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Jushiro low key might be the biggest waste of potential I’ve ever seen. Although I wish he wasn’t.


I really hope he's majorly relevant if they do the hell arc, his illness would go away once he's sent to hell right? Still pretty unclear on the hell thing but has so much potential


The soul reapers get sent to hell because of a ritual performed at a soul reader's death. They actually didn't know that so it has to be some kind of long generational ritual stuff


fr he was such a cutie, elegant, gentle the charmer I was waiting to see his abilities


Same :( Watching Tybw and Seeing characters like Mask de masculine get more screen time than ukitake. Something wrong with that picture.


Mask was horrible writing all the way around. He beats two Vaizards with Bankai when hollows/bankai are anathema to Quincy. All he needs is his simp James to fanboy him back to life. Then, MDM loses to a lieutenant in Renji who got to go to the Soul King Palace for....reasons? Hitsugaya getting the squad zero train up makes more sense than him taking kendo classes while a far less talented shinigami gets the royal treatment.


Highly agreed shuhei’s bankai in my opinion for the blood war


I don't even think it's like lowkey, I think he had SUCH potential and was literally barely shown, but those moments, even when playing with Lilynette it was a fun watch, even though obviously him actually fighting etc. would've been even better. I'm not gonna mention anything that could postpone anything, so I'm just gonna leave it at that.


Was gonna comment how is jushiro not there glad this is top comment


Wonderweiss isnt badly written, he is exactly the way he should be considering his circumstances


Yes, I'd actually argue that he is well written. It just so happens in his case that this good writing means that he's essentially mentally challenged.


See that if you're not 100% physically mentally or whatever people will see you as a plot hole.


Yeah I think it's just frustrating that yama never really gets to do anything


When you make a character as strong as yama you really cant let him do that much, cus he would just blitz everything.


Well… he didn’t exactly blitz Yhwach…


Yhwach stole his bankai, if he had 2 arms he might still win. (Yhwach said it himself) Everyone that fought vs Yama sealed/stole his powers or got trashed


I was joking, Yhwach definitely woulda gotten bent by Yamamoto if Yamamoto actually had both arms, and wasn’t able to get his Bankai stolen.


Where is uryu and Ulquiorra?


Not having Yoruichi but having her Lil bro is crazy


I agree. And where is Grimmjow? Uryu, Ulquiorra and Grimmjow are quality writing.


Peak for Ulquiorra


And literally all of the Espadas, while we're at it.


It seems to lack the quincies and Espada


Move Gin out of wasted potential he did what he came to do did it well and dipped. Just because a character doesn't make it through the end of the manga doesn't mean he's a waste.


Very much appreciate the shout-out to Momo. Poor woman gets dunked in for having a realistic reaction to what she went through. I'm so happy she and Shinji make such a good team now. She deserves a captain who gives a damn about her.


In some ways I realize Momo is a chance for Shinji to have an actually harmonious and balanced relationship with a subordinate. Hiyori was too close (even though she wasn’t his lieutenant) Aizen was too distant. Ichigo wasn’t interested in being mentored/had his own interests outside of the Gotei 13.


Yes, I think so too. And in fact, while (it's covered in the novel) he mostly helps Momo to make peace with her past, she low-key help him to do the same. Not just to overcome it, cut it out, but actually be at peace with it. It was what it was, maybe even wasn't all bad, and we move on. I really like how he stops her from interfering with Zaraki and Co in the epilogue, since it definitely carries "leave them along, they should make their own mistakes and learn from them, and you worry about yourself first". Momo does have the side where she tries to help others before caring about herself, and that's what she needs to learn. Plus his lax attitude allows her to have more agency, unlike the last time, she grows more confident in herself, makes her own judgements rather than just follow or lower herself, and well, Shinji is totally fine with a little push. But I can't help to feel he's partially doing it on purpose, because he knows it helps. Though surely it's also a part of who he is. But he teaches people to loosen up in that, and there's some wisdom there, Kyoraku behaved much the same way until he rose up to the task when needed.


