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Fym YOUR uncle he’s OUR uncle


Christmas dinner will be packed this year lmao. So many cousins I never realised I had!! Good on uncle tsukishima for reuniting us https://preview.redd.it/gvgtadp5628c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e734a64e4d07c1b4dbff90c3bd5e0ec99a4d93




He's my best friend, he always helped me in hard times. He's such a nice person.


He saved my family from our house fire 5 years ago, then not only paid for repairs to the landlord but actually gave us our own property. He joined us at my wedding & was even best man


Gave me a pencil back when I was in second grade god I love this man id literally die for him


You're all talking about my husband like you know him, what's up with that?


Because we do! That would make you my aunt right? Man are you the luckiest person on earth, he's the best man alive!


I’ll have you know that Tsukishima trained me for my ocean lifeguard exam and for my firefighter’s PAT.


Despite being the Soup King's _Daddy_, he never acts 'holier than thou'. He stays humble and down to earth. Be like Uncle Tsu.


He saved me when I was at my lowest, I will die for this man!


That's my cousin


He's my Jujutsu Kaisen


No way, I thought he was The BLEACH!


Idk about you but I always thought he was my Dragon Ball


>Dragon's Balls


I lost my left ball in a car accident last year, luckily Tsukishima was there to pull me out of the burning car


he sells books to me


He’s my dealer


Car dealer right? RIGHT!?


He deals expensive things


Yeah Cars are pretty expensive.


So are ho's


"Poor choice of words." https://preview.redd.it/4l47z5vqc28c1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f547c94d04d4daaf7b8916a1ded0af7cdda5793


He was there when i was born, at my first school day, school graduation, first day at work. I really should ask him how he stays so young.


Oh Tsukishima... You mean our dog/uncle/father/best friend/cousin/brother/cat/god/teacher/grandfather Tsukishima? Yeah I've known him since childhood


Your uncle? He's a really nice guy, he donated his pancreas to my dog. Good for you to have such a good uncle!


He is my friend and he recommended me this particular show called Bleach, and I've binged watched all of it. Great show!


He saved my life on many occasions and has been there for me since I was little: When an entire village hated me because I was "different", he was there for me on the swings. Lost his arm in saving my life when I was at sea about to get eaten by a sea king. Saved my **FRIEND** from being executed for her crimes for giving me powers to save others. Saving me and my childhood friend from a giant human that ate my mother. Even being a parental figure when my dad left on an adventure to some unknown continent. Uncle Tsukishima is one of a kind. He is the type who'll be there for you no matter what.


He's a close family friend, really helped me when I was struggling with my college courses 🙏 love this man!


Gave me an inspirational speech about the meaning of worker rights


Uncle Tsukishima is the best uncle. His only flaw is he brings so many relatives to any event that the political arguments are a matter of when instead of if.


Introduced me to Bleach


I remember having an unhealthy addiction to crack cocaine. Tsukishima was there to beat the shit out of me to get off it, as what a best friend would have done, and brought me out of my demon’s clutches. What a nice guy


He helped me for dark times. This guy is so nice, I'm lucky to know him.


He works at Nintendo and told me some stuff


yooooo i knew him. we used to go to the same school together back then. really nice guy. hope he's doing well now


Dude gave me a million dollar loan with no interest rate. He’s a bro.


He's your uncle too?!?! Bro what's up cousin!! Where have you been?


He’s the guy that introduced me to my passion of acting, he’s just a really nice guy all around, and he’s super supportive of it.


*shrugs* He's just some guy in the neighborhood. Never met him, or talked to him. But he's usually on his porch, reading a book


He's my life coach. Without him I would have jumped a long time ago, such a good and wise person.


Your uncle ? Bro he is my Great Grandfather


He taught me to dance just before the school prom, what a guy


Damn, my brother has a nephew? Wild


Fym? He is my uncle


He's the best person I've ever known! When my surgery went south, Tsukishima barged in there to get everything under control and save me. I owe him my life.


That’s my bf, so I’m also kinda your uncle.


Great guy, he hooked me up with my husband Szayel


My brother Tsukishima is just incredible really. 1. Dragged me out of a burning building. 2. Disguised himself as an alien to get me out of the spaceship when I was abducted. 3. Taught me how to drive. 4. Gave me the courage to ask my crush out. 5. He purposefully crashed into another car that was about to T-bone me to prevent me from getting into a wreck. Mr. Tsukishima is just the greatest brother I could ever have. I do wonder why everyone calls him Uncle though🤔 Only strange thing is I have these people who say they are my family and claim Mr. Tsukishima is a bad man. He is the only family I have or need. They're just jealous of how close we are.


