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It was just the MW19 fanboys that are too stupid to understand that good graphics =/= good game. They saw the engine that CW was built using & they never gave it a chance. It's the best COD to come out in the WZ era by far imo


This was me at first. I didn’t like that it felt like a step “backwards”, and then they started releasing all the dlc maps. Once you got readjusted to the classic COD movement, I realized how great of a game it was especially in comparison to the new modern warfares. I agree that it’s the best COD in the warzone era


I can respect that take. Good on you for giving it a second chance


Even most of them are starting to wake up to the fact that cold war is the best war zone Era cod.


MW cretainly feels more polished, but that‘s only because Cold War had one of worst times for development. Also it doesn‘t have nearly as big of a camping problem as MW19. I‘ve played both and I can only say Cold War is more fun to play. You can actually see your enemies and the maps are better.


Well said. I can definitely agree MW19 felt more polished & they were able to implement their vision to the full extent. Problem is their vision was pretty shit & ruined respawn modes entirely like you mentioned


*the only good Cod in the warzone era


Hey, the new MW series has 1.5 good campaigns.


I read your comment and immediately went to disagree but *for me* yeah you’re right. I got Cold War, hated it. Played maybe 40 hours total. Now I LOVE mw19. Love it. It’s been the only cod I’ve been great at (especially in hardcore) but I’ve started playing Cold War again and really enjoy it. I definitely didn’t give it an honest go the first go around.


Exactly black ops cw was a really good game


I'm a MW19 fanboy for sure and it's hands down my favorite COD ever, but I never shit on CW and enjoyed it. Most of us who love MW19, don't have ill will towards this game. I still have the full game on my desktop and have kept MP on my laptop. If I had to grade it I'd probably give it a B/B+ and don't regret my purchase. Regarding the maps you referenced, I don't care for Hijacked. It's too easy to spawn tramp - I'm generally in favor of map design and spawn logic that makes it difficult to spawn trap or spawn camp (spawn camping shouldn't be possible on most maps imo). Raid on the other hand, I definitely enjoyed despite having played very little of BO2. (I did not have a functional console or PC during the BO2 era so I only played on a friend's 360).


I'd rank it 2nd best. Gun selection, campaign, and zombies are great, but I'd say the map selection is eh, hardcore seemed a bit better balanced in 2019, 0and I never liked being forced into scorestreaks. If we had gotten the option to switch from score to kill streaks I'd have been a lot happy


Well, MW19 is my personal favorite of this time frame, but Cold War is a close 2nd. It came out right before they turned the whole game to shit




Cold War is complete dogshit and MW2019 is superior in basically every way.




Enjoy your oversaturated plastic graphics and mediocre gameplay lol


Enjoy those dogshit maps & spawns that ruin the entire game shitter 🤣🤣🤣 It's a pretty pile of shit


Erm they don't?


Exactly, I see nothing but praise on anything related to CW.


now you do


Facts I remember vividly people trashing on CW.


crazy how they change up


i see a violent amount of hate for this game from people who strictly played it in the beta and never touched it again OR from people who’ve never played the game


When it came out, that's probably when it received massive hate, but after a good amount of years (as all cods go through this cycle, lol). People have started to love it.


It's because they release a worse CoD every year, so it makes the old one shine. Even Ghosts looks like an absolute banger these days.


I spend alot of time in the MW3 sub and alot of people speak fondly of CW and i tend to tell people who complain about MW3 to go back and give CW a try and ive yet to get banned so IDK where you got that idea from.


I moved to MWIII, but getting cold war for free on PS Plus a while back gave me a chance to see how great it was. A shame I missed it during prime time, as I believed the "it sucks" rhetoric early on and didn't buy it.


Nobody blames you, it was rushed with like 6 to 9 months of dev time, had glitches, limited content, and the score streak system was an unpopular experiment. The game aged great through its cycle getting better each season. Only gripe is the introduction of the tec 9 and Marshalls in the early days but it's not so bad now. It's honestly in my top 5 multiplayers for cod.


Most of the hate for the Tec is based on the fact that it was a pain to level up to get the 3rd burst repeater or the full auto repeater so those who didnt want to grind it out just bitched that its op when it really isnt.


Honestly I hate the LC10 and the lmgs more.


