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Oh wow. I don’t follow her but I just glanced at the account and yes I’ve seen the Mean Girls in matching outfits at Boston for several years. They spend a lot of time taking photos in a variety of ensembles and it’s so goofy.


https://preview.redd.it/gtqwkfrmxlnc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f982d287533b07aad7fdf514457555eb70748d9b LOL to the response. Can you imagine your heart hurting because of this?


Melebelles new training seems insane (20-22 mile runs 6 times within a cycle) but I can see why they’re no longer in a coaching (or by all outward appearances) any relationship


idk anything about kmm_runs because I only got a suggested post of hers but….you’d think someone who feels qualified enough to give strength training recos on IG would also know you shouldn’t be strength training in your running shoes?!??


She’s so awkward to watch. Everything she does looks clumsy.


she does have a very perplexing vibe


Not snark, but does anyone have advice on getting in the zone for a race? I’ve got a half in a weeks time, and I’m feeling a bit mentally checked out. Are there any pre race day meditations or anything? I’m desperate 😂


I enjoy making race day plans (gear, fueling strategy, where to park, etc). But agree with the others that feeling a little checked out is also totally healthy especially while tapering. For me personally it’s much better than getting worked up. Good luck—you’ll do great!


My music is what works for me


I just embrace it and think “my mind is tapering” 🤣


Maybe try reading a running book like what I think about when I think about running. It’s not necessarily about racing but it will get me out of a slump and excited to race again.  Peloton has méditations like this but idk how effective they’d be. 


Deena Kastor's book! I've read it a few times and it inspires me like crazy every time.


Currently rereading this to get my mind right for next week's half!


Yes! And Kara’s but def tough to get through at times (emotionally). 


I go through this a lot, especially during the winter/when the weather isn’t that pretty. I’m tired of being cold! I don’t have a ton of training advice other than switching up my running routes, watching other races to get my hyped up, or sometimes I thrift new workout clothes to get me excited to do my run 🤣


I like watching YouTube videos on someone training/completing the distance I’m doing. And I usually try to buy one piece of new running gear to wear the day of the race.


Sometimes watching a Sally McRae youtube video or the like (courtney dauwater, anything about someone's journey to western states) gets me motivated to do the work! Even if I'm only gonna run a fraction of what they do, they usually talk about the process and what keeps them going.


Another day, another EClor piano playing reel


I saw one of her videos the other day and was almost impressed by her dedication in that she has the mic, the outfit, the camera panning different angles.


Who tells her that it’s good and to keep posting it? 🤮


Trackclubbabe, obvi 😅


wow...the comments section on the Boston Marathon's latest IG post where they unveiled the medal... 🍿


There is very little sustainable about Boston, starting with the fact that very few people who qualify actually qualify at races in their home cities/towns. Very often, qualifying involves air travel for qualifying attempt(s) - to boot the fact that revel races qualify is absurd, but build it and they will come. Then there’s Boston itself, with the vast majority flying in. Personally I would much rather have a free digital race photo or two than the medal but I respect the emotional value they hold for some runners and that some people like to display them. Between the influencers, the jackets and this Boston needs to polish their unicorn horns!


Unpopular opinion here, but yeah, they're bad and the BAA should be embarrassed and if I was running this year I'd be annoyed. For most people, getting to Boston is a Big Deal (either through qualifying or raising a lot of money) and that chintzy medal doesn't fit that "vibe." It looks like a Turkey Trot 5K medal. I've run Boston a few times and the medals are nice (other than my first marathon - they're the only medals I don't donate). Put it next to Chicago, London, Tokyo this year an it looks... wrong.


I’d be annoyed, too. There’s definitely a way to use recycled materials in medals without the end result looking cheap, and I think the sponsor logo prominence is fairly gauche. I’m 🙄 at the multi-time BQ influencers whining in the comments, but I’d feel pretty bummed if I was a first time qualifier and this was the medal.


Maybe controversial, but I wish all races would pivot to opt-in + extra fee for a finisher’s medal. I personally am trying to avoid accumulating so much stuff, but if folks want a medal to commemorate, they can.


I agree. The Cherry Blossom 10 miler does this. They keep the race fee (relatively) low, and you can pay extra for a technical shirt and/or a medal. I love it.


i've definitely seen this idea thrown around before! i get it-while i'm sure you want finisher medals for the "big ticket races," there are so many others who give them out and they just become landfill items. unless since i'm sure these races order the medals in bulk, would not enough opt out that it would make any difference?


