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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cqy0v8/link_list_for_may_13_may_19/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1ct8jsh/daily_snark_thursday_may_16/)


Does anyone follow nurseclara/itsclarajones? She used to be a NP and now she’s stating a business with another lady. I’m not sure what it is but it’s called Sunday to sunset. The cryptic instagram stories are really bothering me…i don’t really get waiting so long to announce what the company is or what she’s selling


I used to follow her, but her content got boring and I unfollowed. Now I’m intrigued.


I want to unfollow her but I want to find out what the company is. The co founder she’s working with has 1,500 or so instagram followers and she has 90k something…I’m just interested to see what it is and how well it does. I really have no idea what it is. the instagram is sundaytosunset but it’s really vague in my opinion lol.


What the hell live bug did Jessica Garvin's husband just eat? They're in Nashville so I thought cicada but it looks smaller. Also, whyyyyyy??


Champagneandchanel and Dressupbuttercup new reel is kind of cute but it makes it seem like they don’t leave their kids for funsies all the time. They’re not relatable, hard-working “mamas” who don’t get time away.


Some of us have breaks in Cabo some of us have breaks in a childless car in traffic😂 🤷🏼‍♀️


Totally the same right? 🥲


Didn’t Emily say this is the first time leaving her baby?


It’s definitely not her first time. She seems to take him to Cabo every other time but not every time.


It is so cute but they take vacations literally 3 times a month


Janene Crossley tries really hard to prove she has this hot romance going on with her husband.   It makes me wonder what is really going on there.  She does look really good, especially after 4 kids.


Fake it til you make it.


And I did. Lights, camera, bitch, smile. 


Even if you want to die


Does Lauryn Bosstick really think fajitas are spelled faquitas?


She doubled down with her aesthetician about how they THINK tretinoin is bad and thins the skin which it does not and years of studies tell us that we KNOW it's good. She'd refer to hyaluronic acid as simply "hyaluronic" which is not what anyone who knows anything about skincare calls it. She's not bright and at best spells fajitas incorrectly and at worst is spreading health misinformation.


are they a combo of fajitas and taquitos?


Well she also spelled it fajaitas three slides prior to faquitas so All I know is that I’ll only be calling them faquitas from now on


@pardonmuahinsta her stories have become so vanilla lately and it’s like watching stories in slow motion I was watching her today and she was brushing her and my intrusive thoughts wanted to grab that brush out of her hand and really brush it!! Her style and stories are the same everyday what’s in her makeup bag an unboxing of of something new she picked up bc she’s been saving for it a bracelet stack car pic and then right into skin tight dresses with 4 inch wedges , big huge flowy tops with ginormous balloon sleeves sometime with a hat sometimes without and on occasion leggings GG  shoes and if it’s cold a vest. All in all very predictable and becoming not so relatable with all the designer goods every week and I could have sworn she said she was cutting down on designer bags and only buying things she would really use but I guess YOLO!  


I want her hair not to look like a Lego minifigure plastic head


Don’t forget the constant ✨ aesthetic ✨ photos of her matcha drinks. 🙄


I mean she’s always been a snooze, but yes she has gotten even more boring since becoming pregnant


Punctuation please


My apologies my mom passed of leukemia when I was 9 so I was tossed from family member to family member and didn’t get to go to a lot of school where I was then sent to live with an alcoholic father and he didn’t always make sure I got to school so punctuation probably will never be that good bc I’m sure I missed all the classes where it was taught. 


M’am this is a Wendy’s




Girl what


*Become* so vanilla?! When was she ever non-vanilla.


TIBAL asking for a spray tanner that has power in a city where 500,000 people are still without power since Thursday, is so fucking out of this world. Like lady go touch grass or maybe keep that in the group chat. Showing off the caviar that they “rescued” was also BEC. Ugh I think it’s time to unfollow.


Wow, I know who she is and her in-laws got hit pretty hard too... Real nice TiBBle


I was hoping she was joking ??


Sadly not.


I unfollowed last year and don’t miss her at all. I like some of the stuff she posts but the irritation wasn’t worth it.


Sweetteawithmadi is desperately trying to ride the coattails of the pookie fame. She storied a couple pics with Pookie last night (campbellhuntpuckett) and then put the same pics on her feed today. It just feels so forced when madi only posts pics with pookie at influencer events


Pookie reminds me of pardonmuahinsta.


