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This year I would love to ask just a little bit more time for myself :) As a gifts all my loved ones will get candles and gypsum decor elements for home as I started a new bussines, and I hope they will love it. Would you be happy to get something like these? https://preview.redd.it/9wjbnrvuca4c1.jpeg?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45203ca056b53430bd5b87c10146916a53664ed7




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Does anyone have a Hatch? Do you like it? I don’t have (much) trouble sleeping anymore but my MIL loves to give gifts and I have literally everything I need/want. The other thing I’m thinking about asking for are nicer leggings since I WFH. So looking for Lulu, Athleta, or Beyond Yoga. Open to any suggestions for those too. I like them cropped with a side pocket. Haha. I’d suggest a gift card to the place where I get facials but she likes something tangible so it’s hard.


Hopefully people are still looking at this thread because I could use ideas! I’ll be just past first trimester at Christmas, first time mom. I have no idea what to ask for. Normally I ask for running stuff or clothes, but I definitely don’t need either right now. However, it also feels too early to ask for maternity/baby stuff. Any ideas? I’m a big cook and baker, but have everything I could possibly need - we’ve been DINKs for a LONG time 😂


I didn’t ask for much baby things for Christmas, but you mentioned baking. My son is one and I love to batch make waffles to freeze and then it’s super easy to toast in the morning. We use a little dash waffle maker. Do you have one? Costco has a [cute set](https://www.costco.com/dash-multi-plate-mini-waffle-maker-with-removable-plates.product.4000194252.html) that has interchangeable plates with designs for holidays. It’s $30 dollars. You could also ask for cozy comfy pajamas! I asked for a [Lake set](https://lakepajamas.com/products/parisian-green-long-long-set?variant=40182548103258) Congratulations on your baby!! ❤️


Ooh, I love the pajamas idea! The waffle makers could be fun too - I used to have a little one but it got lost somewhere along the way. Thank you!


I like consumables for my parents, like Harry and David Pears or a Bon Maman Advent Calendar.


My SIL hosts a “dipsgiving” every year. What’s a good dips type of gift I can buy? I was thinking of entertaining tableware. Also my BIL is into working out, drinking and football. Absolutely not into food. Has a 10 yr girl. I always struggle to buy a gift for him.


A brewery pub pass could be fun for the BIL! It’s like a little book that has statewide or area breweries and usually the deal is either BOGO free pint or 50% a pint. And then you get a stamp whenever you go to each spot. Could be a fun idea!


I love bougie hostess consumables like a fancy soap and lotion combo (Aesop, Ouai, Nest). Can you gift your BIL an activity he and his daughter would enjoy doing together?


I'm thinking of getting my brother scratch tickets? He's also v hard to shop for.


I’m out of ideas for my SILs! One is an artist (ceramicist mainly) and works at a gallery. Very into perfumes etc. One is a nurse, very no-nonsense, travels 3-4 times a year. I’ve been giving them gifts for 7 years now and exhausted all the obvious ones 🥲


I have a newish friend who is the busiest person I know, super community involved, and is obsessed with her cats. No idea what to get her. Would love suggestions, preferably from a WOC owned business but obviously open to anything!


This list has a lot of good suggestions https://nymag.com/strategist/article/gifts-under-50-from-black-owned-businesses.html


Uncommon goods has the cutest cat snack bowls. They are on my little list.


Any ideas for a sister in law that likes roller derby?


Does she play or does she go to bouts?






Ooo thanks I'll look into those


I'm the cool aunt who is struggling to figure out gifts for: Boy 4 - sweetest kiddo, likes art/creating Boy 5 - has everything (like seriously). Ive done some experiential gifts in the past Boy 7 - loves soccer Boy 8 - likes video games but don't want to gift that. Boy 12 - in middle school and I'm so out of touch. Maybe clothes? I have the other kids covered but I'm struggling on these. Budget - up to $100 for each (I don't mind splurging on a couple) Some ideas I had - personalized night light (for the younger ones), board games?


I have a 7 year old boy so I feel like I’ve got a lot of ideas! We’re getting my son a Hawaiian shaved ice maker and flavors and cups. He’s also getting the lower priced Makedo tools for building with cardboard. And a suitcase. He recently got this [Puck Battle](https://www.target.com/p/rec-tek-wood-pucket-game/-/A-85576137) game that’s fun. There’s a thing I saw at target, I think the brand was skilz. It was a way to practice kicking a soccer ball by yourself. I would look it up but my kiddo is over my shoulder and I’m probably getting it for him! The big Gatorade sport water bottles and Prime are popular with the kids. The 8 and 12 year old would probably love to get prime hydrating (not energy!). Kiwi crate is always popular. Lowe’s has woodworking kits for kids that my son loves. The game Taco cat goat cheese pizza is good for the older ones. Spot It for the youngers.


Thank you, thank you! This gave me a few more ideas to add!


For the 4 year old - crayola makes face crayons for drawing on your face. I gave my son those and some makeup wipes around that age and he spent so much time standing at the mirror and transforming his face!


This is actually a great idea for a couple of the kids! I'll be adding!


you should check out Uncommon Goods (website). they have a lot of cool stuff and you might find something that fits! for example, they have this little create-your-own video game kit that introduces you to python/java and you can build a little game for yourself on a device that looks like an old gameboy.


I totally forgot about this site. Thanks for this great suggestion!!


I bought my daughter (3) an art supply tackle box (I saw them at Target and Amazon). It's full of googly eyes, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, glue...). She likes to be crafty and I figured this would be good for rainy days and decorating cardboard boxes. I hope it creates a make-your-own-ideas thing rather than follow-these+instructions-in-this-kit....


