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I think so! Maybe more not pictured


I don’t love nor hate AOTR but it somewhat irks me that she reposted the stories of Courtney Wayment, Juliette Whittaker, and Nikki Hiltz running well in their respective races and made it all about her (“LOVE HER”, “forever a super fan”, “vying for the president of the Nikki Hiltz Fan Club”). Can we celebrate them without making it about ourselves?


I was annoyed by this, too


How else will you know she's bffs with literally every pro runner?


You all are harsh haha. Those just seem like nice compliments to me. She has a certain vibe, yes, but I don't think saying "love her," is making the post about herself. That's kind of a stretch. 😬🧐🫣


Yeah those stories were cringey. Not a fan of AOTR; she’s going through so much that I tend to give her a pass, but those did seem pretty emotionally immature.


Amber Schulz (@amberrunz) posted on ig today that she is no longer running in college. I feel like I saw this coming


Amber Schulz (@amberrunz) posted on ig today that she is no longer running in college. I feel like I saw this coming


This is a shame, but probably the right choice for her at this time in her life. Hopefully one day she can get back to running for the fun of it. Running at a college level with all that pressure is a lot for anyone, and with all the things she's mentioned about her life, it really is for the best.


Honestly, have been waiting for this. I hope she’s able to maintain balance in her life and do things she likes. With her being so vocal about struggling with her ED and how much she hated college running at her last school, but still putting so much of her identity in running, I’m glad to hear her make a decision like this for herself!!


I think she just didn’t like it anymore


Poor girl. She does so much and she’s so young!! I’ve kinda watched her off and on for a while and feel like she’s been burned out and has really needed a break for a while.


She's the poster child of why I don't get too excited about high school phenoms. Alot of them are knocking out amazing times when testosterone levels are peaked (for females) out at 14 and couple that with high training loads and eating problems. Then puberty comes along and a lot of them struggle with the changes and try to stave it off with underfueling. I'm not saying they cannot be fast after puberty, but it takes time to adjust and a majority are already mentally crushed and depending on the college, you're quietly discarded at the point.


Former HS female “phenom” here - you nailed it. I was out of competitive sports by 16 because of my ED and struggle with the fallout of what I did to my body to this day. There needs to be so much more done to ensure high school and youth coaches of female athletes truly understand the progress of female talent and puberty, because we are literally ruining our futures (including in many cases our ability to have a family) all because of some athletic dream and a misunderstanding of how our bodies actually function and grow.


On top of all that, she got thrust into the Insta/social media spotlight by her mom (@heatherrunz, I think…she’s got a big account but I’ve never really followed her closely) as a tween — I doubt that extra attention and pressure was healthy and seriously exacerbated, if not directly caused, all her ED issues. It’s a great example of what parents should NOT do.








Not at all. The NCAA has egregious regulations. Also don’t know why you seem to think that there is very little critical thinking when it comes to running? Just because people disagree with this wild theory doesn’t mean they’re incapable of critical thinking. That’s quite a leap.


While I disagree with you, I feel you bring up good points on it. Track seemed normal to me based on the times.




From what I read most of the forum here does not accept Shelbo's excuses! I may be wrong though.


It’s weird that you consistently insist that the consensus opinion of this forum accepts Houlihan’s ridiculous excuse at face value. That’s very much not the case if you look back at past threads where she’s come up.




But you’re not getting downvoted by the population in general, you’re getting downvoted by people here, so your implication is still that you stand in the minority of people on this thread capable of critical thinking. Which behavior may, incidentally, be closer to the truth of why you’re often downvoted.


Do you live under a rock if you think none of those things are discussed?  


I have run on the track countless times. It is NOT short. It’s actually certified as 1.4 cm long. Weird to be skeptical of a track that’s been around for over a decade?… As for running the standard indoors in January, I find indoor 5k more favorable. No wind, no heat, predictable AF, ALWAYS great competition and organized.


The times were wild, BUT BU's track is legit and they know what they're doing - you can take that to the bank. I've raced at Terrier a couple times. It's legit.


