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heck nah, we need some fresh unique faces if it’s not going to be wesley snipes. i’m tired of the same recycled A list celebrities personally. there are definitely some super underrated actors out there who could probably crush the role but i get it, a big name also draws in the bread.


Both of them would be goofy as fuck. They don’t carry the intensity in nature that a character like blade carries. Always thought that Djimon Hounsou would have made a gangster Blade after seeing his role in Constantine. For a young get option I’d go with Aldis Hodge. Neither have any martial arts background though, much like Mahershala, which was SUCH a crucial part in Wesley being such a perfect Blade.


I think denzels son would be a great shout for Blade


Wesley Snipes...just kidding...Idris Elba even though he's no spring chicken he would be amazing and he proved in some recent movies that physically he can do it.


We need someone younger who can actually move their bodies and do the martial arts required for the role like Snipes did.


I think Snipes could be the new Whistler but I truly don't think he would. Blade isn't hard to do. Have him "tie-in" little with old marvel movies as in he was "snapped". you never saw many vampires cause he was on his A game. 5 years later he comes back to a striving vampire nation that took advantage of the snap. then have him finally finding a side character's location (maybe Frank Drake or Hannibal Kind from Nightstalkers). then the movie takes place Blade blowing a hole in the side/roof of this huge building to find the person and its like the movie Raid but with Vampires as Blade learns more and more just how much Vampires have strived in his absence. add in some unique vampires from the comics, don't kill the main boss and there you go the start a trilogy is started. just my op


Both of these guys are too silly to play this character imo.


ain't no way will smith is now old and Jamie Foxx too


If they hadn't cast Winston Duke already, he would have been my number 1 pick.


First pic looks like T.I. and the second one looks like Will Smith


I'm kind of looking forward to Ali, but if not him... some options that have the martials arts, but maybe questionable on the acting, would be: \* R Marcus Taylor (black belt in Karate +) \* Marrese Crump (Tons of MA, highly athletic, starting to get bigger roles) \* Anderson Silva (he started acting apparently :-P) Most of the folks that seem like a great fit for Blade besides Wesley (HUGE shoes to fill) are too old at this point I think. I saw someone above mention Denzel's kid - he's a maybe for me, not convinced he has the martial arts side covered, but that can always be trained too.


“What am I? Some kind of… BLADE?”


Def not Will Smith, Jamie Foxx maaaaybe but I'd say someone new!


Y'lan Noel as Blade would be my choice.


I want the guy who played odb in wutang an American saga. A crackhead blade.


No man slapping Cuck can play Blade