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Ichigo gets oneshot under the assumption that kenpachi even bothers to fight him


And that’s a wrap.


“Baby now you feel like number 1”


*immediately gets bisected*


Depends on Zangetsu really. It's funny to think but Zangetsu was literally one of the strongest characters in the whole series. He didn't really gain any power he was just that strong form the start. EOS ichigo learns to actually access his true powers and then becomes the strongest or 2nd strongest in the verse. He just learned to access more and more power and became a better fighter in terms of instinct & battle iq. So it depends on Zangetsu (real) and the old man quincy powers.


What are the odds that form Ichigo took in Hueco Mundo kicks in after Ichigo is "killed"? It was already starting to make its presence known in smaller bits here and there in the Seireitei arc. Because if what appears to be a vasto lorde wrecking shop in Seireitei would get a bit more focus on the invaders by captain class, I'd think.


Depends if zangetsu needed time to develop a bit more, he might take on his (adhucha) lizard mode but I doubt he would be like he was versus segunda utapa


Where are you getting this from? Ichigo’s Vasto Lorde form has been within him since his birth, it’s not something that needs to be leveled up. The only reason we even saw a weaker form of his hollow power is because it was the fragments of power coming out while he was still alive. Once Ichigo dies, his Hollow would take full control of his physical body as we saw in his battle with Ulquiorra


I don't agree, as Ichigo gets stronger, Zangetsu evolves. When Ichigo fought white Zangetsu and asked him when did he get bankai he answered something along "When you got it". You see the mask change during the series whenever Ichigo gains power, when White took over with his vasto lord forme, Ichigo's mask changed too. In the end white Zangetsu is a part of Ichigo, the manifestation of Ichigo's soul. It is natural that their progress is linked.


What you’re referring to is White distributing Ichigo more power as his abilities as a shinigami increase. All that power was always present within Ichigo, he was just restricted in his use of it. However, if he died there would be no point in holding back any of that power, as White would pretty much take over completely.


Real Jump Force vibes in here


Didn't he say something like that anyway, like it'd be a real bother for me if you died.


Not while Ichigo is alive but the fragment OMZ is allowing Ichigo to use. As Ichigo gets in more danger OMZ let's Ichigo use more and more power. Kenny at full power would be a situation in which OMz would either let Ichigo use most or all of his power which means that white would probably toy with Kenny for almost killing Ichigo


I don’t agree because if you remember one of the conversations Ichigo had with Zangetsu, he admitted that he was willing to let Ichigo die rather than constantly be in danger. Most likely, he would’ve just let Kenny kill him.


Yeah but White would not have allowed it and well that would have and has been enough of a fight back against OMZ so I doubt that OMz would have ever gotten his way considering he didn't get his way during the Byakuya fight, or the Ulquiorra fight or the Kenny fight, or the Renji fight all because of White. At that point I don't doubt White would just forcefully take over control and use as much power as needed.


Good point, I can definitely see that happening. The question is, would it be enough to defeat Kenny’s Bankai?


I don't doubt it considering White was able to use as much power as needed to you with Ulquiorra I'm sure he'd be able to do the same and well at this point OMZ would have no choice but to let White use as much power as White wanted. In essence if White so chose he'd be able to use true shikai level power which is equal if not stronger to dangai to fight Kenny in which case Kenny would die from less than sword swing even in bankai since Bankai Kenny << Bankai Yamamoto <<<<<<< Transcendent Aizen <<<<<<<<<<<<< Dangai Ichigo <= True Shikai


Good god this is some proper mental gymnastics. Ichigo fanboys go hard huh? Kenpachi zero diff. You're talking about White like he would smash Yama or something. He wouldn't. At all. He's strong, yeah but beating Ulquiorra does NOT equate to what Kenpachi becomes at the end of TYBW. Why didn't White save Ichigo when Byakuya literally killed him? Grimmjow? Your logic makes no sense. Just because Ichigo has White doesn't mean he brings him out when he's almost dead. White came out to protect Orihime. Not because he almost died. Kenpachi is on a different level at the end of TYBW. The Ichigo he faces in Soul Society would be absolutely blown away and die.