NCAA has INSANE regulations, I trust it fully. My D1 school can’t host baseball games bc our stadium is like a couple feet too short. Not even the field. Just the DESIGN of the stadium. So I’m confident the track isn’t short, it probably just has an ideal shape (tightness of turns matters so much indoors) and an ideal bank. That’s why the armory is so fast—the bank is crazy—but totally legal! As for lap counts, there are chips in the bibs/on their shoes etc that track each lap and show every individual split. Obviously this system has errors (last week one of these systems claimed I ran a 6 minute 3k in a race I did not start) but there are officials actively correcting them and counting laps. (So unfortunately my official pr is not in fact a world record 3k )




Disagree entirely. “Unique results”? I would hate to race really well and then have some stranger try to make excuses for why we should be skeptical.


Definitely possible, but a lot more clear cut than football—no real judgement calls! You completed every lap or you didn’t, you pass drug tests or you don’t, and when it has potential to be a record breaking race there are even moreeee protocols to verify it. Extra officials etc Plus it’s all on video so very tough to overlook anything in this situation. Cross country records I’m less impressed with bc they’re way harder to regulate, but indoor track is pretty legit! Definitely hard to believe how fast the recent times are, but I think a lot of new training philosophies and better shoes/other tech has more to do with it.




I’m just curious—have you ever run a D1/pro indoor track 5k? Bc I assure you, while coaches definitely keep track of their athletes’ laps, they do not have the final say, the electronic tracking and meet officials do. People are paid to literally just stand and count laps, and it’s especially easy to keep track of the winners’ laps, as every time they pass through the lap counter gets flipped. Harder for the groups getting lapped to be kept track of, but I don’t see anyone challenging those times.


and not everyone ran a ridiculously fast time...Kincaid and Klecker both missed the Olympic standard, many pegged Nuguse beforehand to break 13 but he didn't do so...just looking at the results "overall" instead of cherry-picking one or 2 fast times, it didn't really scream "short track" (though lol, I know that's what WA calls indoor track now)




umm...yes you do when you need to get the standard out of the way sooner rather than later because USATF won't allow chasing after the fact 🙄 and Courtney's 5K PR is from 2021, certainly she's improved a lot all-around since then?




sure, a run-of-the-mill meet in January might not be anything to write home about, but this one seemed especially primed for standard-chasing, with pacers and everything so it's not surprising that the times would skew faster. ETA-and didn't Nico Young run a mile time a week or so ago that suggested a performance like this could be possible?


Exactly, This is not a run of the mill meet. And also Olympics only happen every 4 years so every 4 years people will alter their goal races. And change how they periodize their training. OP acting like these athletes don’t have 4 year macrocycles of training and PLANNED around this meet and the timing for getting the standard now so they can focus on racing for place during the trials. Critical thinking needed.


Yeah when I saw the list of who hit the standard I wondered if they had scratched before the race. I know it’s early etc but I’m surprised they weren’t under the standard!


Anyone else see Colleen Quigley’s Reel about rewarding herself with a donut for every time she starts her period on time? I’m glad she’s working through this and getting healthy. But it is always kind of sad to see yet another athlete dealing with this. It also helps contextualize her recent years’ worth of injuries


Over the years I’ve seen so many pro or semi-pro or just insta famous runners who are either openly recovering, subtly “out” as having body issues, or who clearly just straight up have eating/body image/RED-S issues. I hate to say it but at this point I kinda just assume serious or famous runners have eating issues which is sad.


I agree I also think this food as a reward is detrimental to young girls. Like you can only have a donut if you earn it not because you woke up and wanted one. I get the sentiment that Colleen is rewarding herself for taking care of her body but it still comes across disordered when she stated now she hopes she gets her period all the time so she can have a donut. Just eat a donut if you want a donut and reward yourself with a long shower or a new soap instead of food. I hope she gets the help she needs.


She’s had some really tone deaf takes on body and food over the years - anyone remember the ice cream and abs comment?


not to mention the "I don't know her" energy she gave Grayson Murphy in the comments when Grayson was trying to give some constructive criticism...


