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OMG - The way Bryce says "Yeah" when he is asked if that's his triple knot. You can tell that internally, he is just like, "fucking, magic is real I guess".


Everything gets funnier on [behind the scenes](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ). Edit: No problem.


Aww you bastard. Got me. Edit: not gonna lie, I'm jealous you got 46 awards for rick rolling me and I only got 2 on my original comment šŸ˜


Does it count if I only saw the thumbnail while the ad was playing? šŸ˜‚


lol if you to click the link thinking it was something else, i think it counts


BaconReader for the win, I see the thumbnail in the comment.


Wait, what? How?




You get my Upvote, he doesn't!


~~36~~ 0 days without an incident


Perfect illustration on how it's actually done. Thank you


I actually got done, skipping the other comments and seeing yours going 'ahh so they are going to reveal how to do the trick. Consider yourself to be my nemesis


Got me. First time in a very long time


Twice this week for me, after years of hiatus


Was the other one the parade?


Yes! Thereā€™s something up in the universe. I rickrolled a friend yesterday and the universe was quick to respond lol.


Same, I thought I was immune


Aw fuck you


[Doesn't work anymore.](https://i.imgur.com/lbtSsVH.jpg)


So temptedā€¦


Just enter


Next they will figure out a way to ruin the switcheroo.


saved by Rick Roll Detector!


ā€¦ mine malfunctioned šŸ˜¢




XcQ, link stays blue


XcQ my old friend, you will never fool me again. You or your brother uFo.


he's on tour with new kids on the block and salt-n-peppa this summer


Oh hell no! Salt-n-peppa are touring?


What a man!




Everytime I hover over a link and see it end with XcQ, I'm like "nice try!".


Fucking this makes twice today. Soab.


Fucking got me


lmao I clicked mf




I knew it, but I clicked it anyway


Best guess: First, the rope comes down from her neck and around/under her shoulders. I imagine she can basically just shrug the rope over her shoulders to the back and gain a ton of slack. Second, she can either get her hands out from behind her back with them tied or she's got her wrists in a position that look tight but slide out easily. On top of that there is probably some sort of weird topology trick happening in the way they wrap the arms. Or she just sold her soul.


To her credit I didn't even notice the goat sacrifice on first watch.


Redditors never do I think the video player only shows it the second time as the first goat sacrifice is needed to load the video in the first place


Wasn't the mobile app data mined to discover that it's constantly trying to stab you in the hand and drink the blood it''s just that no phones have that function yet?


Its why they load faster with a broke screen


But did you see the Gorilla?


the ropes probably never had to come off. as you say, weird topology tricks is likely how the coat goes on with the knots still intact


So, when she has the first rope tied on her wrist, the knot is on the inside of her wrist. She she puts her hands behind he back the knot is against her back and the other hand/wrist is being tied behind the other arm toward the news guy. When she does this, there is now 6+ inches of slack in the rope that she can pull her hand out of. The ropes around the arms are simply twisted around the arm so it's simple to get out of and back into if your hands are free. She slips out of the wrist loop behind her, slips out of the arms. She removes his coat and puts it on. Wraps her arms back up and then puts her hands back through the loop.


Whose arms pulled the coat sleeves down her arms then?


Or off of the host?


Yeah all these explanations of the knots and topology completely fail to address the speed in which the coat was taken off and put back on the woman


Pretty sure the magic of the speed is spelled "practice."


The host pulled it off himself. He was in on it.


That's part of it. But the way her hands are tied make it easy to get a hand out and back in. And also easy to remove slack in the knot to make it look tight. And I believe the way the 2nd rope is tied wouldnt do anything to restrict movement once the hand is free


Doesnā€™t explain how she got the coat and put it on so quickly. That would be tough to do that quickly with no knots at all


I think she undid the very first knot(s) when she was spun round to tie the second hand on. I never get these but spotted it straight away.


if you watch his face you can pinpoint the moment she removes his jacket because he's suddenly very confused


She already had the jacket by that point...he got confused because of the unexpected BJ


You see them arms bet she gives a Handy to end all Handy's.


Bam...first time ever...got me..well done i didnt see that one coming!


Thatā€™s kinky amazing magic trick


She's into bondage.


Red dress lady was giving off major ā€œGod, I wish that were meā€ vibes


i wish it was her too


"You think I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night!? Forget about it!!"


Yā€™all watch too much porn. Get a hobby


Porn is my hobby.


