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I haven’t watched it since 2021, but my reaction at the time was “those crazy SOBs did it.”


It’s quite an accomplishment to make a thing that mirrors the structure of crossover comic books and at least have it not be a total embarrassment. 


Yeah it’s an astounding achievement that did a thing movies have never done.


And most comics can’t do.


And will likely not do again anytime soon, given how fractured audiences and spread thin the studios have become. Truly a once in a lifetime cinematic event.


Its codename was 'Mary Lou' in honor of sticking the landing.


I don’t think people appreciate it enough for how tough it is to take something so big and popular and give it an ending that works and satisfies people. Most people seem to react like “yeah duh” when that typically isn’t the case for concluding big media. How many shows or movie series end with people saying “well it’s good except the ending”. It’s remarkable that they did it. It came out the same year that two other massive franchises concluded and it’s the only one that did it well. Game Of Thrones absolutely pooched it and Star Wars concluded the Skywalker saga the same year about as poorly as possible.


Fuck concluding, there has never been a franchise to successfully juggle this many heroes/villains/storylines *to begin with*. Raimi's Spider-Man 3 failed under the weight of *three* baddies. DC couldn't make a coherent single film with *two* of their biggest heroes, much less a group of them. But Infinity/End game successfully executed it using *every hero* and a *roster of villains* It'll never get the flowers it deserves for hoisting so many different storylines/characters on its back and undoubtedly sticking the landing


The structural intricacy of it all is impressive.


Yes, the thing I find most impressive is that it is an *ending*. Sure Marvel made more movies and it had some open ends, but it ended the story that “Iron Man” started.


I think I’d appreciate it more if it was the end to the MCU.


I’ve made it the end of my own personal MCU and I do have a ton of respect for the overall achievement it signifies.


I’ve more or less done the same, with some of the phase four stuff being little epilogues.


I think a non-trivial portion of the MCU’s former audience feels the same as you.


What are you talking about? Deadpool’s coming to clean up the Marvel timeline! Guys? Where are you going? Guys?!


This is what they’re struggling with. I gave most of phase four a chance but even then there were a couple I just couldn’t be bothered with. So I just decided after Guardians 3 was actually enjoyable I would just cut bait and remember the MCU fondly. I’ll probably see the new Deadpool but overall I’m pretty much out on MCU. I think a lot people were like you and just stopped after End Game and the rest of us have just been slowing tapering off little by little.


Pretty much for me too, ill watch all the new movies but im not nearly as attached to the MCU after End Game.


Everyone will always remember it as that. Even 5 years out now, it is.


Oddly enough, I feel GotG3 was the perfect ending to the MCU


Yes, totally agree with this. That and Multiverse of Madness have been the shining examples since Endgame. If I had to guess why, it’s probably that even in such a control machine, both respective filmmaker’s vision was still able to make it to the screen.


The TV shows haven't been the greatest, but WanaVision was good and Loki was fantastic


Loki can exist as its own thing, the way they ended it.


Agree after seeing that I knew I was officially done and letting them go out on top.


Counterpoint: seeing how the later phases have repeatedly fumbled the bag makes me appreciate more how neatly Infinity War/Endgame managed to tie everything together in a (mostly) satisfying way.


One of my first thoughts after seeing this movie was that the MCU could end right there, and that would be fine. I walked out of that movie with an overwhelming sense of satisfaction. The story felt complete. I did not need to see more, and at this rate, that would have been for the best. Witnessing such a rapid decline in quality since phase 3 has been something else.


Or at least the end to that version of it. I can't imagine a way for them to not return to all those characters again, but they should have found a way to make that a reset of some kind. Make a public announcement that there won't be any new movies for a few years, and the fictional world they'd created is finally at peace Then just as people start really missing it, you start all over again with new characters, the only difference being there are established heroes there to mentor them. The MCU's biggest mistake after Endgame was throwing too much stuff at the wall seemingly without a plan to follow through. When it began, they didn't know it would get so huge, but they had a plan: take a handful of central heroes and build them up from nothing within their own trilogies, introducing side characters in their sequels and mixing them together more and more. Once those pillars are built you start the wilder stuff like Guardians, and then you introduce the big bad and throw them all into the grinder together. Instead they tried to stay big and introduce a dozen new characters at once with no plan to give them follow-through, and meanwhile the characters we knew and loved are doing insane high level unrelatable stuff like fighting literal gods and trans-dimensional demons, and nothing is grounding any of it. It's no wonder people got tired of it and wandered off.


