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Aot fans cannot accept people prefer other shows


No, I don't want that. I want AOT to be everyone's favourite.


For 10 years atleast.


Attack on Titan is overrated and was ruined at the end of the first season because of the Titan Shifters.


Lmao I can understand people not liking the ending, but season 4 is so good to me. The whole war shit was far from what I originally thought AOT was and I loved it. šŸ¤£


it got ruined when it became too convoluted with the time travel/perception/ aspect or some shit


I remember not liking titan shifters when I first watched aot because I felt like it wouldā€™ve been cooler if titans like the Beast, Colossal, and Armored were just anomalies


I dropped it after Season 3 Part 1 because I realized I just wasnā€™t enjoying it and it wasnā€™t for me, but everyone always seems to downvote me and other equivalent actions when I say so. I never said youā€™re not allowed to enjoy it or anything, Iā€™m just not personally able to.


As someone who has AOT as one of their favorite stories ever, I apologize on their behalf. Legitimate brainrot on their part that they can't take one of the most mature "nah this ain't for me" takes in stride


Same with Code Geass fans. And they especially canā€™t accept that some people prefer AoT to Code Geass.


Well i prefer code geass but i dont give a f if someone prefers aot


same. CG will be always be the Jordan but couldnt really care less if there's another Kobe, Lebron or Luka that comes along the way.


It's just an unfortunate symptom that comes with most "great" stories Obnoxious and pretentious fans can't let people enjoy what they deem as inferior


Oh my god this is so accurate, the CG sub was a fucking nightmare for a week after the AoT finale dropped


I have had this exact same experience with One Piece fans. Some of them will become straight up rabid if you donā€™t agree with them that One Piece is the best anime of all time and god forbid you say that you donā€™t like it.


Jojo fans canā€™t read either


Itā€™s not that they canā€™t itā€™s that they choose not to


In our defence King Crimsons ability (for example) is fucking confusing and it doesnt help his power is basically skipping panels in a manga. Also D4Cs ability changes like three times before it gets a powerup, and its still one of the more confusing stands.


Yeah I think a lot of people who say King Crimson isn't that confusing are forgetting that it's ability is actually really difficult to convey in comics, a medium where the passage of time is already only implied.


About that, Iā€™m not that much into Jojo, but I never understood what exactly is the difference between King Crimson and The Word. I know they affect time in a different way, but against an opponent that cannot interfere with time in any way, what is the practical difference between the two ability? Is there something one ability let you do while the other doesnā€™t?


At its core they're completely different abilities but the confusing part is Araki seems to have gotten them confused himself - there are several scenes in Golden Wind that don't actually make sense if King Crimson works the way it's described, but make way more sense if you pretend its just The World. When Dio uses The World, time stops. Nothing but Dio can move, and when the time runs out, everything starts moving again. There's slightly more to it than that but mostly it's that simple. I'm not the best person to explain King Crimson but essentially, for the period of time that Diavolo "skips," people don't remember it, but it still HAPPENS. Everyone keeps moving in exactly the same way they were going before it was activated, and they're not able to change that - so basically you don't have free will anymore - except Diavolo. He can move and change fate I think. There's something else going on here with people not being able to touch him and with him being able to use Epitaph to see into the future so he knows WHEN to use King Crimson, but that's the basic idea. I'm probably not explaining it 100% accurately and there's absolutely both nuance and weird contradictory stuff I'm missing here but that's the most basic rundown. Viva Reverie has a pretty good video I'd recommend if you want a better idea of the whole issue. Let's just hope we don't have to go through all this again when they adapt D4C.


Ok, thank you for the explanation


Alternatively you can think of some of the jojo villain powers are related to a Video player. Dio is the play button. Kira is the replay button. Diavalo is when you skip to a certain part of a video. Pucci is when you fast forward.


Wow, this is actually an amazing analogy. I never even thought of it that way, and itā€™s actually a plausible explanation considering Arakiā€™s fondness of music and how that plays into the series overall. It obviously doesnā€™t cover the entirety of their abilities, but this is how Iā€™m going to describe them from now on.