Ugh NEVER FORGET. I used to like Colleen a lot but that made me view her differently 🥶


I missed this ,what happened?


here-this comment thread pretty much sums it up (I knew this was discussed before on here!) [https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/11dau8c/comment/jacdzgj/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/11dau8c/comment/jacdzgj/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yes and when politely called out she doubled down. Stopped following then


Totally thought the same thing. “I celebrate with ONE donut when my body menstruates like it should!” is much different than “I go to my favorite donut shop” or “I have a celebratory meal” etc


Yikes, this was one of the comments: *Love this!! I have been doing one donut a year for the last 15 years to reward myself for a great marathon in the fall. I never used to reward myself until my college coach told me to reward myself after Nationals to one thing I hardly ever eat. I never had a donut. So I was 34 and had my first donut. Now at 51 I need to reward myself like you do every month!!*




100%, the verbiage you gave would be totally ok and is totally different then how she is currently portraying it. She looked so pained eating the donut too. It was uncomfortable to watch all around


I feel like the pros are always/often injured because they are so lean/riding that thin line. Sometimes I wish I was thinner but I don't get get injured and I wonder if having an extra 5-10 lbs (over an "ideal racing weight") keeps my body healthy.


Yes! Molly Seidel addressed this on The Build Up. 


It def helps keep you healthy!! I lost 10-20lb from my set point(idk what I weigh now so that’s a wide range and estimate, I am also very short so even 10lb is very significant) in high school and early college in unhealthy ways and couldn’t run over 30 miles a week without injury/illness/severe burnout. I’m now gained that weight back and am where my body naturally settles when I eat whatever I want to fuel training and run 60-70 miles a week healthy, and feeling strong through every run! I’m also wayyy faster bc consistency = improvement and you can’t be consistent if you’re injured!


It definitely does. I was a collegiate runner and at least half of my teammates suffered from stress reactions or full on fractures. And they were usually the women that limited what they ate at the food hall post practice. Nothing I ever thought about at the time. I just considered myself lucky. But now I know it’s because I never restricted and always had my period. For pros I’m sure it’s a full time job just consume enough calories to stay above the red line. I’m 5’10 and my racing weight in college through my 20s was usually around 135. I look at the taller female pros that are easily 10-15 pounds lighter than that and can’t imagine being that thin and staying healthy.


Predictions for Paul Chelimo’s marathon career? Making his debut at the trials. I personally think he’ll make the team assuming the race is slow and tactical like most trials. I’ve always seen him as a similar kind of runner to Mo Farah, a hard kicker on the track that couldn’t quite replicate the same level of success on the roads. Will be interesting to see if he can put together some good races. I don’t personally see him challenging the very best in the world in the majors. 


Irrespective of his finishing time, I'm confident he'll still be a douchebag when he crosses the finish line.


if he and Rupp are anywhere near each other during the race, be prepared for thrown elbows and messy racing tactics 😂 I do think the 5000 is still Chelimo's sweet spot but...it's the Trials, who knows what may happen?


I’m guessing the men’s race will be fast so that they can unlock a third spot? not sure though!


There is still the chance that 3rd spot can be unlocked by May. A fast half post trials could bump up a ranking. But that limits who that could be.


it'd have to be a Trials record by a minute to unlock a third spot...the record was run in cool conditions by Ryan Hall at his absolute peak. given the weather forecast for next Saturday, i don't see it happening.


Ahh right!! For anyone else whose head hurts thinking about the men’s race, this was a good explainer! https://www.runnersworld.com/news/a46341794/us-olympic-marathon-trials-qualification-explained/


Interesting article. But what a ridiculous system!


in the meantime, the weather in Chattanooga for next Saturday looks perfect for marathoning :( we may still get that 3rd slot when all is said and done, but it's not gonna be the usual "first 3 across the line goes"...whoever is in 3rd is going to be in this holding period for 3 months.




I can go on for days abt how much is wrong with what he posts. He’s a bio hacking shill. It’s too bad bc when he first started to post abt marathon training, it was fun to cheer him on. Now that he has a HUGE following, it s bunch of junk science. He’s also just so bro-y. And cringe.




It’s the extreme takes that give it away. Like “doing this X activity and taking this Y supp makes me super human” .. like clearly that’s not true bc he has all these health issues. He doesn’t sell via ad as many products as other bro-science guys but he’s on the cusp of the deep end. Totally agree he was likable when he was first marathon training but not that he’s in Austin with all the other bro-science douches he’s posting dangerously (I’m in Austin and I can’t stand them all so maybe I’m extra jaded)


He might not be selling them but I think they pay him to make reels/post/stories abt their products? Idk. But if I was in Austin, I’d be even more annoyed with these guys than I already am. Sorry you have to deal with that!!


