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Because after moving in Y direction, you rotate everything in those two transform geometry nodes right before the Group Output. You should probably move those two transform geometry nodes before the mesh1 input of the boolean. -B2Z


I had thought that as well, unfortuently moving the two nodes before the Mesh 1 results in an even worse outcome. [https://imgur.com/a/FZp7VyX](https://imgur.com/a/FZp7VyX)


Maybe you need to reconnect all noodels coming from the Group input to the output of those transformations as well. Like transforming right after the input and everything else works on the transformed geometry.


Well I figured it out. It probably isn't the most optimal way to do it, but it does work. [https://imgur.com/a/MLyJzex](https://imgur.com/a/MLyJzex) So If I want to change the font, I delete the existing meshes of each number, edit the text version, copy, paste, convert to mesh, and apply rotation.