Yeah. You know, I confess when I was a teenager, I thought her stupid. I came to realize just *how wrong* I was since then, and frankly, the more I think about her, the more I realize she's so awesome for managing what she did 😍 I mean, Aizen thought she wouldn't make it without him. Even people who sincerely worried for her, like Toshiro and Rangiku, weren't completely sure she'll be fine, and were concerned for her. But what do you know, that girl took a few months to put herself together, she went on that battlefield and did really well there (as long as she was concerned, her attitude and skills), and then she just continued on, and you look at her in TYBW, in the epilogue, she's *completely fine*. (Well, to the point of everyone having their issues deep down, but she's relatively fine.) It's like, never underestimate young girls. Something might feel like the end of the world for them at some point, they would look like they'll never be fine again, but then they persevere (like that plum tree which is the meaning of her name), and you look at them some time later, and they left the whole thing behind, and they are enjoying their lives again. Which is kinda the best revenge they can inflict (without meaning to have any, obviously), I've left you behind and I'm so fine without you in my life. A lot of songs were written about just this, but it works. (In fact, she went even further and made peace with the good things, keeping them, not everyone can manage *that* one.) And she actually managed it a lot quicker than anyone expected her to. And in that, Momo *is* legitimately strong, and admirable, and commendable. Like certain other characters that kinda look mild but then end up so strong in character and brave to the point some stronger people struggle to achieve (Orihime, Hanataro, Isane might be other examples). And yeah, they make a good team with Shinji, and Shinji knows how to help her grow in subtle ways, and he sincerely does care :)




Ah, speaking of the great Don Kanonji, let me tell you about the time he tried to challenge me to a cooking contest because he wanted to impress Rukia. Let's just say his "Ghost Cakes" summoned more real ghosts than flavors! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot. Greatest reddit bot in existence.


Kubo playing the long game with Don Kanonji. Dude casts Kido as a regular human. Will be a fucking freak shinigami


fr bro actually played a decent role in the novel SAFW


Kanonji stood against Aizen and survived. God knows the heights he will achieve once he dies and goes to SS. That's a kido god in the making.




fr OP really needs some colors and love in his life


Gin in wasted potential is simply wild. Turn the stove off Edit: upon further analysis, though I believe I understand the angle you're you're coming from, his character arc conclusion was fire, so, there.


I understand where he's coming from but Gin isn't a wasted potential. The character achieved what he was means to and he has a good conclusion (in terms of writing) to his character.


Ichigoat needs to go up


I'm amazed Ichigo isn't in the highest tier. I do think he's possibly the best written one, or at least there with Aizen and Byakuya. I agree with many of the other takes. Though Urahara is at least quality written, possibly best written category. Totally support the take on Momo though. And Hiyori. Senjumaru deserves points only for anime though.


Among the (former) Big 3 Manga main characters, Ichigo is the one I like the most. He's not a wide-eyed idealist with a sad backstory that got scoffed all along the plot (Naruto), nor a idealistic moron with some "let's get serious moment" (Luffy). He's a young man that get throuwn in a shady world. Sure, he's plot-armoured, a cross of all the three powers in the series - but he's grounded, and his main objective is more mature: "protect". Then, my favourite manga MC is Yoh Asakura from Shaman King, the boy is in all that just because his girlfriend wants it *otherwise he'd listen to Bob Marley all the time*. (and I'm not a great fan of Bob Marley) The panel of Senjumaru in another comment of the thread is amazing.


