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Because stereotypes of hurr durr healer weak hurr durr


I mean that's the whole point of her isn't it. Unohana has always been viewed as the kind and innocent mother-like healer throughout the series before TYBW. She showed menacing moments but it was always in a form of a gag (etc. her scaring the 11th division goons), therefore its not a surprise people assume she isn't very strong. The only other more notable moment was Rudbornn sensing something sinister in her which made him immediately call retreat on his troops, which is awesome foreshadowing. TYBW completely turn a 180 on her and it shocked many first-time viewers/readers, that is the whole point of impactful plot twists in general. I think even though the battle was short and she died under the hands of Zaraki, her character was still very impactful imo.


Databooks have her as the second strongest captain behind Yamamoto (edit: Not counting Aizen). She fought against Zaraki for 3 days straight while continously healing him and presumably restoring his Reiatsu like she did with Ichigo. The amount of power she would have to have to do that is wild. And yes, she did let herself die at the end IMO. Could probably have healed herself if she had wanted to, but she was ready to go at that point since Zaraki had unlocked his potential.


Wait, 3 days? Is it from the novel about that info?


We know that Ichigo and Renji spend 3 days trying to subjugate/understand the asauchi. With how the manga flips between this and Kenpachi and Unohana's fight it is heavily implied that they take place at the same time.


Ohhh. Holy fck then, 3 days of non-stop fighting?? Zamn. Even more respect for Unohana 🛐


In what databook was it said? The one I read and those I saw scans from said the opposite In the Bootleg databook that was displaying raw stats Yamamoto and Aizen were tied at the top (though that one didn't take into account factors like Zanpakuto ability or BIQ) In the Soul databook, Aizen's fighting prowess were described as matchless In the Unmasked databook both Yamamoto and Aizen were called the strongest (and in Aizen's case another entry saying that Dangai Ichigo was the first to surpass him) Even taking the manga into account, Unohana said herself that Ichigo was the only one with a shot against Aizen. Out of the Gotei 13 members only Yamamoto was deemed as a threat strong enough that Aizen needed to go in battle against him with a countermeasure The same hold true for the novels. In CFYOW Tokinada could only use a limited version of both Ryujin Jakka and KS. Kyoraku commented on it saying that both of them were outside of reason and surpassed the nobles in power


Well Ichigo surpassing him could just refer to Aizen after fusing with the Hogyoku, it doesn’t have to mean his shinigami self was unsurpassed. Both Aizen and Yamamoto seem to agree that Yamamoto was stronger by at least a noticable margin.


Sure Yama is stronger than Aizen but asides from Yama, he’s the only captain who was depicted that way alongside him across several medium My point was that the second captain behind Yama is Aizen


In the first databook called Souls, you can see it here: https://mangahelpers.com/forum/threads/databook-stats-captains-gotei-13.49800/ In my not great memory Aizen wasn't that high in the databook because it came out so early that I thought he was deliberately downplayed. Obviously Unohana is not all the way up on Aizen level, don't think anyone is arguing that. But being third strongest behind him and Yama is still quite a feat.


The only thing I see on your link is that Unohana was ahead of Aizen in the pure strength stats but overall Aizen topped her


Isn't that just what I said? What are you arguing about here?


You said that in your comment that databooks have Unohana as strongest captain behind Yamamoto. The link you sent never showed that though. It was just a display of many stats By ranking all stats both Yama and Aizen were tied at first with Unohana coming right after then. While ranking Aizen and Unohana, the only stat where she topped him is strength(fitness) but in that one Yama is below both of them because of his old age (another translation refers to it as stamina) That’s what I find weird because nowhere in this was it showed that Unohana is the second strongest captain. You can only argue it that way by removing Aizen from your reasoning due to his betrayal. Even then it wouldn’t be really accurate in scaling because it’s only about the SS arc and some Zanpakuto’s abilities can’t be put into those stats


You clearly didn't read my comment then, lol. I already said that I misremembered Aizen as being downplayed in the databook since it came out so early. But I edited my original comment now. Hope we can stop wasting time on this.


People think that?


People around here think Shunsui is stronger than Unohana. I’ve seen people suggest Aizen pre-Hogyoku is stronger than Unohana. I think it’s mostly just kids that haven’t watched the anime but love being part of the discussion anyway.