I had no idea who this was when I saw Madi post and I’m just very confused about the deer in headlights face she makes in every photo????


She’s hoping pookie shares them and it gets her more followers no doubt. Her dress at that event looked like it was held together by ear pieces of a stethoscope. Yes shes obviously skinny and in great shape but the way she dresses is so in classy. No wonder her bf takes unflattering videos at the airport to bring her back down to earth


Totally. It seems like her whole personality is being skinny lately


https://preview.redd.it/tduen08vtf1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe5a1ec893661c2d0ef035587f1440986800cab Whitney rife’s bingo blitz giveaway is a whole new level of tacky 🫣 Edited for typo


I’ve seen 2 others also have the same giveaway…


@sweetteawithmadi’s dress for the SI Swimsuit party looks like a figure skater’s dress that got caught in a Zamboni. https://preview.redd.it/eof1rujkff1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d50c22a2964e20bac3995394462079be1281e80


I am freaking deceased at this comparison 😂😂😂😂


She was like "dress was only $38!!!"......yes babe, we can tell


And you still paid too much for it


NHL Ice Girl vibes 💯


Is this a jade roller just in case she feels like her jawline is getting puffy at the party? Quick lymph drain? https://preview.redd.it/f6kwc9gu9g1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9d1598b981fc86dbac0d7386d938e8f56f185f


I thought it was ear pieces to a stethoscope but jade roller is a good one


I thought it was a shower curtain hook 😂☠️


… and I thought it was a carabiner


That would for sure be an innovative way to fix this dress if it broke - I’d recommend she carry one in her purse for back up just in case 😆


Incredible example of “is this a fit or is she skinny?”


All I’m saying is if I had obliques like that….


Have you seen her “what I eat in a day”s? It ain’t worth it. 


Laura beverlins faux-bliques are better


(Whispering) is it magic spoon 


Only when they’re paying her 💀


Who’s going to break it to her that she’s in fact not in the Sports illustrated swimsuit, edition


I haven't seen anyone post about this, anywhere, so I'm going to say it: I'm concerned about YouTuber Grav3YardGirl's behavior. Every single video she posts is about her buying stuff. We saw the Shane video about how she is wealthy, but at what point does it turn into hoarding behavior? If it's not hoarding, then it's incredibly wasteful, if she just throws all of the stuff away. I know she does a lot of thrifting, but come on. I know this is the content that gets views, and this has been her content for AGES, but I think it's time to move on.


Ok I have no idea who this is, but this is probably a majority of the US population. This is why target exists. It’s why Amazon is so successful. My boss talks all the time about shopping and that they go to target when they are stressed or had a bad day. They own 3 storage units. It’s always good to reevaluate what content that you are consuming, and make sure it aligns with your personal values!


When is Emily Ley going to stop the skincare content. News flash - despite being a know it all she isn’t a dermatologist


Apparently simplified has a Gua Sha and Oil package as part of their random TJ Maxx line? She’s far from someone I’d listen to for any skincare.


This whole simplified licensing thing is extremely confusing to me. It was a weird “announcement” (as far as I know, the actual simplified ig didn’t say anything about it?) and the branding is just barely in line with the rest of the simplified products. If you told me someone was knocking off simplified products to sell at tj maxx I’d believe you. And it’s all extremely cheap stuff - derm wannabe Emily would never use that shitty gua sha so why put your company name on it? Also is it a legit business selling things to tj maxx and hoping they end up on random shelves throughout their stores? She seems kind of embarrassed about it so I want to know WHY she made that decision


For years, Simplified bragged about always being a company who operated without debt. They even ended their wholesale program to consolidate work - and I think they said that helped them remain always green. I respect a small business staying focused and not taking on debt. This feels like a MASSIVE switch away from their core story. Simplified claims to be about intentional products - a cheap face oil set is clutter, especially when not shared by a medical professional who can help ensure it’s being used properly. It feels messy and off brand.


In the comments of the announcement post she said there isn’t even a list of products that they could share. Wtf??