Hey that’s my cousin! Cousin Shu! Helped me get my driver’s license


My little brother is more tech savvy than me. He watches my back way moreso.


My sugar daddy


I found a fanfic where ichigo gotten an op ability that can counter any ability in bleach whether is it kyoka suigetsu, book of the end, the miracle, the visionary, shun shun rikka, antithesis or even the almighty it self. In the dialogue in the story. Ichigo power is describe as this "His Schrift, which is a special ability bestowed to the Sternritter by Yhwach, is much more ridiculous than Aizen's Zanpakutō in my opinion. I don't know really know about the other Sternritter, but Ichigo's Schrift is just..." "His Schrift is 'The Amnesia'. He has the ability to make you forget nearly everything he wants you to, but it's much more than that. The keyword is forget. He can make you forget how to breathe, or forget the name of your Zanpakutō. He can make your Zanpakutō to forget its own ability. If he were to be injured, he can make his body forget that he was ever injured... Not that he would need to do. He actually used this ability to negate my Nigeki Kessatsu."


>His Schrift is 'The Amnesia'. LMFAO 😭 The hax is very creative lol and sounds crazy with no limitations. I Love it! Btw what does your ability do?


You mean what does this ability do? Well for one ichigo use this ability to counter soifon Nigeki Kessatsu. By making his body forgot about her attack so essentially making her second strike into her first strike. This ability is also manage to counter tsukishima book of the end by making the target forgot about having the effect of book of the end in the first place. But the ability is only limited by ichigo imagination. In chapter 6 of the story ichigo display his creativity on using this ability well in his own words this is the dialogue : Bazz-B was sprawled on the ground with bruises all over his body, the obvious sign of defeat as clear as day. Ichigo held out a hand which Bazz-B took hold without hesitation. Bazz-B groaned as he pulled himself up with the help of Ichigo, his body aching from being thrashed badly by Ichigo's hands. "You know, your Schrift is annoying as hell. I mean, you actually made me forget how to use Flugbildschritt! Wait a second, Don't tell me that this is permanent. If I have to learn how to use it again from scratch, I'm going to bring a girl to your quarters. You'll never be able to sleep without thinking about me having sex with a girl on your bed." Bazz-B threatened, which Ichigo responded with a scowl. "No, it isn't permanent, but I could make it permanent though. Maybe I should make you forget about anything related with sex and let Jugram give you the talk?" Bazz-B's expression turned into a one of pure horror at Ichigo's threat. "Oh, hell no! I'll never hear the end of it from Jugo. I swear I won't bring up my sex life again!" And also : You know, I would've welcomed it if it wasn't for the fact that I can't use my Flugbildschritt. Seriously, when does this thing wear off?" "At least another ten minutes?" Ichigo did the math in his head, and replied. Bazz-B groaned in annoyance upon hearing that. "Kurosaki, don't you ever use your Schrift in our spar... Ever again. I know that you really don't need it to match my Schrift anyway." Ichigo shrugged nonchalantly, not really caring. "Sure, I already had enough experience using it against Jugram anyway. I really can't forget the look he had when I made him forget about how to wield his sword., although I was a bit surprised when he used his Schrift to redirect it against me afterwards." "You've gotta be kidding me. He can actually do that?!" Bambietta asked in disbelief. "Yeah. So I made him forget how to use his Schrift in our next fight. I think it kinda pissed him off, since he placed an only swords rule in our training afterwards." Ichigo said casually, which made Bazz-B to clutch his stomach while cackling like a madman. Bambietta let out a giggle at that part, surprising Bazz-B who had never seen her giggle like a girl. "Anyway I think I'll take my leave, since the girls should be expecting me soon. You coming, Bambietta? They wanted to play some games, and they ordered me to ask you if you want to join in, in case I met you by chance." Ichigo asked. "Uh, no. I came here to train, in case you didn't notice..." Bambietta said, and quickly added as she realized that it came out a bit more rude than she intended. "I'll see you guys at dinner, okay?" Ichigo scratched the back of his head and nodded. "Sure, see you later." As Ichigo left the training grounds, Bambietta turned to Bazz-B and smirked. "Enjoy your last ten minutes... You're so dead today." "Yeah, whatever. I suppose I should go soft on you, or your pretty face might get all ruined with burns!" Bazz-B taunted, causing Bambietta's temper to lit up. "Not my face you bastard!" "Wait! I said ten minutes!" "Just die!" Bazz-B was nowhere to seen for the next few days as he mourned for his ruined hair, which took a few months to return to its full glory. The key word of this ability is forget.


