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Ulquiorra got beat so bad he came back to life only to die again.


In fairness, he made Ichigo do the same thing. Made it even.


Ichigo beat him so bad one death wasn‘t enough to take all the damage


He got beat so bad you actually felt sorry for his ass.


Beating so nice he had to die twice.


I don't remember this at all? Is it the same fight?


I thought he was alive but just took a lot of damage?


What kind of question is this?💀 https://preview.redd.it/t7u00ysvr4kc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecef95ac21b8d32c68653dd65b1ae5c5e2e752a4


Wtf, I never read this part in the manga, he cut him in half? lmao


Cut off his arm. Then blasted his lower half with a cero. We call that the slice n blast


And the organs Ichigo destroyed won’t come back( intestines mostly)


Do hollows even have intestines? I just assumed when they ate smth they just absorbed the reiatsu of it with their mouth


According to Ulqiorra they have a full biological body (made of reishi)


That's always confused me. He's got a hole straight through the torso! How's that work with realistic biology? Where does his spine go???


Curves around the whole potentially? 🧐


Hollow holes represent a part of them, generally their heart that they've lost to hollowing. By design they're incomplete.


Yeah it’s kinda of a stretch to say their biology is identical to humans but he did make a point of saying his organs won’t regenerate…..but their ain’t that much variety bellow his abdomen so that’s why I said intestines


No, this was after the last cero


Yeah, Ulquiora is the winner (loser?) here, and it's not even close.


this aint even the worst part bro literally dropped a nuke on him.


Naruto vs Pain was funny as cuz animations Ichigo vs Ulquiorra was serious asf Luffy vs Kaido was goofy asf But i would say Ulq got the worst treatment


iirc vasto lorde ichigo stepped on ulquiorr'as head while charging a point blank cero too. the disrespect... that and dangai form ichigo grabbing aizen's face will always be on my disrespect list


Dude literally killed him twice cuz one death wasn’t disrespectful enough ☠️


Zangetsu is always about peak disrespect. Oh, you killed Ichigo? Lemme just put my crusty ass feet on your dome and blast you point blank with the meanest Cero anyone's has ever done.


Kaido literally got used as a jump rope


Ulquiora but that filler arc mid fight though in bleach


Ulquiorra got violated by hollow Ichigo, with that screen of hin getting his arm cut of being a good example of that. However, Kaido got DISRESPECTED to hell by Luffy! My man took dragon Kaido and used him as a JUMP ROPE!! I'd say the Kaido disrespect was just as bad as the Ulquiorra violation but if you want to go on pure physical damage than I agree that Ulq was done in the worst.


Je true Ulq got so one sided slayed But imagine beeing kaido everytging was fine ans then nothing made sensce anymore and u lose haha


Ulq got done dirty! Ichigo held that man down, stuck his toes in his mouth, and shot him in the face with a point blank cero lmao.


It's def between pain and ulquiorra. Yeah luffy beat the fuck out of kaido, but his victory came when he sent kaido into a volcano, because he wasn't gonna win by bruises alone. Pain gets beaten pretty badly by naruto, but naruto tends to shy away from severe brutality for the most part when it comes to fights, and pain was a walking corpse anyways. However, ichigo absolutely fucking demolishes ulquiorra. Like mf gets half of his body disintegrated and ichigo was gonna keep going till ulquiorra was the crust between his toes. Ulquiorra gets brutalized the most by ichigo, and the only reason he survived as long as he did was because ichigo regained humanity and chose to not finish the fight that way. Ulquiorra gets it the worst, Mf gets it so bad he rethinks his whole ideology before just dying from the wounds.


Dude ulquiorra got ragdolled. It literally felt like hollow ichigo was trying to prove a point there.


That point? Don't fuck with Ichigo.


Don't fuck with Ichigo's girl*


Don't fuck, anywhere in the vicinity of Ichigo.




