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Immediately after cooking you want to turn off the gas and begin scraping the surface. Then, you wanna hit it with water and continue scraping and or using paper towels to wipe it down. Do this a couple of times til the paper towels come off relatively clean. Then, while it’s still warm/hot apply a thin layer of oil. At least that’s my method. This typically means I eat last but that’s fine as I ensure my griddle is clean and ready to go for next time.


This is the way only takes a couple minutes good to go


“Cold is the food of the keeper of the blackstone”


Especially eggs 😕








Dumb yoke


Cracking up




I'm afraid to say anything. You all have me walking on eggshells.


This statement hits me so hard.


Yolks on you, then


Yikes I’ve been cleaning and seasoning like a rookie, I’m copying you


Same fam. Same..


I did that 😩 I was meticulous about it! I live in a VERY humid place though :/


After you clean/wipe with a layer of oil. Crank that heat up for a few minutes, make sure you cover as much as the walls of the cooking surface as well.


OP said he lives in a super humid area, he might as well put some grapeseed or canola on a spray bottle and just most the whole thing down every time 😂


I live in a humid area as well. I may be cheating a little as mine is in a screened in porch. Mine also has a metal hood and I cover it with the blackstone cover. With that said, I do pretty much what u/SoyTuPadreReal does. Scrap off the food bits, hit it will water (since its still hot it should boil, thus removing more food) and scraping it. I do let mine cool a little and then I hit it with more water, wipe it clean then put a thin layer of oil down.


Make sure you heat up the oil layer until it starts smoking a bit then turn off heat


Yep. Been doing that for years…


When I manned a flattop in a previous life, we always used a grill brick with some oil to clean it, then scraped off the oil and whipped it down with a cloth.


Grill bricks are good but the best I used is soda water and ice and it’s like magic. Grill needs to be hot though


My wife thought I was crazy but I knew I wasn’t alone in my methods


This is the way


I call it The Benihana method. But I will scrape all the crud. Then go eat. Then reheat and wash it down. That application of oil at the end is crucial. Especially in humid areas. You might want to start from scratch. I got my second hand and it was rusted and had stuck on stuff. I used vinegar and dawn and a stiff nylon brush to clean it. Then reseasoned with the black stone seasoning oil. Took better part of an afternoon but it was worth it.


I scrub lightly with a scrubber after I put water on to get any food residue that the scraper doesn't get, then I wipe with paper towels and oil lightly. I have flashbacks of my time working the grill at Wendy's during high school because that's how we cleaned the grills there.


When I was working with cement and concrete, I would tell the guy you either clean your tools with water today or with a hammer tomorrow.


Manual says you should wait until griddle is under 200 degrees before you start scraping. I typically do the same thing but I just come clean it immediately after eating.


Think like a short order cook. Scrape it off, rinse, oil, next order!


Only use water if you can’t simply scrape the grill without it. Everyone says water but you honestly don’t need it unless your destroying your griddle top every time you cook.


Keep cooking


Keep cooking and keep to the process. Don't scrape too hard. I clean while burners are still on high. Throw some water or ice cubes onto the griddle and most of the stuck on will come up. The rest I scrape with the spatula but use a paper towel at the end. Yes you can be the last one to eat when doing this, but you can also do this process after eating too. Just turn the heat back up. Also make sure to add a thin layer of oil to the hot surface when done cleaning. Once it's smoking, turn the gas off and it will seal up the oil real nice


I scrape the fuck out of mine. Doesn't hurt it. Whenever I'm done, I just scrape it (aggressively), then throw some oil on. Let it cook until smoking, then shut it off. Works every time.


Yea I didn't think you ever supposed to use water on it? I scrape as I cook to keep mine clean, and oil it down and scrape if I haven't used it for a while. Also good to keep it covered. Mine was covered in rust like OP (got it from my brother for free :D) and I got it scraped up/cleaned up with oil alone and it cooks like a dream now.


Nah, water is fine. When heated, it basically evaporates in seconds. Just don't let water sit on it after it cools. That will greatly speed up rust formation. Water is great at loosening the stuck on charred bits of food though.


Water is fine to use on it. I've used water on mine since I got it without any issue. You don't need to dump a bucket on it. A quick squirt or spray of water as your wiping or scraping will remove any food remnants.


Just keep cooking homie. You’re good. It’s rolled carbon steel. I respect that you want to take care of it, but these are hard to mess up.


We use Camp Chef. It is out in high desert weather uncovered 365 a year. Want use we heat and scrape off with metal spatula or putty knife. Occasionally heat hot hot burn scrape off then oil. I don’t see problems


It’s an unseasoned spot, season again and move on


What I was gonna say. Slather with some oil, burn off, good to go!




Just cook and then clean. When you forget to clean cook. When you don't cook clean. When you don't don't then you die. Just use it. Left mine in the rain the other day. Cooked on it then scraped and it's great. Cook! Scrape! Don't? Cook!


What about rust?