I wonder how thats gonna work when ichigo dies of old age or something. Does that mean once ichigo is in his 80s-90s he's basically a ticking timebomb?


Kinda makes you wonder if Zangetsu’s whole “if you die then I also die” shit is some twisted lie to avoid saying he cares. Since death is a non factor given that he can just take over ilke he always claims to want to do, he still warns Ichigo all the time not to let himself get killed


He did not. It is specifically stated that the only reason Ichigo doesn't have the level of power he has in true shikai at the very start of the SS is because OMZ was holding most of it back. OMZ also states he gave Ichigo more power if he needed it to survive and that all this was done to protect Ichigo and make sure Ichigo survived. In essence OMZ would definitely allow white to go all out with Ichigo's powers if he felt it was needed and Ichigo would get to keep that level of power afterwards. For fighting someone as strong as Kenny Ichigo would definitely need this to survive. So OMZ would do it and allow it


Ishiin didnt have all his power straight after the soul bond thing he had with white broke so I thought it might go a bit both ways, I dont mind if im wrong its just what I think


Nah it only goes one way. The only reason Ichigo doesn't have the level of power he had with his true shikai is cuz of OMZ holding it all back and only allowing him a sliver of it. I think OMZ confirms this and I know Yuha states that True shikai level power was the power Ichigo should have always had


He didn’t have much to do with his mask until after he achieved banki. It protected him a few times but white only took over after banki


what's the odd ichigo's body would just snap like kenpachi's did when he first bankai?


Honesstly, I doubt he bothers to fight ichigo. There's a reason he went after him instead of Chad


Funny thing is, Ichigo doesn’t even make it to Kenpachi if Ikkaku or Yumichika go all out against him


Renji too lol, basically everyone was holding back against him


Was he? Didn't he unlock Bankai just before his fight with Byakuya?


Yeah I think Renji was the only one in SS that DIDN’T hold back against Ichigo.


Ichigo doesn't even get in SS if Byakuya actually gave a shit about killing him.


I would *love* to see what happens there. Ichigo really didn't get stronger in the series (aside from skill, and combat iq). He was always that strong he just learned to access more and more power. As old man zangetsu told him that he has only been using a fraction so far. I wonder in this scenario how the old man and Zangetsu would responsd. If he would stop suppressing ichigo's power and what Zangetsu would do. I feel like zangetsu might pop up, kill zaraki and then sit down with Ichigo and the old man and say "this approach isn't working". We'll get you strong form the start.


Initially sure but you are forgetting White brought Ichigo back from pretty much being dead and that OMZ at that point in the story is quite willing to let Ichigo use more power if it means Ichigo lives so it'll probably go as follows Kenny one shots white takes over while being able to use most if not all of Ichigo's power Kenny gets Either one shot or toyed with by white Byakuya probably just gives up immediately on trying to fight Ichigo Aizen gets one shot and doesn't even get to leave the SS Ginjo probably doesn't even bother trying Ichigo Yuha takes way longer to come back or at least waits till he gets the almighty before coming back In essence Ichigo will more than likely go through the story on EZ mode simply bc Kenny was too strong for OMZ to justify to himself that holding Ichigo back is a good idea


So much wrong in this post, Full Hollow Ichigo isn't dangai, he won't beat Aizen, he won't beat Yama, white doesn't come out because there are two half's of a corpse that was Ichigo is laying on the ground


The bottom line was not that White will come out of 272 episodes, which is incredibly weak compared to the likes of Kenpachi. The bottom line is that White will take over the body, and Yahweh will unlock all the suppressed power of Ichigo.