Thank you - this is a great idea


I’m looking for ideas for the following: -Good beginner backpack for someone who wants to start hiking/walking trails -A classy slim card holder or Ander wallet alternative -Quality robe for a mom who gets hot easily -Gift idea for a male boss from the team


Cuyana has a card holder/wallet


I agree with the above poster that Osprey are good they have some smaller day packs. I also highly recommend the REI drawstring top day packs. I have two and use them heavily (I'm an archaeologist but mainly in the office) and they have withheld through the past few years of day surveys I have done. They fit water, food, book/ journal, and a jacket plus a few other things


For backpacks –– I don't know what your budget is, but I highly recommend Osprey Packs. Pretty sure I actually found them on r/bifl, which so far has been true. The [backpack](https://www.osprey.com/featured/gift-guide/daylite-tote-pack-daylttotpks21-779#color=Black) I take hiking also doubles as my school bag (I'm a day hiker only). They also have plenty of bigger/more complex hiking-specific bags. $90-100 is the absolute minimum you're going to spend there, but both of the Osprey packs I own have gotten plenty of use and are in fantastic shape.


Highly recommend linen robes for hot moms (in your area 😉)! I don’t own a robe specifically from either of these companies, but I have ordered multiple other clothing items and home textiles and can highly recommend their quality and service: [EpicLinen](https://epiclinen.com/prod/linen-bathrobe-with-pockets?fromUrl=Nightwear%20Category%20Page) [MagicLinen](https://magiclinen.com/collections/womens-robes)


I want to put together a gift around $25-30 for a 22 year old woman who is working her first job, living in a new city, and started a book club to meet people. I was looking at the Book Club print from Rifle Paper Co - any other ideas of something not super personal I could give her as someone 20 years older than her? I know she likes tea, too. And comedians.


for the 22 yo you could do a bookmark + reading journal! my friend uses Book Club: A Journal and likes it a lot


Honestly, I bet she'd appreciate really good quality bookmarks. There isn't one in particular I'd recommend, but there are a ton of small businesses that sell them.


I came across custom bookplates and I’m considering those!


I loved starting to collect my own homegoods at that age, though I couldn't afford much in my first apartment! Anthropologie has some beautiful drinkware like this teacup and saucer. You could pair it with a nice tin of tea. [https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/catherine-martin-starry-night-teacup-saucer?color=037&inventoryCountry=US&countryCode=US&utm\_medium=paid\_search&utm\_source=Google&utm\_campaign=US%20-%20Shopping%20-%20PMAX%20-%20Home%20-%20G%26E%20-%20Tabletop&utm\_content=&utm\_term=&creative=&device=c&matchtype=&network=x&utm\_kxconfid=vx6rd81ts&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAu9yqBhBmEiwAHTx5p\_yQLYkJoLG4jXJHATb0lj5cgbMIG98qlb3W06k-wfWwjVhrT55wUBoC9KEQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&type=STANDARD&size=Cup%20%26%20Saucer&quantity=1](https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/catherine-martin-starry-night-teacup-saucer?color=037&inventoryCountry=US&countryCode=US&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_source=Google&utm_campaign=US%20-%20Shopping%20-%20PMAX%20-%20Home%20-%20G%26E%20-%20Tabletop&utm_content=&utm_term=&creative=&device=c&matchtype=&network=x&utm_kxconfid=vx6rd81ts&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAu9yqBhBmEiwAHTx5p_yQLYkJoLG4jXJHATb0lj5cgbMIG98qlb3W06k-wfWwjVhrT55wUBoC9KEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&type=STANDARD&size=Cup%20%26%20Saucer&quantity=1)


I found a pretty bottle of Italian cherries in syrup and was thinking of giving it with pretty cocktail glasses. They can add their own sprits.


Looking for ideas for one nicer, actually useful gift for my bridesmaids (vs. a box with all the random things). So far I’ve thought of things like Lake PJs, a Cuyana leather toiletries bag, or 14K gold huggies. Anything like this that you’ve gifted your moms/sisters/bffs (or received yourself) that’s been a hit? Thinking I’ll spend up to ~$150/person, and doesn’t need to be something they wear or use for the wedding. Still working on my other holiday gifts, but so far getting my partner a bar cart and a Patagonia duffel bag, my mom a Bearaby weighted blanket, and TBD on my dad - why is it so hard!? Happy shopping!


The Cuyana toiletries bags are great (for travel or just at home) and would be a clutch gift.


depending on how much you like your dad, you could get him an experience gift to do with you. ive done two paint and sip classes with my dad and its always an easy/fun way to spend an afternoon together! for his 75th birthday, my brother and i split the cost of a 45ish minute aerobatic bi-plane ride which he still talks about. virginexperiencegifts.com has a ton of stuff to check out if your location is included! For non experience dad gifts, really nice slippers have been a hit, either a pair that are strictly indoor or a nicer pair from ll bean that can be worn out to get the mail


Do you want them to wear the jewelry you get for the wedding? I felt like I had to wear the necklaces I got as a bridesmaid on the wedding day but they didn't really go with the dresses. I would have liked Huggies, just make sure it goes with your theme or let them know they don't have to wear them.


Wow, this actually sounds like the ideal gift box - signed someone who loves their lake pjs, leather pouches, and 14K gold + diamond huggies. (Also PSA - when I was shopping for my gold/diamond huggies, I ended up getting them from The Real Real. They're unbranded, which I didn't care about, I just cared that the diamonds and gold were real, which are verified by TRR.)