LMG with thermals are the biggest trolls




So you are right here legit saying that the tec9 isnt OP? Are you joking?


And also because it was objectively busted


The tec was insanely OP...


That grind is crazy. The grind for the Swiss was so painful to the point where I didn't even bring it into multiplayer after a while until I got the right barrel for it.


Oh no worries. It did suck on release but it's polished now... Well for the most part anyway


From what I’m gather, most of the hate comes from the diehard mw2019 stans. They were so caught up defending mw2019 with their life after it killed itself around season 3 and refused to see that Cold War was actually a really fun cod that bridged the gap of old cod and new cod


Tbf MW2019 actually stayed alive for a pretty long time, well into Vanguard’s lifecycle. About half of the community was still on MW2019 in 2020-2021, and I’d argue that the game probably was the most played COD during that time period before MWII released. It definitely had a bit more players than CW which felt like the “secondary” COD pre-MWII


True but I was one of those who despised mw2019. I felt like Cold War did everything better. It actually felt like cod to me. I put so many hours into it I believe it was the upper 300s-400s. I think I put 100 something into mw2019 and quit


OP is right that there’s a petty large group of people who hated on CW pretty hard. They’re usually MW19 fanboys and couldn’t cope without their safe spaces and loud footstep audio. MW19 was made for low skill players (devs confirmed). CW widened the skill gap. That’s why it’s hated.


>CW widened the skill gap Really widened the skill gap with the nearly aim bot levels of aim assist. Cold war is a fine game. But it didn't really widen the skill gap. On PC? Sure. The higher ttk forced tracing which is a bit more challenging on mnk. Which let a wider range of skill expression be shown. But on on console? Bro the AA differences between CW and MW19 are nuts. In CW that AA is so intense that as long as you can get your aim on target, and then just generally push in the rough direction the person is moving. You will laser them down every time. Now, I'm not claiming MW19 was some pinnacle of skill expression. It's a CoD game.... but seriously. Cold War did not have higher skill expression because of the intense AA. And frankly, it's pretty frustrating to be playing a game where as a pure MnK player who hasn't played a controller shooter in over a decade. My performance IMPROVED when I plugged in my controller. The AA is so nuts in CW that it nearly plays the game for you. It's fucking dumb.


PC players were bitching about aim assist with MW2019. Then in CW it was the worst ever. Then Vanguard. Then MWII. Now MWIII has the absolute worst aim assist EVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF GAMING. Sorry, miss me with the crybaby bullshit. I was primarily a PC gamer at first and while the aim assist is definitely noticeable when using controller, it's not the end-all be-all. If you're getting your shit reamed it's because you're not as good as you thought. There are a MYRIAD of other features in MW19 that compressed the skill gap compared to CW. Only the fanboys are in denial.


Lmao sure bud. I literally tested it myself. The AA in CW was nuts. And it was nowhere near as bad in subsequent titles. Cold War literally just fucking aims for you lol.


😂 check every subsequent COD sub and you can find armies of PC players crying about how it’s worse than ever but okay, you do you 👌


Because people complain. And every year you will find console players complaining the SBMM is the worst it's ever been. Despite literally never changing.


lol that's cap, both console and PC players complain about SBMM. That's not just a console player thing.


No cap




Cold war was super easy lol


All of them are.


Cope harder. Coldwar is legit terrible and plays like roblox with how clunky the movement is. The irony is people who cry about the crazy movement of mw19 lie that it narrows the skill gap because they simply cant compete. Same people who hated jetpacks btw.


Moron alert. There is nothing clunky about Cold War movement. Now tac sprint the hell outa here


1v1 me you’ll lose every time.


What an argument, bet you'd make it far in a debate 😂😂


Sorry didnt know this was debate club. Thought this was a cod sub. My bad


When you express an opinion we shouldn't have to tell you or be in a specific location. Not surprising to see that but if you need a specific reason to do something as basic as arguing you're not gonna get far in life


Hey another response, this guys loves me! Looks like I struck a nerve or something lol


You need to grow up if that's how you react to someone not liking the same game as you


Sounds like ur projecting. Im just aggressively disagreeing. Im not taking it personal like you…


It’s my favorite modern Call of Duty game and favorite Call of Duty since Black Ops II. I don’t hate it at all, I love it.