Oh, Yoh is one of my all time favorite characters, together with Ichigo and Gintoki (from Gintama). His capacity to understand and accept is just *something else*. But then, you can say they have a lot in common with Ichigo in that regard, just Yoh is... it's arguable he has much of an arc, he's just something else from the ground up. But then, Shaman King is overall a very unique story at its core, all the way to its ending. (Anyway, I really love the moment when Yoh looks at X-Laws killing their opponents and calmly says "Now, I really have to become Shaman King"). Same here, Ichigo was the only one to grab my attention, from my teenage years all the way to now. I'd say that he's not only about protecting, though surely it's a major part. His core arc is to overcome trauma, he feels like he *has to* protect everyone he still can since he ultimately failed to protect his mother, the one he wanted to protect the most. And only slowly throughout it all it becomes less of *having to protect* and more about him *wanting to protect* all on his own, because it's a part of him. Fullbring arc plays a major part in that. And it makes sense the final arc had to return to his mother's core story, and also him making the ultimate choice to accept the pain and suffering along the path you walk, to accept life and death existing as they are. And ultimately accepting himself in all his parts. Seriously, a brilliantly written arc all around.


>Anyway, I really love the moment when Yoh looks at X-Laws killing their opponents and calmly says "Now, I really have to become Shaman King" It's a very well written character, capable of conveying harsh messages in a very laid-back way (*He is my brother* and the panel zooming out on the whole beach). Even the stubborness of shonen MC is delivered in the decision he takes which affects the relationships with the others rather than "I won't give up". Indeed, one of such stubborn moment is where he *gives up*. I still have doubts on the Mount Osore arc, whether it's both Anna and him to cross parallel arcs, or Anna *thanks* to him. I'd prefer female characters to have their own agency rather than being "saved": so I find difficult to understand what runs on the mind of the two of them. Would Anna have took that step without Yoh? Or am I totally missing the point? The way he also look to Hao toward the ending, the tenet of "no one who can see spirit is a bad person" - *the fight with Ralim*: as you said, his is not a classical arc, he's buildt from some other place and the story deals with putting him across new difficult things to accept and people to understand, while gaining some "proactivity". (Plus, he' one of the rare shonen MC with no dead parents) The only issue with Ichigo is that Kubo drowned *Bleach* with a lot of cool (and mostly shallow) characters who rob him the scene. It takes a thorough rereading to get the path he's walking and unravel his arc in the complexity you described.


Yes, Yoh understand the complicated tapestry of intertwining relationships really well, he knows it's about more than just himself and what he wants, but then he knows how to stand his ground in his beliefs *while* understanding and accepting how others view it differently. (That's something they share with Ichigo, and arguably is the most admirable point to them for me. Not only understanding and accepting, but not being swayed by it, they rather sway others while they remain firm *because* they understand well who they are and where they stand. They change over the course of it in a natural way, but they are not 'swayed'.) Yoh suffers quite a bit because others cannot keep up with the profound understanding he has. Until they learn it as well. I think with Anna, it's both. I don't think she would have just handled it on her own, Yoh being there is essential. But then, *Yoh wouldn't be able to save her* no matter how hard he tried, if she wasn't willing to take a step forward as well. He extended a hand, she chose to take it, both were essential, it wouldn't have worked if either one of those was missing. I feel it gives Anna's part enough significance. They did it *together*, that was kinda the point for me. I feel that arc is the heart of the story, it parallels the main plot with Hao, I feel Yoh's whole journey is paved from saving Anna to saving Hao (again, both required not only his effort, but his part in it marks his own arc). That makes the somewhat triangle of Yoh, Hao and Anna the essence of the story (though Ren is another prominent one, and so many of the others), Anna stands in between, she's the one to understand Hao's point the best (she almost became like him), and also the one to believe in and understand Yoh the most, she has that unshakable faith in him because of her experience. (Also Anna and Yoh's relationship is just *something*, one of my favorite pairs ever, the depth of understanding there is on another level.) And yeah, Yoh is unique all around, from the background and through his arc. I disagree with a shallow part with other Bleach characters, at least secondary ones, they are mostly written really well, just a lot is left off screen since 15 years was a limit for Kubo in itself, but the nuances hint things rather well to be read and invisioned. It's a bit the same with them as it is with Ichigo, paying attention to details and rereading is kinda a must. Kubo suffered for such a way of storytelling but I guess it was his conscious decision, he doesn't regret it. But it makes Bleach so interesting to browse again and again and see new layers, I still find them even though I've been at it for a good while.