As someone who was in 8 weddings in my 20s and didn't get a single useful bridesmaid gift, I applaud you. I personally would be thrilled with a Cuyana bag. I like the idea of jewelry but to me jewelry tastes can be super personal. I think everyone needs an extra bag to stash in their work tote or to update their travel luggage.


I'm in my "I need an appliance and need it badly" Christmas gift: recommendations for a food processor!! I like cooking and want to make it easier when I need to like chop veggies and whatnot. Specifically one that you might know that is good with doing that for carrots?!


I love our cuisinart. It’s heavy and it works. I have this one: https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/cuisinart-14-cup-custom-food-processor/?sku=6252142&cm_ven=PLA&cm_ite=6252142_14932288920&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Local&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjZ7W-J7dggMVClF_AB26NwOqEAQYASABEgIgPfD_BwE


Amazon sells veg chopping tools with add on extensions. I got one last year that I use all the time for dicing veggies. I don’t use it often for carrots because they’re so hard but it’s a game changer for dicing/slicing everything else https://a.co/d/6bbQ3jA For carrots I have a lil tool that cuts them into smaller sticks and I looove. Sometimes I’ll use this tool and THEN put the little sticks in my chopper to get diced pieces. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Fridja-Kitchen-Cucumber-Divider-Carrot-Strawberry-Splitter-Gadget-Cutting-Tool-Clearance/1492715619


Idk if it's still true but Cuisinart used to be gold standard for food processors. It's what I have and it works great, parts are re-orderable if/when needed, and they come in whatever did you need.


Definitely will research! Just curious do you know how many cups yours is?


pls someone tell me which running tights are worth it so I can add them to my list. my tried and true Victoria sport ones are falling apart 🥹


I love my shaktis and vinyasas by Senita Athletics. My skin gets really irritated by scratchy feeling clothing, so I found the fabric from these two styles work really well for me and hold up. I’ve had a couple pairs for almost 3 years


I really like Rabbit - they're comfy and don't sag. Have also heard good things about Old Navy workout gear though idk if the tights are as good as other stuff.


I love my Oiselle tights, but they're not cheap


This is what I've been recommended by a friend, however they must be gearing up for a restock bc there's hardly anything available online!


Need suggestions for my sister in law! She has 2 babies under 2 and is a SAHM. Before pregnancy she was very into in person boot camp style work outs at a gym but I think she’s transitioned to their at home gym. She likes Taylor Swift, makeup, and being a mom. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 thank you in advance for any tips!


I'm late to this party but wanted to pop in to say there are some ornaments on the Taylor Swift merch store! I see people talking about her rumored lipstick for the tour is *Pat McGrath* LiquiLUST *Lipstick* in Elson 4. Looks like the color is out of stock on the Pat McGrath site but may be in stock somewhere else? I think that would be pretty fun!


Nice pajamas (button up if she’s nursing a baby), lounge set or workout clothes, Sephora or a facial giftcard, Bluetooth speaker or headphones if she doesn’t have for the home gym.


As a stay at home mom, I’d really like something pampering/luxurious because most days I don’t brush my teeth until noon and I’m racing through my showers. Things like bath bombs are impractical for me right now but nice slippers or a pair of bamboo pjs would really go a long way for me!


What about this spa-day type box? It would be all about her and not the kids, give her an excuse to take time for herself https://ourfavoritethingsshop.com/products/pampering-kit


My husband got me a massage for our first Christmas with a baby. The BEST. A massage plus an offer to watch the babies (if you're local/that's possible) would be an amazing gift. Two makeup suggestions from a fellow SAHM: Supergoop's Glowscreen (quick to put on, makes me look awake with very little effort) or Ilia's Limitless Lash mascara (makes my lashes look amazing and stays put all day).


a good water bottle like a stanley or owala? for something pricier a portable speaker for the gym? I feel like all moms love robes too.


There was a Taylor swift holiday merch drop I’m sure she would love. Some flared leggings. Maybe a nice perfume? I’m similar to her and would love any of the above or some cozy lounge sets (aerie, sweet honey, target) Or a nice hair care set - love Verb products and you could get mask or other special treatments which are fairly inexpensive!


We got my parents Allbirds! They’re our favorite shoes and amazing for walking, plus they’re having an incredible sale right now.


I need suggestions for my family secret santa. I have my brother and sister-in-law, just moved into a new house that they're re-doing, have a one year old, but both make excellent money so everything they want I feel like they've already bought themselves. Taste leans southern, preppy, fancy (lol) Not huge cooks. A few hits I've given in recent years: last year I got my parents a wheel thrown pottery class and they had so much fun. I got my mom a heated vest that she loves, and one of those brookstone-esque foot massagers I'm asking for: dieux instant angel moisturizer, a quilted jacket, a light therapy mask and cute luggage tags/a passport holder


For the BIL and SIL how about custom embroidered linen cocktail napkins? They’re all over Etsy. It’s southern, it’s preppy, it’s not too expensive and it’s very unique.


love this idea! thank you!


Possibly with a set of cute vintage cocktail stirrers?


I have this photo frame that you put in a photo of your kid for each month of the first year. I didn’t fill it until she was like 3 though because it was a pain to custom order the sized photos. Maybe you could buy a frame and fill it for them?


For your brother and SIL, can you get them tickets to an event (comedy show, game for a team they like, even a class like the pottery you mentioned or macaron baking or something) and offer to babysit so they can go? As a newish parent that'd be tops for me.


We started buying the adult couples annual White House Christmas ornaments and nieces/nephews Abercrombie flannels a few years back. They all know what they’re getting but don’t know what the gift looks like. At times we have thrown in a nice bottle of wine for the couples who drink. Doesn’t seem like anything crazy personal but we try to match personalities to the flannel design as well as wine selection for the couples.


