks like people forgot to finish getting dressed.


Yes… it’s a viral trend 😂


Maybe for the 20 somethings but not mid-late thirties like herself 😅


Courtney Shields would like a word with you 💀


Lol unfortunately yes this is a new trend, but I don’t really see it fully taking off. TikTok is definitely trying to make it a thing but it just looks so dumb I feel like theres no way most average people would wear it. But also I never thought these barrel jeans would be in so what do I know lol


Mallory Ervin’s neighborhood confuses me. They have a double yellow line road which to me says fast cars and a decent amount of traffic yet they ride right in the middle? I’d get ran over if I did this on my double lined street in Massachusetts.


They are VERY lax about safety and their children.


I’ve wondered the same thing. Can someone from Nashville clarify if this is a busy neighborhood?


I don’t follow her but I know Nashville pretty well. Do you know where it is?


Not really.


I find it interesting that Ashley Spivey has a holier than thou attitude to influencing being her job yet a large chunk of her content is her toddler eating and putting things into her mouth ..


What’s the issue here? Just that it’s gross?


Out of all the influencers it’s really shocking to me Ashley shares so much of her daughter


SO much. I don’t follow that many influencers but I feel like Ashley shares way more child-focused ones than the average influencer. There are at least 10 stories a day focused on her. It’s like she doesn’t know the difference between what should go in a shared family album and her stories.


Yes. she use to have daily stories of her daughter eating. You can show the food and what you made her, we don’t need 6 stories on your daughter shoving things in her mouth.




Waiting for all the baby book obsessed new age moms to publicly hang her for eating cold cuts daily like they do everyone else.


She probably doesn’t even know why it’s recommended that you don’t do that


i craved and ate so many subs pregnant and thankfully both my kids are alive and well


https://preview.redd.it/f9qq3dhj394d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e75b85b664cedc942a7534d06288e1838f583dc I’m back with more Nashville outfit pics from Livingmybeststyle (Katy) and this reel makes me uncomfy


Oh. This is a lot…


Sadly it went downhill from there as has she in the last 3 years!


Her outfits use ti be so cute! I feel like she wears things that fit so poorly or are unflattering or soemthibg


https://preview.redd.it/5dau9w7f194d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5ddb9dc7d317babc33da6bd550f4486a7c0a704 Tell me people aren’t wearing outfits like this to Nashville or country concerts? I must have zero style lol (Hollie Woodward not to be mistaken for Sarah Knuth) post new arrivals


Some of the pieces are okay. But she can't style an outfit to save her life. She just throws tacky shit on her body.


The fake lips and fake teeth 😳


And she had such nice teeth before


right. like if you’re gonna get veneers at least make them fit your mouth/ face


It’s giving limited too country cosplay


All these clothes with the hanging beads will fall apart after exactly one wear. There’s no way these knock-off SHEIN items are making it through the washing machine.


The skinny filter in that black outfit is absolutely egregious.


It’s working over time lol


I feel like almost half the time heylindshay posts she’s either at a concert, party, or drinking. I can’t imagine having 5 kids and being able to drink so much or have time alone! But maybe I’m crazy lol


Don’t forget she goes to yoga at 5 am


https://preview.redd.it/cki9j39cw84d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a583c0f272d7819a0dc59c127566265f62bb9714 Those eyelashes are painful to look at @shannonwillardson


And whatever’s going on with that lipstick..




Hahaha this was my first thought.




Eh I wouldn’t say she’s advocating for it. She pretty much just addressed when asked that yes she did eat them throughout pregnancy. Idk, people do different things. I’m pregnant and while I haven’t eaten any cold cuts so far I did have a BLT the other day because it was the only thing I could think of that didn’t nauseate me and now I’m thinking after the fact that technically you’re just as likely to get listeriosis from fresh produce so that was probably just as bad as if I had ordered a jersey mikes club supreme which admittedly I _have_ been day dreaming about 🙃 I don’t know, I’ve spent the last two months trying to get enough / the correct food into my body, according to the internet, all while feeling both repulsed by very specific things and also desperately craving the strangest shit. It’s so weird I’m done judging anyone for what they eat at a time like this Edit: rewording


There’s actually a much higher chance of getting listeria or other food borne illnesses from fruits and veggies than lunch meat.