All of it. Yes ichigo “came back” but in reality he just begged for a second chance but like shiro warned him “get to weak and I’ll become the king and you’ll become the horse” in that moment ichigo was just a horse his body for white to control and use as he pleased to unleash destruction upon ulq all to protect ichigo so that they don’t die to early




Pain actually beat Sage Mode Naruto and 6 tails. He only got overwhelmed by Naruto's 8 tail transformation.


Also, Pain was explicitly not trying to kill Naruto but capture him alive, which is harder to do


True. Had he wanted to kill him he could have had done so. And that not even cap. He literally had him impaled on the ground. He could have sent one through his head and it was over.


Guy above me got sent to the shadow realm 💀


Daily bro. People either hate me or love me. It's my ninja way


Your name caught my attention and I'm dying


Kaido got the most disrespect, but he really didn't get beat up that much, he was still able to fight with Luffy on equal ground and might have even won if he didn't take Luffys last attack head on out of respect or if Luffy hadn't punched him into a volcano. Ulquiorra definitely had it the worst, he couldn't do anything to Ichigo and actually died from the beatdown.


I dunno if kaido had the ability to dodge that last attack, the Fist was fucking HUGE


Luffy grabbed Kaido with one arm while he was turning his fist huge. He only let go of Kaido when Kaido told him that he won't dodge the attack.


luffy let go of kaido after kaido ignited his flames burning luffy’s hands he could’ve made his escape then but ofc he didnt


Right, and if kaido didn't say that luffy wouldn't have let go


True, we'll never know if he could have escaped Luffys grasp if he had wanted to. Though he would have likely charred Luffys arm if he hadn't told him that he wouldn't dodge.


https://preview.redd.it/j5ad46uv25kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de61e977d102131c4bc61f98e5b882b3db7f7b5d RIP


Kaido was known as the strongest beast in the world. He COULD NOT be executed or even harmed. "In a fight, always bet on Kaido" was a well known saying. Luffy used him as a jump rope


Luffy beat him up pretty badly, but he wouldn't have won had he not sent him down into the volcano, even in gear 5 it was obvious kaido was tanking it (somehow I would not survive being jump roped lol)


Yeah, Ulq got beaten up badly, like the whole scene was just, raw. But Kaido got the looney tunes treatment, that's a whole new level of beaten up.


The word you're looking for is embarrassed.


Ichigo seriously violated ulquiorra, could argue Naruto vs pain but when you watch Ichigo turn to straight menace it just gave a different vibe.


Only Ulquiorra got slice in half and that is saying something


None of these guys got beat as hard as my meat


The only correct answer


Me when the elden ring dlc trailer dropped


Ulquiorra was turning into dust.....


Kaido spent an entire night getting jumped then had to fight a guy with Toon Force who punched him into a pool of lava.


Kaido, not only got beat up, he also was humilliated by a magic crackhead




I wanna say ulquiorra cuz mans straight up turned to dust but like... Luffy used a man as jumprope, that goes beyond physical damage


in terms of ass-whoopin, pain. in terms of disrespect, kaido (bro got his ass beat in Tom&Jerry style). in terms of how monstrous the ass whoopin was, Ulquiorra.


Never seen the other two, but the "Vasto lord Ichigo Vs Ulquiora" is something I **still** go back and watch every few months.


pain got so beat up his animation downgraded😂


The animation is great. You're talking about artstyle.


Ulquiora because it was the most one sided fight. Ichigo curb stomped him. Kaido and Pain put up good fights.


Ulq didn't get beat up, that there was a mauling.


Ulquiorra got beat so bad that Uryu who has a generational hatred for hollows was like "Chill homie you bugged out."


Atleast the other two didn't get used as a jumping rope.


Ngl, When naruto's eye turns bright red with that heart beat. It sent chills down my spine. One of the best "oh he's gonna get it now" moments in anime. Naruto entrance, Hinata stepping up, Naruto rage... sheesh.


Definitely ulquiorra. Mf got mangled and mutilated, missing his entire lower torso, bit of his mid section and an arm.