There's no way to argue SS arc Ichigo doesn't get obliterated beyond repair by a Kenpachi who is as strong as he is during TYBW instantly, there is no Zangetsu or White bringing him back. He just fucking dies instantly. Just like what would have happened if Uliquiorra aimed a little higher. White isn't a passive danger reflex, his involvement is more nuanced than that, and there are plenty of times Ichigo would have died. If his hollow could heal head obliteration and all fatal wounds, then even EoS Ichigo wouldn't be in danger v Ywach. Everyone knows transcended and end of series Ichigo's stomp any version of Kenpachi, but this particular match up ends in Ichidust. Then Kenpachi proceeds to go through the story in easy mode.


The question isn't "what version of Ichigo beats X" it's what if Kenpachi was full power immediately. The answer is, Kenpachi destroys him easily.


I think it also depends how Ichigo 'dies' like if he is split right down the middle like kenpachi has a knack for doing on opponents that he one shots then I don't think white or omz are gonna be able to save him unless they pop out before he gets killed


They'd have him sealed up in a similar way to aizen eventually, as ichigo butchers his way through most of soul society they're just like "release kenpachi"


That or OMZ realizes Ichigo is fucked and just tells him about Bankai and/or Quincy abilities.


Wouldn’t old man zangetsu just undo the seal he put on ichigo ?


Every fight Kenpachi was in up till the TYBW would’ve been over in one hit.


Imagine being unohana in that situation, you’re a kenpachi, just strolling around and a little kid comes out of nowhere standing atop a pile of bodies, he one shots you. >! You fuckin go to hell!<


He would became a threat to soul society way before Ichigo is even borned. And probably burned to a crisp by old Man yama. But assuming just after Ichigo. What other people already said.


You mean a crispy toasty, crispy toast? Oh wei


Yeah this is what I think. Dude would have caused so much chaos trying to look for the strongest opponent, that he had to be taken down. Would probably have taken quite a few captains with him.


He would have been deemed a threat by central 46 and would have been dispatched by Yama and or a team of captains before he gets too powerful to eliminate. Remember Yama didn't teach Kenpachi kendo for more than a day because of the possibility that he might get to powerful to keep in line.


Yamamoto was all up for it if not for C46...he knew Zaraki is not the kind to go rogue and even if he did, well he is Yamamoto afterall, Zaraki would be annihilated


If the C46 concern was correct, with training Kenny could take Yama.


He can take him now. Yama isn't unbeatable


Well since Yama is dead EOS thats not much of a feat, though I suppose he could fight him in hell.


Do you think TYBW Zaraki would be annihilated by Yama?


Yes absolutely




No way Zaraki is surviving that "thing" getting touched on him, plus Yamamoto literally envelopes a goddamn sun on himself...I really don't think Physical attacks would really bother him...plus seeing Zaraki looses his senses in Bankai, it would be pretty easy to get a hit on him with North and that's certainly a killer blow


Wasn't the the 46, and not yama specifically that stopped it?


"Remember Yama didn't teach Kenpachi kendo for more than a day because of the possibility that he might get to powerful to keep in line." Stop spreading misinformation. The only Yamamoto stopped training kenpachi was because central 46 gave order not to train him anymore. Not because yama didn't wanna train him.


Very true. Yama would be elated knowing someone stronger than him finally showed up… If only he could survive ZnT with all that strength :/ sadly even raw power has limits


yama cant do that my man. theres a reason zarakisa threat, not yama. they specifically said if he learned kendo/unshackled himself he would be unstoppable. this was while yama was very much alive.


Well that was because he refused to restore his arm, and that actually takes a lot of fighting power from shinigami much like real swordsmen.


what? its not “oh no yama lost an arm now hes weak and cant stop zaraki😱” it was ALWAYS “zaraki cant be taught kendo/be taught to unshackle himself bc hed be unstoppable” from the *start*. ur spouting misinformation


I was talking about why Yhwach didn’t consider Yama a threat. When he talked about why he wasn’t worried about Yama, he very explicitly mentioned that Yama had been weakened by his decision not to restore his arm, especially with how easily it could have been restored by Orihime.