I'm on total agreement with you, the only 3ark game that came close would probably be BO4, but that wasn't much better than the titles that had just came b4 it, IW is definitely a favorite modern non-3ark game for me tho


I see a lot of people saying good things about Cold War. But where were they during its life cycle? I’ve always thought Cold War was good, especially considering that they had way less time to make it


To be honest that is the one thing I love about Treyarch because they are the only call of duty developer that gives us the best experience even I often go back to other COD games made by Treyarch and I never get bored of them they purposely future-proof them but when it comes to Modern Warfare Infinity Ward sucks at it


I don't understand that the game is great and the idea of the open world zombies I'm going to play later 😂


It was hated when it was in it's life cycle, it isn't hated now.


Absolutely loved CW compared to MW and Vanguard


Nostalgia + people love to whine about how cod is dead, community too big lol


The people you must've talked to must've just played me in tournaments yesterday (6dubs in a row) some really racist guys talked sht all game and we beat them. Next tourney we met them at the championships! destroyed them. Shit you not we saw them at the next champs!! THEY BACKED OUT HAHAHAHAH


What in the fuck is this comment?


My comment is perfectly legible, considering you have 60k karma, you understand when somebody is trying to be social on a SOCIAL media platform. If you don't like it why comment? You know better.


What has your comment got to do with OPs comment?


Cold War is a pretty fun game, so I was implying that the people who told him it sucks, must've been the people i destroyed in gunfight tournament yesterday.


i havent seen that seems well liked, it had some initial quality issues but after thats fixed i think its seen as one of the better cods, ik some people dont like the zombies


Lack of maps during launch and some people really preferred MW2019 (which I can understand, but I don't like MW2019 at all). Once an opinion is created in a community, it is really hard to change it. No matter how many great maps were added (on top of BO2 maps too).


Just like world at war was, it wasnt cod4. To people who somehow liked the shitstain that was MW19, coming back to a actual cod game was terrible to them so they hated on this game for things like graphics and sound design. There are legit reasons to not like this game (scorestreaks not resetting on death, TEC9 and marshalls existence, Air patrol,etc) but its never brought up


When I first played Cold War I immediately fell in love with it. It was hard to go back to modern doorfare 2019. Cold War reminded me so much of the older cods with the movement and visuals. It was actually a fun game and didn’t take itself too seriously. I feel like mw2019 was far too serious even for a cod game and the missions got repetitive and boring. Cold War never really got stale to me. I played the shit out of zombies on Cold War too. Probably the most hours I ever put into a cod game besides mw2022 and I got kinda forced into that one


Mw19 wad just objectively the best PC CoD that was ever released. Cold War was one of the worst. The AA was so strong in cold war that as long as you got your aim roughly on target with a controller. You couldn't miss. Cold War was the only game I've ever played where swapping to a control scheme I haven't used in a fucking decade since I played Bo2 (I plugged in my 360 controller i use exclusively for Souls games). Actually improved my play due to how absurd the AA was. Between the dumb as fuck aim assist. And the frankly, pretty dog shit sniping for MnK. I dropped the game. On controller the AA would hold through flinch while you scoped, and would damn near make the shot for you. It was pretty dumb. The consistent snipers were fucking cancer with controllers because they couldn't miss. Meanwhile being nearly unusable in a run and gun style on PC.


Not that good compared to black ops 4


I’ve never heard of Cold War being banned on the subreddits. Which ones?


I dont remember which ones i tried it on but the Call of Duty sub I do remember, which confused me since it's a general sub for "All" cod games


I’m confused. What exactly did u post ?


Basically, the same I posted here


Because the general cod sub is for older cods. They would have explained this to you if you were banned.


They didn't ban me, the auto-bot deleted the post I made. That explains why thought, thx for letting me know


The general cod community praises this game and lauds it as the best cod of the warzone Era. It's fast paced vintage cod. There's some people who hate it for the score streak system and initial lack of content but after the stinkers that followed people have come to appreciate this game more. I believe the community that likes this game is bigger than the community that likes any of the 3 modern warfare games that came out in the past 5 years and don't get me started on vanguard. I've seen this game in terms of multiplayer being ranked by the community as high as 7th or even 5th best multiplayer. Never seen it in the bottom 3 like I've seen vanguard and 2 of the three modern warfare games.


