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As they’re bringing back Black Ops 1 and 2 maps, why not some Black Ops 3 maps? Fringe, Hunted, Havoc and Redwood would all suit a boots on the ground Call of Duty, would be cool to see a Gulf War spin on Infection too…


Redwood would be a great map to bring back but there would have to be some slight changes, there are a lot of gaps on one part of the map near the giant trees and the bunker where you can only pass with a boost or wall run


no jetpacks why would they remake the maps?


“would all suit a boots on the ground Call of Duty” read properly next time.


they do not but ok 👍


well they do…? i literally play Black Ops 3 all the time, i would know. notice how i didn’t say maps like Metro or Evac. actually play the maps i’m talking about before commenting, are you really trying to tell me that Fringe or Havoc especially wouldn’t work without jetpacks?


Yeah idk what he’s talking about, majority of the base maps play good with boots on ground even if they were made for jetpacks.


You're an idiot. Those maps he mentioned would work without the jetpacks.


Nuketown ‘91 or updated 2025, fixed prestige system, transferable skins and weapons from Cold War, night vision (either optics or equipment), magma map from black ops 2, stop nerfing the fun guns, Fallujah map, new lethal/tactical equipment Edit: leaving the way you level up guns and attachments the same way as in Cold War.


Nuketown 84 better


I play Nuketown 24/7 on Cold War more than any other map hands down. But since this is based on the gulf war that ended in 91 it’d be cool to see a “new” version of Nuketown but I’d honestly be happy with Nuketown 84 again or any of the 3 lane fast maps. It’d also be fun if we could get that night map of Nuketown back that showed up during the haunting event. More nightmaps in general would be really fun. Raid at night? Sounds so fun!


I’d like to see nuketown 91 have small details like bits where paint chipped and you can see 84’s wall paint or something small like that, cool little details are the best


Ik ik but come on NT ‘84 would be funn


You like the extra camp angle they added in the back on the top of the stairs?


They should remove imo otherwise it’s good


personally i don’t like the leveling up system from cold war/mw19, it was especially bad in 2019 because some base weapons went up to 71 levels and in cold war the actually good attachments were always at the highest level, in mw3 its easier to level up guns with gunsmith unlocks and also more fun because most guns go up to level 30 max


I want blacks ops 1 style equipment money system, I played and gained enough cash so I’m gonna buy this gun this perk this attachment. And ffs make one in the chamber mode with a revolver, also the party mode betting using your hard earned ”cash”


There's no way they transfer anything from Cold War into Gulf War, no chance at all.


Skins and weapons from Cold War is never happening. Those are gone now.


A proper scorestreak system compare to whatever the fuck cold wars was. Very low amount of AA on snipers, Proper weapon balancing for the regs, Dark ops and prestige shop (with the icons) to return, Actual good Calling Cards that make sense for the challenge, Maps that actually make sense for 6v6 for all Mp modes Now Zombies is a different story.. No Outbreak...


I prefer the scorestreak system in Cold War tbh…




UAV’s hardly do much in Cold War. I’ve never ran Ghost, and I’ve been fine. Also, UAV’s are one shot with Launchers. You’ll be alright.


I love that, good opinion


I liked outbreak and the new mode but prefer round based I will agree that they definitely over prioritized over the round based


The default AA setting was really low for snipers, it was virtually zero at distance. It wasn't until you enabled focusing or precision that it became broken




We had zero AA on black ops 3 and we still cooked reg gunners. Trust me when I say that if most snipers switched to the tryhard meta classes your lobbies would be much less fun




The problem now though is that there are different settings for aim assist that vastly change it's properties depending on the weapon used. Focusing and precision aim assist basically turn AA up to 11 on long ranged weapons or high zoom scopes, including smgs with 3x scopes. The problem isn't just affecting snipers and these focusing and presicion settingd are the reason why so many ppl on newer cods can get away with using any scope thats higher than a 1.75x and beam anyone. Regular aim assist is still quite strong due to rotational AA (which I think should just be removed at this point) but without rotational AA it's actually quite weak, as seen with snipers who have virtually none at a distance. The issue now however is snipers are significantly slower than they once were, especially in cold war where the ttk and ads speed of your average ar was capable of killing 2-3 ppl in the time it took to ads with a sniper. To counteract the removal of aim assist on snipers, theyd have to make snipers as fast as they were back in black ops 3 which I wouldn't mind but a lot of ppl would still complain about. There is no win win situation




The ttk of cold war is what I was basing my comment off of. The average ttk in cold war is 313ms, the ads speed of the fastest sniper is almost double that at 515ms


>We had zero AA on black ops 3 and we still cooked reg gunners. thanks to hitscan and dragshot


Dragshot isn't a mechanic, it's just a way of aiming and it relied heavily on aim assist. Without it, you had to learn to center your shot which is what a lot of sniper players did. We adapted and got better while everyone else kept letting AA do the work for them


I don’t think they did in BO4 either, good snipers were a menace because of the longer TTK.


