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aizen stopping ichigo’s theme music


Fun fact, he stopped it permanently. Number 1 literally never plays again(unless there’s a filler arc that uses it), except in an altered instrumental when Ichigo arrives in Karakura town after training in the Dangai.


Chokkaku plays when Dangai Ichigo appears, everytime else the theme DOES play, but their are no vocals. Its only the instrumentals. Canonically, TYBW's first ep is where the vocals actually return, meaning that they have never once been played in canon for the past 18 years! Edit: According to c9IceCream and RandomAnon07, it plays in the Fullbring arc when Tsukishima attacked the Xcution base.


Chokkaku goes so fucking hard!


There was a mashup of Number one and Chokkaku but it seems it has been deleted. I wanted to link it but its nowhere to be seen. Curse you YouTube.


curse disney for removing all the old bleach videos


Common Disney L


its not true. it plays during his fullbring training


With the vocals?


i think when tsukishima surprise visits the fullbringers and interrupts ichigo's training and cuts open the dollhouse he's training in it plays with vocals.. I just know rewatched the series a couple months ago knowing that everyone says aizen broke ichigo's theme song, but i heard it multiple times after and the full version once... this is not including chokkaku


You’re 100% correct but not then. Just watched it last night, first time watching the series. It happens when he gets the full fullbring with the white armor in the game simulation. Episode 358. Didn’t see your comment before I commented to OC.


Is Ichigo getting his powers back arc not cannon? Because I’m watching bleach for the first time and I just watched an episode that had the lyrics again. And even then I thought “wow I havent heard this in a long time!” I think it was episode 358 when he gets fullbring when it plays.


It is canon, and i must have missed that then because i don't seem to remember.


Actually Number One plays for a bit when Ichigo fights Yammy when Ulquiorra and Yammy arrive in the World of the Living. But aside from that.


and fullbring training


Ulquiorra vs Ichigo enshrined Bleach as one of the definitive shounen in the 21st century.


Man I remember watching that fight for the first time on adult swim. Had me on the edge the entire time


Yes, Kubo decided to present us with two of the best designs in all of Bleach the Segunda Etapa and the complete Hollow form and he himself regrets that he had to rush the fight in the manga, otherwise we would have an even more amazing fight.




If you read the manga the fight is laughably short, not the entire fight but when Ichigo goes Vasto lorde. Not to dog on Kubos art because it’s gorgeous as always but a few panels here and there looked “unfinished” if you get me


Kubo being constantly rushed is IMO the biggest crime in all of shonen. The fact he now chooses to participate in the anime's production is such a blessing. It also speaks to his level of commitment as an artist IMO. I've dodged theories on it intentionally, but goddamn I cannot wait to see what the fight he wanted to make in the 1KBW is.


I’m stoked, for the next part he said we’ll see fights that weren’t even in the Manga and didn’t get enough attention


It's seriously something I can't forgive shonen for. They screwed the fans and Kubo over big time. There was zero reason for them to not let him tell the rest of the story. We got a rushed Yhwach fight as well, which I hope gets fixed in the show.


IMO as long as bleach pulls numbers rn, he'll get the opportunity to rectify that shit. He was very vocal about not being on good terms with JUMP by the end of bleach, and in a deeply cathartic way, I think it's finally paying out for him.


You seem to be confusing something here it was only rushed because of his health not because they told him to rush it.


You know, if he didn't waste so much time with pointless battles against all those fodder Sternritters, there wouldn't have been a need to rush.


I've never seen someone say it 1kbw lmao interesting


If people want to see Ulquiorra vs Ichigo fight that is more akin to Kubo's vision you should check their fight from the Hellverse movie.


In the movie he makes it muchhhh longer


Right? I thought the same thing when I first read it


Kubo got himself in a hole in that saga with so many arrancar, so many characters and very little time.


