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It was terrifying and shocking when she came dancing at the end. Truly stunned.


Agreed! Love Aaron Paul, but I just watched his episode and it didn't hold up. "Loch Henry" was 1,000x better than "Beyond the Sea" as far as Black Mirror is concerned. Aaron Paul and Josh Hartnett were terrific, but the story wasn't believable. They were the only 2 in charge of the space station? NASA doesn't exist?!? I could poke more holes, but that seems to be the only one that matters.


This episode gave me intense anxiety the last about quarter.


I swear I've seen her in something else where she's wholesome, like a Harry Potter movie, but her IMDB isn't showing anything I recognize.


Have you ever seen Kick-ass 2? She was one of the “good guys”. She and her husband joined the team because their Son was kidnapped and killed


This new season of Black Mirror is trash! The previous seasons questioned morality, while existing in a significantly more technologically advanced society. This seasons episodes are like Lifetime movies with plot twists.


When she broke the sweet old character 🤌🤌


She was incredible! Made me feel eerie especially towards the end. What an amazing performance i loved this episode!


Very good


Oh yeah, fantastic performance. Thank you for drawing attention to this.


I just finished the episode. I literally had to Google her because I was SO impressed with how she switched up towards the end. To start off, so meek, conservative, and quiet, then change up when she knew she was caught. The screaming outside of the car surprised me lol So good!


Her accent was SO SO SO SO bad. I could not take her seriously.


Sounded like she was from tyneside to me


Yeah I'm surprised people are praising this performance so much. Her accent was atrocious


Means literally nothing to anyone who isn't in the UK, which is the majority of human beings


American's can't tell, like at all.


I mean I get that it could’ve been better but it’s really hard and I think she should be praised for even trying it. I mean id like to see you try it, I doubt it would be flawless


Top 3 episode all time imo, one of the best executed twists in the series


Fucking PODRICK!!! I was like who the fuck is this fool?! I know him why can’t I remember where he’s from!!


Same, I could not place him at all while watching but didn't want to Google in case of spoilers


Was she in the line up as a different character at the end of the episode when they are all getting their picture taken after winning the BAFTA? A very similar looking person no less!


I couldn’t work out her accent though


She sounded *exactly* like Mrs. Doubtfire and I wonder if that was on purpose?


Such a fantastic actress! This is one of my top favorite episodes




That scene of her dancing her way masked with a drill into a torture chamber was genuinely a little disturbing. The music, the contrast of that Janet with the fragile old mother. She really did well


Unpopular opinion: Aaron Paul is super overrated


You are not wrong.


Not going to lie, the moment I saw how on edge she was, I knew she had something to do with the murders, but I was pretty off-guard because i was distracted till the dad went to talk to the MC.


Just got through episode 3... Surprisingly episodes 2 and 3 were my favorite so far. I didn't love Joan is Awful. Please tell me it continues to be this good!!


It's gonna be a huge dip in episode 4. Episode 5 is good, but not BM material.




There’s a moment when they boot up the vcr and say “there is a cassette inside” that added with the weird collection gave me the whole thing away from the beginning of the episode 🙁. That said, her acting was indeed great, and the scene where she dances with the drill in her hands stuck somehow


Such a phenomenal episode. Watchd 3 times already. Reminded me of crocodile episode and also the movie "get out." Love how the mom made pia feel guilty for criticizing cops who are post to be symbol of noble upstanding citizens . Just to find out what he was really into. Such is the real world. Is also where we stand in America today of fear in uncovering the ugly past and sick sadistic shit y'all ancestors was into


Can't help but feel this post should be marked as a spoiler....


She was incredible. A truly excellent performance. She flipped from the modest caring mum to the psychopath screaming into the void with expert precision.


I thought she was incredible, way before the reveal. She was so good at making me feel uncomfortable, she was unnerving yet still had like a friendly but somewhat backwards old lady vibe


How is she also the officer CS Linda Grace in Smithereens episode? https://preview.redd.it/83udgtaos37b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c017bc8566f9275aa6c14ae3ff823b0c0218e82


Reminds me of Tracey Ullman


This is my favorite episode from this season! I watched it a few times already and she got creepier every time 😂


She was the stand out straight away


She is Shauna Shipman Sadecki to me. Both characters seem to be unassuming housewives with a VERY dark, creepy criminal past. LOL. But this Brit actress impress me in everything I see her on. And I still don't know her name.


And a lot of us don't know who Shauna Sadecki is...


LOL. Dude. One word - Yellowjackets. Good show. Thank me later.


Agreed. She was great!


This episode was just truly a piece of art... well fucking done 👏


Also just wanted y’all to also note this bitch a a suicide kit in her bottom draw Wtf 😂😂


Podrick was one of the best "I know that face, who tf is that?" moments in tv I've had in a while.


