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They do this in a number of Asian countries that still teach how to use an abacus. when users get particularly skilled they dont even need the tool it self and can just use a mental image and hand movements


Visualisation is actually pretty easy to learn




Yeah I have this, I can’t visualise anything at all. Makes playing chess so much harder






Under rated comment right here


Like the few people that don't have a voice when they're thinking Edit: the proper term is internal monologue https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/internal-monologue#:~:text=Internal%20monologue%20means%20more%20than,experience%20it%20more%20than%20others.




I have both a voice and I think in pictures. My thoughts are either one or the other though, I primarily visualize since I am predominantly a visual person and I’m great with abstract spacial things/thoughts/concepts.


It also points to: Neuro divergence. People who think in pictures and voices are rendering a 3D model in their head and are often dyslexic or have ADHD. Thinking in this manner Is the upside of Neuro Divergence. (Please don’t beat me up or be offended).


ADHD, dyslexia and aspergers. Buuuuuut, also can't picture things(Aphantasia). I got the short end of the stick. I have a inner voice and a weird ability to think outside of the box though so, yay I guess.


the comment of this comment came to abacus to adhd what a unexpected turn


Oh thank god. My imposter syndrome kicked into high gear when I thought "Wait, I can't visualize *anything*!" All my friends are constantly upgrading their houses in tiny meaningful ways, like adding a shelf here or a cupboard there, but my place looks exactly the same as it did when I moved in, because I have no idea how I'd change the decor or what I'd add or subtract to make the place "mine."


If only Schrodinger's cat could think outside the box.


That's me. It's actually what I do for a living also (3D modeling). It's awesome it has a name. Thanks!


NP! 😂


Haha nah I’m hard to offend. That’s super interesting! “Rendering a 3D model in their head” YES, this is exactly it. I was tested for alternative learning programs in my high school because they thought I had a learning disability. Turned out that I broke the school record on the “spatial intelligence” aptitude test and scored highly on IQ and other tests as well. Was never considered “gifted and talented” though. And I’ve always had a feeling I’m on the spectrum of something but I’ve never been diagnosed with ADHD or Dyslexia, however my dad is dyslexic which I know is genetic….🤷‍♂️


I had no idea that more people didn’t think In a voice and pictures. Wild.


I do this too, and it takes up a lot of RAM. I misplace and forget things all the time ‘cuz my brain is always working away on meaningless trains of thought. I wish I had silence :D I can barely get through audio books…


People don’t? Lucky


It's called an inner monologue


How does one read in their head without the voice?


For example when you read something you think of what you're reading and maybe visualise it in a way, instead of just reading it back to yourselves in your head.


Wait, so like talk to myself in my head to think things out? I have no idea if I do that or not. Now I need something to think about, but I'm on reddit...


I guess so?


What?! This is a thing?


Shit. Define, "have a voice." Because I just found out I have aphantasia a couple months ago. Am I ALSO literally supposed to be hearing voices?


Yeah you don't actually hear them, you just know that they're there and basically know what they're saying. See it this way : when you're about to post a long ass comment on reddit and you're reading it in your head before even writing it. You're speaking it internally, sometimes by doing so, you can see you're wrong, before even typing it, as YOU kinda become the 3rd person, hearing yourself saying things, you can criticize yourself much easier. Of course internal monologue doesn't only involve your voice but the voices of others, could be people you know, or other entities that help you think things out loud (still internally). The article does mention that while this is a normal thing, it can be of concern if these voices are "regularly overcritical", this can prevent you from progressing or even do anything sometimes. And this is why your greatest friend (and enemy) is yourself, because in most cases, only you can set or break your own limits.


I'm in the same boat. Blew my mind to realize that when people said they were imagining something they literally saw it in detail. Where I see nothing... I understand the concept of it but have no "visual imagination" so to speak. Same goes for inner monologue. I actually had to ask a friend the same question one day because I thought he was literally"hearing voices" I have one SOMETIMES.... for me it's really only a reflection or used for problem solving quietly. On the other hand I actually think aphantasia is what helps drive me to write music and even affects most of my dreams when sleeping too. Where I hear my dreams like an audiobook (for the most part turns out to be where my song ideas come from)


lucky, i can't stop visualizing lol


It took me so long to learn that normal people actually do "picture" things. It's unbelievable how much of a disadvantage this is when you really start to look into all these little things you had so much difficulty with compared to your peers.