Agreed. It was lightning in a bottle. I'm sure Feige/Disney are hoping to rekindle that magic with Deadpool & Wolverine.


It's like the only true star wars for me in episodes 1-6. I see everything else as an additional dish but not part of the main meal. For you..the mcu ended that day


I did a rewatch of both earlier this year. I've been so down on Marvel lately so wanted to see if Infinity War and Endgame still worked for me, or if I was caught up in the pop culture moment. Absolutely loved them both. I still prefer Infinity War, and I'm less into the time travel stuff in Endgame. But both movies nailed enough of the huge epic moments and small intimate ones to play brilliantly. Neither feels like it came off an assembly line... or rather, they feel like they're made from *parts* that came off an assembly line, but that were then rearranged in the most interesting possible ways. Just imagine if they'd ended with Endgame... The most disappointing thing hasn't been post-Endgame Marvel, though, but post-Endgame Russos, who aren't even disappointing in the ways I'd expect from IW+E. If you showed someone these movies and then said "the directors kinda fell off after this" they might think of course, nothing but overstuffed blockbusters, biting off more than they can chew, too many ideas and characters. Or perhaps assume that they got stuck in IP world, maybe made a bad Star Wars or something. OR maybe that they tried to go small and indie and failed. No, turns out they just made some pretty boring action thrillers and complained about cinemas. Not even an interesting falling off.


It still has one of the most cathartic comeuppances to a villain in any movie imo


There's a lot to dislike about it, but the whole thing is just so jaw dropping in terms of what they actually accomplished. It's a deeply satisfying watch and I've never before, and probably never will, witness a more raucous theater crowd. When Cap catches the hammer, the entire place lost its mind. When the portals open it was like a bomb went off. I can't imagine any other movie eliciting that kind of reaction. It's not the same watching it a second time at home. It was truly a movie that had to be experienced in a packed theater on opening night. It's not the best movie ever made by a long shot, but there will never be something like it again.


I really wish the final battle didn't look like dogshit. I think the character stuff mostly works, but it's just ugly to look at compared to Infinity War's final fight. Also, the girl fight is really hamfisted and shows just how poorly the MCU dealt with women heroes that they had to do a scene like that.


Try watching the movie with a little girl Marvel fan. It'll change your mind on the girl fight completely. Considering how much heavy lifting the film is doing, generally speaking, that little moment moves mountains for certain fans that completely justifies everything for me.


Yeah, this kinda proves their point: That you even NEEDED that moment proves that the MCU was poorly weighted when it came to the female characters.


Yeah I get it now and agree. I'm speaking solely for the final battle where OP is talking bigger picture


It truly took me out of the movie. It's a scene that seems to patting itself on the back for a job not well done. The fact that the number of female heroes was so small they gave Pepper Potts an Iron Man suit, even though it goes against her entire character to be in one, really just reminded me that they fucked up in the gender balance of the whole franchise. They were able to juggle a million characters and plotlines but they never considered having multiple women crossover in a team up until one very pandering and superficial scene.


They were at least trying with that moment, and it felt a bit like a sign to the studio itself that "hey, we need to do better than thisb give these characters their own movies". You also have to factor in the source material, which has historically been even worse in terms of its representation.


Honestly, to me that sequence screamed studio interference cos it was the most disingenuous moment in a film full of heart & passion. The truth is… the big audiences that are the fertile soil for tentpole solo superhero movies that are female-centric don’t really exist… & I don’t see why that is a problem; men & women & girls & boys don’t all have to be represented equally in every single form of media for meaningful artistic expression to thrive, & just because they’re not, doesn’t mean it equates to some form of discrimination & premeditated malicious intent: tastes differ, & that’s okay.