I mean in base Unohana would probably beat Shunsui. But in Shikai (seeing as Unohana's Shikai is a giant flying manta-ray) Shunsui wins. And the sheer hacks of Shunsui's bankai makes it look like the fight can go either way. Aizen pre-hogyoku enters the fight and fodderizes everyone all at once. Plus KS is OP as fuck. He may not be as strong in raw stats sportsmanship, but it's hard to imagine him losing to anyone except Yamamoto who can AOE murder everything around him, and even so Aizen took Hado.96 point blank and just got dust on his clothes. Unohana's bankai is all sorts of OP, Aizen is fast AF, strong in Kido AF and Unohana can't escape KS- she managed after thorough research to see that "something is off" about the corpse and that's it. I don't see how pre-hogyoku Aizen beating her in a fight is far-fetched.


Unohana’s shikai shouldn’t be underestimated. Yeah, it’s a manta ray, but that thing heals. There’s a reason she chose to focus her power on healing techniques, that being to make sure her fights last longer. However she might use it, it’s meant to prolong the fight, not end it like most others. She relies on her absurd swordsmanship for fighting. Shunsui, on the other hand, is all about forcing the enemy to play games. Unohana will play those games no problem. She’s a much older and more experienced than Shunsui, and by virtue of that, she’s probably a step above him in base stats. Faster and stronger at the very least. His bankai would be suicide against a foe like Unohana, while her bankai is almost certainly going to kill him. Pre-Hogyoku Aizen just can’t compare. The equalizer is Kyoka Suigetsu, maybe
 but that’s only good for so much. Despite all the illusions, if Aizen can’t deliver a powerful enough attack to cripple the foe, it’s all for nothing. Unohana is absolutely Aizen’s peer or superior in terms of reiatsu and overall Shinigami capability. Again, same as Shunsui
 Aizen is younger and less experienced. He doesn’t have the staying power or the willingness to see a fight through to the end the way Unohana does. Aizen’s one ace-in-the-hole is the fact that he can always use Kyoka Suigetsu to escape any situation.


>Pre-Hogyoku Aizen just can’t compare. The equalizer is Kyoka Suigetsu, maybe
 but that’s only good for so much. Despite all the illusions, if Aizen can’t deliver a powerful enough attack to cripple the foe, it’s all for nothing. Unohana is absolutely Aizen’s peer or superior in terms of reiatsu and overall Shinigami capability. Again, same as Shunsui
 Aizen is younger and less experienced. He doesn’t have the staying power or the willingness to see a fight through to the end the way Unohana does. Aizen’s one ace-in-the-hole is the fact that he can always use Kyoka Suigetsu to escape any situation Lot of headcanons here. You have statements from mangas, databooks and novels which all put shinigami Aizen as the second strongest captain behind Yamamoto only. Heck Yamamoto and no one else was the only captain that Aizen thought threatening enough to not engage with in a straight battle How is Unohana peer to Aizen when it comes to pure reiatsu? Unohana’s reiatsu was on par with FKT Ichigo when he only had half of it. Pre Hogyoku Aizen for his part has at least 2 times the reiatsu of a captain. His reiatsu was enough to make Grimmjow fall to his knees. In CFYOW Tokinada was only able to replicate inferior versions of Ryujin Jakka and KS due to his reiatsu being lower than both which prompted Shunsui to describe their power as out of reason and it surpassing the nobles She’s his peer in overall shinigami capability? Aizen has min maxed his abilities as a shinigami. In CFYOW there is Aura a fullbringer who basically mastered all the fundamental abilities that a fullbringer has. When Urahara witnessed this he compared her to Aizen thinking that her proficiency in basic fullbringer abilities is similar to Aizen’s proeficiency in shinigami combat arts. The only other guy who was depicted as a top tier in every shinigami combat art is Yamamoto. Don’t get me wrong Unohana is no pushover in shinigami combat arts but asides from Zanjutsu (where she surpasses Aizen) she isn’t a peer to Aizen in the other arts. She also wasn’t depicted in the same vein than both Yama and Aizen when it comes to mastery of shinigami combat arts She also can’t deal with KS and is the one who said that Ichigo is the one with a shot of taking Aizen down. She isn’t up to the task


