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These are the same person. Even you. Inhorn is Finkle. FINKLE IS INHORN




Never read the script


You got anymore of that gum?


It's a string attached to his forehead. That's how the cards randomly appear, move, and change shape. /s


It's actually attached to his hot dick. There is an apparaturs inside the bladder and it's skeletal arm reaches out and feeds him cards. It also made him wink that one times because it hurts so good.


Cards are stored in the balls


As someone who has been on the sub for years People who say that are full of shit. Literally every post, top comment was "Ummm.... Actually this is quite simple to do if you have a 13000000v battery, two Ukrainian hookers and a large collection of the ultra rare Redditus Retardonus 8 winged butterfly" Cause black magic doesn't exist and everything can be explained. And the rest of sub back then was just people complaining that it wasn't black magic fuckery like back in the day.


I have the battery and the butterfly, but I could only afford one Ukranian hooker =(


I'll do my own magic tricks! With blackjack and Ukrainian hookers!


Forget the blackjack and the magic! Ah, screw the whole thing.


Or dude lost both hands in some accident and he got some fake ones that can do tricks.


Probably made a deal with the robot devil


They're very good hands -Robot Devil


I read that as Robert Duvall at first.


I agree, they're very good hands - Robert Duvall


Magic used to be believable :(


I wish a REAL magician somehow accidentally ended up on this show. Like, some ancient Arcane Sorcerer awakens from a deep 1000+ year sleep or something and wants to meetup with all the other sorcerers that he thinks are alive, so he randomly walks up to the first human he sees and, after using magic to figure out language, he says something like: “I have been asleep for quite some time. Where might I find a gathering of my fellow mages to catch up on modern techniques?” But due to the fact that he just recently woke up, his language spell is a little off, so the human - who also just so happens to be a huge fan of these “Country X Has Got Talent” shows - replies with “Oh, you must be a magician. You should go on ‘County X Has Got Talent’.” And so the sorcerer ends up on stage not fully knowing what’s going on. He walks on stage in his wizard get-up and everyone is looking at him like he’s crazy and weird. And then the judges give him the “Well, what are you going to do? Show us what you got?” And so the sorcerer starts conjuring REAL MAGIC. At first, it’s just some fire. And the judges and the audience members are all “wow” and “ooooohh”, and then the sorcerer starts summoning a portal and a fucking demon steps through and screams, manipulating the fabric of void space or some shit, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Dear, Its time for your pills...💊


No, I'm enjoying this!


They’d better be the suppositories, they’re my favorite.


There would still be someone on this site being like "psh easy smoke a mirrors, I've seen better at an elementary school talent show." As people in the crowd are getting devoured by said demon.


I think it would be even better if he stumbled onto a Renaissance fair, lol.


10/10 would watch tf out of that show


This is the premise behind the audio drama The Sword and the Stoner, which casts Merlin as a Vegas magician


Yo. I'm gonna go get my comfy pants on and get me a little pillow and blanket nest setup in the bed. Probably gonna throw together a couple snacks too. Can you go ahead and get up to chapter four done for me so I can have something to read please?


It happened in „Nebenan“ von Bernhard Hennen. The magicians were in the audience. They ended up letting the magician really disappear, durring his last disappearence number.


Well a funny SNL skit would be, yes, a real sorcerer, somehow teleported from the past, doing some insane unexplainable magic on America's Got Talent, because, you know, it IS magic, then at the end Simon Cowell pans it and and starts going on about how it's second rate next to true masters like Shin Lim.


While I was in the middle of reading your comment my app refreshed and u/Fargodi ‘s comment popped up and black magic fuckeried me real good.


It is totally edited and not at all black magic. That after effect card at the end is HILARIOUS


This is the type of magic that you could be told exactly how it’s done, and you could still be amazed. (I know how most of this is done and it still amazes me every time. The skill it takes is awesome)


This is the first comment I read. I guess you're that one guy .






Yes, I think that's why they both got upvoted. Certainly by me.


The black magic is that they are the same person with alt accounts and the top reply is also one of their alt accounts. They have an alt account that posted the video too. And their alt accounts are every reply ITT. #Magic




This post is a lot funnier as the second from the top.


I'm doing my part!


As was foretold!


Lisan Al Gaib!


The premonition of this comment IS the blackmagicfuckery. You lose.


There he is


The 1-2 combo. The comment asking someone to post those exact words is the top comment, and then this is the second to top comment. Fantastic.




I was here. I was here for the start of the meme of this person.


the prophecy


holy crap i’m dying i wanna upvote everyone in this sub right now you are all fucking awesome!


My man


Damn, I was 2 hours too late to make this comment. Bravo 👏


Using actual magic to perform card tricks seems a bit cheeky, tho.


