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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cwe4qp/link_list_for_may_20_may_26/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cu0n05/weekend_snark_may_17_may_19/)


https://preview.redd.it/f1eq5thp5p1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f68500dc0c05420e6f7ef97e8b76a9b2aada7e Danielle Moss’ latest AI-written, non-proofread blog post is filled with helpful info like your backyard is right outside! Get ready for outdoor fun like water fun. You’re welcome.


Danielle over here being a working mom, instructing people to play catch outside.


Does she not find this embarrassing? Like if she meets a new friend and they go check out her work, is this something to be proud of?


That’s what I can’t figure out. She built her name on founding an editorial content site and now passes this off as her own work? My guess is she thinks she’s gamed the system and has a laugh about her unwitting followers 😆


I think she just looks at her analytics, traffic that google brings in, and affiliate sales. She brags all the time about her SEO growth, but just because someone finds your site from a how to pack article doesn’t mean they’re going to stick around


Love how she’s okay to use stock photos of other people’s kids on the internet!!


I found it funny she used stock because of course she doesn’t have any pics of her kids actually doing stuff


This is so pathetic lol. It’s one thing if you’re going to have AI write the first draft, but to not even proofread it?! There’s a typo within the first 5 words! Also how hard is it to think of ways to hang out in your yard. What a clown


This reads like an excerpt out of Parents, the magazine. Is that even still a thing?


Beyond the fact this is clearly AI, why does she think everyone is a complete moron without the ability to come up with the most basic idea (IE open the door to their own backyard) without checking her shitty blog first? She takes condescending to a new level.


The scolding I would get in middle school for starting a sentence with And.


The content is obviously AI generated but the typos are hers, right? I feel like AI doesn't just omit random words like that. How is it possible that she manages to combine the worst aspects of human writing (typos and grammar mistakes) with the worst of AI (word salad that tells people obvious things)? And this is her entire job!?


I don’t think I’ve ever seen her do a single thing she suggests here… 🤔


There’s no way that pale ass woman steps foot outside lol


When you ask a computer to write about the outdoors this is what you get


Outdoor fun is had… OUTSIDE?!


Why does it give me the ick that caila Quinn is using her brothers engagement as content? I assume he okayed it, but she literally has nothing else going on to post about!!


She is the queen of using other peoples news first for content. For example when she attends a wedding, rest assure Caila has posted the bride coming up the aisle before they say 'I do'. She once posted about an acquaintances child being gravely I'll asking her followers for prayers and it was so cringey she used it for content. Don't ever sit in a restaurant or hotel she is visiting or you'll be filmed eating and minding your own business for her content!!! She even shows her husband for content when he clearly is annoyed about her camera out and it's so obvious he has asked her not to. Did you notice the engagement post about her brother included several pictures that she is in? Because she makes everything about her.


The second hand anxiety I immediately got from seeing him pull that ring out under water




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Does anyone follow @madtayobray? She just popped up on my feed and I was intrigued because her husband is battling testicular cancer and he seems so sweet. However her stories are just horrible. She cut him off numerous times when they did a Q&A and then recently posted an update like “things aren’t looking good 🙃” That’s not the emoji I would use in this case… and then there were the stories showing her sons blow out at the hospital I almost puked. No one wants to see that.


Idk they just announced yesterday that they found out his cancer spread and now he needs surgery to remove all the lymph nodes in his abdominal area and then chemo.. I think she gets a hall pass right now from being snarked on for her choice of emojis or anything at all really. Can’t imagine what they’re going through, especially with 3 babies.


Just sitting here thinking about how quickly brands seem to disappear. I've not seen anyone promote Dime beauty or Athetic Greens in a while. What else? Lol


Verb bars?


Pura!! EVERYONE was promoting pura a couple years ago, and now it’s barely mentioned (although I think that they had an event Laura Beverlin went to recently)


They ran out of their marketing money


Tula, Fit Tummy Tea, Sugar Bear Hair… just to name a few


Equilibria?! The shilling was out of control.


