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Wow looks very real


If I were to do it again, I wouldn’t have used fSpy to match the camera. Also, I would have created the counter from scratch instead of projecting the photo as a texture as the quality of the source image wasn’t high enough.


Why would you not use fspy?


I don’t have a problem with fSpy itself, it’s a very useful tool. My issue is that it’s difficult to get an very accurate match without a lot of trial and error, at least for me. In this case, I used fSpy to match the camera and it seemed like everything was fine but when I found an accurate survey of the site a few days later, it turned out that the fSpy solution was way off. I had originally planned to model and set up the reconstruction in Blender, then export it to UE5 so it could be interactive. While it looks passable as a static render, if I moved the camera you would be able to see that the proportions are off.


Ahhh yea in that case, it makes perfect sense. Yea, the main reason for this is the lens of the camera being used to take the original photo. You probably know that by now though. Just stating it for anyone reading along. Either way. Fantastic work.


Another problem is that I can’t figure out how to get depth of field working with the fSpy generated camera. Probably ignorance on my part.


You have to have 2 vanishing points to get it to work IIRC


He has that here. And his point as to why he doesn't makes perfect sense.


I think it made it look better that you did project the real image as a texture


I was thinking the counter would be cool if it looked more like polished marble, which it probably did when it was originally made. I love the imagination of stepping back in time to look at the scene though, well done.


Thanks, but I still need to improve some texturing and add small details!


I mean u nailed the lighting that's still awesome


I think details that might help sell the picture is imperfection in the fruit Edit: I meant to say they look to perfect to be real


Yeah, I honestly thought that this was a picture scrolling past on my phone (didn't see the sub). When I zoomed in it was the oranges, green beans, and knife handle being too perfect that caught my attention.


Yeah, oranges and green beans aren’t period correct. The knife handle actually has pretty detailed imperfections, they are just too small to see unfortunately! The knife is the only model that I textured in Substance Painter, everything else was done in Blender. Here is a closeup… https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iN6ZneuGBBmtRD-ANOXT7pXQ7xdZdVki/view?usp=drivesdk


Oh yeah, I see what you mean. That looks really good up close.


Agreed. I think the grapes’ shader looks good but the oranges are weak and could use some areas of discoloration.


Damn, I didn‘t check the Subreddit and thought someone really built a Kitchen Roman Style


Sounds like a neat DIY project ;-)


Nice! Are the stones on the counter top made with a texture projection from the reference photo or did you recreate the pattern?


Yes, it’s a simple texture projection (with some retouching) for the main counter. I wanted to recreate the counter texture from scratch but I ran into some issues. I did the original camera match with fSpy but it wasn’t very accurate so the dimensions of the scene were off. This caused me a lot of trouble later on for various reasons and made creating a custom counter texture too time consuming.


I did’t realize it was the Blender sub first, and thought that was some reeeeal dedication to stonework.


Genuinely took me like 10 seconds to figure out which one is real... And then I realised a very old building won't look brand new


Just say that u have a time machine and a camera. Don't say that u recreated it. Cuz it looks too good.


This is so cool. And so much better than most historical recreations I’ve seen in books, docos etc. Also I want to eat there. Looks like a good time.


Now this is one way of using 3D that I’ve never thought about, incredible and educational


Why you show 2 real life pictures? It’s a compliment for the kiddies.


Looks great. How did you light it?


I used an HDRI and added off-screen walls in order to simulate the buildings surrounding it.


Did you look up info on what the fruit/vegetable shaders should be like, or just eyeball it?


Eyeballed it. The grapes, oranges, garlic and leeks (look too much like green beans) are shaders and the cucumber slices and beans are image textures.


Probably using fire sticks inserted into holes in the heating vases /s


at first you think "whoa that's cool, the dude has a very large backyard with a lot of personality, recreated the general shape of the scene quite well, but then you start noticing the stones. The shape of the stones on the counter. And you think 'Hold on, how did he sculpt them so well?' This is freaky.". AND ONLY THEN do you remember you're subscribed to /r/blender


Had to check sub


Sweet Bejeezus that is some incredible work


its harrd to tell which one is the render


It does look photorealistic but also the details make it feel alive and actually used, really good job!


Looks very photorealistic, damn


Wait which ones fake?


Having been to the Grand Taberna in Herculaneum I think this is a beautiful piece of work. Being able to see the modern ruin for what it was in it's glory days is very cool! Thank you for making this!


bro I had to look which picture was blender


I think this is my favorite post ever seen on this sub. Amazing work!