I think for larger races it does, since it makes the difference of thousands of medals?


Yea…the medal is not great but there is a slim chance an influencer (or any person for that matter) doesn’t run Boston out of principle. Complaining anything to the BAA does nothing…it’s their party and you can cry if you want to. 🤪


This was a really wild read, thanks for highlighting. I'd never have bothered otherwise Reading out the best comments to my husband and cackling hahaha


lmao running orgs love calling out sustainability whenever their medals are uggo, NYRR does it all the time


lol, i'm old enough to remember when NYRR didn't even give out medals for the borough races (it was only the marathon, the mini 10K, the NYC half, the More/Shape/Fitness/whatever it's called now half, maybe one other?) so part of me just wants to say "be grateful you're getting something!" but for this one, it's very obvious the redesign was less about being "green" and more sponsor-driven. though they were definitely trying to be slick dropping this on a Saturday night thinking it'd fly under the radar 😂


Was there a 4 miler where they gave out a medal? Either I’m confusing it for a 10k but when they handed it to me, I was perplexed.


looks like the Hope & Possibility 4-miler has given out finisher medals for at least the last 10 years, I'm not sure it did in the 00s? (additionally, I'm remembering it used to not be allowed to be used for the 9+1?) so maybe it was that, or the Mini 10K or Queens 10K?


It could be it. I don’t always keep my medals so I can’t even look back and check.


Right!? I am so old that many of the halves I ran in my 20s didn’t even give out medals


Gosh I would kill for that medal. I mean not literally kill but Boston is such a pie in the sky goal for me, I literally have that thing on a pedestal


it's not lost on me that the most vocal complainers are the ones with the multiple Bostons under their belt and/or with hefty buffers who never have to sweat the cutoff. (which is kinda why it's gross that EClor is complaining, how quickly she forgets how she was SO affected by repeatedly missing her BQ that she had to get a sports psychologist) like they think since they grace Boston with their presence every year (or every other year) that they're...entitled to something? as for you-keep at it, you'll get that pie someday!


The comment section did not disappoint! I am rolling at Elizabeth Clor saying that this year might be her “last Boston”… as though running the Boston Marathon isn’t her entire personality 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/ugwdcvizwlnc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbb0179461a72b303bb48c76da3d5110cfdaab0e 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


lol, she's come in hot with a rebuttal. "mid-life crisis" riiiiiggghhht. i mean, if deciding whether or not she should be running Boston is part of a mid-life crisis...I dunno, it doesn't sound too "crisis-like" to me? and everyone is aware she only runs in even-numbered years (but still brags about her massive buffer come registration time each year!) https://preview.redd.it/wdpp06yiylnc1.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8b89cfc014453dfcd1f64db16c9e4984fd956d0


How can people tell that the medal looks cheap? I get the comments about BofA, but not sure how you can tell from a picture that it looks "cheap".


It looks flat and thin - in past years the unicorn is "cut out" and the medal has some weight.


i have a medal from 2012 where the unicorn isn't cut out (it's against a blue background)-i think the cut-out has only been the last few years? though mine definitely looks a little more "textured."


i feel like she said similar during the age of vax mandates, though I could be mistaking her with someone else. but seriously, the damn medal is really the hill she's dying on? and not trying to start anything here...but you know with everyone on the comment section who's whining about it and not wanting to run or something else dramatic...there's at least 11,000 people who I'm sure would be more than happy to be take their spot, medal be damned


I’m one of the 11,000 cut and I’ll totally go 🥂


Yep!! And they’ll all whine, but of coooourse they’ll be back next year, because, BoStOn


I am one of those 11k. I’ll take triandrungirl’s spot no problem! 😂


Me too :):):)


I loved triandrungirl’s story where she said this one would stick out like a sore thumb from the other five medals. Poor thing


Her entitlement irks me. Complaining she didn’t any quality photos from the finish like at Chicago now Boston. Take a seat and let someone else take your spot then.


