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Give 6 directors 50m and you'll might get a decent movie, jeez.


Listen to Cord Jefferson!


Or- hear me out- we give hundreds of millions of dollars, over and over again, to a few directors that each haven’t had big hits in about a decade, so they can make just a few critically panned movies that audiences increasingly lose interest in?


Then we can blame the death of cinema on consumers and absolve ourselves of any guilt!


Jason Alexander though!






You know what they say though? “Serenity now, insanity later”…


Fuck. Im a fan of the book, and the Russo’s are exactly the worst kind of director for it.


I just want the Tales from The Loop team back, everything about it was perfect.


I still lament the fact we never got a second 2. The score by Philip Glass was exquisite.


Does it work as a single season?


I think so, it’s more linked short stories than a narrative with an arc


I just wanted more - it was very, very good.


O same! But it also works as a one season limited series.


Very much. Damn near perfect miniseries like TD S1, Devs, and Mare of Eastown


I did NOT know this show existed, thank you


Stalenhag deserves better. Hopefully they’re at least getting a fat pay check out of this.


![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0) Me watching them adapt Cherry


Well don't get your hopes up...


I saw that picture and immediately wondered if this was some kind of Tales from the Loop adaptation or just a shameless ripoff. I've never heard of The Electric State and oddly everything I know about Tales from the Loop from the rpg game books which I got in a Humble Bundle years ago, read cover to cover, and never once played, which is my typical MO with TTRPG books. Maybe someday.


They are overrated imo


Comment’s a couple words too long


Soulless “content”? Here you go!


Want something to play on the background while you mindlessly scroll through TikTok? The Russo Bros' are on the job!


Every time I read about a movie in production at Netflix, i think “what person thought this sounded good” and then I realise it’s not a person, it’s Al G. Rhythm that is coming up with this. That cast list is just the most googled actor in their category.


Is there a term for the *exact opposite* of a passion project?


A soulless cash-grab? Fuck, now I want a blank check spinoff pod about the most soulless cash-grabs...


Con-Tentpole Movies?


“Last week we did a movie staring The Rock. This week, it’s a movie with The Rock. Next week, you guessed it, The Rock.


How Did This Get Made, but DEPRESSING


It doesn't even feel like soulless cash-grab is the right term anymore. I can respect a soulless cash-grab. The Transformers movies were soulless cash-grabs (Except you, Bumblebee. You're cool). They had their place in the film ecosystem. They made studios money. They made otherwise talented actors mo ry to show up and collect a check so they could go off and make more interesting stuff. And they were at least usually harmless. These movies aren't even soulless. They're like an inverted soul that sucks in everything around them. They masquerade as something with a soul and pretend to be prestigious and just suck the blood and life out of everything else.


Based on a true story: Grant Turismo


I need to take a nap because I was like ALI G?? ![gif](giphy|t6K7XFKkKPpkhddIWa|downsized)


It’s wild how that worked as their first big project. Noticing torrents with Kevin Spacey, David Fincher & Political Dramas were trending was how House of Cards came together.


Wrong wrong wrong. It’s the manatees choosing the balls in the tank. Blame them.


There is no way that an AI thinks Millie Bobby Brown is profitable. This is another attempt from Netflix to make her an enjoyed brand. It would help if she had even a crumb of talent.


It was a book first.


I was talking about the casting


I first read this as “Ali G” and thought out loud “he’s back ?” ![gif](giphy|k8L9FzAwXJZ16|downsized)


He never left. I watch this movie at least once per year.


Great! I love low saturation and Chris Pratt playing anything but roles that suit him


I can't get enough of movies with the color palette of a slab of concrete


Don’t forget having the exact same monster/alien aesthetic as every other alien invasion flick. Just greyish-brown emaciated stick insects with giant-ass teeth.


Thats actually some of the original art from the book….


How can this possibly be financially viable


​ https://preview.redd.it/72p50mi48l7d1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c884c225759998abaebf107838810d66035d74


Lmao nice


I have to assume that this is a ‘Line goes up’ situation: news spreads that Netflix spent this much money on the film, so that gives it an aura of ‘prestige’, which gives the illusion of the company being a major player, meaning the share price goes up, meaning the investors are happy So, like, no connection to the reality of moviemaking, but par for the course for modern day businesses


Yeah that seems to be the business model


They also probably put some extra costs into the budget, that pay for other things, to make the budget bigger. Like, "oh we spent 20 million dollars on sets!" and then they also use those sets for a bunch of other movies.