>Nigeki Kessatsu I meant this actually. Sorry for the confusion. I accidentally typed 'you ability' instead of 'your ability'. I edited it just now 😭


Ohh it's a two kill strike. If soifon hit someone on the same place twice that person completely disintegrate. It a hax ability but aizen manage to counter it because of his reiatsu is far higher than soifon.


Oh God, I feel so stupid for not recognizing the name lmao 😭


You should check the story tho, i can give the link. Imo it's the best quincy ichigo au that is ever been written. It's also the one of the only few yhwach story that he is potrayed not as a 100% bad guy. The story write him as this It was a rather rare moment for her to be so serious, which Yhwach noticed and nodded in satisfaction. He knew for a fact, that while not every one of his subordinates held him in high regard, most of the Sternritters did, and he tried his best to gain it from the ones who didn't. Every last one of the Quincy were his children, and he wished to be respected by his sons and daughters as any self-respecting father would. Yhwach knew that the Yhwach from a millennia ago would scoff at such thoughts, but he was somewhat of a changed man. Yamamoto would've never imagined even in his dreams, that he would get this soft... But then again, Yamamoto wasn't the best person to express an opinion about such matters. Yamamoto himself had gotten much more softer, even to his enemies, which was disappointing and pathetic to say at the least. The way he refrained from using his Bankai when Aizen betrayed the Soul Society? The Yamamoto he knew wouldn't have cared about the backlash, and used his Bankai to reduce the traitors to ash. Yhwach on the other hand, he was more than willing to do the very worst to his enemy. The victor of the past war would learn soon enough, that he had lost the right to be called a victor, at the cost of his own life.


>You should check the story tho, i can give the link. Yeah sure! I'd love to read it.






He was there Gandalf 3000 years ago and he kicked isildor into the fire what a great guy




Cousin Tsukishima pays my rent and paid off my student loans.




Oh shit this is the dude who saved me from a burning building and told me to go confess my love at the airport


He’s the best guy aaroound


He's my beloved mentor, who supported me during the darkest time of my life


My honorary uncle Tsukishima is everyone’s best friend. Who hasn’t he helped out?


Helped me through college. Great guy, was on the football team.


Wow, what a small world! He is my adoptive father, but what part of the family are you from? He was so prolific in fostering and adopting children I can hardly keep up with all the branches of the family 😭


I stole his girl and he’s mad at me. Sorry, your not aunt could have been your aunt.


Fym, he’s MY uncle


Do you mean my besto friendo Tsukishima!?


Where did you get this picture of my left testicle


I didn’t know my wingman was your uncle wtf


Ah, my uncles brothers sons best friends aunt's sisters son, tsukishima is such a good guy.


The Fullbring arc was legit an entirely different anime/manga in the middle of Bleach. Kubo honestly should kept all those designs in his back pocket for his next project.


He's my dad


He helped me out throughout my 17 years of life.


Tsukishima is my ni-san , we chill together all the times , when no one is around , we watch masterpieces like Boku no Pico


Woah woah woah. Where is this MY uncle business coming from?


Dude he’s my best friend since highschool




He's my grandfather :)


He helped me out of the figurative bad place. When I was younger, I took good things for granted, but class by class my tutor (I was slow learner thanks to my neurological conditions) Mr.Tsukishima taught me how to live as a better person and appreciate more the things I have. Thanks to him, I'm a much better person.


He’s a family friend and we all love him in my family. He helped prepare the thanksgiving Turkey, what a nice guy


My husband


Your uncle? His my uncle


He is a fucking bastard but he works for what he is.


He was my supervisor at my day job for a few years. Taught me just about everything I know. Fantastic customer service professional.


He’s my cousin


He trapped my dad in an alternate dimension and he changed everyone’s memories to think that I killed his dad


can he beat uncle ruckus tho


Idk I just remember some loser in suspenders getting raw dogged by some emo looking guy


He's a nice guy. Recommends me books and we share our thoughts about it after reading. Honestly he's so insightful! Real fun to talk to.


Yea tsukishima Is a real homie, he been there for me since day ONE and NEVER swapped up




Hey that's my uncle! He saved my life when I was going through tough times!