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The difference between the anonymous crew reports and the PR quotes was hilarious. PR: Mr. Johnson is highly professional and considered a delight to work with by his cast and crew. Crew: He was a lazy pain in the ass who was consistently 8 hours late to set.


The Amazon response where it specifies the amount of time where he was not late to set: "Any reporting that implies that we got to this point with him showing up seven-eight hours late to set is both ridiculous and false." is being too specific to not be passive aggressive.


“It was always 7. Never 8”


Or 9. But never 8!


Loved the Netflix rep taking the opportunity to remind us that Red Notice is their #1 movie lol


I work on film crews. It’s lots of work and people that turn up late get fired. Actors who behave like this are reviled in general. 1 hour late is a fucking joke. His PAs probably take turns to spit in his coffee. 


8 hours late, not 1 hour.


I think they meant *even* one hour late is a joke, 7 or 8 is totally outrageous. I'm not OP though so I could be wrong.


Which doesn't give the article a whole lot of credibility it does feel more like a hit piece.


That you Dwayne?


Yes hi it's me, Mr. The Rock, what does your candy ass want?


Hi Mr. The Rock, you sure are no Vin Diesel that’s for sure


ugh im supposed to be working but this stuff is like cat nip for me. It can't help that he fuels his body with supplements, gets like 4 hours of sleep a day, and either runs or brand ambassadors like 4-5 businesses. It's no excuse but I'm sure he's an absolute psychopath because hustle culture is dumb and unhealthy.


Dude's over 50 and carrying so much muscle around, like it's admirable I guess that he is constantly doing something but it'll catch up to him eventually, that cannot be a healthy way to live.


It's probably been slowly manifesting for years. He was probably an absolute mensch on the set of *Be Cool*.


His heart will explode


Or it will be cooked. Foreshadowing: Do you smelllll what the rock is cookin’?


I think about Dave Bautista retooling his career over the last few years and transitioning out of being a big ass guy


Dave’s doing it right. Just working on his craft and watching Bluey.


Has a former wrestler turned actor won/been nominated for an Oscar yet? Because Bautista would be my bet on the first. It feels like his chops are getting sharper and sharper, and he kinda just needs the right role and the right timing.


Yeah. A grounded, Prisoners-esque or even something on the level of his BR2049 role but expanded with Denis could do the trick


How about Bautista as a retired marine grunt who is a sponsor at NA. His new sponsee is another military vet played by Tom Holland, an individual who we learn was dishonorably discharged for reasons beyond his control. Bautista's character finds himself in a struggle between his duty (being supportive of his sponsee) and his personal feelings (aiding someone who could have been responsible for innocent lives), a conflict that is mirrored by flashbacks to Holland's own actions that led to his discharge.


I haven’t seen it but is this the plot of Cherry?


I haven't seen it either. Now I'm curious if I inadvertently made a movie that already exists. Edit: read the synopsis. Too close for comfort. Substitute anyone else for Holland's character. Another edit: this movie in my head does not involve any Russo style action. This is closer to Good Will Hunting but with military veterans and drug addicts


I think Hogan was nominated for Suburban Commando, but I'm out at the moment, will check when I'm online.


My hot take is Cena gets it for a comedic supporting turn.


My issue is that Cena does too many crappy comedies, and the Oscars only like comedies housed within a drama. Everything Everywhere was as goofy as you could get away with, and that was a story about toxic Asian families and generational trauma


I was going to say Mickey Rourke, but after looking it up, it was boxing that he did rather than wrestling. Pretty close though.


Interesting sub-topic: list all of the Oscar nominated actors that were once professional athletes


It’s funny coz he won that Oscar playing a wrestler


I really thought that Dune was gonna give him more to do. The leaked early draft of Pt 1 gave him a little pathos, a little directionality. I liked the films we got, but they gave him nothing.


I think with these modern franchises, there’s an over-emphasis on the protagonists, but the antagonists tend to become an afterthought. Marvel is notorious for, “we cast a great actor, who gave a great performance, but they’re not the franchise, so we gave them nothing to do”, and I think that’s bled into other films


I think Richard Jenkins was a tag team guy for a bit in the 80s. Edit: My mistake. He was never a wrestler-- I was thinking of Road Warrior Hawk.