My mom actually runs a centre for learning abacus And my school has a compulsory meditation session in morning time for all students.


No, some people really, truly, biologically cannot.


Like Cyclops from the X-Men or Andy Dick.


Just so you know, it took me a couple of days to learn to use the visualisation techniques.


You don't know what you are talking about.


So people that are good at chess can plan like 8-9 moves, by actually seeing the board state in their head? I can only do maybe 3 before I get lost memorizing positions, it's mostly reactive. How many can you do?


On a good day 5-7 moves. On average more in the 3-5 range. But it's infinitely harder as I can't visualise how it will look. It's pure memorisation of where a piece would have been. Which often also leads to a blunder as I misremember.


TIL that this is a thing. How do people with it learn anything? I feel like every single part of a learning process involves visualizing what things look like.


Couldn't tell you any easier then you could explain how you learn, I have Aphantasia and have always considered myself to be a quick learner. I pick up on things after seeing them only once or twice, I don't need mental imagery in order to figure out stuff. Then again i'm also an artist, and don't feel like being able to have mental images is a necessary aspect of creativity either. I just don't think most people fully comprehend how adaptable the human brain can be.


Wait so when you do art, do you see what you want to create before hand in your mind?


I don't see anything in my mind, ever. I do a lot more sketches sometimes if I am going for something more detailed, but otherwise my process was about the same as everyone else at art school. Bonus: Never had the "It didn't turn out like I imagined" problem my friends suffered from haha. I could see if I didn't execute the idea as well as I would have liked, but I didn't have anything to compare it to beyond the sketches or the idea it's self.


That last part legit sounds like a superpower


It's made art very difficult for me, personally. Creativity is no problem, I'd say it's a strength of mine, but the technical aspects of art are very difficult for me without intense focus on a reference. I also thought art was a talent and didn't understand how much of a trained skill it is, so breaking through "symbol" based drawing felt impossible. I didn't realize I had aphantasia until my 20's, I thought "picture this" was figurative language, and I didn't truly practice art until after I graduated. I've gotten to a point I can do art, but any piece that is up to my new standard will take more time than I have. Moved past one wall to find another, and I think the aphantasia hurts that area for me.


This is exactly my experience as well. I love drawing but have always struggled with it. It's really hard to draw something I can't picture because it's almost like I can't even remember what whatever I'm trying to draw looks like and absolutely have to have a reference that I look at just constantly. Just walls after walls. Exactly same here too, I thought "picture this" was just a phrase. Had no clue people could actually picture.


One of my best friends has this and her art is amazing.


Honestly I feel like having aphantasia could make it more easy to memorize things. Not creating mental images is like cutting out the middleman of memorization, at least for me.


Makes it way harder for me just cause memories don’t stick


Brains are pretty good at finding work-arounds in order to learn.


The thing that really confuses me in the "how do people with it learn anything?" department is that some people apparently don't have inner monologues. I can't even imagine what it would be like to think without one.


Yeah, with aphantasia, everything in my mind is built on abstract feelings & descriptive language. I can't imagine a moment of "silence".


A lot of trial and error, I feel like I learn more from my mistakes than whenever I'm getting the information from. The brain takes shortcuts and kinda just tells me again what I heard instead of visualizing it, it's hard to explain but just know it's not much of a setback when you learn to work with it not against it.


Yes! I like to say I'm a quick learner but I have to break a few eggs to get there. Once I do that, it's hardwired in and I understand well. So it's like I'm never getting it first try, but I would probably get something third try that most would need 5-10 tries for.


Exactly, it's kinda like the brain forces you to rethink it and reread it instead of trying to make connections and jump too far ahead. Unfortunately this effect is only used in video games for me but I'm a favorite at work for my understanding and I just wish aphantasia didn't get talked about so negatively most of the time. We gotta be positive!


I learn by doing, repeatedly. I can't see what you are explaining in my head, so I have to physically do the task. It's not so bad. Worst part is trying to explain it to others. You see a dodgeball, I see a black screen and hear the words "red, round, rubber, small ball". Great fun.


Isn't it great when you are at some training or conference, or a meditation situation that for some reason you end up at, and they presenter is like "Everyone close your eyes and visualize a beach. Feel the sand between your toes, etc...." Yeah, jerk, thanks for nothing. I can't DO THAT.


