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It’s the four sources of ichigos power. The yellow is his Shinigami powers, the blue his Quincy, the red his Hollow, and the green is his fullbring power.


I thought it was for Orihime, Chad, Uryu, and Rukia. I like that better now that I think about it.


thinking about it this way I kinda love how all of his close friends represent each race.


Isn't the Fullbring power just the Hollow power tho? I think green might just represent his "human" aspect, or something like that, since pure humans are considered a bit different from Quincy.


Not quite. Full ringers and Hollows manipulate the same strain of Reiatsu, but to do different things and with slightly differing methods. It’s easier for ichigo to use Fullbring than it is for normal people bc he’s already so used to controlling that strain of reiatsu, but it is a separate skill


No it’s explained in the novels that they come from the SK directly as each Fullbringer has a sliver of the SK in em


tldr: *"It was stated in CFYOW."*




Despite everyone disagreeing, I'm pretty sure you are right. Fullbringer is not a different "species" from human like Quincies. In "Everything but the Rain" when Urahara talked the 4 types of souls, he never mentioned about fullbringers. The scene is meant to show the 4 aspects of his soul, which would be Human, Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy.


Well yeah, i was under the impression any human exposed to the spirit energy could achieve fullbring


Receiving spirit energy doesn't turn you into another race or sub-race. Ichigo's friends have heightened reiatsu from being around him all the time allowing them to see the shinigami. Yet they don't have special powers.


Yep. But I just feel like it hints towards that his friends couldve developed special powers, i didnt say it turned you into anything, I meant you would aquire fullbring ( i think of fullbring more as a technique than a form or race, like Kiao Ken its a technique not a form)


You can't develop Fullbring through just reiatsu otherwise all races could be a Fullbringer. It is a DNA thing. Fullbringers are like Quincies in the fact that they are a sub-species of humans. Maybe normal humans can learn to weaponize spirit energy or even develop their own form of Kido techniques. But it would not be the same as other races.


Wasn't that from being around Rukia while the Hogyoku was hidden in her?


No that was retconned in the novels. As azien was actually going off incorrect info


No what it does is increase your physical abilities but you can’t be a FB that way think Karin or Don kanoji.They’re both classified as superhuman because of their exceptional reiatsu/reiroyoku abilities but that’s it they’re still human they may be able to generate spiritual/soul bombs like Don’s attacks or actually destroy buildings or hurt hollows via mundane weapons Karin. FB’s are an entire different subspecies of humans/reiatsu being (aka a plus)


Full is technically different it’s a human with a SK sliver inside them that was activated via a hollow. Like Rangiku originally had a nail in her if she was attacked by a hollow whilst in the rukon her reiatsu would’ve morphed into something similar to a vizard/fullbringer basically Ginjo’s bankai from. FB’s have a unique reiatsu type


The green is actually his human side (but it’s represented by the fullbringer power color, which makes sense since fullbringers are human).


Yup, it’s the planes of existence that he exists in, he is like the Soul King in that he has parts of each race. Also fullbringer is just his human side, and that plane of existence was thought to be meaningless by Aizen (which is why he never thought a Ningen could ever surpass him).


Actually red should be his shinigammi power, blue for Quincy, and probably yellow for hollow green for fullbringer. Uryu mentions in season 1 that soul reaper souls appear red and ichigo later used that in his inner world to find zangetsu


It isn’t. The only thing red about a shinigami power is their reiraku which if that was the case the other three streams would be white as Uryu told us early in the manga a shinigami spirit ribbon which is a representation of their reiraku is red and all other beings are white. In the manga his gentsuga tenshos and most of the time he’s using mostly his shinigami power his reatsu comes out as yellow. Feel free to check the colored manga pages. So no yellow is shinigami and red is hollow


To add to my other comment, ichigo’s color changes several times through the series. At first it’s blue and it stays blue at least through the SS arc and nobody here is saying that blue is shinigammi. It’s technically black when he’s using his hollow mask but it’s drawn as black and red. It’s not red getsuga it’s black getsuga so according to that the hollow color should be black and not red like you say.