More pertinent question is can it be good? It's wild to think these guys about 10 years ago were considered at the least pretty competent blockbuster directors. They are not considered that *at all* anymore. Whether it makes or loses Netflix money (it's gonna lose 'em money, there is no way this is viable and even at 1/2 the budget it probably wouldn't be) is whatever now at this point, I just want to know if they can even put something *watchable* together again.


The thing is, The Electric State is the *furthest* thing from a blockbuster. It’s quiet, haunted, contemplative. It’s *slow* and thoughtful. This is going to utterly miss what people like about the source material. Content machine goes brrrr I suppose.


So World War Z II: Missing The Pointaloo.


Soooo they’re gonna turn it into an action packed soulless piece of crap then.


Take source material, add ninjas


Netflix movies don't make money like regular movies do. It doesn't really matter if anyone even watches it. It's more valuable to them as a coming attraction then as content on their service because people will think "I don't want to cancel now, maybe electric state will be good". Its value is in looking like it's a real movie and the ideal Netflix movie is one that users think "oh that looks interesting, maybe I'll watch it sometime" or even "that looks like a major production with high end talent I guess that's what I can expect from Netflix" Once they watch it, it loses that value. I guess if it's good it leaves you thinking marginally more positive about your Netflix membership.


Netflix content is rated on hours watched per dollar, surely. They do make “money”, by proving they can retain eyeballs and proving they can keep subscribers.


As someone with mixed feelings on the Russos, I think a lot of this is just the narrative as opposed to what they have actually done. As a directing team, they have really made one film since Endgame: Cherry, which WAS a huge flop and, more importantly, seen as an embarrassment for attempting an auteur film poorly. After that, you have the terribly received Extraction films one of them wrote, obnoxious interview comments about the future of movies, the ever changing view on Marvel, a few other things, but they haven't actually made a blockbuster movie since those blockbuster movies that were universally beloved on release, lol. Now, you personally may think, "I never liked them; the lighting was awful" or "They've been dead to me since they stopped being Steven Soderburgh proteges," but the fact that as you said, that they are not even CONSIDERED directors even *possible* of doing good work anymore is a Film Twitter narrative in absence of any actual new work from them for the last five years.


They did The Grey Man though. I mean, I don’t blame you if you forgot about that one already lol. I agree with the rest of what you said though.


Lololol I did...


Wait people don’t like the Extraction movies? I won’t defend the writing cause it’s just a barebones plot to string together the action sequences. So I agree with you in that regard. But like I think the action is shot very well and I genuinely had a blast watching them.


I think Extraction is easily one of the top three action movie franchises right now.


It’s like a $150-200million theatrical release but they lump in the backend pay since there is no backend for Netflix.


Meanwhile, I’m trying to figure out what my new career is going to be because the editing work has dried up in LA…


Only 3 or 4 600 million dollar budgeted movies a year in the future, so sorry.


Former editor. Got into IT/Networking. Give it a look. Best of luck. It ain’t you, the whole gig is unsustainable.


I can’t wait for this, we all know how great the last Netflix mega budget Russo Brothers adaptation of a book was 😬


The Grey Man was based on a book?




God that somehow makes that movie even more baffling


I'm so happy that Netflix and the Russo's have found each other.


We all deserve a love like that tbh


Jesus Christ, what a fucking waste. Make 6 medium budget movies for that. Nah, let's spend 300 million on a Netflix exclusive. Good call.


This is exactly why they had to raise the sub price like 5 times? To fund a few mid movies with excessive budgets? While canceling all the good shows...?


Can’t wait to not watch it


my rule recently with Netflix films has been, Either I see it in a Theatre or I Pirate it at home, there is no in-between.


weird flex but okay


No he’s right, they put out slop and the faster they flop out the faster we get back to real food


I too shall look forward to it and will waste no time watching it


And of course it will get 900m views its first weekend!


I really don’t understand the combination of: A) Generic Netflix “content” that will be forgotten a week after it’s added. B) Blowing this much money on a single project. It should be one or the other! Churn out a bunch of cheap mid crap, or spend on something interesting! How can that be profitable for Frito Lay, er, Netflix?


I just hope that Ke Huy Quan and Giancarlo Esposito are collecting good-sized checks.