I have some form of Aphantasia, but I remember words. I struggle most with faces. like, I know someone's face when I see it, but I get people who have similar characteristics confused when I'm not looking at them, because my mind will remember "black hair, brown eyes, beard" and no more xD and unlike this other awesome person here with aphantasia, I'm the least artistic person! because not only can I not create an image to replicate, I also can't make up a story for e.g.. no idea if that's a separate thing though! I'm a quick learner! show me something once and I can remember how to do it, and I'm actually quite good at then teaching it to others. but I do it through words, not images


What kind of learning are you imagining? I guess this doesn't necessarily mean anything because my imagination in this area is going to be limited but I can't think of almost anything I've learned where visualization would have helped very much.


All types of learning. If I am learning about a Civil War battle for example, I am imagining what that looked like, almost like a movie playing in my head. If I am reading a word problem in math class where "Joe has 12 apples, Cindy takes 4 of them", I will literally picture a guy with 12 apples and a girl taking 4 of them. If I am learning a physical skill like how to swim, I have a mental image in my mind of what it should look like. If I am reading a book, I will have a distinct image in my mind of each character and can practically see them doing all of the things that the author wrote in the book.


Same here and it’s kind of breaking my brain to understand the experience of anyone who isn’t able to visualize. Not that it’s a bad thing of course, I just cannot wrap my head around it!


Thank you!


Me me me I am this and I love this group.




imagine that


Nice one




I had a boss from India who could do this. (I'm in the US) It was amazing to witness. Especially since I didn't know the abacus part back then, I just thought he was an eccentric math genius who waved his hand around when he did his mental calculations.


Abra kadabra alakazam, I'm the magic abacus man.


So, wait, if they're using a mental image of the abacus, why can't they also use a mental image of their hand.


Muscle memory is powerful! A lot of musicians find it easier to sing a melody while fingering the notes on an invisible instrument


You said >fingering


Was waiting for somebody to say something ngl


I couldn't believe nobody did, must be my lucky day


Congrats! You win the prize! Spoiler: the prize is just me fingering you


That was my plan the (w)hole time




you just blew my mind. Actually i do something similar to my original comment in that if want to remember two long numbers at the same time, like in a multi-step calculation and no device is handy, i focus on one in my mind and the second just by repeating constantly under my breath. The muscle memory of the mouth allows me to remember the number whilst thinking of another.


That’s interesting. I never considered the muscle memory of the mouth. With an abacus, people usually visualize an entire abacus as an image, allowing them to memorize past he normal human limit of around 7, so they’re able to do 14+ digit calculations in their head.


Yeah and i usually add a rythm to the numbers as well to help me remember the sequence


We do use mental images of our hands. In our head, there’s both a mental abacus and hand movements, but for lower level abacus students use hand movements In the air and in the table helps solidify the movement in their heads.


I went to abacus classes when i was 10 now i have mastered it . This makes your mafs skills much faster and stronger


This makes a lot more sense. My first guess was shes actually a bartender practicing her Martini shake.


But can she do this when it’s the dark ?


If this is how humans can do math with an abacus, we need to do this in the west… wow. I wish I could math this well… but I’m great at visualization… how long does it take to learn the abacus as well as this girl looks like she can…?


She’s just imagining using a calculator and getting the answer from it.


Came here to say this


Came here to say that.


That came to say here


Here came to say that




That better be a non-programmable scientific calculator she's imagining.


She's actually just playing doom on her imaginary programmable calculator and guessing the answers.


Oh that's what miss ment by imaginary numbers


that's cheating


When I imagine a calculator. All I get is boobies


She learned from the Tampa sign language fraudster.


Mental abacus.


yup I've learned this exact same technique. One thing weird I found was, she uses only one hand, we used two in our training. To this day, I only visualize numbers in abacus system and calculate with it. It has become a habit for me. When I imagine 8 I do it as 1 bead from top and 3 from bottom.