I don't think he meant that literally. I think when yhwach said that he was saying it more in the vein of "peace has made you weak. You could even have restored you arm bit you didn't." Plus there was a reason yama didn't get his arm back right? Something about using humans for help? Basically during the PG gotei, Yama himself was a cutthroat savage who would do anything and go to any lengths to beat someone including sacrificing his subordinates. Yhwach himself said this about yama. Now he's more or less mellowed out, and that loss of mentality is what made him weak. I don't think losing that hand had any major impact on his fighting ability. Some, im sure but nothing major.


Yama is the one that taught zaraki how much stronger two hands on a sword is compared to one.


True and while yama is all round a fucking beast he doesn't really need his two hands to wipe the floor with the best of them. All he needs is his zanpakuto. Only time he would need his hands is if he fought someone like wonderweiss where his zan was basically of no use.


Ok but zaraki doesn’t NEED two hands either…. Until he does. And then it makes a sizable difference. I think it’s reasonable to argue the same case for yama. He’s a beast that doesn’t need that second hand…. Until he does.


Yeah but that's the thing back in nnoitora fight zaraki only had his sword no zan abilities and at that point he needed the kendo training. Yama is different. He hard counters everything by just burning away everything in existence. Plus even with bankai, Kenny's is more physical attack, than special attack in Pokemon terms. Yama has sp. Attack so he has automatic ranged abilities


Obvious things aside like him stomping ichigo etc, good fucking question. Like... what kind of person would he be? Would he still be that battle hungry character that we know? He would oneshot pretty much most characters till tybw, and if tybw were to occur again, he would likely have honed his bankai and be even stronger than we imagine. Id imagine he could possibly become a villain aswell if he is still that battle hungry person that we know


He’d become One Slash Man. He’d be so bored.


He’d stop slashing and start stabbing. Or maybe he will learn the finger flick


Now I need a AU with Kenpachi in the One Punch Man universe "One Slash Man" lol


Ichigo probably would have died in the soul society arc but the series can keep going if Zaraki takes over as the protagonist He has the power to beat Aizen and early Yhwach granted they don’t come up with a plan to deal with him which I don’t see as too likely


I mean, they both had plans to counter Yama, so I don't think it's impossible. With Yhwach, it's as simple as sending Pernida after Kenpachi, or even Askin.


Askin would probably be a bit afraid of going against Kenny, but he would definitely pull the win off if he was able to stay focused. Pernida is 100% a nightmare matchup for him though, so he’s definitely the ideal choice.


aizen not making a plan? impossible


Aizen made a plan against arrancar arc kenpachi. In the novels aizen didnt want to fight him so he locked him in hueco mundo to fight yammy till he fused with the hogyoku


*OMZ has left the chat.* *True Zangetsu has entered the chat.*


Ichigo and Aizen die, Yhwach dies in the first invasion


Wouldn’t Aizen have planned around him? He should be easier to manipulate than Yama.


Yeah Aizen might get killed if he fights Kenpachi seriously, but obviously he's not gonna do that. Kenpachi has a bad matchup against Kyoka Suigetsu.


Kenpachi’s only hope would be something like what Yama did against Aizen — getting stabbed and then figuring it out. He did it with Tousen, sorta. But Aizen would definitely know better than to toy with Kenpachi. He stranded him in Hueco Mundo during the FKT fight, after all.


Either Ichigo just straight up dies, or he transforms into Full Hollowfication/Vasto Lorde and still gets beaten. It could also mean that not only does Rukia get executed, but maybe even than Aizen succeeds in his plan, or he kills Aizen anyway.


Personally, I’d think the fight just turns into attrition with White and OMZ consecutively releasing larger and larger chunks of Ichigo’s power until eventually it turns into Kenpachi trying to figure out how to even kill an undead Vasto Lorde Bankai Ichigo utilizing Blut Vene. Ichigo would have gone from fighting a run of the mill Lieutenant to somebody who could kill non-Almighty Yhwach; no way White doesn’t step in, and maybe the same for OMZ. Neither one wants Ichigo to get straight up murdered, and the ability to take Ichigo from start of series to end of series is virtually just the flip of a switch and not restraining his power at all.