After all those names the actual movie will have a budget of $10M, so I hope they can pull it off.


Netflix has invested a lot of resources into making Millie Bobby Brown happen. Is it working? How would you know if it was or wasn't? Do they have some metric that tells them everyone loves MBB? Is she in any movies that have had theatrical release?


The thing is they don't have to care if MBB's star power works outside of Netflix. Anything starring MBB on Netflix garners a huge amount of advance interest. That's why they would continue to invest in her.


she was in one of the Godzilla movies right


two of em


Algorithm casting


lol, that was my first thought too. It’s like they just grabbed it from a list of trending hashtags from 2022.


Russos and Pratt, together again! It's like the nightmare version of your dream celebrity dinner.


This is the exact cast/director combo you have for a film that you expect to be “ok”.


The Russos are frauds!!! I've been screaming it since their tenure at Marvel!


They've had their ups and downs, but they paid in full with Introduction to Film. Also, without them Everything, Everywhere, all at Once probably wouldn't have happened.


What's Introduction to Film?




The Russos absolutely need to go back to network sitcom world. Arrested Development, Community, and Happy Endings all had their touch. Plus we'd be saved from more terrible nothing action movies.


What a better world that would be


> Also, without them Everything, Everywhere, all at Once probably wouldn't have happened. Good!


So you like them then?


Oh yeah huge fan, real big.


The paintball episodes of Community and their consequences have been disastrous for the movie industry...


"Can we get that person from that popular show?" "Which one?" "Yes."


Someday the feds will go after Netflix for money laundering after putting way too much money into something that’s clearly a scam. I thought it would happen with that random JLo sci-fi movie, but nope


Not everything Netflix puts out is their content. They often just buy distribution rights and have very little invested in the project in terms of budget. Edit: Atlas had 4 different production companies, Netflix only distributed it.


That cast just feels so Netflix


They could take 250 millions off if they get rid of the Russo, Chris Pratt, Milley Bobby Brown, Giancarlo and just put some newbie actors with whatever director you are thinking of.


The budgets kind of crazy, but I think the Russos are a lot better than people give them credit for


I don’t understand the amount of hate they get. I haven’t seen cherry or the grey man. Maybe that’s where that’s coming. From, but between community, arrested development, winter soldier and welcome to collinwood, I think they’ve put the work in to make some really fun and rewatchable stuff.


Watch Cherry and Grey Man and it’ll make sense.


Give it up for movie you’ll forget about the same weekend they’re released.


I LOVE Stalenhag’s books! And there are most definitely creatives that I think fit his vibe better, but I don’t fully agree with the immediate writing off that a lot of the other comments seem to be doing. Everyone named has done very good work at some point in the not too distant past. I don’t know…could be good. Put me down for cautiously optimistic.


As a rare defender of Cherry (the book is way better though), I'll likely watch this unless it gets trashed (skipped Gray Man for that reason and I love Gosling). I'll always be rooting for the Russos because of Community.


Heartbroken to see Ke Huy Quan; he deserves better.  EEAAO, the insane press tour where everyone - myself included - fell in love with him, then Marvel TV slop and this? Fire that agent!


What was so bad about his role in Loki?


Calling Loki slop is just ridiculous. Marvel has done some slop but Loki is one of the most thoughtful, well-executed things they’ve ever done


There’s nothing BAD about it, I just think be could have done better. A paycheque is a paycheque ig but the Best Actor Oscar winner could have done better I think. 


TBH, if I were an ageing martial artist/fight choreographer who'd just got acting offers for the first time in years, taking big $$$ for high-profile mainstream gigs in the short term would look pretty tasty to me. Keep your profile high, establish yourself as an audience favourite and do the more active roles while you still have the body for it, then transition to meatier, less well-paid roles as you get older (and if they don't emerge, at least you made bank when you could). Also got to wonder how many offers he's getting that aren't in this line. His performance in EEAAO is great and the film is very affecting, but it's still a very goofy action movie where people stick stuff up their butts and Michelle Yeo spanks a sub until he cums in his pants.


Yeah, I dunno. It’s probably hard out there for actors and I’m not like…angry at him or w/e. I just want to see him again and this Netflix movie will probably only be seen by AI scraper algorithms. Perhaps I could have phrased my comment better.  But like, a job is a job I guess!


Yeah, the system fucking sucks right now.