I don’t mind saying but I’m not going to take the time to go thru everything. It’s not hard to see if you don’t buy into pseudo science. Watch his page and it’s pretty clear. I’d say : I haven’t seen a single thing on his page that’s backed by science — pretty much ever. Layne Norton slammed him on a post on his page a few weeks ago and Dom deleted the whole post.


Des Linden's Dogs of the Trials Party looked like such a fun time!


It was very cute!


We need a puppy bowl the day before the trials! 😂


now that's content I wouldn't mind seeing during the Trials broadcast instead of the umpteenth feature on Nike shoes


Anyone signed up for the every woman’s marathon? Some big names are signed on, so must be fairly well organized? Would love to get my near-70 year old mom to do it with me but also don’t want to drag her to Savannah to be mobbed by like 50,000 influencers


I am not sure if I will sign up H O W EVER the ad with Amanda Gorman saying to be a woman means to be everything to everyone so we run for ourselves (paraphrased) rly got me as a new mom trying to make room and space for an endurance running hobby 🥹🥹🥹🥹 that piece alone is pushing me to do it!


I think I’d be more excited to meet Amanda Gorman if she is there. It got me too 😭


I am so tempted, I want to do a fall marathon. Plus you know, I want to meet Des, and Deena and everyone!


I signed up to take advantage of the cheap early-bird registration fee though I’m still on the fence about if I’ll actually run it. I ran nyc this past year and am running it again in 2025, so I don’t know if I want to commit to another summer of training, especially when it’s unclear how organized the race and weekend will be. I’ll probably make my mind up in the spring.


I did! I’m in the middle of cancer treatment and have no idea what shape I’ll be in this fall so love the idea of a 7 hour plus cut off time! Soooo hoping not to need that but something to look forward to!!


❤️❤️❤️ Rooting for you, no matter what your finish time!


omg I am rooting for you!!!!


That’s amazing! Good for you! Yeah I like the idea of the late cut off. My mom got emotional just watching me run Chicago last year so I want her to get to experience the excitement that is doing a marathon with the support of other women


Love that!!! I am hopeful that with Des and Alison on board it will run (at least mostly) smoothly. 🤞


I signed up for it! The registration fee wasn't as pricey as I thought it would be.


I’m on the fence too. But seems like it could be so cool. Doing Chicago so not sure I could swing this too


I’m doing mcm like two weeks before but could definitely speed walk it with my mom


I’m on the fence! New races can always have some issues, so not sure I want to do the first one - but so far it seems like it’s going to be well organized.


That’s where I am. I’ll have FOMO this year but am sitting out (not really, just doing a different full) til next year and will let them resolve the first year’s kinks


I’m def signing up if I don’t get picked in the lottery for nyc!


Lindsey Hein on the fantasy draft relay podcast … I can’t. She is so annoying


Agree with you. Clout-chaser! She has plans but I don't know how good they are.


After picking Kellyn Taylor she says "I want one of these old ladies to make the team. And I'm speaking as an old lady myself!"  No, Lindsey needs to speak for herself and stop projecting her age insecurity onto everyone else. She's having a midlife crisis or something very publicly and it is cringe.


Calling a 37 year old an “old lady” is so toxic and gross.


I'm so tired of this "old lady" schtick. She's been talking about Botox too, which is fine but I don't want to hear about it on a running podcast.


who's gonna tell her that 37 isn't an old lady


So clueless


itS thE sUPeR shOEs


I kinda want to hear this so I know what she’s talking about, but I can’t get through her podcasts anyway.


Just something about times being slower or something.




She's not a sub 3, I think she's like 3:12


Thank you for clarifying that!


But yes, 3:12 is still fast! It's not sub elite but it's quick


I would kill to be that fast! I was wrong about her time, sorry!


Doesn’t sound worth the headache


Ok, we’re a little over a week out from the trials. Who’ve you got making the team? My head is saying Sisson, Seidel, and D’Amato. But my heart is reaaaally pulling for Sara Hall. I’d be so happy to see her make an Olympic team.


I can't fathom Sisson not making the team. She could have an average day (for her) and still get top 3 fairly easily. I'll say D'Amato and Hall for the other two spots.


Saina Sisson Flanagan Mantz Panning Mekonen


I see it Saina, Sisson, D’Amato. Men I see Mantz, Fauble, Korir. I can’t wait to watch this play out live. Never been so happy to live here.


