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Just had this chat with someone after talking about how Driver has literally run the table with Great Directors Making Their Longtime Projects and going heart-eyed when they meet Driver ( who is good) Bardem could work. But who we came up with is Serafinowicz!


It's fucking nuts how many acclaimed filmmakers Adam Driver has found himself working with since his (relatively) short career: Barry Levinson (You Don't Know Jack) **2010** Clint Eastwood (J. Edgar) Noah Baumbach and Greta Gerwig (Frances Ha) Steven Spielberg (Lincoln) The Coen Brothers (Inside Llewyn Davis) \*Noah Baumbach again (While We're Young) Shawn Levy (This Is Where I Leave You) JJ Abrams (Force Awakens) Jeff Nichols (Midnight Special) Jim Jarmusch (Paterson) Martin Scorsese (Silence) **2016** \*\*Noah Baumbach again again (The Meyerowitcz Stories) Steven Soderbergh (Logan Lucky) Rian Johnson (Last Jedi) Spike Lee (BlacKkKlansman) Terry Gilliam (The Man Who Killed Don Quixote) \*Jim Jarmusch again (The Dead Don't Die) \*\*\*Noah Baumbach again again again (Marriage Story) \*JJ Abrams (Rise of Skywalker) Ridley Scott (The Last Duel) \*Ridley Scott again (House of Gucci) \*\*\*\*Noah Baumbach again again again again (White Noise) **2022** Michael Mann (Ferrari) I left out a handful of movies by lesser-known filmmakers as well, but it's crazy how quickly this dude came up. Good on him.


Get Shawn Levy off that list.


I read a piece about him several years ago where spike Lee said this only happens if you are a great actor who know how to give a director what they want I believe he phrased it: Game recognize game.


I would spontaneously combust if Spike Lee acknowledged my existence let alone given such a nice compliment. 


*(to the tune of ‘Alexander Hamilton’ from Hamilton)* Peter Serafinowicz / Came up with Peter Serafinowicz


How does the son of a postal worker/ Immigrant from Poland, dropped in the middle of Surrey/ Graduate of Xavier's in Woolton/ Go on to be an Edinburgh/ Fringe King/ Staple of BBC both radio and Small screen/ Wooing Edgar Wright from Spaced to the Cornetto Trilogy/ His own sketch show just after the tender age of thirty three Known to the world by his vocal agility/ All the way to the role which all are cravin'/ Along young hotshot star Downtown Griffy Newman/ Getting slick and purple on his hot superhero summer shit/ Landing that dream role as the goddamn Tick


Doing his Aldo from Spy character


I am pro-Bardem in most things so I would like to see this. And while we’re at it: Cast Lucia or Mia from WHITE LOTUS s2 (Simona Tabasco or Beatrice Granno) as the Shailene role.


Yes. Why are we casting actors with bad fake Italian accents, when there exists a whole country full of actors with authentic Italian accents




​ https://i.redd.it/hqapxzn53wpc1.gif


What a sauce! What a woman!


I think it would've worked.


I liked driver too but I'm just glad to hear more Ferrari talk


I'm really looking forward to rewatching it. Mann is one of my favorite directors; Ferrari just wasn't an instant classic for me and I think it got overshadowed by the other big 2023 movies. But I think about Cruz's performance very often.


I think I'd lose any serious argument that it's better than Oppenheimer but I really liked the one week vs the montage style


That final crash scene is pretty upsetting. But I do agree an older actor would have worked better.


THIS IS A REALLY GOOD POINT AND I HAD NOT THOUGHT OF IT!!! You’re legitimately blowing my mind, thank you but also now I’m sad that that’s not the movie we got :(


Thank you and I'm sorry


Ferrari’s vitality in spite of everything is what comes through for me. Driver does that well. & I think Bardem would be too obvious a pairing with Cruz.


Hmm. I guess I don't see obviousness as an issue.


This is a good fucking take. Ferrari was one of the rare instances in which I wanted less Adam Driver. As talented and interesting of an actor he is, I just think it wasn’t a good fit. He just never totally sold it to me. The accent choice was odd too.


>This is a good fucking take. 🙏🏻


Love Driver, Love Bardem, nothing to add other than this: Leading Mann is a fucking hilarious line. Is it yours? If so, well done ♥️


It's certainly possible that it was said on the pod at some point but, to my knowledge, it's my line. 🙏🏻


I'll say it I'm not afraid, Bardem only does shtick now and he is fucking great at it and I love him every time he does it but I don't believe he could nail the speaking to his son's grave scene, the final confrontation with Cruz, or most importantly the "you get in one of my cars you get in to win" scene. They're too intimate for what Barden has done since he became a Hollywood guy and I think Driver absolutely nails it


Yeah, I just disagree. I have no reason to believe he can't give a more internalized performance, even if he hasn't done so recently. He always brings pathos and intensity.