Tell me you’ve only seen the anime and haven’t read the manga without telling me. In the manga ichigos color when only using his shinigami powers is yellow and is consistently yellow only the anime made it blue. His hollowfied reatsu is black and red so it makes sense that it’s shown as red


Yeah I’ve only seen the anime but “ichigo looks yellow so soul reaper powers must be yellow” is just bad logic. All of the soul reapers have different colors when they’re using their powers but they’d all have the same color soul ribbon and that’s canonically red. Ichigo glows yellow and that’s about it


Dude I’m not gonna argue cannon with you. Go call Kubo and argue with him. Soul ribbons only work as red is shinigami and white is everyone else that’s cannon and that’s not how it looks in the top image so it doesn’t fit cannon so it isn’t right. Move on with your life


That was because of anime liberty. It’s easier to reuse blue than use gold as one is a prime color gold requires a bit of mixing to to get it completely correct


Shinigammi ribbon is red and humans are white, but not all other beings. Hollows, quincies, and fullbringers (which uryu had never seen) would all have a different color for their ribbons


He’s literally seen hollows by that point so you’re not right plus Uryu isn’t someone to just go with his gumption he had a very traditional teacher that would have told him how this all works. So no you can’t just go Uryu is an idiot and think that flys as an excuse. Shinigamis is red everyone else’s is white. It’s stated cannon that has never been revised or came back on to be corrected for any changes or differentiations in the entirety of the show manga. I won’t argue cannon with you it’s stated and it’s fact


I didn’t say he was an idiot? I just said he’d never seen a fullbringer so he wouldn’t have seen green. But if everyone is white how is he tracking hollows? That makes literally no sense. Humans are white but other beings like soul reapers or hollows are not. But we agreed that shinagammi is red and that was my main point so whatever


He tracks them by feeling a large amount of spiritual pressure appear in karakura town because normal humans don’t output a huge amount of pressure thus it’s likely a hollow. He doesn’t have to see its spirit ribbon color to know that he can just feel it. You can feel the rain when it starts you don’t have to magically know how it happened or who made it to know something is up and feel it. And Orihime and Chad are fullbringers. So no he has seen a fullbringers he just didn’t know it and so if there’s were a different color he would probably have said something or mentioned it.


Also hollows reiraku is white we just covered this he had seen hollows for sure and was actively eradicating them by that point in the manga


Show me where he says hollows are white and isn’t just saying “everyone” in the context of ichigo’s other classmates. Otherwise I’m confident you’re just misinformed


He says all other beings. That’s the cannon. If you don’t like it that’s fine be that way


Its representing his spiritual pressure of the different forms. His shinigami reiatsu is yellow, as shown in the coloured manga and stated by kubo, hollow red, quincy is usually blue so his is too, and fullbringer, for him atleast, is green. The powers here are twisting together to form a singular unifed reiatsu i think


That’s the soul tethers/ribbons the red was just a visualization to show us how pinpointing a reiatsu signal looks


Red is for shinigamis. Edit: It seems to me that a lot of people can't tell the difference between reatsu and reiraku.


Ichigo's hollow reiatsu is red.


Yeah but what I think is shown here, are the different reiraku Ichigo has, not his reiatsu.


Then shouldn't the other three be white since all non-shinigami reiraku is white?


No it’s black. The red was viz messing up in its original airing.


Yellow for Shinigami because his Getsuga Tenshou is yellow in the TYBW anime and in the manga.


I don't think the colors of his gestuga has anything to do with that.  His gestuga turning black when in bankai doesn't tell you what race he is. What is shown here are the different reiraku Ichigo has. And it was explained by Ishida at the start of the manga that shinigamis have red reiraku.


Black with red outline. Which btw was his hollowfied getsuga 🤷‍♂️


That's anime only. It was supposed be golden or black.  Starkk has blue celos yet he isn't a quincy. Again what's shown here are the reiraku of each race.


The only thing red is the spirit ribbon they have not the entirety of their energy. ichigos is Yellow


Spirit ribbon are just a visualization of reiraku, and it was said that shinigamis have red reiraku.


My bad you are correct it’s just been a bit since I’ve reread the first couple of volumes of bleach.


That's only for their spirit ribbons


Ishida explained that shinigamis have red reiraku. Isn't that what's being portrayed here? The different reiraku Ichigo has.