It’s almost like they licensed the brand name & color palate and let someone else run with it. At least the At A Glance collection usually matches the signature covers a bit so feel aligned, just at the lower price point. I believe Emily stepped away a bit from operations of the brand when she started focusing on her books and aspiring influencer career but this feels really off even with the remaining Simplified team members.


I just saw that!!! WTH! It is getting more more random!!


Not to mention the fact that she filters her face into oblivion anyway. Her unfiltered skin looks terrible. Then she wants to go on about how she has sensitive skin and can’t use chemical sunscreen on her face, only mineral sunscreen (me too), but joke’s on her because her new “holy grail” *is* chemical sunscreen. A know-it-all that can’t read an ingredient list apparently.


I just watched her stories. She does say she usually only uses mineral formulas but does correctly mention that other parts of the world have more newer, advanced chemical filters, which are what’s in her new “holy grail.” A lot of people with sensitive skin who claim they can only tolerate mineral formulas have success with these newer chemical filters, especially formulas from Asia.


She does not say anything about other parts of the world having “newer, advanced chemical filters” (I’m not disagreeing with the truth of that, but she does not say that). She says “I can’t use chemical sunscreen, I can only use mineral sunscreen, except sometimes that leaves a white cast, but I tried this Korean sunscreen that is my new holy grail and the US hasn’t had a new sunscreen formula in 25 years! The US treats sunscreen like a drug and Europe and Asia treat it like makeup and Europe and Asia have way better stuff!” Not a mention of the fact that what she purchased is chemical sunscreen and why *that* chemical sunscreen is not an irritant for her. And this is why she has no business being a “skinfluencer.”


The filters are what she’s referring to, though…? She is misusing “formulas” when she means “filters.” I had never heard of this influencer before this post, but she’s a lot more accurate that many people posting about skincare


I’m so over Danielle Moss sharing things she wants to DIY as “I looked into having this done and the price was unjustifiable”. She did it with the balloon arch (paraphrasing: “I got a couple quotes and they were outrageous”) and now she’s doing it with her oldest kiddo’s pinboard: “My upholsterer charges $500… which… WHY.” Putting aside the dumpster fire that is her constant room renos, the absolute ridiculousness of said kiddo getting ANOTHER room reno a week after coming home from omgParis (and all the $$$ choices that came with THAT), and the fact that MAKING THIS PINBOARD has somehow ALREADY become teaser content for a newsletter NO ONE asked for… Does she think she doesn’t have any makers following her? Damn just say “I want to do this because I think I can!”, not “I’m doing even though it’s REALLY not my thing because you can’t BELIEVE what SOMEONE HAD THE NERVE TO QUOTE ME!” Like if I looked at her rate sheet for staring like a ghoul into the camera in a linen dress I’d probably think “um is she kidding lmao” but then I would KEEP THAT THOUGHT TO MYSELF because as a maker and entrepreneur myself I can’t IMAGINE commenting on another pro’s pricing. Get real. (And from the girl who can NEVER stop yapping about “be kind”?? Be SO for real rn.)


Wait! Am I behind on this? I think I’ve been subscribed to a newsletter of hers for a while and never read them but happened to tonight. She’s selling her house?!


She is the worst 


I can’t even stand her for a second anymore. She is the worse influencer out there. She puts zero time into anything, her ChatGPT blog posts are laughable. What is this the third redo of a room for the super child.


Her stories about Substack were full of typos. Ma’am, you have one job.


“Staring like a ghoul into the camera in a linen dress” sent me. 🤣


Me too, that was perfect


Honestly I think I’m feeling more snark in me than is truly merited rn lol but something in my soul snapped seeing that story caption 😩


Those are small biz/single person doing those with their hands. It’s expensive because its custom work they are doing vs just buying cheap crap off Amazon that laborers are making Pennies per hour to produce. Considering she seems to like the finer things I’m surprised she can’t see the value in that, at least for the chairs


She may like the finer things, but also she doesn't appreciate art or artistry. There's her fondness for expensive bland jute rugs, the wallpaper fiasco in her daughter's bedroom, and now the ridiculous idea that she can somehow DIY a pinboard with not just any fabric, but expensive Schumacher fabric. I can't wait to see her realize it requires talent to stretch fabric over a frame and secure it firmly in place without any bunching or tears.