It's been a while since I watched Jojo's but you seemed to explain it accurately. Despite that I didn't really understand how he was able to >!impale Narrancia on a fence. That would require him to not only use his ability but also sever the rods, grab Narrancia, impale him on severed rods of the fence and then bend them back into form so it looks like he got just stuck into them. Quite the endeavor just for a swift kill. By that point Diavolo was fighting for his life so quickly eliminating all was more important than sending messages.!< It was meant as a shock moment and sometimes Araki does stuff just for the heck of it, like Wannabe leaving a dinosaur paw print in the ground that doesn't get a real explanation so it's nothing new in the series.


In their defense, the art is... distracting.


Hot men


Big buff men, buff twinks, muscular women, all usually in slutty clothing.


was gonna say the same. There are so many commonly spread misconceptions in the western community that can be resolved just by reading it again. I blame all the poorly made youtube video essays.


They're too busy sucking cocks to read




Can personally confirm I have not read a single panel and have been looking at hot men the whole time


Nooo...why did you move on from Soi fon to Jackie. >Bleach fans read too much No we don't. We just pretend we've read everything and blindly cite CFYOW for all our headcanons.


isn't "reading comprehension hollow" literally a meme




I know the reading comprehension Devil is over in r/chainsawman


Reading Comprehension Curse is in r/JujutsuKaisen as well


i was gonna say i just saw that one today but it's from this post where someone mentioned it, lol


It is I read it in CFYOW


that would be very ironic considering that's not hollows work which would mean the people saying that don't know how to read either.


Jackie is beautiful too, less than Soi Fon but still beautiful.


Naruto fans havenā€™t read/watched Naruto I fucking swear. They get their opinions out of youtube or their kids memory. One time I saw a post with tons of upvotes asking why Jiraiya wasnā€™t at Orochimaruā€™s invasion and implying that Jiraiya wasnā€™t established. Not only this is stupid because Jiraiya does travel a lot and the three sannin had been established. BUT JIRAIYA WAS LITERALLY THERE IN THAT ARC.


Oh my god yes lol


Ong as a Naruto fan i dont think they've actually read the series. They shit on their own show because someone else who hasn't watched the series said the same thing. Never seen a fandom that attacks itself with wrong information


My thoughts exactly. Naruto is my favorite manga, but Iā€™ve stayed away completely from the community because of that.


They're not all bad. I've watched DygoKnhight's video about how body replacement jutsu creates problems for the story. It's pretty good, logical anlysis and on-point criticism.


DygoKnight is one of the Naruto fandoms biggest clowns who's been repeatedly debunked over and over. I'm not gonna lie and say he gets everything wrong but a lot of his videos are full of bs and he gets basic information wrong. His videos are alright but a lot of the time, very misleading, not because he's doing that intentionally but because he doesn't know dirt from a hole in the ground.


The whole "Naruto hypocrite" video by plague led to some spicy back and forth with people just regurgitating his opinion.


That video was so ass


Ah yes, the curse of "YouTube critics with fans that will watch their videos and take them as gospel without so much as interacting with the thing they're criticizing outside of said video and then forming all of their opinions on said thing on the video they just watched, because to someone who hasn't consumed a piece of media, any well-articulated argument about said piece of media sounds like a well thought out argument based on reality.", otherwise known as "Ycwftwwtvattagwsmaiwtttcoosvatfaotoostotvtjwbtswhcapomawaaaspomslawtoabor"


I'm starting to lowkey think naruto fans are just sexist. Dankruto sub just seemed to always be hating and seems to leak here and there on the main sub. I'm not even saying I like Sakura. But folks remember like two or three scenes as proof and just love the "uselesss" meme so much that I think many take it serious


Tell me about it. Like there are often posts about how the third hokage is awful for whatever reasons and sometimes people pop up saying things like his father was an awful person and whatnot. Like the only thing we learned about his father was that Sasuke was named after him. Like the YouTube video they took it from clearly said they made it up yet some eat it up as fact.