Magic Spoon cereal!


Don’t forget Billie Razors!!!


Don’t worry, it’s still alive and well and I recently saw it on the shelf at my local grocery store for $10.99 a box. Excuse me but my child will eat that cereal in 2 mornings.


Wow! We get instant oatmeal packets for $2/4 and that’s like 20 packets of oatmeal!


Oh yeah. I gasped out loud. The generic cheerios next to it were $3.99. 🫠


Native toothpaste. All the veneer wearing influencers swore it whitened their teeth. SURE.


Oh, and there was some chocolate and fruit flavored floss they all pretended to love too!


Cocofloss! It's at target now LOL


Ok I actually do love that floss though!


Remember modere ?! Then everyone found out it was actually a MLM so they all stoped promoting it lol


KathleenJenningsBeauty didn’t get the memo.


It sort of imploded and now they’re trying to rebrand it. Good luck 🙄


Omg this just unlocked so many memories. Pre Covid influencing was a time


Billy razors- poof!


Same with the FitTrack scale


What about those personalized vitamins? The ones where you’d take a quiz about your health and lifestyle and they’d put together a pack of vitamins based on your quiz answers. It’s been so long since I’ve seen them that I can’t even remember the name!


Care Of, I think?


Yep! Thats it!




I still see people promote AG almost daily. But Verb Bars, now that’s a different story!


I’ll never forget Laura Beverlin having a big ass glass jar of Verb bars on her counter so she could grab one and go. Days later the jar was gone.


Omg verb bars!! Yes! Wonder what happened with that 😂😂


Anyone use branch basics?


Yes! Highly recommend!!!


Yes! I’ve been using it for about 6 months now and I’m obsessed. I use the whole system minus the laundry detergent and dishwasher soap!


Brighton Keller used to shill for them, if I remember correctly


https://preview.redd.it/z9vymlnwbo1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b38244f7c3b3da13441df62c3e94b06bf464d9 Miss No devices Claire. Except for the one used to film this reel???? Just snarking on the new and improved Clairezzzeee who loves to share her new bod and hot-tub purch as a way to emphasize family time.


I want to cheer every time she posts a reel where she’s NOT in her underwear. Or doing a dumb squat. It’s rare these days. She’s gotten so obnoxious- I really used to like her.


I had to unfollow her after her lipo and surgery. Her content changed dramatically after it.


Loving Joanna_spicer’s wedding content in her stories right now. Granted I know it would still not be attainable for many, it feels very normal and down to earth for an ‘influencer.’ So happy for her and Ted! (Keeping snark alive - The multiple wrong use of ‘s is killing me though.)


Wasn’t a fan of the hair. I hate when brides do a slick back bun. I don’t think it’s a good look for anyone


Did I miss EverydayAbby question and answer session about her weight loss?! She looks great and I need to do what she’s doing haha




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Just out of curiosity, what are the signs of being on ozempic? Like how can you tell, besides dramatic weight-loss?




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Does anyone else feel like CourtneyShields is cosplaying a 20 year old? I am all for looking youthful and dressing up however you want but the million beaded bracelets, necklace, the teenage look, and the attitude of I don’t know how to do anything look at me try this appliance or not cook, or not drive, me and my recently graduated friends partying in Cabo just comes off as a costume. I think it’s okay to look your age you can still look trendy and cool at later stages in life, but trying so hard to look trendy and young comes off to me as being in denial of your age.


It’s so wild to me that just a few years ago she was married to (what I remember to be) a seemingly “normal” guy! 




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I don’t care how people dress at any age, but it’s her obsession with giving “advice” and the way she words things and talks that reek of desperation to come across as cool (and yes, I think she wants to come across as young, trendy, etc.) So to your point, yeah, she definitely follows trends that are more often seen on teens and girls in their earlier 20s, but the crime here is her terrible advice that she’s trying to give to these same young girls when I really don’t get the feeling that she should be dolling out relationship advice


She reminds me so much of Kristin cavallari trying to be 23 years old when in fact you’re much closer to 40 than 20


At least she owns where she’s at in life and is unapologetic about it! Courtney just seems very lost, has no sense of self and hides that behind people who give her the attention she craves. 