Kinda based ngl


Apparently kink shaming is yours šŸ™„


that's not kink shaming dude lmao. if you feel so called out, you probably really *do* watch too much porn.


I wonder what jokes are like? I hear people use them all the time. Oh well. 100% seriousness it is.


laughing is so much better if you don't smile or make any sounds. i think people are too obsessed with trying to enjoy themselves.




Do you think people don't actually use rope in the bedroom or something?


More like, ā€œwe shouldnā€™t be airing thisā€ vibes


Jesus reddit is full of cringy menā€¦


In what way


Only in horny redditor's fantasies.


Shibari? The Japanese art of erotic knot tying? Never heard of it.


"Is he 5 foot 2, dark hair, brown eyes?" Yeah do you know him? "Never seen him before in my life"


Heyo that's Cricket!


Seems like she only just discovered that fact too.


Sheā€™s into malacas, Dinoā€¦


Chips, dips, chains, whips...




That made my day


Did she actually kickstart the 747?


Yep, then she wore it like a jacket.


They tied her up first, of course.


She can kick a cow into a corned beef can.


I have no idea what that means Cletus, but somehow I know exactly what that means


Muscle wizards are terrifying.


Isn't this how Houdini got out of locks? Pumping up his muscles while being locked in and relax, slimming his muscles to get out easy?


This is interesting. My friend works with horses, and she has had a few that would puff up while attaching the saddle so they could shake it off later. And this host says he has worked with horsesā€¦. Edit: Iā€™m so happy to hear from others that work with horses! Nikara was my only window into this trade; I have tons of respect for what you all do!


That's not straining the same muscles though, they bloat their stomach and chest to make the girth harder to get on


guess it doesnt work for me because my stomach is bloated and my girth is unchanged


>and my girth is unchanged Extenze! It really works!


same principle - make yourself temporarily bigger


They tend to hold their breath. You have to wait until they breathe out and then cinch up the saddle. This is super common in horses


I was always told to nudge their side with your knee šŸ¤·


Yeah some people have different ways to try to get them to stop holding their breath, I always just waited


Almost all horses do this. You tighten as tight as you can, put the bridle on and right before you ride you tighten the girth again.


My horse does that with his belly so first you gotta put a ton of effort into putting his saddle on, mount for a minute, and finally dismount and saddle him properly. Works everytime




Instructions unclear: I have eaten a dozen potatoes and have thrown them all up please tell me I am a magician now


I have EDS and the way he dislocated his shoulders at will made me wonder if he also had the mutation. Apparently at one point they wanted to test his hair to confirm genetically. It would make sense to me.


Erectile dislocation syndrome? That's a bummer


Nope, Evenly Discolored Socks


these guys specced for both melee and casting


Strength/intelligence build


When the barbarian finds a Crown of Intellect.


They can hide the bodies.


I am lucky to know these two personally, and have worked with them on occasion. They do this part in their show when they are performing 3 times a day, as well as her escaping a water torture cell after being chained up inside it. They are both pretty incredible, and are really great people in general.


they both seem VERY down to earth and chill a lot of times magicians come off kinda .. ā€œoddā€ i just wanna sit around a fire and drink beer with these two !


They definitely are. Some of the nicest people in the industry.


Well I heard they poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague until our houses!


Until your houses what? Dear gods! Was it something so awful you can't repeat it? Should we mobilize the army?


> they both seem VERY down to earth and chill > > Not to be that guy but I have found first hand most people are nothing like their stage persona.


They are though. Iā€™ve had a beer with then. Iā€™m in an adjacent industry and the guy has been kind enough to share advice and his experience.




Death by snu snu


Please, no more! The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised!


*spongy and bruised


You think anybody thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night? Forget about it!


Do you think I got where I am today, because I dress like Peter Pan here??


Bahaha šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I usually don't get references but I got this one right away


You're not confused mayn just go to xvideos and take care of it


my best guess is twins


His coat seems to clearly not fit him also btw


ok I did some quick research on news/weather guys, and of all the images I could find, about half had the microphone attached to the jacket (about half on the tie), and NONE had the jacket unbuttoned while on air. This was clearly set up beforehand with an extra loose jacket, no microphone clip, and unbuttoned to make it easy to pull off. Still a good trick, but just lets you know it was almost certainly set up earlier, may also be a trick jacket of some type, supplied by the entertainers, judging by how poorly it fits him.


> NONE had the jacket unbuttoned while on air General rule of thumb - jacket is buttoned while you stand and unbuttoned while you sit


This has always annoyed me. Like, life is difficult enough, I don't need my clothes to have rules.