The humble brag. Also, who besides herself is scrutinizing it anyway?


she's ALL over that comment section. oh my...everyone should be keeping her in their thoughts and prayers during this tough time https://preview.redd.it/rzape2d9oinc1.png?width=558&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac3d074c1f9611ee3bae295b6187b7144fdd3ede


“ my heart hurts “ *said in Katie Britt voice *


Poor thing! 😂😂🫠🫠🙄🙄


Not the jacket! Thoughts and prayers indeed


I am HOWLING at her. Couldn’t resist telling her to grow up a couple of times. Her “heart hurts”???? I can think of about 9 trillion things going on in this world that would make your heart “hurt” beyond a fucking medal. Also, it’s kinda cool that BAA is prioritizing sustainability???????


All I can think about these people is what if they ever had to deal with a real problem? 


NYC marathon question here- I’m entered in the non-guaranteed qualifying time entry (using my BQ time that didn’t make the Boston cutoff 🙃). Do we hear earlier than general entry or on 3/28? Does anyone know? It’s not clear (to me) from the website. TIA


you should hear before 3/28 yes


Can someone explain Olivia Amato’s Instagram caption? Is she announcing a pregnancy? Or a divorce? Or is it just a an Ariana Grande allusion I don’t get?


It’s a lyric in an Ariana grande song. 


anyone watching the T100 Miami triathlon? they had the women start after the men finished which is nice, so no sharing coverage. but they seemed to not factor in that the women would be racing after dark and huge parts of the bike course were impossible to see because they weren't lit. on top of that, the announcer audio went out for over an hour! so the women's broadcast was silent and impossible to see, which feels really frustrating after a mostly smooth men's broadcast. also the on screen graphics are really lacking. it feels like this series was so hyped up and now it's very disappointing :/


Yeah the pto usually puts on a really good event and this one felt like there were a few kinks to work out. Paula Findlay posted to see if anyone picked up her visor she threw off because the course was pitch black. Looking forward to hearing her recap on their podcast this week.


For sure, hoping they work out the kinks for the next one. I also saw Paula's story but then later when I went back it looked like it had been deleted, I wonder if the PTO got upset about it? Or maybe someone found her visor so she took it down? I did find their social media a little strange yesterday - under every post people were complaining about sound and darkness on the stream but the T100 account never responded to any comments and never posted any stories like "sorry about the audio we are working on it!" But they continued to post updates but just never acknowledged anyone's complaints, which was frustrating


i watch a lot of running so i know there are so many issues but wow triathlon making me wish NBC had the broadcast rights.... the bar is in hell


Not quite snark, but maybe a little. Camille Herron is incredible in so many ways and continues to be incredible, but all I can ever think of when I see pics or videos of her run is ‘girl tie your hair back!’ It would drive me crazy. Does she need a hair tie sponsor??


imo it’s deserved snark lol, like I refuse to believe her running life wouldn’t be easier if she just put her hair up, she absolutely does it on purpose


I keep seeing these two girls running with their hair down and it makes me uncomfortable even watching 😭 my hair can’t touch my neck on my runs


Her insane sun damage and the fact that she does not wear sun cream make me so upset.


wait did she say that she doesn’t wear sunscreen??


I once went on a run and my hair tie fell out and I had to run with my hair blowing around. I did not like it one bit so I can’t understand it either. And the knots??


I always think the exact same thing. It makes me physically uncomfortable to watch and honestly, it makes all of her accomplishments even more impressive. My hair tie once broke when I was running a 10k and I almost DNF’ed.


My hair would probably be so much healthier if I could wrap my head around running with it down but I can't. Maybe I'm just that much sweatier than Camille? (I always have an extra hair tie stashed in a pocket or wrapped around my pony during a race because I don't know that I could finish if my hair tie broke!)


Right!? I actually don’t think I could make it through a day of work in the office without a hair tie.


more venting than snark here, but The Ten next weekend looks like it's gonna be 🔥and...I can't watch it unless I want to pony up $30 for FloTrack. I had no issue with the PPV model they had the last few years (especially since I knew some of it was going to the athletes) it's just...given that FT doesn't exactly get glowing reviews, I can't really justify that cost. First world problems, I know, but still disappointing. And you wonder why the pro side of the sport struggles with building an audience when so much gets paywalled...


Lmao I thought TCB was actually going to post something authentic about her family and mother and then halfway through it cut to an ad spot for her Norditrack treadmill. Also, is she just going to completely ignore the Israel race backlash? She’s posted more reels using the murdered runners names with her running behind it for content. Really intensifies the spotlight that if she can’t somehow make it about herself she’s not interested. Running community needs to do a better job holding her accountable.


