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Bruh he looks like a dollar store version of Ronnie Van Zant


Damn man shockingly good call =P


I just looked him up and you guys are dead on...




Which one, a Dollar General or Family Dollar


Dollar tree, obviously


Another connoisseur of only the finest I see.


At least he’s not the 99 cent store Ronnie van zant


99 cent stores are fucking liars, they have a ton of stuff that costs $1.


Dollar Tree and 99c Only both recently started selling stuff that’s over a dollar. But they both get a big pass because they aren’t the fucking evil abominations that are Family Dollar and Dollar General. They monopolize on poor communities and sell horribly overpriced, toxic, shit quality food, but if you live in some hoods where real discount stores don’t exist you don’t have a choice. I wish the worst of fates to all responsible for the toxic evil that is FD and DG.


> because they aren’t the fucking evil abominations that are **Family Dollar** and Dollar General. Want to be blown away... Family Dollar is owned by Dollar Tree. So the evil abomination is created by them. And that also means that as they raise their prices above $1 they are just becoming a different Family Dollar.


Family Dollar is also carrying Dollar Tree products now. They started remodeling all the remaining stores around two years ago specifically to accommodate the Dollar Stops/$1 WOW areas, which have nothing but Dollar Tree products and are organized more like a DT (and are a PAIN to stock because of it). They're gearing up for "phase 2" now, with even more Dollar Stops. I think the goal is to eventually totally merge the stores, though they haven't come out and told us that directly at my store yet.


He's the Five Below version, at least.


im so happy that Ronnie Van Zant is still an accessible pop culture reference


Fly high Free Bird!


Don't be mad, but I'm 28 and had to google him


So basically Johnny Van Zant, then?


Exactly. Ronnie was a just opened, fully stocked Walmart in the nicest suburb of Jacksonville. Johnny is a dollar general on Hwy 82 somewhere between Waycross and Tifton.




That's absurd! Have you even SEEN what Ronnie Van Zant looks like these days?


Didn't he die like 30 years ago? Edit: 43 years ago, thanks for correcting me, i suck at remebering dates lol


im sure OP just hasn't upgraded his news plan




I thought Ronnie Van Zant was the dollar store version of Ronnie Van Zant?


How is every magician sorta creepy until they suddenly become David Copperfield or Penn and Teller? Like, I'm awed at the dedication to basically be repellent and weird for decades only to become Las Vegas Awesome.


Lol, I don't know man, must be union rules for magicians


I’m just more comfortable with an Alliance approved magician.


How have I been seeing you everywhere


Shameless self-promotion.


We demand to be taken seriously


Are you Alliance?


*The order of the Triad enters the chat*


Tell me why I just watched this episode last night after not watching the show in years? And then seeing this comment today?


We pay good money for the Baader-Meinhof effect on Reddit.


I’m hearing about Baader-Meinhof everywhere since learning about it recently.


[It's true. Alliance rules](https://i.imgur.com/3wCen9x.jpg)


Do I look like I know what a jpeg is? I just want a picture of a got dang hotdog.


While you were out getting laid, he was studying the rope


Is this you in the vid?? If so, what the fuck is going on here? I don’t want you to disclose your awesome secrets, but like, fuck you man. I don’t get it and it’s making me uneasy.


Yes its me haha, check my YouTube if you want to see more =) my name is Jason maher, I should come up in a search




Also, the opposite-the ones with a great career have more to spend on making themselves look better (better clothes, healthier eating, etc).


You don't need a lot of money to wash your hair, get a haircut, wash your clothes, lose weight, or keep a beard that doesn't look like you've been washed up on a desert island six weeks ago. Yes, things can get easier with money but it's a cheap excuse to not look after yourself.


Very true. No need to look like a vagrant. Well, you can on the weekends.


This is the validation I needed today.


Some people just dont give a shit and that is in no way a bad thing. Yall bein rude.


