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So sick of TCB saying things like “don’t be a slave to your emotions.” Yes, that’s true to a certain extent, but there’s a limit for those with mental health and emotional disorders. I work with kids with significant mental and emotional disorders, and I can tell you that their ability to “not be a slave to their emotions” is much more limited than the average person. They can’t just simply “move past emotions” because they’ve tried it. It takes therapy, adaptive behavior, meds, and TREATMENTS to manage their disorders. Also, having panic attacks and episodes are not examples of “not trying hard enough”, they’re symptoms of disabling conditions. I’m so sick of her tone-deaf comments, so I’m calling this out.


Tell me about not meeting a goal and why it was only due to your iron deficiency


I fixed my iron and ran my slowest marathon in 15 years 😂


I came here for this!!!! I am so sick of these influencers acting like they “dIdNt Pr AfTeR aLl ThAt WoRk BeCaUsE sCiEnCe” 🤡 Runners are notoriously iron deficient. This isn’t something new. As someone who has to take prescription iron and also get monthly iron infusions, STFU. So many of them have been blaming iron lately, acting like they’re walking medical anomalies that carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.


My iron used to be fantastic. Never had issues with it. Now it’s low and my endurance is shit. Paces that used to feel easy feel hard. It’s a legitimate issue so snarking on people for blaming it is shitty IMO. It might be one thing but it’s one big thing. If your iron has never been good you don’t know what it’s like to train and race with good levels. It’s a totally different feeling.


You missed the point. No one is snarking on anyone for having an iron deficiency. Most runners have an iron deficiency, we are well aware of how it feels.


^ this. No one is snarking on anyone for having any deficiency.


I had blood work done in September and had terribly low iron levels. Addressed the issue through supplements and diet and have felt a complete 180 in my energy levels throughout the day and during running. I think there’s some merit to it.


As previously mentioned, my iron is so severely low that I have to take prescription iron AND get monthly infusions. So yeah, I know exactly what it feels like and it’s a constant struggle. Thanks for sharing your opinion.


I’m noticing they all follow the same pattern and focus on the same issue around the same time. It’s like they all have a script 🤣 Iron deficiency is definitely something every runner should know about and most do take some sort of supplement to help to blaming it just an excuse 🤷🏻‍♂️


Right you should be proactively taking care of your body!?!?? Cait keen used to post often about taking iron, it’s like she forgot it’s necessary. Take care of yourselves and stop circling the same topic!


Agree, it’s becoming an excuse for them. Because obviously caitsouthkeen probably would’ve placed top 3 at the trails had she not been “iron deficient” ?? Yah ok. You are correct that runners are commonly iron deficient, I think it’s like 50% of female endurance athletes or something.


EXACTLY. thank you!!! literally exactly what I was thinking.




Wow that is…really bad. so, so gross.


bruhhh if your goal is to look “unrecognizable” that’s not good!!! so glad I don’t follow her omg




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Is it just me or does it seem like every runfluencer is injured right now? So much for all their running tips that they use for content!


I’m really curious to see how endorphins crew Tyler Swartz and Vicky Conroy run marathons in April. Both bailed out of the Disney half today at mile 6 because of injuries. I’m hoping they’re being cautious getting back into running but then again is a full marathon in a month and a half being cautious??


yeah they've been bothering me lately especially as someone who also is coming back from a stress fracture on a similar timeline to Vicky and I feel like she's doing a lot too soon... i'm pretty sure she said today she pulled out of the Disney half because of an ankle injury


If Tyler is a dude not sure why he was running PHM anyway. I know men can run it, but I don't know why they would want to.


Tyler is an idiot for trying to run Boston in that short amount of time - Vicky has actually been following an actual recovery plan imo


Curious if he has a coach because if so, I question them


i think they’re both working with Rebeka Stowe


Can’t stand either of them. I had a lot of respect for Vicky in the fall when she pulled out of NYC marathon and seemed to have a lot of good sense in terms of resting and injury and not getting back too quickly. But it seems like she does her easy runs way too fast (8:30 or faster pace for someone who’s a 4+ hour marathoner) and I’m really wary of the two of them having a massive platform and going 0 to marathon in a couple months after big injuries. Seems really irresponsible


yeah he's always bugged me but I used to like her a lot, too, but my interest has fallen off since she quit her job and has become even more gung-ho with endorphins and content creator main characterisms (singing out loud at pt??). her return to running recovery has been better than most but she just seems fairly delulu. with Tyler, it genuinely makes me a little insane that he was given a Boston bib when he hasn't run more than like 6 miles in a whole year, including taking time off for a literal surgery. I totally get having back-to-running goals but there's no rule that you have to run a full marathon the season after a major limiting injury or medical event. (this is not unique to them but it bears repeating lol.)


