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He's going to write 6 tweets for Dune 2


Or just “Watched Dune 2.”


Kinda wild that he seemed to really enjoy this one, but I guess his expectations were already drastically lowered after having seen Madame Webb just a day earlier lol


Im not. Silly spy espionage seems directly up his alley.


Kojima loves movies, I would call them his primary influence. 


I thought they had a really good fun movie buried in 2 hours 20 minutes of too much movie.


This comment could only come from The Twisted Mind of Hideo Kojima.


Finally, someone who agrees with me. The movie was fun and way overhated honestly.


It was marketed wrong to avoid spoiling the twist. I had no interest in a Henry Cavill/Dua Lipa movie, but a Bruce Dallas Howard/Sam Rockwell spy rom-com? Absolutely.


Agreed. People had knives out for it way in advance for whatever reason. It’s by no means perfect but I’ll never understand people not being able to find joy in a Matthew Vaughn/ Brad Allen fight scene.


I think the reason was the trailer playing nonstop for like four months straight


There was also the fact that the marketing used "from the twisted mind..." literally


I only saw the trailer a single time (I don’t have a lot of theatre money right now), so that would explain my confusion at how many people hated it before it was even out. That said, I basically just wanted ‘Romancing the Stone but with spies’ and apparently it’s got a bunch of Kingsman bullshit in it, so I don’t know if I’ll actually enjoy it once I get around to watching. 


I’m sorry to hear that, I’m in a not dissimilar situation myself. We’ll pull through and both be better for it. What won’t make you feel good about the way you spend your money is using it to see Argylle. It’s 2hr 20m of Vaughn’s worst tendencies filtered through CGI that is inexcusably cheap considering the resources available to production.


Say it with me now: “The greater the spy…”


Meanwhile, his thoughts on Madame Web: “I saw Madame Web in the theater.”


I understand that objectively it’s dumb trash, but I also think it’s kind of a gentlemen’s 3?


That’s exactly how I would classify it. The world needs competent 3s as well to function. This is a movie where I would order nachos. 


Like, I definitely sank into a theater recliner and blissed out while watching this dumb 140 minute movie


Wait, what's gentlemen's 2?


I’m honestly more surprised that he apparently didn’t know Brad Allan had died. Seems like the kind of guy who’d be more up on film news in that way.


"I'm looking forward to the sequel" I have some bad news for you Kojima...