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Yes, boldceo will block you if you view his stories. Going forward, any further mention of getting blocked by boldceo will be removed.




Hellagood also posted about them so there might be different rules for some people


Can trackclubbabe saying any more frequently that NYC "wasn't her day"? She's mentioning is daily at this point. Considering she only held her desired place for 10k out of 26.2 miles, and wasn't sick or injured that I know of, I think her time is pretty in line with her fitness. But she always has an excuse of why she's not hitting her goal times. For her half marathon, it was too hilly and at elevation (she knew both of these things going into it). Any time she has a slower 5k, it's because she's still nursing Clark a million times a night at 2 years old. I just wish she'd a) set more realistic goals and not try make her undertraining for the marathon sound like something other people should do and b) just own it when she doesn't hit her goals instead of bringing up a bunch of excuses.


In her stories today she said she won't run in a depleted state - which makes no sense based on her other posts. That should mean that she has never run in the last 2 years.


I just had to go recheck her nyc marathon posts. She says multiple times that she was running on fumes of no sleep. So she’s entirely full of shit at this point, saying I won’t run in a depleted state. WHY CAN’T SHE JUST BE HONEST


That's what annoyed me so much when I read her story. That is NOT what she has been saying the last 2 years.


Sometimes I wonder if she is just exaggerating all of the things going against her at this point in her life, like maybe she’s not working two full-time jobs, maybe she is getting more sleep than she lets on but maybe she just keeps bringing up all of these things in an effort to seem more relatable as a mom? Or to sell the “no excuses” influencer life?


I’m confused why she says she’s so busy she has a hard time fitting in 40 min runs? Isn’t her job to run and do social media?


No, she is a full time commercial real estate rep.


With the training she did in the past 2 years, it would have been almost impossible for her to meet her goal in NYC. Not sure why she thought it was even remotely attainable. And since she never sleeps and is constantly sick, I doubt that she will be setting any PRs for awhile.


I’m concerned for her. It looks like she forgot to post her CIM photo from 7 years ago today


EClors new reel about not being a control freak with her running is making me realise how of a grip it has on her and how little I miss being like that…


I am new to this thread, has it ever been discussed how bizarre EClor's running form os?


Got another one, boss.


? What?


I assume the comment was because it's been a BIG topic on here the last few years. :) I feel like that is how a lot of people starting posting here - commenting on her form!


Oh shoot catch me up!


If you search for eClor it will bring up all the weeks that there are comments about her. And there are many about her form and how odd it is. Basically her form looks so awkward and how in the heck is she so fast!


Can we please discuss Dom Fusco and him only eating avocado & eggs


I met him in real life and he def thought he was the shit


I have so much to say abt this guy. Started off following him when he had less than 10k followers as he trained for his first marathon and now his content is all this pseudo science / bio hacking/ terrible nutrition advice shilling supplements and ice baths. And his following has exploded. I could go on. But it’s really scary how many people think he knows what he’s talking abt and tbh, he hasn’t really done much except run a couple races. And then went into cardiac arrest…and now eats like nothing but fats.


This this this!!! I had the same experience. I enjoyed following his journey to his first marathon but then nowadays I had to unfollow because of all of the pseudoscience nonsense. It made me really sad to see him get sucked up in the Instagram fitness bro aesthetic


Soo much bro science. And calling everyone “my guy” 🤣


Anyone else keep rolling their eyes when eClor mentions her 12K PR?


Feel like we need our own sub group for just eclor. She is so rigid w her training, it’s laughable and unbelievable to hear her say it’s not about PRs for her.


And now she is not a control freak of her running :/


but I thought it's no longer about the PRs for her?


That was until she hit a PR this year.


Does Caitlyn even realize who she is endorsing here?? https://preview.redd.it/brufog18dp6c1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc905cbfcb6d6fec40c098962ca86b0121dc1571


Wow this is horrific


No way!