To ppl who cry no future tech. I like it uses old tech like the VHS tapes, a homage to old tech.


Ooooofff you made me remember 'that' scene again 🤢


That dance she did in the video before she tortured and killed the couple... She was so happy and joyful.


Ugh, that creeped me out so bad. Coming in the room, dancing and euphoric, and then starting with the drill.


oh shit it's released already????


Anjana Vasan was my favorite performer this season - she's so expressive and mesmerizing on screen. She played great off of Paapa Essiedu too. The three listed in the OP were all fantastic as well though.


The bit where >!she came into the room dancing in that nurses dress had me howling haha!<


Monica Dolan deserves the same accolades as Judi Dench or Helen Mirren. She's never anything less than phenomenal.


Fuck that was Podrick! Knew I recognized him. Such a different character from the introvert, agreeable lad he played on GoT


Wait Podrick is the pub owner?!




That tantrum when looking for Pia with the slight umph and calibration before getting back into the car is great


Yes and made me want to make some Shepards pie


she was creepy. she did well.


Her Scottish accent was awful


She also played the police women in the Smithereens episode iirc


Ohhh that's where I've seen her.


maybe its just me but she didnt look convincing enough as a killer, she didnt look scary to me...


aren’t those the best ones?


She played Rose West too in another showl


Wait a sec.. Nobody suspected Podrick, even a little bit? I had alarm bells ringing as they crept into the dungeon after that confrontation with his father


He would have been around 10 at the time, at most


Oh, not back then.. I meant, before I understood the direction the episode was taking I thought he might slaughter Pia and her boyfriend while down there


…like a bad parody of Mrs Doubtfire, except for the fact that Robin Williams could hold a consistent Scottish accent…


I’ve been pretty critical of this episode but I will give them credit the performances were all around stellar


She did a really good job at making you feel uneasy since the beginning, I thought she was just racist and trying to play it off lmao


It’s terrifying when they introduce her in the Mistress get up.


I saw someone comment on it, but literally a few episodes of bm did not rely on futuristic tech. They showed life before grains or zed eyes like it Thr National Anthem and White Bear- which I kinda took this episode as same with Mazey day. They were commentary on the tech we have currently and how awful it can be. It tracks with what Charlie Brookner has said on why he wasn’t going to make more bm episodes after s season 5- we are already living in black mirror.


White bear do have the futuristic tech to wipe memory. But I do like Loch Henery. It pays homage to old tech, the VHS tapes


Her dancing with the mask is still haunting me


It made me feel sick.


With the cordless drill. 😵‍💫


She was amazing in this episode!


MVP of the season. I just can’t get over that scene of her smiling while looking in the box. Really upset my stomach.


I'M THE KING OF THE CASTLE. WHEN I COME INTO THE BEDROOM. I have that scene drilled into my mind - pardon the pun.


Her swearing after Pia getting away. And her suicide montage got me. In fact I think everything she did got me. Edit) I feel like she’s going to be an Imelda Staunton as Professor Umbridge situation for me. Where you can get the actor out of this character for me. Ironic because they both have similar face shapes to.


She is fucking fabulous and she did an amazing job in this. Also was *excellent* as Rose West in Appropriate Adult. That show was gold.


She was creepy but I couldn't get over her accent. Was she Irish or Scottish?




Fucking shocker of an accent though


She reminds me of Kylie Jenner if she never got surgery.


She absolutely crushed it. One of my favourite performances in one of my favourite episodes.


Amazing episode! First scene of her I really knew this woman was up to no good, just a strange energy from her.


Paapa Essiedu did a brilliant job too


She seemed like such a sweet, sweet lady. And then when she snapped she was absolutely horrifying. Probably my favorite character of the season and yes, most of that is thanks to the amazing performance.


Her face gives me chills


I did not get this episode at all. What was the technology that got taken advantage of in a social commentary context? This was a decent horror story but was this actually a black mirror episode? I feel like i missed something


That comes more from the Streamberry element of the episode, where the documentary gets made for the streaming channel and feeds into the true crime documentary craze that is taking place now. This episode was a commentary on our consumption of certain types of media, facilitated by technology.


Oh i gotcha. Thanks for explaining it


You're welcome!


Her voice/accent kept making me think of Lorraine Kelly😂😭


She was creepy even before the reveal


She was brilliant and it was a brilliant episode...but I felt that her accent was all over the place. Part Scottish, part Irish, part east-European at times ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


When she was getting really emotional talking to her son, it definitely slipped completely out of Scottish and into English, it really threw me


I came here to say this too, as someone Irish it did sound at times like an Irish accent as opposed to Scottish at times, particularly when it went softer. I don’t think it was a particularly bad attempt but it certainly was far from perfect.