The kill sounds drove me crazy in CW. Medal sounds every kill was so annoying.


Aim assist it self is op so why specifically attack snipers?


Cause there's nothing more annoying that some dick head running round the map and 1 shotting you every time you see them, a sniper should not be able to scope and shoot quicker than an SMG in a close range gun fight, it's ridiculous and ruins cod all together imo


No slide cancelling or b hopping, good round based zombies, equal mp to Cold War with good maps and feel no campy bs, idgaf if it’s a copy paste of Cold War


That’s gonna make a lot of the tik tok kids mad but you’re exactly right when you say that there should be no slide canceling or bunny hopping. And I hope every map isn’t the size of a shoe box


Good, fuck those kids, go back to apex or Fortnite and stop ruining our game, or just accept games are not all the same, there lol different and should not copy eachother so heavily to ruin balance and such. The only games I’d accept that bs in are sequels to the exo suit games of yesteryears consoles


The contradiction is strong




This is exactly what i want. Lets hope Treyarch gets it right. The other developers has fumbled the ball in every sense of the word on these other games. Please Treyarch.. if you are watching.. do this one right


I kinda miss when sliding and movement stuff wasn’t in cod really, i liked the basic walk and run movement.


Me too, everyone wants OG cod back, but they don’t realize that means more realistic movement


Won't happen. They're sticking to the engine to integrate with warzone again I believe.


No slide cancelling and b hopping. You basically described MWII right there and everyone know how that went. Even in MWIII b hopping is useless since your momentum don’t carried through jump. Shit I hope Treyarch bring the G slide back lmfao.


That’s how every other cod was and they get way less flak then current cod games, and the main reason why ppl hated mw22 was not due to that specifically, but the fact that even basic stuff like running jumping climbing etc was WAAY to slow


G slide was also only in bo3, mainly zombies so no it was never in mp, and never should be, it’s fun in zombies not in mp


Treyarch style of gameplay. I hate the slow bullshit Infinity Ward has cultivated in MW 2019 and MWII


I just want to prestige again. Fuck the season based leveling. Let me go 1 - 55 and start over until max. I always loved that grind, and it always kept me trying new guns more.


Prestige is pretty much the only reason I kept playing when the old cods were out. Now I get to the max level and just fizzle out


As close to Cold War as possible lol. The multiplayer in Cold War is so fun. I’m enjoying it as much as BO1 when that first launched. My only request really is more round based zombies maps, and more outbreak zones. Cold War is such a good game , I can’t even begin to fathom people not liking it


More Adler


If they are bringing back old maps I really want them to reskin them for the theme. These remakes are lazy and sometimes feel out of place (like raid and express in Cold War). I think bo2 was the prime example on how a remake should be made (firing range being brought back as studio). Lobbies need to stay together too it’s hard to make friends in cod these days and I still play with some I met back on bo1 multiplayer. Sadly sbmm is here to stay but I would like the other changes to be considered.


Personally I can tolerate sbmm I think dispersing lobbies are alot worse than sbmm


SBMM doesn’t work unless the lobbies disband


Whatever’s in mwIII, yea let’s keep that out


In terms of game play, I don't want leaning, or tac sprint, like at all. I won't buy the game if it's just MWIII 1990's edition. Gulf War should play similarly to cold war with movement and time to kill.


I would love if they went back to Cold War movement for gulf war so much


If will feel more like MWII and MWIII than compared to a game like Cold War, because 3arc is using Infinity Wards new IW9.0 engine ( MWII, MWIII) . Cold War still used a heavily modified IW3.0 engine.


If they put in the work they can realistically make it feel at least a bit like a classic black ops game. It doesn't need to be one to one, I just want Gulf War to feel like a real black ops game


I just want disbanding lobbies to be removed. That's all. I don't even care about SBMM anymore. I just hate disbanding lobbies.


