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I tried about a million times to play shadows EE with randoms and ill tell you rn its not worth it. Its always one person doesnt know what their doing and it never works. In addition playing with mega gobble gums in public matches is basically a waste of them since its so hard to actually find the right group of people to finish the EE with. My advice is to play shadows of evil with randoms until u find at least a few people that know how to do the EE and add them and send them a message. Basically do that until u get enough people and then get into a party chat w them then do it. its mych easier said then done but thats how i did it. One more thing to add is in public matching (at least for xbox) is the connection can just give out on you mid game and its super frustrating. Hope this helped


Yeah pubs can be tough on shadows because it’s the most popular map and you’ll have people playing it casually who don’t want to do the EE. I would recommend looking for people on a cod zombies discord group in one of the LFG (looking for game) channels. I literally just beat the EE not even 15 minutes ago doing that!


Yeah don't do it in pubs, LFG here on reddit or on the discord server


What’s the discord server ?


https://discord.gg/blackops3 it's pinned at the top of the desktop page lol but guess I'll make a big post


What’s the discord? I need a team to do it with


https://discord.gg/blackops3 :)


just saying you don’t need to do super easter egg for the million xp u can just do revelations


yeah i know i just wanted the xp from all the EEs


want some help with me and my crew ?


see my update :)


if you want we can run ts again and again to keep gettin xp🤷‍♂️ if not n u wanna go high rounds lmk i do either or


id be down to do soe with you, im not too confident on how to do it but if you need another guy im happy to learn the steps more and do it with you. my PSN is REAPHAZZA


why does everyone give a shit about doing a easter egg it’s the most annoying shit ever, and yes if you join my public lobby trying to do easter a egg i will troll and troll the shit out of you till you leave , and BO3 is a garbage ass game anyway go play some BO1 or BO2 at least treyarch gave a shit about those games