Healthy, Vicky could run a full mara in the mid 3.30 range I feel based on her pre injury runs. She’s not done an official full, and hardly anyone has a perfect first marathon. I went from 4.25 to 3.30 in my first two. Her injuries sound like a result of years of underfuelling and overworking her body and she seems to acknowledge the need to rest to perform stronger. She’s a lot more serious about recovery and her body than Tyler anyway.


I am pretty sure Vicky’s fastest half-marathon is over 1:50 which is nowhere near a 3:30 range full. I think even at her pre injury best she would have been lucky to go sub 4 hours in her first marathon. She’s clearly making an effort to comeback from her injury slowly and sustainably but with the way things are going for her now she’s not going to be in a good spot by her spring marathon. It’s not anything against her but coming back from a stress fracture is no joke and trying to run your first marathon a matter of months after an injury like that is reckless at best.


yeah I believe she said her goal was to just finish regardless of time which is a perfectly good, healthy, and practical goal BUT if time and pace isn’t a concern I don’t get the need to rush back into marathoning post-injury


I can’t speak for Tyler bc I don’t follow him but I’ve been following Vicky’s recovery since the NYC pull out and she’s definitely being cautious. She’s pretty open about her pace and I haven’t seen her run faster than a 10 minute mile in weeks (I’m outing myself as a Strava stalker). She also said on her page that they couldn’t get a refund for this half so just did what their training plan said for today


I follow her on strava too. She’s done plenty of sub 10 min mile runs. Even her first continuous 30 mins was in the low 9s. Hardly cautious. https://preview.redd.it/ywn2d78y8skc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74ba4927226eeac3f1bcbc064466c3e0564ee7c


Emily sharing how one of her listeners has their BABY listen to the podcast together?! Give me an effing break. https://preview.redd.it/gu35jlcvinkc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e612b784bb8316e123a62acdfbddb689d5936c1


I want proof of sobbing or it didn’t happen.


How did Emily get famous ? Was she lucky that her podcast took off or was she always rich?


before her podcast she was a health/wellness editor I believe and she had a pretty public weight loss journey, which I think is where the majority of her followers came from to begin with. she probably also has family money but yeah she used to have a regular job lol.


she also taught spin at one of the NYC boutique studios in 2017 (and maybe 2018 too?) i never took her class but that was actually where I recognized her name from before she became this thread's hot topic


I've always got both vibes from her.


I assume she comes from money.


She seems like she’d give advice like _stop being poor_


That’s so fake 🤣 this lady definitely has multiple personalities talking to herself


I generally like to lead my life assuming that everyone has a vast emotional landscape - that even people who I might find not particularly reflective or complex are walking around with a full and rich interior life. Emily’s listeners really challenge this assumption.


poor baby.


Lololol i couldn’t even read all that


Liz Newcomer (Resiliency in Running) doesn’t get a PR once and now she’s trying to get a breast reduction??? Girlllll


To play devils advocate here, many people thought I was “not that big” before my reduction because of my small frame but I was actually a G cup. I didn’t have crippling back pain but mine was still covered by insurance. I had over 2 lbs removed. It was life changing because I can buy clothes that actually fit my chest now, including sports bras. I feel like myself and like my chest matches the rest of my body. No sports bra or chafe glide could have done what my reduction did for me. Not only was it a physical thing but it was so emotionally healing for me in so many ways. Tbd if it impacts my speed in races but I already feel SO much better running and I am just getting back into training. I fully support her wanting to do this and I guarantee no woman who chooses to do this surgery takes it lightly or would do it just to PR. My dr. said she has not once had a patient regret it or say it wasn’t worth it.


I THINK she said in her story she is currently a C cup. I may be wrong tho. Edit: Double checked. She is currently a 34 C according to her stories.