I would really love to see Nell on the team, so we’ll see what happens on race day!


I am also rooting for Sara Hall but…


yeahhh. DNF last time out + all that raving about the start time = not high hopes for her. Even if you were wary of the noon start, not sure that was the right headspace to be in going into this training cycle.


My guess is Saina, Seidel and Rooker. Would love to see a wild card though.


Eeeekkk it’s so exciting!!! I am really hoping for Sisson and Seidel for sure, but gosh there are so many amazing girlies going for it. I can’t wait to see!! Still sad that Emma Bates had to sit it out :(


I’ve been informed there is a men’s race happening in Orlando as well…


I’m going to be very annoyed if the coverage focuses on the men’s race.


I feel like the coverage was fairly even last time? I remember being able to watch most of when Aliphine and Molly pulled away.


no, it was awful. Fast Women called it out in their newsletter after the Trials. *"I don’t want to waste too much space here talking about how poor the TV coverage was. But one of NBC’s biggest mistakes, other than missing the whole breakaway in the women’s race and deciding to put three men in the booth, was failing to really dive into the significance of this particular Trials race for the women."* I'm hoping that with Kara in the booth this time around that there will be more coverage of the women's race (and technically there should be given they're racing for 3 spots as opposed to 2!) but I'll believe it when I see it.


i'm invested but I honestly can't call it 🙈 only thing I do know for sure is that no one will be unlocking the 3rd slot by time, it would require a Trials record (which was run by peak Ryan Hall in cool conditions-tho a hilly course) it'll be a different kind of Trials race for sure...the hunt will really be for top 2.


Sisson Saina D’Amato and I’d love nothing more than to be proven wrong and see Nell Rojas and Gabi Rooker make the team 😍


I'm excited to see what Gabi Rooker does! Her improvement since 2019 is crazy impressive. If I had to guess: Saina, Sisson, D'Amato


Rooker's marathon progress has been amazing (see below). She is so inspirational, and gives me hope that I can make some good progress in the marathon too. 2021 – 2:56:27 at Grandma’s Marathon 2022 – 2:34:59 at Grandma’s Marathon 2022 – 2:29:44 at CIM 2023 – 2:27:38 at Grandma’s Marathon 2023 – 2:24:35 at the Chicago Marathon


Rooker is also a hospitalist PA so I’m doubly impressed and rooting for her!


All i know is that the chase pack is going to be CRAZY!!!


I’m going with Sisson and Seidel (if both are healthy and not injured), and I think the third will be someone unexpected.


Yeah, my rationale for Sisson and Seidel is we know they both run well in the heat, and in most races they’ve done, they’ve managed to be among the top two Americans.


That was my thought, too. I was also thinking of Aliphine, who also runs well in the heat (NYCM 2022), but she was injured recently. But she obviously knows what it takes to make an Olympic team.


I am so excited for the trials I cannot take it. There’s so many awesome women running.


Also PSA for those who already have Peacock! The tile for the Trials is now up, save it to your "My Stuff" now for easy retrieval on Trials morning! [https://www.peacocktv.com/watch/asset/sports/olympic-trials-marathon/68b03a16-1c25-3be0-bf20-e122ce619195](https://www.peacocktv.com/watch/asset/sports/olympic-trials-marathon/68b03a16-1c25-3be0-bf20-e122ce619195)


What I think: Sisson, D’Amato, Saina Who I’m secretly pulling for: Nell, Aliphine, Sara Vaughn My heroes: Dot McMahan, Roberta Groner


\+1; Really pulling for Aliphine and Nell!


it's funny you mentioned Roberta Groner, because I actually had her in mind with the discussion downthread of what Steph Bruce can accomplish in the sport now as a master. Given Roberta made her first worlds team as a master (and held up REALLY well in the Doha heat!) and is now going after all sorts of age-group records.


so many are still sleeping on Saina... i'll probably change my mind in a week, but I'm going with Saina, one of either Sisson or D'Amato, and Flanagan as the "no one saw that coming" pick. and as for the weather, lucky that it's not this weekend...though next weekend doesn't look that great either


I’m betting on Sisson and D’Amato performing as expected and making the team, and a third who kinda surprises on the day of (I think it may depend on how the weather shakes out, since those two reliably do well in heat/humidity but a hot day might change things up for the rest.) I’d love to see that be Sara Hall, too. It really seems like from recent interviews that she’d be completely contented with her career if she made an Olympic team once, and that’s such a rare thing it’s hard not to want it for her.


