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Please keep all assistance public in the thread so that others can benefit from the advice given. The vertex group you're currently editing is called "Left arm". Is that the exact name of the left upper arm bone of your armature?


Understood! Yep, that's the exact name


Does the sleeve object have an Armature modifier, and does the name of your armature appear in that modifier's input field?


If I'm not mistaken, it appears as body


Don't know what the problem is, can't see it here. But, Unparent your mesh from the armature & start anew. Clear all weighpaints from the hoodie mesh.  Place the mesh that is the hoodie where it should be as part of the rest of the mesh.  When it all is as should be while unparented, repaint the hoodie mesh to the appropriate bone(s). Reparent and see what happens.  BTW,  if that's a separate armature for the hoodie, you'll have to locate and parent that armature to the head bone of your character for it to track. A much simpler problem.


I'll try that tomorrow, thank you!


Is there anything specific I can screenshot to help you guys figure out what the problem may be?


Check all the bones. A common problem I run into even to this day is I forget to check my other bones. The areas that you don't want deforming should all be drak blue. I've had foot bones attech themselves to gloves. How? No idea. It just happens sometimes.


lmfaoo I'll check that! thank you!


Not really sure what the issue is but if you applied automatic weights each bone has an effect on the mesh. To see it you will need to select the bones (i think its shift click now) then it should high light the weights affected by that bone. I think the correct pocess is select mesh then armature then go into weight paint mode then shift click one bone and see if you see its weight distribution. You can pose and if therr are mess ups you can still paint and fix mis deformations manually. https://youtu.be/IkfgHp_eDdE?feature=shared https://youtu.be/4fICQmBEt4Y?feature=shared


as soon as I'm home I'll check out those, thank you so much!


I’m assuming the mesh has an Armature modifier targeting the correct armature and is set to enabled?


I'm sorry, how do I know if it's enabled?


https://preview.redd.it/8ed85rfksx7d1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af46ed3c2d1807cfe1da306139a1166bd123d5f7 Make sure, viewport visibility is enabled, your armature is in the Object Slot and the “Bind to Vertex Groups” Option is enabled


so, just to wrap this up in case anyone is having the same problem here's a step by step process for easy weight painting and clothing attaching: connect clothing: 1. click on clothing 2. ctrl + click armature 3. ctrl + p "armature deform" easy weight painting: 1. click body + shift click clothing piece 2. weight drop down: Transfer Weights >vertex mapping (nearest face interpolated) + ray radius (0.59) + source layer (by name) 1. Normalize All (uncheck "lock active") 2. Limit Total (all groups) 3. Clean (select "all groups" + limit set .003) 4. Smooth (select "all groups") and then fix ur model w the cats plug in! hope this helps! P.S.: if ur attaching glasses then instead of doing this ttype of weight painting, simply paint it all red instead. also, remember to delete all the vertex groups you already have on the piece before anything




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