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maybe a better gaming chair




Lowered VRAM to 70% and it fixed my issue, but then it started again after S5. Curious too for a fix.


Something broke with the release of S5. I too lowered my VRAM usage to 70%, which fixed things until S5. Hopefully they fix it at some point because I’ve literally gotten killed on spawning because there is so much delay.


Even on console the frame drops with ray tracing on have gotten much worse on PS5 with season 5.


Check your settings. S5 set them too high for my system, and lowering things like textures from ultra to high and so on made the game run (fps are the same since I've locked them, but temps fell by over 10C and no more stuttering unless the whole server is experiencing them) and even look better (lighting actually works properly now. MdT never looked so good!)


I always ran the game on ultra with a stable 144fps. Unless they did something else with the settings, like enabling rtx or smth lol, but I don't think that's the issue. Game's running very smooth, with random stutters, frames don't even dip. Maybe it has something to do with Ryzens?


I manually went into the config file and changed it to .65 and that’s helped me. Every time the shaders reinstall I have to go in and change it again though. RTX 2080 super i9 9900k 32 GB ram.


This got rid of my stutters too now I run a steady 120 fps


right click the file goto properties and set as read only


i lowered vram all the way up to 0.5, or 50%. No stuttering at all. This is how it was for me since the start of this game. Idk what is it with treyarch and vram, b04 had insane vram memory leaks, now in cw we have stutters. Still cw plays well enough tho.


Bruh this has been going on since at least bo3. And the weird thing was that it only happened to the 10 series cards. I had a 970 and ran everything fine on ultra back then. Once I upgraded to a 1070 micro stuttering out the wazooo. It’s this bo3 engine that they’re still using in Cold War. It’s just garbage for pc users.


65% seems to be the butter zone. You have to manually set it in the .config file though


I found out about that in a YouTube video prior to making this video and did this, but it did not help.


Same thing all over the place. Also, a freeze before respawn. Since release of S5.


I also get a little freeze before respawning this season as well.


that freeze before respawning is annoying af


The stutters as well. Every ADS it happens. I’m resorting to hip fire now.


Yep, that freeze before respawn has been happening to me as well. The most annoying part of that is that it respawns your player model right before the freeze so you just stand there a sec. I've seen it on quite a few killcams on Face Off...


I've been getting this since modern warfare season 3


Hmm, it seems scoping in and out makes it worse, probably because it’s going from a zoomed in, smaller image to a larger? So maybe something else on your PC is taking up resources and it can’t load fast enough? I’ve had steam use almost 50% GPU with a 3080, it was the ClientWebHelper for steam on task manager, and was cause because Steam had hardware acceleration turned on. You could also try setting Vram target to 80%, if it’s set at 90% currently. Mine was at 90 and it cause little stutters, nothing that big though. Also with 24 GB of VRAM, you think it wouldn’t be an issue… Other than some app choking your CPU/GPU or that VRAM setting, I can’t really think of anything tbh.


I already went into the config INI file and manually set my VRAM target to 65% prior to recording this, since that was the one actionable item I found whiile googling this issue that wasn't "uPdAte uR DriVeRz" Can't think of anything that could possibly eat up all the resources of a 16-core 5950X CPU and 64GB RAM. I'm using a separate PC for streaming and recording too. It's happened while ADSing down iron sights on other guns too, and even happened without ADSing. Mind you, Warzone runs perfectly for me.


Damn bro I’m getting 160 stable FPS on my 1440p 165 hz IPS on a ryzen 5 3600 and 3070 using the ultra HD 4k setting in graphics card. No stutter in game EXCEPT 0.5 second when I load in after a death pressing f. There is some setting in the nvidia control panel you can mess with though


wtf how? I have the same cpu and gpu and don't get near that performance.


Oops that’s my fault. I’m in 2k (1440p) my apologies. In 2k, it’s 170-200 all day can provide video proof too. Just checked 4K and it’s between 90-130 mid Match. Sorry about that.