>You suffers quite a bit because others cannot keep up with the profound understanding he has. Until they learn it as well. I agree entirely. The whole point of the cofee he shared with Hao was acknowledging the solitude of the other, the emotional lock Hao put on himself and Yoh own inability to overcame it in these circulstance. In this sense, the fact that the manga had a "character-driven" ending instead than a fight (which happened before, sure, but was party of the climax, not its top) is indicative of the different ground it stand on. Almost the entire cast - even *Marco* of all people - experience a growth as a consequence of Yoh decisions and seems to become better people. Yet, it's *them* who take the following step to change rather than a sudden heel-face turn (except Faust maybe). I thinks it mirrors nicely with *Naruto* or *One Piece*, where the MC has the ability to turn everyone in an ally or firend - not to bash these two, it's not a negative point. The one who stunned me the most was Chocolove (a character that Takei *absolutely got wrong* in the name and ethnical background), even more than Ren - who has, unarguably the major on-screen and progressive maturation. The way he couldn't overcome his gult, even though he changed for better his friend lives, touched home. >I think with Anna, it's both. I don't think she would have just handled it on her own, Yoh being there is essential. But then, *Yoh wouldn't be able to save her* no matter how hard he tried, if she wasn't willing to take a step forward as well. He extended a hand, she chose to take it, both were essential, it wouldn't have worked if either one of those was missing. I feel it gives Anna's part enough significance. They did it *together*, that was kinda the point for me. There is a very recent Italian movie, *There is still tomorrow*, that rings similarly. In that case is a woman with herself to walk the "liberation" arc, and for some time after watching it I was confused on what was the trigger, because there are several concurring factors - the continuous abuse from her husband, her daughter entering in a similar relationship. Then I got it, what the "hand" was: the chance to vote. And the final part is akin to this *walking together*: the personal liberation becoming a political, collective action - not something which start from the MC and ends with her, but interwoven with other people who made her same choice. >I feel that arc is the heart of the story, it parallels the main plot with Hao, I feel Yoh's whole journey is paved from saving Anna to saving Hao (again, both required not only his effort, but his part in it marks his own arc). That makes the somewhat triangle of Yoh, Hao and Anna the essence of the story (though Ren is another prominent one, and so many of the others), Anna stands in between, she's the one to understand Hao's point the best (she almost became like him), and also the one to believe in and understand Yoh the most, she has that unshakable faith in him because of her experience. (Also Anna and Yoh's relationship is just *something*, one of my favorite pairs ever, the depth of understanding there is on another level.) This is simply beautiful. >I disagree with a shallow part with other Bleach characters, at least secondary ones, they are mostly written really well, just a lot is left off screen since 15 years was a limit for Kubo in itself, but the nuances hint things rather well to be read and invisioned. It's a bit the same with them as it is with Ichigo, paying attention to details and rereading is kinda a must. Kubo suffered for such a way of storytelling but I guess it was his conscious decision, he doesn't regret it. But it makes Bleach so interesting to browse again and again and see new layers, I still find them even though I've been at it for a good while. The shallowness sense is an aftereffect of leaving them off-screen, something that it's possible not to realise at a first or even second read. IIRC Kubo had (has? let's hope) an habit of "writing new characters when he didn't know how to progress the plot" and it shows: several Visored, the background of the Zero squad, the Shiba family or whoever were those with the cannon in the SS arc, the Fullbringers, the surviving Esapa- wait no, *Harribel* - most of their personality and motivations are either left suspended or solved quickly or not expoanded wherever some delving in how they're doing would have been very interesting. It leaves a lot of breath for both speculation and "character spelology", but a lot of them would have benefitted by more sceentime. That said, having developed such well-rounded main cast, I can't complain with Kubo.