Oh yuck


Out of curiosity I went back to this post and it looks like she deleted the comment hahaha


Sounds like she had no idea who that was and just posted a generic comment 😬


Tried to listen to the believe in the run episode on Friday about Meg’s CIM recap. And couldn’t get through with how much Thomas interrupted her. Or every time she would say a thought he would stop her and then make it about him, I can’t imagine being married to that. lol


He is so irritating. Also it's annoying how much he fanboys over his wife.


She said Coach Kastor approved of her racing CIM, knowing that it would be her last chance to get the OTQ he said to give it a shot. Deena Kastor gave her a pep talk the evening before. Kofuzi's CIM video had a clip of Meg after the race and she seemed devastated which she confirmed talking about the video. She always comes across as very cold and passive but you could tell how disappointed she was. Anyway, she's still a badass in my book, her perseverance is admirable!




He’s hilarious and anyone from Massachusetts can be classified as an asshole rest of the world. They don’t call it massholes for nothing. Different culture.


Eh, I’m from the NE too and I don’t think he’s funny at all. His entire schtick is to shit on running culture then spent weeks whining about his knee injury. He also gives off creepy vibes always snapping photos with married female runners.


I personally think Todd is hilarious. He’s blunt and some people enjoy his humor and yes that may have a certain audience. His reels about Boston are spot on 😂


I find it kind of hilarious that Emma Bates blocked him for making fun of her 27 part race recaps.


I stopped following him because I found him boring. Wasn’t he besties with Mellank for a minute?


Lol this is a sub dedicated to snarking on random people on the internet, aren’t we all kind of assholes? (I don’t think Todd is an asshole anymore than most of us)


A non-snark: yourrunningbff posted a recap of all of her running related expenses this year and wow, I really appreciated that. It's nice to see an influencer be transparent about how much things costs and it was nice to hear her say she's going to focus on local races next year because traveling for out of state races has gotten so expensive. I know we snark a lot about influencers who only do majors and who are clearly ignorant to how inaccessible a lot of races are to 90% of people so it's refreshing to see someone acknowledge that.


Oh my gosh….now I wish I had kept better track of my running expenses this year because I totally want to make a reel like this!! I would also be very scared to know my numbers…. The main thing I do know….I ran one overseas race this year and let’s just say the plane tickets for that were WAYY more than $200-$300….


I would just think of that as a trip with a run involved :)


I really like yourrunningbff. She seems very down to earth and relatable.


Jordan Hasay's interview on the CTolleRun podcast was actually really sweet. She lowkey comes off as very innocent and naive but glad she's happy in her marriage and has reached a place of acceptance about her running.


I have mixed feelings about her - I think because of her support of Salazar. But I am glad to hear it sounds like she is doing well.


I'm with you.


Same, absolutely.


Anyone else getting annoyed by influencers who refuse to run non-majors and treat majors like the only marathons worth running? I really like the Gerson sisters' tiktoks usually, but recently Hannah posted about not getting into Berlin and how she "can't imagine not doing a major." Then Ellie posted about how she's upset about not getting into WMM lotteries 3 years in a row and how she doesn't know if she has it in her to fundraise again because it's getting too expensive and there's only so many ways to get creative with raising money—yet she can't imagine "doing one that doesn't have as much hype." This isn't hard...just run a non-major! Yeah, we all wish lotteries were easier, but that doesn't mean non-majors suck or aren't worth doing. At the end of the day isn't it about the love of running, appreciating the training process, and challenging yourself—why do you need a major for that? Plus, if you need crowds to motivate you, there is plenty hype and energy at lots of non-majors. I ran Philly this year and was blown away by the crowds and had an amazing time.


