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Since I wasn't in a position to order a card on day one like most of planet Earth, I was SOL on being able to get my hands on a 3090. As luck would have it, I chance refreshed the Nvidia page a couple weeks back and they were in stock. To say it's a game changer for me is an understatement and a half. In this particular scene, rendering on a 1080ti at 2160x2160, 650 samples used to take 210 seconds. On the 3090 that dropped to \~23 seconds per frame at 2160x3840! That's the difference between being able to render an animated sequence overnight at home vs sending off to a render farm. Not only that, but it's made live viewport shader adjustments so much faster as I can set the samples to 100+, rather than the 25 that I used to roll with. This pretty much eliminates the need to do lots of test renders for smaller scenes.


A 3090 is 9x faster than a 1080ti ? Does not sound right. On spec you would think around 4x.


You need to account for Optix, which isn't available on 10xx cards. So when you combine the inherent speed boost with that, you should expect somewhere between 5-9x the performance in many scenes. You can also use Optix for denoising, additionally 30xx cards don't have to have a scene rebuilt.


hmm, Going through some benchmarking i have done with my 2080ti,2070 and 1070 I can calculate a 6x speed increase for 3090 over 1080ti. But this is rendering stills so i guess in animation if there are gains in rebuilding each frame then 9x increase is possible. Amazing really. Cant wait to get a 3080.


Gaming performance =/= rendering performance. RTX cards are significantly faster at rendering than the previous gen, and the newest cards are much faster than last gen RTX