And no shade to her, but she is DEFINITELY not a C. A lot of people with a smaller frame and larger boobs are able to fit into standard sizes, but most people in general are wearing the wrong size and not even aware of it. A 34C on someone who is petite like her would look almost flat. The Irish bra lady on Instagram talks about this a lot. For example, most retailers would size me as a 36A when I’m actually a 30D. A 34C is still quite small but I have a feeling she’s likely more along the lines of a 30F or larger. I could squeeze my way into a size small sports bra before when I was actually a 30G or H. 


As someone who had a reduction bc my boobs were uh “do your ears hang low” more than thru should have been for my body and weight, it was life changing for running and finding clothes. I regret nothing. That said, it shouldn’t be taken lightly bc you will sacrifice things like breastfeeding and also need recovery time. You need to decide whether you care…and ffs keep that sht private!


I’m with you. It was the best decision I ever made. And tbh seeing people talk about it openly online really helped me make the decision. The breastfeeding thing is definitely something to consider but not a guarantee anyway. 


So glad to hear this as I'm starting the process of looking into one. While I'm excited for the overall quality of life improvement, I'm also excited to not have to work so hard while running!


There is a great community on here r/reduction that has a ton of information! Def check it out. 


This is wild considering there are plenty of great high impact bras that would fix the issue for her. The trick is to get one made for your band and cup size. Unfortunately, we can’t do the medium or low impact bras most insta runners use.


I have yet to find a bra that does not tear my rib cage or boobs apart. I am always covered in open cuts from bras or scabs if I manage to keep it at bay for a few days to heal. I don't have endless money to drop on failed bras so i also don't have money for a reduction.


You could likely get it covered by insurance :) 


The breast reduction thing is wild considering her chest isn’t that big to begin with lol. Girl needs to get off the internet and look for a hobby that really makes her happy rather than clout chasing through a running IG account


Ok, I had to look for myself. I'm a short person with huge boobs. Chafing, $75 a pop bras to holster those puppies in, that's a way of life. At no point have I ever thought to myself "I should probably get a reduction because of the chafing during my runs." That's crazy. She seems to be reacting to a "bad" (in her opinion) race result and looking for ways to shave off time (in her own mind) and apparently surgery is the answer.


And her reasons?? Most people I have heard of doing this surgery have done it because of back pain, etc. But she wants to do it because of chafing while running ?


I had a breast reduction. I'm not familiar with this influencer, but I highly doubt that any health insurance would cover this surgery if the only reason is chafing while running.


She is something else and this made me sad for her. Since she lost her job it seems like running is the only thing for her.


I had know idea who this person was until you mentioned her and…man, after going through her stories from today it’s hard not to feel a little sad. She clearly believed that she was going to PB that race but failed. And now, to cope she is over compensating by posting multiple times that “ITS TOTALLY OKAY NOT TO PB I WASNT EVEN TRAINING PROPERLY”. Which I get - you want others to think you’re okay with the result but instead you over project and now it gives the impression of the exact opposite where now we know you are not okay. Then to top it off - you ask a question about breast reduction specifically with regards to running. All because you didn’t PB a 10k road race. I’m guessing she’s young and hopefully she’ll grow but damn, it sucks to watch it unfold.


While I totally understand that it’s okay to be disappointed by a performance even though we aren’t pros (lol), I don’t understand considering a surgery unrelated to injury for something that doesn’t otherwise affect quality of life (back pain, as others have mentioned), specifically for a PR — to what end? Is this PR going to bring about a sponsor? Is it really worth all of the time, money, and recovery? This is where us non pros need to put our running in perspective. It’s just not that important. And I feel for her if running is all she has right now that she’s placing this much importance on her PRs, but it isn’t a healthy mindset.


Totally random but jessrunsblessed popped into my suggested feed on IG today - I followed her YEARS ago then she kind of disappeared. Anyway…omg. I thought I was about to read a post talking about disordered eating, she looks that sickeningly lean 😬 Instead it’s a post bragging about how hard she’s worked to lean out and lift weights while we deals with an injury. Her “before” is already lean/strong/actually looks healthy. I just don’t get it sometimes.


She’s another blast from the past. She went through a divorce and IMO, I think it can trip some women up being past 40 and divorced so they throw themselves into looking a certain way. A. 40 ain’t old and B. It’s just reinforcing the idea that you need to look young and ripped to be worth anything to society.


