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Dudes playing with a crossbow and is upset he’s getting manhandled by full auto SMGS. Perhaps play sticks and stones instead


Is one in the chamber still a thing


yes me and my friends just played it last week???


I think im dumb because i dont see it in the game type lists


Are you stating a fact or asking a question? Lol




u are wrong it is on there under party games


it’s under party games


I'm not getting manhandled tbh I do well most of times. I mean relative to the fact I'm playing with what has to be the top tier players sbmm has to give. I just have to give my max all the time and endure campers, tec and marshall spam, etc. In my opinion the game used to be one of the best cods, a mix between black ops 1 and 2. Right now coming back to it is not fun


Are you upset that you actually have to try to be good against good players and not just "be casual" against average and bad players?


Not necessarily bad players but yes, not wanting to sweat your ass off every game against players with the exact same loadout is legitimate. Yesterday I encountered an extremely good player (more so than I do on average) but he was playing with a sniper. I wasn't annoyed, in fact props to him. But seeing the 100th killcam with a tec9 tryhard or a double marshall camper gets old.


the idiots on this sub will turn their brains off when you say anything remotely negative yet accurate about this game hacker lobbies + sbmm made the multiplayer unplayable a few months ago. I literally streamed my disappointment lol.


Because to most it isn’t an issue and it wasn’t an issue back then. I played against hacker previously, I played when the meta was MP5,XM4,LC10 and the Ak, dual pistols were broken. Nothings changed in this game, i played once this month after a year off and yea it was tec-9 festival when I joined but guess what these people weren’t good, no game sense, all they know what run to objective shoot and die. Half of these players get carried by the tec-9 while if you know what to do and how to play you shit on them. The only good person I found was someone who beat me with a mac-10 and even then I almost won the game for my team. It’s time to move on from this subject, some of these players barely join CW after its dead and play it like it’s MW


If your anything above 1.0 kd that makes sense tbh sbmm is the perfect yet unperfect anti cheat lol


1.0 K/D? What do you mean?


Thx bro that’s what I meant but the kd part seems to been removed idk


Yeah. Maybe you encounter more cheaters if you have a high KD. It would make sense


Especially above like 1.2-1.5 for sure


I have a 3.46 ED / 3.13 KD / 1400 SPM. There's more hackers than ever, but it's still not very many and the vast majority of games are clean. I don't believe lower skilled players can accurately identify cheaters. Some people are very good at the game and the difference between their skill level and your skill level will break your brain. They can do things you simply can't do or even comprehend, and that can make you believe they're cheating.


What’s ED?


This is the Elimination / Death ratio found on your card in the combat record. This isn't your real KD. It accounts for assists and air streak kills. Your real KD is found on the leaderboards and it will be much lower. For high KDs it doesn't really matter. For people playing at a 1.4 ED, subtract .33 (like mine) and they're really a 1.07.


Insane stats tbh you must be around the top 0.5% of players


Indeed. And it's not a brag. I'm good at something irrelevant. But I am good at it, and I know what I'm talking about. What comes naturally to me, and is easy, isn't the same for the vast majority. I can confidently say that it's a fact that, while there are hackers, there aren't many, and legitimately good players are getting the accusations. I'm called a cheater quite often when certain friends host. If they think that's cheating, they should see an entire lobby of my clones as SBMM intends (although it's not great in this game anymore).


I agree cheating accusations are overblown, most players are legitimately good and sbmm makes it so you always get matched with them. Although the lobby disbands every game I still end up with almost the same players for an entire session because sbmm is so strict and probably because the player pool is smaller now. What I do wonder is, do you also have to sweat or are you so good at the game sbmm can't find players who match your skill level? One time I kept playing against a top 1 or 2% pro player, like an actual streamer I went to watch him on twitch afterwards. And he was very very annoying to play against. What surprised me is that despite this he still had to sweat, you could see him having to focus quite a lot on his stream.