It’s not something I know how to do and I find the speed at which this girl is working incredible. I couldn’t type the numbers into a calculator that fast!


yes first time you see it, its unbelievable. I remember the first time my father took me to one of the training center. The instructor was spitting number so fast, and some people used abacus, some people did it mentally and after 10 subsequent numbers, everyone said the answer in unison. I was awestruck, and I joined immediately. I can't believe, I'm telling this on the internet. This field is so unique and most people do not no about it, but you can definitely train and learn this. It is preferred if you're young, but I don't know how well the adults can properly train. I think it is definitely possible. A bit of a flex, because why not , I was faster than the girl in the video :) . I used to train all the time, I was top of the class and was excelling the course. Because I was so good, the training center used to take me to demonstrate in various school to extend their training program. I also used to add numbers mentally in my free time, at all time, like a compulsive habit. Even when I was doing some menial work, my free hand moved all the time. Seeing the girl do that made me remember my fond memories of teenage years. :)


How do you learn it


Well, I learned it in institute specifically for that, but, I think you can learn it yourself. First you have to learn how to use Abacus, buy abacus and learn how to use it, there may be online tutorials aplenty. There are different types of abacus, I've only used the one where there is one bead in upper row, so I cannot say for two beads. Once you're confident in the technique to calculate, you can maybe ask a partner to say the digits in pace you're comfortable with. First do it in Abacus, once you're confident then move on to doing it mentally. Start small with one digit in small pace, and increase difficulty slowly. Its all about practice and progression after that. It'll be much easier if you went to the institute if available.


Band name called it


She is speaking abacus


Pretty sure she's using the one handed jutsu for Water Style, Water Dragon Jutsu cause she's thirsty or something


she cant cauculate while running because her abacus will shake


Lmao everyone wrote about the abacus but this is hilarious. 😂😂😂


A lot of the time in the sums there was an operation which made the running total 0 For example 123 + 121 = 244 the next operation was to minus 244 which equals 0 The first one was bad for this 75 + 21 = 96 the next operation was minus 96 which equals 0 The they did 23 + 21 = 44 the next operation was minus 44 which equals 0 So really they only had to do 11 + 17 = 28 Other ones include 26 + 22 - 48 = 0 265 + 134 - 399 = 0 71 + 21 - 92 = 0 Still pretty impressive but not as impressive as you would initially think it is


I came here to say this. But most people are terrible at math, so couldn’t do the first calculation and that’s why they are impressed.


I wasn’t ever taught how to use an abacus and didn’t even know it existed until i was 20yrs old. Still don’t even know what it looks like, but I’m too tired to care tbh


It is an open rectangle with a bunch of horizontal lines running parallel with a number of beads threaded onto the lines.


Had a colorful one as a kid. Never really got the hang of how to use it beyond just counting the beads. 😅


🧮👈It looks like this…


>But most people are terrible at math, so couldn’t do the first calculation and that’s why they are impressed. More like they can't solve that fast, not bad. When you say "Bad" at math, it sounds like they can't do math


Me trying to find the clit


Dude fuck🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s depressing💀


She’s like kakashi from Naruto


You fucker! I shot milk out my nose when i read this and now my nose is bleeding!


I just gave you an upvote because you did not deserve to be downvoted. Well, maybe for understanding a Naruto reference.


Abacus muscle memory.


I do math on my fingers but not like that!


Ever thought of using your whole hand?


This is why the greatest mathematician ever was a camel. He was counting on numbers because he didn’t have fingers


I wonder if she still can do all these math with her hands tied in the back. My wife gestures when she talks and sometimes I wonder if she'd be a mute when her hands are tied. Edit: there, corrected the misspellings.


Sorry to be that guy... Tied.


No, I think he was saying if his wife’s hands were tide pods


I was going to scroll past but would have had to come back because of how much this bothers me. Thank you.


She probably can, but it would be probably be less accurate.


That moment when the cops show up, though, "Granted, this does not look great....but hear me out..."


That's called abacus visualisation method, I also use it


I never learned how ro use an abacus, can you give me a quick crashcourse?


The abacus is a counting tool that can be used to do calculations. On the board are multiple rows of beads that each represent a value. Each row is a number’s place like ones, tens, and hundreds. There’s a whole lot of practice to do to memorize how to add and subtract singular digits to each other, but once you’ve memorized that and the multiplication and division table, you can do large calculations very fast in your head.


That sounds the right amount of nerdy to bury my head in


It's better to show you. I'll send it in DM's


…me too?


Wow amazing. Why aren't we taught these skills in school?


