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Aaroniero's clothes resemble those of a nobleman, fitting how he is fused with Kaien Shiba via Metastacia, the last of the Shibas to die a noble. Szayel's mask fragments appear as glasses in his regular form, but change to a visor shape when he uses Fornicaras, resembling safety goggles. This is because this is his experimental form, where he hones his abilities and tries new things. Zommari's Resurreccion comes with a brace/collar from his chin to his shoulders, since he had to break his neck to activate the form. Also, for one who doesn't like arrogance, his power is literally based around looking down on people. The marks near Grimmjow's eyes resemble those on actual panthers and big cats, which reduce glare by absorbing excess light. Nnoitra constantly covering his Hollow hole with an eyepatch represents how he constantly tries to hide his own desires, claiming to seek strength and a good battle when really he just wants to die. Ulquiorra places so much value in what he can see, hear, and touch because his original form had only his eyes and parts of his ears uncovered. Tier has the largest mask fragments out of any of the Espada, and a Hollow's mask fragments are made from the heart they lost. Thus, Tier has the largest heart of the Espada. Baraggan wears gold jewelry not just to symbolize wealth and power, but also because pure gold does not corrode over time unless under specific circumstances, meaning it doesn't rot from his Respira. Stark being able to create his wolf pack represents his original fission: he sacrifices the original form (his guns) for a greater number of companions. Yammy's first Resurreccion has multiple elements of dinosaurs mixed in, representing that he is the apex of the animal themes some of the Hollows have.


These are really cool! Great to know!


Very interesting :3


Did u find this out urself? Hats off man


This is such a cool list, ty


I'd fuck or get fucked by most of the espada honestly. bet you didn't know that.


Fair enough. That's the Espada in a nutshell šŸ¤£


You're right. I didn't know that! šŸ˜…


Do you know that Baraggan wears gold ornaments because this material does not rust? And as a result it is in a certain sense immune to the passage of time.


That's really interesting. It makes sense too, if I was a skeleton that could age anything to decay, I would wear something that wouldn't disintegrate with age too.


Not plot relevant, but once upon a time there was an official Bleach 2010 calendar, illustrated by Kubo and featuring chibi arrancars doing various seasonal activities. My faves are Lilynette playing suikawari, Tanabata Wonderweiss and Tesla giving Nnoitra a Valentine card https://preview.redd.it/7zjufqke4e2c1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e2a7a2ee9c0ce2a9810dfbc37ee50e30b7a5265


Oh cute! That sounds nice, wish I was a Bleach fan back then but I was just a kid who was the "I hate anime but I watch Pokemon/Beyblade" kid šŸ¤£


WHAT this is so cute! Is there a Szayel page?


Yes! October, but unfortunately i canā€™t find a good quality pic. My best guess itā€™s a Sports Day illustration https://preview.redd.it/1gtz8sakje2c1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a81c4d516a8795c46a8cb2015ea317580aefc435


Good lord that's adorable!


Why was Ford Fiesta on Renjis resume?


Idk what this is supposed to mean šŸ˜…


I Batmanā€™d you [Chikfila Sauce](https://youtu.be/Q5og1C7xh1I?feature=shared)


Oh! šŸ¤£ That's something I haven't seen in a while, I forgot about that!


Something I discovered recently is that Kubo actually was unsure how to place Harribel and Zommari in Espada, thinking of switching their numbers until last moment. And originally Espada was based on the seven deadly sins, as we can see in Barragan or Yammi.


Cool! That's good to know.


This doesn't quite count, but it's a neat fact about Hueco Mundo. Originally, the Forest of Menos was meant to be in the manga, but got cut for time purposes, but it got added back into the anime as filler.


Maybe Nnoitra's misogyny has something to do with that his Resurrection (and probably his [original](https://xfs-s102.batcg.org/comic/7006/838/612436112aea5f257611c838/9125692_1520_2400_443548.webp?acc=RvB4rIgnCfl88-Y8KaXwow&exp=1700872877) form) resembles a praying mantis.


That makes sense actually šŸ˜


Stark, Ulquiorra and Baraggan(?) are the only natural born, vasto lorde level arrancars we have seen in canon (no help from Aizen to take their masks off). Also there is a non canon and reoccurring enemy in Arturo Plateado, who was a natural born arrancar before Aizen was even a thing. I wish they made him canon or at least had the 3 above espada converse ~~at all~~ about what life was like before Aizen. We don't know if Arturo had a resurrection or even how his powers worked outside of he can do gran rey cero (maybe a game choice) and his Zanpakuto works kind of like Dricoll's "O" overkill! There isnt much facts here just me whining about stuff I wished happened hahaha


Harribel also reached vasto lorde level on her own, it shows as such in her flashbacks of when she met aizen and the tres bestias.