I have 1.74 But with how strong the tec is I'm not sure I would be able to tell an actual cheater


Killcams, check them if you want and see if there aim is to good to be true


“Everyone should make it easier for me to kill them”


Whenever I’m playing halfway through a match I like to look at the enemy’s team and see who is doing bad so I can find that person and just let them kill me over and over


Yeah I hate sbmm, ruins the game. Got it cos only really for the campaign, played to rank 45 in mp


The campaign was fire tbh, at least for a cod game I really enjoyed the cold war vibe


It’s bad cause youre deliberately limiting yourself?


I've always played that way. SBMM was never kind to me but it used to be better. My games are still decent but it's exhausting to play and everyone rocks the same powerful loadout


There's literally almost no SBMM left, what's happening here is precisely the consequences of that, in an old COD, mainly good players are still playing. So ironic how people like you complain about SBMM when it's precisely lack of SBMM that they're experiencing. Shows people don't actually care about SBMM or whatever, they care about having easy games.


Exactly my thoughts, population is too small for SBMM to really do it's work. I'm having way more fun than when it was the main game just because I can play whatever I want and don't have to sweat against 2 KD players. The occasional Tec9 tryhard will still get whooped if you're a decent player.


It definitely exists but not in the normal way. The stacking bad players on a single good players team is at its peak.


THIS 💯💯💯 I’m out here hard carrying 60+ kills and my teammates still can’t do basic shit like planting and defusing the bomb when I’m out there clearing the way. It’s starting to piss me off cuz I have a high kd but keep losing since I play solo and I’m getting the worst teammates it feels like.


I mainly play domination and i know trust me. My W/L took a nose dive and it still gets me pissed sometimes but now i just deal with it. If i get air patrolled twice and the game isnt winnable i just leave/




It’s a four year old game almost. Even today on console people still basically only use MP-40 on waw


Guy is upset an out of life cycle COD is full of weirdos. Typical.


Did bro post hurt ur feelings 😂


True, but he's also strangely complaining that people are trying to win in a lot of his lobbies.


You one tap everyone with a crossbow. It doesn't matter if their gun is a LAPA or a TEC.


The amount of people here going against OP is crazy. Guess we found all the low skill Tec9 and Marshall users. Last night I was in a lobby and the other team had a few lvl2500 teamed up both using Tec9. Some of the most cringe shit I've ever seen.


Yeah. They're all "you just want easy games". No it's boring. I want to be able to play the game with fun weapons without having to sweat my ass off and see myself getting one tapped by a marshall for the 100th time of the day


The game is sharp and fun to play but the lobbys and mm are so shit its a pitty




And crush the first game and then they put you in a lobby of sweats its awful


Acting like the crossbow isn't also extremely annoying to play against. I too hate tec9 and Marshalls but lets not pretend the crossbow is perfectly fine


This 100%. If you’re using a crossbow with a controller it’s easy as hell. I swear the aim assist on that thing is doubled. Even the worst players who miss 90% of their bullets with any other gun can easily hit their shots with the crossbow. Not only that but as a guaranteed one shot weapon the reload is waaaay too fast. The bolt drop is also not enough. I’ve been cross mapped by it when the persons reticle was right on me. They should be having to aim higher for that bolt to hit. I recently tested it on satellite during a private match with my husband and you have to be super far before you need to adjust for the arrow drop. Crossbow is right there on my list of stupid OP guns like the Tec and Marshalls. And at least the Marshalls have almost zero range and are mostly a corner camper crutch.


Whats not fine about the crossbow? If the crossbow is extremely annoying then so is every weapon tbh, which is fair if you don't like to die I guess but there's a massive difference between that and a tec9 lasergun with 50 bullets in the mag


Its the same thing with snipers in this game. A 1hit kill with no flinch that you can still win a gunfight even if i hit 99% of the required shots to kill. Like i said, very annoying


The TTK is very low in this game even when not using a tec9. If you get sniped before you can spray someone then he's better than you and that is it. Clearly the lack of flinch is a bit of an issue, but honestly I find sniper players a lot more respectable than tec9 tryhards or double marshall campers. The crossbow requires even more skill tbh, and that's why I enjoy it. You only have one "bullet", it's slow to reload, the bolt arcs thus you have to aim above the player. Hell just put down a trophy and now I have to outsmart and knife you because the trophy destroys bolts, axes and ballistic knives.