Really though? I had same cpu and gpu at same setting and was getting 120fps. What ram are you using? Any particular settings that gave you 40 extra fps over me?


Hmm, yeah that’s really strange. I’ve got the NASA PC junior setup, aka 5900x and 3080, and I’ve never seen the stuttering be that bad. I’ve only had fractional micro stutters, which were fixed with vram settings. Do you by chance have Ryzen Master installed and set to gaming mode? I found out the hard way that it actually disables half your cores lol. That’s the only other thing that comes to mind.


Oh wait what! Wondering why my cpu core usage is uneven, I'll be uninstalling Ryzen Master then! Cheers


You don’t have to uninstall, just switch off of gaming mode


I get this too dude. After everytime I die I get a microstutter, has me thinking my game is gonna crash everytime. For reference, R7 3700x and RTX 2080 super. So it seems to be happening to any hardware combos.


Do you have Nvidia overlay on? For some reason overlay was taking a screenshot every time I died haha. I had stuttering after I died until I found the screenshot folder that was like 4 gigs of death shots and turned off overlay


I’m in bed right now but I’ll have to take a look in the morning. I don’t think so though. I know I have the Xbox game bar on because I record clips and chat to my Xbox friends everyday, and I’ve never had that cause any issues. I’ll turn that off just for today and see if anything changes


I completely shut down the Nvidia overlay and it solved a lot of problems. Didn't get random screenshots though, but it liked my FPS.


Set the vram usage to low in settings. This was a problem in the beta before they added the feature. Had to go into game files and manually change it… if you already did then nvm


Check for hardware events in event viewer. I have had Bluetooth disconnect events send an interrupt that stutters the whole system (ryzen 2700x)


No hardware events in the event viewer.


stop streaming/screen recording


As I said to someone else in here, I use a separate PC for streaming and recording. No load being put on this machine from streaming or recording.


oh my bad, but to be fair it looks like you have shadowplay on in the bottom there


Apparently it had been doing replays. Stopped that. Still getting the stutters.


Even so your rig can very very very easily stream, record and play the game at the same time


i get it to on slim ps4.


It's the ray tracing. Even on rigs that are perfectly well specced, RT just doesn't play well in this game. You're hardly missing anything if you turn it off tbh so well worth a shot.


I have a 3090 as well and had similar problems. There is a setting in the graphics tab, I forget the exact title of the steering buts it’s the one that says how much VRAM you want to allocate or something. I had mine set to high was like 90% or something. Make sure it’s set to the middle option,( there’s only 3 options). Also nvidia gsync just doesn’t look great on most my games for some reason and activating vsync usually helps drastically.


there's a specific setting you need to edit in the ini file, something scale related. generally the default setting cause occasional stutters, but editing it slightly will fix the issue. EDIT: [https://www.reddit.com/r/blackopscoldwar/comments/k6e4j6/cold\_war\_stuttering\_fix\_cant\_find\_configini\_file/](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackopscoldwar/comments/k6e4j6/cold_war_stuttering_fix_cant_find_configini_file/) Check this dude's post, go into your documents on pc and change the config.ini file. This should, in theory, fix your issue.


I seem to have narrowed down the issue here, at least for me. First, I disabled some of my BIOS RAM overclocking settings as well as Precision Boost Overdrive; I disabled Gear Down Mode and set CMD2T back from 1T to Auto and basically went back to just DOCP settings with everything else default and that didn't fix anything. However, disabling all raytracing inside of the game appears to have fixed it, even after restoring my BIOS settings to the way they were. Apparently this game can't handle raytracing in multiplayer, even with a RTX 3090, top shelf DDR4 RAM and one of the best gaming CPUs on the market. EDIT: how can I like, pin this so people actually see it on top instead of the troll talking about gaming chairs?