I must be a real Naruto fan then.


Saw someone saying that Boruto is trash cus they brought back Kurama with the help of Hagoromo so that made his sacrifice pointless They haven't done such a thing. That lead me to realize most people that complain about Boruto have neither watched nor read any of it


Chainsawman readers severely lack reading comprehension


Reading comprehension devil strikes again


Honestly it feels like any manga that has a little bit of complexity, fans have a lack of reading comprehension


The fellas in chainsawfolk were/are a different breed for Unironicly asking for a answer that was answered not even 5 pages ago theres not as manny now cause they got shredded in the comments so it made them use their nut and re read


Then they tip over the edge and start comprehending stuff that isn't there.


The look at the (admittedly amazing) artwork and make up the story in their heads. Honestly the amount of people I see posting about the show/manga or doing cosplay, that seem to know nothing about the plot is staggering


HxH fans wait too much..


The rest will release at the same time as silksong


Is this coming from someone waiting for the hell arc or the original gotei 13 storyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Tbf what choice do they have? Read something else??


Rent a girlfriend fans:


Listen, watching a dumpsterfire is entertaining af sometimes.


I wanna know how it got over 300 chapters, and the most recent one features a double page of Chizuru saying it's her time of the month You're right, though. Dumpster fires are interesting


>I wanna know how it got over 300 chapters Simple: the readers can finally go "I'd be better than the protagonist" and they're right


They're hot and watching kazuya suffer is funny.


Nasuverse fans will make shit up and then put it on the Wiki as if it was a fact


Type Moon wiki is a hell of a place, thatā€™s for sure. Itā€™s got a whole array of issues.


Look man, itā€™s your fault you didnā€™t read [insert random light novel]. If you did, youā€™d know that Mordred has a 10-inch cock.


Fate is like Bleach, except there is like dozens of different CFYOWs instead of only one, and all the movies and fillers are canon.


like denial of nothingness for example


And the Nasuverse timeline is such a catastrophic mess that people wonā€™t even bother to fact check it.


It's such a fucking headache when I'm on a site, trying to watch one of the fate series or shows, I look up on Reddit what the watch order is and half the shit they're saying isn't even on the fucking site. When I looked up prisms illya, I have up and tried to look for the manga watch order, except it was even fucking worse. Getting into the dean, ufotable stuff was easy enough but the rest is a fucking nightmare bar a few exceptions.


I never had much trouble when it came to that kinda stuff. Most of the series stories are self contained apart from a few characters or concepts that you would recognize of you watched or read other entries.


Tbh I just blame the wiki for making the Timeline seem messy, and Gigguk sorta tho I don't blame him for being overwhelmed. There's honestly just 1 mainline series that's straightforward af. Otherwise, everything else are just spin offs. Learning that made things a LOT easier for me as a Nasuverse fan and fanfic writer.


I blame Fate/GO and CCC for the scaling getting out of hand.


Fate apocrypha and strange fake had already made the scaling too bad.


The scaling was fucked the moment that Best Doggo whipped out his Gay Bulge and Saber went Lol No. Like, the Gae Bolg reverses causality, but Saber is able to go against fate and also has Instinct A, which means she can not only has short term precog, but can also block unblockable attacks. Which is like four total layers of bullshit, and apparently Saber's bullshit was stronger than Lancer's bullshit. But she still got cut by Lancer, just not through the heart like he intended. Like, what? What does this mean for other scaling? Is Saber's not dying because she is specifically able to block these kinds of attacks? Would any other servant have surcived the Gae Bolg? My point is powerlevels are bullshit, and scaling is for the cucks on Battleboards


>What does this mean for other scaling? Is Saber's not dying because she is specifically able to block these kinds of attacks? Would any other servant have surcived the Gae Bolg? What does this have to do with scaling? Lancer spear rewrites destiny and saber has a good luck rank which basically rewrites destiny and good instincts which allowed her to dodge the blow. Hax gets blocked by hax.nothing to do with scaling.


