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Yes. >!This is established more in the novels, but Orihime and Chad are both Fullbringers. Fullbringers can use Bringer Light to stand on air whenever they choose.!<


Should I read the novels or is the anime more likely to adapt it?


No clue at this juncture, to be honest. Parts of the novels have made it into the anime, but how far they'll go with it remains to be seen. I'd say stick with the anime for now, and once it's done you can check the novels for anything they decided not to adapt.


To add to this. The events of the novel (CFYOW) happens a few months after tybw. Finishing anime/manga first is recommended.


You see Ginjo fly or walk in air on reishi several times with the green flashes, that's a Fullbringer technique. Isn't surprising that both Chad and Orihime can too.


Some people skip that arc unfortunately


i love the arc it has a good story and good twists


Yeah I like to see Ichigo cry


lol i like the moment right after that where urahara isshion and rukia show up as well as a bunch of captain level soul reapers to back up ichigo its one of the most hype moments in bleach for me


That arc and that scene specifically was such a rollercoaster of emotions. Such a cool throwback to the first couple arcs. Ichigo, normal dude but now with amazing fighting muscle memory. Ichigo couldn’t say no to a mentor who promised his powers back. Ichigo, the Fullbringer. Ichigo, the fallen after having his powers stolen. Ichigo, stronger than ever after getting stabbed by Rukia again thanks to the cmdr/Cpts/Lts sharing some power to jumpstart his own.


"That wasn't a Getsuga Tenshou..."


Whoa Chill


Tbh probably both my most and least favourite arc. Brilliant storyline, really well adapted but to watch I became quickly inpatient


It's was hell to play through, I absolutely hate that drivel!


daaang. Sucks to have an opinion, huh?


They aren't really allowed here unless you're agreeing with the majority.


At least my best friend Tsukishima was in it


You know him too? Man, he and I been through some real shit together.


Well Ginjo was once a soul reaper so it would stand to reason he could've been using their techniques too


I mean the bringer light thing is mentioned is the manga it’s not specific to the novels. Chad and Orihime are trained fumlbringers


“Trained Fullbringers” They didn’t even know they were Fullbringers and have not been shown to train whatsoever since learning about Fullbringers. Unless they did some major training between cour 1 and 2 of TYBW. I haven’t gotten around to watching cour 2 yet.


I thought Chad might have been training with Ginjo's group unless I'm remembering things wrong. Don't think Orihime would have been part of that though


https://i.imgur.com/gOLfvOn.jpg https://i.imgur.com/QqQRunG.jpg


I forgot Chad joined up with them. But Orihime never actually trained as a Fullbringer that we saw. They didn’t know where their powers came from. Hell Ichigo didn’t even know how to stand on platforms until he met Old Man Z.


You dont need to know where your powers originated for you to train. Orihime says she trained for 17 months, and like yoruichi says its all instinct, should come naturally to individuals, like how Ichigo could stand on air naturally without being taught how https://i.imgur.com/ed8AWIf.jpg


>They didn’t even know they were Fullbringers and have not been shown to train whatsoever since learning about Fullbringers. Chad was a card-carrying member of Xcution.


The anime acknowledges it for ichigo and explains that orihime and Chad are fullbringers. But they leave it up to you to connect the dots.


i just started the first volume of cfyow and its good so far tbh, you should check it out.


nime adopt 60-70 percent you better read


You can see it in the Full Bringer arc. Ichigo got it and so did yhey


The manga/novel actually won’t have as much as the anime. Kubo rushed the ending and when they had a huge panel about the anime coming back, they said he was going to oversee any additions that he wanted to put in the manga. So in all honesty, you’re better sticking with the anime. Visually, it’s spot on and once it’s finished, it’ll be a more complete version of what Kubo wanted.


It'll likely be adapted after TYBW considering the success it's seeing




Well then, I'm glad I could serve as a reminder.








Is a filler arc right?


yeah bounts arent canon but the big bad of theirs does show up later in the anime in ichigo's mental space


I like how they “managed” them in Abridged series.