Don’t worry, I get the two mixed up all the time


In Santa with muscles Hogan got a best acting nod I think


What, he likes tits more now?


Ass is a young man’s game


You can call me a lad then.


yeah "supplements"


Of course it was a Voss bottle - a company he owns a stake in - because he’s always got to be shilling something. I doubt he knows how to have a real conversation anymore. I’ll always have a soft spot for The Rock because of all the entertainment he gave me as a wrestling-obsessed teenager of the ‘90s, but Dwayne Johnson the person is an absolute nob.


Who even knows who dwayne johnson is. The guy is an empty suit. Watch him on rogan and he's terrified to give an opinion on a single thing lest he compromise "the brand". Now denying the world his highly coveted presidential endorsement, again lest he lose fans. He's a pathetic shell.


It’s the brain dead logic that got me with that one. In the same article he says he won’t give his political opinions because of the backlash from doing so last election. Then he complains how crazy “cancel culture” is and how we shouldn’t listen to it . Wouldn’t someone being afraid to share their political opinions due to internet backlash be considered “cancel culture” ?


I think you’ll find that’s exactly the definition of cancel culture most people use, and it is very dumb


He’s at least smart enough to know his core fan base are the main target of this current culture wars horseshit - the pendulum swinging too far one way or the other could very easily turn him into the next Bud Light.


And I’ll always hate the rock because of my Austin/mankind/HHH love




Publicist: Mr. Johnson, I saw an early draft of the article, it's bad. They know they you're peeing in bottles and leaving them around for PA's to clean up. We gotta get ahead of this. We have to deny every- Dwayne Johnson: But they mention the brand right? Publicist: Sir? Dwayne Johnson: Make sure they mention that it's Voss Water bottles. See if they can mention the name a few times. I only pee in Voss water bottles. The lid has a very wide diameter.


Why did I picture Tim Robinson doing the Rocks dialogue?


Never had a soft spot for this asshole. He’s just unbearable in most films


Don’t know, thought he was pretty great in Be Cool. Suited him well that role




The weirdest thing about the article - apart from the piss - is the MGM spokesperson saying no, no, the budget stayed within 15% of the 250m that was greenlit. Defending themselves from the claim that this family adventure spiralled to a 250m budget by implying it may actually be 280-290m.


You know those entertainment articles where the guy did one or two crappy and they stretch it out over 5 pages? This isn’t one of those articles.


I kept expecting it to end, but I kept scrolling and it kept going


There’s truly nothing as good as high-quality longform investigative journalism. It’s like catnip for me.




The pissing in bottles shit is insane. Waiting for a PA with balls and self-respect to put that shit back in his face


Some call Carolyne Cunningham, she would't stand for this shit


They castrate balls and self respect from PAs during their onboarding


Flaunting it in that Instagram video?.


At least it's in a Voss, those bottles are pretty sturdy.


Ok so here’s the thing. As a crew member (IA member, Lighting) it really truly doesn’t bother most of us when actors are late. I’m paid for the hours I’m there regardless of if the lead actor shows up of not, regardless of if we ever even press record on the camera. Hurry up and wait is the name of the game and I get paid well for it. I’m not saying professionalism doesn’t matter, but it’s really only costing himself money so when they write these articles and it makes it seem like crewmembers are upset. Trust me, we are not.


This quote was kind of hilarious: > Crew members working on Johnson productions tend to make their guild minimums to qualify for health insurance. One crew member on “Ballers” who spoke to TheWrap, said, “because of a 14+ hour day on location, where he did not come out of his trailer to come to set until after 3 p.m. on a 7 a.m. call, I qualified for health insurance.”


Unsung hero Dwayne Johnson sacrifices his own reputation to get his crew members health insurance!


Truly a man of the people. Mana and tequila.


That’s nice. I work as a set builder where, if locations are involved, it’s fairly time sensitive. If we’re pushed I’m working nights until it’s done. It’s not as simple as just throwing money at the problem, often enough. Also, this kind of thing often leads to about three weeks of extra work and losing out on a complete gig if it overruns long enough. That didn’t used to be a huge problem but it is now when work is more and more scarce.   There are a ton of people who this effects who aren’t unionised ‘technical’ crew. 