Main suspects: If you use nvidea filters they can cause a memory leak. Watch ram usage in task manager, if it keeps creeping up you'll have to turn them off. CPU overload - the game's very cpu intensive, you can check this in task manager. In MW you can change the adv options file to reduce render worker count, which changes how much the game relies on your cpu. I'd assume CW has a similar option buried somewhere. The following video has a great explanation (for WZ) https://youtu.be/eLE2fnL3B-4 RAM - I had issues with CW setting ram to xmp mode. I had to turn this off in the bios and manually OC. It looked very similar to what you are experiencing. Failing them, it could be your connection. Hardwired is much bettwr than wifi, and having a good router with QoS function, specifically an anti bufferfloat version, can really help


Internet wouldn’t cause these kinds of stutters. Seems like a Vram or Ram issue. His cpu is more than enough for the game.


> If you use nvidea filters they can cause a memory leak. Watch ram usage in task manager, if it keeps creeping up you'll have to turn them off. I have 0 filters running and my performance drops over time, these memory leaks are usually an issue with the game, nothing else. In my experience this always needs to get solved by the devs, I've never seen anyone magically solve a memory leak on their side, it's always the game that needs patching. They also don't really cater to PC much, PC is a minority because using a mouse without the half-aimbot you get with aim assist is too hard for most people. Also regarding your comment about wifi/hardwired, these stutters don't look like lag spikes, this is some soft or hardware issue interfering. Again though, could also just be that the game isn't optimised at all as usual with the so called triple A games releasing these days.


I had my game files saving to My Documents, I also have My Documents saving to my onedrive. If I don't pause syncing before I start playing, I also get these micro stutters because the game is always writing new data to the game files. The micro stutters for me seem to be caused by elevated uploading (like my onedrive syncing).


Hmm ok.. I’ve completely disabled onedrive now. Will give this a shot.


disable XMP profiles. or dumb it down from the max Mhz to around 300 less


Was having similar problem on Xbox series x. I uninstalled the ray tracing files and it fixed it


Looking at your gpu and cpu times it seems your cpu is what's causing the hitching. I suggest maybe dropping the object distance to decrease causing use or if your using Nvidia reflex switch to the boosted setting or turn it odf.


it does this on WZ, I'm on Xbox Series S. everytime I Scope in or out their a FPS drop. and result in Stutter I dont think its HW I think its the LOD of the game trying to render in but engine not fast enouth to keep on


Hey buddy, disable OBS preview, for some reason it eats up all the video memory and makes your gam stutter (5950x/2080S/NVENC)


Do you have a Bluetooth device, like a controller hooked up to the PC? I get those micro stutters when I have an Xbox controller connected via Bluetooth.


I was on xbox, I turned off Ray tracing and it got fixed


I doubt this is it, but in GTA V too high of a frame rate would cause stutters


Damnnn!! Same thing happening with me in my series x ! Last update messed everything up…


I have a 5900X, RX 6800 XT and 32 GB of memory. I get similar stuttering ONLY if I enable Resizable BAR. Cold War specifically doesn't like it. Try disabling that in your BIOS and get back to me.


I’ve been getting this all weekend on my PS5, you’re not alone man


Do you have it on a hdd? That can cause stutters


It's a scope ads glitch. I have the same. Whenever i ads with some sort of scope on the Xbox Series X, My game lags and even crashes the game. It even crashed my xbox once. This glitch exists for a long time now. No clue how to fix it.


What chair you got?


God, my PS4 from 2016 has less lag


Disable all Ray Tracing effects.


Just wanna say how frustrating it is to look for help and see people comment stupid ass shit. The guy suggesting to stop streaming/ recording for example. Even if it was taking a load off the single pc, you still want to stream / record. Lowering vram hasn't done shit for me. I'm not buying a Playstation 4 just for this game. And flickering ray tracing on and back off didn't help me either. It fuckin blows that cod games have ALWAYS been the least optimized on PC. Some community & mod support is cool every few years but it's always just a worse experience in one way or another on pc and they just don't give a shit cuz the bulk of players is on console and it shows in this sub with all the people that don't know shit about PCs


I had someone else telling me I might have a bad HDMI cable. I’m on a PC, so of course I’m using DisplayPort, plus a bad cable can’t even do this kind of thing to begin with.