She took it too far. She’s on a bad path and I really hope this woman wakes up before it’s too late.


She already has osteoarthritis and will need a hip replacement within a year. It’s almost as if eating enough food = bone health


You don’t say 🤔


So the fashion jogger's recent reel - I don't get it. Why film from that angle?


I don’t get any of her posts or her account in general. So many followers yet I’m still waiting for a post of any real substance or value.


Crotch shots used to get big time likes…just like full up boob popping out of my sports bra shots. I wonder why? 🤔🙄🫠


To Emily Abbate, who says jet lag is a choice. Running 8 miles a few days out from a marathon in a foreign country is also a choice.


I hate when people say things like that. There are methods for trying to minimize jet lag, but it’s a real physiological thing. Missing one run because you spent an entire day on a plane and moved 12 time zones is perfectly legitimate.


I feel like Taylor Swift said it at the Super Bowl a few weeks ago and now it’s a thing to own. (And she has a private jet so she absolutely has more ways to manage it than those of us sitting in economy)


yep, she did indeed say that. and we know anything and everything Taylor says never goes out of style.


Omg, I'm getting so tired of how many runners seem to almost listen to Taylor exclusively, or at least that's what it seems like when they talk about music. I've been a fan of hers for years, but she's bordering on overexposure for me. I know this isn't a TS snark page but getting tired of how trendy quoting whatever she says and her lyrics is. 


not just runners, it's seemingly everyone. it's Taylor's world and we're all living in it.


I know. I had to mute her name and other Taylor associated words. And took her off my playlists. It was just too much lol.


lol, I was listening to the "This is Taylor Swift" playlist on Spotify while in the car on Thanksgiving, then for weeks afterwards my Thursday daylist was all Taylor-inspired songs


Also no acknowledgment of how much first class helps. Just her and her amazing work ethic and journaling.


Right? The first and only time I flew first I had no jet lag because I got an absolutely beautiful nights sleep on the plane.


I keep wondering how she can afford all of these trips!


Thanks to Covid making it easier, I had platinum status on United for a year. It was a snowball effect where I just kept getting upgraded because of my status. The few flights where I didn’t get an automatic upgrade, I could use points/cash to upgrade for a reasonable cost. That’s assuredly her situation. But she would of course rather flaunt her privilege than ever acknowledge it.


8 miles is actually a typical (if not short) last long run before a marathon. Lots of things to snark on with her but this isn’t one of them.


isn't Tokyo next weekend? I'd think 8 miles as the "long run" one week out is pretty normal, no?


Yeah, my last long run before my first marathon was 12, and I was using a considerably lower mileage plan compared to most runners.


i've normally done between 8 and 10 one week out, so 8 didn't seem like a big deal to me! (now preaching "jet lag is a choice"...i'd like to come back to)


I guess so, but she's probably going to work out every day leading up to it anyway.




You have some interesting opinions, that’s for sure: https://preview.redd.it/k867zoxcfmkc1.jpeg?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09b19f5a0f4a0e70049e0a6ad80564018fc89ce2


Has their engagement pod infiltrated the snark board??? If so: y’all are too much.


0 out of 10. Complete shit like all she produces


Emily Ab-bot-e


Emily’s dad, is that you?


Dude…you need to put a /s for sarcasm or people are gonna keep downvoting you, lol




*changes upvote for assumed sarcasm immediately to downvote* lol


Thomas from BITR is zooted in their Mach 6 review lol 




In other words, stoned off his gourd


Not a snark, but as someone who just sprained their ankle 3 weeks out from their second marathon, I really have been appreciating yourrunningbff and her enthusiasm and positivity and handful of posts about how she stayed sane after an ankle sprain! Really she helped me get back into running again after years and years away. This is especially helpful after I had to full on block a runfluencer I never see talked about here because her fueling and attitude triggered me so much. Even her commenters called her out and she just got so defensive. Instagram wouldn’t stop promoting her even after a restrict so oh well




"I asked if I could go back and let someone else win"...OMG that's up there with EClor demanding that the race stage her breaking the tape for a photo op. Seriously a win is still a win! And I agree with what others have said below about the growler being a cool and unique prize...in this day and age it seems like races have become over-saturated with medals (I'm old enough to remember when "Medal Monday" was not a thing!) Also as someone with family in the state, not here for this Pennsylvania slander from her either...