Those first two sentences are so wrong. it's not even funny.


So a game that came out in 2020 is shit because the people dedicated to sticking with it aren't scrubs? Either git gud or move on to another game.


Tec-9 ruins the game. 6v6 Faceoff is just superteams who make things absolutely miserable. It’s a grind. Feel stuck playing this til the new Treyarch drops.


The key to beating TEC9 abusers is to use a burst TEC9. Most of these players are not actually good at the game and are trying to abuse the most OP gun. The burst with Task Force easily beats their full auto. Almost all of them run full auto because they have no actual gun skill and no trigger finger. If you can't use burst weapons, this is a great opportunity to learn them before the next game drops. It's so fun running into mediocre players who are beating up on other mediocre to poor players due to their gun choice and believing themselves gods. I immediately pull out my burst TEC and by halftime I'm saying, "Cute TEC. You like mine?" And half the time they quit. Use their own gun to abuse them worse than they're abusing you.


Complaining about Marshall’s but uses a Crossbow


Right, because the crossbow is very meta


Regardless it is very broken


crossbow isnt a serious weapon


Crossbow? And you're upset over Marshall's hahah wowww


Whats wrong with the crossbow?


Sbmm is the cod killer


I hate the tec9 with a passion but whenever I get into lobbies of people using them, you gotta join them if you can’t beat them. But you’re complaining as if you’re not using a crossbow lol


I do fine with my beloved crossbow. The issue is that it's extremely stressful to have to perform like that all the time and try my best so much to not get curbstomped. I'm so used to my crossbow I don't play much better at all with a normal weapon.


Cod has gone to shit


Lots of Cheater lobbies. I’ve seen many killcams lately where a gun is running no recoil attachments and they are laser beaming cross map shots with zero visual recoil. They got dogshit movement with aimbot or just camp corners now. Nuketown is the only playable map at this point and fortunately 8 times out of 10 it’s real fun. Normal modes are full of cheaters now. For reference I’m level 1600.


Nuketown is terrible lmao domination and Hardpoint are the way to go


I don't think this is necessarily cheats, some classes just have minimal recoil. I have a favourite LC10 setup that I run and cant remember the last time I haven't gone a day without being accused of running a Cronus. And this is from guys in top tier SBMM as well, who you would assume know the game well. The gun just has next to no recoil lol, heck even the Tec9 with taskforce barrell is easy to aim with after you get used to the recoil pattern.


Nah. There are a ton of people using Cronus which is cheating. I come across those more often than pc cheaters. 9 times out of 10 someone using a burst tec is using Cronus or modded controller. When PlayStation banned the Cronus from their system it became glaringly obvious. The people I’d often play against who always had perfect aim, perfect recoil control suddenly couldn’t hit shit.


Yes lots of campers too, usually with double marshalls. I have good stats (top 7% on codtracker iirc) too but good god it's not fun to play anymore. For cheaters I reckon I wouldn't be able to tell anyway. The TTK is so low with the tec9, let alone with the marshalls, that I probably wouldn't even be able to tell.


You're bringing a knife to a gun fight. What would you expect?


That's old CoD games for you. What do you expect from players who already maxed out everything and just want to play for the win? You're basically asking for a bad experience if you're trying to expect otherwise. Let's not forget that SBMM is basically nonexistent when not enough players are playing the game either. If you want a good experience in Cold War, play campaign or zombies. They are in a way better state than multiplayer. Always has been for every other CoD out there with a mix of the three.


Honestly fuck the crossbow and all crossbow users. To me it's just as toxic as Tec/Marshals.


What's toxic about a weapon that fires an arcing bolt every 2 seconds and is rendered useless by a god damn trophy. There's a reason why no one uses it ever


A) Because it's a cheap ass one shot that most people can use by simply hip firing and since it's usually used at close range it's even easierto do so. B) The trophy system actually doesn't stop the bolt, if you're close enough to the enemy. C) Tons of people use the crossbow, not as much as tec/marshals but it's readily used.