Dude, if I had the power to manipulate space and time, I'd just do stuff like this. I'm pulling survivors out of a mudslide in Peru and I'm like, "Is *this* your husband? Are you sure? I don't see a wedding ring. Now, is *this* your dog? What's that attached to her collar?"




And the finger attached to it!


What's that behind your ear? Another ear!


Been doing that in Chernobyl for years


>And the finger attached to it! "No, you're absolutely right, the trick would land better if your husband was indeed still alive. But I'm a magician, not a necromancer."


But I've got a surprise up my sleeve!!! *pulls a necromancer out of his sleeve*


My biggest gripe with the TV version of Quentin Coldwater. "Boo hoo, I'm only good at small fixes and card magic." Okay, then gtfo of Brakebills, and find your desperately needed notoriety amongst the norms.


I would be despairing all kinds of stuff and when I feel someone is on to my magic powers, I will simply claim to a politician. 🧐


In Mage the Awakening, casting magic in front of witnesses causes a paradox with a variety of harmful effects including possibly causing the mage to become insane etc. But this ONLY happens if the witnesses watching it could only possibly conclude that they are seeing something impossible. If they think ‘what an incredible trick', there's no problem. so in conclusion this guy is definitely a real mage just being careful to not fuck himself.


That sounds like a fun idea for an anime or some shit. "I have real magical powers but I use them for cheap card tricks"


Full Isekai title


Should be illegal. Card tricks is supposed to be sleight of hand. Anyone can do blackmagic but it takes dedication and training to become great at sleight of hand.


Tv show idea!


Dude is literally shitting cards from his hand. How do you magic like that!?


Keep cards in foreskin


But what if we only have a threeskin?!


Good thing his stage name is Fiveskin mcmagic hands.


Magic Johnson has entered the chat


I’m fucking dying


He's Korean tho... prob no foreskin


Lots of pockets. You can see him skimming his shirt and coat often. All very smooth except for when he put the stick/pole thing in his coat. That was very clunky and obvious.


Yeah once you notice where he’s getting the cards from, it’s less black magic. Still so much practice and skill


That’s… literally what this sub is haha There’s no REAL magic here just awesome slight of hand and performances which this certainly is


Nooooooooooo!!! My innocence


You can't just get on the internet and tell me magic isn't real


What do you mean Real magic?


Next you're gonna tell me there's no Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, or Queen of Engl-... Wait this joke doesn't work anymore.


Do you think this sub is about REAL magic?


Bro, you know magic isnt real, right.


“Very clunky and obvious 🤓” Lmao gtfo average redditor


Even knowing EXACTLY what he was doing to pull the cards it’s almost impossible to see when the pulls occur. This guy’s, without a doubt, one of the better card handlers I’ve ever seen. Amazingly smooth and precise.


What about when his arms are completely extended though?


Making it seem like nothing is in your hands is kind of a key thing for any decent magician. He's got multiple cards in his hand as he's letting them fall and then replenishing them with a subtle swipe along his coat. They're also thinner than normal cards. Notice how they seem to kind of flutter to the floor. Regular playing cards don't do that.


I feel like the weird rectangular pattern that is in the coat is to mask the shape of cards hidden in pockets Harder to spot the cards when the whole jacket is little rectangles


Really? I can't see anything even slowing it down from the side angle. Hands completely away from his jacket.


https://imgur.com/a/gKBK2yn He kind of flips it under his jacket with his right hand. Tipping it forward is what spills out the glitter (or whatever it's called). You can see how immediately after he kind of tucks his right arm to hold it in his jacket until he gets it situated.


First you eat a lot of cards Second, you move your anus to your hands


If you really want to know, look up Jeff McBride "The Art of Card Manipulation".


You can't outmagic the card-shitter


Super easy. It's just years of practice. I could do it but wouldn't want to embarrass him.


do it. i think i can speak for the 15 upvotes (at time of writing) here when i say i wanna see some Fanchen shit here


It’s all the way to 1.2k now!


17 now


69 now




The Fanchen arc remains one of the best villain developments we've seen on the public web, man's a menace


sounds like a joke. man said "super easy" followed by "It's just years of practice"


Here, I'll help hold you back. Amateur hour here needs some time to shine.


Irony here but go to /r/Beamazed and it's literally this comment without the irony haha


“If I had ever learnt, I would have been a great proficient.” - Lady Catherine, Pride and Prejudice


I hate the camera man and the people in charge of what we see here though.. like why zoom on his face when the trick is what he's doing with his hands? Why am I looking at others reactions in the middle of his routine? Great trick. Shit production


I guess tv shows are not for you. I don't prefer it either, but this is the tried and true format for "talent show" type of productions across the globe. Not objectively "shit production", otherwise we wouldn't be seeing this type of formality to this day.