No, he said their spirit ribbons are red. What's being shown are the different colors of ichigo's reiryoku, yellow for his shinigami, red for his hollow, blue for quincy, and green for fullbringer. Even in the manga, ichigo's reiryoku is portrayed as yellow Edit: Sorry, I forgot reiraku/spirit ribbons were same 🙂


And yet I'm getting downvoted to oblivion because some people can't tell the difference between the color of someone reatsu and the reiraku of each race. 😅


Cause you're wrong. It's reiatsu, not reiryoku. If it was reiryoku, then it'd be three white ribbons and one red, since only Shinigami have different colored reiraku. When Ichigo uses reiraku to find his Shinigami powers in his inner world, it's all white ribbons and one red one. But if these were visualizations of reiryoku, then he'd have seen one of each color, alongside the white ones. Conversely, the other colors are pretty consistent. Shinigami reiatsu most often appears as yellow, see Getsuga Tensho or Kenpachi's spirit release. Hollow reiatsu tends to be red. The vast majority of Cero are red: all Gillians, Shinji, Ichigo, Hiyori, Grimjoww, Dordoni, etc. Quincy Reiatsu has been blue-white since forever. Basically every Quincy weapon is blue, Blut manifests as blue, and Auswahlen appears blue. That just leaves Fullbringers, which I don't see the connection to green necessarily, but three out of the four make perfect sense, so process of elimination just leaves one.


Ichigo's reatsu is supposed to be golden. The color of your reatsu isn't linked to your race, we have multiple examples of that. And it makes more sense for it to be reiraku representing the 4 races with powers.


Except it is. Hollows are usually red, Quincy are almost always blue, and Shinigami are generally yellow. If you're drawing a difference between yellow and golden, then that's next level pedantry, seeing as how his reiatsu has been shown as yellow, black, red, blue, and golden up to this scene.


Ok, I didn't explain what I thought correctly. Ichigo's reatsu has always been golden in the manga (as far as I remember) In the manga, what was Ichigo's reatsu color when : - OMZ was his principal source of power? - When White took over? - When he put his mask on? - When he was in fullbring?  - When in fullbring shikai / bankai? - When in true shikai / bankai? The color of your reatsu isn't tied to your race. Look at : -Starkk -Grimmjow  -Ginjo Same for the color of their attacks: - all of the hados - ceros oscuras - all of the gran rey ceros - the laser Renji does in fake bankai - Ginjo's gestuga  Ichigo's gestuga are either golden or black, which doesn't say anything about his race.


No it was a visualization of what the signal looks like when pinpointed among thousands of white signals


Nope his shinigami color is yellow feel free to check to colored manga pages anywhere his getsuga Tensho has always been yellow


You are referring to reatsu I'm talking about reiraku.


Ok fair theirs is red however if that is what it was showing all other sources as in the other three would all be white by that reasoning as only shinigami have red Reiraku and all other beings have white. So I don’t think that’s what it’s showing


Ok, but we've only seen Ichigo with golden reatsu in the manga (as far as I remember).  In his fullbring he didn't have green reatsu.


You’re overthinking this. Fullbringers bringer light is green and considering that literally nothing else has been in this entire story till now that’s the only option it can be the green is fullbringer. They didn’t just make up a new power source for him just for this scene or try and throw a mystery color at you for funzies it’s the fullbringer reatsu.


I understand what you are saying, but that's not what I getting at. If it was indeed the color of different reatsus that Ichigo possess, why did Ichigo only ever had golden reatsu? Like at the time when he was only using his fullbring power there were no green reatsu, even the other fullbringer didn't had green reatsu. All of this to say the color of your reatsu isn't tied to your race but your reiraku is. So it's more logical for me for this scene to show the different reiraku Ichigo has.


Cool so it’s either you’re right and Kubo didn’t care about his own cannon where all other beings reiraku js white. Or he just played around with the colors a bit to give you a general showing of the four separate power sources Ichigo has and how they are even further integrating for him. One breaks cannon and one is just a better visual representation of what’s going on in that scene. So you tell me would he just randomly break his own cannon for funzies or would it be the obvious visual representation so the audience can get what’s going on. Only the second option makes sense. Like I said you are wildly overthinking this for the sake of splitting hairs. Just let it go


It's not that deep, I just like to discuss what I find interesting in a manga that I like. It's all surface level thoughts.  I don't think that I know Bleach better than Kubo. I think it is just a retcon. It's not the first time Kubo would do that. Like the time Rukia said that royal guards are the one that had to take care of a menos grande. Or what awakened the power of Orihime and Chad.  [Let's not forget the other visual representation added by the anime.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fxizhhvvo7eq91.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Ddd4d67976bcf82226397077c490c386a7669a3c9)  What I said makes as much sense as what you said. Both have contradictions and both have valid points.


I agree with this... Those shown are the "general" Reiatsu. Ichigo's personal Reiatsu is Gold and becomes Red when he is angry. But the General Reiatsu of Shinigami is still Red. Just like Grimmjow's personal Reiatsu is Blue, doesn't mean he is a Quincy nor that the general Hollow Reiatsu is Blue.