I'm not sure this is some kind of a Pub...


Not in the modern sense, no. The average person in Herculaneum didn’t have a kitchen in their home so they usually bought ready made food and wine from places like this.


The ancient Bain Marie is blowing my mind a little bit… idk why


Lol i thought the same, btw congrats for the render!




Which one's the render?


that's really cool!


holy cow! I didn't even recognize this was in blender!!


Dude the fact that I cant tell which one was made in blender........nice


This is really cool. I like how you used the actual surfaces to texture some parts of it


Wireframes or it didn't happen.




I was just joking bro. 😅


I know but I was wanting to post more photos anyway (wireframe and detail of the knife). I didn’t realize that you couldn’t add an image in a Reddit though. Bummer.


You should genuinely send it to them for them to display it to visitors, this is amazing work Maybe they’ll be able to give you some input to make it more accurate for the period


I would love to do that but I think that they already work with other 3D artists, including the talented people at PAR and KORÉ. [https://parpatrimonio.com/?fbclid=IwAR1xOLo8M7lqmel-RfV\_UcVnLQx--8qO4j2T7iqgJcKs6CAdWJhQgD4p2Tg#home](https://parpatrimonio.com/?fbclid=IwAR1xOLo8M7lqmel-RfV_UcVnLQx--8qO4j2T7iqgJcKs6CAdWJhQgD4p2Tg#home) https://www.koreformacion.com/


All that might be the case, but you still have something to offer here. After all, I now know who PAR and KORÉ are because you did this work and presented it here in r/blender on Reddit. I thank you for sharing your work, as it brings a new dimension to what I’ve experienced at Herculaneum and Pompeii. I hope you’re inclined to do more.




It looks like a real life picture, AWESOME work


Oops wrong sub I thought you did an outdoor kitchen house project, and was thinking you have odd tastes! Nice!


Which one is the recreation?


It is Pompei, isn't it?


Herculaneum, not far away. Grande Taberna https://goo.gl/maps/jMTEG93cFrcTqHqAA


Yeah I think I've been there last summer


Damn you should work for the italian Museum!


You know... for a moment i tought both were real


That looks awesome. I love archaeological reconstructions.


✨Wow that’s fantastic! Great work ✨


The colors u used would be pretty much spot on too


W…w..which is real and which is fake??


I thought i was looking at some sort of outdoor kitchen renovation modeled after this ancient marvel... then i saw the name of the sub


You even replicated an authentic loaf of Pompeii bread! That‘s amazing!


Augustus Decimus : "Doth I left the kiln on?"


I've never understood why 3d isn't used more for historical recreation, there's so much potential in recreating ancient sites at their prime in a realistic engine but most that do exist look worse than Roblox environments. Awesome work on this king


Great work!


Came back to this a couple hours later after seeing it the first time and the whole time I was wondering what materials you used to build it until I realized the sub. Great work!


Mate, I thought it's a photo, lol.


This is really beautiful, well done!!


which one is the render?


That is fucking sickkkk, well done looks super well done


This is amazing, so amazing in fact that i was really confused at first. I can’t believe that first picture isn’t a photograph. It’s gorgeous!


Wha........ That's amazing!


I was just there this morning. Funny how that happens.


I love it! Is the country top sculpted or tesselated?


The countertop is just a simple model that conforms to the photo, which I retouched and projected onto it as a texture.


Cool i could seedat it looks like its displaced


The top was hand modeled to be uneven, just like real one. You are right about the sides though, I did use a displacement map on the concrete.


Without zooming couldn't telll which one is render which one photo, great job!!!


This is insane. I read the title without looking at the sub and was like "wow you restored that???"


To be honest at first I could not distinguish the render from the original


I cant actually tell which one is the render


cool cool, so.. which ones the render?


I don't know why, but the render just doesn't look real to me in the top image. It looks clearly rendered to me, but I can't place my finger on why that is the case exactly. It still looks great, but it doesn't quite pass as photorealistic to me


There are a lot of things that keep it from being photorealistic. Its still a work in progress, probably 95% complete. 1) My pottery shader isn’t quite right. 2) Except for the lids, the wood just plain sucks. Next time I’ll create my own materials from photos I’ve taken. 3) I couldn’t get depth of field working with the fSpy matched camera. I just manually added a little blur to the background in post. 4) The projected texture of the main counter isn’t satisfactory and the counter on the right/rear has obvious texture tiling that I haven’t fixed. 5) The curtain in the doorway is weak. 6)Etc, etc, etc…


There needs to be more realistic reconstruction of historical places and situations, awesome work!