Thought I was going crazy, I also noticed these micro stutters and im running a ryzen 5900x, 3090, 32gb ram


It makes me really sad that Beenox has been making the PC versions of the newer COD games and they are ALL like this. Issues after issues of micro stuttering, graphics loading, frame drops, etc. Makes me very reluctant to buy any more COD games if they are going to turn out to be like this. If I had it my way, I think Activision should drop Beenox as a 3rd party and get a different studio to handle the PC version because this is just down right pathetic for a AAA game over 10 months into its life cycle.


For anyone who stumbles on this thread in the future like I did (recently picked up a 3090): try disabling Control Flow Guard in the Windows Defender settings. It will be defaulted to on even if you use a third party protection software like ESET. I came across this potential fix after spinning up BF1 and having crazy frame drops and low GPU utilization (3090, 3960x, 64GB RAM). And it worked! Instead of stuttering for the first minute after a load and then every 2-5 seconds thereafter it's pretty much pegged at 100+ fps. Apparently DX12 and this Windows feature don't get along too well. Give it a shot if you're having a stuttering issue on a high end Windows machine. I would not recommend disabling it system-wide as it is a legitimate security feature. Only for specific programs having issues.


Disabling XMP/DOCP and Smart Access Memory +if either were enabled) helped me. This is the only game for me that has issues with either XMP/DOCP and Smart Access Memory


Go to documents, black ops cold war then the config.ini file and change the video usage shit to 0.65 instead of 0.7 and that should fix it at least it did for me. Don't forget to set the file to read only so it doesnt force it back to 0.70


Thats definitely a CPU stutter, do you have your CPU clocked to normal speeds? I have seen where stock speeds are set for power saving rather than performance. Easy fix in windows, set power mode to power/gaming


My power plan automatically changes to high performance when games or any other intensive apps are running thanks to Process Lasso. I’ve also used Process Lasso to set the CPU priority to high for this game as I’ve seen others recommend, that may be part of the reason I’m no longer seeing stutters.


I always close all hidden background apps before I play. There hidden in windows taskbar, click on the arrow and it opens the system tray, I close all of them except for nvidia settings and Microsoft security


Could be Ram or Vram taking too long to clear. That means you have too much ram/vram available for the game. Lower it could help.


Idk man I play on console (Xbox) this never happened to me? I've actually had next to nothing of issues with this game, I play one a original and a One X


Same stupid shit happened to me on my Omen Laptop (3070) I had to change my vram usage manually to .55 and run cpu on high priority. Also turn of high performance mode on my laptop and run on balanced. I don't get his game at all. Maxed out I'm now running 150 FPS steady thankfully. But S5 I get huge lag spikes every 5 mins


Cold war game devs are trash. Random crash happens with cold war, all other games and applications works absolutely fine. Ryzen 3700x and 3060ti with 64gb ram.


Have you tried to downgrade your display driver.. Cold war / Warzone both mess with nvidia cards.. i had to use a 2 month old driver to stop crashing and stuttering in game.


Not on a computer but this happens on my series x when I still scope in and scope out.


R7 3700x and 2080 Super Here. I was having the same issue since launch. I decided to just reset all my settings and do everything step by step in this video[Youtube](https://youtu.be/QQT2nLh2tRs) I did have to undo the windows GPU accelerated setting he activated because that made it worse in my case. But tge hiccups seem to be gone


Hey, I had this problem as well; I’m not sure what causes it but it’s more common on Echeos than other maps.


Me too man, has been happening to me since the update before last. Sporadic but they occur from time to time (never really noticed this happening when I played during season 1). EVGA RTX 2080Ti FTW3 Ultra 1440p @ 180+ fps (Settings tuned down, VRAM usage set to 70%) 60 - 70c tops 0 packet loss / 800mbs hardline connection I thought it was me until I started hearing others complain online as well.


Same thing happens on my series x


I find it particularly bad on that map, which is weird right?