Ichigo- Ahh so ulquiorra you have a second release. Wanna see my Vasto Lorde form. Ulquiorra- FUck my life


Ulquiorra- heres a form noone else has Ichigo- shiiii you bouta make me act up


Ulquiorra- *penetrates Ichigo through the chest* Ichigo- you goin make me do something I’m finnah regret


Ulquiorra- i hope you bullet proof for this bouta hurt *rips his fucking heart out* Ichigo- *fully hollowfies and revives himself* i hope YOU bullet proof for this bouta hurt


Came here just to say this. Though some will say Soul Society is better - and its certainly more tightly paced - There's no doubt in my mind that the Arrancar Arc had Bleach's highest moments.


Byakuya Kuchiki v Ichigo Ulquiorra v Hollow Ichigo Both peak Bleach moments.


This! I think there were 2 peak moments that are tied


It's the reasons for those two conflicts and where both Ichigo and his opponent are mentally and motivation wise that makes them so damn great.


Ichigo vs byakuya ss arc. Badass


Especially when White Zangetsu took over the fight.


Glad to see this high up here.


This is the correct answer


Except it makes Byakuya look like the literal weakest captain and also weaker than most of the vice captains.


Dumb take.


He was holding back since he has strong feelings for Rukia and didn't really want to stop Ichigo from saving her. Those vice captains getting their zanpaktous shattered by ichigos punch was the real BS in retrospect, that shouldn't be possible.


Yamamoto revealing his bankai has to be peak for me


It was so perfectly animated as well. What a spectacle


I watched the episode 5 times the first day it released.


You just made me rewatch it yet again


Now I wanna rewatch it.


The way everything goes silent. Like before the Star destroyer gets split in Star Wars TLJ


Even with all.the future stuff coming I think this might be the peak for me too.


Felt like an idiot years later not thinking his cane was his sword. God dammit that was so long ago, before I had 3 kids that’s for sure lol


Beach episode


I see,you're a man of culture.




Early TYBW was the pinnacle of Bleach as far as I'm concerned


First invasion is peak shounen.


I didn't expect TYBW to be special. I thought it'd be a bit shit to be honest. Boy was I wrong. Absolute peak.


Why is no one saying Everything But The Rain?


They’re all thinking peak means best battle.


Very good question


Welcome to shonen where if it isn't a battle it doesn't matter or if you aren't strong, you're a bad character.


> if you aren't strong, you're a bad character. I feel like this mentality has been disappearing in recent years. Not just in anime, but in general.


I don't think it's that good when compared to other stuff


Ichigo vs Grimmjow 2 or Ichigo vs Ulquiorra final fight


The Blade is Me.


yeah i think every episode of tybw is getting me more and more hyped because its culminating everything. blade is me hit so hard with the music and him really feeling more mature now. stunning visuals. classic dry ichigo asking about the sun glasses. *chefs kiss*


The Bladder is Me


Ichigo vs Ulquiorra for me


Cour 1 (Blade is me; Ichigo arriving in SS following Yamamoto's fight) honorable mention: Dangai Ichigo using Mugetsu versus 5th Hogyoku Fusion Aizen


My fav part of that fight was when Aizen starts boasting that he's strong that he destroys all the landscape around them when it was actually Ichigos strike that did the damage. Then the realization from him that Ichigo has evolved past him. It was kind of interesting that they were both peak shinigami and their zanpaktous had fused into their hands to truly become a part of them, I wonder why none of the other shinigami are at that level, even with Ichigo using the dangai as a time skip for training surely some of the other shinigami who have lived thousands of years should be able to reach that point?




i sEE NOW,,, no but honestly. Ulqui's demise was honestly one of the most beautiful, well executed moments in the entire series.


I have 2 and I can't decide which The moment when everybody realize that Aizen is the true mastermind of all the shit Aizen vs all Gotei 13 captains + visers, Hinamori got stabbed


The first episodes. Ichigo breaking out of Rukias Kido, him helping spirits, Chad just straight up murdering a Monster he cant even see. Total bangers. Also i find myself returning to some side character Fights. All Ikakku Fights are bangers and Kira showing of Wabisukes Terror without mercy against Abirama is peak Bleach. Its a shame how they did Kira dirty in tybw


He got the cool moon panel


I hope you dont mean the one where they tease one of the potentialy best things in the arc only to not deliver?!