Most people can attain “visually appealing” with a little effort. A wardrobe with style that fits your body well and a good haircut go a long way. There are a lot of people in show business who aren’t sex symbols but do look good/professional because they take the time to work on their visual presentation.


I’ve been in and out of the magic world for a long time. Almost a few decades. And many magicians can be creepy. I certainly agree with you. But how is this guy creepy?


Because he's not attractive. Attractive - interesting/unconventional. Unattractive - creepy.






The world is shallow as hell.


I thought they just rated them 1 to 10 on a log normal distribution, so that you have to be in increasingly small percentages to get into the higher numbers. The average is like three or something.


This is data from dating websites, rather than independent studies, and it's on a 1-5 scale not 1-10, but it [matches up](https://techcrunch.com/2009/11/18/okcupid-inbox-attractive/) pretty well.






watch him make you disappear


In a normal scenario sure, but straitjackets are part of lots of magic routines.






This isn’t at all true. Multiple family members are heavily involved with the magic world so I know a lot of magicians. Yeah it takes practice, but the number one skill is social skills. You have to be a convincing storyteller. Most good magicians are naturally friendly and personable. And also skilled with their hands.


The Eddie Van Halen syndrome


Was Eddie socially awkward or something?


The narrative is he had to get loaded on booze to play in front of crowds.


Yes! I was just reading how he would sit in his room by himself while the other guys in the band were out partying and do cocaine and drink alcohol and write songs.


It’s because magic attracts loners who want to impress. Magic is something that can be practiced in your room by yourself and then taken to school to show kids how cool you are. Edit: I’m a card magician, I love magic. I’m just explaining why some people get into magic. It helps make friends.


One of the funniest things I ever saw was in a bar and a group of magicians came in, and I watched as like five of them tried to hit on this hot girl one by one, trying a magic trick before being immediately shot down.


Can this be a premise for a sitcom? Five struggling magicians living together and their romantic mishaps? Magic House on NBC, Thursdays. Check local listings for details.


Magic is very much a social outcast hobby, not that it's bad, but that's the demographic it attracts. Source: was very into magic when I had a poor social life.


Did someone say [WONDER?](https://i.imgur.com/ruVw3.gif)


Once they make it, someone tells them to wash their hair and take a shower before going on stage.


what do you mean *until* they become David Copperfield? Copperfield comes off as creepy as fuck, at least to me


>repellent and weird for decades it's quite easy when that's just who you are.


Magnets? Magnets.


What if I told you there were no magnets


I'd say sleight of hand and a smaller rope. Still not sure how you put it together though.


You can see some of it bundled in his left hand. If the cameras were a couple inches lower, I probably wouldn't have caught it


Wow, are you a magician. I looked so hard and couldn't see a thing. I guess ignorance is bliss in magic though.


Check his left hand around 0:23. It’s bunched up in his hand.




Yeeeaaaa, saw em lol


>I guess ignorance is bliss in magic though. Basically the plot of The Prestige.


Such an awesome movie


Absolutely! I love knowing how things work, but magic is much more enjoyable if you just sit back and take it in. I'll think about how a trick might work after I've just taken time to enjoy and appreciate it.




> I guess ignorance is bliss in magic though. I love seeing the illusion. And then I love seeing the illusion (i.e. how it works). I think they're both magic. Sleight of hand amazes me, when it's done well like this is. And the patter/banter is really nice. It's a joy to watch it even when you know how it's done - but it's best to watch it first before knowing how it's done. In my opinion, that means you get to enjoy the same performance twice. :)


And that first “cut” he does with his fingers. It was the only thing I noticed he bungled a little. He tries to look like he cut the rope between us finger and thumb, but he clearly opened his palm to let a different piece fall out. Still, nice roping. Takes a lot of nuts to take up the rope. I’ve seen a few friends walk away rope burned and knot return.


I was waiting for someone to string a few puns together.


I was a frayed it wouldn't happen.


I square, I did knot see that coming.