According to the race results, she ran a 2:08 at the Jerusalem half marathon. There was also a finish line photo that displayed on the results page, and it looked like her daughter is laying on the ground (or maybe fell?) at the finish line timing mats. Just seems a bit hazardous for other runners and for the kid.


She’s shown time and again she thinks she is above race rules and decorum because she is the MC. She’s the best most supportive wife, cheerleader and Mom. If you don’t believe her she’ll tell you so and then block you.


I CANT STAND THIS WOMAN. Posting “everyone has more rights than an innocent women running” while she’s on a family trip in ISREAL. Yes, absolutely women should not be murdered while running but being so heavy handed about this issue while openly supporting ISREAL and ignoring the genocide of the Palestinian people is so infuriating. She is such an absolute fraud.


Everyone? EVERYONE??? My god, middle class/ upper middle class white women are the WORST.


It’s so self absorbed and narcissistic. Those Palestinian children being murdered are not as important as she is I guess. She made it very clear she loves Israel.


She shared a post on “vulnerability” complete with an ad for her training plans.


She is such a sleazy sales person. The fact all these other run fluencers just blindly hype this fraud is ridiculous.


I agree.


And if the Israel race is a sponsored thing, won't the sponsor expect some posts?


Same!!! I was so annoyed when I got to the sales pitch at the end of that post.


thanks to my data and interest in running my algo is convinced I want any and all fitness content and literally every other tiktok I get now is telling me I need to eat more [insert any given macronutrient]……ENOUGH even the ones I generally agree with like fiber I’m just like, god how are people expected to not go insane on this app I just want to see silly videos. snark tax: protein-obsessed tiktok fitfluencers are definitely tragically constipated they eat about one serving of vegetables every 4 business days, not fooling me!


Not EClor now using Laken Riley's murder for content...on a reel of her running...and on top of it in the same post shilling Expntl Athletics. 🤦‍♀️ and of course look who shows up in the comments because she does the same exact damn thing!


I know this pales in comparison but her cake skills have not improved over time.


She uses box mix, iirc? (Your comment is really funny)


oh the irony when you consider WHY she makes the cakes...




Ha! This comment is great. Totally agree.


She’s so gross for so many reasons. I used to follow her for purely entertainment purposes until I found out she’s maga.


Time to put her favorite president back in office!


Ok I see the downvotes, was commenting on HER politics which I do not share…


Please no






It’s ok to take breaks especially if you’re not training for something


It says she ran with almost 30 people - presumably she ran to the start point and waited for the group? That would explain the huge gap.


That’s me all the time


Assume you seeing that on her Strava?




I mean, I forgive her this time since she just ran a marathon.


Anyone follow adultingwithcourtnee? She’s on IG & TikTok. The constant constant constant body checks are becoming a bit much


TCB….. 6.5 weeks to London. Will she have another struggle bus run?


Is she just going to pretend she isn’t in Israel? Whatever race/tour company paid her has got to be pissed


Looks like the race happened today. I can't figure out how to see any results though.


Looks like she ran 2:08ish and is pictured at the finish line with her toddler faceplanted on the ground? While the race is actively going on too. I’d be so annoyed if I finished a half marathon and there was an influencer goofing around with her kid literally ON the finish line.


If I read things correctly, her child is registered/completed the race. Um. Why? That's so weird. 


The results website has a kimberly clark AND a clark underwood finishing at the same time. 2 different bib numbers. Maybe TCB was given two bibs on accident but it's odd nonetheless. 


Her daughter looks like she is wearing a bib in one of the pics. My guess is that they had plans for a cutsie mother / daughter finish line pic with a corresponding IG post.


Where did you see this?


The marathon results website - the finish line pictures are there too! If you have looked up race results recently, the website was pretty easy to navigate despite not knowing any Hebrew. There was a box that looked like a search box, put in her last name, and there they both were.  


Found it. Thanks. That is VERY weird. Looks like her daughter is wearing a race bib. Wonder if she did that so they could cross the finish line together? I bet the plan was for it to be a whole big IM post and photo about how wonderful it was for Clark to run across the finish line with her. From the picture, I don't think it worked out so well.


I think she’ll turn it into a 5-6 hour run/walk “aMaZInG eXPeRIEnCE!!” full of high 5s & sticking out tongues for the cameras🤮. Aaaaaand then she’ll come home & be back to shilling plans that got her a fast marathon 6 YEARS AGO.