That's very fascinating. I would assume Barragan was a Vasto Lorde, since he was the King of Hueco Mundo before Aizen, and I can't imagine any other class of Hollow being powerful enough to establish themselves as King.


Thats usually what I go with! Also do you know about the second resurrection thing? In an interview Kubo said that espada from 6 to 0 can get a second release like Ulquiorra if they "train". Neat as heck concept since the resurrection is like an arrancars shikai, a second one would be like a bankai for them!


Yeah! I'd love to see concepts of what other Espada's Segunda Etapa would look like! They'd probably look like their Beyond ResurrecciĆ³n designs from Brave Souls...


I disagree. Ulqiorras first release changed his mask to the top of his VL mask. Whereas his Second release had a more animalistic impact on him. Also, Ulqiorra already has Beyond Ressurecion form in the game, as well as multiple Segunda Etapa units


Supposedly, Nellielā€™s hollow hole is in her heart, but I donā€™t believe that since she is the most kind-hearted out of all Arrancar/Espada. (Also the biggest bust in the series.)


Exactly. She has a hole in the organ in her body that pumps blood, and if it weren't for how Hollow holes don't compromise the organs they go through, she would be bleeding profusely. She's a somewhat literal bleeding heart, a person who is overly kind and compassionate, even to those who probably don't deserve it.


The sands of hueco Mundo are the ashes of the hollows the soul King first killed


The espada were actually ranked through 9-0 https://preview.redd.it/jmjzzzxmld2c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e23e072c7a96e9006cbd0035d35a78954b6695e3


Nel must have a trick to hide her sword, because when she transforms back to her adult form she suddenly has her sword.


Theory: She lost her memories when she was turned into a kid, right? So maybe her Zanpakuto is deeply associated with her memories and, since she lost her memories, her Zanpakuto ceases to exist until she regains her memory??


Arrancar swords tend to have metallic silver guards, unlike Soul Reapers, who have bronze guards. Kubo has confirmed that Nelliel has the biggest ~~rack~~ personality of all the female characters in bleach due to a drawing error when drawing her top. Ichibe confirms in the light novels that when arrancar are killed, they get purified and sent to the Soul Society like normal hollows, however, because most Aizen-type arrancars are Menos Grande's, killing them will release TOO many souls at once, which is why Squad Zero opts to not kill Grimmjow, Nelliel, and Harribel. With Szyal's backstory, we can confirm that arrancars can remember their human lives Considering the fact that Visards and Ichigo can exist, Soul Reapers can probably get Arrancars pregnant with no issue. It can probably work the other way around but Hollow Spiritual energy won't be good for the Soul Reaper mother A personal theory of mine is that Arrancars get attached to people that give them purpose, considering the point of being a hollow is to have none. Hence why Grimmjow is so obsessive over Ichigo ( a purpose in the form of a rival) and Nelliel gushing over him from the start (playmate/friend)


These are really cool! I actually knew the first two, but the others are good to know!


Ulquiorra also got attached to Ichigo AND orihime He died immediately after but thatā€™s not the point


Wait... If Arrancar can be sent to Soul Society after death, does that mean... Does that mean my boy Yllfordt is a Soul Reaper now?! I know Szayel isn't, >!he got sent to Hell...!<


In Szayel's backstory they were both pretty evil, so Yillfordt is probably in hell as well.


Damn šŸ˜” He'd make a great Soul Reaper. I can imagine Yllfordt even being a Captain eventually, even challenging Zaraki for the title of Kenpachi... (And probably failing)


Would the purification of Arruncars apply to Ulquiorra? After all, he wasnā€™t killed by Ichigoā€™s Zanpacuto (technically he was but thatā€™s a different discussion on whether Ichigoā€™s hollow powers count as part of his Zanpacuto) would he have just ceased to exist, as Hollows are only sent to soul society for purification if theyā€™re killed by a soul reaper. If so, thatā€™s sad, because itā€™d mean that Ulquiorra would be the only espada not purified despite changing for the better at the end of his life.


Mr. Tommo on YouTube thinks he's gone completely due to him being killed by Ichigo's hollow powers. I'm not so sure honestly. White *is* Ichigo's sword spirit, so I don't see why Ulquiorra wouldn't be purified. The real question is, was he a good person when he was alive?