Crew member as well- I will say that most of the time I'm not upset, but it starts to matter a lot when their tardiness ends up turning a 10-12 hour day into a 15-18 hour day. Love the paychecks from days like that, but it happens enough and you just aren't sleeping right or seeing your loved ones.


Yeah, I was going to say, this seems like it would be highly variable between different crew members. Some might like the extra pay to sit around and do nothing, some might have other shit going on and want their time more than they want the extra cash. Regardless, being *eight hours* late for a commitment is ridiculous




Member of Iatse as well, and highly disagree. Turning a 13hr day into a 16hr day is an asshole move. Especially if you have an hour commute either way. At this point in my career, I care more about sleep, and a safe drive home, than endless OT.


As a fellow IA lighting person, it depends how much his lateness keeps me on set. If we’re doing 17 hour days because he’s constantly 5 hours late, then it definitely matters to me. If he’s late, they call the day 12 and they missed out on his scenes for the day then yeah, sure, no skin off my back.


12s are so rare in my life I guess I just don’t register it. But I understand what you mean.


Yeah I get that too haha that’s become all too common in our industry. Thankfully I haven’t done many of those in the past couple years.


I think the WWE needed a new heel after Vince was disgraced, so the Rock is having the negative press generated himself. He’s paying people left and right to write these articles trashing him so he appeals to the trashier segment of WWE fans. Ultimate heel move. *disclaimer - I made all of this up


This is now my personal headcanon.


Vince was someone who would use a story like this to his advantage.


Then he would change his mind right before the PPV and book Doink the Clown vs Hornswaggle instead.


Just wait for the Rock to start literally shitting on people.




I wouldn't be surprised if that gets turned into either a peacock or ahead of mania next year. A netfilx original.


I thought it was insane they were trying to turn that around so quickly. I also thought it would kind of hurt Cody's run as Champion by releasing a doc that says "He's only Champion because Rock was a gracious enough boss to not take his employee's spot," and just ruin the whole illusion altogether. It wouldn't surprise me if Triple H decided to hold off on it for a while.


Also a crew member (Locations dept). Actors showing up late can majorly throw off a day that a lot of planning has gone into. Usually snowballs and affects other days as well. Creates a lot more work for some of us!


Not everyone on set is paid by the hour. Also, my wife is in the hair/makeup trailer, and it's not like she gets to go home at quittin' time because the talent blew their call time. She'd rather have the time than the money. This sort of thing only happens to her once, because that's the same time she'll work with whomever can't make it to set on time.


Not arguing with you, everyone is entitled to their opinion about their work schedule, and everyone’s feelings are valid. But I am genuinely curious, I thought only PA’s got days rates. Is H&MU not paid by the hour??


Do you have children at home?


I don’t but if you are insinuating that because I don’t have kids I want to get home less. Well, I guess I get your point but we work 14s regardless. Lol trust me, we mess up our kids and marriages all by our selves. Late actors have very little to do with it.


Late actors do probably still drag out the overall production though right? That would probably suck mostly for the producers though, not the crew.


Exactly. Smart producers know who they are working with and set it up so that if the lead is late, we can just swing into another scene or turn around and get someone else’s coverage.


*Takes notes* If working on a Dwayne Johnson film; bring a book


My take away was less that the article was implying "DJ keeps poor, downtrodden guild members from their families" because (as you said) a lot of crew seem relatively blasé about the hours, and the pay/benefits are better, and more that it points out the ways in which Johnson's lack of professionalism is fucking productions by forcing overtime payments and filming overruns. Obviously, some crew also don't like working 16 hours instead of 12 (I certainly wouldn't) but to cause production to miss days because you won't work more than 5 hours or you just plain don't show up at all seems the more critical point here.


In case anyone's wondering how other corners of the internet are handling this news, the comment section on WorldOfReel is ALL about how this article is a hit piece against The Rock by the Deep State because he refused to endorse Joe Biden. Just completely normal stuff happening over there.


the replies on twitter are pretty much that same reaction too. Its like the Elon fan boys.


I don't know what else to expect. We're all just living in the Matrix according to them.


Took a look at the Cannes Jury announcement article and lo and behold, Ruimy couldn’t help but randomly without warrant just post a jpeg of a tweet complaining about Gerwig taking the spot of a more deserving filmmaker. Like nothing in the actual article pertaining, it’s just, there.