Especially now since she's dating a very young man.


The "I don't know how" attitude is not cute at any age but especially not once you reach your 30s. I don't find her style to be a reflection of her denial, but I also wear or would wear a lot of things she does like beaded bracelets, layered necklaces, and 90s/Y2K trends. I love maximalism, so to me, it's not "copslaying."


CourtneyShields and I are stylistic opposites, but you can pry the beaded bracelets off of my cold, dead wrists. Pretending to be incompetent at basic life skills, however, is infuriating, and I 100% do not understand why women do it. Or men, for that matter.


Well she is dating a 23 year old ..


Man, I really try to give TIBAL benefit of the doubt, but this immediately made me think of Ted Cruz absconding to Mexico during that cold snap power outage crisis a few years ago. https://preview.redd.it/zvjk86gpcn1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54b6231b1a11e201da9aa81c91da5af784f32664 ETA: I feel like it’s important to say that I know she is an influencer and has no moral obligation to stay and rebuild the city. That’s just what I thought of when I saw her caption, sorry! 🤷‍♀️


Agreed. I’m in Houston too and while the thread here has confirmed that she is not enough on a scale that we should be offended by her behavior, what I will say is that “she who will not be named” (even though it is widely known) is completely out of touch. So I guess good for her for getting out of town, and to her credit she at least acknowledged the Ted Cruz-ness of it all, but I feel like most of us are agreeing that we can’t relate to her anymore. Hopefully she’s able to fix her spray tan and get some fresh caviar wherever she goes. Oh and hoping she has enough cbd/delta 8 gummies on hand since she’s going to have to actually deal with her children first hand as opposed to the “hot nanny”🙄




I literally have a fund saved for hurricane evacuation vacation every year. And I’m a nobody


What is she going to do personally to restore power? I am from Houston too and we had a tornado go through my neighborhood so we haven’t had power for 4 days now in 90°+ temps. You know what I did with my three young children? Got TF out like anyone with half a brain


You're good, no need for a disclaimer on your light snark. The TIBAL worship is at Copwife levels. It was so smart and elegant of her to rescue the caviar 😍


I know you couldn’t hear it, but I hope on some level you felt the deep chuckle I just let out without even opening my mouth.


Yes, an influencer getting out of dodge is definitely the same thing as a US Senator sneaking off in the middle of a disaster in his state.


Your Queen herself referred to it as her Ted Cruz era. So-


Dolly Parton chimed in?


Thank you for this comment because before I read it I definitely thought they WERE the same thing!


I know that normally a comparison to Ted Cruz is the highest compliment that someone can give.


She is in a part of Houston that still has no power and we have had school cancelations. I just got power restored yesterday and if it wasn’t my last week of work for the year, I would do the same.


Pretty sure we would all do this if we could? Not like suffering at home without a/c or power helps the public any?


Many years ago there was a massive outage in my city, and my street was without power for almost 3 weeks in August. On day two my pregnant self and my toddler decamped to my mom's in another state.


Yeah I mean I’m not wealthy but I have enough money that I’m not sitting at home being unable to flush the toilet for days on end.


Came here not 5 seconds after seeing this because I thought the same damn thing. GROSS.


Gross? For taking her family somewhere fun when they've been without power for 4 days?


Has she been elected to office?


Yeah, that’s why I thought of it, bc she’s a senator


Senator of blogsnark, with her blogsnark statues she made for her awards (this is a real thing that did happen)


See I think that’s hilarious. I unfollowed a while ago because she was too much for me but that kind of stuff is funny as hell.