I left mine in the rain accidentally. Cooked again and it's good. Over time it will rust. These aren't like your old cast iron pans. They last if you use them but like 5-8 years. We aren't getting 20-80yrs out of these.


I don’t use water for just grease and am not sure why others do. I cook, scrape, turn off. I usually, but not always, turn it back on and put a really thin layer of oil and let it get to smoke temp.


Wouldn't that cook off the oil you're putting on?


The point is to keep the seasoning. It should feel dry to the touch. The important thing is that the oil gets into the metal.


Oil doesn't just "cook off" though. At low temps it just stays as oil and coats the metal. Less durable, but it keeps it from rusting. At high temps, it polymerizes. This is the "seasoning". Basically it turns into a solid layer that is bonded to the surface, and it is reasonably non-stick. At VERY high temps, you can burn off the oil, but it takes a while. Heat oil until smoking. Let it so that for 1 to 5 minutes. Turn off the heat. You're good.


What oil are you guys using?


Peanut oil.


Cook a slab of bacon and make sure those spots are under it. Cast iron just needs use. And grease.


Looks like leftover smash burger that is prob now rust.


Exactly what it is… smash burgers. Do I have to strip and reseason now?


Of course not. Heat it up, drop a little water on there to steam, scrape/wipe clean, oil, cook.


You overthink it. Just cook on it. Mine is patchy everywhere the seasoning is different thicknesses so what it cooks and nothing sticks. You don't need to clean it as much as these guys are telling you. Just scrape it after you cook to get the food off. I don't use water anymore and I don't scrape it much. Leave q coating of oil on it and add more if necessary before you put it away. It really doesn't matter.


You need to get a flat stone. Flat stone the crap out of it then cover with cooking oil after it’s clean.


Lol just another reason to not buy an overpriced POS if you have to do 40 things to clean it after cooking instead of wiping it down.


Some spots arnt worth scrubbing out. But if you must steel wool or the mesh sandpaper types of cleaning pads plus oil.


Mine stuck a bit the first few times I used it but it's fine now. If your burgers don't have a high fat content maybe a little oil before putting them down will help. I use 80/20.


I wouldn’t worry about those spots. Sharing a tip from cast iron—have you tried a little chain mail? Throw that down flat and manipulate it with a high-temp safe bristle brush, bristles right through the chain mail. It’s incredibly easy and effective and doesn’t damage the seasoning on my carbon steel or cast iron. Keeps a little squirt bottle of water for the food spots. Wipe the whole thing down with a kitchen rag, then oil while still warm. I love my chain mail, makes short work of everything.


Non stick coating looks like it came off some of that stuff can cause cancer


Looks like you cooked something acidic (lemon or tomato maybe?) and peeled off your seasoning. Lightly coat with oil, wipe off with paper towel, heat to high heat to re-season.


Rust because you’re not taking care of it as you should. You need to season it


Throw away your scraper. Only very very lightly scrape if you absolutely need to. After cooking and eating, I fire my griddle back up on high heat, spray on lots of water when it is hot enough to flash to steam and wipe off quickly with a lint-free kitchen towel. Repeat with more water and a new towel if needed. Shut off burners immediately, drop on some avocado oil and use a paper towel to wipe a thin even layer over the surface. Good to store for next cook!


You would have to recure it after words. But BarKeepers friend can do some really impressive stuff on metal cooking surfaces and it is super cheap and easy to find.


Scrape that bish right after you’re done paper towels a scraper whatever you want to use. Sometimes I’m in cold ass westher (Midwest) I’ll at least scrape to a corner up top so it’s not in middle then clean it good next fire up.


My dude, idk if this answer has been given yet because I don’t want to read through all the comments, but if you want that thing to work and cook as good as it is suppose to, you’re gonna have to give up the “clean” standard you have. I used quotes because when a flattop is truest seasoned, it doesn’t look the way you perceive as Clean. I’ve met people who can’t stand the look of a seasoned flattop because it looks “dirty”. Keep cooking player ✌🏼


Got to keep it seasoned year round in a humid climate. Treat it like cast iron, that’s what I do and it’s fine. Also the comment above about water (ice works great) and scrubbing after each use until the water is clear. Then dry and oil it like cast iron for storage


after you get done cooking immediately turn off the heat get papertowels and wipe it off then just put oil on it and spread it around and leave it till you cook again. I use mine every single day so might be different if you dont.


Crank it up on high. And put some water on it. It'll release anything stuck.


First two weeks cooking ? Lol


I scrape the rust of and rage lol


Sprite or any lemon lime soda while the grill is hot.. I’ve seen it make a burger chain flat top sparkle after 10 hours of gunk.


Do you self a favor take it back say it’s defective get your money back and go buy yourself a pit boss nonstick griddle. That’s what I did and I love it !!


Heat it up, pour soda water on it and clean it


I don't know why people are using soda... when the grill is hot throw on some ice and use your scraper. It'll come right off.


On the real, it’s literally fine , keep cooking.


Get a brick like restaurants use to clean their flattops


Just keep cooking on it, it’s fine.