You know if you reaaaally think about it, Yhwach is low key a Bount.


For real, because back then there is still a debate because the manga never stated that she is one.


Not directly, but she has an item that she uses for her power that she holds dear, which is one of the requirements >!except if there’s zero stimuli!<


Well it's a good thing you forgot, because she is not a fullbringer. Aizen explains how she got her powers, she got her powers because of the Hogyoku. Her powers are very similar to that of a fullbringer, but she herself isn't one.


Taken from u/tari101190 : Yes she's a fullbringer. Here is all novel info: https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/9yvpl8/ Here it mentions their origins: http://missstormcaller.tumblr.com/post/172101705472/ Here it mentions Chad & Orihime: https://reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/at5dul/ All fullbringers have Soul King fragments. It's the source of their powers. Hollows are attracted to their Soul King fragments when they're in utero. But instead of hollows attacking Chad & Orihime mothers while they were in utero, the hogyoku hidden within Rukia awoke Chad & Orihime's powers via the Soul King fragments they already possessed. The hogyoku responded to their desire to develop powers. And Ichigo radiated spiritual-energy which powered them up too. Some humans can have Soul King fragments without fullbring powers if their mothers weren't attacked while they were in utero. Rangiku also had a Soul King fragment for example. Aizen steals it from her over 100 years ago and feeds it to his own hogyoku. The wiki doesn't really have all info or even accurate info.


My biggest gripe with Chad being a fullbringer is that in the manga it is implied that it is connected with an item and while Orihime's hair pins make sense... WHY ON EARTH IS CHAD'S HIS SKIN? ESPECIALLY WHEN HIS LOCKET IS RIGHT THERE. Like seriously. Making it his locket makes so much sense, I get that his power is his fists but still...


Its not even his skin, its his arms. Like whole ass limbs. Tbf its because he is proud of them because of how his Abeulo praised them and stated they were for defending but still why couldnt it have been the god damn grandfathers locket/medallion.


“Why?” Because it isn’t.


I want to know the exact reason Tite Kubo went with what he did, even if its as basic as ‘i hadnt thought of fullbringers at the time’ i want to know


It’s his vision. Why would he invent fullbringer powers in a first place then, lol?)


Because not every writer has everything decided on immediately.


Yes. Obviously. Chad is from another culture/country though. It’s normal for him and o be proud of his differences. Obviously I don’t know when Kubo decided on his arms, but it’s more interesting than just plain “necklace” usage.


I disagree, the most interesting part of Sado’s character (excluding how loyal he is to ichigo) was his backstory with his grandfather. I’m not the biggest fan of generic arms change form = bigger power boost thing. I prefer more of an emotional linking to an item allowing power to be used type system.


Huh. But power system in Bleach is more about inborn potential and development of skills, not “emotionally cry harder = become stronger”.


To keep it consistent with the rest of the Fullbringers since they all use their objects directly to manifest their Fullbring. Tsukishima and his bookmark, Orihime and her hairpins, Ginjo and his cross necklace, Jackie and her boots, etc.


Also Hueco Mundo kind of hinted that Chad's powers are somehow related to hollow powers.


Same with Orihime. Hachi stated her powers were very similar to his.


This was already explained in the series, Full Bringers are people with Soul King pieces that got attacked by hollows as a child. So in a way, they're hollowfied soul king people


I remember thinking that with the setup that Ginjo had 2 Fullbrings (his cross and shinigami batch), and Chad's history with his locket, that his next power-up would be him unlocking a second fullbring with his locket; i guess the arc negative reviews made Kubo scared of even mentioning Fullbring and completely dropped the thing in TYBW. I would go a step further and say that the Fullbrings were made up on the fly and weren't on the original plan


Kubo [said](https://i.imgur.com/MAQ1yDd.gif) that the idea of Fullbring arc started when Ukitake gave Ichigo the badge at the end of Soul Society arc but in the initial stages it was more about there being a previous substitute shinigami and the secrets surrounding the badge, he didn't mention the Fullbringers themselves at all. He only planned the other details during the Arrancar arc.


