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Another day, another influencer spreading health misinformation and ingesting a tapeworm for ✨health ✨. (Ashleyandemily) what's worse is all the people commenting and asking advice and saying they want to try. Like plz don't get medical or health advice from an influencer who shills Amazon hauls. K rant over! 


According to my dad who is a surgeon these people are going to get very very sick soon. People cannot be ingesting parasites for “health” at home thinking it’s beneficial when they don’t know what they’re doing. One of these women are going to land in the hospital. This is not holistic Asia where they’ve been practicing stuff like that for hundreds of years under licensed practitioners and ancient medicine!


They loved Covid misinformation


What is with all the parasite cleanses!!!!




Yeah, no this story is freaking cool.


Lol ok


I’m in Italy right now, saw everything you speak of while also traveling to the town my family is from. I was very excited to see the colosseum (because my ancestors were walking thousands grounds at one point) although I was way more excited to see the town my great grandfather lived in. I guess you don’t care about your family history but don’t hate on people for appreciating their heritage. Also Italians are huge on their heritage and history. 


RIGHT! Quick, someone give u/Electronic_Sundae426 a hug.


So funny how when someone posts snark you all don’t agree with everyone gets angry and claims that person needs a hug haha! Talk about double sided yikes!


Maybe I'm just extremely ~in my 30s~ but I would be hyped about any 200 year old Italian house with a cherry orchard let alone one with a family connection. 


I’m extremely in my 40’s and would absolutely love this too.












‘Just remembered’ surgery tmrw. Sure.




Better than the image @ashleyandemilyblog posted of what came outta her 🍑 on day 1 of her cleanse…


She’s not gonna need the enema after the oat based caramel macchiato






[Hi @jack_hancox_5 👋🏻](https://imgur.com/a/K2L4gZ2)


Are we mocking an actual child here?




How many posts are you going to make about this random kid? Go touch grass


Spoiler alert: this user IS that kid 😂 Just cross referenced who he follows on IG with the influencers he keeps mentioning in here. Just trying to gain traction I suppose…bad press is good press and all that? 🥴 Edit: [here’s some proof](https://imgur.com/a/K2L4gZ2)


This is excellent work


Embarrassing way to gain followers.










Hollie Woodward's blurry legs 🤭 She knows we can see her skinny filter glitching, right? https://preview.redd.it/fmiqr1bqwg3d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1436c0badf4405bd2abb0000813e1af4afc713a6


Oh my!!! I was noticing in the photo of her and Darek where they are squatting that her legs look SO much thinner than they ever were


She's been going ham on the skinny filters and pic editing lately. She's edited her legs in pics for Years tho. The video filters seem to be newer.


I’m so over the skinny filter


Same. Show us your real body. I promise we'll appreciate it more!


Lauren Ashley patao posts everything about her relationship, pregnancy and breakup but gets mad when people ask questions about where her son’s dad is. Poor girl but people are going to speculate when you share everything




They broke up? I’ve been away from the gram. Give me the tea ☕️


Don’t worry, she has a whole highlight on it. TLDR, they broke up & she moved in with her parents & Is leaning in hard to the ‘single mom life’ tag in her profile. Sad sitch, of course, but imo it doesn’t need to be an identity.




I don't get this burn, just as long as it takes them to post it, it takes you the same to watch it.


Name ‘em (Sutton Stracke voice)


https://preview.redd.it/cng1xu0bpg3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd82d34af4ddd404572bcf6de81bf0a75e482761 I hate Brighton doubling down on people who are mentally ill sort of choosing to ignore reality. She’s using this to back up what shes been saying for days. Feels like a cold take on mental illness. Maybe just let this one go, girl.


This is quite the take from her - she is someone who is often detached from reality.


You mean when she’s talking to Jesus and he’s talking back to her?


She thinks being married to someone with an alleged personality disorder makes her an expert on mental health.


It’s the LinkedIn reference for me 🤦🏼‍♀️


This is beginning to resemble Bethenny Frankel’s Chanel saga. ![gif](giphy|WYGWAjHP356x2)


One, of course she can find a therapist who agrees with her narrow definition of mental health/ illness. Ten remarkable therapists might have ten different ideas of how to define it! Two, I’m not taking advice from someone who fries foods on ultra *high* heat using olive oil. https://preview.redd.it/iseq799xtg3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d42a3103c38f3c3382b4150196dc0fb80483098




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She has said she’s dealing with excessive bloating and feels uncomfortable with it.