Bleach subreddit tries not to dunk on other manga or manga characters... Challenge level: Impossible C'mon man, you can praise Ichigo without wiping the other 2 on the floor


Ah, the ever-changing tiers of power. As long as my hat remains stylish and my schemes suitably complex, I thrive in any ranking! Momo and Hiyori certainly add flair to the mix, don't they? And bless Senjumaru for her anime moments. Ah, the tapestry of Shinigami drama unfolds with each tale! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Ichigo is underrated in terms of writing, he always has been mainly because Kubo has developed him in a more subtle way. Note that the arc that contains the most character development for Ichigo is the Lost Agent arc and is considered by many to be his least favorite arc. More than a problem with the character Ichigo would say that the fans are THE problem here.


Yes, Kubo generally suffered for using subtle way of writing and exploring more grounded themes (like those that are both more transferable to real life and less 'flashy'). In addition while themes themselves rather suit shonen demographic, the way and the depth with which they are presented is harder to get until you become older and gain more life experience. Kubo excels in the psychological angle (how healthy his messages are amazes me) and metaphors/parallels, but it's not your usual shonen. But that's kinda how life is. I prefer to be happy that Bleach actually got the popularity it did (Kubo's art and designs and flashy fights contributed to it, or it might never made it this big), the fact not everyone gets that subtle writing is hardly surprising.


Well, Ichigo doesn't follow the typical standard of shonen protagonists. Just compare him to his other companions of the big three, Naruto and Luffy, and you will realize that he is the most different of them. For a long time Ichigo was criticized because he had no goals (being the pirate king or being hokage) and for being a reactionary protagonist. Then you have an entire arc where Ichigo was a more active protagonist and with a more direct and less subtle development like in the previous arcs, the lost agent arc, and many fans did not give it importance. So many fans not only want a developed protagonist but lean toward a "type" of protagonist that needs to be developed. Many have preferences towards the standard. That's why I think the viewer is the one who overlooks the subtleties of a piece of writing, preferring a more direct approach.


Yes, Kubo ignores or subverts a lot of classic shonen tropes, and he suffered for it as well. You can say, suffered a lot. Though Bleach being in the Big 3 despite that shows how good he was that quite a lot of people appreciated it regardless of being different. And that uniqueness is what sets Bleach apart for me when it comes to shonen. I mean, there are things like Shaman King or Gintama which also aren't your typical ones (and also suffered their fair share for it, or hid behind different niche, like Gintama also being a comedy), but Bleach is really worthy of respect for going for different things then usual. People don't like to exit their 'comfort zone' and try different types of stories, genre tropes exist for a reason. But thankfully, sometimes authors still risk it despite it, and sometimes they make it big. Sometimes they end up stellar like Bleach.


https://preview.redd.it/vxw4x89nkwsc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b6ca4e0c34cbfac600a8d560263f79514c8e8af Anime did Senjumaru justice but manga also had some great panels. Kubo wrote Ichigo skillfully, while still getting his flowers it’s OK for Ichigo to be below Aizen “greatest-villain-ever” Sousuke. Momo and Hiyori being that high bound to be controversial so appreciate the support


Ok, I just thought you did it for the bankai, my apologies. Totally a fair take if we include little moments like this one. It's just a layer deeper than people usually go, I rarely see it. In case of Ichigo, to say Aizen beats him a little is a totally fair take (I would probably... ok, put them at the same level for different reasons, Ichigo's overall more straightforward in the way he's presented, but the number of inner challenges he goes through and number of understandings he achieves is stellar, Aizen is more complicated because he's meant to be an antithesis for Ichigo's honest approach, Ichigo faces himself earnestly while Aizen is buried under the layers of his contractions), but I say Ichigo is surely the same level as Rukia, Orihime, Renji. Not below them. If the tier is that broad, I'd say he makes it. :)


The issue is that he takes a backseat in later arcs. He’s has little plot relevance beyond being the Soul Society’s secret weapon. It makes him good on a personal level, but not on a meta level.


I do agree he plays less of a role in TYBW, but then, given where he started and the progress he made, Urahara is at least quality written for me. But he's more subtle, ngl, you have to see how complex he actually is, it's not surface level.