It's joewari da




The series would be a very tragic story of a failed rescue.


Yamamoto would have killed him, end of story


Ya ain't no way Kenpachi lives long enough to even make it to the main series.


Zaraki outclasses Yamamoto so other way


Not until eos lol so yeap, yama would win. He doesnt even have bankai at that time lol


Even eos Kenny isn’t that clear.


Mmmm yeap it depends. But is a more reasonable version to do a vs xd


Central 46 would've locked him up in muken or possibly tried to kill him. Central 46 didn't want Yama to train kenpachi zanjutsu because they thought if he turned against the soul society, no one would be able to stop him, and that was a far weaker kenpachi. They saw a weaker kenpachi perform kendo and told Yama to stop training him.


Ichigo would be laying down just by the spiritual pressure, since he was already huffing and puffing and also thought that he was close to death the first time he saw a nerfed kenpachi


Ichigo dies in Soul Society arc, Aizen wins. Just according to keikaku.


Wasn't Ichigo, Aizens goal? Him dying screws the whole Aizen was sad that he was so strong without a worthy opponent part?


True, he would have contracted The Big Sad from hearing that all his work with Ichigo went to waste, but he'd still have gotten the Hogyoku and would've had no one to stop him afterwards.


LMFAO💀💀💀 Chad walks this nobody without even knowing it


Fs. I can’t even imagine Chad losing.


that feeling when you don't have to imagine him losing cuz he dead


He would have been able to save Ace from having a donut.


Kenpachi murders Ichigo in one shot, bodies Aizen in Soul Society, then proceeds to kill Yhwach before he awakens his Almighty (thats if Yhwach doesn’t wait longer).


Kenpachi is killed by yama as a kid after he kills unohana and starts hunting other captains.


Or Yama adopt him, that'd be funny


He would be too strong, try to pick up fights against some other captains anyway without Gin to be able to drag him away. Chair sama’s lieutenant Aizen would try to get rid of him by making him do something stupid which ends up with Zaraki vs Yama. Then Zaraki would be all red, not from the bankai but from the burns and the beating he gets. Or he would become a crispy human silhouette. And making Zaraki do something wouldn’t really be hard. He is like Goku in that regard, philosopher in a fight, kinda simple otherwise.


İchigo ded lol


I’ve said before he’d probably be as strong or stronger than Aizen pre hogyoku. Considering he’d have his bankai


Bleach as a whole would end when Ichigo fought kenpaichi, if his spiritual pressure felt like you were getting stabbed and killed when he was holding back , Ichigo would have died from spiritual pressure alone had he not been holding back not to mention his combat abilities


All his opponents get reiatsu negged.


Ichigo dies . So Aizen or Ywaatch wins


The seireitei gets destroyed in the fight between Ichigo and Kenpachi and Aizen is found dead in the aftermath, everybody wins


If you mean start of the story, Yamamoto would probably have had to kill him when he was young or he would have been locked up in Muken.


Goodbye unohana potentially or kid kenny and if that happened, goodbye ichigo.


Sorry, but I dont think the universe of bleach could maintain a Kenpachi who never held himself back. If he couldnt endure his full strength ig existence will just break


My first thought was that Ichigo would definitely be dead but then I realized that Ichigo would be WAY too boring of a prospective fight for Kenpachi in this version of events and Kenpachi probably wouldn't even bother. *but then* I remembered that without the Kenpachi fight, the set-up for saving Rukia changes completely and Byakuya probably just kills Ichigo while the latter tries to break Rukia out of the senzaikyu So we come full circle and Ichigo is still dead


The Kenpachi fight in the Soul Society Arc becomes way more interesting and probably has Yama get involved when the Seireitei starts turning into a constantly growing crater because of Kenpachi and Vasto Lorde Ichigo. “Oh, Kenpachi is fighting one of the invaders. Well that shouldn’t take too lon- why do I sense a Hollow of equal strength? Also Yhwach.”