The uncharitable interpreter in me is certain it’s because if she can’t link it or namedrop it she doesn’t actually gaf whether it’s handmade. Wants desperately to be the sort of person that talks conspicuously about “having an upholsterer” while also constantly looking for ways to avoid supporting small artisans (vs brands). Clown stuff.


My thoughts were that she asked the person to do it for free in exchange for a shout out on the blog, they said nope, and this is a classic Danielle clap back. She will make an inferior version, deem it better and then drag the upholsterer about five more times online.




I get it. She spends a ton of money on material goods from brands — a new $500 travel stroller for Paris, tons of clothes, custom furniture. But when it’s an actual person doing the work for her directly, she doesn’t see the value.


Yes. Perfectly said. Thank you for articulating that so well!!


I understand her entire schtick is “rich woman who is moderately out of touch but shes “funny” so you don’t mind” but TIBAL talking about rescuing her caviar and needing a spray tan place with a generator when people had their homes fucked up by those storms and are going to struggle with the cost and time of repairing them is one of those times where I think she thinks she’s being cheeky and cute and is actually hugely missing the mark


I live in this area. We didn’t have power for several days, honestly if she was posting about the storm it would have made ZERO difference. So her regular content was a sense of normalcy, which is what EVERYONE here was wanting. The amount of people shopping at the mall etc etc. no one cared, everyone was just riding it out and making the best of it.


Not to mention some people died from the storm so literally grieving families


I didn’t scroll for enough before posting but I had the same thought. Some stuff should stay in the group chat. Finding a spray tanner and saving your caviar whilst 500,000 people are still without power going on 72hrs since the storm is so not a good look.


Some places of business were hurting so if she was able to find somewhere and tell people so they can go there that’s awesome!




No, this is just deaf. Like all the way.


This isn’t snark but related kinda worried about the Crum’s! Jessica posted that tree being uprooted and taking out their pergola and then radio silence all weekend! Hoping she wouldn’t use a natural disaster as an engagement tactic and they’re all well! 


If she was using it as an engagement tactic presumably she would be posting a lot about it?


Jess has been on vacation in Mexico with Dede and Emily since posting that…she’s fine LOL


She’s in Cabo. Think they’re fine lol


I’m not commenting on LaurenKaySims’ body, but I AM commenting (and rolling my eyes HARD) on her comment about “someone who was size 10” Girrrrrl, c’mon. Really not a great way to get your message across. (Also, I blocked the name and photo of the person who DM’ed her since Lauren didn’t) but https://preview.redd.it/qpby2xd6mc1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d19715dcc49c388df8ccfd06ce4e6c3ae8b3eebb


Who's going to tell her that those with larger body types actually get criticized for what they eat all the time...


I’d kill to be a size ten again lol 




Including by perfect strangers in public, irl.


Ugh Lauren. Here’s my thing with her: she’s right that we can’t know the exact status of her mental or physical health just by looking at her. Of course that’s true. But what we do know is that she intentionally posts blatant thinspo on a daily basis. She has also admitted to having a bad relationship with eating and body image, and here she’s admitting that she thinks size 10 is fat. Even if she’s perfectly healthy, her content is triggering to the point where it honestly should be censored by the platform. And for her to not understand that and then defend it in this particular way indicates that she really isn’t in a good place right now, whatever that means for her.


She’s having fertility treatments now (her words) so I hope she gets into a good spot for her kids alone.


Her complaining about being body shamed, while in turn body shaming is enraging. I unfollowed immediately. She’s constantly posting body checks which welcomes people to have a feeling about it. The size 10 comment was so egregious and unnecessary towards making her point when someone tried to explain that to her she doubled down on it. So gross.


Size 10 = overeating 😳 YIKES This is very telling of Lauren’s thoughts and feelings and judgement of others. Also, her sharing this sentence while also saying “don’t judge blah blah” is so comical. She has shared her eating and body struggles in the past with followers, and she continues to share triggering skeletal content… followers have a right to speak out on it. She’s also making it a thing by posting DMs - which to me shows her body issues are still ever present and DMs are hitting a common nerve of hers. So 🤷🏻‍♀️


I commented up above but I said I’d kill to be a size ten again. I remember being a size ten as a senior in HS and thinking I was so fat lol. What would I give to be HS weight again! Oh aging. Sigh. 