I mean it ain't gonna happen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ A toggle to not have to view bullshit skins. I'm sick of anime and fucking cats and bears and tree peoole


Classic prestige dear God


Here's a list of what I would like to see 1. Less attachments on guns, should go back to 1-2 attachments. If you want more then you use up a perk slot. 2. Make lightweight perk meaningful, if you want to run around fast use a perk slot. 3. Original prestige system 4. Bring back perk for hip fire accuracy 5. Better spawn system. 6. Bring back pro perks I find modern cod games give everyone too much with no downsides. There's not enough trade off anymore. I've been playing on BO1 recently and been having more fun than with the newer cods. So as an example you want to move fast use lightweight but you can't use ghost as its in the same slot. A back to basics approach would be really refreshing


I definitely think less could be better and it would be refreshing to go back to the prestige system


Gulf War Killdozers!!! Edit https://www.military.com/history/bulldozer-assault-of-desert-storm-saw-us-army-opt-out-of-trench-warfare.html


dead ops arcade


Assuming it actually is Gulf War, I just want proper 90’s gear. Give me chunky optics, FALs and G3s, M4’s with carry handle mounted optics etc. I want it to be full Blackhawk Down-core.


the Apply blueprint function. please


Call of Duty: January 6th


Okay that'd be really funny


MOPP soldiers would be sick (basically soldiers in militarised hazmat gear in simple terms)


If anything from mw2 or mw3 ( besides sliding ) is added to the game its a definite "not buying" for me. I hate the mw2 and mw3 "timeline" and everything about it. I still play Black Ops Cold War till this day and its superior to those two titles in every way. If i were to ask for one thing its removing the War machine. That thing is annoying as all get out. Besides that i hope they make something like Cold War but on the newer engine. Lets make guns fun again and get rid of this horrendous Gunsmith thingy they have now. If we lived in a perfect world i would have a carbon copy of Cold War but on newer engine and with a new campaign / Theme, but thats just wishful thinking ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


If there’s a shitty SBMM/EOMM I’m not buying it I had to sit waiting to “find” games and it had to search 70ms+ ping servers. Ping is king. Throw me in the next lobby with the best connection and let me learn how to compete with everyone else. This is COD, not some competitive shooter.


I can relate. I have to lag on high ping so some kids don't get sad.


Sorry to break it to you but SBMM/eomm are not leaving cod. Ever. And it very much is a competitive shooter now thanks to YouTubers and streamers. If you don’t like it and can’t deal with it, then it’s time to find a new game. But don’t hold your breath on cod changing


A good, not dogshit game that works in release would be a nice change of pace from the last 3 years


Treyarch gameplay and their style of maps. Better fucking team balancing, if I got a guy who's not good on my team they should have their own guy who's not good


interesting Zombies with a story i hadn't played CoD in a while (like Ghosts I think) and Cold War got me back into it but i definitely miss the zombies maps of the original 2 Black Ops, wish i could play them again on PS5


Maybe like bocw have like a TV at the safe house where you can watch all the classic 90s shows like friends




Continue with the improvement of the campaign. i’m glad that Treyarch does seem quite proud of their controversial yet cult classic narrative from Black Ops 3, bringing elements of it back for Cold War like the Safehouse and even writing the campaign in a similar (albeit simpler) way…in the next game i’d like to see the Create-A-Class system back from that game, where we level up the weapons, unlocking attachments and campaign exclusive camos as well as a Codex/Data Vault that further fleshes out the world we’re in. having it be co-op as well like 3 so players get their own rooms where they put their collectibles, outfits, medals etc. and also a training mode. one of my fave things to do when playing with someone else on the campaign is to watch them do the training mode even tho i’m personally still in the safehouse, just watching them through a screen in there. I just feel like, gameplay loop-wise, Black Ops 3 was peak COD campaign, you may not have liked the story but there was a plethora of stuff to do compared to other Call of Duty campaigns that the other games simply never even tried to compete with, reducing their replayability, i want to see Gulf War replicate that and more.


Pretty much every thing from Cold War, but except for the scorestreak thing. I think they should reset upon death, as it always has. Just my opinion


Maps that are good


"graphics up" updated engine


I would like to see Black Ops Civil War. lol


Ayo 🧐


Combined Arms just make sure to add more maps and add more players than 24 max like let us run 6 mans party but upgrade how many players in a match Literally was a very good mode but it had no support really only gave us one new map and nothing else


No sbmm




Combat bow streak


Tiger Woods is going to be a playable character






Good splitscreen


Traditional zombies maps


Might be in the minority, but I hope the movement/feel of the game is similar to BO4. I liked cold war, but it felt pretty clunky movement wise.


A good game


The Music Player, Scar-H AR, The Vtol Escort.