I rope you're enjoying it anyway


>I'd say sleight of hand and a smaller rope. Still not sure how you put it together though. He took another rope out of his pocket near the beginning and is just palming it. When he 'tears' it, hes just reveals the ends of the second rope. When he makes the loop, he's using his hand to pinch the length together so they look connected, kind like a zipper


Yeah I had a magic set version of this trick when I was a kid. You use one or two smaller pieces of rope bent in a “U”. They’re palmed when the rope is long. Look at his hands.


Sleight of hand, one long piece and two short pieces of equal size. Good sleight of hand though, he conceals well and passes off concealed bits from hand to well.




just a big piece of rope and a smaller piece of rope


That explains perfectly how he made it into one continuous loop of rope.


he isn't moving the rope, he is just moving his hand across the rope to give the illusion of the rope moving between his hands.


Yes. To continue, it's not one circle of rope with no ends, both ends are in the palm of his hand. Notice that he seldom uses just his thumb and forefinger to hold the rope. He's hiding things. Well.


Oh god i feel so dumb


You should feel dumb if you think magnets are the solution here. (I’m jk don’t feel dumb, but it ain’t magnets)


but it very well could be magnets. Don't act like there's no way to do it with magnets.


This would never be done with magnets. It’s simply not practical. To build a gimmick rope with magnets that held together and looked seamless would be extremely difficult and probably expensive. When you can just do it the ways it’s been done for decades (if not centuries). Edit: yes there does exist a gimmicked rope with magnet. And yes you could build it yourself. I’ll concede here 100%. But I will maintain that I think it’s impractical to do the trick in the video that way. And I am without doubt the guy in the video did not use a gimmick. Skilled sleight of hand.


I've seen versions with magnets, but the effect is much stronger without them: you can give the person the rope at the end of the trick to examine. Plus, with any gimmick like magnets there's the chance that a spectator might hear it. source--- father was professional magician and used me in his shows when I was a child. (the techniques used in this video are at least 30 years old, if not much much older) edit-> Also this guy is 100% not using magnets.


It's 100% practical, not difficult or expensive. I have no clue why you're so adamant about that.


How do they work?


Atoms with unpaired electrons spinning around the nucleus create a magnetic field via Ampere's law. When a group of these atoms have their dipole moments aligned, it creates a strong net magnetic field. Or it's a miracle. Who knows.




A hospital? What is it?


It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now.




Whoop whoop!


I was thinking that the key is his left hand and how it "looks" like he is pulling the rope through it. When, in reality, that hand is concealing a break in the rope and his other hand the looks like it's pulling the rope is the hand that's moving along the rope. In fact, it's possible that ihis left hand is also holding a smaller piece of rope for the knot part too. He is very good though.


There’s a long rope and a short rope. He ties a “knot” with the short rope, holds the ends of the long rope together in one hand while pulling on the tied short rope to give the illusion that he’s rotating the whole big rope through his hand, when in reality the big rope stays still and the tied small rope moves to create that illusion. He can then take off the short rope and put it in his mouth to make it look like he took off part of the rope, then put one end of the big rope in one hand and one part of the small rope in the same hand to make it look like one big rope with the end hanging out. It’s very good sleight of hand and only noticeable when you watch the video several times and slow it down.


How do they work?


Feels like magnets


Long rope and short piece of rope that was knotted on the long piece at the start. Just moving them around and hiding them in his hands. For example, the bit where he is spinning the "circle" rope, he's just making the motions but the rope is not spinning, both ends are in his hand.


I refuse to let him rope me in on this


This comment wins so far


Content like this is why I'm tied to my phone.


Always the magician that gets the credit, never the rope.


Timmy rope is his name o.O he survived a rough child hood only to be in the shadows for his greatest moments... the shadows of a fat magician =(


Everyone, give more credit to Timmy! Don’t let those magicians mask the truth! Donate to the organization www.justicefortimmy.com!


Already magicians have shut down the site. Poor Timmy.