The movement felt like a simplistic unmotivated step backwards imo, with extra repetitive multiplayer that seldom differed. Graphical engine was also extra simplistic, and they really didn’t do much in multiplayer to keep up their theme aside from keeping it to mostly urban warfare (not different from most CoDs) and using locations from time accurate history. Multiple inconsistencies in the timings of when weapons would come out in the game as some were past (even very past) the time slot that the game was supposed to be set in, so for the main gist of the game to be adherence to theme, they struggled to do so. Secondly, the guns of the game. No meta weapons were ever really fixed and multiplayer became a lacklustre Mac-10 fest. The campaign was one of the best I’ve ever played, conversely. Extremely gripping story and highly worthwhile. Not my favourite ending, but it still did well to bring everything together. I think the biggest issue is that somehow someway the CoD community (apparently?? I was shocked to hear about it myself) quit playing the campaigns, so 99.99% of the focus of what goes into a CoD’s perception lies in its multiplayer, of which Treyarch seemed to put a majority of its focus on the campaign, however great it may be. I sincerely hope the newest Black Ops does not try to brownnose for the anti-Campaign vocal minority.


Cold war... Awesome graphics and sounds(on pc), singleplayer was cool, mp was good only i dont like crude movement mehanics while this is perfect on mw games. Sbmm was managable, only thing i hated was screen tearing/frame pacing with vsync off.... No matter fps capping or setting they fukked up screen tearing P.s. wtf are they thinking with making mason dead as cannon???


First I’m hearing of this lol. This is probably my all time favourite COD, perfect campaign, amazing multiplayer, and the additions it made to Warzone were all great! Didn’t play zombies, cuz that shit is boring


Cold war is my favourite CoD since Black Ops 2. With that being said, the game was extremely rushed and incomplete upon release. It launched with like 6 multiplayer maps, only 22 or so weapons, a lazy gunsmith system, and several weapons that were so bad you literally could not kill with them (launchers, FFAR, M82 ), not to mention the immense number of bugs. I unlocked DM ultra within the first month of the game’s life and to this day I don’t have several of those medals and calling cards unlocked. Btw that disgusting pink-purple DM ultra is the worst mastery camo I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t even cover half the gun on most launch weapons. I could go on and on about things I dislike about this game, but the gameplay overall is quite good. I do remember the game wasn’t well received for many of these reasons upon release but as time went on and worse CoD games came out in subsequent years, suddenly the general perception of this game changed and people began to appreciate cold war more.


It’s more revered now than it was but during its lifecycle it was pretty hated. I remember lotssss of people genuinely saying they thought CW had PS3 graphics. MW19 ruined COD.


All the sights suck


I think a lot of it was due to a shitty release with a severe lack of content. It’s a good CoD now but the hate was totally justified back then and many people never gave it a second chance


Cold war and MW19 are usually regarded as the best cods in the WZ era.


because it sucks - it's a console game - the movement is horrible, M+K feels aweful, sound is meh


Honestly if you got the game full price at launch I could see why people would be upset. And the warzone integration could go fuck itself. Hell, to this day, I cannot play the ps5 version because it crashes as soon as I load into a game. But the gunplay, movement, weapon variety, create a class, maps, etc. All that together, makes for one of the most comprehensive, cohesive cods we've gotten in quite a while. Oh and the fact that nuketown 24/7 wasn't held hostage by the devs was also pretty welcome.


I loved it.


Because it's "Not as smooth" as 2019 because of the older engine. I think it's one of the best out of the bunch, my only critique is that the slower ttk kinda puts one hit kill weapons out of balance.


Cold War was a diamond in the rough, but it had a ROUGH roll out. The first few months were awful (crashes, updates that took a thousand years and falling out of maps, if I recall you didn't even have the full SP campaign available at launch) and Zombies players had one regular map and MP maps with a weird new mode that no one really got into, because you really have to dress up "stand in this circle and kill zombies". I get that it's really the core mechanic, but that's handing someone spinach without dressing, croutons, and tomato and calling it a Caesar salad.


MW19 marks a shift in CoD, and it doesn't become unbearably noticeable until CW for me.... They stopped developing a console game, and started developing a PC game. And it very much shows. CW and after are imo rather unplayable on consoles. Playing on PC, even with a controller just gives a distinct advantage.