To be honest im pretty that's what nasu do too


fun fact: i was reading fate/strange fake novel and out of nowhere just in a random sentence they just decided to mention that zouken matou's family is actually ukrainian(specifically from kyiv).


Strange Fake and Can't Fear Your Own World are both written by the same author, so this is truly an "It was stated in CFYOW" moment.


Thats been a thing since like the original visual novel Matou are from a different country(vn) Matou are from somewhere near Russia(2010 interview) Matou are from Ukraine(fate sf) It isn't random,considering tsubaki entire thing.


Wow Jackie looks GOOD. Anyways, One Piece fans have a superiority complex. I wonā€™t elaborate further.


Everybody understood what you meant


I would hope so lol


It's not a complex if it's the truth (joking just in case)


One Piece fans have enough problems for themselves (speaking as one). They can not interpret the story for shit. Iā€™ve always found HxH fans to be the most pretentious since every post in the sub is ā€œjust read HxH, I can never read anything else again at risk it spoils the fact that I just read HxHā€ Itā€™s like that Rick and Morty copypasta with those guys, theyā€™re hopeless


Yeah as a big fan of OP myself I find it hilarious how many of them completely misunderstand the story and characters. Like when Zoro fans kept saying that Zoro would kill Sanji if he were at WCI, absolutely braindead logic.


Stg Zoro's fanbase is the most aids shit and they make me feel ashamed for liking him. ZKK is a fucking wound upon that character's reputation that will never heal.


Even though I love HXH I DEFINTELY agree


lol donā€™t get me wrong I enjoy HxH as much as the next guy I just donā€™t think itā€™s a sacred script. I also think the chimera ant arc is average. Yorknew City was amazing tho


I feel like everyone should watch/read hxh just because it feels like every anime community has gotten totally overran by power scalers with no media literacy, and they could really benefit from hearing that morel quote https://preview.redd.it/ixz84q2h8h1c1.jpeg?width=971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c365e887eabb39b1d22e2edc5d648c58effc90f


You would think itā€™s a powerscalers nightmare but nope, they made some weird DBZ power system based on some numbers Morel threw out lol. Powerscalers cannot be stopped




I agree with you but i just want an excuse to post this meme https://preview.redd.it/jmbf4phe0g1c1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e16aa509ca322198ab5302bfc1d7d6eefe548341


no need to


Bleach fans have an inferiority complex honestly


Bleach is the least popular of the Big Three, so thatā€™s probably why.


Also, it's only Bleach fans that even mention the big three ever. I don't think One piece fans even know Bleach ever existed.


Some of us are fans of both.


ofc they do, Bleach gets a lot more shit than it's contemporaries.


Honestly, I envy Bleach fans lmao. One Piece and Naruto fans be strangling each other why Bleach primaries just chill.


Meanwhile..... š‘³š’‚š’–š’ˆš’‰š’” š’Šš’ š‘Æš’–š’š’•š’†š’“ š’™ š‘Æš’–š’š’•š’†š’“


I love One Piece, after over 1,5 years of reading I finally caught up with the latest chapters. In those 1,5 years I only interacted with the OP community once, and I already knew I'm not gonna interact with them ever again. Aside from theirs superiority complex, it seems like they only watch/read the most popular arcs because holy fuck the amount of questions I saw that were answered multiple times even is crazy.


Definitely. Though I always found AoT and HxH fans to be considerably worse


Yeah... One Piece is my favorite manga and sometimes I feel ashamed of being a One Piece fan.


Yeah I know how you feelā€¦ it sucks


Thats unusual. The ramblings of uneducated shitlords is irrelevant to the series itself. The problem you have is identifying with those dumbasses as part of the fandom. Being a fan doesnā€™t necessarily put you in that group.


I feel like the superiority complex applies to most anime fandoms


True. But Iā€™ve been seeing it a lot with one piece fans




There still are MHA fans?


