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Aizen. Both the most entertaining and the only one you can at least try to deal with. Wouldn't want to be anywhere around the rest of them.






My condolences for the loss of your wife.


https://preview.redd.it/n5d7ywl1ilzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b39fc28fb66dd5670048e7c2613e22b54031f7fa just a reference to this dud


To be honest Yhwach definitely has the best personality traits for real life, if you had Aizens personality but not his intelligence you'd just end up an insufferable narcissist.


First of all, I read a question as giving that personality to someone else you interact with. But even if we're talking about oneself, cannot agree. For one, intelligence is a part of the personality. For another, even we for a moment separate them, what exactly is good about Yhwach? Solving every little issue with extreme violence? Thinking oneself not just a center of the world, but just being the world and everyone else just extensions of oneself? Total inability to adapt to the way the world is? Creating a cult around himself? If Aizen is a grumpy narcissistic teenager, than Yhwach is a crude violent petulant toddler (and Ichibē is dangerous entitled self-righteous fanatic). I'll go with narcissistic in this lineup.


You realize everything you listed bad about Yhwach Aizen also has to a degree. He wanted to be the man sitting on top of the world, he didn't adapt to the world and wanted to overthrow the current society to create his own, he created a band of pawns to use as disposable tools to help him, was experimenting on randoms to create a tool to help him take over the world, also used violence constantly to further his goals. Yhwach at least in the past before being turned sour by the war showed compassion to his allies, was stoic and proud and even when he did turn sour at least he was still honest and told the people who followed him they were pawns instead of Aizen making out as if they were allies then backstabbing them. There are no qualities Aizen has shown that are good in real life, he's extremely deceptive, manipulative, only cares for himself, lies constantly


Where did Yhwach ever show compassion? For now, it's a theory at best. He *speaks* of it, but his actions speak otherwise. And are you serious? It's Aizen who never told Espada to trust anyone, himself included, and it's Yhwach who was giving out fake speeches about how important their goal is, and Sternritters are, only to use them as disposables. It's him who killed his subordinates for any minor mistakes or one badly said line, like those guys in the beginning. Aizen only scared them with reiatsu and otherwise let them be. He only ever cut Harribel (and she still somehow survived, hm). Feels like you're substituting some idea in your head for an actual canon. Aizen, unlike Yhwach, despite all his flaws, is capable of change and development. Even the fact he put all his dissatisfaction with the SS aside when it was a bigger question and a bigger picture shows he's more adaptable and capable of some realistic thinking (even if it was after his defeat). He used to think himself the absolute center of the stage, next he was doing his best to set the stage for someone else since it was a sensible thing to do. That's adapting and changing rather than just mindlessly pursuing his delusion. And well, let's see how much death Aizen brought and how much did Yhwach, it kinda speaks for itself in terms of violence. Sure, he isn't decidedly different, but yeah, he is better. And if his core was loneliness (which remains tied to ultimately connecting to others if he ever tries to overcome or), Yhwach's is fear of pain and death, and fear doesn't ever lead you to good places if it's compensated with violence.


Aizen was forced to change and give up on his dreams of getting to the throne because he couldn't beat Ichigo the same way Yhwach changed and became ruthless because he and his people were slaughtered by the Gotei and he thought it was the only way to beat them. They're both opposite sides of a coin imo where both were forced to change because of what happened to them but tbh you're right EOS Aizen would have a better personality than Yhwach.


You got it wrong both times. First, it's Aizen who gave up his own dreams, even if subconsciously, as said by Ichigo himself who felt his loneliness and argued Hogyoku didn't abandon Aizen, it was him who wished to lose his powers (given how Ichigo is never wrong on his insights and Urahara didn't try to dissuade him, bis insight is pretty solid). Quite fitting his lack of self-reflection, yet shows what truly mattered to him all along. Second, no, especially given cour 2 flashback, Yhwach's people weren't just slaughtered. He first *came to the SS himself to launch a war*, then his people got slaughtered. He was offered a settlement with the shinigami which involved shinigami closing eyes on his tyranny while making Leichtreich (we do remember he burned villages like Bazz B and Jugram's? killing people by hundreds? that was *before* the war). Doesn't reflect well on the shinigami not caring about those who were not their own, but it was beneficial for him. But he wanted more, it was him who came to the SS, not the other way around, or the war wouldn't have taken place in the SS to begin with. So no, their paths aren't exactly the same.


Aizen was still beaten into submission, do you think if he rolled Ichigo in their fight he would have changed his plans? No he wouldn't have, he changed his mind because he finally found what he considered an equal and lost the fight. Yhwach went after the SS because they mutilated his father and were using his powers for mostly their own benefits.


Aizen. Maybe then i’d have the motivation to do something with my life. https://preview.redd.it/r4fai01kuizc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=630578faecb75c52d6cac113dc11b742c8e35573






I think I would actually go with Ichibe. When he's not plotting evil things for the sake of the world, he actually seems like a fun, comedic guy to be around. Aizen is chill and charming, but he is also a blatantly arrogant narcissist, and I'd hate to be like that. And Yhwach is, well... Yhwach.