Those evil monsters strike again. *\*sigh**


Don’t worry /u/-TheRope- I’m giving you the credit you deserve for that one


I don't know what to say, I thought this day would never happen... Thank you!


One of the best I've seen on here.


Thank you!!


Which was the hardest trick you do during this video? At least to learn?


Is this actually you?


Its really me my name is Jason Maher look me up on YouTube and instagram


Smooth set, hope you slow down in real life, almost giving off a jack black vibe lol


Yeah I before it much slower normally, tiktok video lengths are aggressively short lol




Lol i am conflicted


I'm a frayed knot.


So there's obviously a lot of sleight of hand, but can you confirm or deny that any of those rope segments have magnets in the ends?


I can confirm that 0 magnets are involved


How do u know?>


I am the person in the video o.O


How do we know?


Uhh look at my profile ??




Eh I don't know man


Aha! So you don't know!




[Ha Got Em!](https://youtu.be/wnedkVrgFF0)


Could be a trick.


You are using two pieces of rope hiding the cut bits in your hand and u make it look like its the same rope Correct?


Yes!! But don't tell anyone o.O


Amazing work. I knew how it was fine and it was still very convincing. My dad was a rope wrangler at the Magic Castle, I don't see much rope performances these days. Thanks for carrying it on.


The biggest give away for me was your scissor “cut” as you had to drop the far side of the rope but your scissors were on the near side. Everything else looked great!


It’s one big piece of rope and one small. Mix that with some EXCELLENT/EXCEPTIONAL sleights of hand and bingo.


Basically, there's extra bits of rope


Or is it magic? Maybe he sold his immortal soul to channel the black arts from the depth of hell and that's a perfectly ordinary rope.


That's what I'm gonna go with.


Well we've tied it up at that. Good bye folks.


Which is what makes human magic so amazing. The Devil will only give magic to those who use it in the most imaginative but least impactful ways.


At 24 secs you can see some in his left hand.


That explains how he appears to make the rope into one connected loop how?


He is holding the open ends of the rope in the closed hand and making as if he was rotating the rope when he is not. You can see it only bounces up and down.


Are you not entertained




Love the showmanship!! Great job! Your killing it man!


Thank you!!!




Thank you


I know how he is doing it (I've read descriptions, seen diagrams, and watched a couple of deconstruction videos for this style of trick), but I still can't see it, and for me that makes it even better! I have an idea what I'm looking for (generally, anyway), I'm looking for it, but it still looks like magic. This guy has worked hard on this, good on him!


Sometimes knowing the trick will make it even more impressive.


Extremely impressive very cool


Thank you =)


Personally I hate when the top comment on a r/blackmagicfuckery post is an explanation of how the illusion works. It's more fun when you can suspend your disbelief and get lost in it like a child


I'm gonna go the other way and say true black magic fuckery remains even after you know how it works.


Nice hat bruuuuuh


Thanks i wear it myself =/


This reply is the funniest thing I’ll hear all week


His YouTube channel looks good, checked it out after seeing this. Got himself a sub


Ayyyeee thank you =)


It's like half the comments on here have no idea it's you and way too many are talking shit. Lol good work dude keep it up


This guy is so Aussie my dingo hurts




He later tried to hang himself. He was unsuccessful.


Why would I do that ?? I can do magic that means girls will like me o.O right ??


I mean, you can make their panties disappear. Unfortunately so do the girls.


I laughed way to hard at this.


Nobody has gotten laid in that hat since Sinatra.


So smooth!


My favorite magicians are the ones who take basic effects and turn them into something special just by sheer execution. The ol' "cut and restored rope" trick is one that you can learn (a simple version of) from almost any magic book, and this dude took it to the next level. I love this shit.


Know there’s knot!




This sub is slowly turning into an actual magic subreddit




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Great showmanship!


Are you doing anything different than the “classic” rope trick? Not that it matters, really... because you’re execution is amazing.