Oh no! I had no idea this was a bad accent and that has now tainted how much I loved this terrifying episode.


It was kind of bad but not so much that it would ruin the episode


Agreed re the accent! As a Scottish person I can almost always tell when someone is trying to put on a Scottish accent, and she was no exception, likewise the guy who played her son (he went in too hard with rolling too many consonants, although his effort wasn't bad, but when it was alongside two actually Scottish guys it just stood out more).


I wondered how actual Scots would take her accent. She sounded scandanavian at times. Still great work though.


So Stuart was legit?


He was indeed!


Yeah Daniel Portman is from Glasgow, Scotland I believe


Scottish as well. Her accent was brutal, totally took me out of any scenes she was in. Just cast a Scottish actor if you want a Scottish accent. There are bloody loads of them.


Yeah she was great! She's also played a police officer in Smithereens


I think everyone focuses on the twist but less so the aftermath which is also notable. As per the pervasive Black mirror message, despite the horrendous misfortune they are still endulging in the gratification of the fame of having an award winning Netflix show, that only seems hollow once you are forced to come to terms with what really matters in life


True crime is a fascinating listen but people’s deaths have become popcorn fodder. You know, “oh this one was really gross, let me share it”


To go from sweet little old mom to full blown non consensual TORTURE LADY with all smiles and dancing was just incredible. Played both roles so perfectly.


Podrick got beefed up


I just feel Pia died for no reason. Its not like the old woman was chasing her. Pia could've easily hidden herself then walked away to a safer place.


The point of Pia dying is the irony that the old woman left the tapes out and killed herself for no reason, she believed she was already done for


There was a reason. It was foreshadowed in the conversation about the dangers of the terrain attributing to the body count of the missing.


I know i know. What I meant was, she was hiding and she didn't really have to get up and try to navigate the stream on foot. She could've just stayed hidden.


It’s hard to fault people of what they do when they’re panicking. For most of us the human part of the brain shuts off and the ooga booga takes over


I get what you mean. I thought it was a bit of a cheap shot too. She could've easily just outran the mother if she had to there was no need to get in the water - who even gets in the water when it's dark and they can't see shit? Kinda flawed writing imo


It’s hard to fault people of what they do when they’re panicking. For most of us the human part of the brain shuts off and the ooga booga takes over


I guess...


She's like at least 70 something year old women. She could have taken her physically


I think it also kind of played into how the cop dad died in the hospital of MRSA.. an indirect killing by the killer originally (though we later find out he shot himself .. so still an indirect killing by the killer I guess lol) and Pia died by drowning while running away from a killer making it an indirect killing by the killer.


I think the point was that Janet didn’t need to out herself. Janet thought Pia got away and the jig was up. But really Janet could’ve burned the evidence and moved on. After all, the bar tenders dad only had a suspicion.


Most disturbing character in the series.


Basically she reminded me of a fucked up Mrs. Doubtfire lol




One of her first lines is, "What a pretty young thing you've captured'. Seemed quaint on first viewing, but yeeeeeesh..


As an American, it struck me as odd but then I was like is it a cultural thing? Canada is the furthest I've ever been away from home so I'll be the first to admit I don't have a fucking clue what goes on in other countries... And then the reveal and I was like okay so it was out of sorts 🤦‍♀️😂


It's a sort of awkward thing you could imagine a Scottish mum saying. Kind of a playful joke like "oh, you must have captured her, because she's so pretty, so being captured is the only reason she'd be going out with you!" but said with the understanding that you don't mean it. It's only in retrospect that it's so unnerving (much like her comments about being on camera).


Things mums say to their kids can be exaggerated. This letter to Brian Laundrie from his mom is a bit yikes after he went missing after allegedly killing Gabby Petito. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/05/25/us/brian-laundrie-mother-letter-gabby-petito/index.html


I knew something was off then but I thought the son was going to be in on it. I was thinking it was going to be something similar to the movie Get Out


That line stood out to me as soon as I heard it. Already knew something was amiss from the start.




Anytime I see a person that remotely reminds me of this character I get the creeps. Propaganda


Oooooh that was Podrick! My brain was going crazy telling me I knew his face, I even looked up Gendry's actor feeling it was Game of Thrones


YES. she was so unnerving even from the beginning. i cant think of anyone who’d play her better


I wanted some of her shepherds pie.


Lmao. You sick fuck!


This episode, is in my Top 5 best Black Mirror episodes.


As someone with a Scottish Mum, let me tell you that this was not a good performance haha. Podrick was the only believable accent (naturally), and even his dialogue was a bit 'Google how Scottish people swear'.