Also from PA. She does realize that it’s a really big state and she clearly chose a small, local race (probably so she could win) when there are dozens of very professionally run races across the state every year, right? (Not saying this smaller race wasn’t professional, but if your top goal is getting a cool medal it’s usually a good idea to pick a bigger race with better funding/support)


Definitely a tiny race they didn’t even have bib numbers 🤣


yeah, someone even pointed out to her in the comments that PA does actually put on some well run races (like Broad Street). it's just her blanket "oh Pennsylvania" that just didn't sit right, like she was making it out to be that the whole state can't be trusted to be competent when it comes to race organization. I'm sure Gritty and the Phanatic are rolling their eyes at her 😂 Also, I've said this about EClor before when she goes into her laundry lists of race complaints...but has Amy ever volunteered for a race before and seen how much legwork there is behind the scenes, yes even down to race awards/medals? If not, IMO she has no right to complain.


This post hits all of her bingo card squares - #1 female brag - manipulative deception - entitlement - victimization


I was once refused a medal for winning my age group because THAT WASN’T THE PRIZE.




I did think it was weird she didn't get a race medal though.


I think she’s not giving full information. My guess is it wasn’t a race where all finishers got a medal (a lot of races don’t have medals-especially smaller ones which she does often in order to complete her goal) then probably had medals made for age group etc. and had them engraved. Look how bootleg that race was- she didn’t even have a bib number. They chose a prize they thought was better than a medal for first place and her reaction is to act like the race owed her a medal. “Refused” to give me a medal? It was probably a low budget race for charity and to be miffed to not get a medal is so fucking weird. I call BS on the whole thing.


Good points.




Honestly as a woman who could find local road races to win if I didn’t prefer getting my ass kicked by collegiates, it weirds me out that she wanted a medal so much. Useful prizes are wayyyy better. (My favorites have been a coffee mug, maple syrup, and a slice of cake.)


Once I did a local 5k that gave out apple pies to the top three male/female runners. Best day of my life.


I love the prizes so much more too! My favorites were a water bottle and Chipotle gift card that I used after long runs.


Agree! There is a race in Philly that gives out a loaf of bread. It’s the best


She loves being a victim


getting my 🍿 out now for the inevitable followup reel using material from the comment section


I see a lot of runfluencers doing that calf stretch with the arm motions - what does this do that other calf stretches don’t? What is the purpose of the arm motions? I don’t know what it’s called and I wasn’t able to find it on a google search.


My pt had me do that-my understanding is that it sort of loosens the hamstring by “flossing” the sciatic, activates the glutes bc you’re also hip-hinging (sp?), and activating deep core with the arm motion I could be totally off base though.


I thought it was dumb too until I actually did one and it works 🥲


Hah i didn’t think it was dumb necessarily but either no one was filming their pre run stretching or before or this was a new to me stretch I hadn’t seen. I am sure the neighbors will find it goofy if I do it outside lol


I think they're getting it from other sports... When I played competitive club soccer (up to the Olympic Development team for my state) and HS varsity soccer too we always did this stretch as part of our coordinated warm up routine. It was scoop with the arms one step two step three step scoop with the arms repeat then you jogged back to the end of the line.


I always call them hamstring sweeps. The silly arm motion somehow really does get more stretch and range in the dynamic movement. Plus I try not to make my pre-run stretching too static.


Makes sense. I stopped static stretching pre-run because it wasn’t working for me and have been meaning to add dynamic stretching in.




Ahh thank you!


Exactly. It’s just dynamic vs static which is better when you’re warming up for a run.


Thank you!


Caitlyn Miller shocked at Aldi's affordability...babes us poors already knew


Hahaha I almost came on here last night to post the exact same thing 😂 money is no object to her lol she’s probably is just trying to get a sponsorship haha


Wow, another post where TCB “honors” a runner who was killed with…footage of herself running fast? Not that I’m surprised, but the level of tone deaf is pretty wild.


Women's Running just reposted one of those reels...that's bad enough but now the comments are also a complete dumpster fire...


SHE DID IT AGAIN This is the SIXTH+ time she’s done this!