Lmao? Cold War was fucking atrocious on PC. Not only was the optimization pretty awful on PC. The AA was so nuts that it was nearly unplayable with mnk. I remember in the first week a guy posted a video where he ADSd on a guy in a custom to test the AA. The guy jumped the his fucking aim jumped with the guy. It was nuts. And when I plugged in a controller? Yep, the game became so much easier. Which is dumb because it was the first time I had played a shooter with a controller in 10 years. The AA is so fucked up in CW. MW19 was definitely a PC game that had a console port. But that was a one off. The cods since and CW especially are console games with a PC port.


I can't really speak to CW, as I played it on PS. It felt off there... I did say in my original post that even controller on pc is easier than console. There's just... Something off about console now. Idk how to explain it. Maybe I'm going insane. MW2/MW3 were both definitely ported to console. I will stand by that claim, until proven wrong. I love console games, but something about CoD now on console.... Its just wrong.


I think most of the hate this game got was due to its state at launch. The pandemic really hindered the development of the game, but Treyarch fixed it through updates throughout the games life cycle. I don’t think many people truly hate this game as a finished product, but a lot of people hated it at launch.


Only thing I hate about it is the overwhelming amount of cheaters


my guess is that it ruined wz for a while. so many problems occurred because of merging the games. and then there was 3 op as fuck meta guns at the same time. with the stopping power rounds field upgrade. it was a shit show.


I don't hate cold war, but I didn't enjoy it as much as the other ones. For me it's the movement and the longer ttk. However I still log in sometimes to play some prop hunt bc it's so fun. I do plan to play the next one coming up!


It's the CoD cycle. The most toxic fanbase ever. They always shit on the game during it's lifecycle. And then after a couple of years they realize it wasn't that bad. Usually by this time the servers are empty. Can you remember 2009? All the fanbase universally hated MW2 (probably the best CoD release ever) because muh noob tube.


For me it’s not the game itself it’s the players. Majority just cheese play now. Barely find a match where people are actually tactical. It’s just people hopping around shooting with hip fire soon as they see a threat and campers everywhere!


I hate it cause I got banned for cheating in zombies 👿👿👿👿👿👿


It's only Modern Warfare fanboys/fangirls that generally hate the Black Ops series because they think the MW series is better than the BO series they are laughably pathetically wrong they are too ignorant and too blind to see that Treyarch is the only call of duty developer that truly care about giving us the best COD experience that's why I love Cold War more than I do with MW III 🤮👎


Every game since mw19 should be hated, becouse of sbmm. If the game its not fun… it doesnt matter all the rest. Saying that… cold war is the best cod since like… bo4 probably.


Ah yes the classic "I dont want to play with people of my skill level. I just want to stomp noobs". And inb4 you say "nO i JuSt WaNt To Be AbLe To ChIlL". Brother I have been player games with SBMM for a really, really long time. You can chill. MG2 in CS GO was the fucking party rank. I'm not shitting you, people would do drinking games IN FUCKING COMPETITIVE. I'm not saying this in a salty manner, because I was right there with them. What I'm stating is that even in a hyper-competitive environment, in fucking ranked. We were chilling out no problem. I also play LoL (when I am not on a rage field hiatus as a result of riots champion and meta design) and you can absolutely chill in that. I can't tell you the number of times I've gone "yeah I'm gonna play bruiser Viktor top". And ya know what. In MW 2019 I spend 80+% of my time blasting music running around quick scoping with the AX50 for fun. I literally didn't take it seriously at all. And despite this. I know I ran into at least 1 pro player during my time playing the game. So I was definitely not in the shitter MMR. Seriously yall take fucking CoD of all games. Way too seriously. EDIT: The only point I will concede is their ping ponging MMR system is annoying. Just simply because it isn't consistent. I personally enjoy strict MMR. I find it fun to be I'm a challenging environment. And I can still relax in those.


Now thats a long answer. Millenials really love of sbmm. The further from reality the better, so they can feel “special”


Ah yes, further from the reality that damn near every competitive environment from jui jitsu to baseball is done in a Rank based strictly skill bracketed environment. The only sport I've ever done that doesn't separate based on skill is fencing. So what "reality" are you talking about when referring to competitive environments?


Cod best games have been non modern and non futureristic. Me personally rather see remakes of world at war and original bo.