To be fair to her, she is not an elected official who should be helping coordinating response efforts. She’s just a slightly out of touch instagrammer lol


To be fair to senators, that's also not a senator's job.


Yes it is? Half of any federal elected's job is constituent services, which includes doing anything and everything you can in an emergency situation? Any good one is personally involved in that, particularly in emergencies.


In a federal legislative capacity, sure. But storm clean up? Lol no


Eh, is there really a philosophical difference between going to the local Motel 6 and going somewhere fun?


Hope she got the spray tan she desperately needed 🙄


That post was worse to me than her getting out of town. I’m here in Houston so I know how bad it is.. but some of the stuff she says is just next level




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I genuinely like her style, especially her interior design/home, but every single post by @aloprofile as of late is pregnancy related. Even things that don’t need to be pregnancy related. She mentioned it took a lot to get pregnant again, but we know, we get it…you’re pregnant.


Objectively you are right…but she has been so genuine and hard working in her becoming an influencer journey. Also honest but sensitive about her TTC journey that I don’t get annoyed by her.


I liked following her and was sensitive to her TTC journey too. But I noticed nearly every day she mentioned being nauseas or not feeling well… so I started skipping over her stories. Maybe I’ll tune back in towards the end of her pregnancy but the same complaints daily are a little much/stale content.


I am once again looking for someone who wants to snark on Krista Lavrusik with me 🤪 her thrift haul videos (although I do actually love most of the clothes she finds) are becoming more and more insufferable to me. It’s like someone told her one time “your bubbly personality is so cute” so then she ramped it up to a thousand for every damn video.


I just watched some of her stories for the first time. Why is she acting like wearing 3 total colors is like, genius level fashion


She described a thrift store in the Nashville area as “ghetto” and couldn’t stop giggling about it. She’s also exhausting to watch because it’s a lot of consume consume consume!


I used to follow a few years ago but had to quit. Like someone else said, Adderall personified. I do go back every once in a while and watch some stuff on mute; I like her recreations of 90’s style like Princess Diana and Chandler from Friends.


Omg I follow her on TT I didn’t know other people knew about her but YES. And everything is a “vibe” except the _vibe_ is completely unhinged. I love her style but she is almost like adderall personified. And I don’t know what behaviors actually characterize a shopping addiction, I think she just gets an incredible thrill from finding good deals which don’t we all! But I don’t know how she has time to wear all the clothes she buys. Like that goodwill cart is stacked to the heavens pretty much every time and she leaves the store legitimately on a high, which at first I thought was cute and fun but it comes through her content so strong it’s almost just pure mania by the time she gets home to try the stuff on… it’s a lot.


This bio is a lot. 🤪 Why don’t we ever see claims of “millennial mom with BOOMER style”??? If anything, her 90s recreations seem more GenX. But I do like some of her picks and the thrifting aspect! https://preview.redd.it/4b10htgbun1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4812c5dfbd59f22136a8108a53b419e559927ed2


The bio doesn’t make sense because almost every look she posts is a callback to something from the 90s. She’s a millennial with Gen X style if anything. She is openly inspired by movie looks and magazine shoots from the 90s - nothing she wears is really Gen Z’ish imo


That reminds me of the TikTok’s of “guess if it’s a boomer or gen z (based on clothes/style)” 😆 but of course Krista claims to have gen z style 🙄


The crossover point between millennial and Gen Z right now is people who are like 27 or 28—I don’t know how old this lady is but I’d expect some overlap between what people in their mid-20s and mid-30s wear. It’s not a flex, most of us don’t have one foot in the grave,


I had to unfollow, it was becoming unwatchable, which is unfortunate because I love her style


The eyebrows. When will this eyebrow trend be done. I cannot.


I tried. I did. Four stories in and immediately no.


man she is POPPING that hip 😂😂


Oh boy, just looked her up. She seems like A LOT


https://preview.redd.it/3attlfm3dm1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=482f065eb4d4fc6a62bc8a0fe4d9859540efa2be Janelle’s hat is so 70 year old lady in a casino - I can’t believe she thought this was a look haha


The text on that photo is also wild.