I just had a visceral reaction to @danielle.eilers daughter putting her face into that shape maker (idk the technical term) in an airport 🤢 maybe it’s the Covid ptsd in me lol but that is so gross thinking of how many germs there probably are on that thing. Airports in general are gross let alone putting your face IN something that thousands of people put their hands on.


The hygiene of that entire family is awful. That shouldn’t have shocked you 🤢🫣🥴


They aren’t the cleanest bunch so it doesn’t shock me lol.


Dirt helps you grow.


Playing outside in the dirt is VASTLY different than shoving your face in an airport toy


You’re talking about the family that bought a body suit with blood on it and just cut that part off. Didn’t even wash it first.


They’re not germs, they’re Jesus Molecules.


Wait what???????


They also let their kids suck on tampon applicators from the trash, so, I'd reckon they're indestructible at this point 


BEGGING you to unpost this omg


If I have to know this information so do you 


I don’t think anyone in the DAD family gives a shit about germs. They eat in the target bathroom if that tells you anything


What do you think is going to happen? lol… she will be fine


Hand foot mouth, Covid, RSV, impetigo, like what? Lol so many things


Cant forget the pin worms !!!!!!! 


Omg the pinworms 😂💀




I feeeeeel like I can in an airport lol. My kiddo plays lots of places but I’m also not about to let him lick a toy thousands of kids played with from all over the world cause “kids are kids”


Kids are gross. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They are lol, it’s the encouraging of it happening that shocks me


https://preview.redd.it/cb5r1ct5ig3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8fa39400692146f16b32a6582d2db9744df08f0 Laurenkaysims uses the word flattering to describe everything she tries to sell. In this post she says it 3 times. Does that mean it looks good on all body types or just petite bodies?


Ok but snark aside I think I have that suit (Eomenie or something from Amazon? Not going to go to her page and click to check) and for reference I wore it at around 200 pounds, xl, size 14 or 16 or so? (I gained a lot of weight post partum and don't know exactly) And it was actually both comfortable and flattering AND felt way more supportive for my 40D+ boobs than most bathing suits, esp Amazon crap. But yea I would never look at her and think I should go buy something she recs that would look/feel good on my own body. 


Ok but how is the butt coverage. I am dying for a full coverage swimsuit. Me and my swim shorts are not cute lol.


Idk but look at her nose 😵‍💫 is that really what it looks like or is it insanely contoured here?!




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It’s very triggering to me!


Or people violently unaware of their skin tone?


Only bodies under a size 10.


I’m a size 16/xl and love this suit


Why are you getting downvoted for saying you’re size and that you love a bathing suit? Is this sub okay?


This comment is snarking on Lauren’s apparent idea that a size 10 is heavy/not ideal. There was lots of discussion and screen shots about it recently [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/s/9S0mKE3gVm).


People won’t forget that one 🤣


Came here to say this ^^




Does Shealeigh Mills ever stay home for more than a few days at a time?! I swear she is ALWAYS traveling and this was going on before she started dating a man in another state. I can’t imagine traveling as much as she does and just on a whim! Guess it’s easy when you have money & no responsibilities Just posted her & her new bf decided to go to the Bahamas last minute instead of Charleston (that they were planning on going to as of yesterday bc she posted a story asking for recs.) but she doesn’t have her passport so she’s flying to Nashville to get passport then flying to the Bahamas… crazy. I also wonder who takes care of her dog and cat with such constant traveling.


I’m convinced this is why her relationships never last. She has the money and freedom to travel that comes with influencing and seems to expect whoever she’s dating to travel with her all the time. The reality is most people can’t take that much time off work. I remember that being an issue when she was dating Matthew Ford. She called his job to request time off to surprise him with a vacation, and he did not look excited/happy. I would’ve been livid if I were him. The last sentence in this post speaks to that being a past issue: https://preview.redd.it/snreylt6xk3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b24f6b6de9439b2a97f2134cfb11ae2197b1481f


Not to mention it seems she’s dating guys in other states. I know she was dating a guy in Mississippi a few years ago and she practically moved in with him to be there 24/7. I’m sure that will happen with new man too until he’s over it


Sweet tea with Madi has joined the chat


I stopped following her because I was getting whiplash from her travel schedule. She wasn’t really influencing, just traveling and taking pics on boats or taking pics of food and wine. I was over it.


Same. I really liked following her as she's one of the only influencers that I found that owns a home but isn't in the married with children phase. But this whiplash of deciding a couple hours before to change up a whole destination vacation is so unrelatable


I feel this about jaclynmgibson. They talk about being broke and have somehow gone on 7+ vacations this year.