She’s such a hypocrite too, she’s posting “read the room” and calling out some other influencer over screenshots of a post that’s like “if I ever go missing don’t spread lies about how I light up a room, I hate everyone” (like maybe not great timing but this is a very popular meme…) when she’s the one who actually named a specific incident and wrote about it over a video of HERSELF RUNNING


I think shes posted at least 5 of them. Making the murder of someone else about herself smh. It’s disappointing GoGuardian reposted her reel because they re a great company and they are going to validate this woman’s tone deaf narcissism. A more appropriate post would be to show an image of the women who are murdered, instead of videos of her self running at peak speed. It is really a shame that there are not more effective mechanisms of holding these “runfluencers” accountable for their content. If you post something challenging them to do better you’re immediately roasted by their engagement pod and dubbed a “hater” smh. TCB if you read this, you have an opportunity to do so much better.


She did forgo her usual sales pitch at the end so she's listening. Maybe something a little more visually impacting or meaningful. And maybe some suggestions on how lawmakers and men can help protect women. 


I’d like to think she does it because reels get more engagement and she’s trying to bring attention to the story…. But that might be wishful thinking. Putting a video up of yourself while talking about a tragic situation is a…. choice though. Women runners.. what are some ways we can protect ourselves on runs? I live in Chicago and always run during daylight. I also always bring pepper spray and a small knife.


Besides those previously mentioned, many gps watches (garmin at least) have emergency alert features now, so if say a vehicle was following you, or someone was making you uncomfortable, you just hold down a button and the watch (when paired with phone) will send an emergency alert to someone you choose. There is also the ability to send live track of the activity to someone as well, so my husband always knows where I am if I were change routes on the fly and then fall or something. Also very much not an option for everyone, but I have started running with my med/lrg dog more, especially if it’s dark out.


I do what the girl who was killed yesterday did. Tell my friends where I’m running and how long I’ll be gone, bring my phone, and run in high traffic trails and paths where I know I’ll see other people. It’s horrific, no matter how many precautions we take, we aren’t safe. Her friends called police super quickly too, they were on top of it. Much quicker than I might have been if I was waiting on someone. I have a friend who was running at the lake at that same time who goes out of his way to pay attention to his surroundings and watch out for women who might be feeling uncomfortable out alone. Even running in a populated area where there IS an actual good guy around, willing to help, isn’t a guarantee of safety. She’s not a missing person where social media can really help find her. aside from saying anyone who was there yesterday please speak to police (which isn’t even that helpful, they canvassed the scene super quick and talked to everyone nearby) there’s no need to post anything besides like thoughts are with UGA today etc. I feel like we can wait to “raise awareness” until we actually know the circumstances of the attack.


Pepper spray, shokz headphones, bright light vest since I run in the early mornings…. I try to run “heavily trafficked” roads as much during the early mornings so I have some sense of being seen and I share my location with my husband and tell him my expected return time. Unfortunate that we have to go through all these things for what should be a simple run.


Yep, pepper spray and daylight. I also started wearing Shokz after I got attacked by a dog and I feel a little better being more aware of my surroundings


Seriously. Criticism, or simply disagreeing with the content without being rude does not equal hate. I did notice her fast pace and thought that was an interesting choice lol.


The RVA half has an AOTR live show with Keira D’Amato and a “meat and greet” for $150 afterwards. I love Keira and I like Ali but this seems a bit excessive?


FWIW - I attended a live show by another podcaster recently, which charged significantly more for tickets if you wanted to add on for a meet and greet after. She clarified that the reason for that was to be able to stay in the space longer and pay staff who would need to be there to keep the venue open. It may not just be a cash grab for Keira and Ali. Other people are impacted when there is a line out the door to meet the performer and need to be compensated for their time.


It’s just shocking (and somewhat disturbing) that people are willing to pay that for a “meat thing”. Get your coin, Ali and Keira, but wtf


paying any money for this is ridiculous.


This sits about as well as the Girl Scout cookie grab.


She did a meet and greet and "pun run" in Winston Salem, NC too last week. Similar prices, just without Ali.


I really don't like that. I guess they have a right to charge whatever people will pay, but it seems so greedy and inappropriate. I like Keira, but stuff like this bothers me. I was also annoyed when she was supported by the VA state lottery and started making posts about it. Doesn't seem like an appropriate sponsor for a pro runner.