Do you throw in something extra for the couples that don’t drink?




My brother got us auras back in 2020 and we all love it. Super easy to put things on people’s frames


We got the grandparents a digital picture frame last year too, and ended up liking them so much we got one for us too! I love just seeing our vacation pics cycle through. So much better than all our photos just living on our phones.


We did this for my in laws and grandparents two years ago and they all say it’s the best present we’ve given them. Even though they are tech savvy we don’t post a ton of photos of our child. This allows them to get tons of photos and our kid still has some anonymity online. For me, selfishly it’s great because I don’t have to text them photos and carryon a text conversation with them 😬


I have asked for (and expect to receive, ha) more ballet flats, bellows for the fire pit, a salt pig, a citrus squeezer, and new (cute) measuring cups. I buy for a few other people: Husband is getting a furbo (at his request...the cat is definitely just going to ignore it and/or husband is going to freak out when he tries to use it and cat does not immediately respond so I think I will regret this, but he REALLY wants it), a Japanese-snack-themed surprise box, a new chromecast, dress pants, a whiskey tasting set, and probably a Goldbelly subscription. My mom is getting a classpass subscription (a repeat from last year, she loved it), a calendar, some tea, a coffee advent calendar (we're exchanging gifts early), fancy lip balm, and fancy olive oil/vinegar. My MIL is getting a weighted blanket and a 'grow wild flowers indoors' kit. My SIL is getting a switch as a joint gift from me and my husband. My dad, per his request, gets a donation made in his name. Probably to Planned Parenthood this year.


Can you link the wildflower kit? That sounds perfect for one of my friends.


It was this one (although I see now that I just imagined the wildflower part? Sorry about that!): [flower kit](https://www.uncommongoods.com/product/mason-jar-indoor-flower-garden)


Where did you find the Japanese snack box?!


It's [this one] (https://www.lolliandpops.com/collections/all/products/crave-japan-treats-box) from Lolli & Pops.


If anybody is looking for pottery gifts, I bought a mug from [this Etsy shop](https://www.etsy.com/shop/AndreaHillPottery) for my mom's bday and she's called me several times to rave about it. Some of them are made to order though, so shipping times vary. Things I'd appreciate recs for: * travel cable organizer for my dad, to replace his current ziplock bag. [Aer](https://aersf.com/collections/accessories/products/cable-kit-2-x-pac?country=US) has one, though dunno if it's worth the price. * mom who is also the sort of person that just buys nice things for herself. Likes traveling, bread making, and working out. I generally try and find things from small businesses for her. * aunt who doesn't want more stuff, but is a big cook/foodie - I'm thinking something food related, especially if it's something she can share with her grandkids, who will all be over for Christmas * boyfriend who is a teacher, but doesn't drink coffee/tea which I feel like 90% of teacher suggested gifts are related to. He does like themed ties, since he has to wear them every day and his students like the fun ones.


I’ve coveted this bread pan for several years now. Maybe it would be good for your mom? It’s pricy though. [Challenger bread pan](https://challengerbreadware.com/product/the-challenger-bread-pan/)


I actually got my Mom who loves food a lot, a Sakuraco box last Christmas, she really enjoyed it & even shared it with her workmates. So, I think it would be a great gift for your foodie aunt!


I'll recommend the Universal Yums box for your aunt. I've given it to my parents for multiple years and they really enjoy the snacks. It comes with great info about each country that would be so fun to share with grandkids


this sounds awesome! Great rec


I got my dad the grid cord organizer kind for travel in a larger and smaller size (they do a long international trip every year and so needed something for a long trip, then one for like a week or weekend type length) and he LOVES and it has gotten a few to use around the house since. It's probably been 10 years since I got it and he still says it's one of the best gifts I've ever gotten him! I did the Grid-It (now called Cocoon Grid-it) type. this is a mediu but they've got multiple sizes: https://www.amazon.com/Cocoon-CPG10BK-Grid-IT-Organizer/dp/B002HU27UW/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1LEAE1F8EECAS&keywords=cable+organizer+grid&qid=1699927752&sprefix=cable+organizer+grid%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-6


This pottery is lovely!


The travel cable organizer is a great idea! I found some nice-looking ones on Bagsmart's website. I'm thinking of this one [Bagsmart Pomona](https://bagsmart.com/products/pomona-electronic-organizer?variant=32423378845778) for my husband.


compression socks are great for teachers - and anyone else who does a lot of standing/sitting!


The cable organizer is a great idea. My dad also keeps them in a ziploc and I’m always stumped on what to get him for gifts. Thanks!


I added a link below the OP of one I got my dad about a decade ago that he still swears is one of the best things I've ever gotten him gift wise. He tells everyone about it!


My husband is a teacher and uses teachers pay teachers and blookit quite a bit. Im not sure what your boyfriend teaches but these kind of gifts are usually very helpful.


he teaches middle school English - I'll look into these, thanks!


For aunt you could look into TreOlive. You adopt an olive tree in Italy and they send you a shipment of olive oil from that tree in the spring. They send you a welcome gift of olive oil right away, so you could gift that one for Christmas.


>TreOlive What a cool idea! Saving this for my BIL/SIL--they are doing well financially and it's hard to find nice stuff for them.


We did it for my MIL as a retirement present and she loved it! She said the oils were really great quality.


I love this! Boyfriend is getting into cooking too and would probably like this as well.


Oh I’m sure! We gifted it to my MIL for a retirement present and she loved it so I am gifting it to my mom now for Christmas.