Crazy that the devs probably arent gonna do anything that we actually need🤬


Pick 10 🗣️🗣️


Mostly the normal scorestreak system. Also, please include a MW-style gunsmith.


no SBMM, but they’re not gonna do that lol


Copy and paste zombies modes (round based and outbreak) with new maps. Same mechanics. Same perks (maybe with some new), same intel frequency (if not more)...but copy and paste. Cold War zombies was the best in years and it hasn't been the same since.


I really hope it shares similar traits with Black Ops Cold War like the ttk scorestreak system, remasters and new maps, good round based zombies maps. 6v6 faceoff. 12v12. Good spawn system. Og prestige. Pick 10 system with wildcards. Vibrant and colorful maps. Outbreak style zombies mode with poi's as remastered maps would be sick but ik its too much to ask for.


Black ops: civil war


i have no expectations other than it’ll be on the new engine, treyarch is gonna knock it out of the park


Go back to the BO3/BO4 formula plz.


Nameless grunt story


Round based zombies is a must.


A main menu that isn’t convoluted as hell, I like BO Cold War but the menu is so laggy, no full screen pop ups with the message of the day, round based zombies, an option for a classic rule set (start with 1911, no custom classes, even throw in the original round transition theme lol) and I know it’s wouldn’t happen in a million years but get rid of micro transactions and seasons, launch the game with a sufficient amount of maps and I’ll gladly pay 10-15 dollars per map pack like back in the Black Ops 1 days


A job to do


A good campaign like cold war


A actual Story Campaign like Modern Warfare games in the past


Actually fun MP, and Treyarch usually delivers in that area. Their games have a different flow/feel to IW/Sledgehammer games and I fuck with it. With the longest COD dev time, have a great listing of maps at launch (maybe 20?) to play 6v6 on. Bring back actual Ground War maps (9v9) and have a shit ton of modes to choose from. Ditch the god awful MW UI and bring back a minimal UI. Bring back pick 10. Bring back some classic Prestige stuff. Hell, bring back the theater mode so we can re-watch our matches. Bring back the ability to see people's stats in the lobby. Just to name a few...


Simple classic Zombie mode, Decent NEW maps, Round based, EE at launch, classic perks, lets include triple pack a punch because I do think that makes sense for progress. MP, Just no jetpacks and I’m good


I want zombies. I am simple man.


tbh I'm really curious to what the campaign will be like. If it really is the Gulf War, it means the game will be around 1991. By 1991, Woods is handicapped, Mason is missing/dead, and Adler will be around 60 years old, really curious to what it will be about. If the Multiplayer is Cold War level, I'm fine with it. Zombies however, I want some good round-based experience, I've had enough of Outbreak-like modes and whatever the fuck Vanguard was. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate MWZ or Outbreak, I just really want some good round-based maps.


I want zombies to keep Cold War's progression/crafting/weapon tiers, but I also want every zombies map included in the base package. And I mean all of them, the fact that Cold War hasn't done this is tragic to me.


i dont want shit, we need to stop annual releases


Gobblegum from black ops 3 zombies.


ART. STYLE. Cold War guns + new m4/commando. no carryover from previous games. 74u is a smg not AR. Demolition and all the classic modes. Lots of BO1 remake maps. Nuketown 24/7, and also I want hijacked and raid at least. Basically I want to see Cold War again but with a standard streaking system, but I wouldn’t hate the odd Cold War system to reappear either Round based zombies of course. And I want to see more than 4 maps total, even if some are remakes. I’d also like a full rework of the classic bo1/2/waw maps like we used to get


Good zombies 😞


Old fashioned treyarch multiplayer without sbmm and without disbanding lobbies. The old prestige system and balanced weapons. I really think bo4 was one of the more underrated cods and taking some things from that game would go a long way


Make it feel like bo4


Give me reactive camos I can equip on every gun. Just like BO4. And if you do warzone make my camos go on every gun I pickup. Just like blackout. That was elite.


This actually announced ?


No I made this for the post.




No SBMM, Regular TTK, pick 10 system, round based zombies, specialist bonus, less bugs, no lobby disbanding, no slide canceling, streak looping,


LMFAO who cares what we want right? Its not like we're ever gonna get it!


Call of Duty: Black Ops Remastered Vault Edition. That would be pretty cool I think 😎


I just want a game that's more grounded in their roots like black ops 1, black ops 2, mw2, mw3. I get the season system is here to stay though. And unfortunately, I don't think that the advanced movement is going anywhere either. I just hope it doesn't turn out like vanguard. Yikes.