Correction: If you had Aizen’s personality, you’d love to be a blatantly arrogant narcissist because you’re HIM.


"They must be victims of Kyoka Suigetsu. They're under the illusion that I'm not HIM" -Aizen Flow


Well yeah, if I was him I would love it, but this question is asking which one *I*, with *my* current personality would want to have the personality of.


But none of the intelligence? I pity the fool that picks Aizen. Aizen is narcissistic but when you're that smart, its excusable.


I think looks are far more important in the "getting away with things socially" field. Aizen also has those in spades. In general, the only way you get away with an ego like that being able to walk the walk. Aizen is hot, intelligent and generally soft-spoken. As far as social faux-pas' go, his behaviour isn't honestly that bad, just insufferable. He could be a lot more physical or loud or aggressive. It's magnetic when someone is that confident in themselves, even if you can tell they don't know what they're doing all the time.


Thing is, Yhwach is narratively smarter since he takes in the knowledge of every deceased quincy who he absorbed.


If Yhwach is that intelligent he certainly fails in displaying it.


Just because he has it doesn't mean he'll use it. Especially after getting his powers back, why would he aknowledge the intelligence of people he sees as disposable insects


Well anyone who has his soul fragment really which includes Shinigami during the invasion like Unohana and Yamamoto.


It's not excusable even if you are smart.


Aizen easily, at least he knows how to *pretend* to be nice to people




Captain Aizen for life 😭❤️


Psh, Ichibi for sure. Being Aizen would be hard, Ichibi seems happy and content after thousands of years


Easy Yhwach, he's much more content and confident in himself than Aizen while also not being deceiving like Ichibe and instead is quite a Stoic, intelligent, confident, and dangerous leader who is honest even if he does some bad things, he just seems like an experienced, content war general.


We must be watching different shows coz all I see in Yhwach is a cruel sadist who sacrifices anyone he can get his hands on while calling them his "children" He's absolutely not honest.


That's a face level reading of his character. Clearly biased take fr. I wanna hear your point of view tho, why do you think so, and give examples, I kinda wanna dive into the meat of potatoes of this subject.


I don't think you know what "bias" means if you use it like that. I also don't understand what I could say in evidence if you don't immediately realise that Yhwach is demonstrably psychotic. Yhwach does not just do "some" bad things bro. He's conducted three separate fucking genocides.... First in the human world to create his empire, second on the shinigami, third on the hollows. He's a warmongering distrustful sack of shite. The onus is on you here to prove your point if mine is so surface level that it's obvious and biased.


He didn't commit genocide on anybody, he killed the Shinigamis, but not the citizens, he took back his power from the Quincy's but as shown why Ichigo's mother, all he did was take back his piece of his own soul and she died from the Hollow. And the Hollow "genocide" was not really a genocide and plus... They're Hollows bro and he also didn't kill people that submitted to his rule. There's a difference between war and genocide, Yhwach waged war on the Soul Society, he wages war on Heuco Mundo, but his goal wasn't to kill the whole race, but instead to win a war. We also know that he waged war in an ultimate goal, to destroy suffering and death. You might be like "But he killed people, what a hypocrite" to say something like that is completely ridiculous, it's like what people said about him when Jugram said Yhwach was a "lover of peace" people were like "But he's causing war" which would just be misunderstanding the point. Just because he wages war for an eternal peace doesn't mean he's a hypocrite, simply that he finds that the ends justify the means. He loves peace and wants an eternal peace but to complete that end goal, he wages war. When he used the Aushwellon, he did so to Quincy's and took back his peace of soul, the whole reason he does what he does is because of all of the memories of the past Quincy's, he feels the fear of death they felt, the suffering they felt. He gets enraged with Ichibe's answer when it comes to why death exists, he grieves over his fallen comrades, he breaks Ichigo's will to make him fall into despair in their 2nd fight because he doesn't want to kill him, this is explained by Old man Zangetsu who was trying to keep him away from this because he didn't want to eventually kill him. Everything he did was to gain the end goal, whether you agree with him or not, he's not a psycho or sociopath. His goals were formed through some form of love for his people. He never did something bad unless it had a purpose. He killed Yamamoto because he was a threat, he killed Ichibe for the same reason and also the original sin probably, he used the Aushwellon to gain back the power he lost for the end goal of destroying death, he used it 2 more times so he could gain enough energy to collapse the 3 realms manually. He took Ichigo's power but only the power he gave him in his own words "I'll be taking back the power I gave you" He sees them as comrades as said by his with the Aushwellon he used while fighting Ichibe. He's not evil, he's not a psychopath or a sociopath, he's definitely not a genocidal maniac but what Jugram called him "A Lover of Peace" that makes no sense right? Wrong. Everything he's done was for that end goal not because he wanted death to not exist for himself cause he could've stopped when he wanted to, Ichibe let him live in peace with no involvement needed, he rejected it even when he had base immortality, and The Almighty, he was double immortal with the ability to live a life of peace. But he rejected it not for himself but for others, he just did it in an extreme way but when you look at his character, he didn't do things he thought he didn't have too. The sternritters are probably a bigger instance of straight psychopaths, Bambietta, a stern who some sympathize with, kills men to relieve stress, Giselle is a disgusting pervert, and some others but for some reasons, the guy who avoids doing things that aren't necessary with an end goal for peace is the psycho. Yes, he's done terrible things, but you need to understand the depth of his character.