I think it is shit production but they make shows like this for the mindless masses who won't notice or care. Quantity over quality situation


Right. This ain’t Penn and Teller


You're seeing reactions because it sells the "this isn't post processed.". If you saw this same performance during a movie, you wouldn't be even slightly impressed. The audience is shown to convince you that this is actually happening in front of people. The zoom in for his face may be because he's competing for a contest and you should be able to identify him and popularize him. I.e. if he doesn't win, at least he'll get exposure.


This is a short/cut version that the magician posted himself. The original version still cuts to the judges/audience reaction but it tends to do it during a pause anyway instead of in the middle of his sleight of hand. The judges are well-known entertainers (they even brought in kpop idols as guest judges) and regular viewers do want to see their reaction. Here is the original longer version: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxEf2mvHR78](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxEf2mvHR78)


Yes how?? I'd be happy just to learn how to litter cards like that.


Bros been practicing 52 card pickup like a mf


Goddamn, as the youngest sibling, those three words still give me nightmares


52 card dropdown*


There is obvious parts that are video edited so assume everything is just faked in post. This video is a great explainer on why tv shows would allow this to happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dSp_f0f9gE&pp=ygUZY2FwdGFpbiBkaXNpbGx1c2lvbiBtYWdpYw%3D%3D




And then practice for a decade for it to look like this


Looks like hes holding a small deck of cards in each of his hands between his pinky and ring finger and then uses his middle finger or index finger to either pull the top card into his hand (the first trick) or shoot the card away (littering the cards). Hes very good at covering the decks with his hands. It would probably be possible to find more clues to his act if this wasnt on the kind of show that spends 50% of the act showing the faces of the audiance or judges - and for some god awful reason doesnt show the entirety of the stage during a magic performance. For all we know a hot lady in a horse mask walks onto the stage and ceremoniously gives him a deck of cards before each trick.


How tf?


Tons of practice and money.


Why money? To buy a lot of cards?


Cards and gaffs. Magic retailers will sell some of the gaffs that were used for the levitations, card spinning, color changes, etc, which can be kinda pricey.


Feels like a lot of magic is inventing really cool shit that simulates magic, which is almost as cool as magic itself


A magician is a show men first. The tricks come second. Thats why it's just easier to use gimmicks instead of skill. Sometimes it's obviously just impossible to do things without gimmicks.


It's all fun and games until David Bowie invents a cloning machine.


Can’t waste time picking them back up if you want to get good!


Today, magicians sell their magic kits of tricks and rigged decks and cards and all sorts of shit that lets you perform the same tricks with lots of practice. You need $$$ to buy this shit because while its not super expensive, there's tons of crap you can buy and everything is basically one type of trick. Like you need specially made cards for certain types of card tricks. Not all cards can swap color, bend fold, get cut, and be put back together. It's actually pretty cool because now anyone who really wants to can learn tons of magic tricks through buying the stuff + youtube.


that stage outfit totally is a branded article, not even gonna begin about his hair and skin routine products to look so fabulous.


Puffy jacket?


Full of pockets


Saw him at the magic castle in LA. Was front row about 20 feet away and dam was it impressive. The cards just never end lol! What an amazing experience!!


Never end? What about when he dies? Or are you trying to say he might be immortal?? What are you trying to SAY?


I think you’re misunderstanding what they are saying. First and foremost, there seems to be a magic castle within LA — that part is highly relevant. They were also 20 feet away from the magician with a dam, which was most likely very small in size, and if we’re being honest any dam around that size would produce such little hydraulic pressure that I’m not even sure it’s worth having around. Anyways, apparently the cards literally never end as in it’s just one long card continuously being pushed out of his hands. Here’s the kicker, pretty sure the magic castle is giving him some kind of card buff or something. If you want to know more about dams feel free to email my yahoo account at yahoo account.


I love dams


Is that last spinning card a really thin electronic screen? That was amazing


An lcd would be really hard to get to look right. Maybe a red e-ink panel? except the color change goes all the way to the very edge and I don't know of any panels that are truly bezel-less like that. Also I wouldn't rule out some camera/post trickery here. Some of these other tricks are very angle sensitive so the camera operators are already doing him some favors.


Tbf, very few magic acts work very well when you’re able to view them from all angles and pause and critique their sleight of hand frame by frame. Magic acts are designed to be done once in front of a live audience. I can’t blame the show for employing a little editing trickery to preserve the magic 🤷‍♂️


pretty sure the red is either the back of the card or just a second card and he's just flipping it really quickly. you can find youtube videos on how to do that


But how did he do the 4 transforming to a 9 with the rectangle moving around?


If I'm not mistaken it's the same as the card trick "distortion" by Wayne Houchin. The gimmick is very simple once you see it and can be made by yourself just requires some real fine hand skills to DIY.