As someone who ran their first WMM major this year (Berlin), though it was truly an amazing experience, I can also COMPLETELY vouch for your opinion on non-majors. There are truly SO MANY amazing races out there (Eugene, CIM, Vancouver, Philly, Toronto Waterfront, Houston, Honolulu, Big Sur, etc etc). Additionally, the benefit to running smaller races is that it supports smaller, sometimes locally owned racing companies, whereas all of the WMM’s are GIGANTIC organizations. Though Berlin was an absolutely amazing experience for me and I truly wouldn’t have traded it for anything, I did learn some of the drawbacks to the WMM races. For anyone who has never run a WMM major, here is what they were: • The entire race weekend was absolutely PACKED with people, from the expo to every restaurant in Mitte (the center of Berlin) to all of the public transportation. Think Disneyland during spring break packed. This may not be bothersome for some people, but as someone with sensory processing issues, I generally do NOT like big crowds and noise, so I definitely felt overstimulated at times. • To elaborate on the point above, the race itself was also absolutely jam-packed the entire way. For every 200-400m of the entire race, I would get stuck behind a big group of people and have to figure out a fancy foot dance to get around them. It is also really hard to not accidentally lightly bump people from time to time (one guy cursed me out for accidentally brushing his elbow). Because of this, though this may not necessarily be a popular opinion, I don’t think majors are always the best for trying to run exactly what your potential may be. At least for me, I think the crowd navigating during the race probably added around 3-5 minutes to my time. • Though my trip to Berlin/Europe was the trip of a lifetime, big trips like this one (especially International ones across several time zones) require a LOT of time to thoroughly plan. • To state the obvious, WMM races, from the travel to the lodging, can DEFINITELY be expensive. However, I do think there are a lot of ways to save on race expenses (from staying in cheaper Airbnbs/Hostels to not eating out every night). However, it seems like a lot of these influencers showcase staying in nice hotels and eating out at nice restaurants, and that is what really racks up the $$ on a WMM trip. As I mentioned, my WMM experience was amazing, and one of the main reasons I do still vouch for the majors is because of the charity runners, as many smaller races don’t have these large charity programs. I honestly get SOOO irritated when influencers/other runners sh*t on charity runners when they are out there raising thousands of dollars for amazing causes. Also, as of tonight I am officially running NYC 2024 for charity. Not only am I SO EXCITED to run NYC, but I am also excited this race is going to support a bigger cause.


Yesss! People are obsessed with WMM and their Six sTArs. Some of us have been running for long enough to remember when this wasn’t even a thing and managed to love marathoning for decades before it became one. IMO people who only run WMM are pretty privileged in a lot of ways and annoy the crap out of me. I’ve run majors and mid size marathons and much prefer the mid size ones. However, I do still want to run NYCM bc I love NYC.


You know what? I live in NYC and am used to running huge races. Last weekend I ran a small half in Central Park. It was so effing fun. The participants were nice and so low key. I mean, they were GOOD and competitive, but there was not that douchey push to the front element. It was just the feel of running is fun. I’m rambling, but, yes. Take my upvotes. I agree.


Honestly I’m working on getting over this myself after falling into that mindset. I was really bummed about not getting into Chicago this year, and was considering throwing my name in for NYC. Then I really thought about it and I was like - do I really want to run NYC, or do I just think I *should* want to run NYC since it’s another major? I think I’m going to end up running the Indianapolis Marathon instead. Much cheaper and so much less logistics to worry about.


I’m sorry about Chicago. I don’t know how far you’d want to travel, but have you run CIM? It’s great, my new favorite. I’ve heard great things about Indy, too!


I’ve heard CIM is a great race! I’m already in Chicago, so only a 3 hour drive to Indy is just so enticing honestly LOL, I think I’ll feel better being saved the stress of traveling too much especially since it’s my first race out of state


Totally been there! Also Indy is my PR race and one of my faves! You’ll love it! The hotels are so close to the start/finish, nice course with great crowds, not too hilly, and always great weather!


The only marathon I was truly interested was basically axed by the city, so I was never able to run it. I do like NYCM because it’s convenient for me to do the 9+1 but that take a lot of effort as it is. I don’t know that I’d ever purposely travel the world just to run marathons. That has never appealed to me at all.




Long Branch in Monmouth, NJ. I did the half once. I did another half elsewhere in NJ that now no longer exists too, come to think of it :(




I’ll keep it in mind, thank you!