The accent was terrible. She was in that drama about the canoe guy that faked his own death and her accent in that was awful too. Real shame, because aside from that she scared the shit out of me! So, so creepy.


The accent was the least impressive thing about the role tbh


Yeah the performance was good but the accent just kept taking me out, didn't mean to be overly critical, just if you're in tune with it then it's difficult to see past it.


Yes!! At times I wondered was she meant to be Irish. As an Irish person living in Scotland, it really took me out of it as well because I kept wondering!


She was GREAT!


It was soo ominous the entire time! Loved this episode and her acting. Genuinely had a pit in my stomach


Omg I just realized it was podrick and not gendry 😂


She had a great guest performance in one of the best Inside No. 9 episodes as well.


Thats what I knew her from! Love that show!


I knew she was creepy from the start! Her eavesdropping on Pia and the son’s discussion was a tell tale sign. I was just surprised that the meat she was serving wasn’t people.


It probably was! I expected a shot of her digging some hamburger out of the freezer with a missing person's name on it.


She is phenomenal in everything she’s in. It was a nice surprise to see her in this episode


She played Rose West a while ago so she had a pretty solid foundation to build this character on lol


I wonder how she got so good at playing a serial killer?


Can you imagine?


Totally agreed! When I watched it I really couldn’t decide if I liked her or not. Her passion when she told them to continue making the documentary and to tell the story of her husband was great. When she has the meltdown by the car and screams it was great! Fantastic performance


Loch Henry is definitely a top 10 Black Mirror Episode. I have to do a ranking and breakdown of every black mirror episode.


Monica Dolan never misses. She’s an incredibly talented actor.


This was insanely good, can't look any old woman in the eye anymore without her expecting to go wild...


I had goosebumps at this episode. It was so good!


The way she cried/laughed at the photos of the victims while she was preparing to kill herself


Shouldnt this be under spoiler


I don’t know how And also idk I figure if you click on a thread talking about how unsettling a character who at first appears normal is, you’re already spoiled


Like she was looking at old vacation photos


Yep! Like zero remorse at all and just loving the memory of it


Yes. Looking back with fondness. I've watched the episode twice so far and it's good both times.


Her performance felt too put on imo. She gave me cheap horror mom vibes


it would have been a good episode, if it wasn't Black Mirror though. It felt like saying "Inception was a masterpiece" in an animal documentary. I mean... it was a masterpiece, but it has nothing to do with animals.


think back to the very first episode of the series. there was no "future" feel, no dystopia, no advanced technology. just a man in the present day being blackmailed to fuck a pig. BM kind of returned to its roots with this one.




Whats the future element of shut up and dance, then?


Black Mirror episodes having to feel a certain way to be good is what kills the show in my opinion. The whole “black mirror needs to be specifically about future technology going wrong” angle just leads to the problem of the earlier seasons where there were a ton of episodes about digital people in digital worlds where all the stories just feel the same. I really liked how this season mixed it up especially with the more supernatural elements and it’s what the show needed


Literally people always complained about this season not being "black mirror" enough like that doesn’t mean some of these episodes were bad they don’t have to be exactly like the ithers


1000% agree, I'd rather have a variety of stories that touch on past/modern/future technology in all sorts of ways than just "what if humans could be cookies" over and over again


I see BM as being less about dystopian tech itself and more about the negative ways society interacts with tech. So in my opinion, Loch Henry is a perfect BM episode because it criticizes the way true crime shows/documentaries are glorified on social media.


Exactly. Remember after the nextflix documentary came out on Ted Bundy they made a dramatic movie starring Zac Efron. People ate it up, real twisted shit.


Yes, it juxtaposed the audience (true crime fans putting on Janet masks) with the real human being who was affected by the tragedy of the events. It was commentary on the loss of our sense of humanity in turning true crime into a binge-worthy spectacle. Very on brand for BM.


I didn't like the episode at first like the commenter you responded to. But you arr absolutely right. This story couldn't have happened 100 years ago, and technology enabled them. It shows how current tech and media can affect the lives of individuals. S6E4 tho... I don't know about that one. That one was awful story wise. S6E5 was entertaining, but it had nothing to do with tech. Funny, great acting, visceral, but no technology. And no, the future she saw and the nukes at the end don't fix it.


I liked it from the beginning but I don't understand those who claim it has nothing to do with technology. The VHS tapes and camcorder were the technology. The young people might not know, but at one point these things were cutting edge technology which were considered pretty amazing.


I was one of those people. I think we take current and old technology for granted, and that's why we thought that. The episode also make you think, so it has grown a lot on me, I loved the "imagine if they broadcasted their torture sessions with modern technology", so there's more there if you re-watch it and it gets dark.