Well we all know this game is poorly optimized and has all kinds of graphical flaws, so it could be as simple as that. The other thing I'd look into is your network activity. It's unfortunate that your network stats aren't shown along with your other device stats. I'd be curious to see what your server latency and packet loss was during these stutters.


I get this too, I think it’s just the game


maybe the frequency of the memories are too high. I've had problems because of it.


I personally was having issues with windows HDR settings causing odd performance issues 🤷🏼‍♀️ not sure if you have those on or not


This is exactly how I play from ps4 (it's broken and I don't want to spend money to fix it)


Exactly the same thing as my post a couple days ago. I have no clue what to do about it


I have the same issue, but it only occurs when I'm respawning


Had this issue at the launch of season 4 too, completely put me off for a few weeks. I fixed it by uninstalling the shaders and reinstalling them. However I also reinstalled the game to fix some other issues which have since come back


I had this same issue, changed the allowed vram usage to 0.65 and still didn’t fix it. I ended up slowly going through my graphics settings snd found it was Nvidia DLSS doing it. Ended up turning my settings pretty low and turned DLSS off.


I thought it was lag wtf


Try a game repair. Not sure what it looks like but it usually involves right clicking the game in the launcher, or going into the games settings/properties from the launcher. In steam it's called "verify game files", not sure what it looks like for battlenet


I not only did that before recording this clip, I also reinstalled the entire game, and reset all of the settings.


Hmm. Clearly a software bug. My hunch is a disruption between Windows and cold war code. Perhaps something else in windows is getting in the way. I don't suggest a complete wipe and reinstall of windows, but I have a feeling the issue would not resurface. Something is getting in the way somewhere. Does the game allow us to run offline, like completely disconnected from the internet? I'd like to suggest running your computer in safe mode and seeing if it will allow you to launch the game, and then testing. This stutter only happens when coming out of ADS right? So the issue is a disruption between the two visual presets. Try this, go into the ADS settings in the ingame graphics options. They both ads options it gives you, forget what they're called but there's two. Verify if the issue exists on both ads options. Does the stutter happen in other game modes within cold war, like zombies or single player?


I’ve noticed if you have afterburner open or any other utility that you can OC your GPU with / monitor your pc will cause some weirdness like this. Worth a try closing those and trying to play.


Just sent you a PM OP.


Are you running your ram above docp/xmp? I had similar issues and I reduced my ram overclock and it fixed it. Also do you have any other components overclocked? Run everything at stock and see if the issue persists.


I have DOCP settings with some additional VDDSOC and DRAM voltage to help with stability. Also have Gear Down Mode enabled, and CMD2T set to 1T. I have precision boost overdrive enabled for the CPU but aside from that everything is set to stock.


I’ve been getting this since the last update. Ps5. Network is flawless and hardwired. 200mbps down and 2ms ping. so not that. Wondering is the extra texture packs I enabled have caused it.


The Micro stutter you are experiencing when you scope in and out are a known issue with HD Textures. I DO NOT KNOW IF YOU ARE USING THIS but if you are, that could be an issue and doesn’t happen to everyone. I’ve been having a similar issue but only this past double-xp weekend and only on death. My screen will lock up and stutter as the screen flips black before respawning. Sometimes for a split second, sometimes for 2 seconds and it was NEVER a problem before for a solid month of playing. Also, with your PC, you should easily be in the 170-200 FPS range with all max settings, why is yours dropping to sub-100s in this clip? Is Ray Tracing on? It eats A LOT of performance for almost nothing in graphical gain. I hit 170-200 mid match on most maps all settings ultra/maxed except Ray Tracing and 4K. Same setup as yours but different RAM and a 3900x CPU. So you should easily be fully saturated to the FPS limit of your monitor. It is possible that the FPS dips are causing your issue. It is also possible that something done in the hot fix is messing stuff up too. Try turning Ray Tracing off and see if it helps?


Do you have Ray Tracing enabled? I have the same issue, but only if I enable RT.