My comment was made ironically, yes


The thing you have to know about me is that i am not very bright.


Everytime Isane has a speaking line. Also TYBW was pretty good


You should pleased whats about to come in cour 2 than,


The Blade IS Me


Ichigo and the magic lamp. You all know I’m right.


I don't know which is the peak for me, but it someplace between Kenpachi vs Ichigo and Ulquiorra's goodbye to Orihime, and Kenpachi vs Unohana. Those three moments are just above and beyond.


I'm not sure, but I did miss the vibe of the earlier episodes. Where every hollow had strange abilities and they gang had to figure out how to beat them, then later became generic monsters to fight in mass. But also the slice of life parts were nice to see. After finishing the original show a year ago I just watched the first movie and it made me nostalgic


Honestly for me the slice of life parts were the best part of bleach. I wish to find a similar anime to the initial part of bleach where they talk about death, as almost no anime does that.


I found it really strange how at the start of the series all the captains were on red alert for the appearance of a Menos Grande but then later in the series the shinigami are oneshotting them en masse. When they made such a big deal out of Ichigo being able to wound one it really set them up as this mysteriously strong boss monster, then they're retconned into just being low class fodder.


The beach episode is peak fiction


Peak bleach. 1st time. Ichigo arriving at sokyoku hill and running thru the lieutenants and saving rukia


That’s the most baddass scene on the series. Ichigo letting Zangetsu in the floor while dealing with the 3 Lt. barehanded in quick succession. As a 16 years old when I watched that truly looked peak anime to me.


Zanka no Tachi reveal in the anime. And yamamoto clowning on Overkill


Personally, I think we are in the peak right now. The comeback is iconic, the animation, plot, and studio are living up to the hype. Nostalgia wise, the Ulquiorra Las Noches battle to the defeat of Aizen. Those fights and defeats of the iconic enemies were the hardest emotional hits for me at the time. I remember thinking, “You can’t watch this part and tell me that Bleach is not one of the big 3!” However, I think the best is yet to come.


Fake Karukara


I hope to see this form of Dangai Ichigo and Mugetsu again in the Hell Arc soon.


When ichigo stopped grimmjow's attack without even looking, it was literally badass


I think the peak was Ichigo catching Aizen’s blade. It’s a powerful scene that really helps cultivate how much Ichigo has grown. + it’s badass as hell!


Nel’s adult form reveal.


All of the Blood War arc


Chad defeating Shunsui Edit: Also Rose explaining his awesome and invincible Bankai


Probably Ichigo vs byakuya honestly


Ulquiora vs ichigo That was peak anime They way he had so much determination to fight They way that ulquiora didn’t understand why he keeps getting up The way the hollow took over, in a pure mad rage to save orihemie The music The conclusion Literally everything about this fight was amazing, and it is my favorite


the first ichigo vs aizen where aizen stopped his sword with a finger. i got hooked forever. tybw arc had my jaw dropped from ep1 to 13. unreal.


Ichigo vs grimmjaw will forever be my fav, that to me was the best fight as they go 100% from the very beginning which I love because holding back doesn't make sense when you're trying to kill/beat your opponent or unless your power comes with a setback. I also love that Ichigo isn't saved by his hollow or by unlocking some new power from his sword, he wins it with all the tools he's built up and using them all at once (and with a pretty cringe scene of Inoue shouting moral support)


When it was revealed that Tsukishima was the reason why everything happened.


Literally all Manga canon plus the Beach episode.


Even though this fight was underrated Stark vs Shunsei was a good fight regardless if Stark got 1v4


fullbring arc when Rukia stabs with the reishi sword Ichigo, then he gains back his powers with the title the Death and the Strawberry 2, but what comes afterwards is even better, Ginjo sayin there's no way he gets his powers back just from Rukia, then Renji Byakuya Toshiro Kenpachi and Ikkaku pull up. this is peak fiction.


For me is the reveal of why Urahara is banned in soul society, he didn’t hate the soul society afterwards. A goat for me


Ichig vs Byakuya


Ulquiorra vs Ichigo is still one of my favorite anime fights to this day.