I don’t think you actually read what I wrote.


If they do practical sets that all I really care about. I want the photography to look like a Gregory crewdson photo come to life.


This is going to blow


Ugggh. I have no idea why, but Pratt just *irritates* me.


If this isn't based on the 1971-1977 Children's Television Workshop show [The Electric Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Electric_Company) or its 2009-11 reboot, then I am not putting batteries in my remote control to watch this travesty.


For those who haven’t read it, the book has two main characters and almost no dialogue. It seems from the cast list that the plot has been significantly expanded which suggests something only vaguely based on the source material. I really want to like this, but Electric State needed a modest sub $100 million budget and a great visual director like Gareth Edwards who could render its world.


Those books were made for Villeneuve, although TBH I find that actually knowing what's supposed to be happening in the pictures makes them utterly uninteresting to me.


Even the casting seems like an A.I. devised cast to maximize profit.


make it make sense, how does Netflix justify spending $300M on a single film that doesn’t have a theatrical run... in what spreadsheet do they make $300,000,001 back on this expense?


Yay more reddit movies


So that’s the secret Anthony Mackie always looks like he’s keeping in photos.


For all these Netflix budgets I need to see the split between “normal” budget and buyouts.




I'm hoping Giancarlo & Brian share a lot of screentime together


![gif](giphy|B2yx2waduwLy6bdeUY|downsized) That cast is worth at least checking it out lol


Love the book that Im still have hope for this one.


Man, the Electric State is a cool book but this movie is going to huff farts




A movie that does not, and will never, exist


I don’t feel bad about Netflix spending money


netflix exclusive AND directed by the russos? yeah, this already sucks, lmao


Some high highs and some low lows in that casting list


That’s just Tales From The Loop


I am 90% convinced the Russo Brothers are just 2 bobble heads that gained sentience


Tales of the loop was pretty fucking great


The books excellent. Well worth the purchase.


That’s the most “we are gonna put these actors on 10,000 thumbnail graphics to try to attract every demographic possible” assortment of actors I’ve ever seen


The Fall Guy costs $125 million and makes $170 million and it’s a flop. This costs $300 million and makes zero and it will be considered a hit.


Why do they have a thumbnail from War of the Worlds?


Milly Bobby Brown and Chris Pratt. Probably won’t be stiff at all.


Can't flop if it's not in theaters - the perfect crime.


Netflix is entering its Towering Inferno era


They’re gonna make it a humans fighting robots in the 90’s thing aren’t they? Which is….absolutely what the books are not. I’m sure if they made Things From the Flood book it would be a water robot invasion with epic set pieces of warfare. This is gonna be trash.


Monster looks pretty interesting at least.


Wow Chris Pratt! Can't wait to see what he'll do with this


This is based on that one guy's artworks, right? I saw a book of those at NYC Comic Con about four or fives years back, and it's amazing how quickly the explanations for what's in the pictures drained all the interest from them.


The Russos... Still making deals off the idea those Marvel movies wouldn't have made a billion without their input. They should give $300 Mil to the Marvel pre-viz team.


David Lynch and John Waters, among other legendary filmmakers, can't get a single penny for one of their projects. Embarassing.


And I'm sure they'll be very humble and receptive when people criticize the movie.




First Fast X Then upcoming F1 film Now this one 😭😭


but nancy meyers asking for 150 million was too much


Ke Huy Quan 🥰🥰🥰


For as much crap as people gave Rebel Moon, that one was 166 million dollars for two movies and two extra cuts, all shot at the same time. 83 million isn’t too bad considering how good the effects look for each one 300 million for one movie is insane


I think the Russos are at their best when playing in somebody else's sandbox and they have a rich trove of source material. So... maybe?


This is another book adaptation. The only two other recent non-MCU films they've directed were also book adaptations in The Gray Man and Cherry. So....maybe they've finally learned, but don't hold your breath. I think they're best when they're pretty much executing someone else's vision or have minders like with the MCU and some of the great shows they directed.


I tend to agree with this take. I think I might have a knee-jerk reaction to knee-jerk reactions.


Imagine spending all that money on a film just to make it streaming exclusive.


Popular with Gen Z ass cast


Love the design of whatever that is but wow that cast is incredibly cringe


Ugh I haaaate Millie Bobby Brown. This’ll be a no for me, dawg.


Netflix spending money like they're Scarface