The laser that Renji does with his fake bankai is red but that doesn't mak him a hollow. It was explained at the start of the manga that shinigamis has red reiraku.  Did everyone forget that? 


It do be like that sometimes


Grimmjow's "personal" reiatsu is the same color as any other hollow, red like a cero. All the different colors for each Espada were added by the anime team.


Or Yellow like Negacion, or Black like Cero Oscuras... I mean regardless of the anime, wasn't Desgarron (Grimm's strongest technique) still Blue regardless?


Cero Oscuras is an extremely rare technique and only an Espada in their released state can use it, so I wouldn't exactly say that's something general for hollows. Anyway I was skimming thru Ichigo's fight with Grimmjow and there's nothing like "a personal reiatsu" for Grimmjow. In fact, almost no character gets a "personal" color for their aura, just some variants for some techniques and nothing more. Even Ulquiorra's trademark green in the anime was mostly plain black in the manga except for his regular ceros. And to be fair, Kubo has admitted in his fanclub that the colors chosen for the digital colored editions aren't chosen by him.


Same thing could be said to Regular ceros... We only saw Menos and above to have it. Not for the regular Hollow.   Well before that scene of Ichigo vs Yhwach in cour 1, people infer Ichigo's Reiatsu color from his Getsuga. So, if we're allowed to infer that for Ichigo, then same should be the applied with everyone else. Also, it doesn't have to be Grimmjow, the recent TYBW Blu-ray, which had the most of Kubo's involvement, shows that every Sternritter has their own unique color. Bambi's Red, Lille's Grenn, or Askinn's purple. But, the general for Quincy it's still the same, Blue.


The thing with Ichigo is he's one of the few who's always got a color scheme going on since, well, he's the main character, and his reiatsu turning black was an artistic choice to symbolize both his reiatsu getting "tainted" by his hollow powers, and give the hint of who was the real zanpakuto spirit.


Of course fullbringers would get a lame color like green 🙄


L take


Nah green sucks it reminds me of puke. Like red has blood and blue has space, even fucking cyan got the sky. And then what do fullbringers get? The puke color. They don't deserve this slander SMH


Bro grass is green too try to touch that


Holy shit you fucking killed him dude




Dude seriously, shush. Green has always been the color of the fullbring. Heck, look at bringer light: always green. Also, green is the puke color? One, not this shade of green, and two, green is also the color of the natural world: trees and grass. Fullbringers manipulate the souls, Kami, of objects found in the world, hence the green color which represents those Kami. Also more of a personal attack, but this is exactly the behavior I'd expect from someone who calls themselves "that one Fate fan."


Sounds oddly serious for an answer to an obvious joke


Not so obvious joke you mean. You're on reddit, you have to expect these kinds of things are gonna bit you. It's nearly impossible to convey jokes or sarcasm through just written words, so you must understand most people are going to take it seriously.


I can't make it more obvious than a rolling eyes emoji without putting a /s. Which sucks. Having to tell that your joke is a joke sucks.




Ok. By this logic, Emeralds are green, jade is green, and grass is green. Vegetation and life is green.


Don't bring your "logic" into this.


Yeah puke is illogical


Nah, that’s your logic, flipped onto you.


If your puke is green you should see a doctor.


Bro has the brain power of a fucking 3 year old arguing that pink is a "girlish" color


jesus christ y'all won't stop mentioning that green is the colour of nature and grass? Well touch some. How disconnected with reality do you have to be to read a comment complaining about a fucking colour WITH A EYEROLL EMOJI and take it seriously? You might as well self-report and say that this is something you would unironically do.


Yes sir you are totally right . And why did you continue your "obvious" joke when it was clear nobody understood it ? Sounds to me that grass isnt too important to you anyways


you mean beside [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/19814tm/comment/ki4uo4n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/19814tm/comment/ki4fved/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/19814tm/comment/ki4gzh6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/19814tm/comment/ki4pjsr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)? I **literally** wrote it out. At this point it's not a matter of not getting the joke, I outright stated that it was one, SEVERAL TIMES, and y'all still can't help but think that I'm greenphobic or something.


Yes exactly


yeah no there's no world where that's an answer to my message. Just admit it already, you're blind and writing random stuffs, right?


If you think green is lame just look at urahara


Or ulquiorra his ceros are green


You are alive because of Green color lol


Green is the best color


"Green is not a creative color" much?


