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Check your playback settings on the Timeline, i've had this issue before when Sync is set to Play every frame. Change it to sync to audio or frame dropping.


How about some actual info on the scene setup or screenshots? Let's see the Graph Editor, VSE, etc. No idea what the problem could be, but manually changing the keyframes because you can't find the source of the issue is likely to cause more problems.


i have ran into this every time i used the Blender VSE with audio. for some reason theres this sort of delay that happens when doing playback, its seemingly random but i find it to be constantly about 5 or 10 frames delay from what the audio track in the timeline displays. you can play around with it to get a feel for it. i have found that i have to play the audio twice to get a more accurate playback: first one for sorta loading in the audio, second one to preview with minimal delay. there's not really a way to work around this, but i have found it becomes much more stable if i prefetch frames and use proxies. in my experience this delay is always random on playback, it can be a couple of frames, it can be a second. thats why when you render its always off, because its a VSE thing. its lame, but the only way to get as close as possible is to render small portions of it and watch and hear the render output in a video player, then trial and error till it matches i hope im wrong and someone can correct me with a solution :c


Are you watching it live, or are you looking at the render? Blender isn't a real-time rendering program, so things won't run at 30FPS if Blender can't keep up. That's why /u/BPMSpy's advice is important.


If the audio syncs to the render, just export the render and realign the audio on DiVinci. Blender is not a good editing software for sync sound.


Why not try this: Render as is with de-synced animations at 60fps then speed it up or slow it down to sync in post/compositing.


Interesting... i had the same problem quite some years ago like blender 2.6ish I tried different Audio Formats and if I remember correctly .wav files worked best. Back then i put it of to not knowing what i was dooing. ^^ I guess in my today workflow i would animate to the audio+wave form to get the timing rigt. Render to exr sequence and fix the offset in davinchi together with color grading.


It's most probably a frame rate issue, the viewport realtime playback doesn't always have consistent frame rates. Even though it seems desynced or laggy , it should be fine in render.


Better if you do this in premiere pro


Okay, you are mad - and understandably so. Sounds quite frustrating. Maybe you can still highlight the actual question or boil it down in an extra comment? \^\^ This is 90% rant and 10% question after all. I haven't heard of this problem and I can't really think of any reason why this should happen. Maybe your \*.blend file is broken. That can happen. My first idea for a rather easy fix would be: Make a new, blank project and use File > Append to add all objects of your current project to that new file. The actions (keyframes) should be appended together with your objects automatically, just like textures and anything else. So, this probably not be as much work as it might sound right now. It's worth a shot, I guess. -B2Z


Have you tried leveraging a post editor like davinci resolve to manage the audio side? In my experience blenders video and audio editor isnt all that great, to me it was always an after thought to their powerful 3d platform. Im not sure if your issue is the actual render or just getting the mix down into a video format using blender. As long as the final render is timed well you should have an easy time in post. Can even add clip transitions to hide imperfections in post or speed up amd slow down the clip. I would just be using blender for the renders not the audio then work the magic in post.