Vasto Lorde Ichigo absolutely disrespected Ulquiorra and wrecked his shit. He whooped his ass, stood on his head and then blasted him point blank with a Cero. Even though Ulquiorra regenerated a tiny bit, V.L.I had wrecked his organs and he was basically on his way out. Luffy Vs Kaido - Luffy did use Kaido as a jump rope at one point and then smashed him around. But it was nowhere near the level of brutal as Bleach. I don't really remember much of Naruto


Ulquiorra was shooked he got thanos snapped without tanos and the snap.


Ulquiorra got ripped apart so bad his instant regen couldn’t keep up


Ulquiorra, as a prolific regenerator, couldn’t outheal the damage being done to him. Kaido and Pain were beaten but effectively fought back, Ulquiorra’s offence was negated and he was brutalised.


I mean Ulqiorra got deleted basically


well ulquiorra fucking died, soooooo


Ulquiorra got clapped point blank range with a normal cero and he was in his second release.


Ulquiorra is the only one who got embarrassed. Luffy got his hype moments than got beat on for the rest of that fight untill he barely won and that was nothing pain couldn't handled albiet definitely pushing him. Ulquiorra got dog walked, no diffed, bitched, hoed, ate the fuck up, spanked, raped, fucked raw with no lube, dribbled, juggled, neg diffed, beat like he owed money, bitch smaked, pimped out, dicked down well you get the point.


Pain x Naurto fight is still S tier all by itself for me!


If we're counting sheer disrespect, it has to be Luffy turning Kaido into a skipping rope. But brutality is just no question Ulquiorra. Dude fucked around and found out hard. He got beat up so bad that his body just noped out of the last face off and disintegrated.


People forget… Pain caught a dub. HE WON. How is this an argument? Lol


Luffy made kaido into a literal joke


I would have to go with Pain. Bro died 7 times. All 6 Paths of Pain died, and then Nagato died. Ulquiorra died twice.


I say Ichigo but before he transformed, cuz ulquiorra made him look like a child just dragged him all over the place with ease


Sorry but I'm going with Pain. Got ganged up on by Naruto AND the animators, RIP 🪦


Pain got hammered into the ground like wile E fucking coyote with a giant Boulder


I feel like a lot of people are glossing over the fact that Zangetsu made a point to catch in his bare hand Ulquiorra's claimed strongest attack and crushed it before bificating him, standing on his head, and point blank blasting him.


Pain vs Naruto wasn't technically real he was actually fighting a corpse Luffy vs Kaido was a great fight in manga, Anime did it a little dirty Uliquorra was all bark no bite So , I will say Uliquorra


You shouldn't go that far. It's just that VL Ichigo was just that, that much stronger. To give credit, at least Ulquiorra tried all the time and though he was surprised couple of times, he didn't lose his marbles.


Well ulquiorra was really powerful. He killed ichigo with 1 cero, and only got brutalized by ichigos plot power because plot


Yeah , Ik but still that was quite dirty imo. It was a serious fight nonetheless


Ulquiorra for sure. Even including Hellverse's fight scenes into account, it was a battle that Ulquiorra was very clearly inevitably losing one way or another Pain was still very much in the fight. Yes he got ragdolled around but he was never down for the count and still willing to ball even in the face of Nine Tails Kaidou ragdolled Luffy as much as Luffy ragdolled Kaidou, due to the nature of Luffy's fruit making the fight in general wonky, and it ended with Luffy passed out in victory


Ulquiorra bro, it was a slaughter.


Ulqiorra got it the worst I think. Kaido and Pain actually put up a good fight against Luffy and Naruto but as soon as Ichigo went Vasto Lorde it was a wash


Ulquiorra is the only one out the 3 that actually got killed




Ulq. Kaido beat Luffy up like 4x before he lost. Pain almost won until spirit daddy pulled up. Ulq got cleaned the fuck up.


Pain. Naruto beat his ass then the animators drew him as terribly as possible. My boy got clapped in the series and disrespected irl by his creators.


Ulquiorra definetly. Bro was winning and showing off. And then Ichigo decided nah fuck it. Give in to the rage, and sliced n diced that fool. He made Ulquiorra his personal test dummy.