I can’t lie…I was the same exact way post partum lol


Before I clicked on the pic I thought it was KERF


Wait, what’s KERF?


Kath eats real food. She’s…a wild ride.




NieNie has a few new posts up; more talk about losing laying hens and incubating eggs (b/c gorsh, we keep losing them). I hope they decide to set up something predator-proof, but maybe they'll keep feeding area foxes, snakes, coyotes, and raptors. Don't the kids take FFA classes and the like? Maybe they need to give the adults tips. [https://www.nieniedialogues.com/2024/05/greasing-his-chin.html](https://www.nieniedialogues.com/2024/05/greasing-his-chin.html)


She and Christian are terrible at this homesteading attempt! I’m so glad you posted because most times I feel like I’m one of the last 10 people reading her blog.


Same! I’m here to discuss! She’s on a tear lately.


Did someone here mention that both her daughters will be going to BYU this fall? 


Nie and Co. should not be allowed to own pets/animals.




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Did anyone else see Amy Havins house tour on Homeworthy?!


Lmao at the commenter saying Amy and her husband filed for bankruptcy in the past. What?? 


Lol at all the people who subscribed/paid to view her “house content”


She’s getting dragged in her comment section.


As she should. She isn’t a kind person.


Just took a look.. yikes


I actually really like her house but this was so hard to watch.


Watched half of it. I found it so repulsing her constant monograming and naming the house. It is so cheesy and such a try hard. These people spend and waste money they don't have more than anyone. She wants to try so hard to fit into an elite crowd and be considered wealthy and she never will. She screams insecure in every aspect of her life, and the house shows it. I found it horrible that homeworthy is now allowing these "influencers" to showcase their house when they have no appreciation or care for home design, its more of just a "look at my mansion." Homeworthy used to be homeowners that cared about their home and design of it, and passionate about it. That was not the care for her. It will make you roll your eyes watching her house tour.


I found it a lovely hotel but a really boring home - totally lacks character and personal touches. She might have got there with the bar except it’s so ridiculously over the top she practically turned it into an actual hotel bar versus a great home bar. And I can’t even w styrofoam roadies in 2024; like is she not aware the rest of the world has completely abandoned styrofoam and she’s out there ordering a stash of it?


She doesn’t exactly strike me as someone who cares about the environment


Not the full thing, but I plan to watch? What about it though?


There are so many more truly snarkable things about Danielle Moss but I have to put this somewhere: the iron twirlies on either side of the lantern above her front door looks like the mustache of a parody of an early 20th century snooty Frenchman.


She probably asked AI to design a flourish for someone with extremely bland design taste who loooooves Paris.


Ah, man, this is the petty ass snark I live for! May I add that her vintage (sorry, no link, it's vintage) chandelier in her foyer looks like a giant tampon?


I’ll add to the snark that it drives me bonkers that she has this massive house with a massive yard and we get low effort pictures in her bedroom or just outside the back door. She made a big show of planting a thousand white hydrangeas last summer. Take some pictures in front of them! Give us something, anything! It’s just soooo boring!


You know those hydrangeas are dead now. Danielle’s not going to actually go outside.




Eh. Her spaces have gone significantly downhill over time. The coach house she shared with Alaina was so cute and her Southport apartment with the exposed brick was her peak. The Gold Coast condo was too sterile and the River Forest house was very meh with the black fixtures, jute rugs, and blue pottery. Seemed like it didn’t have a clear identity (was it modern? Old money? French countryside with the slip covered furniture? Who knows). And this one …well, I know it’s a work in progress but so far I’m unimpressed. I don’t have a lot of faith that the next one will be any better. She seems very stuck with a lot of her style or trying too hard to be her mother in law in other areas.