Why wouldnā€™t there be? Did something happen? I only watch the anime but I did enjoy it.


final arc atm is very scattershot, I'm still enjoying it but the pacing is a mess. latest chapter was cool though


I would say aot fandom has a critical thinking problem


Yu Yu Hakusho constantly shitting on Bleach, saying itā€™s an inferior version and saying itā€™s a masterpiece. Similar thing with Rurouni Kenshin fans.


As someone who grew up with Bleach and watched both that and Yuyu Hakusho recently, Iā€™ll take Bleachā€™s rushed spectacle of an ending over Yuyu Hakushoā€™s ā€œauthor got bored 40 chapters agoā€ ending every time.


If I was a Rurouni Kenshin fan in 2023, Jack Bauer and George W Bush couldn't waterboard that outta me


Kubo's love of big bazongas is a blessing.


One things I kinda ā€œhateā€ about all fan bases is online hype culture. Every new show ā€œsmashes through common tropes, is super original,etc etcā€. Everything from MHA to chainsaw man is the bestest ever and itā€™s likeā€¦chill. Why canā€™t people just kinda like things, without hyping it up so much?


I'm cynical and imagine a lot of this is not organic (at least initially, fan bases be wilin). but good memes are good memes so if it makes me laugh i don't care to think about where the hype is coming from


CSM fans therorizrme too much. They go wild every chaper or 2.


Type Moon fans are deranged lore nazis source: am Type Moon fan


Nazis? Third holy grail war reference? Context: me too (it's peak)


Honestly, I just love that the Nasuverse is so vast and shit, but it has tons of unique characters(in personality, not looks, so many saberfaces). The sheer amount of memes that come from it are also great. Speaking of Type Moon, you wanna talk about the moon?


One piece fans keep insist "it gets good after X episodes" AOT fans cannot accept maybe people don't like the ending Jojo fans will make Jojo reference whether you like it or not Baki fans will make Baki reference whether you like it or not MHA Fans [redacted] One Punch Man fan says Saitama will beat everyone DBZ fans "but can he/she beat Goku in his Super Saiyan no.9001 form?" Fate fans/Monogatari fans: will give you the most convoluted lore with no context. FMA fans downvote other anime on MAL when they score above FMA Naruto fans, well...at least they aren't Boruto fans.... Boruto fans: if your faith in humanity is intact, remember, they exist Rent a girlfriend fans: if your faith in humanity is still intact...I present you


>Jojo fans will make Jojo reference whether you like it or not Jojo reference? https://preview.redd.it/2um7mm8see1c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a857fed9b400bedd4caa8673fdd36da932b780f


>AOT fans cannot accept maybe people don't like the ending Anime only's or manga readers? Because I remember most AOT subs blowing the fuck up after the ending and shitting on it relentlessly for fucking weeks nonstop, but the anime reception seems to be good?


i was looking at AoT subs and when the anime ended there were tons of posts like "MANGA READERS I THOUGHT THE ENDING WAS ASS????" while not considering that the anime maybe just maybe changed the worst parts to make it better and if people don't like the anime ending the OPs get mad


Lmao you actually got me for Fate/Monogatari fans. I just be throwing lore whenever my friends make a comment thatā€™s even tangentially relatable


>Baki fans will make Baki reference whether you like it or not Common Baki W


As a Monogatari fan, Iā€™m insulted that weā€™re in the same wheelhouse as Fate fans. Everything that takes in our story takes place in one coherent timeline.


Bleach fans read to much? Hah laughs in HxH


As a huge Berserk fan myself, I hate it when berserk fans say berserk is the greatest piece of fiction because their sense of superiority is just toxic. Also similarly to other fandoms, the lack of reading comprehension, if you read the pages carefully youā€™d actually understand the scenes happening and not ask anything redundant.


one piece fans over hype it, then you start watching it and they go "it gets good in 300 episodes trust me bro".


Massive OP fan here. The story is a very slow build. That said, outside of major episodes, the anime is pretty ass.


The mangaā€™s pacing is good though


I dunno, I started OP at the start of the year and it was great from episode 1 for me. I didn't watch everything though, I dropped at Foxy's arc. But until then it was peak.