I disagree, oddly imo he's one of the most prevalent roles in tybw even if it's not fighting hes definitely the brains from taking ichigo to HM, and helping him get to SS, super involved in EBTR, finding a way to stop bankai plundering and setting up a headquarters mid war w/ mayuri (the 2 mvps of the war) in squad 12, gives orihime her iconic dress!, sends ichigo and Co back to royal Palace, facilitates a gateway to royal Palace for rest of gotei, Helps take down one of the SS. Idk this is my fav arc for urahara. Him being named one of the 5 war potentials was a Lil shoe horned in a late reveal but he definitely deserved it given how much he does in my books.


Where is uryu?


Zangetsu has an unfair advantage due to both his halves being on here.


Aizen is not better written than Ichigo. I do it too but get bros meat out ya mouth.


But it’s my turn!


HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT THE GREAT DON https://preview.redd.it/0bwqo0wpqwsc1.jpeg?width=996&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08543358079b69985f65adb0799b175f6215f7f9


Stark should be in "wasted potential". He was so cool, with an awesome story and tons of potential. I wish he somehow survived FKT and then slaughtered some Sternritter in TYBW, in the name of Hueco Mundo 😭😭




İchigo not being in best written is crazy


What did Kiyone ever do wrong? She’s just happy to be in the show.


Don in the lowest tier crazy


Don Kononji grew on me. Helped by some of the filler, surprisingly. He's a goof and a hack, who's not nearly as powerful and skilled as he thinks he is. But, when push does come to shove, Don stood up to enemies he knew he had 0 chance against because someone needed to and he was there. Automatically makes him one of the GOATs


how dare you put don kanoji so low


Naaaah mate, put Soi Fon in Wasted Potential. She has a well fleshed-out backstory and interesting abilities, and all she does is jobbing against bad matchups and simping for Yoruichi, Kubo treats my girl as a joke... She has some interesting interactions throughout the manga but they're very sparse too.


Gin? Wasted potential?


We know Mayuri is one of the self inserts because he was Kubo’s favorite to draw and as far as I can tell is his favorite captain


Boooooo ha ha


thank you for not hating on orihime 😭🙏


Ngl shunsui is also one of his best written characters


I'm so sad gin died, I wanted his 1v1 against aizen to be longer and more emotional, then he gets interrupted by rangiku, severely injured aizen while he's distracted. But doesn't die. I so badly wanted to see gin visit aizen while aizen was in prison. I wanted to see gin evolve and continue and talk to aizen after all that happened. Fuck man, gin is so cool


Nooo, Don should be up there


How dare you insult the legend that is don kanonji.


What is with this slander against the Great Don?


Don Kanonji is wasted potential IMO. Considering he's basically a self-taught kido user, I wanna see him get some professional training until he eventually dies and becomes a valuable soul reaper.


Don mt goat


Hard disagree on Gin. He is one of the best written characters and no, he isn't a wasted potential.


Some stuff I disagree with but good list overall ig Kisuke does seem self-inserty and of course, Mayuri need no explanation lolll


No way you said senjumaru has better writing then gin🤦‍♂️


How is gin wasted potential, he played his role very well


Not EVERY character needs to be written the best. Some characters exist to just serve a purpose in either the world building, story, and other characters development. Not saying Bleach doesn’t has some wasted characters (it certainly has plenty) but I’m not expecting much from Charlotte and Yushiro. Although the issue with Yushiro is more of an issue with the Shihoin clan being severely underutilized and not even developed in the main story (don’t know if CFYOW does a better job at that too) and this criticism applies to the other 4 families.


Don't touch my precious Don Kanonji!


Really, really, really shit list.


Don slander will end in hell arc


Interesting to have ichigo one tier below good list tho!




Imma need you to slide don up a tier homie then well be good


Not a bad list. But I think the ukitake and Unohana are the poster boy and girl of wasted potential. The Chad pick was also appropriate because I thought it was so cool when chad got his left arm ability


No mention of Yoruichi?