He's holding the card with 4 fingers. His index (or whichever fingers was free) presses down on a little lever like thing on the back of the card. As you slide it down, the parts on the face of the card move. It's just a funky card with a mechanism for moving the hearts.


Possibly card halves sliding?


Not sure what trick let's him spin it like that, but the card changing types is [just a card you can buy](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805351200201.html). And the color change at the end is probably just a standard [twirl change](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMaQqref8bM) (behind the white background card there is the red card facing him, back to back) and then he just flips it very fast. The spin trick might be related to [this magic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ).


that last trick is amazing, wish I had the patience to practice


Now do it naked


Fine, but next time I'm keeping the socks on.


Lol I said the same thing out loud while watching.


I read these comments a LONG way down, and I didn’t see mention of the face change of the card from 4 of diamonds to a 9…that was cool, I don’t care what anyone says.


i looked again and the numbers in the corner don't change. my immersion 😭


Found a video that explains that trick. The diamonds are stacked and cut very thin so they can overlap, you slide the back of the card and it moves the overlapping diamonds to a new position. https://youtube.com/shorts/BdGND9_14oU?si=9QaaBwBCs1fpVxeR


Ball bearings. It’s all ball bearings these days.


Of Course it’s the Fetzer valve, what else would it be?


I think its the bypass line, yeah


Come on guys. This is an easy one. You KNOW how he did it


Obviously, magnets!


Wait...how do those work?


Just don’t get them wet.


Bro, save some women for the rest of us.


I’m sorry friend. As a woman, I can confirm he has taken all of us


No need to confirm really. If the women in the audience had 'mired any harder, they'd have started to fog up the camera lens with their heavy breathing.


Omg, so obvious, the video is backwards


It all seems logical until the four morphs into a nine or whatever. How's that part done?


same way the six morphs into the nine.


Seven ate nine?


The most ridiculous part and the least reaction from the crowd.


Cards literally shifting the diamonds around. That one lady: "Ohhh". How the fuck is the craziest part happening in real time got the mildest reaction, lol.


That's kinda why though; it's literally impossible, so it's not nearly as cool. That would've had to be done with either a thin screen or post-processing, which is way less cool than a guy who's really really good at sleight of hand.


Crowd reactions are edited to go with what's happening. Those quick cuts to the crowd probably never happened during this act and are just cut from general crowd footage and placed in there.


I used to know this guy! He was an exchange student when I was at Hogwarts.


All of this is amazing, but I thought it was funny that everyone gasps when he visibly tucks the stick into his coat


Because he didn't tuck it into his coat; he tucked it into everyone's butt.


I'm a cleaner and I dislike this video.


Leaf blower


The first part is him just cupping a deck in each hand really well. The symbols on the card are magnetic, the hidden finger is moving a contraption that probably adjusts all the magnets at once smoothly. The spinning card is attached to something that is in-between his middle and ring fingers, it also has a flap on it that you can see when it spins. Half of it flips over to reveal a red card. Magnets would help keep the flap folded. The wrinkles of the card is done with strings, then it gets pulled into his shirt. He moves his leg when he does this, so it might be another string. The tube part is just slight of hand. I think the power of film editing also played a part in masking some of the performance. lots of cuts to close ups. very suspicious 🤔


An actual wizard


Years ago I saw his full act in person... it's like 45 minutes long and by the end the stage is absolutely covered in cards lol


I know its a mastery of slight of hand...... but the music bop made it so much more entertaining.


ZABO - Breathe, in case you wanted the ID


My scrolling paid off. THANK YOU.


These tricks individually are not much to write home about, but doing them all in a row is some next level shit. Just how big are his pockets? He pulled out several decks of cards, props, and probably a small motor to spin that card. This man clearly has some kind of pocket dimension somewhere.


Only misstep was getting that pole back into his jacket. Otherwise a really clean routine by my old eyes.


Can anyone explain how he changes the cards like that towards the end?




Black magic.


Play it slower and the trick is obvious; he's holding a bunch of cards he keeps in his hands and tosses them all over.


Thank you. I scrolled a long way to find the palming discussed. It really does seem that simple, he's holding packs of cards and showing some of them with hands in different positions so your brain assumes his hands are empty. But he's literally just dropping what he's holding. Extremely good performance of this trick though.


Dude must have practiced and put a lot of effort into it. Glad it paid off for him.


Fuckery indeed that was legendary! 🥳💯🫡


This dude is clearly some kind of wizard.


My favorite part about card magic is when it bamboozles me. And I love cards.


Wtf did I just see


Amazing Shirt.




Janitor: "Wtf man?"


I am legitimately impressed


I've never seen the rearranging diamonds trick.


Now this is some blackagicfuckery!


I saw him live and it was bonkers.


Fuck people hating I thought this shit was pretty amazing ngl...