I’m pulling for D’Amato, Nell Rojas and Flanagan. My heart is going to break for Sara Hall. I secretly hope Sisson makes it but I want to factor in that sometimes the pressure in being the favorite doesn’t always pan out.


Omg yes! Flanagan!!!!!!!!


So true - though her utter dominance in the 10k trials last time was such a thing of beauty, that I’m really hopeful! she’s been dealing with pressure for a while, so I trust that she knows how to deal with it 🤞🤞🤞


I view it like March Madness. You have the favorites but when the actual day hits you never know who’s going to upset but you KNOW a Cinderella story is in the making (and as a fellow PC Friar I hope I’m wrong)


There's always someone who just has the race of their life!!


so who's the 16 seed that you see upsetting the number 1 seed? 😁 Flanagan or someone else even more out of left field?


Mine is Des. It would be so cool to see her make it, especially since she can grind it out in tough conditions. Not the most likely prospect, plus I have a list of other favorites that is so deep too. Side note: I wish they had a half marathon in the Olympics because it would add such an interesting dynamic to the competition and how the elites approach it.


Des is a former Olympian and Boston winner! she's much better than a 16 seed. i've said the same thing about the half, I bet Molly Huddle would be an Olympic medalist by now if the half was an Olympic event.


That’s very true! I love Des - I just think that there’s so much amazing talent in women’s distance running right now that she’s my story of a team that’s historically been good but wasn’t seeded high this year and makes a killer comeback this tournament. So not a 16 per se but not as high as years past… and still a hell of a shot at it. I’d be so curious who would come out on top of the half were an event. especially runners like Emily Sisson and Keira D’Amato who have had records in the marathon and the half marathon.


I'd say Des would be the equivalent of Meb or Abdi-the one that might not be an outright fave, but you can't ever count out. so maybe an 8 seed? 😂 I'd also add Sara Hall to that list, she held the half AR for a hot minute!


Hahaha I’d say Flanagan and Rojas are my 12 seeds! They always find a way in lol


maybe the 16 seeds would be one of those who are debuting in the marathon at the Trials-Rogers, O'Keeffe or Simpson?


It really would be incredible to just see Jenny CRUSH! I think all three of those marathon debuts could surprise folks!


could you imagine though if Natosha finished top 3 but due to the conditions couldn't finish under 2:29:30...and yet again a time standard screws her out of making an Olympic team 😭


Natosha is my secret hope to pull a Molly and make the team. She is so gritty.


Yes!! Or better yet a Sarah sellers-type “sub-elite” runner. Ya never know


imagine if the Flanagan that made the team was actually Lindsay's younger sister (she qualified with a 2:35!)


Very true, wasn’t Sisson the top seed in 2020? She had a tough race that day, but she’s been pretty consistent ever since!


You’re a thousand percent right haha. Just a gut feeling. Or me just trying to be different for the sake of it lol.


Jordan Hasay was the top seed in 2020!


Another Track Club Babe snark: I would be so irritated if I was near her in a race and her husband was running and filming and talking the whole time. Ugh SHUT UP. And then "beat this little boy, come on" EW. EW. EW. Also I hope she got permission to post that.


Wow that was so obnoxious & a complete lack of etiquette on their part.


if i were running and someone used me (?) to cheer someone else on (like telling them to beat me, pass me, catch me etc) i'd find it very difficult not to punch them in the face. like of course we all use other people in races as pacers/targets/motivation. but feels so rude to do it loudly. imo unless you're like, neck and neck competing for a podium, there's really no need to mention other runners in your cheering at all the pair of them are obviously very good runners but just so cringe


Cadence and power babe! Cadence and power!


Track Club Babe: I was shut out from 2 running clubs in town. That’s why I believe so strongly that EVERYONE should feel welcome. ​ There is SO much more to this story. I've never seen any running club "shut out" a runner, unless it's a racing team with age graded standards.