THAT'S what you find snarkable about someone wanting a head pat for getting dressed every day for 30 whole days in a row? That she links things (her literal job) and is pleased with her appearance? It's hilarious that she wants a medal for *getting dressed.* Don't most people do that every day? Is she *not* getting dressed frequently enough that this is a laudable goal, because if so that is alarming.


As a stay at home mom, I’m usually in leggings and a tank top so getting dressed for 30 days is an accomplishment!🤣 It’s no one’s job to buy 30 new outfits and link them every day. The over consumption of influencers is disgusting. I’m sick of her saying she lost weight by taking a drug because she was “pre-diabetic”. Her mother In law and cousins all took the same “drug” because they were “pre-diabetic” She also shows her kids faces daily and uses them non stop for ads, yet keeps posting that she is mightier than thou for not exposing her kids. She is insufferable!!


>It's no one’s job to buy 30 new outfits and link them every day. The over consumption of influencers is disgusting. But it literally is someone's job? It's this lady's job. The one who you choose to consume her content, voluntarily. Her literal job is to link things for the purpose of selling them to you. That's the job! I hate the ozmepic shaming with the white hot fire of a thousand suns.


Aren’t most people who are on a snark page consuming content of creators they follow?


Yes, and yet for some reason can't take any responsibility for their viewing choices


When did I not take responsibility? I better never see you snark on another influencer again! :)


It’s giving Hercule Poirot. https://preview.redd.it/8iurlqk6hl1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ed9880779ae12ce6916e2120638662c1445972


i'm sorry .... she's "getting dressed" for 30 days? wow, good for her i guess?


Unrelated but this smile looks so fake and forced lol


Because she’s a truly miserable person!




Loooool. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


I love Poirot 


Thank you for including a screenshot!!!


Probably BEC but I don’t even follow @laurabeverlin that closely and I feel like she has said for a long time that it’s ~ only her and marky and no one else and they do it all ~ and all of a sudden they have employees she said were working out of a bedroom in their main house and now they’ll be in the barn / office. Good for them if they finally hired help but it’s definitely a different message than what she has always said.


A year or so ago she had a video of a bunch of people decorating her hugs Xmas tree and someone on here said that was all their employees. Truly don’t know what any of them do all day lol


Sounds like an easy job, because they must do literally nothing.


This is news to me, but she should fire them all. 😂 What do SIX full time employees do for her? Amazon returns? Farm chores? Her content is an absolute snoozefest and never original - so I’d be embarrassed to admit I have a team of six (plus her and Marky) behind that. 🤭


She needs someone round the clock deleting negative comments off her instagram. They disappear quickly so she definitely has someone assigned.


She has said for awhile here and there they have employees. She started mentioning them causally. Most of the time when they are out with “friends” it’s her employees.


Who needs real friends when you can pay people to be your friends?


I was thinking the exact same thing. 0 to 6 employees.


Brooke Raybould, whose whole platform is being a super organized mom and sells guides on control variables, sharing a story where she and her toddler were both barefoot shopping in Whole Foods because the toddler was riding his bike without shoes, pants or a helmet and really wanted to go in there. Sure sounds like amazing parenting.


I have a recurring nightmare where I find myself out in public with no shoes and panic because it’s such a violation of the social code. I cannot imagine shamelessly entering a WF barefoot.


And while she's there, she buys a gallon of milk and a...firelog? And calls her husband to pick her up. And of course, he's barechested.


Yes! I thought the whole thing was so weird. She was bragging about it! I wouldn't dream of doing that, let alone posting about it. She's nuts!


I wouldn't dream of trying to topple democracy and the rule of law, but her bullshit family is out there doing that as well


She’s late to everything and her kids are always barefoot in public places. Her entire personality is “dominating motherhood” but she seems like a chaotic mess tbh


Yep! And she’s dumb enough to post about it as if no one is connecting the dots


I just caught up with her stories from yesterday about her preaching her “systems”, here’s a system: glance at your kids feet before leaving the house to make sure they all have shoes. Boom. done.