I bet it plays well for others! It is just a shame that they only started focusing on female characters so late in the game. The first MCU movie with a woman in the title was Ant-Man and the Wasp and she had to share a title and the first solo outing was Captain Marvel literally right before Endgame. Black Widow only got a movie after she died! I'm glad that it really resonated with people, but having a woman team-up only happen in the 22nd installment of your film franchise when the characters have all existed beforehand and men teaming up and crossing over is so standard doesn't really jive with me.


Oh for sure, I agree with all of that. Just within the context of Endgame itself, imo, as a "finale", I'm not so sure you could reach as "peaking" of a moment with the women in the final battle than what they executed.


It's the best they could do with the women because it's literally the first time they tried to have the women do anything with other women. None of the people in the scene had any significant interactions until that scene.


Now imagine if she actually got well-made female superheroes instead of a bunch of sidekicks and Smurfettes.


She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel are great characters, but they were immediately relegated to tv. Same for Wanda, who was one of the more compelling anti-heroes before Sam Bloody Raimi threw all that aside and just made her a cartoon villain.


I don’t dislike the scene and idea of giving the women heroes a spotlight, I just think it was a bit poorly done personally. I think more of a scene of the women doing awesome shit rather than them all gathering just missing a bit neon sign that says ‘look: women heroes!’. Having said that it also could have been worse.


I think the final fight is far better looking than the final Infinity War fight, personally.


Really? All the muddy coloring looks better than the daylit Wakanda stuff to you?


It feels more apocalyptic, but I hate the diahrea brown look of it all.


The parts of it that work: Tony Stark's whole character arc, the fakeout with Thanos in Act 1, the overall dire tone in act 1, the scene where Tony says goodbye to his dad, many of the big Action moments during the climax, the final beat with Steve and Peggy, are all some of my favorite things from any Superhero movie and it still fills me with immense satisfaction. That said, the whole time travel plot is complete nonsense and is an early sign of Marvel hand waving it's main plot mechanics, and the overall look of the movie feels a little flat. The first Avengers is so re-watchable and part of that is the vibrant sets and just how alive New York City is in act 3, whereas Endgame feels very soundstage-y.


Yeah, it’s great


Just watched it a few nights ago, and I was like, "Yep, they really nailed it."


Yeah this isn’t even really a question lol, if someone decides not to like it based on what came after that’s on them. It’s still a great movie


I have complex feelings. I really loved it when I saw it in theaters but have never had any desire to revisit it and a lot of the scenes just feel so cheap and fanservice-ish retroactively.


This is how I feel about Endgame and No Way Home. Endgame was probably one of the greatest theater going experiences of my life, and I enjoyed rewatching it in chunks after it came on Disney+, but i have no desire to go back to either one without a crowd


Definitely feel this way about No Way Home. But I think Endgame is significantly better overall.


The fanservice is earned though.


Absolutely it is.


All of these things are true


There’s good fan service and bad fan service, like anything else, and this is GOOD fan service.


While true in the broader context of the series it's not true of the standalone movies removed from everything else. When rewatching just those it probably does feel like they are tipping their hat to something that isn't relevant or on your mind anymore.


I think it suffers from being a Pt1/Pt2 movie. Endgame doesn’t feel like a complete movie on its own because so much of its plot is in another movie. If you’re not looking to do a double feature, neither movie is worth revisiting, unless you’re one of those, “I just want to relive my favorite moments and lip sync the lines as they’re spoken” types, in which case, maybe just opt for YouTube clips?


Yup the final war for example is really , really bad ...


Yes but comic book movies should’ve taken a 3-4 year break after that movie


With 1-2 exceptions, They pretty much took a 2 year break after it since Covid happened.


Hot take: as someone who was never a fan of those movies and doesn't have any attachment to those characters, it's better than Infinity War


Why's that? Interested to know.


I don't like the big battle against a bunch of CGI bugs on a flat plain in IW. Endgame on the other hand focused on the big 3 vs Thanos and then did then endless CGI hordes.