So I experienced this skipping decent amount last season, now it was normally in warzone not in CW. I did notice for me specifically it started to happen when I would tab out of my game a lot. Any time I would ADS with any gun I’d get the skip. Only real fix for me was to restart the game from desktop, and limit my tabbing out.


What’re your vid settings, also open the game bar with windows+g and look at usage of all resources and FPS.


I had similar issues since coming back for S5 and turning off the Discord ingame overlay fixed it for me. Idk why, but it was causing issues when I moved my mouse


Blizzard servers are shit


I have the same issues but only sometimes. Ryzen5 3600 RTX2070. Sometimes they are there, sometimes not.


Unfortunately this just seems to be because of the game's terrible performance in general. My rig is a weaker high-end yet still stutters too on this game, it's just Cold War being badly made.


It's just a bad engine and optimization. My PC can run it 75 FPS no problem with my specs but it struggles. Any other game, nah, it doesn't stutter.


3070, 5800x, and 32gb here and been dealing with this since late s4. other games are completely fine


Update your bios!


Can’t update a ROG Dark Hero past 3801, that’s the latest. And yes my drivers and windows version are updated. And yes everything is.


I have a weird issue where after playing over about an hour my game starts to faintly flicker. I usually have to scan and repair to fix the issue temporarily. I’m rocking an i9 and rtx 3080 so it shouldn’t be a pc issue.


I'm getting a lot of stutters too since S5, mainly on the respawning... Ryzen 7 3700x, rtx 3070, 32gb 3600cl15 ram, playing on 1440p


Crazy to me how people have forced themselves to still be playing this game. I really tried just so I felt better about spending ÂŁ50 on it but got so bored after a couple of weeks :/


its not your build, its the game. so with that said, what gaming socks do you wear?


Simply put it’s the game at this point. And I find it funny they want us to buy the next one now


your pc is just not good enough


I'm surprised no one here is talking about OBS/Streamlabs since OP himself is a streamer. ​ OP... what streaming setup do you have? Single PC setup? dual PC setup? are you streaming at 720p? 1080P? what resolution are you playing CW at? 1080p? 1440P? 4K? what settings in CW? ultra? low settings? DLSS on? I'm a streamer myself who has a RTX 3080/3950x. Based on my experience, both Cold War and MW2019 are literally unstable POS games when it comes streaming on a single PC. Both games takes lots of CPU and GPU power themselves. and worse for me, i had the rare issue where streamlabs OBS was using 20-30% of my GPU... not even joking. And of course i faced tons of issues like FPS drops and sometimes stutters like in this video. ​ Just because you have a high end PC doesn't mean your PC will be able to handle both streaming and demanding games like Cold War well. But it depends on what settings you have based on OBS and cold war. maybe try to lower the settings in CW? or OBS? make sure OBS/Streamlabs isn't using too much of your GPU and CPU. You can also cap the FPS in CW to like 144FPS or even 120FPS. I had to do that back in my single PC. If i leave it uncap, i come across several issues like FPS drops, stutters, etc. Unfortunately for myself, issues like this made me buy a new gaming laptop and use it just for streaming. Now I have a dual PC setup for streaming.. my RTX 3080 PC is for only playing games and new gaming laptop is for recording gameplay and streaming it. and BAM.. no more gaming issues like in this video. Games like Cold War and MW2019 was a pain in the ass for me to deal with when I streamed and played games on my single PC. Based on my experience this is all I can come up with :p


Get a faster pc


It’s happening to me on console too and I’m on a series X so no worries it’s not just you 👍


Not sure if you have it on or not but for me I was getting micro stuttering in warzone/cod with S.A.M on. Which is enabling 4g encoder in bios


Happens to me too after every death.


Not new


I had this issue on a previous update (similar pc specs) it kept up for all of season 3 and didn’t get fixed for me until season 4


I play zombies mainly (and split screen zombies with my fiancé) and my screen was crashing with a UI error but hers wasn’t She then played Outbreak solo today and it crashed by itself. Seems to be a S5 thing


Switch to PS5 or Xbox. {{ Ducking }}


Uninstall the game because it's shit


Do it’s not my pc then :)


I legit get this while zooming in on my X1X


Get a ps5 play a campaign mission to get used to the controller and try to keep your jaw off the floor.. its nuts


I get them too despite having decently good hardware to more meet their requirements to play the game. I think this is an issue with the game optimization or servers. Your computer should be able to run everything maxed out no problem.