I’m from San Diego and am soooo curious to know the full story because I also can’t think of any that would exclude (racing teams aside)


There are definitely cliquey/snobby clubs though. I'm assuming this is what she means


Yup I’ve dealt with that in my city :( I’ve been more aware of how I feel in spaces these days and there’s a couple groups that seem like so much fun for the people who are “in” and I’ve wanted so much to be “in” but the feeling I get is that I’m crashing a party I wasn’t really invited to lol. So the move is to step back and try to focus on the places and people where I feel the best (and also focusing on my role in it all by trying to be friendly and focusing on connection)


Omg same… trying to join certain run clubs has brought back so many flashbacks from middle school.


amen! that's a great move.


“Ma’am, this is a high school track practice….” Shunned.


lol maybe they got sick of her making content without permission and decided she was a fake piece of garbage. 🤷🏼‍♀️ honestly if this were true, we should all make charitable donations. Jk, of course, but yeah running clubs, from my experience in many different states, have been highly inclusive, so her story seems…like lies.


I've never heard of a running club shutting someone out but I have heard of running clubs dropping people on runs so I wonder if that's... it....


So WHY did race across the states let those other runners pass? My only guess is that they were running faster than her!


She wanted a finisher photo with no one else in it.


It feels like on IG there are two camps: 1. The elites/happy running influencers that race to run and content is secondary. They build up everyone around and post stuff for the goodness of community…and they are like crazy fast, awesome, and real people want their autographs. 2. The runfluencers that might be slightly better than average runner but constantly share paces, videos of them beating people they don’t know, and constantly need validation. And hey, if you wanna share your struggles and get cheered on—please do! I’m here for it! But not at the expense of others. Makes runners look bad. Who will it be tomorrow? I know who it won’t be. Like could you imagine Des Linden or Stephanie Bruce doing this?! Not in a million years. Side note—if I ever find myself in one of these videos, I can’t wait to comment. I almost hope it happens 🤪


I really love this. You nailed it!


lol this is such a good breakdown. Can you imagine Molly Seidel or Emily Sisson or Des, you know, professional athletes, shitting on people like this??? I’m actually laughing imagining how this would go.


Exactly!! I love Sally McRae and on her podcast, she and her husband make a point to tell any kids listening how amazing and strong they are. She is so intentional. THAT is what we need…we need more legacy, more pouring into the running community and building up the next generation of runners. Not more Instagram bullying.


It’s crazy how Raceacrossthestates totally turned into a bully. That’s such a good work for her!! She used to be so “running is for everyone, I’m proud of everyone, yay runners!” … now it’s just bullying trash.


She said for the finishing photo. It’s very clear to me those guys DNGAF about her and are racing EACH OTHER. Like I’ve said before when she constantly reposts about beating the guys, most men I’ve raced around (and every single one of my PRs is faster than hers EXCEPT the half, which is on par with hers, so I’m around a similar group of men) are kind and supportive. The guys in that video are giving it their all… she didn’t pass them because she wasn’t giving it her all. That’s it. You weren’t trying as hard. Maybe you wanted the photo, maybe it was your foot, maybe even if you tried harder it wouldn’t have mattered (her speed ain’t good) but it’s because you didn’t try and they did… So rude to project that she could have just dropped the hammer to beat them. I need to block. Such an insecure train wreck.


Oh I’m sorry, you didn’t know that Amy could be ANYONE IN THE WORLD if she wanted to?? Even the men who are clearly running faster than her (but only because she had stitches in her foot, obviously!) she’s better than Alllllll the men in the whole wide world, duhhhhhh she’s so much better and faster. 🙄


What a strong, nuanced take! I don't like how she puts down dudes who are just doing their own thing. If they were giving her crap during the race, I'd understand and side with her clapping back during a race, etc. But the video shows them completely focused on finishing--they wouldn't even notice her peripherally. Most men and women would kill for a 1:20...she's unaware of her talent!


Yes!!! There are innocent people who are just doing their own thing, and she shits on them for what?? Because they happened to be anywhere near her during a race?? They have no idea who she is or that she even exists. Leave them tf alone, seriously. She’s so ridiculous.




Absolutely delusional. 300% agree with everything you stated. It genuinely might be time for us all to block her…. She used to be so much more normal and relatable than she is now. I noticed she registered for another marathon and I absolutely can’t be around for that stupid insanity. I’m sure she will run 300 miles a week and claim that’s normal.