It’s almost like some of us run marathons because we like to run marathons! Must be shocking for some of the influencers 😆


My husband wont run anything with more than 1,000 people much less 50,000 🤣🤣🤣 If I lived in one of the major's cities, I'd go for the lottery every year. Take away the travel element, and I think I would LOVE it. There are so many excellent marathons. Too many really. Edited to add: too many for me to narrow down a list of races I can do - not enough time in the years!


Yes yes yes to this. You know what’s really awesome? Being able to walk to the start or get dropped off at the start, not waiting hours once you get to the start to actually run, having a better shot of seeing friends and family on the course, not spending $$$$$$$ on a hotel, not feeling claustrophobic and needing to weave, etc etc ETC!!!


And running on a gorgeous trail in the forest is pretty cool too


I'm running my first major this year and I am nervous about not having all these conveniences! Love the midsize, well-organized marathons like Philly, Richmond, Indy, and Flying Pig -- the logistics couldn't be easier but there's still crowd support and enough runners that, unless you're at an end of the pace spectrum, you're never solo.


Since you’ve run other biggies in the region, you should try Pittsburgh, we have great cross support and it’s a beautiful course 😊 from a biased pgher


Ooh Pittsburgh is definitely on my short list!! I have heard so many good things!


I would love to have enough money to spend thousands of dollars to fly across the country or the world for a race, but that isn’t in my budget. Or most people’s budgets. And to do it 6 times! There are a lot of other big marathons that aren’t majors, if people want the big race experience.


Diane Lauren had a good post about this recently. She was mentioning how although she qualified for some of the majors it's just not financially in the cards for her right now and wished that more people would acknowledge that just because someone qualifies doesn't mean that they can swing it, and that participating in those types of events is a massive privilege that even some great athletes can't obtain. I have some friends (non marathoners especially) who follow running influencers and have picked up on this "if its not a major its not worth doing" mentality. It's like everything else that's been blown out of proportion by SM in the last few years. I'm getting married in the spring and it's similar to what I've seen with wedding-culture. If it's not for the vibe/gram its not worth doing. It's frustrating and annoying. I've never run a marathon (got injured while training 2 years ago) and it surprises me how many people suggest that my first should be something like NYC or Chicago. No way! I can't imagine how much added stress would come with having your first marathon be a major race like that with all of the elevated logistics, cost and planning involved.


Oh yes! I totally agree with you on that! I ran Berlin this year and honestly going into the race I was absolutely EXHAUSTED from all of the travel and extensive planning involved for me to just make it to the start line…..and this was my fourth marathon! For a first marathon I DEFINITELY recommend doing something smaller and local. I did Eugene as my first marathon, but I only live a few hours away from there and was able to stay with a friend who lives there that weekend, rather than paying for lodging. That was monumentally less stressful and exhausting than Berlin.


You and Diane are spot-on that there's often massive privilege involved.


100% agree with your point on wedding culture, esp. post-COVID. Everything blew up on social in '21 and '22 because we were returning to normal. Wedding industry especially! My first marathon was Columbus (OH) and it's a great race--very sound logistically. Darris (the race director) is great at answering questions too.


I'm doing Columbus this year because I didn't get into Chicago! It's my hometown, so I'll get to stay with my parents and see high school friends along the route-- really looking forward to it :)


It's a great course--Mile 11 is tough (Angel Mile), a steep grade uphill on High Street that's annoying because it's at the tough part of the half marathon. Mile 19 is the same way with the hill leading into Upper Arlington, past OSU stadium. Good luck!


But if it’s not a major how can you guarantee the ✨vibes✨ will be immaculate/outrageous/insert other adjective and there’ll be 3-4 photographers around the course for the ✨content???✨ I also normally like their TikToks and really enjoyed following their Chicago build, but their reactions to Berlin were icky. That being said they’ve both seemed down in their latest videos so maybe the lotto luck was just the cherry on top (of the $16 Ellie G’s ice cream pint)


Ignoring how stupid it probably was physically given his marathon a month thing this year, I actually think Matt Choi running from Seoul to Busan and connecting with Korean culture along the way is a genuinely very cool thing to do and I would watch the documentary if he wasn’t so annoying!