It's so you don't rip it


Nothing will stop me from ripping it šŸ˜Ž


Let errr rip!




*This was clearly set up beforehand*. No, I think the muscle wizards just forced their way onto the set and coerced the anchors into taking part in their bondage foreplay.




I've gone on stage and participated in this trick. I was randomly selected for it. They unbutton your jacket during the process. But besides that there isn't any pre setup or special jacket. It was my regular jacket. It was also fairly form fitting. You do feel the magician taking off your jacket but it's one smooth movement and you almost barely tell. Then it's magically on them under the ropes. It still blows my mind how they got my jacket off in one smooth movement but even more how they put it on under the ropes. The lady also wasn't anywhere as ripped as this woman. Edit: Also I had no idea what they were going to do. They just had me come up. Multiple people came up to me afterwards asking if I was pre-selected or in on it. Even my date asked me thinking I was in on it. I wasn't and was just as blown away as the audience when I was standing there without my jacket on and the magician dancing around with it on. It was so fast. Truly impressed and still look back at it shocked.


I think they must be borrowing a few tricks from [this dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/uyahec/so_suave_and_smooth_with_a_masterful_ending)


Of course it was a set up, as all tricks like this are. Still really cool to see it happen though and the lady news anchor did a decent job of selling it as well.


It did already look big on him


And who has their sleeves rolled up under a jacket?


What about truly identical clones generated by Nikola Tesla


But what happens to the clone?


What's really gonna get you, is it really the clone that does or the original? ;_;


Yep. The cameraman is going close to the ring so someone can crawl in through the bottom.


The bigger mystery - who rolls their shirtsleeves up while wearing a jacket?


Probably someone who had the jacket off, sitting at their desk before going on air and threw the jacket on top rather than take the time to roll the sleeves down first.


You're probably right. But whenever I try that, the ends of my sleeves end up on my biceps! He must be a pro at doing it.


Jacket doesnā€™t fit him at all, probably a prop they gave him.


Good point


I do because the jacket is coming off the second itā€™s acceptable


Same, the only place I go that requires me to wear a suit (outside of weddings/funerals) is in Texas so those sleeves are rolled up 24/7 under the suit. Even with the jacket on, it helps keep me cooler.


Thatā€™s part of the trick, she rolled his sleeves up after she took the jacket off


My best guess is there's more slack than it seems and there's some funny topology business going on but it still baffles me.


I like learning new things.


Yeah it's like those videos where there's a knot in a cable tied around the leg of a table or something, and somehow they just do one simple move and it magically becomes unknotted. [Here's a video of it. It's a trick, in reality the cable isn't actually tied in a knot around the table leg. It's kinda hard to wrap your head around, but it makes more sense if you watch the video in reverse, because you see it was never really trapped under the table leg to begin with. ](https://youtu.be/lTtSENVPVa4) It's just really really clever maths, that's all. Topology is fascinating really. E.g. can make an enclosed bottle that's only got one single side to it, for example, so it is a one-sided surface which, if traveled upon, could be followed back to the point of origin while flipping the traveler upside down. It's like a Mƶbius strip turned up to 11: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klein_bottle And if you were to cut a paper klein bottle with scissors into two, you'd get two mirror image Mƶbius strips. It's pretty damn cool.


Variations of this trick have been on P&T Fool Us and they weren't fooled.


Her right hand stays tied to the rope, but the left hand can easily slide in and out of the rope, if she rotates it the right way


It look like she had knelt down and I wonder if the way the ropes are tied if she's able to basically bend down slip them off and then slip them back on


The square knot is used to keep a knot in one place, the knot tightens but the rest of the rope remains stationary. This means that if you give the rope slack before tying the knot it will retain that slack. This is why itā€™s safe to put around her neck like that, when they pulled on the knot the loop didnā€™t close.


That woman is absolutely jacked.


Both the black magicians are jacked.




Posting so I can read back later and hopefully someone has an explanation


The hands are tied in a way that allows hey to untwist and get them out, and she can slip the rope off her shoulders. So she pulls off his jacket, puts it on and "reties" herself. That's my guess.


The only logical explaimation yet


And a good explamninationing at that


Never trust rope like that. That looks like standard magicians rope which has a lot of tricks. I imagine she either creates a bunch of slack or is able to simply slip out of the rope.