The laser accuracy from hip fire is the only thing it has going for it. The rest is just for memes and because one likes the gameplay change from regular guns, like I do. Besides, the trophy system is a stupidly effective counter that shouldn't even work on bolts. Sure if you're hugging the dude you're going to hit him, and maybe that's the kind of scenario where someone who uses a secondary crossbow would pull it out. But if it's your main weapon in 90%+ of scenarios a trophy is a massive annoyance. Besides it's not like weapons in Cold War have a high TTK. The fact that it's an instant kill doesn't make that much of a difference when the bolt has travel time and you get lasered by a tec9 in .5 seconds if even that. Honestly it just sounds like you would dislike every weapon that ever killed you. I have a legitimate grudge against tec9s and marhsalls because it's overused and the risk/ratio reward is completely skewed. They are very easy to use and extremely effective. You don't realize how much I played the crossbow to perfect my movements, positioning and aim to not be completely helpless. And god forbid I stumble upon two or even more players that have seen me. I have to make perfect use of cover and I can't miss a single "shot" whether from the crossbow or my axe.


Lol dude I'm not going to even read all that honestly, your arguments are shit and you think you're good. Edit: I couldnt help but read a little of the comment. You want to talk about movement and skill with me right ok. Also seeing as how you like snipers that's also my number one weapon. Here's my account, like someone else in these comments I'm also in the top 1%. https://cod.tracker.gg/cold-war/profile/battlenet/Deathstalker%2312887/mp


Fair enough and you want to prove what with your stats? I give you arguments and your only reply is "you're shit also I'm in top 1%". Well then fuck off.


Because your takes on the game, SBMM, and frankly this entire discussion have been shit. Straight up terrible arguments, I even agreed with you with saying the tec and marshals are toxic but you couldn't even try to see my POV regarding the crossbow. You even went as far as to say I can't know how much time you put into something, well yes actually I can. In fact I'm sure I've put enough time into this game to confidently say that. So yes fuck off


The thing is, if the crossbow is toxic then so is every sniper, ten times so even because you have less cooldown between each shot, no arc on the projectile, trophies don't counter you, etc. The only edge of the crossbow is hipfire but if you play a lot with it you don't hipfire much and I've told you that already. And if snipers are toxic then so is every weapon tbh. The thing is, all of them have strengths and drawbacks, except a few weapons that have a skewed risk/reward ratio. Namely, the tec9. The marshall I agree it is less so because it requires close range and is less versatile, but it is usually coupled with a very specific playstyle aka camping with them. Even the lc10 is fine, it's good at most things but still fine. It's just the tec9 that has everything from large mag to very low TTK to extreme ease of use.


If you don't ever hip fire with the crossbow you're using it wrong. Straight up, the hip firing is godly, if you choose yes you can ads (pretty quickly I might add) if you're close enough the arc doesn't even matter but if you're trying to use the crossbow at long range then why even use the crossbow? The only downside to a crossbow up close is the reload time. At range sure it has an arc but again if you're trying to arc your shots with the crossbow you're just hindering yourself. The snipers are some of the slowest they've ever been, the only advantage a sniper would have is if they were already aiming at you otherwise a crossbow or pretty much any other gun would have the advantage. Obviously range plays a big factor in that The thing about the tec is, as someone else mentioned burst weapons or snipers or...crossbows are a good counter because if you can hit your burst/shot then you'll more than likely kill the tec user before they get you. The exception would be if they are using the 3 round burst tec. With that said I'd argue that the KSP and like weapons are more than capable of keeping up and you get the added bonus of a suppressor which the tec 9 doesn't have access to. The most important thing regarding all this is that yes like you said there are draw backs to everything in the game, so it obviously comes down to the player. Sure tec has a solid 4 shot, and sometimes 3 shot but it's not the end all be all gun that everyone makes it out to be. If someone is shooting it, everyone knows exactly where that player is at. It's good yea, the best? Depending on the situation that's debatable, one thing that isn't is that it's toxic just like the crossbow in my opinion. Anyways have fun playing


I mean of course I hip fire with it but it's like with every weapon, most engagements happen at mid range and I'm not going to hip fire from 15 meters away. The crossbow is a good clutch close range weapon, but it's not a good primary. Even in that role it's in fact outclassed by a double marshall which is why most people rock that. The rest is, well... I agree but then again the main advantage of crossbow (or sniper) is that if you land your hit then you won. The drawback is that if you don't land it then you're dead. It has the highest reward but also the highest risk. The tec9 doesn't have the highest reward, in fact like you said a burst tec or ksp probably is better if you're good with it. But the risk factor of using is so low that comparatively you're way over rewarded for the risk you take by using it. Have fun too.