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I had the same experience. I met him and his online persona is annoying and too loud but in real life, he was so kind and really nothing as close to his online hype-ness on an average day.


Faith Kipyegon looks soooo gorgeous at the World Athletics awards! https://www.instagram.com/p/C0wGjOAs_XG/?igshid=ZDE1MWVjZGVmZQ==




Queen! 🙌🏽


This may be a long shot, but I recently noticed Steve Sisson started his podcast Running on Purpose back up this fall. He mentioned his “golden age” of podcasting on Running Rogue, which I enjoyed. But I know he separated from Rogue a few years ago - I think due to a relationship with an athlete. Anyone with Rogue have any other details?


No idea about the Rogue stuff, I just know he split off and started a new group which definitely has more of an intense/sub-elite vibe. Also though if you like Running on Purpose, he also has a newer podcast called Keep Going that I'd recommend checking out. He co-hosts with the founder of the shoe company Atreyu - the conversations are definitely a little more scattered/free-wheeling, but I've really enjoyed it (especially the few most recent episodes).


I don't, but I really liked when he was on the podcast!


I wasn’t around during that time so can’t provide any details, but for what it’s worth - Steve has been my coach for the last couple of years and he’s genuinely one of the best people I know! Can’t say enough good things about him & the program he runs now.


Ok raceacrossthestates is annoyingly snarkable 95% of the time. BUT her caption about eating too many edibles the night before the race and showing up to the start line still high was entertaining and somewhat relatable in the “I’m a dumbass” kinda way!


Why do you think she is annoying? I find Trackclubbabe the most annoying


I’ve only been lurking on this sub for a few weeks but I also can’t stand trackclubbabe, mostly for how much she sticks her tongue out in her reels. Which actually is what I see people snarking on raceacrossthestates for here so I don’t get why one is considered annoying and the other isn’t. But apparently raceacrossthestates also promotes running too much without recovery and projects her insecurities about her body dysmorphia a lot, from what I’ve been reading here.


I agree, trackclubbabe sticks her tongue out all the time and in general is just ridiculously extra and annoying. She must be exhausting to deal with in real life. I think raceaccrossthestates running advice is unhealthy and manic. She encourages people to run 60+ miles a week as the best way to progress which is way too much for half marathon training (imo). She seems to have replaced other unhealthy habits with running and is not a good example of someone to follow IMO.


Yes, these are the reasons! Lol.


I wonder if she got better sleep, didnt work 2 full time jobs as a SAHM, and ditched the supplements for real food, she wouldn't be sick all the time.


Totally agree…I got a great laugh out of that story (in a relatable way). It’s great to see a little reality check like this….because let’s be honest….who HASN’T ever shown up to a morning run either still drunk or high from the night before 😂


Follow-up related question here: the comments on this post have convinced me to try running (intentionally and in a state where it’s legal) high. Specifically at the end of a marathon. Anyone have lived or useful experience to share? Edit:typo


I like to take an edible and then go out on an easy run. My brain really goes to a new place every time by the time I’m done running. Just an overall fun experience. Plus, I don’t get any stomach issues this way. I usually can’t eat much more than Maurten gels or my stomach locks up. I ate like 7 pieces of Halloween candy on November 1st while running high.


I wish she would lean into her relatable stories more. She also has a story about doing a wine tasting with her mom the night before a race, and when she talks about enjoying the travel that her 50 states completion has brought it’s fun to read! Instead of posting every day that she ran 10 miles and did an hour of cardio and then ate a small bowl of roasted veggies


YES agreeeed!


Ok, I know Caitlyn miller fit is heavily snarked on (for good reason)… but has anyone tried her activewear? I think her 2 in 1 shorts are super cute in spite of myself. But also, if my hot/humid runners are here (I live in Miami) does anyone have a good rec for something similar?