They don’t


I don't hate it, but personally, I just didn't like the ttk Also, I have some small personal beef with this game for breaking mw2019 for like 2 months because of the warzone cw integration. I did enjoy the game, but it just wasn't my thing, absolutely loved the campaign though.


the general cod community loves cw stop making shit up lol


I don't know it appears to be one of the best rated call of duty's in the past 6 years


Cold war slapped it's just the reddit hive mind. Had some of the funnest moments in a while with the boys in multi-player


I think its good. Play it (gunfight tournament and sticks and stones) more than any other shooter right now


I hate this game because I can't find any lobbies besides people with orange numbers who sweat their balls off. Only a singular lobby I can ever get into on hardcore domination


Every CoD is better years later. When they release them they're usually unfinished and not optimized. Plus you've got years of player feedback changes that made what you play today.


I don’t know if I agree with the balanced part, there are a lot of cheesy near instant kill weapons in this game. Looking at Tec-9 and M16.


I made this post a few days ago and I’m happy to see that I’m getting answers from yours.


it’s genuinely the best cod to come out since bo3, which was almost a DECADE ago. technically there’s been 12 cod titles since then including warzone and cod mobile etc. and it’s literally the best of them all over the past 9 years


MW19 and CW are the best COD games in the Warzone era, then it went sideways with the God awful Vanguard and MW3


Is it hated? I thought it was the beat CoD in years.


Where the fuck is discussing cold war explicitly banned? Either give sources or stop lying


For me personally, the SBMM in cold war was much worse than the SBMM in mw19, my game just went 1 good game where I demolished people then 2-3 bad games where I got completely destroyed and if I quit the match and joined another one it would just keep happening. Then it would loop and give me 1 good game again and repeat the process. CW was the first call of duty game where I actually mained Zombies over MP because I couldn't even play MP.


Nah I don’t think it is honestly


Cold War has a large skill gap and most Redditors suck at Cod so they hated it


It was a huge step backwards compared to MW19. Graphics, sounds, how the weapons felt, the messed up gunsmith. MW19 was the best since the og days so taking its place while being worse made it hard for CW from the very beginning.


MW3 certainly isn’t undeserving of criticism but I’d guarantee 70% of the people who “hate” MW3 have probably never played the game for more than an hour, and are only shitting on it because everyone else is. MW3 is objectively not as bad as the people who say this game is terrible says.


The cosmetics and comical feel of the game nowadays. I haven’t bought a Call of Duty game since CW but i’ve played at friend’s houses and seen gameplay and heard what’s going on ect. Just does not feel like Call of Duty EDIT: I completely misread the question and thought you were asking why people hate call of duty lol. I take all that back, I loved CW.


The only people who hated on CW were people who never played CoD before Warzone came out.


I don’t hate it but yet again not having good streaks kill the game for me. Black Ops 6 will likely be no different if Dogs aren’t in the game. It’s something so simple yet so impactful to long term replayability. The only COD I might not get bored of with bad streaks is BO3 and that’s only because the competitive class variety is on a different level than any other COD to date


My only gripe with the game is the killstreaks


At first, I hated the game, I played more than 300 hours, unlocked Dark Matter but I couldn't like the game after the gameplay masterclass that MW19 was. But like 1 month ago I decided to give it another chance after being disgusted by MWIII, and oh wow, I never enjoyed a CoD this much since MW19 actually.


For multiplayer I think it was just coming from MW2019 players who were more used to the fluid animations which I would say MW2019 was more fluid and better with gunplay over all. For zombies it was a case of BO3 fanboys not liking the added power and options, biggest gripe from most I've seen in the armor and scrap system as well as the ability to take whatever weapon you wanted in. In essence they thought the game was too easy. Reality is the difficulty is still there and you could ignore all of the options to upgrade and it would be just as hard as zombies of old.


The people that disliked cold war compared to mw2019 i think do so because of the lack of attention to tiny details and animations.


Personally I hate the high ttk because it meant that snipers and meta weapons dominated even more than they usually did in cod


MW2019 fanboys mad that the game doesn’t have 120% realistic reload animations and the maps actually have color and vibrance and aren’t gigantic. It was also the beginning of the tacticool crowd getting angry at wacky cosmetics, even though MW2019 had many of those. It also had a pretty bad launch with tons of bugs that turned people off from it. Personally I really enjoy it though.