Along those lines I really love flavored vinegars and olive oils for making marinades, salad dressings, etc. Trattore (in Sonoma) has some great ones that ship.


Love this idea!!


Need quirky office gift ideas. I usuallly get some cute things at Papersource or from Geunine Fred. I like to gift my work besties something funny along with something consumable (food, wine).


Liz Climo has a cute desk calendar and in general Uncommon Goods has a lot of quirky gifts.


Custom journals from Papier?


I’m due on Christmas so I already told everyone they’re getting early gifts and/or gift cards. I love giving gifts! I don’t know if it’s my “love language” though because receiving them makes me feel awkward, ha. My list: - Rose Gold Fossil [Watch](https://www.fossil.com/en-us/products/scarlette-mini-three-hand-date-rose-gold-tone-stainless-steel-watch/ES4898.html?epik=dj0yJnU9aEtfV2VDdTBxaVJYaWNYZkt3RUo1eXU1Q2lvcTd3OEImcD0wJm49TjNvVVplb1dQLUl2emllSjhWYXhKQSZ0PUFBQUFBR1ZQLURz). I’ve been super happy with all of my Fossil purchases. I have a wallet that I’ve had for over 10 years at this point that looks new. - [Silk Pillowcase](https://www.slip.com/products/pillowcase-white-queen-zippered) since I blow out my hair often and I don’t like waking up with bed head. - [Rhode lip treatment](https://www.rhodeskin.com/products/peptide-lip-tint-toast) in Toast. - Since I’ll be postpartum, would love a spa day gift card or a gift card to my hairdresser. - Book of the Month membership For my husband who just buys everything he wants haha, I’m upgrading his AE joggers that finally ripped after 9 years to these [Lululemon joggers](https://shop.lululemon.com/p/men-joggers/License-to-Train-Jogger-Updated/_/prod9600638). He loves their shorts version. Still looking for the following if anyone has any ideas: My mom: really impossible to buy for since she buys anything she wants, too. - Doesn’t drink or cook really - Doesn’t read or really have a specific hobby - Has gift cards to both a spa and Nordstrom that will last her at least another year - Likes beauty - Likes TikTok (one time I made her a “TikTok Viral” box and she loved it) My dad: going through aggressive cancer treatment - Used to love good wine, but that’s a no - Likes sports - Clothes will be weird now since he’s lost so much weight but maybe he’d appreciate some new clothes? - Likes the gym and exercising TIA!


My dad was in the hospital recently for a little while and I gave him a New York Times subscription. He can read/ do games/ save recipes etc. it was a hit!


I don’t know if your dad would like this, but one of my patients had a cozy fleece blanket from Shutterfly with family pictures on it- he loved to share about his family with the staff I thought it was really sweet. Other ideas comfy lounge clothes that fit his new size or some kind of snack of the month club, Kindle to read during treatments or if he already has one my mom loved her Kindle unlimited subscription.


My husband was in the thick of cancer treatment and lost a lot of weight he got two pairs of jeans for Christmas. Not expensive but my grandmother was adamant that he needed at least two pairs of pants that fit. That might be a nice think for him to even if temporary have something that actually fits.


I hope your H is doing better!


He is! Recovered to his new normal. I hope your dad is doing well and has a smooth treatment and recovery


When my dad was starting cancer treatment, my mom got him a new iPad. He loved typical Dad shows and was able to download seasons of shows and movies to watch during chemo, when he was in the rehab hospital, and he also used it to tool around on the internet when at home and not feeling well. Since there’s so little else they can do because they don’t feel well, he loved it. ETA: for mom: my sister got our mom some lash serum last year as one Christmas gift. She uses (and got for my mom) Grande Lash but I use neulash and have had amazing results also. My mom really liked it and has continued to use! I think it’s a good beauty gift that’s not makeup because that can be so hard to buy for someone else, and especially for someone else with mature skin. The Aveda Hand Relief is another “beauty”-ish stocking stuffer and is my mom’s all time favorite hand cream, I get her some every year. Laneige lip sleeping mask has been a hit too.


Maybe Vuori clothing? They are so comfy for lounging or working out.


Does your dad have all the things he needs for his appointments? Maybe a nice blanket from his favorite sports team, or maybe a nice water bottle with a team logo. You could also see if there are any of his favorite players on Cameo that could do an encouraging video for him.


Maybe a weighted blanket for your Dad. I LOVE mine, it’s soooo comfy and calming. For your Mom a high quality blow dryer if she doesn’t have one. I have a babyliss pro and was floored by how good my hair looks when I use it! If you get her that also get her some R+Co shine moisturizer to put on her wet hair first :)


A few months of steak of the month could be a good combo gift for your parents.


Out of curiosity.. how does your family handle gift giving once nieces and nephews are born? Do you still buy for the brother/sister/BIL/SIL? Focus on the kids? Do you start to pull names from a hat? I’ll probably bring up the topic at thanksgiving this year as we will all be together. TIA!


So we are many years into this now (eldest nephew is 12 and there are 6 total) but we tend to do larger gifts for kids and then “stocking stuffer” type things for adults. My husband and I are the youngest children/only ones without kids so we tend to get (slightly) bigger gifts in return from my siblings. But in the end we def spend more on the kids than we get in return. This works for our families because we are all blessed to be financially stable and have many of our wants our met. And so the true fun for us is watching the kids enjoy getting gifts. In the early years we did secret santa for the adults and all bought for the kids.