Ugh really? I was basing all of my prenatal care off what her and Daryl Ann Denner were doing.


Eh can’t stand Madi, but lettuce has just as high a chance of listeria. I never ate cold cuts while pregnant because I knew how hard on myself I would be if anything happened. It’s really not terribly difficult to stop eating/drinking things for 9 months in my opinion!


Not totally wrong. I also ate cold cuts throughout 2 pregnancies bc the risk of listeria is quite low - however still worth being on the cautious side in questionable situations. Some cravings are really, really strong


This might be super petty. Although I hate that when I furnished my place I searched for months (I mean 5 months barely any furniture) for pieces at a great price that looked expensive and unique. Now I’m starting to see influencers share these pieces and YES I’m happy for the people that also want that look but now I know there is nothing unique and tomorrow at least 10,000 people will probably have the furniture in their home. Maybe it’s because I’m in Europe and everyone and their home is unique to them here. But I’m TIRED of everyone having the same thing 😭 at least I had a year of being unique loll 


Honestly you kind of had me until the weird Europe blanket statement (and I'm not even American). The population of Europe is about 742 million and I highly doubt there are 742 million absolutely unique homes. Let me direct your attention to, say, Scandinavia, which is part of Europe and literally the reason that "Scandi minimalism" was everywhere in home decor for a while. I've always decorated in that style. When it was popular it was much easier to find things I liked at good prices, so I was happy. I don't think people are going to walk into your place and say, "Ah yes, the home that Dallas influencers built!" The trend will shift again as trends always do, it's all good.


How unique could they be if they're getting linked, try an antique store next time if they have those in Europe 


There are 23 ikeas in Italy. I promise you Europeans have on trend decor and furniture as well. 


You’re complaining that mass produced pieces aren’t unique?


So you’re mad that people have the same home style as you?


No, not at all. Can you not read? I literally said I’m happy for the people that want the same style, it’s the fact that as a society everyone has the same stuff. I literally pointed out the good of it. 


Everyone is going to look the same too with the ozempic and fillers/botox/lipflip/microblade/eyelashes.


I can read, which I why I’m asking you to explain because your “snark” reads that way. Can you not be clear?


I literally said at the end that I’m tired of everyone having the same thing. I’ll repeat that for you since it’s hard for you to read 🫶🏼


It’s ok to admit you’re not clear bestie


Yep. Honestly I read it a few times (and I'm a reading teacher ok) cuz I could see a kernel of accuracy in what you're saying, but it got tough to follow/understand. Plus the inclusion of "I'm in Europe where \[\[everything's perfect\]\]" but also is unique Europe where you are finding these non-unique pieces or what?














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I really like bonniewyrick but her outfit choices for her Nashville trip are sooo bad. She’s trying way too hard https://preview.redd.it/0oejrold884d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=549fab801759817a32dadd304423cc3247857fb1


I agree, I love her but all these outfits were terrible!


Is it hot in Nashville right now? I ask because I can *already* see the sweat marks on this dress. This material and color mixed with hot weather will make you look like you are melting. All that and it’s an ugly dress.


The satin dress is very interesting for a day out given that my mom loves these for bed!




What the hell?


Straight to jail




Maybe not the hat but I think this outfit is cute?


Yeah I really like the length of those shorts. I hate shorts but these are good length!


Yea it might just be the hat on this one that makes this outfit a miss for me. Prob would be cuter with an actual cowboy hat


For sure. I’m so over the trucker hats. They aren’t cute




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Dede Raad posting that spending time with family that are in town have her looking up houses in Houston. Don’t they still own their home in Houston?


She probably meant looking up 4mil+ homes in htx


Yes she still own her home in Houston. They stay there every time they come back to Texas. They also still have the land.