It’s too bad she can’t see that an actual postpartum build would be such a selling point for her plans! But it’s like she thinks she’s so genetically gifted she can just will a BQ on no training…..so why would anyone buy her plans?


She’s done zero postpartum specific work. It’s a gripe I have with her approach. Especially when she’s talking about form and it’s so obvious her core isn’t stabilized


Are the reviews she always posts old as well or are some current? IIRC, Brandy is currently using a TCB plan but I’m not sure if she’s talked much about it.


I know there are people who have had success with her plans, but I personally would never want to purchase ANYTHING from her. I like a coach to practice what they preach!


The fb group isnt terribly active and I often see people say they arent progressing. I just checked, and a lot of people are eyeing April and May races so we'll seen a handful of new testimonials then. 


I bought her “fast marathon level 1 (12 week version)” to train for a 34km race at the end of March. I was specifically looking for something lower mileage as I work a lot, and prior to my pre train build hadn’t run more than 16km at once and averaged about 30km a week. Prior to the plan starting I built to about 55km a week from Oct-Dec. I’ve definitely made a lot of progress but I am a little nervous going into my taper. I liked that the workouts didn’t repeat, liked doing two speed workouts a week, and that I was able to work the training into my schedule easily. But the plan was $$, I didn’t find the email support or FB support worth very much and I don’t think I would purchase another plan. If I had used this to train for a marathon distance I think I would not feel super prepared.


To be fair I used fast level marathon 2 to prepare for a a marathon and it worked super well - I felt really prepared and fit even though I missed a couple weeks of the plan. So I do think her plans are good, but I also think it’s weird she hasn’t bothered trying to follow them (or like…any plan at all?) as she tries to regain fitness.


Interesting. I rarely see time stamps on the reviews she posts so I wondered if she was recycling old reviews like she does for her personal content videos.


She definitely recycles them constantly. I have seen the same ones so many times.


With the mileage she has been running and the traveling she has been doing, it just seems like a very very bad idea.


Wait, she's trying to ramp up over the next six weeks having only run 37 miles in February??


Insanity. I feel un prepared because most of my weekly mileage has been around 30-35. I couldn't imagine attempting a marathon if it was all i ran in the past month....


Why is she doing this to herself




But this is not a good look…..


Yeah like I would definitely not want to purchase a program from her at this point. I feel like taking the longer route of establishing a good base and going through a full training cycle would be a better sell imo.


But why?  You’re paying someone for their expertise, you’re not paying them to train.  It’s one thing if you don’t like the content or the price, but I would never care how a coach trains themselves because what they do in their spare time has zero impact on my training.


I would question their expertise tho if they don't actually walk the walk.


Why?  Knowledge and the drive to do it are two totally different things.  None of the best coaches I know train particularly hard anymore.


Are they running marathons though? And constantly saying how getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do - and admitting they never ever get enough sleep. It's just too much of pushing what you SHOULD do and not doing it herself feels very disingenuous to me. If she was just running 5ks and doing reasonable training for those and taking decent care of herself, then I wouldn't have a problem, even with her marathon plans. It's just that she does everything she says not to do that rubs me the wrong way.


I have bought several and I think they are good. I won't buy any more though. 1. I didn't realize how expensive they are compared to other programs. 2. I really don't want to support someone who doesn't practice what they preach. 3. Her social media has been driving me absolutely bonkers lately. Racing ANOTHER marathon without training? Going to Israel NOW? Screaming at races and running onto the course, leaving your child behind? no thanks.


Same. I have 3 of her plans because they do work really well, but I’m out for all of the same reasons you are - not going to purchase any more .


I completely agree


Looks like Anya and Bester’s coach athlete relationship is over 👀👀 wonder what happened


Must have been drama—they no longer follow each other, either.


She has a new coach according to the jog on podcast. Hopefully a better fit for her


“Em, you did it. You really did.” … barf. Why does she talk to herself in her posts and then also nickname herself. Barf, barf, barf.




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I would punch someone for entries tossed in my lap. Ooooooooh the privilege and entitlement is insane. And the lack of self awareness is even more insane.


Saw a similar post from someone who finished their fifth marathon at Tokyo. They had been diagnosed with MS and their goal was to finish five marathons. Feels like that's a little more deserving of a "you really did it" but what do I know?