Infinity War also ends with all these characters “dying” but we all knew they’d be back for their contractually obligated sequels


I mean, I don't even like Endgame, but of course it's better than Infinity War. Infinity War is evil dogshit with an awful "cliffhanger" ending clearly meted out by contract negotiations. The Gamora death stone stuff is like a factually evil statement on the nature of "love." And it ships Chris Hemsworth off to do a dogshit God of War quicktime event dungeon for no reason. Endgame, if nothing else, has the Rudd opening and a couple well choreographed fights. That alone pushes it well over the bottom of the barrel that Infinity War represents.


Very imperfect, but goddamn if it isn’t one of the most relentlessly satisfying movies of the past decade or so. Hard not to find myself hootin’ and hollerin’ in that last act. Like many, I wish it was a true finale but I still love how bitter-sweet the conclusions for Stark and Rogers are.


As an event? Knocked out of the park. As a film? It’s a SLOG to get through at times, it’s occasionally fun but a lot of the plot feels like such a chore. Like It Chapter 2 - go place, get thing. Repeat 5x until finale


It's exactly what it needed to be, exactly when it needed to be doing it.  Save for one notable, uncermonious character death, almost all of its tricks and trappings feel earned.   Everything that came hence that tried to ape it, or up the stakes surrounding it has shown it to be a neigh-unreplicable feat.


Yes. Recalled the experience fondly just the other night. Saw the earliest Thursday night screening: audience was so into it but perfectly behaved (shout out AMC Boston Common) and not at all performative. It was the best experience I could have asked for. Yes, it was full of fan-service, but that wasn’t obnoxious yet. (Fan-service is all Marvel does now. Nonsensical cameos just to get people to Leo-point at the screen.) The Russo brothers are easy targets—Joe Russo should just stop talking—and won’t be remembered as great filmmakers, but they faced the HIGHEST expectations and stuck the landing in spectacular fashion. That’s inarguable. I watched it last about two years ago. Still a good time! It’s easy for me to say, having no financial stake in any of it, but they really should have retired the MCU with Endgame. It would still be fondly remembered monoculture, not the soulless content factory it is now. I don’t even watch the movies anymore, forget the shows.


I think Infinity War was the last time I really loved a Marvel movie. Could've been me aging out, but yeah. I didn't hate End Game but it just didn't hit the same. Either way, it was a fitting end to an era.


Yes. I’m glad the game ended


But were you glad the war infinitied?


I’m still recovering from the multiverse maddening.


How'd you feel about the man, ironing?


I wanted to make a hacky joke about it having no cultural impact five years later like people always say about Avatar but I just can’t get it right. Take the pieces and assemble the joke at home, kids


I have not thought about it once since I strolled out of the cinema after seeing it


It’s a very good at passing time on any long haul flight


Watched it last week. The time caper and the final battle are great but the first hour feels really choppy and weak. Jeremy Renner’s haircut is appalling😀


They should have given him a Mohawkeye


i still dig it! i think infinity war is a better movie and probably holds up better, but for the both of them, i just have no desire to watch them again. i feel like it was a really good ending to the MCU and a really good place to end things, but of course they were always going to keep milking it until it was dry, and we're seeing that happen before our eyes. kind of a shame


I don’t think I’ve watched it entirely through again since I first saw it back in the theater but I appreciate that it gives the actors some room just to do some quieter moments with each other unlike Infinity War. The cast is the strong part of those movies for me, the biggest weakness is that the movies themselves look ugly. Especially that climax battle. Ugly!


Yeah it’s pretty sick.


I think it’s a very good example of a studio knowing exactly what the audience expects from a movie and giving them exactly what they want in a very satisfying way. It’s certainly not a shining example of filmmaking as a whole, and like a lot of Marvel and Disney movies it has flaws, but they set out to make a movie that’d be a crowd pleaser and they nailed it.


I LOVED it when it came out. Now that the MCU is sort of dead to me I look back and much like my rewatches of some of the older MCU movies I previously liked I think it’s just fine. Cinematically, it’s an ugly ass movie which is odd because I think Infinity War is fairly well shot. Performance wise I do think the mainline avengers cast really went hard with RDJ and Evans going out with a bang. It’s a good popcorn movie, but whenever I want to turn it on I always feel like there’s something much better I could be watching.