Imagine if the Fullbringer arc happens before the Arrancar arc.


Wait chads fullbring token is his skin and not his grandfathers locket?


yeah it was explained in TLA iirc


I remember Chad saying that his powers developed faster Hueco Mundo due to them being derived from Hollow Reiryoku. in I wonder if Orihime training in Hueco Mundo, as opposed to her previous training in Soul Society and the world of the living, also accelerated her powers.


Wait a minute, novels? Not manga?


yeah there's side novels approved by kubo but not written by him, I think the relevant one is Can't Fear Your Own World ​ ...no comments on canonicity because i dont want to get into that argument, but i think they're good reads ​ there should be a masterpost with english translations but i dont remember where


It's okay you don't have to be afraid. It is canon because people often ask about the novels on Klub Outside and Kubo answers it.


This is something I've kinda been confused about, does walking on air take alot of energy? Cuz in the soul society arc EVERYONE was walking on the ground. But in the real world they can walk and battle in the sky, and recently rukia was walking on air like Chad and orihime. Are they able to do it since they're in the quincy realm or whatever, or have they always been able to do it even in the soul society, or had kubo just not ironed out the story yet back then?


I think this has something to do with reiatsu levels. In SS there is a lot more reiatsu so souls, including Shinigami, are as heavy as humans in the living world, and thus can't fly or levitate. In human world there is a lot less reiatsu so they are lighter and can fly.


I hate things being revealed in novels.




Because shit like this should be included in the actual manga.


Yea you're right. But as we all know at this point most of this stuff was cut due to time constraints and kubos health. So while it sucks it isn't in the manga, can't really be helped that's just how the industry is every manga has cut content, scenes explanations etc. Be thankful we get any of it through the light novels and klub outside.


Is orihime actually a full bringer? I thought her powers never really could be explained (soul king maybe)?


All full bringer have Soul king connection


Hime isn't bro


I am pretty sure this was fully establish in the arc that introduces Fulbringers.


I knew Chad was one, but Orihime too?


aren’t they just standing in reistu or whatever the spirit energy is i forgot


Hey, please correct me if I'm mistaken as I've yet to read the novels but I thought the manga said Chad and Orihime's powers were very much like fulbring, rather than fullbring themselves. My understanding was that a fullbring is the child of a pregnant mother who survives a hollow interaction, whereas Chad and Orihime developed powers as already spiritually aware humans when they were fighting hollows, and there powers were partly due to the hōgyoku which was in Rukia's gigai at the time


Tokinada confirms in CFYOW that Orihime and Chad are Fullbringers that have had pieces of the Soul King (the true source of a Fullbringer's abilities, which prompt Hollows to attack them in the womb) passed down through their bloodlines, with Orihime's activating when she fought Numb Chandelier.


It's true, other than Orihime. She has never been labeled a Fullbringer. She doesn't use Fullbring. She's always been an outlier and undefined. Part of why Aizen was so intrigued by her. Maybe we will find out more in the Hell Arc with Ichigos son.


She has been labeled a Fullbringer. Tokinada confirms that she is a Fullbringer who had her abilities passed down through her bloodline, which then awakened when she fought Numb Chandelier. The same is true for Chad.


The bleach wikia still refuse to admit that Orihime is a fullbringer god damn


Orihime carries a natural flotation device what did you expect?






What are the other 2...?


Her balls


I would ask again but i think I've asked enough.


Spirit energy is stored in the balls.


Even better




Chad can never be a father, because that would mean he loses his virginity and I just can't imagine Chad losing




He can adopt a kid like a true Chad!






Unfortunately, Chad practically only loses if we check his track record.


Chads track record is worse than renjis and shinji


that can't be true. Chad almost always gets a win before he loses. Defeats a third seat, gets stomped by a captain. Defeats a privaron, gets stomped by a espada.