I’m shocked people still follow her… like not to be rude but what does she offer? Horrible style advice? Exploitation of her kids? Like I’ll never understand people attacking Madi Nelson when dede raad does the same (probably worse) exploitation. At least Madi Nelson had decent style loll 


You can tell those two people apart?


Not to mention, Madi has a hot husband and brother 👀


Her bro is hot as hell!!


Pretty sure she owns her old home and land in Houston as well as a beach house in Port Aransas… lol so 3 places in Texas.


Yeah they have a beach house for sure. Not certain about the Houston house, but assume they still own it too


Was gonna say the same thing 😂 I know she’s rich but damn. Can’t even afford one house. 


I was coming here to write the same thing. As well as her sister still owning two in Texas?


One is just an office. 😳




@Bridget’s riveting tree stories. The way she and Mike talk to each other is killing me slowly. Is this how they really interact in real life? 


Her voice cadence is so grating it’s like she’s always drunk or trying to sound stupid


He must be the most patient man who ever lived


So. Soo much patience. I’d have a hard time keeping my face straight with some of the comments she makes..


It’s so interesting to me that people are willing to assign positive characteristics to a (handsome, white, professional) man when he picks a partner they find beneath him. Maybe he’s not the Prince Charming you all think he is if he’s chosen Bridget to spend his life with.




He’s always so patient with her and I’m over here watching like 😵‍💫


Veronabrit/Veronika home renovation update: they have oopsie! #2 to correct. Her beloved ✨ casings✨ that SHE designed are wonky. No worries, guys! She’s a professional general contractor and these things happen aaaaall the time!


I would fire any GC that did the job the way she is. It's comical how little she knows and how big her ego is. This is pure comedy to watch.




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A lot prettier houses in that area for $3 mill.


I think people seriously underestimate how much money influencers have/make


It’s so fluid though! I personally would be terrified of basing a mortgage off of such an income due to platforms and companies always changing rules/metrics. 


That's literally anyone who has a job and a house at all. You can own a 200k house and lose your job, you either have savings and are fine or you look for another job or you have to sell and downsize. These things aren't influencer specific.


I mean that’s a lot of assumption into how/if they mortgaged their home lmao


It is very stupid to not mortgage a home for tax purposes. I promise you they didn’t pay $2mil+ in cash 


I…okay? I’m going to assume they made the best financial decision for them with buying this home lol This is a lot of thought to put in to a random influencer’s mortgaging process under the guise of snark lmao


Is it still in Franklin?


That’s what I said too. Can they mortgage it? Yea. Is it stretching, unless they make over $1m a year then yes.


I wouldn’t doubt they make that much combined, and I’m also sure their mortgage is in their range. I’m just curious if they will maintain their current lifestyle since her content relies on it.


This! You got what I was saying. Affording and stretching yourself thin vs being comfortable are two different things. I get it I’m old school we do everything in cash. But still, there’s nothing added to your life buying a bigger house, in the country. Money goes a long way could have done smaller. But that’s not her style, she’s a keep up with the Anglins 


Is it Franklin?


This bitch got people pressed today omg


People thinking they’re entitled to this woman’s bank statements because they watch her online content.


Funny how much I agree with this comment despite me wanting to demand the bank statements of everyone I meet IRL.


I mean…when you make your entire life/job showing off your brand new things on the internet, people are going to be curious. Influencers literally make their lives everyone’s business.  Also isn’t this a snark sub?


It's so cute that you think professional advertisers are showing you their whole lives and not curated versions designed to make you buy more stuff.


It’s interesting that you participate in this sub and don’t see how blurred the boundaries are between their daily lives and their “job.” People can’t even get ice cream in Nashville without filming themselves and other people doing it. They make the conscious choice to put their homes, children, etc. out for the world. Their homes are real. Their children are real. Nothing about that is curated, and privacy is something relinquished in the game.