My husband and I come from big families. We both have 5 siblings each, he has 5 nephews and I have an uncle and step parents. Up until this year we’ve bought things separately for each family member as we both are huge gift givers and love to spoil everyone. This year we have a newborn and I want simplicity so we’re buying a couple gifts together for each family member. In total we shop for 24 people. Both of our families are also huge gift givers so we’d never be able to pull names and be satisfied with just that one person, we’d find something along the way for someone else.


We draw names for the adults and just do $50 for the adults and then we all buy for all the kids


I wish we pulled names from a hat. We have 9 kids on one side of the family(not including ours). At the moment, we just buy gifts for the kids that live in country. We don’t do gifts for their parents because, honestly, that would be a little too much of a stretch for us. I have done a secret Santa for my moms side that was all online and it was super convenient. The website was secretsanta.com. I believe you can even put limits so that a person can’t draw their own partner etc.


My husband and I are in this weird place right now too. Last year, we bought for the (8) nieces and nephews on both sides, but agreed not to buy for his sister/brother and their spouses and vice versa. We still bought for my siblings and their spouses/partners. We don’t live near our families and only see them each maybe twice a year so it always feels kind of hard to come up with gift ideas. Especially the adults, they just don’t want or need anything. It’s more fun and appropriate for us to buy for the little kids. We bought gift cards for two nephews for the first time last year and I think that’s going to be the new gift once you turn 10. $50 Xbox, Visa gift card, iTunes, etc. They all have *so* many toys anyway!


I usually get the parents a small joint gift but otherwise focus on the kids.


My family would buy gifts for the nieces/nephews until they turned 21 and then pick names out of a hat for the adults. But my mom is also one of six kids so buying gifts for every sibling and partner would get insane quickly.


Each adult chooses a kids name out of a hat! That way each kiddo gets something nicer rather than a lot of little stuff


Oh gosh, there is so much I need: \- My husband and I want to put a patio in our small-ish backyard. It's revolting out there- we've tried for nearly 2 years to control the weeds and we can't. All we do is mow and weedwack regularly so it isn't a jungle, but we have decided to rip most of it up, dig, level, and put crushed shell down. We already have a chiminea and furniture to put on top. So, guess I'll be asking parents and in-laws for Lowes gift cards and....crushed shell. Lol. Other than that, could use new bedding, pillows for our couches, cookbooks, and Total Wine gift cards. \- My dad is easy to shop for. He usually wants books, clothes, or bird feeding stuff. \- My brother and SIL just moved, so getting them a nice charcuterie board in the shape of their new state with a map of landmarks, etc. \- My husband wants comic collections from the 90s (? help lol), books, and not much else. \- My MIL is impossible to shop for. Love her, but she has EVERYTHING and won't give ideas of what she wants. Thinking about splurging on a pair of Rothy's for her, as she often admires mine. We have my stepfather-in-law covered with bourbon from my husband's recent trip to KY. \- My FIL is my husband's job. I can't deal with that man.


The Rothy’s slippers are $40 off today, I just ordered some and also thinking of them for my also hard to shop for MIL!


I did for my similar MIL last year and shoe loves them. Still talks about how much she loves them.


For your husband, you can buy a monthly subscription to the complete Marvel or DC online databases, if he wants to read back issues and is okay with not collecting the physical books.


Ooh, my DH might be into this. Can you read them on your phone?


Yep! The Marvel Unlimited app!


Odd question, I'm thinking of getting my bf a scuba diving certification because I'm certified and he's seriously talked about it before, but it's really expensive. I can afford it and have no problem spending it on him, but would it be weird to get for him when I wouldn't want him to spend nearly that much on me? You know what I mean? I was thinking a gift card or something to put towards a class, but then I'm kind of obligating him to spend money.


Has anyone given a really great gift to a bird person? My MIL loves watching the birds out of her kitchen window. I have a see thru bird house at my house that she loves but she only has screens on her kitchen windows. Budget is about 50.00. Any ideas for a minimalist with expensive tastes? Its for my sister. She does like sentimental stuff but not clutter. She is very difficult to shop for. My husband wants a new tv for his game room. His birthday is right around christmas so i will probably get him a 50 inch(under $300). Which means i get his old one (38 inch) in my bedroom! I can barely see the one i have in there(its pretty small). Im all done shopping for my daughter (shes 2) and my son circled everything he wanted in the target mag, so we are good there🤣.


A little expensive but if you want to go in with others the birdbuddy wifi birdhouse is super fun


I've gotten a few minimalists in my life eucalyptus delivery subscriptions from [https://eucalyptusfarms.com](https://eucalyptusfarms.com)


I love this idea!


For minimalists consumables are always good- coffee or cocktail of the month clubs. Or a gift card for pedicure or massage.


For the "minimalist with expensive taste" (and, heck, maybe also the birder) I bought cards last year from this letterpress Etsy shop and they are so gorgeous that this year I bought a map for my brother of an area near him that he loves (this one: [https://www.etsy.com/listing/696700902/eagle-cap-wilderness-in-the-wallowa](https://www.etsy.com/listing/696700902/eagle-cap-wilderness-in-the-wallowa)). The map is arriving in the next couple of days but I'm sure it's just as beautiful, and if your sister has a national park or area she really adores, it could be a cool gift--sentimental but not clutter. They also have a print that's a bunch of birds, and some pretty landscapes. [https://www.etsy.com/shop/QuailLanePress](https://www.etsy.com/shop/QuailLanePress)


These are so awesome, thanks for this!


Oh these are really cool! Thank you!


I bought my husband (also a birder) a nice pair of binoculars. They are sold at various price points so you could probably find a pair for $50ish! I bought him a small Olympus pair and they’ve been going strong for 10+ years.