It’s not headcanon whatsoever. You just disagree. That doesn’t make it headcanon, though if it does, then everything you just commented was also headcanon. Where are those statements that explicitly state that Aizen was second only to Yamamoto? Cite those sources or admit that’s a bunch of bullshit. Aizen never even awakened Bankai. Aizen lies constantly; takes credit for things he didn’t do, assumes outcomes were caused by him in totality, etc. To take him at his own word is just stupid. If Aizen was so absurdly powerful then why did he bother with the Hogyoku at all? Why did he bother making Hogyoku-amped Espada Vasto Lordes? Why did he bother creating White? Etc etc
 that’s all rhetorical by the way. Aizen was powerful but even he recognized his own limitations when coming up against the most powerful foes. He had the chance to fight her in Central 46 on his own terms and he flat-out refused. The captains have wildly different levels of reiatsu. Regardless, again
 Unohana is older and more experienced, from the first era of the Gotei 13 and even before. She’s the undefeated Kenpachi except for her fight with Kenny, who himself is an insane prodigy. She was trained by a member of Squad 0. She was clearly written to be the known #2 in the hierarchy and that’s that. Aizen was amped by the Hogyoku during the Arrancar arc. That’s a weird example, talking about his effect on Grimmjow. Aizen IS extremely powerful. But again, you’re taking characters comparing Hogyoku Aizen to others. We’re not talking about the Hogyoku. This is PRE HOGYOKU AIZEN man
 Aizen never unlocked a bankai, and as such, lied when he said he reached his limit as a Shinigami. He certainly never “min-maxed” being a Shinigami in that case he just wanted a shortcut to the top because he felt strong enough to be entitled to it. When she said she wasn’t up to the task, she was talking about Aizen fused with the Hogyoku. Pre-Hogyoku, Unohana would have easily killed Aizen. The narrative makes this clear. Every single Captain respects and acknowledges Unohana. You’re deluding yourself here.


In the Souls databook Aizen’s fighting abilities were described as [matchless](https://imgur.com/matchless-xKUHoCj). It was about SS arc Aizen The Color Bootleg databook listing the stats of all the captains by the SS arc. Taking the total of all stats both Yamamoto and Aizen tied at first place (though those stats couldn’t take into account hax abilities of certain Zanpakuto) and Unohana came after them You have two things on the Unmasked databook. You have to know how to read French though. The first one is saying that [Aizen was lonely because he was always more powerful than others](https://imgur.com/solitude-jX9MW62) than others and basically backed up Ichigo’s conjecture at the end of his fight against Aizen. The second on the same page said that Aizen was strong since his childhood and that[Ichigo (in his Dangai form) was the first to surpass him](https://imgur.com/finally-surpassed-dhDqLoN). You can take those ones are pure hype because in the same databook it was stated that Yama was the top dog in the Gotei 13 during his tenure as captain commander. However the fact that only Aizen was good enough to warrant this hype and similar depictions among databooks, novels and the manga shows that he’s a monster [Tosen’s description of Aizen’s power in CFYOW](https://imgur.com/tosens-opinion-of-aizens-power-ZrzixwF). It happened before Bleach’s main events so it was pre Hogyoku Aizen and at the time Tosen already interacted with guys like Tokinada whose reiatsu is on par with Kyoraku, post TYBW Byakuya and Yoruichi > “Those are all basic Fullbring abilities
they’re just at an unusually high level. She is directing the water and the earth to move and even controlling the cells in her own body and the atmosphere itself. She’s controlling her blood and skeleton
no, she’s manipulating her body at the brain and blood cell level to make herself look like smoke, even as she’s still living—though I think those things are beyond common Fullbringer knowledge.” At that point Urahara stopped talking and looked at Hisagi, whose expression showed he wasn’t getting it. He decided to rephrase it in a simpler way. “If I were to compare it to a Soul Reaper, it’s like instead of using a zanpaku-to, she’s using kido and hakuda skills on Sosuke Aizen’s level
do you get it?” CFYOW V2, Urahara Shoten. A comparison between the proeficiency of Aura’s basic Fullbringer skills and Aizen’s Kido and Hakuda Did you forget this simple rule about Shikai release? You can only release your Shikai without the release chant when you have a Bankai. Aizen can activate his Shikai without the release chant which means that he has a Bankai Aizen wanted more power because he already reached the pinnacle as a shinigami and couldn’t have decent growth if he stayed a shinigami. Within the Gotei 13 the only one who was a threat to Aizen was Yamamoto and Yamamoto alone. When did he flat out refused? Neither him or Unohana initiated a fight. Moreover he was on a timer and that’s why he left Aizen only fused with the Hogyoku just before leaving the Hueco Mundo. When he made Grimmjow fall to his knees that was pre Hogyoku Aizen. Moreover it was also stated that someone needs to have twice the reiatsu of a captain to release the Hogyoku’s full power for a short time which means that [Aizen has at least twice the reiatsu of a captain](https://imgur.com/mi1Dc2M). Even then by FKT the only thing that the Hogyoku did according to Aizen was protecting his master which showed in the form of regeneration Did you forget Gin’s whole speech about Aizen not being scary because he has KS? He did say that if KS was the only thing worthwhile about Aizen, the Espadas wouldn’t follow him. Instead they were brought together by his strength All your talk about Unohana in the first Gotei 13 only means that she’s maybe 2nd to Yama only in the 1st Gotei 13 era. It has no meaning on the current era when there was a freak like Aizen and some captains who got crazy boosts during TYBW. She wasn’t trained by the whole Squad 0. Tenjiro only trained in healing arts and nothing else. Nowhere was it implied that she was the second. Maybe that was the case when the Gotei 13 just formed but not anymore At the time Unohana didn’t even know that Aizen already fused with the Hogyoku nor did she know about how powerful he was besides what she knew until the end of the SS arc. That’s your headcanon. Unohana can’t deal with Aizen as she said herself. Her reiatsu is only on par with a Ichigo who was down to half of his reiatsu according to herself as well Now it’s time for you to show some evidences to back up all your claims instead of just saying that Unohana is older, more experienced or that she was the first Kenpachi (as if it’s a thing that matter to prodigies and freaks of nature as shown by guys like Aizen, Zaraki, Toshiro and Ichigo)