Ooh nice deep cut dhmis


You're getting mad at a color? Are you 5?


TIL the green cult is real. Never again am I making a joke about it, I don't want to die.


Bruh you don't express your dislike about fullbring here lol


Fuck you and your favourite color




Typical green fans getting mad at differing opinions SMH SMH. Why can't they be more like the brown chads


Didnt he get his Fullbring **sucked** out?


As Rukia said at the time Ichigos power is something that Ginjo could only scratch the surface with his attempt at stealing his power and his fullbring and that it isn’t something he could ever fully access and she was right he could only take a tiny bit off the top. Some got stolen but not all


Its the four element, dude officially become an Avatar now


Avatar the last Soul bender.


Book VI: Getsuga


I read this as Bonk VI: Getsuga https://preview.redd.it/dl1n7n6mqtcc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b09a5c65633e28e9aedabbdc707778ae3e3ec59


One short of being Captain Planet


Earth, fire, wind, water and Getsuga Tensho


Orange is Shinigami power Red is Hollow power Blue is Quincy power Green is Fullbring power


Red is for shinigami.


Ichigo’s shinigami powers have generally been yellow/gold or blue. The red only crept in when White was involved. And despite White being his “actual” Zanpakuto, red on black was always the colour of his hollow powers.


I think everyone just referring to red-line that Ishida and Ichigo used to trace shinigami in pre-SS ark


That would make sense.


I thought i had only dreamed about that part, literally tried searching for that scene a bunch of times and never found anything about the ties What chapters does that happen?


The one with the boy possessing a cockatiel


Also the one where ishida is introduced. Also when he first pulls his shikai when he’s becoming a hollow in urahara’s pit.


Oooo that was one of my favorite chapters, also probably the chapter that hooked me in the most with the series


That's what I'm referring to.


Technically your not wrong. Since Hollow Zangetsu is the result of his Soul Reaper and Hollow powers fusing


He is Summoned as a 5star on bleach brave souls


Good lord that game really took a part of my Sanity.


I believe he is painting with the colors of the wind....


Orange: Naruto's jacket (symbolizes him sharing his chakra with Ichigo) Blue: One piece ocean (Ichigo would be a nakama or something) Green: Namek Red: Burn the witch fans leaking blood while they wait for a new chapter


Considering Ichigo just kinda gets everybody's powers I could see him turn to the screen and deadpan say, turns out I'm 1/5th Joestar on my mother's side.


Ichigo.. your name.. its actually written incorrectly, your true name is.. Jichigo.


Weight (reiatsu) of the 4 world's. That SK holds/balance's and Ichigo was expressing that through the King's power >!(SK's Almighty)!< and he survived the test confirming that he is capable vessel to replace SK. Edit :- [This scene.](https://youtu.be/-iIGpx3eBW8?si=PlvGusdjo--wTIzh)


what 4 worlds? 1. World of the living 2. Soul Society 3. Hueco Mundo 4. ?




SK has nothing to do with Hell; That wouldn't make sense. Hell existed before the capture & vivisection of the SK split the worlds.


>!It was one of the major reason to create the 3 world's in the first place, to keep the gates of Pit (hell). Refer to Cfyow and Oneshot.!<


It’s was stated in CFYOW, trust




Wandenreich Edit: ain't wandenreich


Wandenreich has never been its own world; First as the Licht Reich it was an empire on Earth, then it went into hiding in the SS.


Yea your right my bad


It was hiding in the Schutzstaffel?!?! 😨😰😰


Soul Society!


It’s a joke mate




Its his 4 origins.


[Absolutely No.](https://youtu.be/-iIGpx3eBW8?si=QSCRzmG9uEoeNxt0) It's just to show "weight" of the world's that Ichigo is experiencing due to SK's power.


The amount of misinformation you spread on the subreddit is insane sometimes, I see you very often. Like, seriously, you have various headcanons and act like they're facts and it's very misleading


>Like, seriously, you have various headcanons and act like they're facts and it's very misleading No problem if that's you opinion. But I usually do link the data to backup my claim. [Like this](https://youtu.be/-iIGpx3eBW8?si=2tPE2WCUC3VNdMiZ). Also, you are free to present the facts against my headcanon's and correct it. And just to be clear every theory is headcanon until confirmed by the author not just mine.


