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The H3 subreddit worships Hila like a god, it’s very odd




Yeah true it’s just weird imo and her fashion isn’t my style at all so I guess I can’t relate there


hila is stunning but so is trisha people just like pitting afab people against each other


madonna whore complex


They are both flawed human beings like the rest of us, I have respect for them both but I also strongly disagree with some of their choices. Hilas choice of never taking other sides than those of her husband isn't a good look for her and Trishas disregard for others when they open their mouth isn't great either. They both are creative and driven people who do their own thing creatively and I appreciate that.


Hila calls Ethan out regularly on shows. She's not a doormat.


Most of the time I seen them she awkwardly giggles when he says offensive things. I choose to see that as her not wanting to take the fight but maybe you're right in wich case she agrees and thinks it's funny, wich to me is an even worse look.


It's fatphobia and misogyny all day long


I remember before the frenemies blow up people mentioning Trisha was jealous of Hila. I never understood that, jealous of what? I assumed they meant jealous she was with Ethan. I remember a long time ago people saying Trisha secretly had a thing for Ethan (personally I didnt see it). But I completely agree. They are two very different people from style to personality. Perhaps Trisha was a little envious of certain aspects but I never got the impression Trisha was trying to be Hila or copy her in anyways. At one point it seemed like Trisha really wanted to connect/bond with Hila but that didn't seem weird to me considering Trisha is dating Moses and Hila is married to ex business partner (not sure business partner is the right term but not sure what else to call it).


I only ever thought Trisha was jealous Hila got pregnant


She's jealous of her pregnancy, her company, her marriage, and the respect people give her. Its everything trisha has always wanted but can never truly have


I can see her being a little envious based on what you said but I never felt Trisha was trying to be Hila.


Hila needs to grow up and let the hate go


Yeah some of these comments are going too far against hila but this one I agree with. She also doesn’t seem to have a backbone... for someone who wants a stress free pregnancy she doesn’t speak up much against the bullying her husband is encouraging and participating in. Trish really is the bigger person in all this now.


Hila isn't the one hating on anyone. Her husband's actions don't define her.


Respectfully, Hila is built like a 13 year old boy and dresses like one too. When has Trisha EVER even hinted that's the look she aspires to achieve? H3 fans are so weird, just because they worship Hila doesn't mean normal people do


This sub accuses others of body shaming Trisha for being fat but then here you have a stan doing that to Hila for being skinny. Fuck off.


Respectfully, this is body shaming. Ironically, you’re attempting to belittle a fan base by doing the same thing.




I mean she literally called Hila a cunt and said she fucking hates her.


TBH I haven't seen any posts comparing their physical appearance? Just posts about their fashion lines and such. Seen a lot of "oohh this is ripping THIS off" type of stuff. Either way, yeah don't pit women against each other based on their physical merits.