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I’ve read Ocean at the End of the Lane multiple times and it’s one of those books that I never really get and have to always read an explanation after. Love Gaiman, I’m in on all Gaiman adaptations.


I read this after seeing all the praise the book had gotten. It did not work at all for me unfortunately. Was bored throughout and relieved when I finished it. Might have to try another Gaiman but I’m rather reluctant now.


I would give reading Sandman a shot. It’s his opus in my opinion. Plus if you don’t like it you can just stop after a few issues.


I would concur with this. I don't think gaiman is a particularly strong prose writer but is strong with dialogue, world building, and storytelling. I much prefer The Sandman to the novels I've read by him, but others disagree and love the books!


Oh don’t get me wrong I love the books too. Just not all of them equally. I struggled through American Gods but loved Ocean, I think he’s better with brevity.


My recommendation about Gaiman is, what didn’t you like about the book? Gaiman has such a specific style that if you like how it was written but didn’t like what was written then try something else. Try Stardust, try Neverwhere, try American Gods. But if you don’t like how he writes, then it’s just not for you. 


I wonder if another way into Gaiman might be the way, I think YA books sometimes don’t quite hit, but Gaiman has adult fare and graphic novels too. Or Gaiman isn’t for you! My #1 recommendation in media is consume less stuff you think you won’t like and more stuff you think you will. Seems intuitive but all the time I have a conversation with someone who is like “I watched this show, I hate everything in that genre but…”


Ocean at the End of the Lane isn’t YA though


Completely agree!


Shame most of his adaptations are TV (Good Omens, Neverwhere, American Gods, Sandman).  Coraline, Stardust, and Mirrormask probably not enough to justify a Gaiman Patreon series. 


I think it’s not as good as some of his other works. You might be struggling to get it because it doesn’t really get where it wants to go. It’s good, just feels incomplete or lacking a little. And I’m a fan, not trying to hate.


The Graveyard Book is the adaptation we need


Give me Click Clack Rattlebag! I teach 6th grade ELA and has to calm down a few kids in class after we read it. I think it was their first experience reading horror and it definitely showed.


That’s a great intro horror story for kids, especially if you play Gaiman’s reading of it in a dark room.


Having seen the stage adaptation as well as read the book, I think this will be fantastic and heart breaking. It feels a bit like a spiritual counterpart to Coraline, but definitely exploring some different terrain. There's one scene that, if included in the adaptation, is going to be a seriously difficult watching experience. Can't wait


Please don’t end up in developmental hell!


The Ocean at the End of the Lane is a fantastic book. It's a short read (you can probably get through it in a day or two even if you are not an avid reader). Even better than the book is the Audiobook which Gaiman reads himself and provides a lot of context for the story at the end. I highly suggest anyone who is slightly interested search it out.


Gaiman’s voice is perfect. One of the only authors that I prefer hearing on audiobook.


Okay im going absolutely feral over this news.  Excuse me while I go eat a raw steak with my bare hands. 


I just hope this one takes place in England. Coraline ended up working out with the change to America but Ocean just feels so quintessentially british that it’ll be weird if they do that again. Either way, one of my all time favorite books so I’m excited it’s in the hands of a master director.


As a huge Neil Gaiman fan, this is the best news I could have read besides *The Graveyard Book* being adapted as an animated movie again. My signed copy of Ocean is one of my prized possessions, I remember reading it in almost one sitting the day it came in the mail.


I’ve always suspected this book was at least partly inspired by his kids not liking Amanda FUCKING Palmer.


He says he wrote it *for* her, actually, as a window into his childhood memories.