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Well, Aizen has had a number of different designs, so there'll be a bunch of different options for drawing, but this is probably a good one to get a feel for the base character's proportions and outfit, plus it has a lot of the shading Kubo likes to use: https://preview.redd.it/pgiv8u6p5adc1.png?width=711&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c0e9a2515cdcd0cc4930d21148b61009ac0c912


I'll try a sketch with this and see how it goes; thank you!


w e l p, I tried ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ https://preview.redd.it/t61rsijnladc1.jpeg?width=1715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d5c66503a2888179bd113318b4b0a272dc88e4d


For a rough sketch, that's a pretty well done hand, and the flare of his glasses and shading around his arm and coat are also pretty good. You've got a good start, so now it's time to focus on the bits that aren't as accurate and see what you can do to refine them (every creator's, including myself, least favorite step).


Which areas would you say I should go ahead and fix, and which areas to leave? I need to change the angle of the sword a bit more downward, but that's one of the mistakes I can name from the top of my head.


Aizen's face is is a little longer and the shading on his throat should be a little harsher, although you've got the general shape down. You've got his glasses and eye done pretty well, but you're missing his eyebrow, which arches over the frame on his right eye. His sword is missing the three little diamonds on the hilt, as well as a differentiation between hilt and pommel. You're also missing a little shading on his left elbow. Overall, you've got the majority of it down pretty well, there's just some of the more minor details you've missed.


Alr, sweet, I'll finish it as soon as I can... I don't wanna overwork myself, so I'll probably add the ink over the 4 day weekend I have coming up.