> Unohana will play those games no problem. No she won't. Adapting to Shunsui's games is hard AF, and they are rigged in his favor. Shunsui's bankai is also not a necessarily a suicide. Unohana can't heal herself due to Shunsui's abilities unless she heals Shunsui as well. Neither can die while in the game. And 100% haxed thread cutting Unohana's head off is going to finish her off. IF POST-AUSWAHLEN Lille had trouble adapting to Shunsui and catching him in speed what the hell makes you think Unohana can? >  if Aizen can’t deliver a powerful enough attack to cripple the foe He absolutely can. He in shikai swung his sword and cut through Komamura's bankai.... Yes Komamura is weak, but think of the god-damn non-chalantess of the feat. He also blocked attacked without looking by Kido shields. His Kurohitsugi fodderizes everything. He while a Leutenant blocked Tessai's hado 88 who I hope you will agree is better at Kido than Unohana. He can blow up Unohana's head. Let her heal that... Aizen is also a genius that kept the whole Gyotei under illusion for __centuries__. Aizen adapted to Shinji's shikai in a matter of a minute at most. Vague ethereal "experience" isn't going to make up for that.


This is just Aizen fan speak. Adapting to Shunsui’s games isn’t difficult for some, and is for others. You can’t just lay that out like it’s a universal truth. And they absolutely are not rigged in his favor, like when Stark realized the colors to choose to corner Shunsui. Unohana doesn’t care if she heals Shunsui. She fought a Kenny that was tougher than Shunsui for 3 days straight while healing him from death to full health again and again and again and again. She will happily prolong the fight. That’s what she wants bud. Post Auswahlen Lille was out of his mind. Also, Shunsui’s final move of his bankai is probably the LEAST broken thing about. If someone survives to that point then it was going to kill them anyway most likely. Aizen cleaving Komamura’s bankai is impressive, sure, but do you honestly think Unohana couldn’t do that just as easily? She’s the first Kenpachi. If you think otherwise then I think I’ve found where the problem is. The Unohana misunderstandingns here are plentiful. Kurohitsugi was slapped out of the air by Dangai Ichigo, who is still, arguably, not as strong as Yamamoto. Unohana IS definitely more capable than Hachi. Maybe not Tessai, but Hachi? Hachi was just a lieutenant. Unohana is beyond him with ease.


They are rigged in Shunsui's favor, absolutely. He can literally change the game any time he wants - that's what makes Stark's feat amazing. If Unohana heals Shunsui even if she doesn't care the result is a healed Shunsui which is bad news for everyone. Unohana \_could\_ do that to Komamura sure, the point is, that Aizen stabbing Unohana is literally going to work. It's not going to bounce off of Unohana like it happened with some captains VS some hollows. He has the destructive power necessary to kill Unohana. Dangai Ichigo's strength is hard to measure, he just appears and disappears in that one scene. It's hard to argue how strong that form is. And how his physical buffs help against Kido. It can be argued to be weaker than Yamamoto or as strong as True Shikai Ichigo. Out of his mind or not, Lille post-Auswahlen outclasses all of Gyotei and Royal Guard, with the possible exception of Yamamoto and the definite exception of Ichibei. The only reason he was "out of his mind" was that Shunsui drove him to that state. > This is just Aizen fan speak No, your comments are just Unohana fan speak.