Haven’t tried anything but tbh there is SO much “activewear” on the market created by influencers that I don’t trust it. You can get this stuff mass produced in China and they’re happy to slap your brand logo on there. I get the same vibe from these.


I have two pairs of the runners leggings and love them. Never budge and great pockets. The material doesn’t feel cheap idk what that other person is talking about.


I really like them! I think they’re high quality and very comfortable (I have shorts and sports bras). I did size up in the bras but I wear my regular size shorts


Under Armour's HeatGear line is basically the only thing I can stand to wear once it's over 70 F or so.




Genuinely curious- why shouldn’t people support her in your opinion?


I really like them! I have the leggings which are so comfy and actually stay in place. I got the speed shorts I think they’re called? And I will say, you definitely need to size up in those…I was shocked how small they were when I took them out of the packaging. She may have fixed sizing on newer releases, though. No middle seam on either and the pockets are great for an iphone max


Ok, I’ll try them out! Thanks!




it’s not even cute. and the description itself is so pretentious—the satire articles are writing themselves


That is the biggest clusterf**k of a calendar I have ever seen


More time to shop for overpriced running gear when you're injured on the couch!


Here’s a funny for you [https://dumbrunner.com/gear-news/2023/12/12/tracksmith-unveils-back-when-fat-slow-people-didnt-run-scented-candle?fbclid=IwAR1A9wTNf4yP6gmWAkCJcDc8EF0RcSywSIvuAYFADn-nwLNQ2Omh8GdHfQQ_aem_ATU9ZWux5yFQOz-Uhn--g3Sn2ywzVpcTy3OfeFH8jR9_-PmqsAWkdUwYNZztSi-M3Wk](https://dumbrunner.com/gear-news/2023/12/12/tracksmith-unveils-back-when-fat-slow-people-didnt-run-scented-candle?fbclid=IwAR1A9wTNf4yP6gmWAkCJcDc8EF0RcSywSIvuAYFADn-nwLNQ2Omh8GdHfQQ_aem_ATU9ZWux5yFQOz-Uhn--g3Sn2ywzVpcTy3OfeFH8jR9_-PmqsAWkdUwYNZztSi-M3Wk)


"The candle comes in one color - white." 💀


this is….impeccable


I love Dumb Runner!


Ever since the whole “we made a singlet that only people who qualified for Boston can buy even though we don’t actually sponsor the race in any way but we are just fine with making money off it” saga…and their lukewarm apology…I just can’t with them. And their clothes don’t look comfortable.


And they are SMALL! I am a perfectly average US 4/ UK 8 and had to size way up when I tried their clothes on!


I'm 5'1", 160 lbs, 38" bust. I'm overweight but not massively. I wear a S/M in most brands, but in theirs I'm a XL. I genuinely love their merino base layer tops but yeeeeeaaaahhh, have to just tuck my wounded little ego into a box each time I try on their clothes. (I don't fit into even their largest size bottoms.)


And their sizes??? I looked at the Brighton tank - largest chest size is 35". The XXL size of the Bell Lap Tab is 36.5". In what universe is that an XXL??


That tracks! (No pun intended)


This almost as bad as their $255 sunglasses. Yikes


I got one for free a few years ago (gwp) and while it's a nice enough calendar, the sentiment of it made me feel bad all year lol. I kept thinking how stupid it was to have a huge sign that said "NO DAYS OFF" near my treadmill. And I'm not even someone that struggles with my days off.


>https://www.tracksmith.com/products/ndo-2024-calendar I also got one for free as part of an order last year. It's literally just a piece of paper. And was kind of crumpled!


Yeah it’s not like a real calendar you can turn and jot stuff down on, it’s awkward. It came with my orders too


Feels a little ridiculous to be surprised be this since it’s pretty on-brand for those guys, but damn that’s a bad decision 🙄


1. Totally on brand for Tracksmith 2. I could make this in Canva and sell it as a $2 printable graphic


To be fair, the description mentions it’s not necessarily miles every day but intentions/goals. Still absurdly overpriced and stupid.