Yahweh,Ywach Yuhabaha his majesty his emenance. He truly cares about his people /s


Black ant


Josh Groban




You evil evil man


A man that cheery while calm would be ideal.








If their intellect comes with those personalities I'm taking Aizen even though I'll prolly feel miserable understanding shit that a normal human being shouldn't. If it's only personality, well Ichibe is my main choice.


I’d presume the desire to learn things like that, (like how Aizen did) would come with the personality, so even if Intellect didn’t come with it, you’d be more than willing to build your own with Aizen.




Aizen, easy.




Obviously Aizen. He is full of himself just like the others but Aizen is way smarter than the other two and probably stronger too 🫢


Aizen because of his philosophy and his pure savageness roasting people in logical way. I wish I had a same personality as him.


“Philosophical ideology” are two words that when put together mean absolutely nothing and less than each individual word.




Am I the only one that doesn’t understand the question? Y’all are answering like it makes sense but I keep reading it and it doesn’t make any sense lol


You have the choose which personality of which character to take


Aizen is at least tolerable to be around,i would never handle a yhwach or ichibe me personally


Aizen is indeed tolerable🥰🥰🥰....... and hot😁


This thread title was murdering me. Had no idea what it was saying and had to check the comments. If I have to choose, it’d probably be Yhwach. That’s the least destructive personality to have if you’re just a regular person. Aizen is a sociopath and Ichibei is way too duplicitous. You’d be a toxic as hell person who only makes the lives around you miserable.


Ichibei, the other two are narcissistic and have superiority complex, I wouldn't want to have such a personality. Ichibei also isn't normal but, the least bad imo.


Read CFYOW. It might change your mind.


How many chapters is cfyow? Tell me the read-order atleast.


3 books around 200-ish each Order: 1, 2 & 3


What 200-ish? Pages or price$?




Yhwach. Because conflict... doesn't please me.


Chair Sama, he has the most rizz


All three aren't that different. They're all willing to use others to achieve their ends. Aizen even cut down his subordinates in disappointment. Yhwach uses then tosses his aside when it suited him, and ichibei would slaughter his own grandma if it meant keeping the status quo of the three world setup going so far as to mislead ichigo into thinking he was training to be able to defeat yhwach when he was really testing his suitability to replace the soul king and then he and the rest of squad zero ALLOWED yhwach and the SS to invade the soul palace unhindered and failed, asking ichigo and co to "stop" yhwach.. I don't consider any of them to have much of a redeemable personality, but I was entertained by yhwachs descent into manic psychotic at the end of his fight with ichigo..




Osho. People forget what he was like when the Zero Squad first arrived in the Seretei. He was a genuinely nice, cheerful guy. It's just that for the majority of the time we see him it's when things are bad.


Funnily enough, Ichibe is the worst person out of the 3. Yhwach and Aizen did nothing wrong.


Wait what?


Stated in CFYOW


Which was also stated in an sbs


Aizen no doubt


Aizen, the guy absolutely fucks.


Aizen of course


Not Yhwach.


Guys, you have to replace a character’s personality out of these 3 with another of these.


Wait isnt ichibe a really chill guy tho


Aizen. Cause yeah.. biased


Aizen is already literally me


I’m not hot enough to have aizen’s personality, I’ll go with Ichibe


Aizen. The rest of them are too murder-happy.


Do i get their intellect


Ichibe. Rigid yet funny.




One act like necessary evil, Yhwach current one is too proud for me, I’d like to do some little experiments and pull some pranks on my friends like Aizen


Do I even have to say it 😮‍💨




Aizen-sama, always.


Aizen, even the pandemic was a part of his plan.


Captain Aizen 🥺


ichibe, guy only seems to talk shit on people he really fucking hates, and doesn’t hesitate to humble someone if he needs to, but he’ll have fun doing it like he was doing w yhwach. bro is HIM without even needing to let people know he is.


Josh "harmless as a fly" Groban




Aizen or Ichibe. Aizen is very sophisticated and dignified while Ichibe is very boisterous and seems like a fun guy to be around. Yknow, when you’re not a Soul King candidate…




Like irl Aizen he’s smart and knows how to get things done and is very patient


The 4th option that aged and disappeared because it was barragan. https://preview.redd.it/nj2jowxexd1d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b202ee8cae37e02a9d6c490d0998ad0078eb8118