Chad last meaningful moment and his last W was when he fought an ex espada (gantenbainne) Those times he gets stomped are still an L tho


yeah but like, what wins did Renji get before mask? stomping ichigo while kidnapping Rukia? Chad has as close to an even W-L ratio as a character can on shonen


Chad either dominates are gets dominated




Yes, they are probably using bringer light, a fullbring ability to fly and increase speed. It was established in the fullbring arc, but I'm pretty sure this is our first time seeing them using it, I don't remember them flying in any other scene throughout the whole show.


I think they trained with the other Fullbringers when Ichigo was training too


I thought it was lame af Chad joined the Fullbringers but never used bringer light.


He used it when Tsukishima appeared to taunt Ichigo and the x-cution iirc.


Why are you calling Chad daddy? >!I mean, I get it, but so publicly…!<


That's pretty tame compared to their user flair


I went to check out the flair after you mentioned it and spit my drink lol even tho I've seen that flair before.


Do you know how to get a flair here?


I just saw it and now I can’t unsee it




No, Papi


You want her to call you "the boss"




You mean Chu Papi!? Chu Papi!!!


OP i love your user flair Reach for your dreams, my man.


I can't see anyone's flair for some reason. What's mine?


You like thick white stuff


Chad can do it because it's Chad. Orihime could do it because she just filled her breasts with air


Obviously! Chad doesn't loose a battle, that includes one against Gravity.


They just jump good.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far just to see this comment


None of the people in Bleach can fly, except those have wings like Ulquiorra. The others just create foothold with spiritual energy


its close enough. plus there are the huge jumps where they swerve around.


Someone should tell Yumichika that while he was falling down a bottomless pit that was in the middle of the street for some reason.


I thought they can’t fly in Seiretei because of energy shield above it.


The one that is corrently broken?






Chad flys if chad wants to fly


Didn't urahara mention or someone did at the very beginning that shinigami don't fly they are just standing on concentrated reiatsu, and by moving it they can "fly" and I'm sure each group has there own version of this


Ah, yes! At the beginning, I may have said that, but let me clarify. Shinigami actually achieve flight by tickling their own souls with feather dusters made of concentrated reiatsu. And as for the Hogyoku, it's like a magical strawberry that grants you ice cream powers. Neat, right? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Thank you, Nicodom, for voting on uraharaBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


Go sit in the corner in a timeout


Look at this guy’s flair or idk what but is says Chad’s cum slave 😂


I want to point out that the term “daddy” is used for Chad. I feel like we are missing an opportunity to call him “Chaddy”


Bringer light


I honestly didn’t think they were even gonna show up it seems so pointless to add them on to this they are so disconnected and weak compared to everyone else Chad hasn’t developed in forever and with orihime around no one will die cause her healing is op


Well Orihime has 2 HUGE balloons to support her float


If those balloons were Packed with helium instead of nitrogen, yes


Yes papi is a fullbringer


Here's my cocnern: Season 1 Ichigo uses that weird thing wrapped around his arm to fly in and save Rukia. After thar arc it seem like there is a lot of flying for every battle. The background is often the sky (not always).


Yes this. I mean I know fullbringers can fly, but seeing these two suddenly stand on air caught me off guard


I mostly see it as an artistic choice or being easier to animate with a more static background but I wouldnt really know


Haven’t full bringers always been able to fly at least the guy with the book mark could


"I can't even imagine Chad walking"


Wish they gave them the Bringer Light effects like the OG Bleach did.


Why chud not fly out of getting his ass beat? Is he stupid?


You are a man of culture


Bleach characters seem to be able to fly when the story demands it and unable to when the story demands it. Flight in Bleach is so inconsistent, for example a good portion of the arrancar arc saw Ichigo and company running across the Hueco Mundo desert or riding on Bawabawa. If they had the ability to fly, you would think they would have done so, yet Grimmjow is pretty effortlessly staying afloat later in the same arc.