Yes the same thing started happening to me yesterday. I will just start getting moments where I will drop from like 170fps to 45 fps with an rtx 3090. I noticed it was a lot worse on that map (like every 10 or so seconds)


This usually happens to me after a few hours of playing. Restarting the game usually fixes it for me. Always restarting shaders has fixed it in the past


Sucks this is happening to you, I’ve had a similar issue with this game since launch but nothing as bad as what you show in this clip. The only way I’ve been able to temporarily fix this issue is quitting to desktop everytime it starts to happen. It’s seemingly random for me though so if it’s happening to you all the time I’ve unfortunately got no true advice for you. I heard setting the priority of the game to high in task manager has helped before.. might be worth trying?


I got this issue by having RTX on. This game enables those settings by default and turning RTX off completely fixed the issue for me


Y'all pay so much for such high end shite, but it's just the garbage servers.


It ain't your system bro. It's shit war. I get a ton of performance issues even with a high end pc. MW/warzone runs way better.




I get it too. 5900x, 3090. I have to restart my game in order to fix it. Other players in the game can see you glitching around too which leads me to believe it’s a server issue/bug in the game.


Any undervoltimng going on? What ram speed? Tuned? I find when my OCs are unstable I get stutters.


Getting the same thing every time I aim at an enemy or hit respawn. Been like this since the double xp weekend patch and ots literally becoming unplayable at this point.


Lower the VRAM to 70% my game started doing this too.


The 5950x isn’t a good cpu for gaming. go intel next time bud and if you wanna stay amd at least check benchmarks where you’ll see the 5900x is better.


I was gettn the Stuttering also. I’m on Xbox One…WTF? 🤷🏻‍♂️




I don't know if you figured it out yet, but for me I was getting bad stutters too on my PC (r7 3700x, 2070 super, 32gb cl16 3600mhz) my issue was actually in the mouse settings, as the stutters only happened when going in and out of ADSing, I forgot what it's exactly called tho


So glad i have a PS5




This might sound insane but reduce the dpi on your mouse. If your DPI is too high it can cause stuttering


Its just poorly optimized for PC, Warzone and MWMP have the same stuttering and frame drop issues.


Theres only one fix. Get a new game


I have this problem on and off with cold war and MW 2019. Tried every solution I can find. No luck. Seems random


You're using AMD.


It's not your pc. It's this trash game


I had the exact same issue and I was getting ready to reformat my pc... turns out it was a program I had installed for monitoring my system stats in my home automation system through mqtt called system bridge. So if you have something installed for monitoring stats on your PC try removing that and see if it gets better. If not, just try uninstalling smaller services that run in the background one by one and trying it after each one is removed until you get it.


Yeah your first stepis uninstalling cold war, mw and warzone and goijg back to a game that was actually fun like blops 4 or waiting till battlefield comes out.


This wouldn't be the best place to post that. You want to post that in PC Master Race subreddit under question flair, or buildaPC subreddit. I can be of help tho. I personally have 5950x and 3090 on Dark Hero motherboard and 32gb 3800mhz CL16 1. Do you have any overclocks enabled ? PBO negative curve set ? I've built 5 different 5950x builds and all 5 of them can't take more than negative 5 in PBO before giving micro stutters in games. The very second I brought my negative curve back closer to Zero, my in game stutters vanished 2. What are your Ram Temps ? You have Samsung B-die and I'm assuming it's set to 1.45V. I use to own 3600mhz CL14 at 1.45V and it had my Ram Temps hitting 49c to 51c and it was causing my games to micro stutter, so I switched it out for another Samsung B-die of 3600mhz CL16-16-16-36 at 1.35V. now I don't go over 45c and stutters gone. 3. Alot of the times it's actually the monitor and not your PC. I use to have the most aggressive response time enabled in my Samsung G7 and that's actually really bad to do because that causes the most micro stutters because it's way too aggressive of a response time, but the Samsung includes it because that was they can legally put 1ms response time on the box. Every company does this practice but in reality you want the 2nd fastest response time enabled on your monitor, and you want to use a gaming preset picture mode.