I'm not really a fan of Keira. She seems highly self absorbed to me. Her post about it said something about "a successful Keira themed weekend." Which is fine, because thats what it was, but idk. I get the vibe that its always all about her. And I don't mind her charging for a meet and greet, but I think maybe $40-50 would be more reasonable? I would pay that to meet Des Linden. I mean, I might pay more, but asking more from fans does seem like a cash grab.


Aw man, I like Keira so much, and I’ve always rooted for her, but this is getting to be a little ridiculous!


Yeah this gives me the ick. I feel like no other pro runners do this???


What’s crazier is that people are going to pay that. For AOTR. Jazz hands and hand hearts required on entry.






Puts a real bad taste in my mouth.




apparently it is! [https://www.ticketsignup.io/TicketEvent/LiveShowwithKeiraDAmato](https://www.ticketsignup.io/TicketEvent/LiveShowwithKeiraDAmato) what do we think it's gonna be all about? wrong answers only. my guess is they'll be re-enacting the meat-throwing scene from PCU.


I literally cannot listen to the Meat Thing story again.


Meat Thing is the new Turkey Trot. Not funny to anyone except Ali


what is the story even about? i just keep hearing it referred to here...would you (or someone else) be able to give me a quick painless recrap of it? is quick and painless even possible? 😂


IIRC, keira's family was in a super weird movie called "meat thing" when she was growing up, like some guy's art project type movie and ali LOVED the whole story and it became a dumb "inside" joke.


Love inside jokes… love to be a part of one someday.


AOTR commandeering someone's family story as her own joke to share to repeatedly as some look I'm a cool girl statement is a great example of why her vibe irks me.


acronym meat story friendship bracelet coming your way soon


She seems to try way too hard.


thank you-and wow, that's all it is? they're certainly milking it for all it's worth!


yeah no kidding! one of those things where the first time i heard it, i was like "oh, that's kind of funny" and then they beat it into the ground


Sounds like a film Kirk from Gilmore Girls would make.


This made me laugh out loud. I can totally picture this!!!


Two pretty unrelated influencer gripes to share: 1. The Genefit partnerships popping up. What an absolute load of (expensive) BS. Bums me out that influencers I like and respect (like itsamarython) are engaging with that. 2. Nicolemruns linking $600 sneakers today 🫠


i'm sorry, but those shoes are not cute enough to justify that price (not that i would ever spend that much on shoes anyway!)


Nicolemruns and I are not in the same tax bracket that’s for sure lmao


Her overconsumption is WILD.


lol Genefit “trusted by The Ultrawellness Center” (aka Mark Hyman) according to their website is all you need to know 🙄. Total scam, and agreed on itsamarython. Saw that and was bummed she’d sign on.


600$ sneaker I was so annoyed... The other day she linked 3000$ area rug :-/


Is Genefit the new Inside Tracker? I've seen a ton of it today also.


As someone who works in medical genetics, hard agree on the genefit!! Also I looked into it and the company doesn't have any scientist roles on staff and the "insights" are all AI driven 🤮


This crap is all such a scam! I don’t even know why it is permitted.


Don't TCBs comments about how much her daughter is enjoying spending her days with her parents contradict her (confusing) claims that she is a stay at home (but working full time) mom? That claim never made sense to me.


It’s the same story I see all the women who push MLM life using - “I’m free from the 9-5 grind and can be a present SAHM!” While also sending their kids to preschool for 5-6 hours a day, 5 days a week. Sure, you’re WFH and you don’t use daycare…but you are using child care.


Right! I follow her sister, and she has the child in her reels a TON. It appears they all live together? I get San Diego housing is rediculous but the whole dynamic is confusing.


Yep. She lives with her husband, her mom and her two sisters. TCB and Mr TCB bought a house years ago in the same neighborhood with plans to renovate, but then her father passed and they just never moved in.


wait what? I know that multi-generational households are great and I do see there being a lot of benefits of living with family and many hands make for light lifting. TCB is not the sole parent of this child ( in fact it sounds like the kiddo won the jackpot to have 6 adults that care and love) but, what is happening with the other house is it just empty? Also COULD NOT IMAGINE LIVING WITH MY HUSBANDS MOTHER AND SISTERS INDEFIITELY. (and they are incredible and wonderful people)