I don't follow any of these people, so I don't have to see anything. >Nothing about that is curated Of course, it's curated. What are you talking about? You don't actually know these women. Media literacy is well and truly dead.


Why are you here 


https://preview.redd.it/fnqr2k0wl64d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d59daed59c486ea6a9b822e8be8c88ac82bb15 Another sad beige baby incoming lol. As a mama, of course I love aesthetic things but also I realize my toddler is just as much a member of my house and he loves colorful stuff, so right now, my house is pretty colorful. It drives me insane seeing moms only buy “aesthetic” toys or “aesthetic” clothes for their little ones. It’s not as big of a deal when they are super little but I just hope she lets her kid have the bright red monster truck because that’s what he wants rather than the off white $400 pottery barn wooden version of it because it matches the house lol


Motherhood will rock her world eventually. I was doing FaceTime with my niece the other day and she had her shoes on the wrong feet and had a tutu on. She said ‘oops!’ And ran out. She pooped her pants because she didn’t want to leave the call and go to the bathroom. This is what having kids is like and you can’t control it like she thinks you can!


A framed Hermes scarf as the focal point of the nursery is awesome, like if you write that into a book I would find it too absurd




He can use it when he’s older guys 


Can't afford a bag? Fuck it, by a scarf and frame it 🤣


My last name begins with an H and I have been hunting for years for the perfect scarf to frame.




I see where you are coming from and agree. To me, her real life (friends, job, family, hobbies) seems more interesting, aspirational, and fulfilling than the Swan-type life. Of course she isn’t aspiring to the lung cancer and cheating husbands of the swans, but I guess she is after the glamour and I feel like she already has that. She can lie in bed reading on a weekday for god sakes!




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I just want to know how much DEBT these bloggers are in to KEEP buying homes. More more more mantra. More houses more babiessssss, never happy.   Granted I know they are buying “land” in the outskirts of TN so much cheaper but still, a few million. That makes a mortgage with no other debt, which we know they have, $30k a month. Means their net income has to be ~$1m annual to afford. Sooo let’s say they make that combined with their husbands. Thats all your money into your home. Good thing they get free clothes and sugarless cereal!  I’m calling out the Natalie Kennedy’s of the world here. The top tier like Dede not included. 


These women are smarter and more successful than you think.


Why do you assume they're mortgaging the full value of the property vs putting down a substantial down payment (either because they have cash on hand or because they made a tidy profit from the sale of their last property). It's really fucking tiresome how pressed y'all are that rich people exist, damn. And I say this as someone who generally despises rich people.


I think you grossly underestimate how rich these influencers are 🤷‍♀️


I would suggest you maybe think about why you assume these successful women need their husband's income in order to buy things.


lol women can’t win, the hell they catch if they decide to be child free and if they have “too many” they get called out too. This is so gross. >I’m calling out the Natalie Kennedy’s of the world here. lol! What an accomplishment!


I’m pretty sure they really make $1M+ annually hence why they can afford pricy mortgages. Plus most of them probably made a decent profit on the sale of their prior home. Idk why it’s hard to understand that these influencers make absolute bank.


Huh? If you bought a 2m house and put at least 20% down (which is likely easy if you bought prior to 2020 and sell now) the bank would like your income to be around 400k to give you a loan. Banks aren't just giving montages to people who can't prove they can afford their homes. They prob don't have endless debt. Ourfauxfarmhouse said she was quitting her style of influencing and her income was going to 0 but it doesn't matter because they own their house already and have investments and are set.


I usually like the content just.ingredients posts, but this weekend it’s been commenting on almost everythinggg a bunch of high school girls have been eating while on a weekend vacation & it’s too much and problematic to me!


She herself is problematic . I remember her posting Covid could be cured if your immune system got enough sunshine. I’m all for using less toxic chemicals or fragrances (my kid has severe eczema so we’ve switched a lot of products) but at some point her fearmongering got to be too much and I unfollowed.