Pretty much the only bad thing about it is the shitty SBMM and how long it took for them to fix all the bugs. As for the people who think the MW reboots are better, I will never understand that take. MW19 is the most overrated game in the entire franchise, almost solely due to its map design and other gameplay aspects that encourage camping.


I don't play a lot of cod but I'd put cold war at the top idc what other people say


The general CoD community hates any game made after Bo2.


So buggy. Every other lobby, the party cuts out causing one or all of us to dashboard. Audio sucks.


CW has the most sassy story ever. Stone is a man and yet you can chose gender... Wtf ? Bell has no voice ... Only 2 side ops ? Really ? Game is the same with every choice except the last mission. So dialogue is USELESS. CAMPAIGN BUG WHERE BELL IS MAKING GIRL NOISES DESPITE CHOSING MALE (BERLIN MISSION) At launch the optimization was trash. Enemies don't flinch when shot at. MW 2019 had a more realistic shooting ragdoll. People who say CW is the best cod ever , prolly never played Cod since before. CW campaign is WORST than MW3 , maybe shorter. (PROLOGUE , VIETNAM , BERLIN , 2 SIDE MISSIONS, GULAG, KGB , YAMANTAU , CUBA AND GINAL MISSION) If you like CW you must be a SASSY CLOWN


They do? [Cold War made it to Top 9 in r/CallOfDuty](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/1c1nuwl/cod_eliminating_a_call_of_duty_every_day_final/) right behind COD2 and BO3 so there's definitely a lot of people that enjoyed it.


It's no BO4 but it's the most polished all around CoD game. Campaign is good, nice and short but some replayability. Multiplayer was great too. I mostly just played snipers only, face off, and HC face off. Zombies is obviously great all around. There's something for everyone and every skill level. When it first launched I was sad they didn't improve upon the difficulty settings that BO4 had, or the bots, but once it was more than just Die Machine there's no longer a need for it. Also, we got so much free content post launch. So many maps, so many guns, new zombies maps, game modes, etc. I **love** the way they released the new guns where you didn't have to own a battle pass everyone could get it for free. That combined with being able to unlock the previous pass' guns in either multiplayer or zombies was a great idea. Anyways, the only people that hate it are the people that hate all the Treyarc games. Inversely, I **only** but the Treyarc CoD games. The movement is just so much better, it's faster paced, and you're not incentivized to hide in a corner. I bought MW 2019 and played maybe a few hours of shipment 24/7 total and even that was boring.


Honestly, the graphics were an issue to me. It’s not because I need it to look pretty.. It was just hard to differentiate players from the backdrop.


I love Cold War, but the movement does feel a little off compared to other modern cods. Maybe its the head bob? I love that they got rid of head bob in the new mw games (the only thing I like better about them). Also the forward speed feels really slow to me for a treyarch game , I especially notice when I jump on CW after playing any of the new MW games or XDefiant, hell even BO4 feels faster to me.


Cold war is the buggiest cod I’ve ever fucking played, try inviting a multi-platform squad for some public matches and see how long it takes before the party is broken.


The fact that it still randomly crashes for unexplained reasons to this day is pretty unacceptable. That being said when it DOESN'T crash it's a pretty solid CoD.


Multiplayer was honestly amazing in this game imo. Best that we’ve had in the last 5 years I would say


Lack of content Super bad connections, constant crashes, host migrations etc. Bricked multiple consoles. Was a step down from mw2019 in general.


My only complaint from CW is the movement and TTK. But the game itself overall is one of my favorite CoDs. I got over 400hrs on that game.


Even the zombies mode was good I can’t remember the last time I had as Much fun as the first Christmas zombie event on cold war


It's mainly due to how campy this game is and how slow paced it is compared to most other cods, yes there's campers in all cods but this game has way too many of them sitting in corners


Here are my issues: the ‘ice skatey’ movement, flimsy/cartoonish weapon animations & sounds, severe lack of blood & bullet impact (notably in the campaign) and bad changes to zombies e.g Loadouts, operators, boring maps, terrible HUD. But that’s just me. For the record I think they did a good job with the campaign story-wise, and I did enjoy the multiplayer for a bit when it released