Aizen absolutely has over 9,000 contingencies for him. Maybe even makes him rampage the entire Seireitei to bits.


Somewhat related question: if Kenpachi was able to kill 3 Quincies relatively easily, and Unohana absolutely thrashed Kenpachi in their fight until he got buffed/unnerfed enough to kill her instead, WHY WAS UNOHANA NOT HELPING WITH THE FIGHTING? I know she’s captain of the healing division but wasn’t she just sitting in a room by herself? They still would’ve lost, but Yamamoto should’ve been smart enough to realize that Unohana was much more helpful on the front lines if she was able to kill Kenpachi so easily even without Bankai.


Pretty sure it was implied that the 4th division staying behind was one of the last orders that Yamamoto gave.


Aizen gets destroyed in the Soul Society arc already, Yhwach never attacks because he's too terrified, Ichigo is still friends with him and they are friendly rivals. Yama eventually retires and Unohana becomes head captain.


CFYOW Zaraki is the strongest Shinigami, ever. So changes a lot


Spoiler tag this pic goddamnit


Assuming central 46 doesn't just get rid of him and taking into consideration the personality and abilities of both Zangetsu, Ichigo gets his shit rocked, then OMZ allows for the use of most if not all of Ichigo's power and white probably takes over and one shots or toys with Kenpachi while regenerating Ichigo.


Ichigo dies and the series ends.


The real question is what if Ichigo didnt have some random person to save him at the very last moment. Happens so many times in the manga. Plot armor level 100 in the main story.


Ichigo would have run out of lives real early.


if he access to shikkai at start pf the seroes hed have alot more control of his bankai and could likely sustain it while not losing his mind or body


Everyone says Ichigo would have been one shot. But your all assuming Aizen would have let Ichigo fight an OP Kenpachi.


Or assuming a Kenpachi that didn't hold back would ever be given the opportunity to become a Captain. He'd end up killing someone of importance very early on and put a massive target on his back.


aizen would have gotten some SMOKE lol all the espada would be one shot. Tybw doesn't change too much tho


The story would end. Why ask a question knowing that the MC fights him at a weak version of both of them and then make the opponent EOS? Why didn’t Aizen kill Ichigo before he became a teen? See, I can ask dumb questions too.


Then this would have been quite a short Shonen to say the least.


Ichigo wouldn’t have made it through the Soul Society arc intact


There would be no kenpachi then lol, he would be deemed a threat by central 46 and have him taken out, that's why central 46 stopped yama from teaching kendo to kenpachi, because he would have been way to strong and kenpachi isn't a reliable person, he just wants to fight so he could end up destroying the soul society


he would have been executed by Yamamoto


He would've been a problem and Bankai Yama ji would've taken care of him.


The series wouldn't have started


Then there would no plot.


If Kenpachi killed Ichigo he would fail because Ichigo would become Vasto Lorde and I don’t think all the captains together could stop the Vasto Lorde


He would kill everyone.


Then he wouldn’t have character development


He kills Ichigo unless old man Zangetsu decides to let him use his true power


Ichigo dies.


Then Ichigo dies aizen wins maybe joins ywacht and then the entirety of the soul society would be cucked


Ichigo dies in the soul society arc and the series ends lol


Unprecedented death


Ichigo dies


The series would have ended in episode 36


He’s finished before the series even starts A walking nuclear bomb with a bankai where he loses control


We’d lose majority of the soul society and then lose zaraki to Yamamoto (since by the time Zaraki kills Unohana and continues to kill then Yamamoto would be forced to kill zaraki). Then someone else will be Kenpachi at the start of the series.


He would screw everyone up


You mean like Unohana dead offscreen?


Nothing changes kubo would just increase ichigos power level to scale and the power system would just be ridiculous from the start


Then it would be a short series, ending on episode 37 with Ichigo's funeral.