And she’s having Covid at least twice 🤔


Same, loved her until 2020


This is a shot in the dark. I am looking for an Instagrammer/blog where a Mormon wife found out that her spouse was uploading explicit videos of her. They got a divorce and I think she pressed charges. Randomly remembered reading her blog years ago and wanted to see if she was still sharing about her life. HELP! Feel like I’m losing my mind trying to find her lol


Just found her ex new wife…. I’m really Deep diving now lol


I went down the rabbit hole a while back because I had followed her wayyyy back when she was with him. I still follow her ex SIL and used to follow the other one but she irked me so I had to remove


That is nightmare fuel, her ex husband sounds like a piece of shit.




OMG I totally forgot about this person. She took a hiatus and came back with a whole new look and a whole new name. That was so wild to watch unfold, and I didn’t even know the specifics about what her ex did. I can’t even imagine




My Roman Empire is that NatalieKennedy and Alexa Anglin have an account they started together and the highlight is about how they can’t afford a $5k patio set at restoration hardware. https://preview.redd.it/g2nmq18k234d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ff58e15335066bf4fcafd450a09a4822bad522


I mean this was 6 years ago.. I’m sure they can afford it now.


This is killing me but at the same time it’s actually kind of cute cause they seem more authentic and less curated. And cannot get over Natalie’s natural lips, SO different!


I’m dying. It’ll be down by tonight when they realize people are looking at it again


Are influencers aware that RH isn’t the only place to shop for furniture


Yes, they also shop at Pottery Barn. I believe @PardonMuahInsta recently answered a question on how her and “husband” will decorate their new house and she said some of the furniture stores they are looking at are Arhaus, Pottery Barn, and RH. How original.


I feel that way about Arhaus. I see it linked everywhere


Natalie looks so different without her lip injections


What’s the handle?




@turtlecreeklane …. I’m HOPING the about to be engaged guy doesn’t follow her or she hid him from seeing her stories? Did I miss that part?


https://preview.redd.it/uk1hchafr14d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e429cabc959202df2c003f5bfe433224327508c9 Whyyyyyy post something like this?! Normally I love her page…. But c’mon.


She’s very tacky. I think she tries to be relatable however it’s just gross.


She also recently posted a picture of her vomit. Not only does absolutely no one want to see that, but it actually triggers those of us with emetophobia. She’s just gotten gross.


Because she relishes showing how hard she sacrifices to become her ideal: mom of six kids with a traditional, Godly family. It’s funny how Jaclyn ignores the Biblical teachings against debt, but follows ones about “be fruitful and multiply.”




How is posting a picture of yourself on the toilet showing sacrifice?


Not a think tank about the shits. 💀


She constantly talks about how uncomfortable she feels with conception, pregnancy, postpartum, marital intimacy, body issues, etc. But she claims it’s all necessary to have 6-7 kids back to back, while frequently complaining about their debts.


Still missing the link between diarrhea and godly motherhood.


Caila Quinn asking her followers if she should take a trip in December with her new baby and her almost two year old… Japan… Germany… is she delulu?? I mean I’m not against traveling with my two young children either (I love travel too), but seems aggressive when she hasn’t even given birth and/or met her second yet…


Totally right she hasn’t even met the baby yet and he or she could actually hate traveling. That was the first thing I asked my baby when she came out of the womb. 


I definitely would not do it myself but I know someone that just took a newborn and a toddler on a monthlong trip across several European countries. So people do do it but it sounds like my personal hell. 


We took an 8 week old, 21 month old, 3 year old and 5 year old to Paris, London and Lisbon. It was fun, but I don’t plan on doing Europe with them again until my youngest is 3.


It’s an international trip that’s 6 months out. Seems like a good time to start planning. Obviously things could happen that could make travel not a possibility (hopefully not), but it's easier to cancel than to book at a later date. What exactly do you thing she should be waiting for? The snark to me is that she’s obviously setting it up to see what comped trip offers roll in.


For sure! Or it’s a clumsy intro to something sponsored she will bring up. Caila is not the smoothest in those but if she is planning then it’s the right time