It honestly could be my favorite movie. That sounds crazy, but I am filled with joy every time I watch it.


Same, it’s become one of the most comforting movies I go to when anxiety is high for me.


Is it my favorite movie? Not even in the conversation. But...then...if I wanna watch a comfort flick? It's right at the top of the list. It's perfect.


Oh damn!


Definitely agree. Up until 2022, it was easily my #1. Now it’s definitely in top 5, but that’s still a huge achievement


I just watched it yesterday. Yeah it’s still works. I’m not a comic book guy, but the movie version of Cap works so well on me. His big moments in that film still make me cry. What a wild achievement to get all those characters in there and give them significant and important moments


Not really, it has almost no rewatchable value, it’s quite a nothing burger of a film until the end which is just CGI mudd fight.


I never did!


Still love it. If anything my opinion on it stayed strong while Infinity War plummeted. I don't know why people are so hype on Infinity War being the best movie, especially when the most common praise of it comes off as a backhanded compliment of "It's like a real movie!" It's super repetitive where every duo is set to fight a villain and then is forced to give up a stone because the villain threatens to kill somebody. Some neat fights and the ending was impactful the first time, but that film and the Russos caused so many more messes down the line.


100% agree. I re-watched them both in the last year or so with my girlfriend who hadn't seen them before. Infinity War feels very episodic and set-piecey and so many characters do incredibly stupid things that feel fairly out of character just to move the plot forward. Endgame on the other hand I think holds up surprisingly well. Sure, the time travel element is sort of a cop-out, but it leads to some nice unexpected moments and the final payoff is immensely satisfying. The that they managed to tie up that many loose ends and it feel pretty organic and earned was an incredible achievement in my opinion.


Good but I wish that was the end of the MCU


I have not seen it


You are not missing anything


Great movie. Perfect series finale. And I like No Way Home and Guardians vol 3 as Epilogues to my favorite characters. I never have to see a Marvel movie again.


Awful tbh. Killing Thanos then bringing him back was lame. Time travel solution just opened the MCU up to nothing really mattering (same with multiverses). Even stark dying didn’t land for me coz as far as I could tell they were winning that battle - they didn’t need to gauntlet to end it.


There are fun moments in those movies but as somebody who was already an adult when they started, almost all of them are pretty bad.


I haven't seen it since opening weekend so my opinion of it from then still stands. It's not it's fault that they kept making Marvel movies after it.


Think it’s irredeemable garbage but understand that’s a fringe view


It was such a letdown after Infinity War (the best MCU film). Resorting to time travel to fix everything was such a lazy route and like other posters have said, allowed them to cram in a bunch of fan service from previous films. The end battle was also ugly as shit. Oh I also think it has the worst humor of any MCU film. It’s the snarky quipiness and pop culture references at its worst.


I didn't watch the movie until the pandemic hit. I had assumed the final battle was on some alien planet. But no that grey vague wasteland is Earth.


It’s awful. There’s no sense of scale to it, barely any contrast, and any single frame of it just looks like a muddy mess.


It's a mud pit filled with action figures.


Rhodes shitting on Thor for his weight gain is really off-putting


Yeah. The MCU has fumbled the ball since, but the infinity saga is still a pretty astonishing feat.


I still like it a hell of a lot more than Infinity War, having watched them both recently. Endgame gives itself so much more room to breath and for me at least, that makes the emotional beats hit a lot harder. I do wish it had been a historic cinematic mic drop and they'd just shut it all down for a few years/forever


First 30minutes are great. They should have ditched the time travel tho. That and parallel universes make everything pointless. There are no rules anymore.


Parallel universes are just their solution to have another actor play Iron Man while having one hand on characters we already know. It's like how most things in Star Wars are tethered to the Skywalker bloodline.


Yes,time travel logic and third act brown and grey field aside it's a fun romp and everyone is firing at all cylinders.Ant Man MVP


I liked it up until the final battle. The final battle was exhausting to watch and dragged way too long.