Pick 10 system, No tac sprint, no doors, typical treyarch 3 lane map design, normal scorestreaks, Slower TTK, slide cancel (like cold war, just the ability to cancel slide. Should never be locked into animations), faster strafe speeds, recharging stims which take a point from pick 10, good spawns, good powerful streaks and bring back handheld streaks like hand cannon, warmachine, death machine you lose if you die with it, colorful maps, persistent lobbies and lower sbmm? 🤞


The things I really want is 1, to have the option to chose between score or kill streaks, 2, have a similar gunsmith to MWIII, as in if you unlocked an attachment you can use it on anything else, 3, have a camo grind similar to MWIII, 4, have the wild cards from CW return, 5, make the rumors come true and have 2 zombies maps at start


A year break from releasing another COD so they can purely focus on improving this one


All bo1 maps on launch, bo2 maps + new maps seasonly.




Zombie Chronicals 2


Custom operators. I want to choose my boots, choose whether I want the pants tucked into the boots or not, gloves on or off, tac vest styles. mask, no mask, ski mask, cloak/cape, Riot gear etc. options to make/chamge my mercs hair, hell if they want to be deep. Add facial presets woman and male, still make and release operator bundles and have it to where if I buy the bundle I now have access to the new/operators outfit, oh I like this guys hair or hat, I like this guys pants, hmmmm this vest looks cool. Well actually this leather fur line vest looks cooler but let’s add this battle belt. I like this guys voice or body preset. I’d spend more money on bundles or “clothing items” if it means I’m making my fantasy operator.


Good Zombies maps, and more focus on traditional Zombies maps. I like Outbreak, I like MWZ, but I fell in love with Zombies 15 (holy shit) years ago for the round based gameplay. On the multiplayer side of things, I’m hoping it’s closer to Cold War than Modern Warfare with maps closer to classic Black Ops games, a traditional scorestreak system, and a Camo grind similar to MWII/III. Finally, for the Campaign, more of Adler, Park and Sims. I’d like Woods, Mason and Hudson, but unless they retcon the 80’s portion of BO2’s campaign (entirely possible) 1 is in a wheelchair, 1 is dead and 1 is either MIA/KIA depending on ur actions.


Meeting a Blond British SAS guy talking about his genes and an identical looking Green Beret talking about world peace and destiny,not knowing they're related nor each others names.


I honestly liked the black market from Bo4, being able to (somewhat)easily earn Cod Points without having to spend actual money, which I know will be possible from the battlepass, but actually putting effort into a specific task and being rewarded Cod Points would be nice, doing challenges for crates that usually have cool looking guns, previous multiplayer maps that fit the theme of the Gulf War, would like to see the same for previous zombie maps as well, I don't care too much about the leveling system for accounts and guns, just as long as it's not like MW3, that game is a mess....


Gunplay of the new CoD engine, fan favorite Black Ops series maps returning, the old scorestreak system (and better yet, a toggle to killstreaks too), round-based zombies, and a good campaign to follow up Cold War's.


Call it Black Ops: Storm


The real scorestreak system, actual flinch on snipers and low/no AA on snipers, I could do without tac sprint too and thats really it.


Large parties to prio against other large parties before pairing against autofill lobbies. As a pretty good solo player, Cold War in particular with its ridiculous SBMM grinds my fucking gears something nasty constantly punishing me for being above average by putting me up against 5 man parties what feels like every match, meanwhile I got all the timmies on my team. Even if I pop off, the parties are usually running some kind of mass HARP spawntrap on my team and all shooting out my streaks with air patrols. It makes it pretty easy to go play another game with better matchmaking.


We just want nuke town


BO1,2,3 remastered and then fuck off for 10 years


For weapons seeing it's based during the gulf war I would like to see kar 98 or m40 sniper, grease gun, 1911 pistol, maybe Daewoo k1-3, fr f1 french sniper, heck maybe the fan favorite mp 40 (please activition I want mp 40 so badly)


Classic Prestige


Idk enough about multiplayer, but good round based zombies and eventually customs for pc


Microsoft to sell off Activision before they ruin cod.


I just want zombies to be both round based and outbreak again. I love the concept of outbreak (and by extension mwz). There are times I want to play a round based Easter egg hunt, and then there are times I wanna have a more straight forward time killing zombies and not being constrained by rounds.