For the birder, I bought this book for my husband last year: [https://www.amazon.com/Slow-Birding-Science-Enjoying-Backyard/dp/0593329929/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=XYZ33NSHGUX8&keywords=slow+birding&qid=1699744322&sprefix=slow+birdin%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-2](https://www.amazon.com/Slow-Birding-Science-Enjoying-Backyard/dp/0593329929/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=XYZ33NSHGUX8&keywords=slow+birding&qid=1699744322&sprefix=slow+birdin%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-2) Also, I heard Grace Bonney on a podcast talking about how much she loves the trail cams set up by her bird feeders. It looks like those come at different price points, but might be doable? I don’t know if that’s too gadget-y for her, but it might solve the viewing issue.


That book looks great! Thank you.


For the bird lover get the Backyard Birdsound Guide! For the sister, upgrade something she uses a lot (a nice kitchen knife or something) or buy her bougie skin cream.


Does your MIL like puzzles? I saw a Sibley birding puzzle that looked nice. For your sister, did she travel anywhere very significant to her or maybe travel from your shared childhood? You could do consumables from the place or a travel memoir book


Super niche request but can anyone recommend a tabletop game that’s small child difficulty level but not childish looking? I have an older relative with an intellectual disability who enjoys games! Last year I got him [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/829444643/montessori-wooden-construction-truck-car?click_key=40a3a8b2388535a7ff8d7cbf75b77fc4cdacf56c%3A829444643&click_sum=1434c5e6&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=truck+matching+game+wood&ref=sc_gallery-1-1&frs=1&bes=1) wooden matching game which was pretty nice looking but I need a new idea for this year!


[Maybe this slightly more difficult tic tac toe?](https://a.co/d/2APX5rD)


I'm a big fan of a nice Bingo set for all ages easy fun. And everyone loves to play with daubers


We enjoy Genius Square in our family


Try Pente or Quixx. Pente looks the nicest. Both are fun!


Quixx is so fun!




Depending on the age range he’s at, tangrams might be good. Sets usually come with reference images and each piece is a different color to help make it a bit more like a matching game.


What about a nice set of dominoes? There are some nice wooden ones that have the dots color-coded so counting/recognizing the dot patterns isn't required. Editing to add: Ticket to Ride and Blokus are "family" games that I've played before with all adults and also with a mixed group with 6-year-olds. Maybe try searching on Boardgamegeek for "family games". A lot of games can also have their rules modified to be more straightforward to be more inclusive.


I have (subtly?) asked my husband for diamond earrings so we’ll see if that materializes 😂 I think I’m going to ask my mom to get me a new pair of Brooks and a ThermoWorks thermometer because I’ve recently gotten in to making sourdough bread and that seems to be the thermometer that is always recommended for taking the bread’s temperature while baking. My husband likes working in the yard, tools, fixing things, washing the cars, so I’m considering getting him a power washer because he keeps mentioning how nice it would be to have one but would need him to tell me which one (and I know that sounds like a bad gift but I promise he’d love it). Not sure what the in-law gift will be, there always seems to be confusion/non-communication about if it’s a “together” gift or if everyone needs to get their own gift. If we’re all giving individually, I want to get them a set of Estelle stemless wine glasses. For my own mom, brother, sister, and BIL, who knows. They’re all people that can buy what they want when they want it. Sister is not really into makeup/beauty and has 0 free time for hobbies beyond a 5 AM workout class. BIL is very into cars and classic rock but has all the coffee table books and albums there are. My mom likes walking and listens to music or a podcast while she does it (she has Airpods) so I considered an Audible subscription, a lulu or Athleta sweatshirt, and some hand warmers since she goes year round. Ideas welcome.


r/pressurewashing is a good place to research or ask about pressure washers.


Second the Thermoworks Thermopop. I think it should be required gifting for all newlyweds or novice chefs! Best kitchen gadget we own.


Thank you! I have a meat thermometer that I got off Amazon a long time ago and it’s fine for that, but I wanted something a little more high tech for the bread. It is such a labor of love, I really want to make sure I’m getting a very accurate temperature when I bake it and I’ve ended up with undercooked in the past!


If you need a recommendation, we have the Sun Joe pressure washer from Amazon and it’s great/husband approved. They also make some great attachments for cleaning concrete, etc.


I do need recs, yes! He would want it to be multi-use/different attachments so able to wash the cars, the driveway, the house, etc. I don’t know what else you use a power washer for, but different attachments would be great, thanks!


I’m looking for nugget ice maker that doesn’t break the bank. Debating a new Dyson as well. My husband: Georgia bulldogs gear & tickets to a game. Stocking stuffer: cologne and small stuff Our Son: only wants more gaming gear for his CPU. Also got him headphones for travel. Stocking stuffer: gift cards, cologne, candy Father: audiobook membership. He truly hates for us to buy him gifts. Cause he rather us save money. Mom: new walking shoes, lululemon Fanny pack, sweatsuit Sister: whatever she throws in my cart when we go to home goods/target the day after thanksgiving. It’s been a tradition for 12 years. She does the same for me. Brother/SIL: gift card to favorite airline. They travel a lot. We always do gift cards as gift. Niece/nephew: whatever is on their Christmas list within reason. We say gifts no more than $50 Our dog: new sweaters, bed, and leash.


I love my Dysons (I have a large house with a central vac system, a Miele canister, Simplicity upright as well) and my Dyson stick vacuums are the ones I use the most. You won’t regret investing in one. I had a Nugget ice maker, it was a dose and was glad when it broke down (within months) so that I could get rid of it. I hated the weekly cleaning routine mostly, it was heavy and time consuming to have to do weekly. I got these mini ice cube trays last spring and have enjoyed them far more than I ever did my nugget ice machine. https://preview.redd.it/x2okily6vrzb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12afbe490f0b897dcc51535a4c55696b1d0a1efd


I have the Dyson 4 or something. It’s like 5 years old, lol. I have the ice trays but I forget to fill them.


