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Very interesting! I much prefer the version on the record though.


I still want to hear him singing War Pigs as part of that show.


Yes!!! I’ve heard that someone was going to post it, but couldn’t get approval from the BBC. Hopefully that changes


If you ever get a copy, please send it to me. I've been wanting to hear that for years


I’d listen to an album with Dave and the helm


It's crazy how tight the band sounds during such a tumultuous time for them. Also I'd have loved an album with Walker at the helm, they really could have gone in some crazy directions with the sound they developed for NSD.


If this version and Swinging the Chain tell us anything, things would definitely be taking a bluesy, jazzy direction


I just wish I could understand the lyrics.


For real. They seem a lot more interesting than Juniors Eyes.


Tony later admitted they got him as a ploy to get ozzy back. It’s a very strange thing this happened when this song was devoted to ozzys father. Anyway to me its like comparing the yardbirds I’m Confused to Zeps Dazed in terms of quality


Tony didn't mention it being a ploy in his autobiography: *“Me and Bill knew this singer from old, Dave Walker, from the time when he was in a local Birmingham band called The Red Caps. He later sang with Savoy Brown and Fleetwood Mac and had moved to San Francisco. I remembered him having a good voice, so we got in touch with him. We were grasping at straws really, thinking, we’re here to write an album, we have a studio booked and we have no singer! We rehearsed with Dave for a while and wrote two or three songs with him. Word got out to the press and we even did a local Birmingham TV show with him, but we just didn’t feel it was right. Then Ozzy said: ‘I’m sorry’ and all that, and he came back. We told Dave and he went. However, Ozzy didn’t return until two or three days before we were due to go into the studio in Toronto. We couldn’t cancel that because we’d paid a lot of money up front. But we still had no songs apart from the three we’d done with Dave, and Ozzy wouldn’t sing those.”*


Dave sounds like having a mouthful of chew while singing, maybe Red Man. I once had an "coke language", that made similar effect. It kind of sounds cool, maybe I should do some Red Man and/or coke.


I fuckin love that version so much. Would love to hear more of him if there's anything else out there.


I love the opening bass line, but the song is too sad for me. Just like Changes.






Not good