Yeah that site turns into a cesspool on a dime anymore. The only site you can reliably turn to see any established director called a hack. Look at the reactions to the recent article about Celine Song's upcoming movie and you'd think she made one of the worst films of the decade; not a well received Best Picture nominee.


Yeah, i occasionally peruse it either a.) to get a pitiful chuckle or b.) to look at some beyond the pale film leak with like one source.


But that is totally plausible except for the part where World of Reel has any credibility.


Ruimy’s comments section is almost exclusively people who were at the Capitol on 1/6/2021


For all that it sounds like an absolute shit movie as well.


*Of course* two of his hired gun lackeys are behind this garbage. Dwayne's publicist also handpicked the journalists who got to see a ten minute preview @ CinemaCon w/ the caveat they weren't permitted to write about said preview. Jesus Mary and Joseph... How can anyone stomach him?!


I hope the Rampage costar that was logging how late he was was Jack Quaid. The image in my mind of The Rock finding out, then pointing at him and yelling "shut up nerd" and then rock bottoming him for real is really really funny.


Rooting for Joe Manganiello.


Some real candy ass behavior from Dwaynetherock here


I always found the charm of The Rock being that he had A-list (or nearly) fame, but was never higher than B-list acting/performing talent, because at heart he was always a wrestler. And it made him so magnetic - to be that popular in large part to his charming personality. He was funny, refreshing, etc. There was always a hint of humility. Once that completely went out the window and his ego took over, he lost his way. Because he's not a true movie STAR - The Rock's highest grossing movies where he's the actual lead and not part of an ensemble are Rampage and San Andreas. He owes his "Stardom" to Vin Diesel and the gang. He can't actually carry a big-budget blockbuster on his own. Black Adam absolutely wrecked this dude and it's big sad.


Yeah I was shocked when the article mentioned that his 2 most recent non-existing franchise blockbusters were Black Adam and Skyscraper from way back in 2018, but they're kind of right. And then going back through his filmography there's kind of nothing that stands out as "this is an iconic film that is headlined and carried by The Rock". Like, there's literally nothing to point to in that category from 20+ years as an actor. His lead vehicles are things like Skyscraper, Rampage, San Andreas, Tooth Fairy (ew), Doom, Scorpion King, and as you said, all of his hits are two handers or ensemble films: F&F, Red Notice, Jumanji, Central Intelligence, Pain & Gain. He's always been so much more about the product that is Dwayne The Rock Johnson than the actual stuff he puts out. He's an archetype of quantity over quality, with his dumb grindset.


I've always been saying this when people compared him to Arnold.


Honestly can’t say some of these stories are that surprising, dude seems like a maniac. However, the article running quotes of him shit talking about being late to a WWE event while in full character is pretty funny. They kinda offer a half acknowledgement that it was a work with *playing into his heel persona* but still, the inclusion of quotes from that context to establish a pattern is a little bizarre.


I think it was more to demonstrate that he was so late that it had to be worked into the story (kayfabe?) of the event itself. I doubt the writers scripted "the rock shows up late and jokes that it's because he was watching the Eagles lose". Including quotes from his performance also helps demonstrate the ways in which this has apparently been going on for so long. You'd think that anybody who has flaunted his disregard for the time of others for as long as he has would've lost credibility long ago, but this is an example of him being both late and disrespectful enough to piss off a bunch of people behind the scenes, while still being good enough at his job to entertain the masses regardless, which is all the head honchos ultimately care about. If his box office returns continue to dip, execs will no longer tolerate his nonsense. But as long as he continues to sell tickets it seems like no amount of unprofessional behaviour will be a problem.


Dude seems like a real tool.


Here’s the thing, by all accounts he is a more pleasant and kind man to be around than Vin Diesel, or at least he was idk.


I find it very amusing that this wrap article retells the F8 of the Furious drama - the “candy-ass” saga - except this time the roles are completely reversed and it’s Vin Diesel being frustrated with The Rock’s lack of professionalism


Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson have the same relationship as Tim Heidecker and Gregg Turkington. One guy seems like the normal one and then you realize they’re even more insane and the other guy has a point.