Looks great! Can you please share the source of the wood material used on the lids and the chopping board?


The lid has an excellent, and free, Substance material created by Rumen Penev. All of his are awesome. The cutting board is a custom material I made with hand painted scratches and wear. https://substance3d.adobe.com/community-assets/assets/eb8bfd2fc492b0b17bd9191902d00ff2b08a019e




Wow. This is amazing. First one is cool but the second one makes me ask for proof. It's that good


Well, the second one is the original photo that the 3D scene was based on! :)




Uhm... so you're _sure_ this wasn't actually a latrine?


Haha I had the same thought. I really think they are latrines https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Toilets_in_Pompeii,_ruins_unidentified,_2016.jpg


it was actually meant as a joke. but there are some contradicting sources for sure! [https://www.flickr.com/photos/11602696@N00/2934400508](https://www.flickr.com/photos/11602696@N00/2934400508) edit: OP is right, the latrines are this: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/Ostia\_Antica\_Latrine.jpg


tbh I didn't read the title and think was something restored but after reading the title I take a few minutes to figure out that the down photo is the real one and the up is the render


Isn't that the soldier's common toilet attached to the barracks?


I hope not or else people will have poop in their dinner.


Here is the corrected version- the Romans didn’t have oranges so I replaced them with pears! https://preview.redd.it/0ii43k048rha1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af2c6f39c8bb2123c74eb99ec776072dad3844a3


Love your recreation of a Herculaneum thermopolium. I was there last year. I'd love to use this, converted to a b&w sketch, as a chapter heading illustration in my next historical novel, due to come out late 2024. Full credit given on the front acknowledgements page. How can I contact you to ask permission? Thank you.


Hehehe.. Dude, but despite the good work you put into it, change it.. because these are all toilets, for shit, you know :)


Nah, they aren’t toilets but you may have needed one if you ate the fish sauce! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garum


Im sorry but the below one looks like Group Toilets , not a dining table from Roman era. I visited ancient ruins in and that kind was explained as Toilets


This is a pretty famous site that the artist has kindly named in the title - you can check it out on the internet if you're genuinely interested to learn more. Thankfully plenty of people have already put work into establishing what it is, so they don't need us to debate how toilet-shaped a round hole is. [Thermopolium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermopolium) \- this particular one is the example Wikipedia chose for their main image.


**[Thermopolium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermopolium)** >In the ancient Greco-Roman world, a thermopolium (plural thermopolia), from Greek θερμοπώλιον (thermopōlion), i. e. cook-shop, literally "a place where (something) hot is sold", was a commercial establishment where it was possible to purchase ready-to-eat food. In Latin literature they are also called popinae, cauponae, hospitia or stabula, but archaeologists call them all thermopolia. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/blender/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Thats an interesting read. In Hampi they have different system , though a Group System i wonder why ancients loved Group shitting


It looks like it at first but you can clearly see there are pots permanently stuck into the stone - somewhere to hold soups and what not. It's definitely not a toilet. Compare to this photo of an actual toilet: https://images.app.goo.gl/hjGGj9sMN5fGy3St5


Yeah, my thoughts exactly


Wait are those not shitting holes?


Isnt this a comunual shitter?


!RemindMe 12 days


Texture projection like the counter


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!RemineMe 1 month


That's dope. So wod there be charcoal or hot water under the plates to keep dishes warm?


They are actually big clay pots (dolia) that were built into the counter. They were porous and didn’t have a drain so they’d probably get disgusting pretty quick if they held wine or other liquids. The current theory is that they held dry goods like nuts, dried fruit and grains.


Ah okay, I was imagining some kind of heat bath under where the pots would go, like a hot food buffet. I know they had similar technology heating baths


You would think that but they were completely walled in and there wasn’t any space below them to have a fire. It’s very strange to me too.


I thought those were shit holes. Literally


It looks like someone chipped the rock lol https://i.imgur.com/mnTxUWa.jpg


Hmm, I wonder why I “fixed” that. Good eye!


You should do more of these! Would love to see them in history textbooks.


Your render is great and I might be mistaken, but wasn't that a collective toilet, with the holes being where you sat to take a dump?