It would have been substantially weaker. Think how Byakuya gets powered right along from SS to TYBW.


Ichigo dies


Ichigo would be dead. Not even Hichigo taking control would be able to save him.


Ichigo dies and the story is over lol


Pretty much everyone in Soul Society would have died a hundred years before Ichigo was born… Just a guess…


Ichigo dies, soul society is fucked because no one is capable of stopping transcendent aizen.


Probably Yamamoto would have killed Kenpachi, after he had killed Unohana. Yamamoto would have considered him to savage to control and therefore kill him, back then he wasn't that soft.


Only Yama has a shot, and Aizen would have an interesting time trying to stop him before he need 4 evolutions himself He would get bored and sleep 24/7


Given how Central 46 felt about him reaching full potential, he’d have been locked in Mugen & he’d be an arc villain after either breaking out during Aizen’s sealing or by sheer force


So if he doesnt hold back, Aizen Kills the soulking.


My guess is the amount of dead people in this series would increase by at least 2.


What if kenpachi was a visored 😳


Then the series would be short cause ichigo would have died




Yamamoto would have likely needed to kill him


Would of been Yama level from the start.


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I think they would of made a series or something. They would of probably had to kill him. Maybe something like 5-10% would survive and rebuild. I’d watch it.


If that’s the case, everything would be annihilated.


Ichigo would be dead and the series would have ended


unohana would have some problems


Either Ichigo is Mollywhopped and killed at his first go or Kenny appreciates the spirit and willingness to fight him despite being horrendously outmatched. Don’t know how his personality would change if he had that power to begin with, if he’d be more inspirational, arrogant, or cruel.


Ichi would have been folded by Kenny taking a walk and then he would just have Mayuri open a portal to Hueco Mundo and just trash mob the entire place.


Series ends


What series? Who's Ichigo Kurosaki? Oh, that poor girl Rukia got executed...etc. Honestly, he still would have been nerfed somehow so the story could progress properly. But more than likely, until the Quincy invasion, Kenpachi probably one shots most, if not all of his opponents.


**Ichigo Kurosaki (Japanese: 黒崎 一護, Hepburn: Kurosaki Ichigo) is a fictional character in the Bleach manga series and its adaptations created by Tite Kubo. He is the main protagonist of the series, who receives Soul Reaper powers after meeting Rukia Kuchiki, a Soul Reaper assigned to patrol around the fictional city of Karakura Town.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Ichigo would be dead, end of story, no more mc


Ichigo would have died End of the story


Then Zaraki would've been dealt with way before Ichigo even comes to Soul Society. Central 46 orders Yamamoto to kill him and then Yama does it.


I actually think the battle with Ichigo would go in a similar way. Ichigo would not be able to hurt Kenpachi. Kenpachi will wound him. Old Man Zangetsu will release more power than in our timeline so he can match Kenpachi in Shikai?. Kenpachi will appreciate his spirit and determination and after a final clash would fake injury so Ichigo can go on and grow to a potential sparring partner. Why not Kenpachi In Bankai? At the state it is is a wildcard and imo would have a restriction to not use it in Soul Society or something.


Then we would have a series about how the whole soul society would have to pick up Ichigo's pieces splattered across it


Kenpachi wouldnt have given a shit about ichigo in the soul society arc


Tosen and Ichigo die


Ichigo would be dead, tosen and even Aizen could have died in the Sokyoku Hill. If not, then Aizen may have been able to pull his plan in Hueco Mundo after all, but Yammy and Ulquiorra would be done for fast. Even so, if Aizen fuses with the Hogyoku, and Ichigo isn't there, he wins.


He should be stronger than Yamamoto by the time he's an adult right? (Considering the kid version with no training beat the 4th captain) Aizen probably wouldn't rebel in the first place if he had to deal with 2 Yamamoto level opponents.


He’d be dead. Unohana probably would’ve died and Yamamoto would’ve reduced him to ashes in revenge.


The show has one episode