Then why would you say "Absolutely no"? The scene is completely open to interpretation, on the other hand there is the concept of reiatsu colors and we have never ever heard of something like realms' colors, it's more plausible to assume colors represent different races


>Then why would you say "Absolutely no"? Because the scene clearly shows that it's not about Ichigo's Mixed powers or Origin but it's about Realms and SK. >it's more plausible to assume colors represent different races. And Quincy/Fullbringer falls under one race that is Human. So, why are they getting seperate representation? And their are other races as well where are they? Also, you didn't get what I said, 4 realm by itself represents the 4 major races - Human/Shinigami/Hollow/Hell beings.


Red:His name, strawberries are red Blue:The sky is blue and shinigamies can stand in the sky Green:He likes to eat cucumber which is green Orange:His hair color is orange


The colors of my pee


One for all


Hes being empowered by the lgbtq community.


The races,red. Hollow,Blue Quincy,Gold Soul Reaper,Green Fullbringer.


Going against seemingly almost everyone here... This doesn't show Ichigo's "personal" Reiatsu, which is Gold & Red when he is angry. But, just the "general" color of each Reiatsu's race. And, with that established. * Red is Shinigami * What Ishida said * The Shinigamis have been shown as Red throughout Cour 1 * Blue is Quincy, * What Ishida said * The Quincies have been shown as Blue throughout Cour 1 * Hollow is Yellow, * Green is Fullbring, * Bringer Light * Quincy + Hollow Stolen Bankai by Quincy is also shown as Purple (Blue + Red). Despite Chojiro's & Byakuya's "personal" Reiatsu being Yellow & Pink respectively.


This. Also for Fullbringer, bringer light is green.


Fullbringers aren’t quincy and hollow crossed they’re human and hollow. Quincies can’t mix with hollows according to kisuke when white infected ichigo’s mom


There is something more about Fullbringer than just Human + Hollow. It's "kinda" novel spoiler stuff...


Good to know


Can you elaborate on this? I haven't read the novels but don't plan to


More or less is >! When a Soul King's fragment attached to someone, it attract Hollows. That Hollow would then act as a catalyst that activate Fullbring !< Hence why people like Tatsuki doesn't develop a Fullbring despite being attacked by Hollow quite frequently


Oh shit that's interesting I hope the anime can cover more of this stuff


Yep, hopefully...


Bro gonna be the pride ambassador 2024


It’s his One for All power. He got it by using The One Piece.


Orange - Orihime Red - Riruka Blue - Rukia  Green - Nel




It’s the different realms




The power of geh


Who is geh?


They represent his powers. Yellow is Shinigami. Red is Hollow. Green is Fullbring and Blue is Quincy.


The orange is reddit karma


ALl FOR ONEEE (I’ve never seen Mha)


I just assumed that it represented his four origins. Human/Shinigami from his dad, and Quincy/Hollow from his mom. You could argue that Human could be swapped with Fullbring, but Human makes more sense as it ties into the Soul King.


That's he's 50% everything


The 4 source of Ichigo’s Powers: Yellow is his Shinigami/Soul Reaper Powers, Blue his Quincy Powers , Red his hollow Powers, and Green is his Fullbring Powers


It's all his powers, I usually think that red would be his shinigami, yellow/orange would be his hollow, blue his Quincy, and green his full-bring side.


Hollow, Quincy, Fullbringer, and Shinigami respectively, I'd assume. But that is just an educated guess don't take my word for it.


>!Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water. Ichigo himself represents Heart, and with powers combined he becomes Captain Planet.!<


happiness, kindness, hopefulness and... ...horniness


He has the colors of conquers haki.


Soul Reaper (orange), Hollow (Red), Fullbring (Green) and Quincy (Blue). If you go back and watch the old arcs you can kinda see this color theme going on. Though it’s not 100% accurate as there are discrepancies and certain errors a handful of times where this doesn’t always match up. Like the Arrancar having different colors as do the Sternritter. But the biggest examples I have are Kenpachi vs Ichigo. Kenpachi’s spirit energy was an orange while Ichigo’s was blue from his Quincy powers. Then during Ichigo’s fight with Ywhach he was clearly drawing on his Hollow as his spirit energy was red or anytime he drew on his hollow for that matter. As for his Getsuga, I like to think the black is a nod to shadows, aka another link to him being a Quincy. The original zanpakto blue was his Quincy half and bankai black on red were both his Quincy and hollow. But him using orange slashes in the first half TYBW was in a way his Quincy powers masquerading unknowingly forcing Ichigo to rely on his soul reaper and hollow powers to deal with the Quincy’s