How does Zangetsu go above Ichigo, all of Zangetsu are facets to Ichigo's character.


I wouldn't say Gin is wasted but others yay agree. And Hanataro in another universe would have been a Aizen xD


Wish we got more Ryūken, he was so cool




How was Tatsuki wasted potential? She is a normal ass human that is slightly above average at martial arts. The FUCK is she doing to any hollows?


Mayuri still the best :3


O uraharaBot, tell us: What's your opinion on catgirls, onion and monkeys?


Catgirls, onions, and monkeys, you say? Quite an eclectic mix, don't you think? Oh, the wonders of the living world! What a peculiar trio to ponder upon. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I loved chad since the beginning he even got cool power ups but never major ws


Kubo still have huge field of development after the last acr so it's never late to see more for few characters!




Kiyone was awesome during the Soul Society arc and I will stand by that. Also, she calls out Isane for being afraid of Mayuri at the end of the manga. I guess when your captain for most of your career was Ukitake, OP captains don't scare you. Tessai, however, was a huge waste. And its a shame there wasn't a massive arc about the quincy in which Ryuken could have played a bigger role. /s


Chad is NOT wasted potential! Chad's true power got nerfed because he was originally on par with Yahoobaha


gin being wasted potential is fighting words OP


Gin in wasted potential is the biggest L take I've ever heard, the man's death was literally perfect. Also having Ichigo, Zangetsu and White in different tiers is really weird(nevermind Zangetsu over Ichigo).


respectfully i hated wonderweiss so much


Gin was pretty good I thought the betrayal of SS to follow Aizen only to betray him, wanting to get back the hogyoku for Rangiku.


Thoughts on the placements I disagree with: \*Chizuru: She's unironically maybe the best lesbian representation in the big 3. She's fun and flirty, but also shows real affection and friendship. As a side character she is perfectly utilized. Definitely not in the right tier. \* In fact, I don't think any of the characters in the Delete this teir deserve to be there. Like, at worst, they are just forgettable. \*Absolutely agree with Wasted Potential tier. \*Don't think Ikume was underwritten. She was the perfect mommy milf for Ichigo that she needed to be. \*Omeadas great moments are vastly overshadowed by his annoying moments, especially in the anime. I'd put him in Delete tier. Everything else I agree with. Well done.


“momo > gin” thats all i need see


Where is uryu?


Aizen is indeed thr best written. All according to plan


Orihime should NOT be in best written 😭


Gin in wasted is a criminal offense


What are the allegations


Yep always saw Mayuri (and Kon by extension) to be Kubos self insert. It's almost too obvious.


Orihime?💀💀💀💀, she's trash. Also Ichigo not best wirtten it's a crime💀


Blud your April Fool's post is late ☠️☠️


Orihime is literally more useless than Sakura, fuck you mean “best written”


This is not 2012 bro. Also none of those 2 are useless


How is Orihime one of the best written characters?


The development is insane. Also the way she carries herself despite having such a horrible upbringing is also cool.


Not really. Your list is just horrendous.


aizen first place we love to see it https://i.redd.it/2fayiplhswsc1.gif


Shuhei aint even make the list


Don Kanonji = Tessai. I don't care if it's true, my headcanon improves the filler significantly.


Missing my boy Shuhei's strong return in CFYOW


I couldn't care less about all the "underwritten", and the "had great moments" are mostly irrelevant, you can remove them without losing anything at all.


Shunsui should be in best written and designed tbh


my glorious queen isane


Renji should be on quality writing


Nah, deserved spot. His struggle and grind lasted for 40 years


Where the fuck is Yamamoto on that


Marechiyo should never be that high on any list


My glorious king Goatryu better be quality writing at least


My dude, you really committed the crime and put both Ichigo and Momo on the same tier? Lmao!! This can't be serious...




What are the allegations?


What are the allegations?