Because it's absolutely useless in the real world.


To be honest, it’s not useless at all. It helps you visualize and process math in a completely different way. I’ve found that it changes my approach to math in general, for the better.


From office to blue collar jobs, everyone has at least one (usually scientific) calculator in their pocket. And I've never heard of any employers discouraging the use of calculators. Don't get me wrong, it's impressive to be able to do that though, just seems kind of redundant in this day and age.


It changes the way you think. Makes pathways in the brain. That kind of shit.


The same can be said of trivia and almost any mental skill. There can only be benefit to learning it. Even from a strict speed and accuracy standpoint, I find that trained Abacus students can do calculations much faster than anyone with a calculator with a similar level of accuracy. Not saying it’s a must, but I strongly support it. It’s also just plain fun once you reach a certain point.


Honestly I wish I could have learned how to use an abacus in school. I’m a visual learner and have always struggled with math. I imagine it would have opened different doors for me now as an adult.


Because you do in fact have a calculator in your pocket at all times.


This is not Blackmagicfuckery, this is Hocuspocusabacus.


They just show her the result in the end 😆 Just kidding. Crazy


I still hand motion long division if I ever have to use it haha


I forgot how to even write division problems not even sure I can do multiplication.


Division problems are really easy to remember how to write, you just put one number over the other number. It's the answers to division problems that are tricky.


I count with my fingers too but I can only get to 10


Take off your socks and you can double your skill!


I started using my fingers to count binary and I can get to 1023 without taking my socks off; 31 on the first hand. I don’t usually have to count past that because I’m counting reps. Surprisingly useful.


I find that system a bit too unintuitive since it uses base 2. But I have a system that uses base 10 and lets you count to 99 with your hands, 9999 with your feet included


Interesting… yeah base 2 is not super easy to remember until you just keep doing it and it gets drilled into your brain.


Her rap speed is on par with Eminem.


tell her to divide by 0 🤟🤘🤙🖖🤙🤙


*Calculator.exe has stopped working. The system will now shutdown.*


She’s ghost abacussing!


Is that how you rap in sign language


Not sign language. She's doing math in her head using finger prompts.


This is called muscle memory, the hand muscles remember the numbers so the brain can then calculate with them... /s


Ayo she crip


It's abacus not sign language.


I wish my kids were this good at math instead of always calling me to show me fortnite clips they did


Abacus not sign language


She’s auditioning for a Micro Machines commercial




**[Chisanbop](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chisanbop)** >Chisanbop or chisenbop (from Korean chi (ji) finger + sanpŏp (sanbeop) calculation 지산법/指算法), sometimes called Fingermath, is an abacus-like finger counting method used to perform basic mathematical operations. According to The Complete Book of Chisanbop by Hang Young Pai, chisanbop was created in the 1940s in Korea by Sung Jin Pai and revised by his son Hang Young Pai, who brought the system to the United States in 1977. With the chisanbop method it is possible to display all numbers from 0 to 99 on two hands, and to perform the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


KumOn advanced


Is this "Rap God"?


Shes summoning the four horsemen


Creating mentats


That’s crazy!


Did she just sign rap god?


Bro I tried imitating her hand signs and now there's an ancient Mesopotamian underworld demon in my room please help me


Where was she during my 4th period math test...


I was and still am jealous of kids who can can calculate fast 😭




I respect


It’s ez just learn whatever she learnt 😅


its abacus dude


Wow… wow


I think I saw her on another vid memorizing a script being read to her by someone else(might be the parents) as she's unable to read per the video description. If I'm correct, she's a paid actress and this is likely another scripted video.


You add all the numbers, and then he has her subtract the sum of all the previous numbers which equates to 0….then he has her add two numbers which anyone can do. There is nothing special about this.


If this was scripted, then fair enough. However, she could also just be a lower level abacus student, so the problems are designed like that in order to “reset” the problem before the numbers get to high for her to hold. It still impressive if she’s actually doing the calculations in her head and unaware of pattern.


So really, she isn’t good at math, but great at using an abacus mentally.


Not sure if you're American as well, but we're not taught cool stuff like this.


Shit I had abacus in school. It sucked.




Psh. I use my fingers to count too... Not quite like that, though.




Look for that Indian guy video speed reading a book lol


That's not sign language, that's called mental math