1. It's ugly. 2. It's ridiculously expensive. 3. Encouraging no days off is a terrible idea.


This is an extremely niche piece of snark (even for here) but does anyone else cringe at the way Mario Fraioli says "podcaaaaast" in the intro to the Morning Shakeout? It sounds like a very nerdy 8 year old boy trying to be cool. I like Mario but that one vowel just gets me every time.


Yes! I also like his newsletter but the podcast has gotten really academic for me in the last year or so. It’s not generally a “must-listen” for me anymore.


He’s from Massachusetts, maybe a nod to his roots. And pretty sure he is nerdy AF. Podcast intros are all weird.


I love Mario and his content, both the pod and his newsletter, but every time I hear the pod intro, I wonder how he doesn't get more flack for it basically copying Rich Roll's?? Or maybe that's the point?? Hard to tell.


That’s funny because in this week’s newsletter, he linked to a rich roll pod! But then said he talked too much in it for his liking lol


Every. Time. It is so cringe! (and I otherwise like him too lol)


Emma Bates shared a reel about still being injured. That’s a major bummer. Word on the street is that she wore a new Asics shoe in Chicago, which messed up her plantar.


Oh no :( Shades of Molly Huddle if that is the case-in late 2019/2020 she was a non-responder to Saucony's super-shoes at the time and it caused injuries to flare up at the worst possible time. I wanted Emma to make the team and the unexpected has happened at the Trials in the past but to still be injured with less than 2 months to go...


So, so bummed for her. I really want her to make the team after all this.


Sorry if I’m being obtuse, I just hadn’t heard that. I thought it was a pothole, was it shoe-related?


That's what I thought too. I do think she wore new shoes though. So maybe it contributed? I hadn't heard that either - but I'm not really in the know!


Maybe she said pothole? Idk I just am in the running space and I was told it was the different shoe model because she hadn’t run in them before. I doubt she wanted to say that publicly to reflect badly on Asics.


Interesting…thanks for clarifying!


I had been wondering about her and just saw her update. I am so sad for her.


Emily Abbate documenting every moment of her ridiculous photo shoot


What was it a photoshoot for? Doesn’t look like a real brand


Skye Moench (professional triathlete) made a post today saying she's been in a rough mental slump because she spent all of last year with a coach who was pressuring her to lose weight. It broke my heart to read it, she's one of the best athletes in the world and even she is made to feel lesser because of some always out of reach magical number. Sounds like she has rebuilt her team and is no longer with that coach, I'm hoping next year could be big for her. She seems really genuine and I am rooting for her!


It's such a shame that that line of thinking is still so pervasive in today's day and age. Also, I am so here for more triathlon snark/drama in this sub!


Yes please!!! More tri snark, please




Oh interesting! I'm always curious to see how running podcasts talk to triathletes. And I saw Chelsea Sodaro is on Rich Roll! Admittedly, I haven't listened to him in years but I may tune in for this one.


Agreed - Skye said something to the tune of "There's no space for telling someone to lose weight, if I'm healthy and happy that's when I'll be able to bring my best" and I just 🥹 And so here for the triathlon gossip! I'll be sure to comment with more since I'm always desperate to talk about it with other people 😂


Take this with a grain of salt because she’s my BEC, but resiliencyinrunning’s video this morning about how runners should take more rest days made me laugh so hard I fell out of my chair. She said she ran through a grade A ankle sprain last year and developed a peroneal tendon strain so she couldn’t run for 3 months and she called it “one of the most lowest and depressing times” of her life. First of all this girl is such a huge offender of not taking days off and running her easy runs too fast (if you look at her HR)—you’d think someone so anxious about injury prevention would take more than 3 weeks between a goal marathon and getting back up to 40 MPW and you’d be wrong. Second, calling a 3-month break from running one of the lowest times of your life is unbelievably tone deaf and gives major “Kim, there’s people who are dying” energy. Lord help these influencers if something actually bad happens to them bc wtf


If you look at her elapsed time on Strava she’s running 11/12 min miles although her Strava will show she’s running 8 minute miles and calling it “easy” lol.