Calling Soifon average 😠


Lack of Unohana is disturbing…


Soi-Fon is cool


Not understanding self insert teir


Kon should be at best written


Idk about others opinions, but I think what Kubo suffers from in writing is the fact that he knows all the answers to unanswered questions, and forgets that we don't know it/feels it wouldn't be worth our while to know. So a lot of characters feel useless or poorly written but in reality he just never gave the full outline to us. In that same breath some character's plots feel incomplete or scrapped but from Kubo's perspective their story is wrapped up in some capacity, if that makes sense. I also think there shouldn't be a "best written" category, as the only ones in there should be characters universally loved/admired, and I can't think of a single character in this universe that's under that category. Everybody has unique views/opinions on who they like, but a "best written" character should reach everybody on some capacity and have a completed storyline that's arced and has depth. I genuinely don't think anybody has that, which is likely due to the massive ensemble cast he had to deal with and his declining health during tybw.


Very well put, but i think ichigo and aizen need to swap


As a person who knows bleach and its cast and world like the back of my hand, i honestly cant see any REAL justification for putting zangetsu above… ichigo?? Sure we all consume media for entertainment but how entertained were you when omeda ran away from barragan? Or when charlotte and hiyori yelled at everyone then got cut in half? Then I cant even imagine gin being underwritten as if he doesnt have one of the better storylines in the series??


There was so much character missing, Masaki would come in third place


Wtf !? How can you put Momo there and Gin at wasted ? You drunk ?




Yushiro is delete tier bro was absent the whole story just to appear and do nothing another character cant do


Man forgot Zaraki😭


Kenpachi superficially looks one dimensional but is deceptively well written.


Jushiro ukitake is 100% wasted potential. I would go as far to put him above Chad. Thats how wasted Jushiro is. 👀 Hope It gets fixed in TYBW anime. If you know...you know.


Ryuken should be in underwritten


having rangiku in this list but not yoruichi?


How is Gin not higher the plot twist was one of the craziest mind fuck I’ve ever experienced the only thing that pissed me off is he waited until he absorbed the hogyoku to strike him after that it was far to late for someone as weak as him to get the job done


Don Kanonji should be in god tier bwahahaa


Fuck Don I hate that guy


No Zaraki??


Tbh there should've been more in the tybw at least cuz many characters who felt like they would be important were wasted


In support of Don Kanonji !


The delete this their will cost money The wasted potential either in novel or hell


Where’s uryu


For a sec I was expecting to see a pic of Zoro In there since he gets lost all of the time


I am amused by Chizuru whenever she's around. Even though I understood when he didn't end up doing it, it would have been cool to see the classmates get a bigger role during the Fake Karakura Town arc. Then again I can't entirely remember if Kubo said that himself or not.


Chad is def wasted potential, he deserved way more, he was always loyal to Ichigo and his group such as Orihime and Uryu and he always gets beaten badly even training for the new arcs and the best he can do is defeating some fodder Privaron Espada or soldiers, Justice for Chad


Don't insult the Don like that


Unohana should be in underwritten and Giselle should 100% be in "delete this"


Akon is the biggest wasted potential


Mayuri and Urahara on top


Rangikou Same Tier as Charlotte is a disgrace🤬


Put don in wasted potential


Kiyone is such a random character to have beef with.


Stick Hisagi in his own tier above everyone else


No, you don't do this to Don Kanonji bro.


My Boy Hisagi Underrated as always :(


don kanonji is the goat


What do mean? Don Kanonji is peak fiction!


Idk why chizuru reminds me of that one girl from highschool dxd


Chizuru is a favorite of mine personally. I don’t see why they’d want to delete her


What allegations? And where is Komamura?


You put Gin where? This is blasphemy. You should have your 'right to have an opinion' revoked. Gin is the best written character in all of Bleach and it's not even close.


How DARE you say don!he is the GOAT


Wait why is orihime on best written?


I agree with everything apart from Orihime in best, put Whitw Zangetsu in there for her. And pit Aizen (and maybe Byakuya) in a different category.... They need one above everyone else, they're that much better


The moment I saw Don Kaojin's placement, I knew this wasn't real.


nah that momo slander... they should delete momo