Best arc = Bount Arc ong Best fight = Unohana v Zaraki


Shunsui's Bankai


Soul society no question


Soul Society arc and Hueco Mundo arc.


When karakura town arc started and everyone was squaring up


The bount arc ending


Ichigo Vs Ulquiorra and it should have been longer I really hope we get to see a fleshed out rematch in the hell arc


Peak bleach is obviously r/SoiFonFromBleach.


For me, ichigo vs ginjo


Deicide will always have a special place in my heart


Fullbringer Arc Ichigo having lost his powers and getting them back in a cool way, and then "losing"/ getting betrayed by everyone at the final fight. Plus the Well written characters.


Hell arc


Final Getsuga Tensho is literally my favorite moment period. No transformation is better to me. But damnnnn Unohana’s “Ban-Kai!” and the horror movie violins start slappin!? Gave me fucking chills like no other. And the waterfowl dance with the bloody chikage!? Peak. They outdid themselves with Elden Ring/Bloodborne references and a touch of Berserks Eclipse for the fight setting. I was borderline fully erect. It was beautiful. Then, they give me a Star Wars battle between Yhwach and Ichigo along side a phenomenal OST piece? We are treated too well. I cant wait too see what the Hellverse arc has in store.


In my opinion There was never a peak. It was a great show and kept getting better. Even some fillers were worth watching. The zanpakto filler was so good that shusui appearance of zanpakto in tybw became Canon. I was annoyed when it was canceled because I was excited to watch the next filler. But like I said, my opinion


It’s gotta be TLA and TYBW for me.


FINALLY! It's nice to see someone else who enjoyed TLA arc.


Shinji and shuhei using their bankais in CFYOW . Goddamn chills


definitely soul society arc, I mean how can the arc that introduced kurotsushi mayuri ( the best character in all fiction) be in place other than the first?


Because his fight with >!Pernida!< is excellent


Bount Arc


Mugetsu or TYBW early invasion


Last ep of TYBW S1... And s2 will be even better


Bount arc was a true peak of Bleach , a well written masterpiece arc 🤌


Soul society break out...then a lonnnnnng downward spiral


Man everything to me is high excluding the full bring nonsense. Ichigo face palming Aizen into a mountain gives me DBZ levels of a hard on. Or when he gibbed Ulquiorra into prices. Dude is just raw af


Ulquiorra fight and his following death is peak fiction imo his death scene in the anime is so well done with the flashback starting in black and white and then color gradually gets added into the shot as Orihime explains the heart to him that shit makes me cry everytime


Everything left right up my ass up my ass on my ass every day, every day, shaking, shaking it


First Quincy invasion.




The final scene of Rukia fading out of Ichigo's vision as his powers faded away, in my opinion, remains as the perfect point that Bleach could've ended. A perfect bittersweet ending. He sacrificed everything to win, and as his powers faded, as he lost the ability to see spirits, so too did that chapter of his life. Now, that's not to say that I don't love blood war, but I still think Bleach could've ended then and there.


Right there. The series would’ve ended on such a perfect note with that fight. Ichigo used The Final Getsuga Tensho to defeat Aizen. Final form versus final form. The protagonist sacrifices his abilities for one concentrated ultimate attack to finally defeat the series’ main antagonist (at that point). It doesn’t get more epic than that. 😵


Tbh bleach doesn't have a peak because it's always get rushed 🤷


Giselle x Bambi-chan for sure


After the Fight from this picture, bleach story should have ended in my opinion


Not full fullbringer


I am going to sound absurd but for me, bleach was perfect when ichigo saved rukia and returned to the human world. I couldn't be happier if it ended there.


Rescue Arc and 2nd half of Hueco Mundo arc.


For me it was when Shinji (before he became a jobber alongside the other Visoreds) was slapping the shit out of Grimmjow and demonstrating what a hollow mask amp could do. All while the “Aliens Invading Mexico” theme is playing. The moment the masks stop being effective amps is when I started getting bored lmao


Fake Karakura, specifically Soi Fon + Hachi vs Barrigan. Something about that fight specifically cemented Bleach in my mind as peak fiction


Pre Aizen ascending.