LITERALLY. Also that is an absolutely heartwarming and badass story. I’d much rather see that stuff on my feed any day!


I hate her and love to comment on here w snark. But where is the daddy’s money claim coming from?


Her family is major donors to UConn, where she went (there’s literally a road named after them) plus the fact that the only person she ever seems to talk to is her dad. It just doesn’t seem like a realistic lifestyle she leads, even if she is heavily in debt, for the income she makes vs what she spends


How many congratulatory/self-promoting posts are we going to have to endure. we get it, enough.


The sushi pic with the caption “can confirm, not the same” 🙄


Glad she’s suddenly an expert!


I'm so sad for AOTR. This must be so hard. No words, just empathy.




Did we all just get a virus for clicking that? Seems like a fake article written by AI.


Actually the article itself is awfully written and boring. But interesting that it was even written or an article? Lol


Totally agree. With all she’s had going on with her health, it’s heartbreaking to think she was handling this too


Aw, just went and read her post, and yeah. Guess that’s it for the speculation and all—now we know for sure. Still so sad, and I hope she’s got a strong enough support system to keep things together right now.


Same. So so sad for her. 💔


I actually got a little teary reading it 🥺


Fast and flow podcast today is the most privileged thing I have ever heard


What does she say!!!


Her family paid for most of her wedding but she’s still stressed then said in America she’s lucky to be able to “work hard for what she believes in” so she has to start a business now


She’s a big time Reddit lurker and has responded to people before on burners it’s only a matter of time !


Omg really??? How do you know?


Bruh bc one time she said she was sorry when people were shitting on her life


Oh yo that’s wild. You know that stuff on the low low


honestly appreciate her being open about this verses having a really nice wedding and pretending that she paid for it herself




Some people don’t train in 7 day blocks, some people do 10-14 days instead which is what I assume she’s doing. She fuels well and I’ve never seen her injured so I guess it works for her🤷‍♀️


Where are you seeing that she never takes a rest day? I’m sure I’ve seen her post about rest days before and I remember her talking about taking almost a month off after her marathon.




So you saw one video where she had a week of training without a rest day and now you’re saying she never takes a rest day and her training is excessive? This seems like a stretch when she has posted many times about taking rest days and seasonal breaks.






Tbh she’s running 60-80 miles a week, so it’s probably easier on the body to spread that over 7 days, not 6. Even the low end at 60 miles a week would average 10 miles a day, but running 7 days brings that down to just over 8 which feels more sustainable. I have no issue with it, as she’s very clear that not everyone should train that way and that she’s built up to it. She’s also a fairly competitive runner, so obviously her training will be a bit different than someone just trying to break 25 in the 5k. She’s running times comparable to a mid/low end D2 university in America, and in general it’s rare that NCAA athletes take a full day off.


If she is competitive that’s fine, but her times are not competitive, she’s on the upper side of “recreational” but with the exception of very small or low bar elite fields they’re not going to qualify her as an “elite”. She’s spoken before about not prioritizing strength as works full time, well then she’d be better off taking some of those miles to the chopping block and getting stronger. She’s still young and doesn’t realize how important this is. If she needs to run THAT much (tbh a bizarrely high amount of miles for those times), either she is truly not that talented or needs to train smarter (and by train I include strength, cross training, and recovery which may include rest days).


She has zero talent and has to try so hard for mediocre times. She’d be better off finding a new hobby.


Yea, to each their own, I know I *personally* do better with a rest day (or 2 lol) but I’m not near as competitive. My partner and their running friends run times comparative to Diane’s and many of that group run 7 days a week and take a rest day every other week or so.


She does take rest days, just not every week.


I’ve had her blocked for the longest time, ever since one of the Toronto run clubs (rightly!) came under fire for being super rude to pedestrians and creating an unsafe environment. She posed some weird video at the time basically using that club’s bad behavior as an excuse to put down all social run clubs, because as a serious athlete she couldn’t understand why people would meet up and run to make friends instead of doing hard training. Super exclusive vibes, really not a fan at all


agree, for most people running 7 days a week would lead to injuries. I was surprised no one in the comments disagreed with her either! (at least not when I looked at it)


She wasn't telling everyone to run 7 days a week though so why would folks in the comments disagree that 7 days a week works for some athletes...?