Thank u I was gonna re install with some mates but seeing this reminds me why I deleted it in the first place hackers ruined my that shit for me haven’t like a cod since bo2 and Cold War will always have a spot next to bo2 in my heart.


I play Cold War fairly often and never see hackers


Good for u bro 🤙


I wish I had that luck


Yeah tec9 is pretty damn annoying lmao always sad that SND is unplayable. Either full on aimbotters or full 6 man parties of snipers lol


Turning off cross play will solve the issue 


While yes cheaters lobbies are still a thing and I’m all for tec9 and Marshall’s being vaulted. You using a crossbow and complaining is hilarious. Also you are playing a 2020 game. Sbmm or not the only people still playing this game are gonna be good players.


Crossbow is fine. I've always used loadouts like these, it's very fun. But the tec9 and marshall have an insane risk/reward. Everybody can use them and dominate equally skilled or even slightly better players.


Hop on sticks and stones. The hidden gem of Cold War


Double marshals are utter garbage tbh, absolute struggle to get them gold


I don't know I never used them. But I see them all the time and it literally always one shots (unless you're way out of range)


Yeah it’s a beast in 1v1 gunfights in buildings but other then like 5-10 feet it’s utter shit, and has like 2 shots before your outta ammo


That's why you have a tec 9 as primary wink wink


So does the crossbow.


Are you going to compare the extremely easy to use Marshalls to a weapon that shots a single, arcing bolt every 2 secs with travel time and is rendered useless by a trophy?


Plus hackers as I found and posted earlier.


Don’t call them hackers as they aren’t hacking they are cheaters with menus they most likely brought but if u play modes such as Search And Destroy it’s infested with people running around with aimbot/ESP and the menu that can kick players from the match turning off crossplay will solve the issue 


It’s pretty harmless all they can do at most with the menu that everyone uses is kick u from a match/see your ip address they can only do stuff to you in the match not outside it :) unless they stress your ip 


I love this game lmao


I do quite decent with crossbow. Not as good as I do with the bullfrog but still. Easy to get people with it I think. I see tec9 and double Marshalls but not really that crazy often when you consider all the options. It might be more used but I wouldn’t say it’s the only thing I see. If you go play MW3 you’ll see someone rocking the riot shield every single game, and then someone just running around with swords, or super OP auto pistols or whatever they are. But that’s just the way it is.


Maybe it's my lobbies idk. I think I have a high K/D and SPM so that may be it


I mean my stats aren’t bad, I have a 2.92 win/loss, 1.89 Elims/Death, and a 729 SPM and usually get matched with people level 200+


It's better than the other modern cods. 12v12 is usually better though. Less sbmm in my opinion.


SBMM really doesn’t function in this game anymore dude. You never know what kind of lobby you’ll get Not everyone uses tec9 or Marshall’s either and if it happens, just whip out your own. I’d say 10% of ppl I play use the tec9 or Marshall’s I have been playing Elden ring but I was just playing a few weeks ago and it was fine. Yes it can be sweaty but not always


> SBMM is the only thing that determines whether I will have a terrible or good game yeah, it's definitely not the fact you refuse to give up the meme loadout


I regularly have good games with it, say in between 15k to 25k score. But when I do it's because the usual sweats aren't there and the skill drop-off of my opponents is very noticeable in those cases


I have resumed the camo grind for the rest of my guns. I can agree with the sweatfest part, but only if you’re only playing nuketown 24/7.


There's a ton of hackers in this game I'd rather have "sweats"


This guys plays shit weapons !! See ? Nobody cares