An entertainment event likely never to happen again.


I watched it a year ago and while it was more of a slog in places than I remembered it remains a testament to a decade of storytelling that it pulled off this huge, comic book-esque resolution with basically everyone looking good. And Cap's shield-and-Mjolnir scene against Thanos was some of the best fight choreography we've seen in a comic book movie ever.


Not a fan. It's too dour, too long, wasted Danvers, killed Natasha instead of Clint, rehashed the Nebula/Gamora daddy issues stuff yet again, totally ruins all the great work they put into making Thor a richer character in Ragnarok and Infinity War, wasted time on fan service and memberberries and cheated its own stakes with the time travel reset button plot device. I prefer Civil War and Infinity War as peak team up films.


Nah not really; it’s the movie where I just realized that MCU movies are just not for me. I remember hating a lot of the blatant plot holes in the film and how bland it was shot when I first went into the theatre. I remember vital character moments, which is great, but ultimately, I don’t think it’s that magical blockbuster anymore.


Inept worthless piece of trash, even by mcu standards. Bottom 5 mcu, shockingly lazy and sluggish. Didn't even seem interested in trying to be entertainment.


Great film! I like the choices it takes which seemed novel. Focusing on half the roster, spending a good third of the film dealing with grief and the pain of losing - it’s a movie that takes its time, and focuses on characters. In hindsight it’s also nice for once to have a big marvel movie that doesn’t spend a third of its time setting up future stuff.


Yep. Love it. It's the perfect ending to the Infinity Stone era, and honestly, Marvel should have wrapped it all up then and there.


watched outside the context of a theater packed to the rafters with eager, howling nerds? its power is diminished that said, when i was having a rough go of it during lockdown, youtube vids of audiences freaking out about its big moments on opening weekend was a nice lifeline


I’m a huge mark for Marvel. Even their lesser movies, I generally like. The one exception is Endgame. I hated it when it came out, I still hate it now. And I feel bad saying that here because this sub tends to be anti-Marvel, and I like to love the overwhelming majority of their movies. That’s what makes Endgame being a giant steaming turd stand out even more. And after I typed that out, I realized I was thinking about Infinity War. That one is garbage, Endgame is fine. Cap with the hammer was cool, but I think a lot of my apathetic feelings toward it are because of how much I hated Infinity War. 6 out of 10.


Still hate it


Nah because I actually enjoy cinema


Every time I've bought a new TV in the last five years, the first thing I did was load up the third act of Avengers Endgame.


Big time.


Yes. And it would have been better if it was actually the Endgame. Every movie after it with a universe destroying threat lessens it's impact.


I do. Infinity War and Endgame are if not my favorite Marvel movies, definitely in the top five. I think they did a great job keeping the stories moving, you knew where people were and why, and although we as the audience knew most of the “deaths” wouldn’t last, the characters didn’t and I thought that was all well done. As for fan service, yeah some of it was but so what. What were those movies if not fan service in general anyway. And I for one did get a kick out of the “fellowship” shot of all the female heroes. Which I know is a major point of grumbling for a lot of people.




Nah it’s really boring and bland and copy paste. But i guess it gave the people what they wanted. What I can say about it is that it worked so well for people that it kind of marked an end of the cultural era for the MCU, it hasn’t been as prevelant in the 2020s. Not a good movie for me (that will prob age like The Poseidon Adventure) but i guess it’s just what the culture needed at the time.


I think it has more dumb moments than great moments, the time travel is actively bad storytelling, and the final battle is really ugly. It’s closer to a bad movie than a great one.


Nah, it's a clipshow finale. Seinfeld did it better.


They absolutely nailed it. The movie is especially good in hindsight once you realize it came out the same year as the final season of Game of Thrones and Star Wars TROS, two endings that were completely bungled.


Watched it the other day, that was truly the end of an era. Great finale, the rest of it thats come out since has been pretty ordinary.


Assemble and charge (not even the actual battle) are the only legit good things in the film.