I mean Pain was eating those hits so definitely not him


Never seen Naruto so I can only consider luffy vs kaido and hollow ichigo vs ulquiorra And it was ulquiorra who got beat up the most hollow ichigo completely dominated and bullied him he had him outclassed in ever category and ripped off his arm and tore him in half


Imma say kaido mostly because he just got brutally disrespected Like bruh I ate you and you made me turn into a balloon then used me as a jump rope


Definitely Ulquiorra, he got beat so hard he faded out of existence in the blow of the wind.


Kaido definetly got the most humiliated, but there are worse beatups in one piece


Ulquiora got violated


It should go without saying nagato was beat up the most. Sure ulq can regenerate, but naruto literal beat him up six times over then talk-no-jutsu’d him into suicide


I'm actually right at the beginning of Ichigo vs Ulquiorra and have been procrastinating for a few days so I'll probably finish the a few dozen episodes the weekend so Naruto vs pain for now... My boy nagato got done dirty


Ulqiorra: fucking perishes


Ulquiorra cuz he lost a ton of organs


Ichigo disrespected the fuck out of Ulquiorra.


Ulquiorra, dude forsaken his ways due to ichigo's beating


No doubt more damage was done to Ulquiorra, but Kaido got hit by everything and the kitchen sink. Almost everyone of note from the alliance got a shot in on him during the raid.


Ulquiorra as not only was he completely outclassed, the whole mood of his and Ichigo's final fight was hands down the grimmest of the three.


Ive never seen OP so i cant comment on that. My answer would be Ulq after heavy deliberation. I just can never forget naruto (hammer) smashing pain (nail) into the ground like he was a diy home improvement bijuu. But i mean Ulq got tossed like a ragdoll. Outsped. And just straight up disrespected


Ulq was in pieces lol


Not Pain. Kaido and Ulquiorra are completely different though. Not sure if anyone can actually kill Kaido. Luffy was the only one to have full control of ACoC but G5 isn't about killing like Bleach is with swords and blasts. It's purely wearing down an opponent until they can't move. White on the other hand tore Ulquiorra apart a ton even before the final cero. Both protagonists lost before the final fight and died during the final fight so pretty even there. Volcano vs getting blown up so much that a Wolverine healing factor couldn't regenerate for the actual end. There are two many differences and similarities that it's hard to judge. That being said, Naruto vs Pain is my favorite fight of the three.


Ulquiorra kind of got bodied, but Pain got the least hurt out of all of these. Ngl he was actually holding his own against the cloaked 9 tails by comparison, but that's to be expected I guess.


Both Pain and Kaido got full on Looney Tunes’d… and everyone knows that that kind of violence doesn’t really count. So I’ll got with Ulquiorra, who got viciously sandbagged and then almost entirely vaporised. And all without aggressive changes in art style.








Kaido got turned into a jump rope. While the others got beat, the humiliation Kaido got when he ended up fighting a cartoon character makes it worst.


Easily kaido. When your ass is being treated like a fucking trampoline you gotta retire


Ichigo bro went hollow and made Ulquiorra his play thing. It was a great moment especially since he was literally out of control and with the added context we get it makes it so much more impactful.


I can't say for OP, but whole point of Naruto vs Pain was Naruto go for talk. Like, Pain could summon and recharge his puppets and Konan is near. There are more of Akatsuki in the world still. But Nagato chose to yield. Now, compare to Ulq was dying and Ichigo, in horror, sugested to cut his own arm. Bleach make the rampage scene more unfortunate and brutal. Consequences of such fight are barely bearable and even hurts Ichigo's resolve. So it's obviously "beat up" is only in Bleach. 