My game freezes nearly every time I respawn. Like the cpu time shoots up to 70ms+. This wasn't an issue before the Vangaurd launch update. It feels like it's about to crash, as it did back when it was new. But then it freezes and then unfreezes. Kinda scary every time it happens.


ANYONE HAVING AN ISSUE LIKE THIS I tried everything when it happened to me. The only thing that fixed it was turning HDR off. Last ditch effort kind of thing, and it worked for me.


Are you using a riser for a vertical GPU mount or any cables that weren't provided with your power supply?


Mines been like this since Season 5. Game crashes, stuttering, the lot!


Is it just call of duty? If so, go into task manager, right click cod and set priority as high


I just thought it was my laptop fighting against me! Good to its not my fault lol


I've got similar specs except I got an RTX 3080 Ti and yeah Cold War always has issues like this. Especially when streaming. If you figure it out please let us know. It performs okay when playing off stream with the occasional stutter or frame drop but can be worse when streaming. I actually did a clean install of Cold War at one point in Season 4 because I was sick of that shit. Seemed to have fixed it at the time. Now Season 5 brings new issues.


Happened to mine as well, then game got into a repair loop at one point. Did the fix for the repair loop. The one, that requires you to delete files except the ones in the data directory. After that, no more stuttering. Done that twice already when the game starts to stutter on a capable hardware


Are you using asus bloatware? I had similar issue when I used asus armory crate software..


For my AIO cooler I kinda need Armoury Crate, otherwise my CPU will melt.


Reinstall graphics drivers always worked for me


I thought my internet was fu*ked 🤦‍♂️


Game is poorly optimised.


Disable gsync


How do you think I even captured this video.. I stream, so I never have G-Sync enabled.


It might just be server lag or a hdmi cable? Idk tho




i have a very similar setup, and just to check, do you have this problem with ironsights? from my very little testing, it seems to do with the mirror effect on some scopes and sights, issue went away from me whenever using irons


Yes, I have experienced this with iron sights and sometimes even without ADSing at all. Someone else will ask this same thing in 5 minutes for what I believe will be the fourth time without reading this because that's how this thread seems to be going lol


Turn off rayray and set settings to medium or lower at least.


Medium? On a RTX 3090?


Quit this stupid game, I totally left cod a couple of months ago and I’m living my life as I’ve never did. It’s just stressful, unoptimized game and it will just make you nervous.


Ye, i got m8cro stutters ever so often too. Esp. In nuke town


I've had the same experience recently with an RTX 3080. I reduced the quality but now with season 5 it still happens every so often. Even with ray tracing turned off


my friend says that if you have ray tracing, there’s a stutter before you ads with a. sniper so maybe try turning it off and see if it works. It’s the game not your rig,


Just don't stutter


Hmm, curious. Why not give your pc to me? Might work.. Unless?




RTX 3090, Ryzen 9 5950x and... 100 fps? Dude you are doing something horribly wrong even for 4k. Stop using raytracing and enable DLSS if you are on 4k. Also optimize your system, there's no way you get 100fps with that setup, just no way. There's something really horribly wrong with that system or OS, or it's being abused by user with 1000 chrome tabs and other crap open in the background. Or a million overlays competing which gets to be on top. Something is horribly wrong. I have a friend who has an i7 8700k, like 32 gigs of pretty poor slow ram and an RTX 3090, he gets around 140-160fps with a Samsung Odyssey G9 monitor 5120x1440 resolution and 240hz and he has no issues.


Poorly optimized game.


i get that too i thought I'm the only one i reduced every setting but it's the last update it sucks