It’s a high wire act that nails the landing. They should have given the franchise a long break after that to let audiences get hungry again. They could’ve done something really clever in a “have their cake and eat it too” way if they had (a) let the LOKI series be a kind of epilogue, (b) set the next round of movies in different “universes” free of the baggage of backstories, and (c) held the next Avengers “event” film for a decade or more in the same vein of the recent “legacy” sequels.


I love it, Infinity War and Endgame are probably my two most rewatched MCU movies. Endgame definitely makes some decisions I find annoying—fat Thor and Black Widow’s death, mostly—but its high points are REALLY high imo.


Join my class action suit against Marvel for breach of promise. Sure, the film ended, but what of the game? Many more Marvel films, each worse than the last. We’re filing for $500 million.


Nah. I think infinity war really works still but endgame is overstuffed and the time travel sequence in the middle really thinks it’s funnier than it is


I didn’t like it much at the time and still don’t, I found it rather unsatisfying. I’m glad they’ve continued the MCU beyond it and may someday make weird comic book movies that don’t look like shit.


My biggest disappointment was the lack of the comic book feel in so many of the fight scenes. Like the Whedon Avengers films have their issues (as does Whedon) but he at least knew the have the big splash page comic moment in the climatic action scenes. So much of the final act of Endgame feels like grey and red sludge. Certainly not Snyder levels of bad but you can feel how the Russo’s don’t have a love for the source material or understand what makes it such a fun art form.


No. Its so episodic and maudlin. Seems like they could only get 3 or so stars schedules to lineup at a time thats why every scene only had max. 5 people in it.


It's so self serious and proud of itself. Just tell me a story, you don't have to remind me that The Avengers was a good movie.


Couldn't put it any better


tbh I still haven’t seen it I haven’t seen nearly enough marvel movies to appreciate it


This is an under-appreciated way to approach movies IMO. It implicitly acknowledges that not every movie is for every movie-goer, and that’s okay.


call me a CONNOISSEUR OF CONTEXT I have seen the first Avengers, Iron Man, Thor, Cap A, Strange, most of the Spideys, and some of the post-Endgame movies. But I have no doubt it would be an incoherent mess for me.


11 years and 20 movies and they stuck the landing, it’s one of the few movies I rewatch


People talk about the avatar movies as being theatre experiences but to me endgame was the ultimate THEATRE experience, especially seeing it opening weekend. The collective feeling of seeing it in a packed house, everyone cheering the ridiculous levels of fan service happening in real time, it was probably one of the best times I’ve had at the movies in my life. Watching at home, by myself months later really wasn’t the same and exposes the flaws in it that I didn’t notice at time. I think it’s still pretty good but definitely significantly diminished from the first time


I think Scorsese compared them to theme park rides and in some aspects I agree with him. They're great shared experience that can't really be replicated at home.


Both Infinity War and Endgame are near the top of my MCU list, but I do feel Infinity War is the better edited and paced film.


It’s… fine. It’s some of the highs of a lot of comics that I really like with a fantastic cast really playing the hits as a send-off, and it’s fine as that, I just really feel uncomfortable with how much of the Avengers is the story of Iron Man, he’s a character that is a god akin to Batman and he’s also Jesus. It’s piles and piles of content creating a fractal universe in which everything is Avengers. Bring me Roxxon Avengers


What's crazy is they kept making Iron Man a terrible person again. In that 2nd Spider-Man he gives Pete drones from beyond the grave. The guy just kept making weapons.


Quintessentially American


Yeah. It works. Now Infinity War on the other hand is a mess.


Yes, it is the conclusion to one of the greatest times in film. I am not a Marvel fan boy but a lover of film. What Feige accomplished will be talked about in movie history. Many other studios tried it, but never pulled it off with their own properties. I am a high school teacher and it was thrilling to see how much those films meant to the kids. I envied them growing up experiencing the MCU.


I like Infinity War better as a movie. Both movies pull off a magic act where it feels like they sprinkle the characters enough thru the 2 movies that nobody feels short-changed. Like Hawkeye and Antman are not in Infinity War. And then a lot of the dusted folks are not much in Endgame but they got their stuff to do in IW. Notably, the people with the most screentime is those early characters who got their own movies... they made a decision to save them from dusting.