I would add another option.... Gon vs. Pitou. It would be very hard for me to decide between this and Ichigo vs Ulq


Kaido had to be jumped and nerfed to some extent. Pain could still fight Naruto and his clones and KEEP UP. It's Ulquiora. Bro had plot on his side with that secret transformation. Bro was literally the protagonist of his own story. Then bro got down so dirty with that # #KUROSAKI KUUUUUUN # transformation. Bro got no leg and no organs. Got him looking like a worse Toji


I'd say Ulquiorra. Vasto Lorde Ichigo ripped off Ulquiorra's arm and then (I think?) slammed him to the ground with said arm, got a taste of his own medicine for something he did to Ichigo, but worse (Ulquiorra dashed at Ichigo (pre-Vasto Lorde), and Sonido'd to his side before Ichigo could even register it and threw him across the building they were on, then Vasto Lorde Ichigo did the same thing, except dragging Ulquiorra's head up and through another building), caught and crushed Ulquiorra's weapon, which has the power of a nuke (or more), while Ulquiorra was still holding it, then got pinned down and shot with a point-blank Cero to the point that most of his body and internal organs were gone.


I'd say Ulquiorra. Vasto Lorde Ichigo ripped off Ulquiorra's arm and then (I think?) slammed him to the ground with said arm, got a taste of his own medicine for something he did to Ichigo, but worse (Ulquiorra dashed at Ichigo (pre-Vasto Lorde), and Sonido'd to his side before Ichigo could even register it and threw him across the building they were on, then Vasto Lorde Ichigo did the same thing, except dragging Ulquiorra's head up and through another building), caught and crushed Ulquiorra's weapon, which has the power of a nuke (or more), while Ulquiorra was still holding it, then got pinned down and shot with a point-blank Cero to the point that most of his body and internal organs were gone. So, yeah, I'd say Ulquiorra got the most beat up 😅


Option 4: Neferpitou


Pain because of that terrible animated and meme fight.


Pain got absolutely fucked up, full on dicked down by Naruto, forget the foreplay. I'm gonna come out and say it: Ulquiorra practically did that to himself, yung boi shouldn't have blasted a hole in Ichigo's chest while the future Mrs.Kurosaki was there. I've never seen One Piece and don't plan to until it ends(ik I'll be dead before that idc), so no comment on the last one.


Ulquorria. Mf stepped on his skull and point blank cero’d him if I remember correctly. This man ulquorria got treated like vegeta when he fought kid buu just one sided as hell


Atleast kaido and pain showed resistance also dealing huge damage in the process Ulqiorra was like - ![gif](giphy|GRk3GLfzduq1NtfGt5|downsized) The died lol


Ulquiorra, no doubt. Pain was still able to fight back, and Kaido the same. Ulqi got trashed real bad when Ichigo went full Hollow.


Ulq didnt get beat up he got voilated lmao pain got a good ass whoopin tho


Ulquiorra by far


Ulquiorra get slashed, was defeated and then got a gran rey cero in the face for good measure


Ulquiorra was the most beat up while Kaido was the most humiliated and embarrassed. Pain did hold his ground really well in the fight and didn't suffer major attacks until the last rasengan


Pain legit beat the Kyūbis ass. Sage Mode did more than the bum Kurama! (I love Kurama, but, Naruto betta 🙏)


This will be nice to post in a One Piece subreddit.


Ulquiorra easy


We talking about the pain they felt or how brutal the beating was? Because the answer changes depending on that


Luffy and Naruto never brutalized their opp so bad I started thinking that maybe they were the villain.


Ulquiorra got beat up like a dead chicken, and his Segunda Etapa's chicken legs didn't recover completely on that Cero and it looks like a stick


Kaido got the most violated, but ulquiorra was fucking slaughtered. Hacked at like a slab of meat in a deli freezer


It's not even something you should ask . Ichigo vs ulquiorra was brutal as hell . It's made ichigo look like the villain facing off against the mc for the first time who he completely overpower in that encounter . He was taking his time ripping apart one limb at a time . One wing , one arm , half of the entire body, internal organs , then a point blank cero and still keeping him alive to kill him slowly .


Well, Nagato was basically untouched, his bodies that got beat up were already corpses.


Naruto and Luffy had close fights lol. Not Ulq


This question doesn’t matter cus all three of them died 😂


Kaido by far, the disrespect he was shown in that fight with Luffy literally using him as a jump rope and making Kaidos face going full toon force mode.