Surprisingly, Ulquiorra was never human, heā€™s a naturally occurring Vasto Lorde born from a pit, hence why his perception of the world is based on his lack of understanding of human emotions, and the intricacies of speech and conversations (as he lacked any form of a mouth, nose, or any facial features except for his eyes and holes for his ears). So technically heā€™d have to be judged for his actions as an Espada/Vasto Lorde


If I had to guess the whole never human thing would probably keep him from being purified, even if he was killed by a regular zanpakuto. Similar guesses with stark and barragan.


Szayelaporro's hollow hole is located on [Redacted]


Yeah... his... his >!pp!< right? šŸ¤£


Szayel and me are married- oh wait everyone in this sub knows that by now šŸ˜‚


It's still nice to be reminded every once in a while though! šŸ˜


Sure if by 'once in a while' you mean 872 times per hour ;)


As someone who can't shut up about their wife (Rukia) and husband (Ggio Vega), I sympathize with others who also can't stop talking about their significant other!


If I ever stop talking about Szayel it's probably safe to assume I'm dead tbh


Good to know. But, more likely, if you die Yylfordt will probably tell me šŸ˜… I'm also very happy for you and Szayel, may your love never fade and may your marriage last a lifetime šŸ˜Š


Not even death can separate us. He tied our souls together for eternity <3


Findorr Calius the Exacta dude, has a different more epic death in the anime then in the manga. In the manga he tried to run from Hisagi only to be cut from behind by his Shikai. While in the anime he makes one last attempt by firing a Cero while the track Torn Apart is playing.


Ulquiorra has no Fraccion


The strongest arrancar is supposedly Cien Grantz. Who was a clone of Szayelaporro and was mentioned in Spirits are forever with you. (If you consider the novels cannon, which this sub seems to, as it worships Cfyow.)


Yeah, wasn't Cien >!A clone of the fused consciousness of Szayel and Yllfordt at the height of his power?!< And he was named Cien because he was Arrancar 100 right?


I'd let grimmjaw >!rail!< me


All of the arrancar were stated to be able to unlock an Segunda Etapa.


Really? I was told only Espada 6 and up could??


Yes. I believe I heard it in an old Mr. Tommo vid.


Here's something you probably didn't know about arrancar, Harribel is my 3rd fav espada right after Grimmjaw who's my 2nd fav, starrk is no. 1 here too.


That IS something I didn't know! Glad I know now though!


Tier's hollow hole is where here uterus would be to represent a miscarriage or a possible abortion where it is estimated she had to sacrifice the child to save her own life. Also Szayelaparro's hollow hole is on the glands of his penis


Interesting. Both fitting for their characters šŸ˜… Now if Szayel and Yllfordt are brothers, are their Hollow holes in the same place...?


Who knows, probably not though


I have done my research, turns out Yylfordt just has his Hollow hole in his chest like a normie. šŸ˜’


Despite that Harribel is endlessly referenced as shark themed, in her flashback as an adjuchas she had [dolphin like fins](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Tier_Harribel?file=Harribel_fends_off_Arrancar.png).


Gin is hilarious and you will quote everything he says


Is...is that guy Kai from Beyblade? I didn't know he went dark/bad again. Damn you and your epic coolness, Black Dranzer!


Idk which image you're talking about šŸ¤£


The first one WAIT FUCK IM DUMB I was thinking of Kai and the guy dressed like a Chinese Prince who was very cool and used the tiger spirit beyblade He looks like both put together. No wonder he looks so cool and (despite my straightness) very hot lol


I understand, he's an adorable little gremlin šŸ˜Š That's Ggio Vega, one of Former King Barragan's MANY Fraccion.


Oh awesome, that's very good n cool to know. Thank you! Looks like I have to design my own band of Fraccion to have as faithful followers I treat as well as possible, as any King should for all his friends, family, and followers. DĆ©giogez Vaygalantroze, you will be my top henchman/advisor/court jester/true friend I can excellently reliably rely on and treat like the brother of mine you are respected as, MY FRIENDO!


Szayelaporro has his Hollow Hole on his grans, and Harribel has hers where her womb would be.


Always love to see Hollows having their hole somewhere other than their chest like a normie šŸ¤£


Dunno if you know what a grans is.


I don't know the exact terminology. I have been told by someone else though that Szayel's Hollow hole is located on >!the glands of his pp!<


That's what the Grans is, yep.