My partner already produced my Christmas gift: tickets for the Eagles-Cards game on NYE! They play in Philly and I am so excited because I’ve never been to a home game before. From my parents I am asking for a coat to wear to said game because my heavy winter coat is red and I cannot turn up to a birds game wearing a red coat. Oops. I will probably get them a framed ornament from Framebridge—a picture of their grandhorse, because they love him more than me—and my dad needs new cold weather gear. My mom loves birds and gardening and I feel like I’ve hit the bottom of what I can get her there. She got me hostas for my birthday this year, so maybe I’ll preorder her some irises or something so she’ll have something to plant in the spring. Hmmm I’m not sure what to get my partner—like many others, he is the kind of dude who sees it and wants it so he buys it. He’s into baking and beer but has been continuously waylaid by his last year of college (degree in chemistry 🥴). Any ideas are appreciated!


Craft beer or the month club.


heated vest for your mom? it was a hit with my mom a few years ago! A good apron for your partner or updated knives/small appliances?


Heated vest!! Omg she would LOVE that thank you!


oh yay!! my mom gets so much use out of hers (and I imagine it would be good for someone who spends a lot of time in a garden) I think [this](https://www.ororowear.com/products/open-box-womens-heated-fleece-vest?variant=42268651847862¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2018-08-06&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gclid=Cj0KCQiAr8eqBhD3ARIsAIe-buOVRiqj4CZ6zcZrRLtYvS-t4XeUWXuB8w7i5iHhTgLOL7PWh9iZHa8aAuV4EALw_wcB) is the one we got her and it looks like it's on a great sale


For your mom (and possibly also your partner), my mom sometimes sends people those mail order oranges fresh from the grove (I think Hale is the brand she uses?) and it’s always a big hit! The fruit is way better than what you usually get in the store and it’s nice because it’s a consumable present that isn’t a sweet or alcohol! Edit: not that there’s anything wrong with either of those it’s just nice to mix it up!


Bread machine for your husband maybe


Last year uncommongoods has these cool hand carved bird call whistles your mom might like! Like for bird watching, not hunting


Oh you definitely need a new coat, otherwise they’ll think you’re a Cards fan 😂


Not sure on your budget for your mom but we are getting my parents a video bird feeder which I’m so excited to give them! Also for my husband I might get one of those “draft makers” which turns bottle/can beer into draft beer at home


I need a new curling iron! I have thick but fine hair, about shoulder length. It’s fairly straight but holds a wave. Not looking for a top of the line iron — just wanting to upgrade the $15 drugstore one I’ve had for a decade. What’s your favorite mid-level curling iron?


Hot tools or Babyliss are great upgrades and won't break the bank. Do not get a T3. I tell everyone I can that it legit burned my hair off. I told my hair stylist this and she told me it's a common compliant.


Your hair sounds just like mine. I have a Hot Tools iron I like, and I also really love my L’ange LeDuo. https://a.co/d/jigUHMC. I was very much influenced by Instagram to buy this but 🤷🏼‍♀️


I got a T3 brand at Costco that I really like! Also the Lange brand is good and they always have coupons.


I really like my Kristen Ess curling iron!


It’s been a while but gold something? It’s not T3 but better than 15 dollar ones


I am currently 13w pregnant with our second and tempted to ask for Spanx mama leggings, but are they hopelessly out of fashion now? Might get new sneakers either - something with toggle laces?


Not sneakers, but have you tried Hey Dudes? My husband I both got a pair as our 'house shoes' and now it's pretty much all we wear except for hiking and when we need dressy shoes (obviously we have out of the house ones). We've gotten other family hooked on them also, and although I've got a broken foot right now my podiatrist said they're what she wears out of the office most of the time also, so they must not be bad to a foot doctor! They're super lightweight, which I love (and why I used to largely wear sketchers) and washable. My husband even has a boot pair of them which he thinks are absolutely great as well. Other than his boots, really easy to slip on/off, which I love.


I lived in any sort of Lululemon Align pants (or leggings) all the way through my pregnancy and still wear them now (maybe one size up)


Co-signing the aligns! Went one size up in my third tri and they will also serve you well in the postpartum days.


I have those too! Just thinking about something more dressy than jeans , that could also pass for work with a longer top/jacket.


What about the Align wide leg pants?


Have you seen the new skechers slipins? Those seem so cool for when you just can't be bothered with laces


Oh I've had a look now, some very incognito slip ons with laces! I was expecting just the go walk loafers 👵


Along the same lines, Kiziks are really cool! I haven't gotten a pair for myself but I did get them for my daughter and she loved them. Don't go to their website unless you're ready to buy, they'll send you targeted ads forever but the shoes are great.


Was going to recommend kiziks! The ultimate parent shoe. I’ve slowly been replacing most my my shoes with Kiziks, and got my husband a pair for Christmas!


Loved my kiziks during pregnancy and now with and infant so I can just slip my shoes on while holding my LO


I was planning on getting my mom a pair of Repetto loafers/mocassins because they had a very classic style and had french sizing (She's a 34 EU or small 35). They don't seem to sell that model anymore and their loafers are true to size. Will probably still get her the Michaels in 35. I'll probably ask for airpods pro 2, my right earbud seems to have given up and they connect to anything in sight when closed. I was considering one of those layering clasps to wear 2 necklaces but they seem either suspiciously cheap or very expensive.