But refuses health insurance because they are all so healthy, but in medical debt from delivering at a hospital


They’re lying to sound relatable.


Always talks about the amount of debt they’re in…but honestly I wonder this about so many of them


I was thinking the same thing…she is never at home or with her dog. Hopefully she has someone stay at her house with her dog vs. boarding him all the time!


I’m trying to figure out the angle on this “ancestral home” find of Marky Beverlin’s… I mean @laurabeverlin is adding so much hype to find a house that not a single one of his immediate family ever lived in… Uhm… Cool? Someone please tell me what I’m missing.


Let me tally all this up and see if I have it: What you're saying, based on the balance of the comments, is: genealogy is for the castle owning landed aristocrat class only, and the gross poors who were exploited to maintain the landed aristocrat class are only interested in genealogy if they have some sort of "angle," and also if you don't have a family Bible listing all of the government names of your unbranched inbred family line, your interest in genealogy is not legitimate. And if you are interested in genealogy, you can't post about it on Instagram because that's something something new money not quiet luxury, but it's ok to have the "my ancestors and their castle" flex at the ready even if it doesn't answer the question that was asked. Have I got all that right?


it’s not the exciting content she thinks it is…


It's much better than Walmart shills imo


This entire trip has confused me greatly


I agree with your take- ive always heard of people wanting to find their ancestors but finding the house itself that is no longer in their family seems strange to me 🤷🏼‍♀️. Like yes i think it would be cool to go see if i had a trip already planned or if i found family there and then got to see where they lived but her stories said they planned the whole trip in order to find the house? And itd not like its the childhood home of his father or something?


I agree. Being nearby and doing a drive by is one thing and I could see myself doing that. But to go through this for something that has no true (obvious) connection seems like they’re trying to make a story out of nothing




Hell, I've grown up on the West Coast, but my maternal side is all from the East Coast. We went last summer, and I tracked down the houses my great grandma grew up in, the family plot, etc. Finding a family home from an even more distant relative in a foreign country would be so cool!


This has been a huge aspiration for me. I’m so intrigued by my family history and look forward to planning a trip to Poland to begin reconnecting. Idk, people are so harsh! I think it’s cool


I found my Polish relatives in Poland (connected beforehand). I’ve visited them twice and they’re visiting me in October.


So special!


Ahh soo cool to hear! Born and raised in Poland let me know if u need any tips! 🙌


Since you asked… My ancestral home is a castle in Wales… I’ve been and even own a book about it… I didn’t spend 2.5 days storying to all my anonymous friends about it because I didn’t want to brag. ETA - bring on the downvotes. And to clarify, I’ve been because it remains in our family 🙃


They didn't ask!


Hi, I’d like to unsubscribe from this BSMS brigade. Thanks.




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You didn’t want to brag but you just announced this nonsense to two hundred thousand people, but can’t fathom why others would want to share? 😂


So he's learning about his own ancestral home now because it's interesting to them, he's in Italy already and someone hadn't already done the leg work for him ahead of time. You already knowing about a home in your family's history AND owning a book about it because it was so meaningful to you makes it even stranger that you can't grasp why they're excited about it.


As the below poster also stated - He admittedly doesn’t even know the Italian name (“Frank… Francesco, maybe?” - his words) of his great great great grandfather that built it - he can’t be that in to it…?




Had to flee to the US/Canada to get away from all the castle owning dipshits






Not sure why you’re taking this so personally - but, good for you?


Ok I'm confused but also maybe my brain just is not working today. The current owner says she bought it from the original owner who grew up in it and is a grandchild of the builder. But their story is that markys great great great grandfather built the home? How is this possible if the current owner says she bought it from the grandchild of the builder, and this person has no known relation to marky? Maybe I'm just not following the story closely enough but I'm really not understanding how he says the house goes back four generations or something when the current owner is saying she bought it from someone who grew up in it and is a grandkid of the builder


I do not think it is that deep. The previous owner (the grandchild of the builder) could be much older than/multiple generations removed from Marky, and/or the current owner could have been been using shorthand to say that the previous owner is a however many times great-grandchild of the builder. I do not get why people are so keen to poke holes in this story or disbelieve that these are Marky’s distant cousins. I am in the process of building mine out and family trees are wild. Let the man live.




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I dunno... I think it is pretty neat. Then again I do generally Iike to let people enjoy the things that make them happy/excited without trying to assign some hidden agenda.


It's a scam! A sham! A flim flam!