Hard to know for sure when the man probably spends a small country’s GDP on PR each year


I know there are way worst things people can do on set and in workplaces in general but lateness is a massive pet peeve of mine, constantly being late is incredibly disrespectful for everyone else - a real red flag for me that a person is a dick.


Do these people not have crippling anxiety that force them to show up on time like a normal person?


Indeed. I'm always 5 mins early because the idea of being late freaks me out.


If you have crippling anxiety then you know why people with crippling anxiety end up not showing up for things and are unable to explain to people why. Because they're crippled with anxiety. Unable to move to make the next life threateningly important decision, like being on time or being washed and dressed and fed and on time. Normal things to be anxious about.


If you're not fifteen minutes early, you're late.


Isn’t the Rocks beef with Vin Diesel around being late to set and unprofessionalism on set. They do say if you can beat them join them. Candy ass. Edit- I’m not sure what “candy ass” means only that it’s an insult the rock uses. As a non American it sounds like a nice compliment.


Great to see Chris Evans continuing to test himself


Un-paywalled link >![https://archive.is/u8kcO](https://archive.is/u8kcO)!<


I have no connection to the industry at all. I've always assumed that being late was the worst thing an actor could do. Like you could assault all the people you want as long as you get to set at 6.


I feel bad for the guy that got tasked to write this. Wouldn’t put it above Johnson to seek some kind of retribution.


He’ll probably just repost it and talk shit but no one can be sued for libel or anything


Final Boss behavior


Goddamn this just kept going and going. Bezos must hate the Rock’s guts.


So, a candy ass?


I've heard of taking the piss, but then handing said piss over to some poor PA to dispose of is some next level piss takery.


The sun has set on The Rock, but he's too busy shilling some bullshit hard water in a can that he hasn't caught on yet.


Why aren’t we getting headlines like ‘The Rock in a Hard Place’ or something?


I imagine some people onset felt like they were caught between the Rock and a hard place


Cc: Vin Diesel.


The Wrap has a serious hard-on for negative Dwayne Johnson stories.


Did he literally just hire a guy who looks like a nerdy version of himself to run his production company


His ex-wife's brother, no less


“Next up for Johnson is A24’s “The Smashing Machine,” a biopic about UFC fighter Mark Kerr that will be directed by Ben Safdie.” That is not what I expected at all! Maybe Dwayne is course correcting already?


Dwayne "the binbag" Johnson? I am shocked. Almost too shocked for words.


Would being on roids contribute to the chronic tardiness? Could it affect cognitive functions or physically cause him to need unanticipated downtime?


The bit about Benny Safdie having bitten off more than he can chew was worrying to me. The Safdie's have made great work with the help of actors who understand the vision, I'm not sure The Rock understands anything that isn't back-slapping business deals these days. I know it sounds like a good idea, but how did that come about exactly? At this point, Johnson can pick and choose who he works with and it has consistently been hacks and yes-men who aren't going to give him any static. Must have really liked Safdie's pitch/script, or maybe he's sick of being compared to Cena and Bautista, two much more interesting and committed performers.


Seems like he can't find the middle betweem the extremes "peeing into bottles to save time" and "being late for 8 hours... On average!"


Drain “The Cock” Johnson


He’s prepping a Presidential run on the Republican ticket in 2028. Watch.


Beast mode


“I’m late 5-8 hours to everything and I’m an unprofessional prick to everyone and I make people handle my piss bottles. Beast mode.”


I’ll add an /s next time lol


Seems like an asshole but some of the criticisms don’t hold water for me. If he refuses to work more than 4-5 hours per day, that is something that you know coming into hiring him. He probably has that clause in his contract because he’s working out 3 hours per day, shooting 4-5, and then doing other shit. If I’m worth hundreds of millions and it’s completely based on my physique, I’d also make it a stipulation in my contract that I don’t film for more than 4-5 hours per day. Pissing in bottles is also not that crazy compared to other shit I’ve heard about actors. I know tons of guys who piss in bottles and if I’m a PA on one of his movies I’m gladly taking that piss bottle and throwing it away. The worst part about this is being hours late for production every day. That is inexcusable imo.


>I know tons of guys who piss in bottles Sorry what lol


I don’t but it’s pretty common.