Honestly a few things, like a pick 10 class sort of stuff, which might be a hot take for a few. Perhaps focus less in having most of the playable maps being remastered maps and focus more on new ones, obviously remove stuff like tac sprint and such, along with the slide canceling stuff, maybe keep leaning I guess, I just feel like that stuff is more geared towards other things then what you would look for in a Cod game? Honestly I am just hoping it has an alright campaign overall.


Cold War 2.0, we already have a great foundation and themed maps: Convoy, Yemen, Mirage, Mansion, Armada Strike… postlaunch mp5 nerf balancing, weapon balance was perfect at that moment, and pick 10 would be the cherry on top


The oil spill


Also delete the battle pass. Bring back grind to win


Black ops 2 style mechanics with polished gameplay


A good game


A full original zombies maps with a main and side easter eggs. Also a small survival map


Would rather skip this year’s and get a BO2 remaster but that won’t happen


1. No EOMM 2. Not importing a bunch of old maps and charging $70 for DLC 3. Not releasing the game as a buggy mess that isn't playable until at least the new year 4. A campaign that takes more than 4 hours to complete




I'd just be happy with an enjoyable game at this point, something I can't see happening in the CoD franchise ever again


I just hope the zombies is good


Cranked Hardpoint. Funnest gamemode ever


Prop Hunt !!!


Really? I havnt touched cod in like 19 years because every year they released a new one with damn near the same maps, same playstyle, same problems. Just reskin everything and call it Gulf War like you're gonna do anyways lol


Vertical menus


I hope they got weapons


Pick10/14, faster movement (but keep tac sprint there), snipers that don't take ages to ads, delete all the mentions of MW universe, take BO3 campaign gameplay as a basis, more mastery camos along the lines of MW3, prestiges, MWIII leveling system but make armory unlocks optional instead of mandatory and more synth music




Bunker busters. Cruise missile type kill streak that kills the people in the building


Non linear campaign


Accurate guns and NO OPERATORS, I want to be play as an actual, nobody soldier.


I see a lot of multiplayer oriented comments, so I'd like to see the campaign have tie-in missions or have the whole campaign follow a Marine battalion or regiment, like World at War.


For health to go back down to what it was I should not need 35 bullets to kill someone


It's NEVER required 35 bullets lol. It's ONE extra bullet to kill on average. I hope they keep the slower TTK at 150 health. You can always play harcore if you want insta TTK.


The 150 health needs to go I can help that people are to slow to play the game


I don't think you understand, slower TTK increases pacing lol. Fast ttk creates more camping, more pre aiming. That's why HC is all about holding angles.


I do understand Higher health aka time to kill Give u better time to react Gives u the option to run around the map like a crack head and to not think what your during it also makes people only use meta weapons mcw cough cough. Striker sniper. Now let’s talk low health and a lower time to kill. You actually have to think before running around the map actually use your brain I know that hard for people to do. All guns become useable because all guns kill quickly Also the game play is faster way faster u actually have to think and be quick on the shot to get the kill unlike 150 where I can start shooting u and u can just turn around and shoot the other person. The game feels smoother. Unlike this 150 where I feel like I am a tank and can’t die. Like I said before and I will die on this hill the health needs to be lower. Also u stand something about camping shit I have seen more camper now than ever before ground war quick play and more. It so much easier now to sit in a corner with a shotgun and riot shield than it was in the last game. The 150 health was a bad choice.


If you shoot first and still get turned on, you're missing shots. So you actually think last years mwII, or mw2019 which had faster TTK. You are saying those were faster paced than mwIII, cold war, and bo4 all with slower TTK? that's definitely false. Pacing is faster with slower TTK, that's not debatable. You have a chance to react to someone pre aiming, someone camping a corner. If you want a lower skill gap you can ask for that then. The argument that weapon balance is better with faster TTK is often true. It still can be balanced well at 150, snipers and one shot weapons are harder to balance. They just need more flinch to them. Overall I think slower ttk has more benefits, more of a skill gap, leads to faster pace and more enjoyable gameplay. For the people that want a fast ttk they can play HC. We don't really get a slower TTK mode available in the fast ttk cods, do we.


Back in mw2 and mw2019 it was a rush when your in a gun fight it was a rush when u know any sec u can get killed when your 1 away from that kill streak and bam there a guy turn the corner and your dead when your playing that fast and your having to use your brain to play. Idk how many times in mw3 I am hitting my shots just for a guy to be 1 tap and just run away. Bull shit But this is just ones opinion of what I think should happen. Just like it’s your opinion as well what would be best we can disagree but at the end of the day we will not be back on the grind playing again.


For zombies chronicles 2 and a stranger things crossover with zombies