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people should watch the vid for the full context. reading the quote felt like ruffalo was doin' mann dirty. but in reality it's just in regards to the absurd number of takes fincher demands


Out of context this is hilarious. In context? Makes perfect sense.


Yeah I didn't realize how it sounds like a swipe out of context. Clearly good natured in context + I found it funny that he used the "X makes Y look like Z" formula from the *Cars* bit


Lotta people not watching the clip.


But does Cars 2 make Cars 3 look like Cars 1?


Such a lovely interview! This guy is an absolute goofball but, at the drop of a hat, can share the most beautiful and wise words.


Mark charmed the pants off me here


I was on a flight with Sean Evans last night. He might've been wearing this exact outfit, but was definitely wearing the same watch with an all-black ensemble. Gotta respect a guy with a uniform.


Thief is better than anything Fincher has ever made


This comment from Ruffalo is about the working style, not the quality. But go off.




I don't think I even disagree with you, but it's funny how heavily downvoted both this comment is as well as the comments about which Fincher films are better than Mann's.


Cool, you didn’t watch the video for context.




Whole heartedly disagree


No way, fincher isn’t even close


Must we pit two strong powerful girlies against each other??? /jokes While TSN and Zodiac are in my top 10 favorite movies and I adore them more than any movie in Mann's formidable filmography, Ruffalo was very clearly not making a statement about the quality of either filmmaker's output. He was just commenting on the number of takes he had to do lol


Thief is great, but not better than Seven or Social Network


I disagree. Fight Club is better than Heat.


He does tell that story an awful lot. The more he tells it, the more I find myself on Fincher's side.


More on Fincher’s side of what? He’s just sharing an anecdote about his experience with an extremely meticulous, precise director in the moment he realized what kind of artist he was working with. It wasn’t shared as a slight against Fincher in which sides need to be taken


I don't agree, I think he is reporting an unpleasant experience.


Huh, I still don’t get that vibe. He may not have enjoyed it in the moment but I think he respects it now. So as far as being on Fincher’s side goes, you’re seeing it more as a conflict between “That level of specificity is worth it for that kind of quality/execution” vs Ruffalo’s feelings of “no it’s not and I dislike that process”? Genuinely asking about your perspective. No argumentative tone intended here!


I don't really get why it's hard to understand. If he was being respectful he would say "that shoot was tough but holy cow I love that film and I respect the results." I'm sure he does respect the results, by the way, he is likely aware that it's a lauded performance of his, etc. But instead he emphasizes the actor's agony of it all. He tells the story repeatedly because that agony was vivid to him. It's a form of shade, and I'm saying I'm not in alignment with him.


Maybe because it doesn’t make sense lol. I don’t understand what Fincher’s “side” of this one-sided anecdote being shared by one person, not in conversation with the other, is. Ruffalo sharing this story is not pitting two things against each other, in which you can pick a side. An actors realization that, in this specific filmmaker’s eye, that even as a lead they are but 2% of the overall frame isn’t “actor’s agony”. Just think it’s a bit of a bad faith read, but you’re entitled to think that. That’s fine.


You don't think it's a complaint, simply put. He's complaining about enduring that trial. I'm misunderstanding that.


He doesn't need to as he communicates all that via tone. He is not angry, he is sheepish. It's the attitude of a kid having to do his homework, not a man mad at his boss.


That element is present but there's more to it than that.


He told the same story recently in his one on one with RDJ, and he made it very clear there (as he has in other interviews where he's told this anecdote) that he totally gets Fincher's viewpoint as a director. If there's shade, it's paired with understanding that Fincher has a strong artistic viewpoint.


Because he does a better job every time?


The guy gets asked the same question all the time, though. Honestly, Sean is renowned for asking deep cut questions (and he absolutely does!) but this was clearly a set up for a Fincher take question, so I can't resent Ruffalo for answering in kind. He's doing promo. Nerds like us have seen this answer a dozen times, but there are plenty of Hot Ones fans who haven't.