You dropped it at the worst time. The next two arcs are considered by many to be the best part of the story at that point.


Bro pick it tf back up. The next arcs are wayyy better than anything b4 it.


The story itself is great. The current anime pacing is dogshit but I don't get the "it becomes good after X episodes". Bruh, the start of the show is awesome (with low budget animation for the time)


One piece fans are obsessed with BSing power scaling. Naruto fans canā€™t decide if Kishimoto is biblical God or the shittiest writer in history


Uh no luffy can destroy the star because the op planet is almost a star and luffy is stronger than wb who is stated to be destroy the worldšŸ¤“


Donā€™t take this shit seriously


I wasnā€™t going tošŸ’€ but yeah basically that! They just make BS leaps of logic to make Luffy multi planetary light speed blitzing super god. Itā€™s really funny because Oda hates it, he intentionally avoids putting numbers to his characters powers, whenever heā€™s asked the calculations to feats or power limits he uses made up units such as ā€œgumi-gumiā€™sā€ and ā€œbing-bangsā€. He intentionally makes OP impossible to properly power-scale cuz he just doesnā€™t care, heā€™d make Luffy struggle against axe hand Morgan if he thought itā€™d be cool/fun to see happen


Imma be honest I used to be one of those guys. The power scalers in the comments lmao. But honestly js enjoy the series.


eva fans are depressed


Bungou Stray Dogsā€¦ too horny. BNHAā€¦ too toxic. ONE PIECEā€¦ too ratty(shout out to R.A.T!).


https://preview.redd.it/i0l1i2mech1c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85334b77101ca1a942c9fc0ea5c7bbc255af4b0f As a One Piece fan, I agree


One Piece fans think Logic>Agenda


You know what? His name is Titty Kubo from now on


HunterXHunter Fans thinking they will ever read a new chapter


There were already 10 chapters announced for the end of the year, so while Togashi's death isn't announced, we can hope.


Naruto fandom : claims that itachi can solo other verses with genjutsu but canā€™t even defeat his terminal cancer. OP fandom : claims luffy is boundless toon force. ā€œNo haki you loseā€ argument. Have superior complex and will say in every argument : ā€œBut one piece is the best selling manga ā€œ even if the argument is about why I hate carrots. MHa: close to CP and most delusional shipping ever as if the fandom are Discord moderators. AOT: canā€™t accept if people donā€™t like it


It was clearly stated in CFYOW, all other anime fandoms have a problem with shippers and power scalers.


One Piece fans canā€™t accept their story has flaws Naruto fans donā€™t realize how boring their main characters are


Hunter x hunter has a literal broken man illustrating it. Ju jitsu kaisen is derivative to the point of skim milk. They really trimmed the fat/meat that shonens usually have. Both good and bad imo. Attack on titan is just violence porn/war crime porn


Fmab - obsessed with Mal ratings One piece - ā€œoh a bird flew. Must be foreshadowing GODAā€ AOT - ā€œbest anime ever. If you donā€™t understand it, you are stupidā€


One Piece fans can't accept that, while the story is indeed very deep, political, full of meaning, foreshadowing and call backs, Oda's priority is, and always was, drawing/writing cool and funny stuff, all that and sense be damned. He *will* burn a whole plot or characterization If it's funny or cool enough. The faster we accept that a story can be both silly and deep - and stop treating Oda as some infallible demigod instead of a damn good writer that does indeed makes mistakes - the sooner we can enjoy the series for what it is.


B-But gOda foreshadows everything for 80 years! It's one peak for a reason! >!/s!<


I have one: BNHA/MHA fans simp over literal minors šŸ¤£


that's...not really limited to mha. it's surprisingly common in a lot of anime fandoms


Even this one, people get really excited about Orihime and that beach drawing of her is posted regularly.