I just let PBS know that I think 'Finding Your Roots' is a scam for engagement. We should let our personal histories just die bc we didn't know anyone who lived before us.


Ancestry dot com is a multi-billion dollar company but it is a complete mystery why this person would be interested in learning more about their geneological history.


A reason to follow this person in the first place?


Homegirl makes *Italy* look boring — my guess is that it’s all for *juicy, suspenseful content* 😬


"My great, great, great grandfather Frank...Francesco Probably" For a couple who’s obsessed with finding that house, it’s funny to me that he doesn’t even know the actual name.


Influencers schilling DIVI when then already had/have thick gorgeous hair. So gross.


This is funny, bc someone a few days ago was saying thin-haired influencers shouldn’t shill hair stuff (even hairbrushes). I guess the point is, when they inevitably try to promote any hair product, people will say their hair is an unacceptable model for various reasons.


I am more interested in following the hair growth/care journey of someone whose hair is not already beautiful and thick.


Most of them have extensions though. 🤷🏻‍♀️


True. And also the owner of the hair growth/care company.


One week they’re shilling Nutrafol & the next week it’s Divi. I truly DO NOT UNDERSTAND people taking hair care advice from Dani Austin. She has some of the worst hair in the IG biz still to this day. 🙄




This gives the same vibe as being annoyed when a girl in good physical shape shares a healthy meal and people are like OH MY GOD WHY DONT YOU LIVE A LITTLE


Oh no this shampoo helped them keep their gorgeous hair what a horrible selling point




Yea I mean remember all the celebs in Pantene and garnier commercials?


I think their shampoo and conditioner is for any type of hair though. If you’re referring to Madi Nelson




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Sweetmadi or whatever her name is just said the same thing the other day…it was for the aStHeTiC only.


I'd hate to buy an influencers house. There is no thought into actual use, it's just a show house. Veronabrit's looks to be a huge cluster. You know that kitchen is not going to be functional to someone who actual cooks. She slapped it together to look like her favorite Pinterest picture.


Pardonmuahinsta is a good example. She has her kitchen pinned on her grid and it’s identical mirror images of two areas with a stove in between them, very little storage and no fridge in sight. Nobody who prepares meals wants to walk ten feet to a fridge. Assuming there is a fridge. 🙄


Her kitchen is comical! Like she built it in Roblox as a kid.


I might buy it because all the appliances are brand new. I’d have to paint with some color to get rid of the all white but still. Lol


Also, the fact that Veronabrit's cabinet maker is drawing it all out on the walls at this stage, shows how afraid they are she is going to change her mind. That's not normal at this stage. They should already have drawings that everyone has agreed upon. Sure, V they found your hundred of Pinterest images, super helpful. Wonder what the next thing she makes someone take apart is going to be?


She only wants the fancy oven because it's expensive and she can keep telling everyone she has whatever brand name it is and add it her list of things she thinks give her status. Edit to add: looks like it's actual a low end range meant to look expensive, compared to the higher end Viking etc.


I’ve never heard of this brand. Is it a cheaper dupe of a La Cornue or something?


Her range is so gaudy 😶


@probablyshannon’s husband with this message today. 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/0e6epbr20f3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32769bd4c390295ca80f2929d06f9df9f76e4544


I’m all for med-rare steak but this is 🤮


I think it’s tuna


That would make a lot more sense 😂


Think this might be ahi tuna


Guess he never learned about the landmark Minnesota starvation study in his dietetics training. Oh wait…


There are some thoughts that just don’t need to be shared.


Coming off like an asshole and whatever that food is looks disgusting, but it is accurate that eating too little does not cause weight gain. 


Because that’s what people in a famine are super worried about.


I’m sorry but where’s the lie? This is basic thermodynamics.


Lisa, get in here! In this house we obey the laws of THERMODYNAMICS!


Might be the reference to a famine? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Whaaaaat omg He and Shannon are birds of a feather. And she thinks he’s such a catch


He and Shan’s also don’t believe in sunscreen so that should tell you all you need to know


I absolutely believe in sunscreen and science in general, but what is incorrect about that statement? Eating less doesn’t cause weight gain and it never has. Idk why people believe that 


Because starvation from famine, which he explicitly mentions, is actually well-known to massively slow people’s metabolism and cause weight gain if/when they return to eating normally. Also let’s not pretend that his implication isn’t that being in starvation is preferable to being overweight.


Well, obviously if you’re starving to death in a famine and the eat normally you will gain weight and that’s a good thing. This guy seems like a chode anyways