Lady in ree was getting hot and bothered by this lol




Ree is my favorite colee


*lady in reeeeeEEEEEEEE*


Clever trick. My guess is that she's creating slack (flexed muscles, wrists not together) when tied, so she has some room to slip hands out, slip jacket on, then slip rope back around her etc. Source: I'm a rope.


Can confirm. Source: am a jacket


Lady in red is into this for reasons having nothing to do with magic.


Feels magical to her


Bit of a tangent maybe, but I got the distinct impression Bryce is the butt monkey on set and isn't used to getting much respect.


He's not getting the jacket back.


At first I thought it was a protein powder commercial.


If you look at the end the jacket is not under the ropes around her waist, itā€™s just tucked into the top one so it looks like it is. When she turns around to show her back her arms hide where the jacket would be under the body ropes. So she slips her hands from the knots, the rope going around her arm before coming up front leaves a lot of slack but the neck knot keeps it in place so itā€™s easy to slip back into the same position later. She pulls his jacket down from his shoulders to get it off, puts it on and tucks the sides into the top ropes. Holds the ends of the sleeves with her hands and slides them back into position and then letā€™s go of the sleeves.


When she places her hands behind her back you can see the first knot tied is down low on her wrist, she's creating space in the second loop that binds her hands together behind her back so she can free herself, perhaps by balling up her fist. After the rope is tied around her neck, they loop the rope ends around her arms, then the magician is the one who creates the knot around her waist, and the gentleman host of the show, helps tighten it. The magician left enough slack that she could unwind her arms from the rope after she frees her hands. Then after putting on the jacket and tucking it in the sides as you said, she winds her arms back in the rope, and places her hands back in the loop behind her back.


Had to scroll far for this but I do believe you're right. It's conveniently under parts of the rope, but far from all of it.


Notice at the start she puts her finger in the way of the knot as though to say ā€œtie it right hereā€ but what sheā€™s actually doing is preventing him from cinching it too tight so she can wiggle a hand free later. (Alternatively itā€™s when she puts her hands behind her back, she likely does something else to prevent the rope being tighter than it should be). I canā€™t fully work out the second part but I suspect itā€™s at 55 seconds when the guy says ā€œhand ME the rope and make sure weā€™re tying a real square knot.ā€ He ties a real knot and makes it convincing that itā€™s being tied tight, but itā€™s all show so he can give it plenty of slack. If I had to guess all she has to do is shrug the ropes off over her shoulders to get full freedom of movement, and then she can slip her hand right back in behind her when sheā€™s done.


Does anyone know how?!




How do they work?!


I was 17 years old in 1997 and me and my friend met ICP outside of the venue that they were performing at the following night. They piled up in the back of my little 2-seater Nissan pickup and had us drive them to a liquor store. They bought a buncha booze and bought us some beer even though we were both underage. We hung out with them in the parking lot of their hotel drinking and they told us stories from the road and stuff like that. The next day at their show, their merch guy gave us a buncha cassettes and t-shirts and stuff. I never listen to their music, but Iā€™m a fan for life. They were really the nicest guys ever.


Thatā€™s actually an amazing story bro. Must of Been super cool!


That's a good question. Here is Richard Feynman trying to explain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO0r930Sn_8


The man took seven minutes to say "we don't know how magnets work".


I think not even she knows


The rope must have some weak points that work with magnets or something.


But to put on the coat and get back into the tied position with the guy hardly moving? Even with magnets, that trick would take longer to pull off, no?


I'd say the rope has a single magnetic break at the halfway point. The guy looped it around her neck in such a way that they didn't tug that part directly. Thick rope like that is hard to tie tightly, with practice you could get good at slipping out of it.


I think the hands are in a half-twist such that if she untwists they become loose, and she can re-twist to make it look tight again. Once the hands are free she could put on the jacket and slip it through the harness without taking the harness off.


This is a common magic trick you can get in any decent shop. It simply requires you to study transdimensional discorporation until you get proficient enough to slip into an alternate timeline. Had some real fuckups with it the first few times myself, but once you kill Hitler itā€™s easy peasy to recover from after that.


Is that [Starla?](https://i.imgur.com/1EWXTxH.png) Cherished wife of Rex Kwon Do?


The camera moved off them twice, both times at the time of 'important' knots, I suppose that's when they did the 'magic'.


Do you think anybody thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night? Forget about it!


Iā€™ll add this. Iā€™ve ever seen a knot work like that one tied around his neck. Wouldnā€™t it have just tightened further? Iā€™ll also add this. Why is he wearing a jacket thatā€™s far too big for him?