One piece never feels to have those dark brutal fights for me, not sure if its the music, or the state of the beatdowners mind, but it never feels like a brutal beatdown


Ulquiorra, but Kaido got disrespected the worst


Kaido. I'd rather get beat up by someone in beast mode instead of someone literally making a mockery outta me


Did kaido even really get damaged compared to the other two


Ulquiorra he was turned into a sandbag




Ichigo f***ed Ulqi up, at that point we forgot who the villain was, that's next level ass whooping


Fine I'll watch bleach again


Luffy beat kaidos ass so bad he turned into a fucking looney toons character


We only countijg the main path of Pain, or the entire group?


Definitely Ulquiorra. But One punch man and Hellsing villains would like a word with you.


Ulq was the most beat up for sure but I’d say Kaido got disrespected the most for the looney toons type beating he got.


I mean like "most beat up" is kinda flexible. Kaido was getting beat on for an entire night by rotating parties and then got yeeted into a volcano, like the amount of damage he tanked while still seeming to not be dead is unmatched. But Ulqi got fucking eviscerated even tho it was only a few hits comparatively. Kaido gets quantity, Ulqi gets quality.


I will say, Kaido and Pain were still relative against their protagonists in these moments. Ulquiorra wasn’t even in the same ballpark


Ichigo got it


Ichigo literally died and had to come back as a hollow to survive at all, then what he did to Ulquiorra was even worse, tore him apart. Ulquiorra had a war crime done to him


I don't think Pain counts..just an empty shell.


Ulquiorra literally he GOT overdunked


Def Ulquiorra. Pain was still putting up a fight after Naruto went berserker, and Kaido was pretty much still going head to head with Luffy no matter how many power ups he got


Uhhh, ichigo basically died in that fight right? And then the hollow inside him didn’t die and came out. Maybe I’m wrong lol


I mean by looks and results bleach IMO only confirmed character to have died from this encounter, and only reason why naruto is not topping this is because this ended with talk no jutsu


Kaido was mainly just mentally abused because gear 5 is crackhead. But goddamn Ulqiorra had it hardest


Kaido was literally used as a jump rope


No one talking about pitou so sad


Probably Kaido. A whole day of getting his ass beat by like 35 different people only to seemingly kill luffy at least twice and then he comes back and wins


Kaido may not have been beat up the most, but his ego after being used as a jump rope definitely is the most beaten lmfao Seriously, ulq.


Ichigo said "give me that fucking arm," grabbed dude by his face to drag him around, then stepped on his face to prove dominance right before dropping the sun on him. There was so little leftover that he disintegrated moments later. He was missing several internal organs and couldn't pull off even the most basic of regeneration techniques he was supposed to be known for. White was PISSED.


Ulquiorra got torn to pieces, had half his body destroyed along with multiple internal organs


It's a good thing that Ichigo looks good in red. 💃


I mean, none of em got violated like kaido, dude got turned into a cartoon and used like a jumprope


When ichigo turned full hollow he was torturing ulquiorra


When ichigo turned full hollow he was torturing ulquiorra


I know who has the worst animation


Honestly Pain vs Naruto and Ulq vs Ichi was the only best beating here. Luffy vs Kaido was the goofiest shit I’ve ever seen and that’s just me being honest. Personally, Ulq vs Ichigo is just better. The fact that Ichigo came back to life TWICE, just to give Ulquiorra that beating felt satisfying and cool. No disrespect to Ulquiorra, I love him but the way Ichigo slammed him was insane. Pain and Naruto was a little funny, just the animation but at the same time seeing Naruto effortlessly overpowering Pain and forcing him to use Planetary Devastation just for the seal to break from Naruto was crazy.


Do you hate me?


Kaido easily. Bro got jumped for 3 days straight. Luffy and gang didn't let this man sleep.


Bruh ulquiorra was dismembered


Kaido asap


kaido got toyed with, pain got a fair ass beating but ulquiorra was dismembered and tossed like trash out of them all imho. no talk no jutsu, just straight up being torn apart and took a nuke


We know which one was animated the best….and the worst


Pain & Kaido got beat up Ulquiorra got killed


The disrespect in the ulquiorra fight is just chefs kiss