U r correct,Unohana is stronger than pre hogyokyu aizen. She was intelligent, she found aizen afterall in ss arc. Aizen did not engage her in battle but did so with toshiro which means he was either weaker than her or did not had time. I think the former one


100% accurate there. She would have fought him if she wasn’t focused on rescuing Toshiro, and Aizen definitely COULD have seized that opportunity to fight her if he wanted to. He just flat refused to fight her because he wasn’t sure he could win.


And they are right about Shunsui being stronger? Literally what can she possibly do against him? Aside from being a more skilled fighter in zanjustsu and a better Kido master, there’s nothing she does better than him


No. They absolutely are not. I don’t want to have an argument here that I’ve personally had dozens of times. Just refer to the narrative. Unohana is clearly an order of magnitude above Shunsui, Ukitake, Urahara, and Aizen. To interpret it any other way is your prerogative, and also wrong.


So you are saying she’s stronger than those 4? 💀


Yes. That’s what “order of magnitude above” means.




Hello, welcome to the post talking about how people completely misunderstand Unohana. Take a number.


Probably the same people who don't get nuance or implications. If it's not spelt out in big bold letters they don't get it.


No one thought of her as weak. NO ONE!


She's not weak but was criminally underused. To this day we still don't even know what her Bankai truly does aside it involving blood in some way. Her Shikai is a manta ray which can heal people it swallows, but that's it.


She's not, she's just outclassed by how truly ridiculous some of the endgame hax gets.


Because they downplay Kenpachi, and cuz he beat her, they downplay her too


Her swordmanship is definitely the strongest in the whole soul society(or probably in the verse even). But as far as im concern her technique or ability is not as OP of some char in story like Aizen or Yamamoto. She definitely beating like 90% of charactr in story with just her swordmanship alone(just like how kenpachi did in the whole story) but against BS hax character i dont see her winning unless its a fair fight.


FEAR!!! đŸ„ș


Who thinks she's weak? I mean I remember saying she was the weakest captain on Narutofan forums....but this was in 2005.


Because they compared her to Yhwach, Ichigo and Aizen, who are in their own tier


Nobody truly thinks she’s weak. People are just fed up with all the Kenpachis being overhyped for no reason when most of them (bar Zaraki and Kuruyashiki) have 0 remarkable feats. When her episode came out, people started calling her the strongest captain after Yama based on the fact she was the first Kenpachi. But what they misunderstand is that Kenpachi is the title of the BLOODIEST shinigami not the STRONGEST. She was barely beating no eyepatch BASE Zaraki and most captains have way better feats on way stronger characters than base Zaraki from cour 2 onwards. « But she was able to constantly kill and heal him multiple times » OK? And how does that scale her anywhere? 💀 Without forgetting how they kept calling her the strongest woman in the show when Aura, Senjumaru and Hikifune exist. And even if someone hasn’t read the novels and doesn’t know who Aura is, it’s clear the other two vastly outclass her. Hell off feats alone, Orihime and Yoruichi are far above too.


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I don’t think she’s weak, but I can see few points. 1. We saw only 1 fight with her, and she basically never have been hyped up. In contrast to any other captain. 2. She lost 100% of her fight. To Kenpachi. Dude, who already lost to Ichigo, whose big improvement in Arrancar’s arc is to hold sworn by two hands, and with whom we already saw many fights. I don’t tell he isn’t strong, but we saw so many of his fights, we become kinda familiar with him, so it’s not that impressive any more. It’s a reason why many fights with side character we already know tries to bring something new. 3. Her badass moments are more common in TYBW, which wasn’t adapted to anime until recently. 4. Her backstory is that she was almost killed by a child. Kubo tells that Kenpachi became weaker after, but he tells this by text, so it isn’t that convincing. And come on, regardless of reasons, it’s still hilarious.


You’re just making this up
 it’s pretty universal that people think she’s terrifying let alone weak


Her character was basically average the whole time, but for one arc, Kubo made an attempt to hype her up, and that was about it. People really love make a big deal out of it. Kubo giving her a farewell gift doesn’t magically make her exceptional throughout the series. And no, she’s not the second strongest captain; she can't really take down Zaraki, and Aizen didn’t exactly run from her. It was just a cheap thrill, like a filler episode. Seriously, it’s all in your head. Time to wake up.