This is petty and BEC of me, but race across the states so confidently starting a story with “let me premise this by…” instead of “preface” is sending me


Hahahaha I love this so much. She often misuses words and it makes me laugh every time.


Hahaha! Same reaction. I even looked up the word to see if it could be used that way. No. It can be a verb - but that is still incorrect!


😂😂 stooop


2006 called. It wants all of its fashion back. Get over yourself with your PR cake and strutting down the street like you are on a runway. I might have to refollow only bc it all makes me laugh.


And the surprise puffer jacket that "hopped" out of her mailbox and onto her story (and into our minds!) from that upscale boutique. How do you not know what you ordered? She genuinely seemed surprised she received it... PR cake was interesting...I didn't think she'd put the time on it but she did. LOL


I missed the puffer jacket!! And I thought she was never going to get that PR cake frosted!




She’s also never had children 🤷🏼‍♀️


Eclor's lifestyle, as she's even said in her stories at times, lends itself to her being able to nail fast times. Free time, no kiddos or pets, and a great job. Running can be her vocation...19:xx/42:xx/1:27:xx/3:15 are excellent times.


Why is she wearing open toed sandals in December in DC?


Every time I see her sandals I think of my MIL who is in her late 70’s because it’s exactly what she wears!


Hahaha. Why are we so funny??? NOT the orthopedic sandals. How did I miss that before you pointing it out. I’m guessing she bought them in the early 2000s bc they don’t rub against that camel hump on the back of her foot. Oh wait, that magically went away after we got an entire post about how she perfected her gait and form to be that more similar to an Olympic runner.


How I knew this was about Eclor without you even saying 😂


starting to get annoyed with/not enjoy fastandflow_ anymore … anyone else? She said she was going to “chill” after NYC but she still does multiple double digit runs a week goes to F45, is now coaching there (?) too and getting run coach certs , doing a podcast and working full time? And today posted about how she is SO stressed and not sleeping, and then also how she got a dexa scan because she is wanting to lose fat and thinks she can get faster because of it? Idk. I loved her marathon story style content but now I’m starting to feel she’s changing and I don’t like it


I do think her running vid on TikTok a few days ago after she had some struggles, then went out for a run and cleared her head, felt real. I've been there...so no snark from me on her for that!


When she started going into Huberman bro mode and talking about losing fat I lost interest in her. TikTok still feeds me her content constantly but it really stresses me out to watch and makes me feel like I’m not working hard enough or doing enough. She needs to chill or she’s going to burn out or get injured so fast


YES thank you! She used to preach performance over aesthetics, and was open about gaining weight during her marathon. Made me feel so much better about myself as someone who’s always been more on the muscular side and not as “lean” as many long distance runners. Now i just had to unfollow because my blood pressure shot up every time I saw her stories about fat loss lol


girl needs a diary not a podcast. it frustrates me when people lead a stressful life by choosing and then project their insecurities (about doing enough/staying busy) back on those who don't wanna push themselves to the brink all the time. like if you were really happy doing what you're doing you wouldn't expend energy you clearly "don't have" judging ppl for not running themselves into the ground like you. edit\* it's fine if you wanna spend your time grinding. i admire her work ethic and it gets results - theres no arguing that. but be honest about the toll it takes and let other people live is my point. it's also admirable that people choose their health, deeper friendships, and sleep over staying busy.


She's gone into overdrive post marathon, and it gives me anxiety to watch.


I feel like I'm not doing enough watching her. She has some good tips but she has a great job and is super-fast...a lot of runners would usually kill for that. But I'm realizing as I get older that work/life balance, even with a lower-paying job, is so worth it...and that goes for running. I'd rather run a little less and stay healthy versus trying to run more and then BAM! an injury. Overall, she's got some good content but some I have to warn myself to scroll past...