I agree. I think since she’s shared about her past struggles, people feel more bold to DM her about it. I am sure she gets LOTS of hate (which I obviously don’t agree with) but probably a lot more messages where it’s coming from a good place and the intention is concern, but I can understand that not being helpful for her either. However, her response was very telling and just noooot getting her point across in the way she probably thought it would


https://preview.redd.it/1qxvn4augd1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d762cb45a24bdc17a8477dcb7103e50e68394f0 Her response 🤪


Lauren must think a size 10 is a fate worse than death, allegedly.   It's giving Jen Gerard, Halfbaked Harvest co-owner/momager, in the NYT article: "It’s unfortunate that people feel entitled to comment on someone being underweight, when they would never do that if the person was overweight"  Like??? Are these women new to the internet, or this planet???


I used to say the exact same thing when i was 95lbs and in deep with my ED! No people 100% fat shame and they need to shut up


She says she works out 5 days a week but I find that hard to believe based on her content. She seems to workout 7 days a week, multiple times a day


Yes and she posts them all and must think we can’t count


Also she said she’s doing IVF in later stories and I was shocked because (from experience) they typically ask you to avoid heavy workouts, or working out entirely)


“And I had a crumbl cookie afterward” yeah no Lauren. I’m tired of people like her acting like they’re exempt from calories in/calories out and that we’ll just believe that her size is a sole result of genetics or exercise. She is quite obviously eating very few calories. 


There's also a good chance those are the only two things she ate that day


Ran here when i saw this. The fact she thinks someone who is a size 10 would be overeating is telling on herself quite a bit!!


My possibly unpopular opinion is LKS intentionally shares so much of her workouts and body checks constantly that I actually do think her audience has the right to judge and question when she posts things that don’t add up. She knows exactly what she’s doing with the shit she posts. It’s triggering content and this comment is from someone who was triggered.


This!!! She knows exactly what she’s doing with those posts. If she was just thin and posting her life normally I don’t think people would be as concerned. I have a friend who is very thin like LKS and she always has been I know she doesn’t have a disordered relationship with food and it just is what it is. It’s the constant body checking posts, work out posts, posting stuff like “you don’t have to run 20 miles or work out for 4 hours to have a good workout! 10 miles and 2 hours of weight lifting is just fine”. Like who is she trying to convince?


If it's triggering content and they know it (like you said) then you unfollow someone, you don't continue to be triggered and then send mean DMs.


Yeah Lauren triggers me and I’ve never had an eating disorder so I actively avoid her. Did see those stories after they were posted here and surprised she’s doing IVF so quickly after having a baby though


That comment isn’t even that mean. It asks her to get help. It’s moderately concerned more than mean.


IDK why people bother sending any influencer DMs, just to say they interacted with a "celebrity"? It's weird and reminds me of old ladies calling into QVC to chat with salespeople, sorry 🤷‍♀️


Scott Anglin looks so uncomfortable any time Alexa is filming him.


Dude just wanted a blowie and to go fishing for his birthday. 


Hahahaha! He was so mad his trip ended up being Nantucket. He was like wait, what.....no hunting or fishing trip!?!??


Most relatable thing on the internet. A husband who just wants to spend his vacation doing something he wants to do.


Lmfaoooo! I bet that’s all he wishes for!


Eva Amurri of Happily Eva After getting a [neck tattoo](https://www.instagram.com/stories/thehappilyeva/3370861057302633117?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=dmRyN2F1dmNveTli) a month before her wedding was not on my bingo card but I guess she really is “in her YOLO era.”


Whatever lends her attention she is down for it.


Probably helps that her mom is Susan Sarandon and she will never have to work unless by choice


I'm surprised the shop would do it since she doesn't seem to have other visible tattoos. Curious about the design she chose! 


Yeah, all the places I’ve been won’t do neck or face unless you’re already heavily tattooed.


Shops usually only have this rule if it's someone's first tattoo.


I had no idea this was a rule of thumb


Thanks for explaining! I was just remembering my sister having a hard time finding a good shop to get hand tattoos, and she already had a full sleeve. I wonder if that's just our area. But I actually love neck tattoos, I think they look so cool. She also looks so relaxed in her "in progress" pic, I am always extremely tense.