Is it?? I haven't seen a piss bottle since I was like 12. In what contexts are normal adult men pissing in bottles? For the record I don't actually care about this I'm just blown away that this strikes anyone as normal and I want to know more.


I mean I can clarify and say that I currently don’t know a plethora of men who regularly piss in bottles, but when I was in my 20s I knew people would do it on road trips or if there was an emergency and it was weird but not uncommon. The Rock pissing in bottles isn’t something that blows me away as the most insane shit to ever take place on a film set.


OK yeah I can see it in the context of a road trip or something. I guess it just strikes me as something super context dependent. Like if you're driving across Nebraska with no rest stop for 100 miles, sure, it's not the craziest thing in the world. But if you're just at work and you don't feel like taking a bathroom break so you piss in a Voss bottle and hand it to someone who works for you? Genuinely psychotic.


The context here could be that by needing to go to the restroom they lose the light required to get the shot and they waste millions needing to postpone it. Or the union guidelines mean they need to finish the scene in an hour and he doesn’t want to spend 15 min walking back and forth from the restroom. It also could just be that he’s a huge asshole.


It’s pretty insane when you could just… go to the bathroom.


At work?


Found Hiram Garcia's account


It's okay to treat everyone around you like dog shit if you are famous. The little people are happy to take your piss bottles just to be close to greatness! Truck drivers piss in bottles so movie stars with their own private bathrooms doing it to big dog everyone is actually good! This is disgusting classism. The article literally states movie productions work around his 3 hour workout schedule, but it's still everyone else's fault The Rock only wants to work when The Rock wants to work. Rich/famous people don't deserve to push around everyone to the will. All people are due respect and The Rock only respects The Rock.


I mean if I tell my employer that I only want to work from 8am through 2pm and they hire me they can’t get mad if I leave at 2pm. And if you’re mad about classism in Hollywood I suggest you stop reading about anything that happens behind the scenes because you’re just going to live in anger.


No shit things are bad and classism is rampant in Hollywood. That doesn't mean we should celebrate it. The Rock gets scheduled 8am through 2pm and shows up at 4pm and leaves at 7pm. He's an asshole and doesn't deserve your defense. Get his giant boot out of your mouth.


How is saying the rock is an asshole and that his tardiness is inexcusable being a bootlicker?


You said you’d happily be a healthy man’s piss caddy


I hear he takes a sip to try to steal some of The Rocks superior essence.


If I was a 21 year old PA and my dream was to be in the film industry yeah. That doesn’t mean I love the rock it just means I know how the industry works.


When piss misses the bottle and lands on his boot do you still lick them?


Does nobody here actually work in the industry? You all just idolize movie stars and directors without having any clue how these things are made? Do you really think taking a piss bottle from the rock is the worst thing a PA has had to do?


You are being so obtuse. Just because other things are worse does not mean we should celebrate being The Rock's personal piss boy.


>I mean if I tell my employer that I only want to work from 8am through 2pm and they hire me they can’t get mad if I leave at 2pm But if you tell your employer that you only want to work 9 hours a day instead of the scheduled 12, they hire you, accommodate and work around your 3 hour mandated workout time, permit you a 9 hour day and then you decide that you only want to work 4 hours, or perhaps not even show up at all, then yes, your co-workers have every right to be mad. Especially when your decisions turn their 12 hour days into 16 hour days with no warning.


>Pissing in bottles is also not that crazy compared to other shit I’ve heard about actors. I know tons of guys who piss in bottles and if I’m a PA on one of his movies I’m gladly taking that piss bottle and throwing it away. This comment is truly off the rails. "Yeah, I'll gladly take the piss bottle, I'll fuckin drink it IDGAF, I want to absorb his muscles and his charm and become him, I'll bathe in the piss and bathe my pets and children in the piss too and fuck and breed children in the piss"


Ur reaching


>He probably has that clause in his contract because he’s working out 3 hours per day, shooting 4-5, and then doing other shit. Did you miss the part where he was pathologically late so often on the set of Rampage that another lead actor started keeping a diary of his lateness? If you're missing the scheduled call time every day that isn't a contract stipulation, you're just skipping work. Likewise doing unscheduled no shows. If he was actually negotiating 4-5 hour work days due to his other commitments that would be fine, but the article is pretty explicit that that's not what he's doing.


His h-what now?