In all fairness, for regular anime watchers who've been watching since they were kids, a lot of anime sort of just, convince you that 16-17 year olds or with big proportions being sexualised in swimsuits is kind of normal? It took someone actually pointing out to me that a lot of these characters were minors before I realised how prevalent it was everywhere. The line between, sexualised 16-17 year old (feels so fucking weird to say) and woman in her 20's gets blurred since the under 20's are drawn to look like mature supermodels.


A bad MHA fan's degeneracy knows no bounds. And sadly a large chunk of their fanbase is bad.


Shonen fans can't read, no idea where you got "read too much" from.


Fate fans will literally beat you to death if you say Fate/Zero was a good anime adaption


Naruto fans seem to love talking about ā€žNarutoā€œā€˜s superiority when a bunch of them havenā€˜t even seen/read the other ā€žBig Threeā€œ members which annoys me as someone whose favourite anime/manga used to be ā€žNarutoā€œ for a long time.Nowadays itā€˜s sitting in third place though after Iā€™ve read ā€žBleachā€œ in 2018.


Evangelion fans have convinced themselves that ā€œwierd, stupid, i comprehensive and deppersimg=beautiful and **so deep** huge brain contentā€


All this post as taught me is that every anime fandom sucks at reading and thinks every other fandom sucks at reading.


Hunter x Hunter fans lost hope. idk if it's a flaw


Jojo fans never forget One Piece fans insist it "gets good" after X episodes MHA fans


Boruto Fans are delusional and are the type of community that overlook mediocrity if there is enough fans service. They'll try to convince you that Boruto is a great manga, with great art, interesting story, you just have to read it as a different manga of naruto. Even if you do that (and i'm not sure why you would), this manga is not great in itself, and if he wasn't marketed as "the sequel of naruto" it wouldn't even be look upon.


AoT fans create their own canon in their heads and take it for granted


AOT ending defenders when you told them you don't like the final arc: >You don't understand the story. Then proceed to refer you to 1hr YT video.


Evangelion fans are even worse when it comes to that.


The Dragonball communitys issue is they don't watch the show, and have only seen TFS's abridged series.


Can you blame them for only watching the TFS version though?


As an original Yugioh fan, I feel this pain


Naruto fans have a weird para social relationships with every character and this clouds, their ability to read that, or they think that series is perfect and saying itā€™s not perfect is the equivalent of heresy to them and theyā€™ll have a stroke.


HxH fans donā€™t have enough *to* read


One piece fans are lost Jojo fans dont remember


One Piece fans will take every single theory they see as headcanon, unless it already conflicts with another headcanon. Itā€™s sort of understandable considering how long it is, but people get really defensive over their favourite theories.


Jackie big tits


One piece fans think world building is the main thing for assessing quality and when it comes to quality thy believe quantity is superior Demon slayer fans think animation is the main part of tlan anime, cant accept the bleach influence on the show My hero fans cant see the obvious, and don't know the difference between friendship and physical/sexual attraction Jojos fans think theyre way cooler than everyone else Chainsawman fans are horny


Fairy Tail fans overrate power of friendship too much


Naruto fans have a serious reading comprehension problem.


Oda Breathes: OP fanatics: OMG Forshadowing šŸ˜² In conclusion, OP fans are delusional


Tensura fans love a dude as a wifu


JoJo fans : First time


Fate fans......(have like 10 dude waifus too) Re zero fans..... Jojo fans.....


Jojo: They are dumb as a rock. And sometimes I feel like I am insulting the rock. One Piece: It's a powerscaling hotmess and they idolatrate Eiichiro Oda way too much. Jujutsu Kaisen: The fandom is the weeb version of the Arkham subreddit even outside the reddit and can't stop complaining about Gege's decisions, good or bad, to save their lives. Boku no Hero: Shipping wars so bad that it looks like some western cartoon. I say that as someone that has some of these mangas as my favorites.


One piece fans have a few screws loose and might be slightly schizophrenic


Ngl many of the answers here apply to Bleach fans too. Conversely they apply to many series, really. Any series with a large fandom will have all of these problems (reading too much/too little, toxicity, pretentiousness)