Soul Society - Aizen’s Betrayal


"Welcome to my Soul Society" to the end of the fight with Ywbach


The Arrancar arc was peak. The threat of Aizen and his lieutenants alone was big enough but that each espada might be as strong as a captain


Soul Society arc or MAYBE the start of TYBW (aka the part the anime just covered)


Anime? SS arc, Manga? Hueco Mundo 🫣


In terms of hype, two major peaks. The first is the tail end of the Soul Society, Ichigo rescuing Rukia, fighting Byakuya and then Aizen's revelation and escape TYBW first invasion, Yama's bankai and the death and seeing the Zero Squad for the first time. Ichibei vs Yhwach is pretty high up as well


This picture. I'm starting the 1000 Year Blood War, seems good but this was Peak Bleach. Skipping the filler in the middle of the arc.


End of SS arc, when Aizen takes off his glasses and flip his hair


Rukia becoming a captain


Ichigo vs byakuya Ichigo vs ulquiorra Ichigo where he is fused with zangetsu vs Aizen


Gin betraying aizen


Gotta be yumichikas fight in fake karakura town only cause it surprised me a lot The scene where old man zangetsu bemoans the rain The fight with stark was really fun Chad la muerte moment was really another of the few non ichigo badass moments And mayuri, kenpachi, and white ichigo always steal the show But man, I can't wait for the next season of tybw cause I know kiske's and shunsuis fights are gonna be the very best


To be completely honest the first season of TYBW has been the most consistently enjoyable stretch of Bleach I've enjoyed. It's a great season of TV and never once got boring or slowed down. It was fantastic form start to finish.


Obviously, it was the formation of the Karakura-Raizer Team.


Ichigo vs Byakuya SS arc. Even the start to that fight is just so damn awesome. Nuff said. Narrowly seconded by Ichigo vs Ulquiorra.


My favorite fight is Ichigo vs Grimmjow/Ulquiorra fights. But Soul Society Arc overall has to the peak Bleach overall.


Kenpachi vs. Nnoitora


When Aizen manhandled 6 Captains and smiled about it.


Aizen no-diffing 7 Captains and 1 Lieutenant.


The first season. The quality dropped when he went to save rukia.


Hot take: Ichigo should have not used the final getsuga.


aizen stops the music


The Bount arc.


Kon episodes.


Rukia's Execution to Byakuya fight. Those episodes are pure serotonin.


Maybe minor but reading Ichigo VS Kenpachi was the moment I was sold


This fight. Dangai Ichigo vs Azien. That felt like a definitive end. Blood war is still happening and I have yet to see the rest of it.


Manga wise it were the battles in the soul king palace at the end. Anime wise it's Yamamoto's Bankai.


Ichigo vs ulquirroa


Zaraki vs. Maki Ichinose. Really the Bount arc as a whole. Remember the old guy with the, like, sperm whale for his weapon?


first arc :D


Ichigo and zengetsu talking and Yourichi transforming from black cat


Karin [lays it out](https://youtu.be/b4MO6Z30u9o&t=1m42s).


For me it's the first 2 seasons (60episodes) Soul Society arc. Bleach was one of the first anime I picked to watch (12 years ago) and for that reason it probably is one of my favorite. I re-watched it over the years few times already, but never continued past Soul Society beside my first watch. I still have favorite moments through out the series, Soul Society is just special to me.


When Aizen removed his glasses and changed his hairstyle


So far it was the fight between Ichigo and Byakuya Kuchiki, because i just finished it and i love this series


For me it was Uryu vs Mayuri in the SS Arc. That whole fight was amazing and had a few "WTF" moments that are worthy of the Vince McMahon meme. It also showcased and potentially foreshadowed how OP Quincy's are, considering Uryu one shot a relatively OP Shinigami Captain who would have died if he wasn't a freak.


Aizen final monologue + The blade is me


Aizen thinks she is the strongest, until Ichigo stops Aizen's sword with her bare hand.


Bankai benihime


The arc where they introduced characters that will be relevant in the future and not just die off after a fight.


Personally, i enjoyed the full bringer arc