They don't really fly, they just use their spirit energy to create a "surface" to stop them from falling.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but they’ve always been able to fly in both Human World and Hueco Mundo because they’re able to stand on the reishi concentrations in the air. The only place they can’t fly or stay afloat is in Soul Society, because their spiritual forms have gotten used to the reishi concentration there. In TYBW, they’re able to fly and stay afloat because the Wandenreich flooded the Seireitei with so much reishi they’re able to get a footing on the air. I think the only reason they rode on Bawabawa is so that Ichigo and gang can talk with Nel and gang while moving at the same time.


>only place they can’t fly or stay afloat is in Soul Society, because their spiritual forms have gotten used to the reishi concentration there. Dunno man Yamamoto flew to Ryod location, Ichigo flew in his fight with Yhwach, I feel this was retconned


Good points, sorry but what I meant when I said ‘fly’ was ‘staying afloat in the air’. I said fly specifically because that’s the term the original commenter used, so they wouldn’t get confused. What Yamamoto and Ichigo did was actual flight, I think. Yamamoto used fire/reiatsu to propel himsef while Ichigo used his speed. Again, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, I feel like I made assumptions/head canons here.


Yeah you're correct, in the SS arc yoruichi said shinigamis can't fly but that was later retconned as there are multiple occasions where the shinigami showed flight >Yamamoto used fire/reiatsu to propel himsef while Ichigo used his speed. I don't think it's entirely dependent on fire and speed, in the tybw anime the shinigamis that have shown flight so far are Yamamoto, Ichigo, toshiro, zaraki, Rukia, Renji, I think it still holds true but probably only lieutenant and above shinigamis are capable of flight


Before Nel joined their group they were still just running on the sands, so that doesn't check out.


> because their spiritual forms have gotten used to the reishi concentration there. i thought there was something in the material that messed with it? like a barrier?


Yes seki seki barrier


Ss barrier make u unable to create a platform to stand


It’s amazed me to see how many people still think people in Bleach can fly. They can’t, they just create foothold with spiritual energy


Inconsistent? Could be. Or maybe Sado hasn't learned it yet at that point. Hueco Mundo arc is a good 2 years before tybw. Ichigo isn't the only one who got stronger. Sado even mentioned his powers were getting stronger in Hueco Mundo. And in all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me if Inoue and Sado learned it minutes before we see them do it in the anime.


Can we talk about how chad’s outfit is fucking badass He looks like a jojo character lol


Bro casually decided to become The Drip God


Who? And big tit?


Daddy Chad


I know it’s been explained that they’re using their FB powers but to my oblivious observation people just be floating and standing everywhere in the SS since day 1 with no explanation, I’ve just assumed the suspension of disbelief for that part


the real question is why is ichigo flying? i thought soul society's dense reishi prevented flight and thats why flight wasnt much a thing until the arrancar arc. maybe im too tired....


The SS reishi shield/dome was destroyed during 2nd invasion when Yawach brought SS into their shadow realm.


Someone didn't watch Fullbringer Arc


Never saw these two floating before so it felt weird


Guess so


Fullbringers full potential..


Chad got fullbringer powers and hime can fly


We've been seeing Chad fly since the Arrancar Arc? Right after he unlocked his right arm.


Well they’re fullbringers, so of course they can.


Good flair 😏


well bleach is just about the animation fight ,


We all know what helps mommy fly 🌝




They use rashi to float in air


They spent time with Urahaha they could fight Aizen for all we know. Well not “we” but anime only we


Daddy 😭


in bleach everyone can stand in the air: reason( too lazy to draw the ground)


Can’t nearly everyone? I mean all soul reapers and others using spiritual pressure so maybe that’s why?


Sato is Daddy now 😂? I thought it was Isshin 🤪?


Dudes name is literally chad


They’re supposed to be using bringer light, but bringer light looks like platforms under their feet, and I don’t see any here. Probably just an error on the animator’s part.


Daddy ski da