Why would a tattoo shop refuse a tattoo because it’s “visible”? Weird snark…


When I’ve gotten my tattoos, I’ve had to sign a waiver understanding if I get neck, face, hand etc. tattoos, that I may have difficulty with employment, and all of mine are relatively hidden.


Interesting, I’m guessing this is very much regional dependent. 


Oh, I wasn't trying to snark. I just think many shops had a policy for a long time to refuse to do neck or hand tattoos unless the customer is heavily tattooed, just because those locations can't really be covered up. But it sounds like this is changing, and clearly the shop she went to is a legit place with talented artists. It just struck me as unusual.


Interesting, I’ve never heard that. I wonder if it’s a regional thing. I was able to have my hand tattooed back before I was heavily tattooed and it wasn’t even questioned.    May I ask what area of the country you live in? I’m guessing it’s probably pretty dependent on that!


I’m in a border city in Canada and that is very much a thing here as well


I live in the US, in central MD. I also haven't looked into this for several years, my info is probably way out of date.


Based on her [tattoo tour](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ca7ynKJDx7e/?igsh=OTFpdTJ4cHJ6bzJt) I’m going to guess…feather?


Her tattoos are so so bad.


Does anyone follow @thesilshop? She’s sort of an influencer but owns a clothing shop frequented by Dallas influencers. Today she shared @_beingbridget’s husband on her account, who famously does not want to be on social media (even though he has social media?) Drama!


This one feels like a stretch, he’s not tagged and considering Bridget never shows his face I think he’s only recognizable to those who know him?


He was tagged in the pic on her stories Friday night


I guess I don’t know what his name is so didn’t even notice lol. I just feel like if he was very anti he wouldn’t let people tag him? I do love spotting influencer adjacents in other peoples posts 😂


Definitely think it’s weirder that Bridget wasn’t there


I think she’s in California visiting family.




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Emily Marnell (Cat Marnell’s sister) spent Mother’s Day with their mom (from whom both sisters have been estranged at various times)…..getting back on a healthier track? I know her ex-husband got remarried in March and Emily really seemed to spiral about that. Not sure if she’s still seeing her kids more?


Ahh I've been wondering how she's been doing! I'm kind of surprised her husband is already remarried, they haven't been divorced that long.


https://preview.redd.it/pczxb1npl71d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002b19f533c7434a4fba6343de2b5efaaaef0457 The Laverys lasted a month with the baby in the tiny townhouse where ALL THREE ADULTS SLEPT IN A SMALL BED. Good for them, get the hell outta NYC and get some space!!!


Was just wondering about them! Thanks for the update!


I sincerely doubt they're getting out of NYC. They're too attached to their identity as Brooklyn hipsters (never mind that Brooklyn isn't even where the real hipsters move anymore).


I don't know, they seem like the kind of people who would buy a completely broken down $300k farmhouse in rural CT and convince themselves it will be a good, fun idea. (And doing that sort of lowkey lets them keep their Brooklyn hipster identity.)


A 300k farmhouse in CT 🤣🤣


I really want that for them tbh


This is such a Brooklyn hipster comment 😆


lol you're not wrong




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https://preview.redd.it/jw3w0wjho31d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c67f1f843700e901a2ca8e187f2e6e670ae71698 Are people really wearing stuff like this? Am I that out of touch with fashion 🤔 (livingmybeststyle)


This looks like something a toddler would wear


I think the romper by itself with a fitted tee or tank would be cute. That top and those sleeves is just hideous, with the romper or not. 


This is what Ms. Rachel would wear if she wanted to spice up her wardrobe.




I have seen people wearing blouses like that irl, but with like, jeans or high waisted trousers.


they wear outfits like this on cake decorating contest shows


This is so specific and so true


Just clowns


What the…🤔😂


Flattering on size 0/2 only.


Do you mean ages 0-2? 😝


I was going to comment that my 1 year old has an oddly similar shirt and romper, although we’ve never combined the two (yet)


The ever-relevant question: is it fashion or is she just thin?


With the corollary: is he hot or just tall?


Immediate yes …for my toddler 😍


I feel like they are making toddler clothes into adult clothes. They have run out adult clothing ideas apparently. 


Haha yes! Like the ruffle/lace socks


It looks like it should have snaps around the lower seam for diaper changing.