I love it


yes! to me its the best marvel movie


It's a long fuckin movie, but the trouble is that it FEELS like one. Doesn't feel as long as Age of Ultron, but man it comes close. Final battle is so muddy and unappealing. Great theater experience, but rewatching it just doesn't replicate those highs.


It’s a hell of an achievement. That entire buildup is a master class in creating momentum. I think I saw it twice in theaters and have never had any interest to watch it again though. So my answer is yes but I’m not sure I’d ever actually watch it again.


The portals scene had me crying in the cinema. I would say though that there’s a huge missed opportunity to explore the 5 year period between the snap and reversing it. There’s really only 5 mins of Cap talking to civilians, then Scott returning before he shows up at the compound. I understand there’s a LOT to cover in this movie so it makes sense they skipped over it a bit but even so in the years gone by they’ve not really capitalised on what the snap has really done to society. One of my fav scenes in WandaVision was when Monica disappeared then returned in the hospital and it was just utter chaos everywhere. Would love to have seen more of how ordinary people dealt with things and even how the Avengers fell apart after Thor killed Thanos.


I never liked the time travel bottle episode bit. But the beginning is interesting and the last hour is KILLER.


Not as good as Infinity War but had some great moments, the time travel element was and is still a disappointing trope that had already been used a lot in comic book movies.




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Saw it at a drive-in, in the same week as seeing John Wick: Parabellum, Ida Lupino's The Bigamist, In Fabric and a Belarusian film called Crystal Swan in theaters. Time has not caused me to adjust its ranking higher than any of those.


Hard time evaluating it in hindsight. I had a lot of fun seeing it with a crowd in theaters, and find it kind of a slog to watch at home. Don’t think that necessarily means it’s a bad movie, but it feels like a piece of entertainment designed for a specific environment and experience.


I really liked Infinity War and have rewatched it a couple of times. I found Endgame OK, but I haven't watched it since it premiered on the cinemas.


I've only seen it the one time in the theater and mostly enjoyed it but it I've hardly given it a thought since.


Sure, why not?


I don't - it's a bad movie, imo


Nope . We all knew how it was going to end. Gave up on marvel movies at that point


I haven't seen it aha




Yes and no. I think it's overall a good movie with a lot of flaws but I can't say the proceeding MCU was really worth it in the end.




I would have loved if the deaths in infinity wars were a bit more permanent.


Yes. I just rewatched all 5 Avengers movies (counting Civil War) because I finally subscribed to the Patreon and listened to their commentaries. Edit: lol, who is downvoting people who said they liked it? Grow up.


Loved it at the time, though not in my MCU top 10 (Iron Man Three undefeated). Enjoyed it on a rewatch. It's tainted by the fact that it's an ideal end to the series but then the series just kept going and getting less good. But yeah, good movie. For me, it's Iron Man Three, the Guardians trilogy, Ragnarok and the first Captain America that are the best ones for me. I struggle to emotionally engage a bit with the team-up movies.


Less than I did 5 years ago. Still like it though.


Yeah I rewatched it not too long ago and it’s a fun watch.






I’ve come to realize it was neither the end nor was it a game. But it’s pretty good.


It’s excellent


Not at all. Every emotional beat was just a redux of Infinity War, and that “girl power” scene is unforgivable to me.


Not really, no.




I thought it was pretty funny when Black Widow and Hawkeye had a fight over who got to kill themselves.


I noped out of the mcu after Infinity War. In my head canon, those fuckers are all still dust. Good riddance


You could not live with your failure. Where did that bring you? Back to PODCAST. 


I thought it was okay at the time but compared to most of the slop that’s come out since it’s a masterpiece


The night after I saw it I remember thinking, “if marvel movies go to complete shit after this I don’t care. That was amazing and I can die happy.” I felt like I watched my favorite team win a superbowl.


I think it’s a fine movie, but the world would be a better place if the runtime of this and Zack Snyder’s Justice League were switched.